Days Transcript Wednesday 3/4/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 3/4/20


Episode #13718 ~ Ben flatlines. Rafe makes an appeal to Evan to find David. Nicole suspects Xander and Dr. Raynor share a secret. Maggie prepares to turn herself in.

Provided By Suzanne

Kristen: [Sighs] Gabi's right. I am no saint. Oh... I... I am so sorry for what I did to you, haley. If I could change things... if I could change things, i would, but I can'T. And when you told me... when you told me that my baby was dead... I just--I just lost my mind. And I... I'm so sorry. I, so sorry. Oh, god.

Dr. Raynor: I have patients that need me. In fact, I'm part of the team working to help save mackenzie's life. I see how attached you are to that little girl, even though we both know she's not yours. Or sarah and eric'S.

Xander: You were paid a great deal of money to keep that information to yourself, to take it to the grave.

Dr. Raynor: I took that money against my better judgment and fully intended to abide by the terms of the deal, but now--

Xander: But now what?

Dr. Raynor: I ran into mackenzie's biological parents earlier. They thanked me for giving them a few precious moments with their daughter. They called me a hero. They called me a hero. When I'm the reason they believe their child is dead.

Xander: It's a little late to grow a conscience, don't you think?

Dr. Raynor: The pain in their eyes, their loss--I don't think I can live with this secret.

Nicole: I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something? Is it me, or...does it feel a little tense in here? Xander, you wanna tell me what's going on?

Victor: Is your salad all right? Should we send it back?

Maggie: Hm, that's right. Let's just send back the food, and everything'll be fine. Skipping over the fact that instead of sitting in a restaurant with a salad, I should be behind bars.

Victor: There's no reason for that.

Maggie: Victor, the reason I didn't want bail was because I wanna pay for what I did. But see, you made that decision for me. You're very good at playing god with my life.

Victor: Maggie, I know you. You don't need a prison sentence to pay for what you did. You'll punish yourself more than any prison sentence ever could.

Maggie: Well, I'm not like you. I have a conscience. I can't stand that my drinking killed adrienne. And that will spent all that time behind bars because you decided that he should take the fall for something I did.

Victor: Well, he's free now. He's home with sonny.

Maggie: Well, thank god for that.

Sonny: I know it hurts, but at least you didn't get shot.

Will: Well, that's a silver lining. You know that--now that I think about it, you do have terrible taste in men. Your husband was in jail, so you go shack up with a--with a murdering psychopath. Ow, what time is it? Why haven't we heard from ciara yet? And what--what if she doesn't make it?

[Door slams]

Rafe: Where's evan? Where is he? Where the hell is he? He has david. Where is he?!

Ben: I can't move.

Marlena: Ben, I understand. That's what happens. Just keep breathing. That's it. Keep breathing.

[Alarm blaring] What's happening? What was that? What's happening?

Warden: There's been a security breach.

Ciara: Stop! Stop! Stop the execution! Stop it.

Warden: What is she doing here--how the hell did she get in here?!

Ciara: I will tell you everything if you stop the execution--ben did not kill jordan ridgeway. He did! His name is christian maddox, and he's the real murderer. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Xander: Everything's fine, nicole.

Nicole: Did he try to lock you in a cage?

Xander: She's one of mackenzie's doctors. I was just telling her this procedure better work.

Nicole: Oh, yes. Threatening a woman--that is so you. You jerk! She is a doctor, and she's gonna do everything she can to help that baby.

Dr. Raynor: That's right. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Nicole: Wow, that was stupid, even for you. Harassing the doctor right before she saves mackenzie's life?

Xander: Damn it, nicole, why don't you just mind your own business for once?

Rafe: He had a gun?

Sonny: Yeah, until will went all captain america.

Will: Well, good thing I did, 'cause that's how ciara got the gun.

Rafe: Wait, ciara was here? She's with evan now?

Will: Yeah, she dragged him out at gunpoint. She took him to the prison.

Rafe: Oh, my god.

Sonny: Yeah, she's trying to stop ben's execution.

Will: If it's not too late.

Warden: Put that gun down, young woman!

Ciara: I will put the gun down when you stop this execution.

Warden: You're only making this worse for you and him.

Ciara: You're already killing him, warden! How could you possibly make it any worse?

Warden: I could have that guard shoot you.

Ciara: Okay. Okay, go ahead and shoot me. Shoot the person who is bringing you the real killer while you're killing an innocent man.

Marlena: Well, that'll make a great story--maybe that'll go viral.

Warden: J-just have somebody turn off this damn alarm.

[Alarm blaring] I can't hear myself think.

Ciara: Okay, evan, christian, whatever the hell your name is, you tell this--you tell this nice man--you tell him that you were the one who killed jordan ridgeway, and that it was not ben, okay? You're gonna tell him.

[Intense music]

I didn't have to shout out for help.

Maggie: Let me be clear. This is not your call. If I have to, I'll fire your lawyer, and I'll walk into court alone and plead guilty.

Victor: That's not going to happen.

Maggie: I got drunk. I drove. I killed someone. Do you have any idea what that feels like? No, you don't, or you wouldn't be acting like this.

Victor: Just how am I acting?

Maggie: Like it's just a dumb mistake, that it's no big deal.

Victor: I never said it was not a big deal.

Maggie: Yeah, but that's what you think, isn't it? Admit it, victor. You just can't wait for me to forget this horror of what I've done so you can get back to your cushy life, so everything will get back to normal, so you can resume your role as a happily married man, married to this adoring wife who just--who just happened to be driving drunk one night and killed someone.

Victor: Maggie, please, look at me. Please. You've had a traumatic experience. One of your daughters came home from out of the blue and informed you that she was dying. She was very angry with you. She was abusive. Of course you had a relapse, but you are not a murderer. That could have happened if you were stone cold sober. Accidents happen.

Maggie: And there you go making excuses for me. I just don't wanna hear them because no, there wouldn't have been an accident if I hadn't downed a bottle of vodka, so stop lying to me. Stop lying to yourself.

Victor: Look, I understand that you feel guilty about adrienne's death. Doesn't mean you can't mount a defense.

Maggie: What I did defines indefensible. I killed someone.

Victor: And we can't change that, but you don't have to throw away the rest of your life.

Maggie: And once again, it's not your call. I didn't just kill adrienne. Look what I did to will and sonny...not to mention I could have killed sarah and mickey too.

[Dramatic chords]

Xander: You never should have told ciara the truth.

Victor: I couldn't have her thinking I sent her boyfriend to death row.

Xander: At least you didn't tell her that we swapped sarah and kristen's babies.

Victor: I would never do that.

Xander: Hopefully, the ob-gyn we paid off is sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere never to be seen or heard from again.

Victor: If she knows what's good for her.

Xander: You really would do anything to protect maggie.

Victor: Bad enough she was responsible for adrienne's death. If she were to find on top of that that she was responsible for the death of her granddaughter, it would destroy her. Maggie, stop beating yourself up. Think about all the wonderful things that you've done, the wonderful work that you do at your meetings.

Maggie: The work I do at my meetings, hm. Do you think that'd compensate for my killing someone? I didn't just kill anyone. I killed a friend, a mother, a wife, an angel.

Victor: And you are an angel. Do you have any idea how loved you are?

Maggie: I can't listen to this anymore!

Victor: Please, please sit.

[Maggie sobbing] I won't ask you to think about how much I need you, but what about sarah? She spent all those months worrying about the baby, only to have a miracle happen, and she's cured, to come to what? Watch you go off to prison?

Maggie: Mackenzie is gonna be okay, isn't she? Well, thank god. Thank god I didn't hurt her or sarah on that horrible night.

[Unsettling music]

Dr. Raynor: Ms. Dimera, what are you doing in here?

Kristen: Well, I'm sorry I just--I wanted to see how mackenzie horton was doing. She means the world to me.

Dr. Raynor: She does?

Kristen: She was...was born on the same night my baby girl was, and I just--I wanna watch her grow up, and I want her to live a long and happy life with her mother and father. And I think about the, you know, what could have been. And--and I'm so sorry. That was just way too much information. Excuse me.

Dr. Raynor: Ms. Dimera, please hold on. There's something you should know about mackenzie.

Rafe: So if ciara has evan, where the hell is david?

Will: Evan didn't have him, but he said he was safe.

Sonny: He was doing all this to get his son back. He's not gonna hurt david.

Rafe: He's crazy, okay? First of all, we have no idea where the hell david is, and newsflash, he is a kid--he needs someone to look after him!

Sonny: I know. Did you look at home already?

Rafe: Yes, I looked at home.

Will: Okay, okay, listen, he came here, right, so maybe david's somewhere on the estate.

Sonny: Yes, I'll--I'll get henderson to get everybody to start looking.

Rafe: Okay, you cover the back--I'm gonna check the front.

Will: I'm going with you.

Sonny: Are you sure? You conked your head pretty bad.

Will: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine, let's go.

Ciara: You tell them. Tell them now! Damn it, damn it, look at him. Look at him! He's about to die for something that you did. You tell them now, or I will make sure your little boy grows up knowing his daddy was a sniveling, murderous coward.

Evan: No! She's right. My name isn't evan frears. It's christian maddox. I met jordan a couple years ago in california. We were--we were together for a while. It wasn't great and it ended badly. But she never told me that she was pregnant. I only found out later that I had a son, so I came back to salem to find her--no, no, to find--to find him. But she didn't seem to have him, so I followed her. I thought she would lead me to him, but she didn'T. So I caught her breaking into some cottage or something.

Ciara: The dimera gatehouse. Where ben found jordan's body. We're all ears. Go on.

[Intense music]

Jordan: Ciara, ciara, where are you?

Evan: Hey, jordan. Long time no see.

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Victor: Thank you.

Maggie: For what?

Victor: For agreeing to sit with me. Having you with me is... very important to me. You know, as much as adrienne and I didn't get along--

Maggie: Uh-huh, well, that is an understatement.

Victor: We do have some things in common. We both put family first. You think she would want you taken away from sarah and mackenzie? No. What possible good would that do? Adrienne would want you to forgive yourself and go on doing the things that you do so well, being a supportive, compassionate woman.

Maggie: A drunk.

Victor: A woman who's needed by her daughter, needed by her grandchildren, needed by her husband, jerk that he is, but he treasures her and would be truly lost without her.

Maggie: How's the baby? Any word?

Xander: They haven't started the procedure yet, but eric and sarah are with her now. You know, I think sarah would love it if you were there with her.

Victor: I'm sure she would.

Maggie: All right.

Xander: I'm picking up some food--why don't you just go on ahead, and I'll see you there?

Victor: Give them my best.

Maggie: I'll see you over there.

Victor: Now, what's going on? Why did you want her out of here?

Xander: We need to talk. We have another problem.

Kristen: What did you want to tell me?

Nicole: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just gonna wait in here for eric.

Kristen: It's okay. Dr. Raynor was gonna just--was gonna tell me, um, something about mackenzie, right?

Dr. Raynor: I was just going to say that there's every reason to be optimistic.

Kristen: Maybe you should-- should tell her parents that.

[Beep beep] You know what? Excuse me.

Dr. Raynor: I better be going.

Nicole: Oh, dr. Raynor, can I ask you something?

Dr. Raynor: About the procedure?

Nicole: No, about xander kiriakis.

Rafe: No sign of him.

Sonny: No, he's not out back either, okay, but I promise you evan would not hurt david.

Rafe: I texted some of david's friends' parents. They haven't seen or heard from him today, either.

Will: Where are you--wait. Where are you going?

Rafe: I'm going to the prison--I'm gonna find out what that psycho did with my son.

Ciara: So you found jordan. What did you do then? Huh?

Jordan: Christian.

Evan: Surprised to see me? Here, of all places?

Jordan: What do you want?

Evan: I want my son. Where is he?

Jordan: I don't know what you're talking about.

Evan: Stop lying. I know you have my son. Now, tell me where he is.

Jordan: No. Okay, because I've decided you are not his father. Because he has a father. His name is rafe hernandez, and he is taking care of him, and he is a better father than you will ever be.

Evan: I am his father!

Jordan: Not as far as I'm concerned, okay? You have lied to me about so many things, and with your record, no judge is ever gonna give you custody. You're never getting anywhere near my son, not as long as I'm alive.

Ciara: And then? Huh?

[Intense music]

Jordan: Uhh--ah--uhh--

Evan: I swear I never meant to kill her. It just happened.

Ciara: Did you hear? Did you hear that? Did you hear what he just said? Now stop this! Stop it, stop it, stop it.

Marlena: Do you really wanna be responsible for executing an innocent man?

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

Victor: Now what?

Xander: Dr. Raynor's back.

Victor: We sent her to the dominican republic. She was supposed to stay there.

Xander: Well, she didn'T.

Victor: We had a deal. She took the money. Has she no sense of decency?

Xander: She said she talked to kristen and brady and felt really bad about everything they're going through.

Victor: Just see kristen moping around like she was auditioning to play hecuba. Dabbing her eyes, walking haltingly.

Xander: Kristen really does think her baby died.

Victor: Well, good--hate to think she pushed that nurse down the stairs for nothing.

Xander: Uncle vic, I did this for maggie, but it's not fun, and it is not funny.

Victor: Ooh, I'm sorry if I offended your sensibilities.

Xander: So what do we do now?

Victor: Well, isn't it obvious? We have to get rid of that doctor.

Dr. Raynor: What about xander kiriakis?

Nicole: I know the guy better than most, and I don't care if he follows sarah around, carrying mackenzie's diaper bag. He's an animal, and if he's been giving you a hard time, I'd be more than happy to deal with him for you.

Dr. Raynor: He wasn't giving me a hard time. He's just very worried about the baby.

Nicole: What was his secret you were talking about? Amongst other things, he is a blackmailer, and he uses secrets to hurt people.

Dr. Raynor: I was explaining confidentiality to him. As he's not related to mickey, I can't discuss her prognosis with him.

Nicole: But you didn't say, "confidentiality." You said, "secret."

Dr. Raynor: He wanted me to keep it a secret from her parents that he was talking to me, and I told him I wasn't comfortable with that. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Nicole: Yeah, uh, I don't buy it.

Marlena: You have the power to stop this. This man has confessed. Ben is innocent.

Ciara: This isn't even my gun--it's his gun. Yeah, it's his gun, and he was waving it around an hour ago, threatening to kill us again.

Warden: That doesn't prove the prisoner's innocence.

Ciara: Well, it's freakin' reasonable doubt, warden.

Marlena: Ciara! No, this does not prove that ben is innocent, but it's enough information to re-open the investigation and to stop the execution.

Warden: Putting mr. Weston's execution on hold until we can get this all sorted out.

Your crazy girlfriend may have just saved your life.

Ciara: Thank you. Thank you so much, thank you.

Warden: You need to give that gun to the guard.

Ciara: Thank you, thank you.

Rafe: Where do you think you're going? Tell me where david is.

[Intense, suspenseful music]

Will: I don't like that we haven't heard anything yet.

Sonny: Well, I mean, no news is good news, right?

Will: Are you okay?

Sonny: Yeah, I'm fine. I mean, you're the one that was hit in the head.

Will: Well, you're the one that just found out that someone you cared about and trusted was A...murderer.

Sonny: [Sighs] Yeah, first it was leo, who wanted my money and the power. And now evan? Christian. And he really loved david. But I think this--this is worse because he's an actual villain. I mean, he killed jordan and was gonna let ben die so that he could get away with it. And I thought he was all that. Why? Because he gave me a rose?

Will: The--the way that he was with david made you trust him. You know, that--that- that seemed real to you.

Sonny: I'm not sure. I didn't even really know him, and I let ari around him. I even left her alone with him and david--

Will: Stop, hey stop it. S-s-sonny, this is not your fault, okay? Stop beating yourself up.

Sonny: And david, we-we-we-we don't even know where he is.

Will: Hey, trust me. Trust me. Rafe's gonna find him. No matter what.

Rafe: Tell me where david is. Tell me!

Evan: I have nothing to say to you.

Ciara: He just confessed to killing jordan, rafe. Everyone here heard it, okay?

Rafe: You'll talk down at the station. Get him in the squad car. I'll be right down. You could've been killed. You could've been killed.

Ciara: But I wasn'T. And I stopped them, rafe. I stopped them from killing ben.

Rafe: Yeah, you did.

Ciara: I did.

Rafe: I'm proud of you. I'm really ticked off, but I'm proud of you. You did good.

Ciara [Whispers, indistinct].

Rafe: All right.

Ciara: Oh, god. Oh, ben.

Kristen: Yeah, just get back to me. Uh...there's a problem with the vendor in vegas. They didn't get their last shipment.

Nicole: Don't worry. It's taken care of.

Kristen: Okay, good.

Nicole: So that doctor you were talking to before...

Kristen: Dr. Raynor?

Nicole: Yeah. So you know her, right?

Kristen: Yeah, of course. She was my baby's doctor.

Xander: Get rid of her.

Victor: Right away.

Xander: Maybe we can just pay her more money, make her leave.

Victor: Because it worked so well the first time? No, this is the one who doesn't stay paid off. We need something more like closure.

Xander: I told you I'm not going to kill anyone.

Victor: Oh, right. No more mr. Bad guy.

Xander: Look, if dr. Raynor ends up dead, there could be an investigation.

Victor: And if she doesn't end up dead, she could turn us in. She's a loose end. And I hate loose ends.


Ciara: [Sobbing] Ben, ben, we did it. We did it, ben. You're gonna be okay now. You're gonna be okay. Ben... no.

We are the thrivers.

Nicole: Dr. Raynor was your doctor?

Kristen: Well, yes. Brady didn't tell you?

Nicole: No, no, I didn't know.

Kristen: Yeah, she--she delivered rachel and was with her when she died.

Dr. Raynor: You get your hands off me! What do you want?

Xander: Your word that our little secret is gonna stay dead and buried.

Rafe: Okay. Okay, so... now that you have confessed to killing jordan, you're not getting out of here, not for a long time. So you need to tell me where david is.

Evan: I told you I have nothing to say to you. And certainly not about david. He's my son, not yours.

Rafe: Okay, he might not be my biological son, but I know that he's scared of the dark, and the thunder, the lightning, and I know that he can't sleep without his blanket. So christian, if you do care about david like you say you do, then just tell me where he is, and that way--that way, I can make sure that he's safe, that he's okay.

Evan: Trust me, he's fine. My son is just fine.

Rafe: Problem is that I don't trust you.

Evan: But when it comes to david, you don't have a choice. All you need to know is he's in very good hands.

Ciara: [Sobs] Why aren't you doing anything? No! Why aren't you doing anything?

His respiratory functions are failing, and his heart is stopping. The only way to reverse it is to flush his system with a counter fluid.

Ciara: Okay, then do it. Do it, do it.

Too late. His heart has stopped.

Marlena: Do it, damn it! You took an oath.

Warden: Do what she says.

Ciara: What's that?

Marlena: That's adrenaline. He'll give him a shot right in the heart, see if they can't jump it.

Ciara: Oh, ben, you can't die. You can't die on me, ben, no, not today, no.

Maggie: You'll be glad to know the procedure's over, and from all early signs, the doctor thinks that mickey's gonna pull through.

Victor: Well, I told you it would all work out.

Maggie: Yes, you did. Sitting there next to sarah, waiting, I realized... you did everything you did out of love. You've always done anything that you could to take care of me.

Victor: And I always will.

Kristen: Why--why are you so interested in dr. Raynor?

Nicole: I don't know. She just seemed jumpy, on edge.

Kristen: Yeah... maybe because I'm here. I don't blame her for rachel's death, and I know she did everything she could to save her, so running into me, it must have been painful--made her remember that awful night. Know what? I just--excuse me.

Dr. Raynor: I told you I can't keep that secret, and there's nothing you can do or say to make me--

Xander: Change your mind. Look, maybe this will help. Look, a couple more zeroes, and while you're looking at them, think about who you're dealing with. Because whatever nicole told you about me, I'm tom hanks compared to victor kiriakis.

Rafe: He's in good hands? What do you mean, he's in good hands?

Evan: I have nothing more to say.

Rafe: Okay, all right, I'll find him without you. Right now, I'm gonna get you booked for murder one.

Sonny: Thank you so much for calling. That was my dad's office. Ben's execution is on hold.

Will: Yes, thank god! Ciara must have gotten there in time.

Ciara: I need to be with him. What's going on?

We have a heartbeat. I'm going to administer the counter agent.

Ciara: Ben, ben, I need you to wake up, okay? I need you to come back to me, okay? I need you to come back, okay? Why isn't he waking up?

We need to give it a minute.

Ciara: God! Ben, ben, please, please come back to me, please. Please, please, please. Please... oh, my god.

[Ben gasps] Oh, my god, thank god! Ben, you came back. You came back, you came back.

Ben: [Weakly] You did it.

[Panting] You did it. You saved me. You saved me.

Ciara: Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god!

[Emotional music]

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