Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 3/3/20
Episode #13717 ~ In a race against time, Ciara and Will work to exonerate Ben. Meanwhile, as the lethal injection begins, Ben has flashes of his life with Ciara. Also, Kristen lays into Gabi.
Provided By Suzanne
Kristen: So, uh, are you still mad at me for lying to you about stefano?Brady: When I asked you if it was even possible that your father was running around as steve johnson, you looked at me and you said, "brady, that's crazy." But it was true.
Kristen: And I hated doing it. I panicked and--even though it's been so long, I still feel this, you know, this loyalty to him. This need, this need to protect him.
Brady: Listen, we've been blessed with another chance to get this right. I don't want anything to mess it up and get in the way so why don't we try no more lies, all right?
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: Good idea?
Kristen: Yeah, never. No?
Brady: No.
Kristen: It's not eric, huh?
Brady: Nope. I was really hoping to get an update on mackenzie's procedure.
Kristen: Well, I'm very grateful that they found a match. Thank god that their baby is going to survive.
Xander: How's mickey?
Sarah: Um, she's comfortable for now which is great. I just--I want more than anything just to pick her up and tell her everything is gonna be okay.
Eric: And it will be.
Xander: Eric's right. This will all seem worth it when mickey's her sweet self again, laughing and playing.
Nicole: So what happens next?
Sarah: Um, well, gabi will undergo a procedure to extract the marrow and then mickey will receive the transplanted cells through an iv. And then we just--we wait and we hope and pray that the marrow will engraft and start producing new blood cells so.
Eric: Yeah. And gabi, she should be here by now, right?
Sarah: Gabi was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago to start surgical prep. She got out of prison in exchange for saving mickey's life. She already got what she wanted, which was freedom. What if she bails on-- on this deal? What if she just takes off for god knows where? What if she's not coming?
Sonny: Is this true? Did you kill jordan?
Evan: Don't listen to her.
Ciara: No, no, no. It's true, sonny. Some of the dna that the police found, they thought it belonged to david but it really belongs to david's father. The evidence is indisputable.
Will: She's right. Sonny, he's a murderer.
Sonny: Evan?
Evan: Don't look at me like that. She tried to take my son away from me. Jordan was crazy. You all knew that. All I ever wanted to do was protect david.
Will: Evan, hey it's over. Okay? Rafe and the police know everything. We all know what you did.
Evan: Then you know what I'm capable of.
Ciara: If you mean murder, christian, yeah, we know exactly what you're capable of.
Ben: No, no, you can't do this, please. I didn't kill my sister. I swear to god. Warden, please. You can't do this right now. Just give ciara the chance to prove it.
Warden: This is warden floyd. Yes, governor. I see.
Marlena: Ben, that's the governor on the phone. Abe was able to reach him. It's going to be all right.
Warden: Yes. Thanks for the call, sir.
Marlena: What did he say?
Warden: The governor spoke to mayor carver who made an impassioned plea on behalf of mr. Weston.
Marlena: Oh, that's wonderful.
Warden: But without proof of new evidence, the governor has decided not to stay this execution. We'll continue as planned.
Marlena: No!
Warden: Doctor, please administer the first injection.
Ben: [Groans]
Marlena: You can't do this. You're about to execute an innocent man. That's a travesty.
Ben: [Hisses]
Marlena: I'm so sorry.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Brady: Oh god, sorry.
Dr. Raynor: I am so sorry. Ms. Dimera, mr. Black, I'm sorry.
Brady: Please, it's fine. Thank god for lids on coffee, right?
Dr. Raynor: Yeah. Again, my apologies.
Kristen: Dr. Raynor, I never had the chance to thank you for the card you sent us when our little girl died and, um, that--that was very kind of you.
Xander: Sarah can never know her daughter died tonight. She will raise brady and kristen's child as her own and you will never breath a word of it. Do we have a deal?
Dr. Raynor: Well, a card was the least I could do.
Sarah: If gabi doesn't go through with this procedure-- oh, my god, why do we trust her? What if she really did flee the country? What if she--
Gabi: Got stuck in traffic on the university parkway and then I couldn't find a parking spot. But I am here now, ready and willing to save your little girl's life.
Evan: I made mistakes, all right? Things got a little out of control. But I'm trying to make it right, start a new life for my son, and I need money to do that.
Sonny: I will get you whatever you need, okay? But you need to put the gun down first.
Evan: What if you're just saying that?
Sonny: I'm not; I will go to the safe right now. I will get you anything you need.
Ciara: No, no, no, sonny, you cannot do that, okay? If you give this jerk money and let him walk out of here, then ben's a dead man.
[Echoing] Ben, please don't go. Please stay here with me. You're not going to die in there, ben. I won't let you, okay? I promise.
Ben: Ciara. Here's the thing about depression.
Nicole: You didn't seem very concerned about this precious baby's life when you were using her as a bargaining chip to get out of jail. So don't pretend you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart, because you don't have one.
Gabi: I know I don't have one. It was ripped out when my husband's heart was given to julie williams. Anybody want an organ? Some tissue? A pound of flesh? Oh, come talk to me. I'm your girl. But please do not treat me with any respect. Now I have had a very busy day. So please let's get this show on the road.
Dr. Raynor: Again I am so very sorry for your loss.
Brady: Doctor, doctor. I hope you don't think that we blame you for what happened to our little girl. We don'T. It was a difficult delivery and you delivered her safely, which makes you a hero to us. You did give us a few precious moments with her that we would not have had otherwise. So we are grateful to you. Thank you.
Xander: The money will be deposited in your bank account immediately along with a one-way ticket to the dominican republic. By this time tomorrow, you'll be on a beach, sipping piņa coladas, set for life
Dr. Raynor: I'm not sure I can do this.
Xander: You seem to think you have a choice in all this. But let me make sure you understand. If you don't accept this incredibly generous deal, you will very quickly come to regret it.
Dr. Raynor: I'm grateful you had that time with your daughter too. Now if you'll excuse me, I am very late for work.
Ben: Thank god you're here. I knew you'd come.
Marlena: You've got to stop this before it's too late.
Warden: I'm acting on the governor's orders. You heard--no stay of execution.
Marlena: There's new evidence that's being proven.
Warden: You mean the detective who just discovered that his kid's nanny is also the kid's dad and is a killer? You got to give me more than that.
Marlena: Look, if the evidence doesn't clear ben, you can always do this tomorrow. But if you execute him and he's found innocent--
Warden: Oh, this man is hardly innocent. He's already killed. His appeals have all been denied. So I'm not gonna fall for some desperate attempt to stop justice from being served.
Marlena: Justice is not served if an innocent man is put to death.
Warden: No more, dr. Evans. Please. If you can't observe respectfully, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Ciara: The first time we met, I was the one lying helpless and terrified on the verge of death.
[Tense music]
Ben: Okay.
Ciara: You saved me, ben weston. Now it's my turn to save you. You killed your son's mother. An innocent man could die for what you did. How--how can you--how can you just be okay with that, evan? You need to confess. You need to admit what you did.
Sonny: Hey, I know that you're desperate to stop ben's execution, but you cannot get yourself killed.
Ciara: We don't know if marlena has been able to stall the execution, sonny. And we're running out of time.
Evan: Can we just get my money so I can get the hell out of here?
Will: Ciara's right. Ben is strapped to a gurney right now about to be executed for crime that he did not commit. Hey, you want to be a good father to your son, right? Evan, christian, whatever. Then--then do the right thing. Own what you did. Save a man's life.
Evan: Why don't you just shut the hell up before I blow you away? This is hal.
Sarah: Um, I will take you to your room to get prepped. Let's go.
Gabi: No one's going to wish me luck?
Xander: Just don't muck it up.
Gabi: Gee, thanks.
Eric: Hey, I need to make a quick call. Will you be all right?
Nicole: Yeah, I'm fine.
Xander: I'm so glad we won't have to deal with that miserable woman. Although, thank god, she did agree eventually to help mackenzie even if there was a little bit of extortion involved.
Nicole: You definitely know a thing or two about extortion, now don't you?
Xander: Uncalled for.
Nicole: Gabi hernandez is the last person I would have guessed to be mackenzie's bone marrow donor. And from the way you and victor were acting, I thought for sure it would have been theresa or tate.
Kristen: Dr. Raynor seemed rattled, didn't she?
Brady: She's a busy woman. She has babies to deliver.
Kristen: No. Look, I don't know. I don't know. I just have this strong feeling that she wasn't happy to see us.
Brady: She's probably used to bringing lives into the world, not losing them.
Kristen: Yeah, but every time I feel like I'm starting to heal, something happens and I feel like we're losing rachel all over again, brady.
Sarah: So do you have any questions about possible side effects?
Gabi: Well, yes. Like why didn't you warn me before I agreed to this? Ouch.
Sarah: Maybe you could look at it this way. The biggest and best side effect is that this gets you out of spending years in prison. Maybe that'll help with your ouch.
Gabi: Hmm. I'm saving a life and I don't even rate a room with television. I mean, what kind of pull do you have around here? And what if there are complications?
Sarah: The risk of complications is very low.
Gabi: Oh, good, it better be because, if not, you'll be hearing from my lawyer. And this doctor better give me plenty of anesthesia because I have a low pain tolerance. Ugh, this hospital has a horrible reputation. Medical malpractice, fraternity mix-up, malicious devices put into pacemakers.
Sarah: It's a good thing that julie has a high pain tolerance, after all the times you cranked up that app of yours and made her heart fibrillate.
Gabi: You know, if I were you, I would be a little nicer to me.
Sarah: Or what? You walk out of this hospital and let a child die? Sorry, you don't really get a choice, unless you want to go back to prison or hell or wherever it is that you're from.
Eric: Ladies?
Marlena: Ben, will and ciara have gone to find the evidence they need to clear you. They will get it and they will be back. You've got to hang on. You've got to believe in this. And, remember, you've got so much to live for.
Ben: Ciara brady, you... you have more fight in you than a bag full of bobcats.
Ciara: Did you actually just say that?
Ben: I'm sorry. Did I just say that? I'm sorry, it's an ozark thing. Um... here's the deal. If you're too broken to love or be loved, what does that mean for someone like me?
Ciara: I'm sorry, I didn't--
Ben: No, no, it's all right. Because as messed up as I am, I know there are far crazier people than me who do find love. So I'm not giving up hope. And you can't either. I won't let you.
[Tender music]
I love you, ciara. I love you.
Sonny: Evan, please. This is not the way. Shooting will--shooting anyone is not going to solve your problem.
Evan: Why couldn't you have just stayed in prison? Sonny and I were happy. I was gonna figure out a way to be with my son, give him the life that he deserves. Everything was fine until you ruined it.
Will: Everything was fine? You murdered your kid's mother. You're playing nanny to your own son. Everything is not fine, obviously. Evan, where is david?
Evan: Safe.
Ciara: Where is david? You need to tell us.
Evan: All you need to know is that my son is safe. I would never do anything to hurt him.
Sonny: Then end this. End it. It is over.
Evan: No, the hell it is!
Sonny: No, put the gun down!
Evan: No! No! It wasn't supposed to be like this. I thought I had time to make a plan. Maybe even have somebody to love--to share life with. We could have built a life with my little boy. But now everything is ruined. Everything is falling apart. Because of you!
Ciara: [Shrieks] Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
Kristen: You know, every time I think about rachel isabella, I think of that moment when we were her mommy and daddy. And no one---no one else in the world knows what that feels like except you. And when we lost her... no one in the world knows what that felt like except you. I guess it's because we share that joy and that grief... I want you to know that every time you put your arms around me, it makes losing her a little less unbearable.
Brady: Well, I'm never going to let you go.
Kristen: God.
[Laughs] Um... I really wish we would hear from eric, okay? 'Cause I, um, I need some good news after seeing dr. Raynor.
Brady: It's really, truly sweet how concerned you are about my niece. I love that.
Kristen: Brady, she's part of your family. I mean, she is fighting so hard. She was born the same night as rachel.
Brady: I know.
Kristen: I just--I can't help but being drawn to her.
Brady: She has brought a lot of joy. I was actually thinking of going to the hospital and--I don't know, giving eric a little moral support during the procedure or something.
Kirsten: Okay, would you mind--would you mind if I go with you? I don't want to upset eric. I just-- I'll just give him my best and then I'll go to the chapel and I'd like to pray for mickey. Please.
Brady: Well, let's go then.
Gabi: Well, apparently, sarah thinks I'm a heartless bitch. But it doesn't matter what you think. I am a mom too. And I got tested because I want to help mackenzie. Just because I'm getting something out of it doesn't mean I don't want to help her. But you know what? If this is the kind of gratitude that I'm going to get--
Sarah: I'm sorry, gabi. I-I am grateful. You have no idea how grateful I am.
Eric: Gabi, we're--please understand we're all on edge. We--sarah and I, we were both up all night with mackenzie, so we're all a little bit stressed right now.
Gabi: Yeah, yeah. And your mom being outed as a hit-and-run killer.
Sarah: Are you serious right now?
Gabi: It's the truth.
Eric: Gabi, we're not gonna have this conversation.
Gabi: My daughter's father has been locked up for months for a crime that maggie committed--drunk by the way. No, but of course, I'm the pariah.
Eric: Gabi, can we just look at this as maybe a fresh start for yourself?
Gabi: I would love that. But where the hell is the doctor?
Dr. Raynor: I'm right here.
Ben: Ciara, where are you? Where's ciara?
Marlena: Ben, try to stay calm. She'll be right back. You'll be all right.
[Tense music]
Ciara: Will you stop talking about hurting me? I know you would never do that. Just stop.
Ben: I swear to god to you, I would never want to. When I look at you and I see your face, all I want to do, I just want to be good to you. Ciara, I want to be with you, but I can't trust myself. I'm no good for you, ciara. The best thing that we can do right now is just not see each other anymore. Ciara.
[Phone beeps]
[Line trills]
Marlena: Abe! Abe, it's marlena. The governor has refused the stay of execution. Will and ciara have gone to try to confront the real killer. Look, I know he's terribly dangerous and I'm--I'm worried. I hope I haven't sent them into some terrible trouble.
Sonny: Oh my god, will! Will!
Ciara: Take one step and it'll be your last.
Dr. Raynor: Sorry I'm late. I was stuck in traffic.
Gabi: Oh, university parkway, by any chance?
Dr. Raynor: Yeah, there was a lane closed off. Are we ready to get started?
Gabi: More than.
Sarah: Amanda, I am so glad that you are treating mickey.
Eric: Yeah, you've been really wonderful with her. We're lucky to have you as part of her team.
Dr. Raynor: Yes, well, I will do my best.
Eric: How about we go wait with mackenzie for the transplant to begin? Thank you.
Sarah: Thank you. I-I really am grateful, gabi. I hope you know that.
Gabi: [Sighs] So is, uh--I mean, this isn't going to hurt a lot, is it?
Dr. Raynor: Maybe just a little discomfort. But it'll be over before you know it.
Gabi: [Chuckles uneasily]
Xander: Why would you think that theresa or tate would be a bone marrow match for mickey?
Nicole: Because you were so insistent on getting them tested. Especially tate. The way you blew in to the apartment that night, practically demanding brady, theresa, and tate get tested.
Xander: I hardly demanded anything.
Nicole: And victor went behind brady's back and contacted theresa to make sure that it happened. What's up with that?
Xander: Theresa and tate are mickey's cousins. Of course we wanted to get them tested.
Nicole: Yeah, but you were so fixated on tate in particular.
Xander: Oh, my god, will you stop? I was fixated on anyone that could help me save my daughter's life.
Nicole: She's not your daughter.
Xander: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Sonny: Will! Will, can you hear me? Oh, hey, hey! Here, can you sit up?
Will: [Groans]
Sonny: Is there any blood? Where were you hit?
Will: Uh, I-I wasn'T.
Ciara: The bullet went into the wall.
Will: Oh, thank god it didn't hit one of maggie's figurines. Ow, ow.
Sonny: You hit your head pretty hard. You might have a concussion. Let me help you up.
Will: I think I'm fine. I'm fine.
Ciara: Hey! Hey! Don't even think about it.
Sonny: Okay. Let me set you down over here. Over here. Okay, all right. We need to get you to the er. Rafe's still looking for david but you need to call the police.
Ciara: By the time they get here and get a confession, it's gonna be too late. You're coming with me.
Will: To the prison? That's insane.
Ciara: There's no time, will. And we're wasting it arguing, okay?
Sonny: I'll drive you.
Ciara: No, no, no, you need to stay here with will. He'll drive me. He's not going to try anything or else he won't live to regret it. Let's go.
Mr. Weston, if you can hear me, the second drug is a paralytic. After it's administered, your arms and legs will begin to feel heavy.
Ben: Ciara, you don't have to fuss over me like this.
Ciara: Excuse me? Excuse me? Okay, when I had my motorcycle accident, you set my leg, you made me the best pancakes I have ever had, and you washed my nasty ass feet. So like it or not, ben weston, I'm gonna fuss.
Ben: Ciara, I'm serious. You don't have to--
Ciara: No, stop it. No excuses. You took amazing, amazing care of me. Now it's my turn to take care of you.
This drug would do the job eventually by making it impossible to breathe, but you won't suffer, because the third one will make your heart stop almost instantly.
Nicole: You passed yourself off as mackenzie's biological father for months. And after all the lies you told, it upsets eric when you still try to claim that she's your child.
Xander: You mean the lies we told, sweetheart. Because you were more than happy to keep the lie alive, weren't you?
Nicole: Well, I was wrong.
Xander: And I may not be mackenzie's biological father, but there's a whole hell of a lot more to being a dad than blood. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm very much that little girl's father.
Brady: I was told my brother was in here.
Gabi: He was, but they're not going to be back, not since they got what they wanted. Oh, I'm--I'm in so much pain. Not that you care anyway.
Brady: Okay, sorry to disturb you.
Kristen: Since we're here, there's something I've been wanting to say to you.
Xander: Hey, uh... what you heard--I didn't mean--
Eric: It's okay. I understand. We all love mackenzie and we only want what's best for her.
Xander: Where is she?
Sarah: They--they started the procedure and it's going smoothly. So with any luck, she'll just sleep through it.
Nicole: You both must be starving. Why don't I go get some food at the cafeteria?
Sarah: Thank you. And I have to go sign those hospital forms.
Eric: I'll go with you.
Sarah: Okay.
[Somber music]
Xander: Please, god, I know we're not exactly on a first name basis but whatever deal you want to make, I'll make it. Just let her live. Dr. Raynor! What the hell are you doing here?
Sonny: I'd rather be taking you to the er.
Will: No, thank you. I'm fine. It's more important that we talk to the police. They should be here any minute.
Sonny: You know, when I thought you were shot, I was so afraid that I was going to lose you again before I even got you back.
Will: That's not going to happen.
Sonny: Yeah, well, none of this would've happened if I didn't get involved with evan. You know, I mean, he seemed like a--like a good guy. I mean, he was--he was zen and he made these crazy gluten-free brownies.
Will: Well, that explains everything.
Sonny: I sure do know how to pick them, don't I?
Will: Sonny, rafe hired him. Everyone thought he was a great guy. This is not your fault.
Sonny: You know, you're right. I do know how to pick them.
Ben: I can't move!
Marlena: Ben, I understand. That's what happens. Just keep breathing. That's it. Keep breathing.
Ben: "Good things come to those who wait."
Ciara: So I'm a good thing?
Ben: You are a great thing. It's called the guardian bell. It's for your bike. It's supposed to ward off evil spirits and bad luck.
Ciara: Thank you.
Ben: This actually feels pretty damn good.
Ciara: So you don't want me to stop?
Ben: No, I don't want you to stop.
[Somber music]
These are real people,
Gabi: You have the nerve to slam me after what I've just been through? I am trying to save a baby's life.
Kirsten: You are milking all of this for all it's worth. So if you're in pain, good.
Gabi: You're gonna let her talk to me like this?
Brady: Is she saying anything that's untrue?
Kristen: You deserve to suffer a little. You're not a selfless martyr. Not when you made a deal to save your own ass.
Gabi: Isn't that exactly the same way you got out of jail the last time?
Kristen: Yeah, in the past. And in the past, I would have loved to have wrung your scrawny bitch neck. But I'm not that person anymore.
Gabi: Yes, that's right. You found god. You're saying you believe this?
Brady: Do I? Yeah, yeah, I do. I've seen it.
Kristen: And with god's help, anything is possible, gabi. Even for a miserable little worm like you. You can actually change.
Gabi: So you're saying I should trust god, yeah? You know, you know, I had my first communion and I prayed on my knees every single night and I taught my daughter to do the same thing, but where was god when I was sent to prison for a crime I didn't commit, huh? Kristen, where was god when your baby died?
Sarah: [Sniffling]
Eric: Hey, what is it?
Sarah: Just--I'm just relieved. This is going to work, isn't it? She's going to be--she's going to be okay, right? Just tell me that she's going to be okay.
Eric: Our daughter's going to be fine.
Dr. Raynor: I work here.
Xander: You're supposed to be in the dominican republic forever.
Dr. Raynor: I have patients who need me. In fact, I'm part of the team working to help save mackenzie's life. I see how attached you are to that little girl, even though we both know she's not yours or sarah and eric'S.
Xander: You were paid a great deal of money to keep that information to yourself, to take it to the grave.
Dr. Raynor: I took that money against my better judgment but fully intended to abide by the terms of the deal, but now--
Xander: But now what?
Dr. Raynor: I ran into mackenzie's biological parents earlier... and they thanked me. They thanked me for giving them a few precious moments with their daughter. Called me a hero... when I'm the reason they believe their child is dead.
Xander: It's a little late to grow a conscience.
Dr. Raynor: The pain in their eyes... their loss... knowing I'm the one responsible for it. I don't--I don't think I can live with this secret.
Nicole: Am I interrupting something?
Sonny: Shouldn't we have heard something by now?
Will: I hope ciara gets there in time to save ben.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: [Stifled groan]
[Alarm sounding]
Marlena: What's happening? What was that? What's happening?
Warden: There's been a security breach.
Ciara: Stop! Stop! Stop the execution! Stop it! Stop!
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