Days Transcript Thursday 3/5/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 3/5/20


Episode #13719 ~ Justin and Marlena meet with Stefano to negotiate Kayla's release; Roman blasts Kate for aiding and abetting Gina and Stefano, and Chad falls under Stefano's spell.

Provided By Suzanne

Hope as gina: [Sighs] You again?

Shawn: Yup. And you're going to be seeing a lot more me.

Hope as gina: Poor me.

Shawn: My sister and i want our mother back.

Hope as gina: Well, you tried everything you could think of to reach her, and you've failed miserably. Your mother is gone, shawn. As I have informed you of many a time. Expired. She has ceased to be. Understand she-- i am her royal highness princess gina von amberg, and I do not wish for you nor your cohorts to address me, unless, of course, spoken to.

Shawn: Well, that's just too damn bad. Go ahead and give this a read, your highness.

Kate: You expect gratitude because you bailed me out? I just spent three nights in a jail cell while you were playing golf and billing me by the hour! The serious of-- seriousness of the charges. Really? Murray, I told you I was dealing with two lunatics: One who thought she was a princess; the other the "essence" of stefano dimera. I mean, am I going to take that seriously? There's not going to be a long trial. As soon as you put the two of them on the stand, you're going to be drowning in reasonable doubt. Oh, forget it. I'm going to get out of this hell hole right now. Believe me, a room over the pub seems like heaven right now.

[Sighs] I was just on my way out.

Jennifer: No, you're not going anywhere until you deal with me.

Steve as stefano: My dearest son. I know that I have kept you at a distance since my return, but the time is coming when you must know and understand my plan. Until we can meet and discuss it face-to-face, please believe that I have chosen you as the one who will be by my side as I retake take control of my empire.

Kayla: We have children together, steve.

Steve as stefano: Don't call me by his name.

Kayla: You're the love of my life. You must hear me in there. I know it. Look at me!

Steve as stefano: You know, in the short time we have shared close quarters together, I have found you to be extremely irritating. I don't understand why justin kiriakis hasn't come to the same conclusion. Fortunately for you, he must truly care about you.

Kayla: What do you mean?

Steve as stefano: That he has managed to convince marlena to surrender herself to me.

John: Are you sure that you can go through with this?

Hattie: Oh, sure I'm sure. Look, all I gotta do is make sure that steve--stefano believes that I am marlena long enough for you to come along and burst in and take down that old goat.

John: He's not an old goat. He's got steve johnson's body and strength. You just need to keep your distance.

Roman: Damn it, john, it's a bad idea. We used hattie once before to fool him. He's not going to be stupid twice.

[Door clicks shut]

Marlena: You got that right.

John: Whoa, sweetheart. I thought you were at statesville.

Marlena: Yeah, just got back. And I didn't quite hear the details of what you were talking about, but it's not going to work. Darling, if stefano needs me, it has to be me.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Hope as gina: Boring.

Shawn: What's the matter? They didn't, uh, they didn't teach you to read in the palace?

Hope as gina: I was born to rule an empire.

Shawn: No, you, you were not born at all. You're one of stefano dimera's little toys, and that's all that you're ever gonna be. And this right here, this is a court order. And it says that you have to submit to an mri.

Hope as gina: I will not! I will not submit to anything. Except john perhaps.

Shawn: Well, the judge says that you don't have a choice. So with any luck, that test is going to show us exactly how rolf turned my mom into a homicidal wind-up doll, and then we're going to undo what he did. I'll have my mom back and you are going to end up in a bucket on the operating room floor.

Jennifer: You knew what rolf had done to steve and hope's mind and you thought that it was amusing?

Kate: No, that's not true--

Jennifer: You helped him, didn't you? You knew that gina threw me off of that balcony. Do you know that I lost a year of my life, my family went through hell, and you just sat back and watched?

Kate: No, I didn't know that. And there's nothing that I could have done for you, jennifer.

Jennifer: You could have told me when I came to. Gina was free running around. She could have taken another crack at me if she wanted to.

Kate: I am sorry for what happened to you. I am truly sorry, but I did do the right thing. I saved john from gina. She's in custody. Now hopefully, maybe they can rescue hope.

Jennifer: Okay, and what about steve? He's not in custody, and he still thinks that he's stefano. And did you know that he's taken kayla hostage? God only knows if he will ever let her go.

Kayla: I hate to break it to you, but nobody could convince marlena evans to surrender herself to you.

Steve as stefano: You should be careful how you speak to me if you ever hope to go free.

Kayla: Well, if you're hoping to exchange me for marlena, I guess my chances of freedom are very slim because she is in love with john and she is repulsed by you.

Steve as stefano: How dare you!

Kayla: I am just telling you the truth.

Steve as stefano: Ah. I know what's driving you. You cannot stand the thought that marlena will soon have what you cannot.

Kayla: You mean you?

Steve as stefano: Mm. I saw how you reacted on new year's eve when you thought your steve had come home to you.

Kayla: All you saw on my face was surprise. And that was before I knew that you had hijacked his body.

Steve as stefano: I just listened to your entreaties to him just now. Mm. You still want him. Don't you, sweetness? And it's killing you to know that I am about to give his body to another woman.

Roman: Let me get this straight. So ciara stopped ben's execution?

Marlena: Just in time.

Roman: She did it all by herself?

Marlena: Well, rafe was helping her.

John: And the killer was the guy he hired to look after jordan's baby?

Marlena: The baby's father.

John: [Scoffs]

Marlena: But he's in custody now.

Roman: What happens to ben?

Marlena: Ben's in the prison infirmary. He's stable. He should be released very soon.

Hattie: This is one heck of a story.

Marlena: Yeah, what I want to know is what's going on here.

Justin: Okay. Steve has kidnapped kayla, and he's told us what he wants before he'll let kayla go.

Marlena: Let me guess. He wants me. Hmm?

John: Mm-hmm. But you weren't here.

Marlena: Oh. So you've pressed hattie into service. Well, I'm back now. You're off the hook.

John: No, no, no, no, sweetheart. Look, I know you want to be the one to bring stefano down. It's all personal to us here. But, sweetheart, I don't want you in the same room with that monster. You know, last time we tried this with hattie, she barely made it out alive.

Hattie: Yes, so I should be the one going in there.

Marlena: Hattie--

Hattie: No, I mean this. If chad and abigail hadn't burst in there and saved me, that stefano would have just wrung my neck, so I have the right to go in there and do the same and just wring his little neck.

Jack: Chad, you all right?

Chad: Hey, you're back.

Jack: Yeah, I just came from the airport.

Chad: Where's abby? With the kids?

Jack: No, uh, actually, abigail didn't come back. (Beep)

Kate: If anyone can handle steve, it's kayla.

Jennifer: He's stefano now, kate.

Kate: Not so much. Not so much. He's more like stefano lite.

Jennifer: This isn't funny.

Kate: I'm not trying to be funny. I'm just trying to make you understand that steve thinks he's stefano. But believe me, I spent time with him.

Jennifer: Oh, right, when you were hiding him out and running his errands?

Kate: Look, the point is, there's still a lot of steve there. And he and kayla love each other so much. I'm sure that bond is going to be what breaks the hold stefano has on him.

Jennifer: What is lucas gonna say to you when he finds out what you've been doing?

Kate: Okay, look, frankly I haven't talked to lucas in a while, so--

Jennifer: Then you don't know what's happened?

Kate: What do you mean?

Jennifer: Our father passed away.

Kate: Bill died?

Jennifer: Yeah, and it was-- it was just really sudden.

Kate: When's the funeral?

Jennifer: You missed it. You were locked up.

Kate: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Jack: So jj decided he wasn't ready to come back yet. He wanted to go see theo and get himself straightened out. Then at the last moment, abigail decided--classic abigail, I have to say, just like her mother-- she was gonna stay there and help him get settled. And she-- she didn't call you?

Chad: Um, I don't know. I'm kind of in between phones right now so.

Jack: I don't understand.

Chad: Um, charlotte, she, uh--she, um, she likes to hide my phone, and unfortunately for me, she's very good at it. Yesterday she threw it in the dishwasher. It's very clean. Uh, which is great. But um, the new one's charging.

Jack: Oh, well I'm sure that abigail's a little worried that you haven't called her back. I'll let her know what happened.

Chad: Um, she--I know she was worried about, um... I bet she's been worried about jj. How long is she staying?

Jack: Oh, not long at all. Not long at all. She just wants to, you know, help him and then she wants to get back to the kids.

Chad: I'm going to, I have to call her.

Jack: Uh, one other thing.

Chad: Yeah?

Jack: Uh, well, just to start with, um, what's with this news that your father's back in salem, apparently in my brother's body?

Kayla: I don't care whose body you inhabit. You won't even get to first base with marlena unless you brainwash her.

Steve as stefano: Ha-ha.

Kayla: You know, a real man could attract a woman without having to alter her consciousness.

Steve as stefano: Don't push me too far. I may lose my temper and be forced to kill you before I have to.

Kayla: Before you have to? You don't have any intention of letting me go, do you? Even after you have marlena. Are--are you gonna kill me? If you are, then you tell me right now!

Steve as stefano: I'll say this much. I'm keeping my options open.

Marlena: I'm so grateful for everything you've done, hattie.

Hattie: Okay, so we go to plan B. We both go in and help rescue kayla.

Justin: No, steve told me to bring marlena only, no one else. It's risky enough that john's going. If steve thinks that I've set him up, he could kill kayla.

[Device beeps] Okay. He just sent me the location for the exchange.

Marlena: All right. Let's go.

Justin: You don't even know the plan.

Marlena: You can tell me on the way.

John: Doc, hold on. Just remember, you need to keep your distance. Distract him long enough so we can put an end to this, okay?

Marlena: Whatever you say.

Both: Let's go.

Hope as gina: Your document: It is for hope brady, a person who no longer exists. I do not recognize nor submit to any authority in this country nor any other country, for that matter.

Shawn: Well, it sucks to be you because, uh, I don't need your permission. You want to know why? Because that body that you're, uh-- you're occupying, it belongs to my mother, hope brady. And she's an american citizen, and so that means that she is legally obligated to abide by this order. And wherever she goes, you go. Which reminds me, I need to go and make sure that your transportation to the hospital is ready to go for that, uh-- that mri. So you sit tight.

Hope as gina: I am not hope brady. I-- am princess gina. I am princess gina von amberg.

John: All right, I'm going to go around back. I saw a way in. Why don't you just give me a couple minutes before you let him know that you're here?

Marlena: Please be careful.

John: You too.

John: By god, doc, you are the bravest woman I've ever known.

Marlena: [Chuckles] Listen. They can't get us as long as we're together.

Justin: Hey.

Marlena: Kayla's going to be all right. This will be over soon.

Justin: Yeah. Let's go.

Jack: This is a really weird development, but it explains a lot. Kayla kept telling me she couldn't understand why steve was doing the things he was doing. Well, it turns out it wasn't really steve, was it?

Chad: Yeah, it looks that way.

Jack: I guess if there was a silver lining to this rather dismal situation, it's that steve never really turned his back on everyone who loved him.

Chad: Well, I'm not sure how that helps kayla right now.

Jack: Right, right. You got any leads on where he might have taken her?

Chad: I don't, no. Um, but he was here today.

Jack: Here?

Chad: Yes.

Jack: You saw him?

Chad: No, but nobody else could have left this for me.

Steve as stefano: And all the arrangements have been made? Everything is in place? Good. I do want marlena to be comfortable, but I am growing weary of her defiance. But once she submits to me, she will realize how foolish she was to resist. Good work, rolf. All right.

[Phone beeps]

[Door clicks open] It is she. My queen. (Pirate girl) ahoy!!!!!

Roman: Well, look who it is.

Kate: Okay, look, roman, I don't know what you've heard, but I can explain. I can explain about hope and steve.

Roman: You mean gina and stefano, huh? There is no possible explanation for what you did.

Kate: Okay, look, I thought because they were under so much stress, that's why they were acting so crazy. I had no idea about what had happened.

Roman: There's something in this for you, isn't there? Stefano offered you a job once he takes over.

Kate: No.

Roman: I'm right, aren't I? I am right. You could have warned us about what happened. We could have contained the situation. But you kept it to yourself because there's something in it for you. Do you have any damn idea how much pain and damage you've caused?

Kate: Yes, I do. The police made that very clear while I was in jail, okay? And then I run into jennifer, and she elaborates. So I am absolutely up to speed, and I don't need to hear any more about it for now.

Roman: Okay, what I say is not going to make a difference anyway. Never has. So I tell you what. Why don't you go upstairs, pack your things, get the hell out of here, okay? You're fired.

Hattie: Roman! You can't do that to her.

Shawn: Hey, jenn.

Jennifer: Oh, hey.

Shawn: Hey.

Jennifer: Hi.

Shawn: It's nice to see you.

Jennifer: You too. So good to see you.

Shawn: I, uh-- look, I'm sorry about what happened to bill.

Jennifer: Yeah, but he was at peace, and he didn't suffer.

Shawn: Well, at least you have that.

Jennifer: Yeah. Listen, I came by because the newspaper got a tip that you had gotten the court order.

Shawn: Yes, yes. The mri is scheduled I'm about to go take my mom to the hospital right now.

Jennifer: Great. Excellent. Would it be all right if I just go in there for one minute, please?

Shawn: Well, I mean I-- I don't have a problem with it, but you need to know that gina is in full control, and she knows how to push some buttons.

Jennifer: Yeah, I'm not gonna let her get to me. I know how dangerous she can be when she's cornered.

Shawn: Okay. All right. Well, I'll be out here and just a--probably just yell if you need me.

Jennifer: Okay.

Shawn: All right?

Hope as gina: Jen... nifer. How lovely to see you. Mm. I have been expecting you.

Jack: Why would steve or... stefano or whatever we're calling him right now, why would he risk getting caught just to leave you one of his rings?

Chad: It's not just a ring. It's his phoenix ring.

Jack: Whatever. Big deal.

Chad: It is a big deal. He left me a letter too.

Jack: You mind telling me what it says?

Chad: Off the record?

Jack: Sure. Sure, yeah.

Chad: He said that he wants me with him when he takes over his empire.

Jack: Chad, you don't really believe that steve is your father, do you?

Chad: You know, you're not the first person to ask me that.

Jack: I'll bet.

Chad: You know what? In my--I don't-- in my head, I know that it, um-- I know that it can't be. But if it is steve, he's got my father down pat. That he used--the way that he talked to me. The tone of voice. It was--it was like I had this connection with him. It was like I had my father back.

Justin: Are you all right?

Kayla: I'm okay.

[Phone beeps]

Steve as stefano: Kiriakis, what are you doing?

Justin: Transferring the 10 million to your account. I've brought you marlena. I've met your terms. Now it's time to make the switch.

Steve as stefano: I realize that my appearance may create some doubt in your mind as to who I really am. But I have no such doubt about you. It really is you this time. Hello, marlena.

Marlena: Hello, stefano. Expertly tailored eyecare.

Chad: You know, I don't know why you're so skeptical. If anyone knows what dr. Rolf is capable of, it's you.

Jack: Yeah, you're right about that. You're right. Still, I think he made a mistake choosing steve for stefano to inhabit. My brother is incredibly stubborn, stiff-necked. This can be sitting well with him. For what it's worth, my money's on him.

Chad: Yeah, and what can he do?

Jack: I know. You got a soft spot for your father. I know it.

Chad: Yeah. I mean, we, um... it took a while, but in the end, we were close. What I thought I was the end.

Jack: You moved your whole family to paris to get yourself out from under being a dimera. You did the right thing. You'd be there still if jennifer hadn't fallen off a balcony and gone into a coma.

Chad: Are you saying that we should go back?

Jack: I'm warning you. I'm warning you not to let yourself be pulled into this craziness. Do whatever it takes. Throw that ring in the river. Burn the letter. I don't care. Whatever it takes to keep your distance from it. It's the only thing that's going to protect you and your family.

Chad: All right. I'll think about it. I think about what you said.

Jack: Please. Please do. All right?

Chad: Yeah. Yeah.

Jack: Okay. Okay. All right. And one other thing.

Chad: Mm-hmm.

Jack: We promised abigail, jennifer and me, that we would help you look after these kids till she gets back.

Chad: Thank you so much.

Jack: My pleasure. Take care of yourself.

Hattie: I mean it, roman. If kate says she didn't know what was--what those people were up to, well, then I believe her.

Roman: Hattie!

Hattie: What?

Roman: This is between me and kate, all right?

Hattie: Hmph!

Roman: Hey!

Hattie: I'm working here.

Roman: Between me and kate.

Hattie: [Stammers]


Kate: By the way, you can keep your minimum-wage job, because the simple life-- the allure of the simple life has faded.

Roman: Good, 'cause I already put an ad in "the spectator" for your replacement, and I meant what I said. Get upstairs, pack, and get out.

Kate: [Scoffs] I can't stay the night?

Roman: No.

Kate: Are you forgetting that I helped rescue marlena?

Roman: Are you forgetting that your pal stefano kidnapped my sister?

Kate: Steve is not going to hurt kayla.

Roman: Yeah, I didn't think hope would push jennifer off a balcony either, but she did, 'cause she's not hope anymore. So I don't give a damn what you say. Steve johnson is just as dangerous now.

Steve as stefano: The grand gestures I have made to you over the years to convince you of my devotion, they meant nothing to you. But now you see that my love for you transcends even the limits of my mortality. And here you are, seemingly of your own free will. Am I right?

Marlena: Justin didn't have to drag me in here, did he?

Steve as stefano: Does this mean that you are finally willing to submit to me?

Hope as gina: I was curious when you would arrive to scold me for that little mishap you had on your wedding day. A terrible accident it was.

Jennifer: Oh, we both know that was not an accident. You pushed me off that balcony because I had figured you out. I almost died.

Hope as gina: It was not personal. I had to protect my own-- my own interests. You had recovered rolf's flash drive. You would have told everyone of our plans and we could not have that. You really left me no choice. I had to stop you.

Jennifer: Oh, you stopped me, all right. I was in a coma for a year.

Hope as gina: You know, I must tell you how terribly relieved I truly was when you finally woke with no memory whatsoever. Or what had happened or how you'd fallen.

Jennifer: And what if I had remembered? What would you have done?

Hope as gina: Be glad it did not come to that. I must tell you how terribly boring it really, truly was having to pretend to be your loving, supportive cousin. Hmm. Although I suppose at least I was able to keep tabs on you. Now, your daughter started asking far too many questions. At one point I did think that--

Jennifer: You were gonna kill abigail?

Hope as gina: I came so close to pushing her off the very same balcony, in fact. Pity I did not follow through. She does drone on. You know she does.

Jennifer: You are the one who deserves to die! You are a monster! You are a monster!

Hope as gina: Oh, my god!

Jennifer: You are the one who deserves to die! You are a monster! Bring my cousin back! Here's the thing about depression.

Hope as gina: Get off me, you animal!

Shawn: Hey! Stop! Stop!

Jennifer: No! She tried to kill abigail!

Hope as gina: I am a person of royal blood!

Shawn: I told you what she was like! Come on. Let's get away from her. Stop!


Jennifer: [Shouting]

Shawn: Makes it easy to forget who she really is doesn't she?

Jennifer: She's so haughty and condescending.

Shawn: And lethal.

Jennifer: Did you know that she was gonna kill abigail? I mean, she already tried to kill me. I should have just listened to you and not gone in there in the first place. And I just hope that this mri can get hope back.

Shawn: Me too. It's okay. I'll keep you posted, okay?

Jennifer: Yeah, thank you.

Hope as gina: I shall instruct my attorney to file a suit against her at once.

Shawn: You know what? Can it.

Hope as gina: How dare she?

Shawn: Just can it!

Hope as gina: Kicking me while I'm down? Must you be so rude? What are you doing?

Shawn: I'm sorry, princess, your highness.

Hope as gina: Unhand me this instant!

Shawn: Your chariot awaits.

Hope as gina: I'm not going.

Shawn: Nope. Up. Get your butt up. Let's go.

Hope as gina: Let go of me! Let go of me!

Steve as stefano: I cannot stress this enough, my son. As a father, I have learned a hard lesson from the loss of some of your siblings. I now know that my children are the future. Andre may be dead and gone and he and i didn't always see eye to eye, but we did agree on one thing. The most important thing in life is la famiglia.

Chad: "La famiglia."

Steve as stefano: La famiglia.

Kate: Roman, I spent more time with steve than you did.

Roman: You know what, that's the first thing you've said that I actually believe.

Kate: Well, there's a lot more steve johnson there than you think, and there is no way in hell he would let anyone hurt kayla.

Roman: Well, for kayla's sake, I hope you're right. And you better hope so too, because if you've covered for him and he hurts her, you're going to have some major additional charges against you.

Kate: Oh my god, I get it. Okay? What's that? What, are you worried that you hurt hattie's feelings?

Roman: Well, I might have been a little abrupt when I told her to butt out.

Kate: Oh, you have a thing for her?

Roman: No, but I sure as hell respect her. She put her life on the line trying to help marlena. You could learn a thing or two about courage from that woman.

Kate: Hmph. You do have a thing for her.

Roman: Not what I said. Now get upstairs, pack, and get out.

Marlena: I can see you there behind steve johnson's eyes. I'm surprised you have to ask why I'm here. You said you're here because of love. That's why I'm here.

Steve as stefano: I have waited so long to hear you say those words.

Marlena: What I mean to say is that I'm here because of all the people that I love that you've hurt: John, hope, kayla, steve, hattie, and so many more. The only thing you really love is hurting innocent people. I'm willing to go with you now. We can leave salem forever. Because that way, I know that you will never hurt the people that I love again.

Kayla: Marlena, don't do it. I didn't have to shout out for help.

Kate: Hey, roman, it was real fun while it lasted.

Hattie: Oh, that's the best friend I ever had. She seems kind of upset.

Roman: She'll get over it.

Hattie: But you know what? It just seems like no matter what happens to kate, she always ends up alone.

Roman: She doesn't need anybody else. She always takes care of number one. Besides, you and I have a lot more people to worry about.

[Elevator door dings]

Hope as gina: You're wasting your time. There is no chance in hell I will abdicate my position to allow your mother to return.

Shawn: Well, you know what? You may not have a choice, your highness.

Hope as gina: Hmm. That's better.

Jack: Jennifer!

Jennifer: Thank you. Thank you for coming to get me. I was too upset to drive.

Jack: Where is she now?

Jennifer: Shawn took her to the hospital. He got a court order for an mri, so I am just praying that they will figure out something.

Jack: What happened between you two?

Jennifer: Jack, it was crazy. It was horrible. And I never should have confronted her. She was proud for trying to kill me. She was going to kill abigail.

Jack: She said that?

Jennifer: Yes, she was bragging about it.

Jack: [Sighs] I know that this seems like a reign of terror, but I know both hope and steve are strong, principled people. Somehow they're going to fight back. They're going to win through. They're not going to let stefano win.

Jennifer: Yeah, I hope you're right, jack. But as long as stefano is in this town in any shape or form, nobody that we love is safe.

Steve as stefano: Put the ring on, son.

Chad: Yes, father.

Kayla: Marlena, don't do it. I heard him on the phone talking to rolf. They're planning to put a chip in your head.

Steve as stefano: Nonsense.

Kayla: No, it's the truth. He wants to make you submissive, like he did with hope to turn her into gina.

Steve as stefano: All right. How about that?

Kayla: Who are you?

Steve as stefano: Do we have a deal now?

Justin: Marlena.

Marlena: Where is john?

Kayla: Ow. Ow.

Steve as stefano: All right. Come to me, my queen.

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