Days Transcript Thursday 2/27/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 2/27/20


Episode #13714 ~ Ben prepares for his execution; Stefano attacks Gabi; Will has a big surprise for Sonny; Maggie offers a heartfelt apology to Justin.

Provided By Suzanne

Ben: Come on, ciara, pick up. Pick up.

Ciara: Yes, I'll accept the call. Ben?

Ben: Hi.

Ciara: Oh my god. It is so good to hear your voice. How are you? How are they treating you?

Ben: Considering they're gonna be sticking a needle in my arm in the next few hours, pretty decently.

Ciara: Don't even joke about that, ben. Okay? 'Cause we're getting you out of there.

Ben: Ciara, my life can be measured in hours. It's time we face reality.

Ciara: No, ben, because that's just it. I have real news. Okay, so I told rafe my theory about how maybe david's father killed jordan, and the dna pretty much proves that he was there, and rafe is gonna help us find him, which means that we're gonna finally know the truth. Okay, so I'm not gonna give up, ben, and I'm sure as hell not gonna let you give up either.

Evan: Hey. I heard your sister was released. Congrats.

Rafe: Yeah. Gabi has a way of getting herself out of trouble. This yesterday's mail?

Evan: Yeah.

Rafe: Hmm. Nothing else besides this?

Evan: "Dear mr. Hernandez, this is our second attempt to reach you about the issue with the background check of david's caregiver, evan frears. Please contact us as soon as possible." Nope. That's all of it.

[Elevator bell dings]

Xander: Oh, there you are. Hey. Why haven't you returned my calls? I've been worried.

Sarah: There's just been a lot going on. The transplant could take place as early as tomorrow, so they've started the pre-op regiment and it's really intense and I've been with mickey all night. Now, eric's in there with her.

Xander: How is she?

Sarah: She has a real chance. Even if it is because of gabi hernandez, I am just still beyond grateful.

Xander: So am I. But we really need to talk.

Sarah: I just--I really don't have the time.

Xander: Sarah, listen. It's important. It's about your mother.

Justin: I'm just calling to confirm that the transfer is complete. Thank you. It's really true. You are somewhere in poor steve johnson's body.

Steve as stefano: I prefer to think of it as my body. Now, let's talk money.

Justin: No. No. Before we do any negotiating, I want proof that kayla is all right.

Steve as stefano: Luckily, you are predictable. Ah, see? There she is, intact, holding today's copy of the "spectator." Nice touch, don't you think?

Justin: You're a son of a bitch.

Steve as stefano: I thought you would be happy that kayla's still alive. At least for now.

Justin: I swear to god, if you lay one hand on her--

Steve as stefano: Down, boy. I have no intention of harming kayla in any way. She's much more useful to me alive than dead. That is, as long as you are willing to give me what I want for her safe return.

Justin: And what is it that you want?

Steve as stefano: $10 million.

Justin: Damn it, stefano. I got your blood money. Now, where's kayla? And where the hell are you?

[Knock on door] About time.

Chad: No, the kids are fine. Me, on the other hand, I'm not. I just haven't been sleeping well. Been having some crazy dreams. Well, we all really miss you. And I promised the kids that we would video chat tonight so you could read them the dinosaur story. No, no, the cops haven't had any luck. Steve johnson, A.K.A. My father, is still out there. But now, it's--no, no, no, I haven't heard from him. But it seems like he may have kidnapped kayla. I don't know. He hasn't reached out to me. Which I've got to say, I'm a little surprised, 'cause I kind of figured he would have by now. Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Evan: What are you looking for--maybe I can help you out.

Rafe: The paperwork I filed to adopt david a while back. I just figured I would have heard something by now.

Evan: It's probably just a bureaucratic thing. All the paperwork and red tape.

Rafe: Yeah, right? Ha ha ha, yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just excited to get on with it, you know? Keep that guy in my life for real.

Evan: I don't blame you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Evan: He's such a great kid. You know, why don't I check in the recycling and see if something got lost in there, or I can check with the carrier.

Rafe: No, no, no, no. Don't worry about. I'll just-I'll give them a call soon if I don't hear anything, see what the holdup is. See you.

Ciara: And rafe has a friend at the fbi who's having the dna sample checked out against every searchable criminal database.

Ben: But what happens if david's father doesn't have a criminal record?

Ciara: I know it's a long shot, ben. But it's all we have to go on right now. And, I mean, think about it. Okay, if this guy is david's father and he does have a criminal record, that might be enough to get a postponement so we can track him down and have him questioned.

Ben: When you say you don't give up, you mean it.

Ciara: And I never will. Not until you're out of the place and back home with me, where you belong.

Ben: I really appreciate all this, ciara. More than you know. But we're looking at a lot of "ifs." Time's running out.

Chad: I love you too. Okay. Yeah, hurry home.

Steve as stefano: Sorry, son. I'm not about to give up now. Not when I am so close to getting everything I want.

[Unsettling music]

Gabi: Oh good, you're here.

Chad: What the hell are you doing here?

Gabi: What does it look like? I'm free. I thought you'd want to be the first to know. This is ava.

Evan: Just in time for some leftover donuts.

Sonny: I can't stay long. But I do have some news, and I just felt I needed to deliver it in person.

Evan: Should I sit down for this?

Sonny: Will didn't kill my mom. It was my aunt maggie.

Evan: Wow. Are you sure?

Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. I just found out last night. Apparently, maggie blacked out and she didn't remember any of this until yesterday. But now it's starting to come back to her. She remembers going to her car. She remembers being at the scene of the crash.

Evan: I don't understand. Didn't will confess?

Sonny: Yes but that's because he thought he was guilty. He was looking at his phone, he wasn't looking at the road, so when he heard my mom's car crash, he just assumed it was his fault. Will has been in prison all this time for a crime he did not commit.

Ciara: We need to find some hope, ben. We are so close to proving you're innocent.

Ben: We thought that before.

Ciara: Yeah, but this time it's it, ben. This is it. I can feel it, okay? All right, I'm headed to the police station, but I'm gonna have my cell on me. Call me whenever you get a chance, every hour, if possible, okay? Promise?

Ben: Promise.

Ciara: And I'm gonna need you to do something else for me. I'm gonna need you to promise me that you're gonna try to be a little bit more optimistic.

Ben: How can I not be optimistic with you fighting for me?

Ciara: See, now that's more like it.

Ben: I love you so much.

Ciara: I love you more. Call me later, okay?

Ben: I will. Will. What's going on?

Will: Um... maggie turned herself in last night for killing adrienne. The guard just told me. Apparently, his cousin works at salem pd and filled him in.

Ben: I thought she couldn't remember anything about what happened that night.

Will: I guess she does now.

Ben: Will, that's great news. You'll be getting out of this place.

Will: Yeah, I'm not sure what's gonna happen next.

Sarah: Well, thank god mom's out on bail. I'll call her as soon as I can, but right now I have to get back to mickey.

Xander: Sarah, please, I just-I want you to understand.

Sarah: What I understand is that you and victor let will go to prison for something that he didn't do. His life, his marriage was destroyed because everyone thought that he killed adrienne, and he didn't, and you knew it, and you said nothing.

Xander: Everything I did, I did to protect your mom. She loved adrienne so much, victor was afraid, and so was I, that the guilt could tear her apart.

Sarah: What happened was terrible, and my heart goes out to my mom, but I am also so proud of her for having the courage to come forward and take responsibility for what she did, instead of living a lie, which is obviously easy for you and victor to do.

Xander: Hey, there was nothing easy about it. Our priority was maggie. Look, your mother may seem like a very strong person, but underneath all that steel she's way more fragile than she lets on. She's had a hell of a year. Falling off the wagon, losing adrienne, victor's stroke. So yeah, we lied to protect her. Because victor's afraid, and so am I, that... she won't survive prison. Or the guilt.

Maggie: I'm so sorry.

Justin: Maggie, now is--it's just not a good time right now.

Maggie: There's no good time. There never is a good time. Not after what I've done.

Justin: Well, at least you're out on bail.

Maggie: I don't want to be, and I don't deserve to be. But victor's lawyers are--

Justin: Did their job.

Maggie: Look, I know that you don't want to see me again or speak to me. But justin, please, I need to talk to you.

Justin: Okay.

Chad: So you actually did it. You leveraged a child's life to get out of jail. You, uh, must be really proud of yourself.

Gabi: Well, I think even the phoenix would be impressed at how I got all the charges against me dropped.

Chad: How do you live with yourself?

Gabi: What is with the attitude--I am saving a child's life.

Chad: You're saving yourself.

Gabi: Okay, I have regained my freedom so that I could raise my little girl, and all I have to do is undergo a tiny medical procedure.

Chad: You know what's funny about those little tiny medical procedures is people can do these really wild and crazy things while you're unconscious and they can plant these explosive pacemakers inside of you.

Gabi: Please, no one will dare mess with me--not when they need my bone marrow to save little mackenzie's life.

Chad: Ugh. You are disgusting. Get out of this house.

Gabi: Correction--my house. And I'm not going anywhere. Too many after parties?

Maggie: There's no excuse for what I did-- driving drunk and blacking out. And I swear to you I didn't remember a thing until yesterday and if I had known sooner--

Justin: Adrienne would still be dead.

Maggie: The damage is done. Adrienne is gone, and will spent all that time in prison for a crime that I committed. And his marriage to sonny is... god, justin, I have just shattered your family.

Justin: Drunk driving can do that.

Maggie: I know I can't undo what I've done or make up for what I've taken from you. But I just wanted to come and to tell you how sorry I am.

Ciara: Rafe. Hey.

Rafe: Hey.

Ciara: Have you heard anything yet?

Rafe: Just got off the phone with my fbi contact--she said she's checking the dna sample with every criminal database, so it could take a while.

Ciara: Okay, rafe, I don't have a while! Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, it's just that we're running out of time. Ben's execution is in a few hours.

Rafe: Ciara, I understand the urgency--I just don't know what you want me to do.

Ciara: Okay, well, maybe can you call them again or something, please?

[Phone rings] Hey, maybe that's it.

Rafe: Yeah.

[Phone beeps]

Will: I mean, it's not a given I'm gonna go free.

Ben: What are you talking about? Someone confessed to the crime you've been locked up for. You're going home.

Will: I still can't believe this is...happening.

Ben: Well, I'm damn glad it is. That you were gonna serve out your time protecting maggie--thank god she came forward with the truth. She saved you from yourself.

Will: Is it weird to say that I'm almost gonna miss you? I-I--damn, I wish this was happening for you. I wish you were getting the hell out of here and going home instead of--

Ben: Instead of getting the hell out of here in a box.

Will: I-I refuse to accept that. That's not gonna happen. I mean, look at me, right? Everything was against me, and I'm getting out, so I'm in the same--the same is gonna happen for you.

Ben: You sound just like ciara. She's actually got a new lead. She's not giving up. But even if she finds something, it's probably gonna be too little, too late.

Will: My money is on ciara coming through for you. I just wish there was something I could do.

Ben: You can help me fill this out.

Will: What is that?

Ben: It's my request form for my last meal.

Gabi: Well, since you seem to be out of cupcakes to celebrate my release, why don't I pop open some champagne? Good stuff.

Chad: You can drink alone. Be my guest.

Gabi: Why don't I just call shin instead, huh? Have him reconsider firing me. I mean, with the charges dropped, I'm pretty much innocent, right?

Chad: You'll never be the head of dimera again.

Gabi: Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but, you know, one thing is certain. As stefan's widow, this is my house.

Chad: For the moment. But it won't be long before we get rid of you once and for all.

Gabi: Yeah, you and your body snatcher dad. Good luck with that.

Chad: Um, just, uh... just talking to you gives me a headache, so I'm gonna go get some aspirin. Enjoy being queen of the manor while it lasts. Maybe lose the wedding dress.

Gabi: [Sighs] I'm going to burn this dress. It's so good to be home.

Steve as stefano: Is it now?

Gabi: Oh! Expertly tailored eyecare.

Rafe: Yes, this is rafael hernandez. I never got the first or second letter, and I've been checking my mail every day. Can you tell me what it's about? Really? Yeah, well, thanks for the call back. I will be in touch. Okay.

Ciara: What's going on?

Rafe: Just seems my adoption process has hit a bit of a snag.

Evan: Will is innocent. That'S...huge.

Sonny: It is, yeah.

Evan: So not to make this about me, but to make this about me, what does that mean for us?

Sonny: Honestly, I have no idea, okay? My head is just all over the place right now. You know I care about you a lot, and that's why I needed to come here and see you in person. But will--

Evan: Is the love of your life. You've always been up front about that.

Sonny: The only reason that we were getting divorced is because I thought he was the one who killed my mom.

Maggie: I love adrienne so much. I'll never forgive myself for what I've done.

Justin: Maggie, if you came here for absolution--

Maggie: No, that's what I'm asking. All I can do is take responsibility for my actions, and to let you know that I am gonna plead guilty.

Justin: Victor and his lawyers might have something to say about that.

Maggie: But it's not up to him. It's my choice. Just like it was my choice the night I got into my car and I ended adrienne's life. And I changed your life and sonny's life and will's life forever. I'm so pleased that you found comfort and love again. I know how close kayla and adrienne were. I'd like to apologize to kayla, if I--

Justin: She's not here.

Maggie: Well, I mean, if could just--

Justin: She's not here! I'm sorry.

Maggie: All right.

Justin: Maggie, I'm sorry. You know what, now is just not a good time. I really don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm sorry. Please.

Maggie: Okay. I understand.

[Somber music]

Steve as stefano: Hello, gabriella.

Gabi: Well, if it isn't steve-a-no, the essence of stefano in steve johnson's body. I don't know how that works, but I do know that the salem pd will be very interesting in knowing that you are here.

Steve as stefano: I doubt the police will be in any mood to hear anything you have to say. Although the exploding pacemaker--very impressive. Sounds like something I would have done back in the day. Do you know I once had dr. Rolf implant a chip in vivian's tooth to control her behavior?

Gabi: Really. You should have had her throw herself off a cliff.

Steve as stefano: Ah, no love lost, huh?

Gabi: I hate that bitch. It is her fault that stefan is dead.

Steve as stefano: Hmm. Yes, i regret that I didn't get to know my son. But I find it best not to look back. Better to look forward. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Gabi: It's kind of funny that you say that, considering that steve johnson had one good eye. Anyway, the point is, I could forgive you for scaring me and then we could work something out.

Ben: Can you believe that one of the options on here is chinese food? Ciara and I had chinese on our first date. It's just kind of our thing. I guess it doesn't really matter what the hell I choose, does it?

Will: Listen, miracles do happen. Right? I'm proof of that.

Ben: Yeah, you are. I'm so happy for you, will. But just in case the universe is fresh out of miracles for today, would you do something for me?

Will: Yeah, I mean, of course, anything.

Ben: If things don't work out, will you look out for ciara?

Will: No.

Ben: Will, listen.

Will: No, no, no, we're not-- we're not talking about it.

Ben: Listen to me, listen. She's so stubborn, man. And she's impulsive a-and...she's way too brave for her own good, and, man, the way she takes these curves on her motorcycle... it's gonna be really hard on her. She's gonna need someone. I know how much you love her, and she loves you. Just promise me you will look out for her. Please.

Rafe: Child welfare's been trying to get in touch with me about an issue with evan's background check. They sent me two letters. I didn't get either one.

[Suspenseful music]

This yesterday's mail?

Evan: Yeah.

Rafe: Hmm. Nothing else besides this?

Evan: Nope. That's all of it.

Rafe: Damn it. I need to deal with this.

Ciara: What, right now?

Rafe: Yes, right now, because evan is alone with my kid.

Ciara: All right, but what if the call about the dna sample comes in from your fbi contact?

Rafe: Okay, I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna get in touch with my fbi contact and tell her that she can tell you anything, okay? You stay here and I will be back as soon as I can.

Ciara: Okay.

Sarah: I get that you love my mom and that you want to protect her, but that doesn't excuse you and victor ruining will's life.

Xander: It's not like we framed him. Circumstances led will to assume that he was guilty, so we just went along with it.

Sarah: Oh, so that makes it okay?

Xander: It's not like will's an innocent in all this. He was texting and driving.

Sarah: Yes, but he didn't run adrienne and me off the road.

Xander: He didn'T. And maybe what victor and I did was wrong. But it allowed maggie all this time with her granddaughter, and I've seen the joy she has with that child, and I wouldn't take back a day of it. Would you? Maggie's happiness, and especially, especially yours... is everything to me. So... if I had to make the same choices again, I wouldn't change a thing.

Steve as stefano: Mmm. All that sass. My son may have fallen for it, but it won't work with me.

Gabi: Stefan didn't fall for anything. I loved him and he loved me.

Steve as stefano: You seduced him. It had nothing to do with love. It was about money and revenge.

Gabi: That's not true.

Steve as stefano: You, my dear, are a calculating, cold-blooded, soul-sucking user. And stefan was ripe for the picking when abigail broke his heart. My god, that boy had horrible taste in women.

Gabi: Stefan was the love of my life, and I...I will never get over losing him.

Steve as stefano: Those don't exactly look like widow's weeds to me.

Gabi: This was a mistake. I grieve your son every day.

Steve as stefano: So I'm supposed to feel sorry for you and let you live in my house and run my company?

Gabi: You know, I have to tell you, chad is weak, okay? He's weak. And kristen, she never really was your daughter, and she's a little--

Steve as stefano: Enough! Not another word about my children. Now you listen to me. You may have married into this family, but do not fool yourself into believing that because you're my son's widow that you will get anything from me. Not this house, and certainly not my company.

Gabi: You've not even you, you're an essence or whatever you are. Okay, we will see about that.

Steve as stefano: A word to the wise, gabriella. I could have done much more than scare you just now. So if you don't want to be reunited with the love of your life for all eternity, do not cross me.

[Ominous music]

For most patients that have

Gabi: You are a freaky, scary old dude. If that was even you.

Chad: Ah, figured you'd be gone.

Gabi: Oh, well, I got held up. I had a visitor.

Chad: Yeah? Who?

Gabi: Your father. You just missed him.

Justin: Damn it, stefano, where are you?

[Knock on door]

Steve as stefano: Oh, somebody's eager. I hope you took my warning seriously and didn't alert the police or anyone else.

Justin: I haven't said a word to anyone.

Steve as stefano: Smart man. You have my money?

Justin: Yes. All $10 million of it. But you don't see a penny until you return kayla to me.

Sarah: I know that you love my mom and mickey and me. But what you and victor did-- please promise me no more, xander. Because I know firsthand that lies always come out and they always have a way of making things even worse.

Xander: You're right. I promise. No more lies.

Sarah: So what happens now? Are you gonna get in--are you and victor gonna get in some legal trouble because of this cover-up? 'Cause that's gonna upset my mom even more.

Xander: I know. I don't know what happens next. Victor's so worried about maggie doing prison time, and I'm just worried about him. I don't think he can take it if maggie ends up behind bars.

Sarah: I don't believe we are not having this conversation. I can't believe any of this--that my mom is the one that killed adrienne.

Maggie: Can you forgive me?

[Phone rings]


Ciara: Hello? Yes, this is ciara brady. Thank you so much for getting back to us. So quickly--what happened? Were you able to turn up anything in the database search?

Evan: So what now? Will gets out of prison? The two of you pick up where you left off? Wedded bliss?

Sonny: I have no idea, okay? I haven't spoken to him. I don't know how he feels. I just felt you had the right to know.

Evan: I appreciate that.

Sonny: Rafe. Hey. Did you hear the news about maggie and that will's innocent? What does that mean? I mean, is he gonna be getting out soon?

Rafe: I will get those answers for you. But right now, I need to speak to evan. Alone.

Sonny: Oh, sure, yeah. Absolutely. And I'll be in touch, okay?

Evan: What's up?

Rafe: I just spoke to child welfare. And they said they sent me two letters, but I never got them, so what happened to them?

Evan: I don't know.

Rafe: You don't know. Really? It's never a good idea to lie to a police officer. Why did you take them?

Evan: I'm not sure what you mean.

Rafe: Yeah, I think you do. What are you hiding?

Evan: I'm not hiding anything.

Rafe: Then why'd you change your name?

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Gabi: For starters, to

Chad: My father was here?

Chad: My father was here? Why didn't you call the police?

Gabi: Well, I'm not exactly their favorite person right now.

Chad: What did he want?

Gabi: For starters, to scare the daylights out of me, and then to put me on notice that I will not get his company. You know, it almost sounded like he wanted to get the company back for himself, so if you're fantasizing about teaming up with daddy, I would just forget about it.

Chad: Where did he go?

Gabi: That-a-way.

Chad: "My dearest son, I know that I have kept you at a distance since my return, but the time is coming when you must know and understand my plan."

Steve as stefano: About kayla's return... it's not going to be that simple.

Justin: What the hell kind of game are playing?

Steve as stefano: No game. I just need one more thing from you before we seal the deal. And if you're thinking about getting your back up about that, just have a lot more to lose than I do.

Sonny: Hey, I'm afraid something came up, whitney. Is there any way that you could pick ari up from school? Oh, that is great. Thank you so much.

[Door closes]

[Emotional music]

Ben: I got your message. Do you have an update?

Ciara: Yeah. And it's huge. I spoke to the fbi, and there was a hit off of the dna sample we found on jordan. David's father did have a criminal record, ben, and we have a name.

Evan: Changed my name? What are you talking about? Why would I do that?

Rafe: I don't know. I don't know exactly why you did it, but I know your real name isn't evan frears. It's christian maddox.

Ciara: David's father's name is christian maddox.

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