Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 2/28/20
Episode #13715 ~ Rafe confronts Evan about his deceit; Ciara receives key information about Jordan's killer; Stefano tells Justin he wants Marlena in exchange for Kayla; Ben says goodbye to Clyde before his execution begins.
Provided By Suzanne
Justin: I have the $10 million you demanded. I didn't alert the police. Now it's time for you to hold up your end of the bargain.
Steve as stefano: I will, as soon as you meet all of my terms.
Justin: You're not moving the damn goalpost. We had a deal.
Steve as stefano: The deal, justin, is that you will do exactly what I say if you ever want to see your precious kayla again.
Kayla: [Whispering] Come on. Come on. You know, steve, I really wish
[Eerie off-key notes]
Rolf: Greetings.
Marlena: This is just amazing to me. Maggie caused that accident and has no memory of it?
John: She sure as hell remembers it now all right. Starting to get behind the wheel drunk.
Marlena: And will. Will thought that he had caused the accident. He thought that-- he thought he was responsible for adrienne's death.
John: Hmph.
Marlena: I'm glad the truth is out in the open. And I'm so glad will is free.
John: I can't imagine the weight of that kind of pain, though, doc. Knowing that she killed sonny's mother.
Marlena: Maybe now will and sonny can find their way back together.
Sonny: You have no idea how many times I've dreamed of this moment. Am I dreaming right now?
Will: No. I'm--I'm here, I'm--I'm free. And I'm home.
Evan: Change my name? What are you talking about? Why would I do that?
Rafe: I don't know exactly why you did that. But your real name isn't evan frears-- it's christian maddox. Now, my guess is you didn't give me your real name because you have a criminal record. Now, this morning, I asked you if I'd received any letters from child welfare, and you said no, and now, I know that I actually received two letters.
Evan: Rafe--
Rafe: You lied to me about that--you lied. And now you may have cost me my son. But this ends. It ends now, christian.
Ciara: David's father's name is christian maddox.
Ben: You promised you'd find him but I never thought you'd do it so quickly.
Ciara: Well, we didn't actually locate him yet, but at least we have the name of jordan's real killer.
Ben: So the dna sample--the one forensics thought was a perfect match to david--
Ciara: Was actually a match to david's father, and we know for a fact there was dna from his skin cells on jordan's body.
Ben: You spoke to the fbi yourself?
Ciara: Yes, ben. This isn't speculation or circumstantial evidence. This is rock solid. We've got him, ben. We know that david's father was at the crime scene. He murdered your sister, and I'm gonna prove it.
Ben: Oh my god, ciara. You're amazing,
Ciara: Ben, I told you I wasn't gonna let this execution happen, and now I know exactly how I'm gonna stop it. Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Sweeping orchestration]
Justin: I'm not agreeing to anything until I know what you're asking for.
Steve as stefano: More than mere funds, that is for sure.
Justin: Look, I agreed to fork over a ton of cash because that's what you asked for, in exchange for kayla's safe return.
Steve as stefano: I asked out of necessity. Now that everyone knows I, stefano dimera, am inhabiting steven johnson's body, it's virtually impossible for me to access my own fortune. So I had to turn to you for some pin money.
Justin: Pin money?
Steve as stefano: Yes.
Justin: $10 million?
Steve as stefano: Enough to to get me through until I can get my hands on everything I have coming to me. is not the most important thing in life. At the risk is stating the obvious, it cannot buy happiness.
Justin: Right. So I've heard. But it can buy just about everything else. So take the money and let's end this, damn it.
Steve as stefano: I certainly could. But what good is living like a king if I don't have my queen?
Marlena: I'm so glad that you stopped by, but honey, I can't have lunch today.
John: I know. You have patients.
Marlena: Uh, no, no, it's not that. I've actually, um... I've been approved to attend ben's execution. It happens in a couple hours.
John: Whoa. Sweetheart, I know that you are his shrink, but... I don't think you being there is such a great idea.
Marlena: I understand why you'd feel that way. But during the time we worked together, I've come to really care about him.
John: That's my point. Are you sure you're ready to watch him die?
Ciara: I'm going to stop this execution, ben. I'm going to track down christian maddox, and I'm gonna make him admit that he killed your sister.
Ben: Ciara, I love the confidence. But that is a very tall order, and we only have a couple hours. I don't think it's gonna happen.
Ciara: You weren't sure that I'd find out who david's father was, and I did. Have some faith in me, ben. Okay? I am not going to give up. And I promise I will find him, and I will clear your name before it's too late.
Rafe: Admit it...admit it!
Evan: Okay.
Rafe: Admit that you lied to me.
Evan: Okay, okay. Okay. I did. I'm so sorry. I wanted to be honest with you, but I couldn'T. I was too afraid.
Rafe: Of what?
Evan: I was in a tough situation.
Rafe: So you hid your real identity from me?
Evan: I had a reason, a really good one. Please, rafe, I am begging you, please just hear me out.
Will: So once maggie confessed, she insisted that her lawyers go in overdrive to get my conviction overturned, and, I mean, it happened so fast. And I have so much that I want to say to you. But first, is ari home?
Sonny: She's at school right now, but she is gonna be so happy that you're home for good.
Will: I cannot wait to see her. And what about maggie? Is she here? 'Cause I know she's out on bail.
Sonny: Yeah, she's actually at the hospital right now with uncle vic. And she's there to support sarah while mackenzie is getting her bone marrow transplant.
Will: So there's a match.
Sonny: Yeah. It's gabi.
Will: It's gabi?
Sonny: Yeah.
Will: Wow.
Sonny: I know. Everyone's very, very excited. But on the flipside, ever since my uncle vic found out that maggie was responsible for my mom's death, it's really taken a toll on his health.
Will: Oh, did he have another stroke?
Sonny: No, but they're just really worried about his blood pressure. So they're just giving him some tests, yeah.
Will: Well, I hope he's okay. What?
Sonny: It's just, after everything that he's done to you, I mean, you're still wishing him well. I mean, you actually promised him that you-- that you wouldn't tell on maggie 'cause you didn't want her to face what she did. I mean, you held that truth in to protect maggie. That is so selfless, and just brave, and, like, you're so damn amazing and cute.
Will: No, no, no, okay, let's not go nuts, because, you know, we both know that I'm no angel.
Sonny: You are to me. You have gone through hell, and you spent so much time in prison for something you didn't do. Will you ever be able to forgive me?
Will: Forgive you? For what?
Sonny: Not standing by you.
Ben: Dad. I thought you were in solitary for helping me escape.
Clyde: Yeah, I was, yeah. They gave me special permission to be here while um, you know...
Ben: You're gonna watch them execute me.
Clyde: No. No, they wouldn't allow that. Um...
[Small laugh] But I still have some friends in low places, you know, so they said I could keep you company...if you'll let me.
Rafe: Okay. I'm listening.
Evan: Okay, so there are some things you don't know about me.
Rafe: Yeah, quite a few, apparently.
Evan: I made some mistakes when I was younger. Stupid stuff. But my record, it followed me everyone. I couldn't get a loan to finish school. Every place that I applied, they wouldn't hire me. I finally realized that the only way I could get a fresh start is if I change my name. And after years of struggling, you hired me.
Rafe: Yeah, only after you deceived me.
Evan: If there had been any other way--
Rafe: You can try and justify it all you want, but I deserve to know the truth of who's looking after my kid.
Evan: You're right. And again, I am so sorry. But I love david, and you have to admit, I take great care of the kid.
Rafe: Why? Why do you have to pick a job that involves kids?
Evan: I don't know. I suck at everything else. For some reason, I'm good with kids.
Rafe: Yeah, well, doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. You jeopardized my situation with david. Get your stuff and get out. Now. Go.
Evan: I understand. It was wrong for me to misrepresent myself. I accept your decision. I'll pack my stuff and go.
Rafe: God.
[Edgy music]
Kayla: Rolf, what are you doing here?
Rolf: Stefano put me in charge of making sure you cooperate. As long as you do as you're told everything will be just fine.
Kayla: For heaven's sakes, that man that you are taking orders from is not stefano. It's steve.
Rolf: Ha--he may look like steve, but I assure you he is stefano.
Kayla: You don't really think that I believe that, do you?
Rolf: You just want stefano gone and for your beloved patch to return.
Kayla: Is that a possibility?
Rolf: Why should you even care? Aren't you in love with justin kiriakis now?
Kayla: Yes, I am, not that it's any of your business. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about steve. He is the father of my children. I just need closure. If I could understand, then I could let it go. And you are the genius that did this to him, so you're the only person who can really explain it to me. Just a small explanation. That's all I'm asking for.
Justin: You're still fixated on marlena.
Steve as stefano: She is the love of my life.
Justin: Oh, my god. You just don't get it, do you? Marlena despises you. You've tried everything to possess her. Nothing's worked, and nothing ever will. It will never happen.
Steve as stefano: Then you make it happen.
Justin: Excuse me?
Steve as stefano: You're a lawyer--it's your job to persuade people. You convince marlena that it is the right thing to do, and I will give you what you want.
Justin: you get $10 million plus marlena, and I get kayla back.
Steve as stefano: Take it or leave it.
Justin: All right, I need to know, for a fact, that kayla is alive and unharmed.
Steve as stefano: I already showed you the photograph of her holding the "spectator" with the date on it.
Justin: Yeah, yesterday's date--I want proof that she's alive today. If you want me to even consider agreeing to this insane proposal, take me to kayla right now. I'm bad.
Will: Sonny, there's nothing to forgive. You didn't do anything wrong.
Sonny: I should have tried harder to find out the truth.
Will: I didn't even know the truth myself.
Sonny: Well, then I should have visited you at prison more.
Will: No, I told you to stop coming.
Sonny: Then I shouldn't have agreed to the divorce.
Will: I-I didn't give you a choice. I insisted on ending things between us.
Sonny: You were trying to protect me.
Will: I thought that no matter how much we love each other, we would never get past that. What I did was always gonna be between know, every time you looked at me, you would see the man who killed your mother.
Sonny: But now, I know that you didn'T.
Will: I didn'T. Yeah, I didn'T.
Sonny: I'm looking at the man that I love. The man that I will always love.
[Stirring music]
Steve as stefano: I will not take you to kayla.
Justin: Then, no deal. No marlena.
Steve as stefano: All right, how about I let you speak to her? Huh?
Justin: Okay.
[Line ringing]
[Phone rings]
Rolf: Yes?
Steve as stefano: Put her on. And if she says anything out of turn, you know what to do.
Rolf: Hmph. It's for you.
Kayla: Hello?
Justin: Kayla. Sweetheart, it's me.
Clyde: So what do you say? Is it okay if I stay?
Ben: I'm glad for the company. I'm glad it's you. So this is it. The end of the road.
Clyde: Didn't have to be.
Ben: What are you talking about?
Clyde: You were out of here, man, you were free. You could have disappeared without a trace. I don't know why the hell you turned yourself in.
Ben: I couldn't leave ciara holding the bag.
Clyde: You'd rather face the needle?
Ben: Than send the woman I love to prison? Hell, yeah.
Clyde: Come on. Ben, we both know vic would have gotten her out of whatever.
Ben: No, no, no, no. Listen, ciara was harboring a fugitive, dad, a death row inmate, no less. She assaulted the police commissioner. Forget it. Once she knocked out rafe, I knew that she'd be punished if I didn't come back.
Clyde: Well, I just wish to hell I hadn't let her in on the plan to escape. That girl's your weakness.
Ben: No, she's my strength. You know, she still hasn't given up. She swears she's gonna get me out of here.
Clyde: I had you out of here. But, you know, I don't want to waste time on regrets.
Ben: Me neither. Ciara begged me not to lost hope, so that's what I'm trying to do.
Clyde: Hey, it's not my dinner time.
Ben: That's-- that's for me, dad. It's my last meal.
Ciara: I have huge news.
Rafe: Ciara, you've got to hold on--I'm on hold with child welfare.
Ciara: No, no, rafe, this is urgent. Okay?
Rafe: Okay, I'll call them back--what's up?
Ciara: Okay, well, I got a call from your contact at the fbi.
Rafe: Yeah?
Ciara: They checked the dna sample you gave them against the federal database, and they got a hit, rafe.
Rafe: Wh--wh-- you telling me it's not david's dna?
Ciara: Nope. Nope, my theory was right. David's father was at the crime scene. His dna was found on jordan, which means he has to be the real killer. Rafe, I need your help. I need your help to find him. I have to track him down...
Rafe: This is incredible!
Ciara: Before they execute ben--I don't have a lot of time left, rafe.
Rafe: I understand that. This is great detective work. Okay, tell me more about the guy--what else do you know?
Ciara: Okay, I don't know much, except that his name is christian maddox.
Rafe: Did you just say christian maddox? Feeling sluggish or weighed down
Ciara: Yeah. His name is christian maddox.
Rafe: Oh, my god. He's david's father.
Ciara: We have to find him.
Rafe: I already know where he is.
Ciara: W-wait, you do?
Rafe: [Whispers] It's evan. David's nanny. His real name is christian maddox.
Ciara: Wait, what? Rafe, where is he?
Rafe: He's in there right now. He's in there with david.
Clyde: Not too bad, huh?
Ben: What?
Clyde: The food.
Ben: It's okay.
Clyde: Guess you got your mind on your girl, huh? Wishing she was the one sharing your last meal with you?
Ben: Well, she's not.
Clyde: But she's out looking for the person who really killed jordan.
Ben: She's got a solid lead, dad. A serious lead that might pan out.
Clyde: Well, she better hustle--ha. Clock is tickin'.
Ben: I know it is. I'm just glad she has something else to focus on. I sure as hell don't want her in here.
Clyde: You don't?
Ben: No. I don't want anyone I love to watch what they're gonna do to me. I have to figure out how I'm gonna handle it myself.
Clyde: Maybe you won't have to. Maybe ciara will come through. You know, things have a way of working out. Yeah, look at will horton. Guard just told me he got sprung. Could happen for you too.
Will: Oh, man, it feels good to be in your arms again.
Sonny: I know--those prison visits were torture, not being allowed to touch you.
Will: I know. All I could do was just hold on to the memories and dream about the happy times that we had in the past.
Sonny: Well, not anymore. Because we have a future, will. A beautiful future with our daughter. I'm so glad that you didn't file those divorce papers, 'cause now we can just rip those up and start over. What is it?
Will: Um... I just--I have to ask about evan. You know, I know you've been seeing each other.
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, um, I mean he was--he was--he was there for me during very dark times, and he was really great with ari. He is really great with ari. So yeah, I mean, over the past few months, we have gotten close.
Will: Okay, does mean you-- I mean, you still want to be with him, or...
Sonny: I was always honest with evan, okay? He knew that you were the love of my life, and the only reason that we weren't together was because I thought that you killed my mom.
Will: Does, uh, does he know that I'm innocent?
Sonny: Yeah. Yeah, I told him.
Will: So did you break it off with him?
Sonny: Not yet.
Will: You know how I feel about you.
Sonny: Yeah. And you know, my handsome husband...
[Will laughs] That you are now and always the only man for me.
Rafe: A kidnapping in progress. A little boy.
Ciara: A kidnapping?
Rafe: He's gone. Evan's gone, and so is david. Hi, you made it!
Justin: Kayla, sweetheart. Are you all right? They didn't hurt you, did they?
Kayla: No, justin, I'm fine.
Justin: Thank god. Okay, look, I don't want you to worry about a thing. I'm gonna pay the ransom and I'm gonna get you home as soon as can be, okay? I promise.
Steve as stefano: Enough. Wrap it up.
Rafe: So you've got an apb out on evan frears, A.K.A. Christian maddox? Okay. I will text you the make and model and license plate of his vehicle, and I'll send you some pictures, too, of him and david. Okay. And please be careful. He's got my son. Okay.
Ciara: Wait, wait, wait. Okay, so evan is christian maddox? What the hell?
Rafe: Yeah. I confronted him about it, and he said the only way that he could get a job was if he changed his name. And so I fired him. I fired him, and he seemed to take it pretty well, and then...he took david. I mean, he's his father, right? So he's gonna look out for him, right? For god's sakes, he's his father--he's not gonna do anything to hurt him.
Ciara: No, no, no, you are absolutely right about that, rafe--hey, hey.
Rafe: What?
Ciara: You are absolutely right about that, okay, but he did kill jordan, so we have to find him. We have to find him before they execute ben.
Ben: Ciara was just as angry at me for turning myself in as you are.
Clyde: Why didn't they arrest her too?
Ben: They did--the da was about to press charges on her, but I told him that I forced her to help me. She wasn't happy about it, but I wasn't gonna let her get in trouble for hiding me any more than I could have subjected her to a life on the run. If I had to do it all over again, I'd the exact same thing.
Clyde: [Exhales] If I had a do-over, I'll do it all different. I was a terrible father to you. Even worse stepfather to jordan.
Ben: It's okay, dad. I know you did the best you could. You tried to make up for the... the bad stuff. You tried to bust me outta here, give me a chance at a new life.
Clyde: I hope you know that I would trade places with you if I could.
[Emotional music]
That in my own twisted way... I love you.
Ben: I know you do.
Time's up.
Sonny: I have to find a way to let evan down easy, but right now, I just want to concentrate on you.
Will: Would it be terrible if we pulled ari out of school and just went and got the biggest ice cream sundae of all time to celebrate?
Sonny: I was actually thinking the exact same thing, but if you show up in her classroom, she's gonna do, like, the happiest happy dance ever, and then the teacher's probably gonna get mad at us for creating a disruption.
Will: Dang it...well, okay, I guess I can wait a few hours.
Sonny: Well, I know what we can do in those few hours. Let's go upstairs, come on.
Will: Oh, um, trust me, nothing would make me happier, but I actually can'T. I have to go back to statesville.
Sonny: What? What do you mean? Why?
Will: Ben's execution is today.
Sonny: Oh, my god.
Will: Yeah. It feels so crazy to say this, but I think we've become... I guess the word is friends, and I'm not gonna let him face this alone.
Sonny: Okay. Yeah. I understand. But I'll see you soon, okay?
Will: Yeah, absolutely. Okay.
Justin: I have to go. But I'll see you very soon.
Kayla: Justin, be careful, all right?
Justin: Don't you worry about anything. You just remember how much I love you.
[Beep] Kayla. Kayla. Are you there? Who did that? Who made her hang up?
Steve as stefano: No more questions. You wanted to talk to your girlfriend, now you did. Now, go get me marlena.
Ben: Dr. Evans. I can't believe you're here.
Marlena: Yeah. I'm here. I'm gonna stay the whole time.
Ben: That'S... that's very kind. But if you're worried about me, please don't be. Sitting here, I've come to make peace with what comes next.
Marlena: Tell me about that.
Ben: When you and I first started working together, I was in a really bad place. I thought my whole life was over. But you believed in me. You believed I could become I better person.
Marlena: You did.
Ben: But that guilt, I live with it every day. Knowing I killed innocent people, I took children from their mothers.
Marlena: You're taking responsibility. You've made amends. You've apologized.
Ben: But that pain, that pain I caused will never go away. So I was thinking that if this happens, if I'm executed, maybe it's what I deserve.
Sonny: Will, this is evan. And evan, this is will.
Evan: Hey.
Will: Hi. Well, I'll let you two talk.
Evan: So I guess will's free from prison.
Sonny: Yeah, he was released this morning.
Evan: And from the looks of it, the two of you are getting back together.
Rolf: So you want me to explain how I helped the phoenix to arise again.
Kayla: In medical terms. Explain to me how you made steve think that he's stefano.
Rolf: Oh, steve doesn't think he's stefano--he is stefano! I was able to distill stefano's essence, his personality, his memories, his entire brain function really, and transfer all of it to a microchip, which I then implanted in steve's brain.
Kayla: Is it reversible? Like jack and will, their memory loss? Can you bring steve back?
Rolf: I always told you my work is revolutionary. Now, you are experiencing it firsthand. Can you imagine what this could mean for the future?
Kayla: Maybe I don't need to imagine it. Maybe you could show me your notes. Not everything, just a-- just a peek. Just so that I would really see your ability and what you're thinking. I mean, your mind has an incredible way of coming up with these extraordinary scientific advances. I just would be honored to see it.
Rolf: Tch. I really shouldn'T. But I suppose one little peek wouldn't hurt anything. see?
[Intense percussive music]
All tyson any'tizers chicken,
Kayla: You know, I really am so thirsty. Do you think you could get me some water?
Rolf: Well, I suppose you've earned a reward for not pulling anything while you were on the phone with justin. I'll be right back.
Steve as stefano: Going somewhere?
Rafe: I've got to get to the station--we need all hands on deck to find evan.
Ciara: Okay, I will be praying for david, but will you let me know if anything happens?
Rafe: I will.
Ciara: Okay. Okay. Okay, okay.
[Line ringing] Hello? Yes, yes, I'm calling because I have evidence that will exonerate ben weston. I need to speak to the warden right away, okay? This execution cannot happen. I found the real killer.
Evan: Am I right? About you and will?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah. It just happened. I mean, I've always been honest with you about where we stand. Even yesterday, I told you I wasn't sure if I was ready to be involved with anyone. You know that I never stopped loving will. The only reason we weren't together is because I thought he killed my mom. But that's not true. So we are getting back together. And I don't want to hurt you. You're such a good guy. I guess I just don't know what else to say, except I'm sorry.
[Off-key notes]
Evan: I'm sorry too.
Justin: John.
John: Hey.
Justin: Do you know where marlena is--I need to speak to her right away.
John: What's going on? You look upset.
Justin: I am--it's urgent.
John: She's not here, man. I'm sorry--she's at statesville. Ben's execution.
Marlena: Ben, don't say that. You've done some bad things, but you've done everything that you can to make up for it. You made a new life.
Ben: Not alone, I didn'T. I had ciara's love. I had will's forgiveness. I had help from you. Dr. Evans, thank you. You never gave up on me, even I was ready to give up on myself.
Marlena: Everybody deserves a second chance. Not everybody takes it. You took it.
Ben: Can you just do me a favor?
Marlena: I'll do anything I can for you.
Ben: I already asked will to look out for ciara if I don't get the chance to see her before, but... could you please just tell her how much I love her?
Marlena: I think she knows that.
Ben: I tell her every day, but I just want her to know that I told you in my last moments on this earth that loving her was the single greatest experience of my life. But my life is over now. And I want ciara to move on. I don't want her to have any regrets. And I want her to rebuild her life. Just like I did.
It's time.
[Emotional music]
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