Days Transcript Wednesday 2/26/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 2/26/20


Episode #13713 ~ Maggie makes a confession to Sonny; Chad gloats to Gabi that she's been fired from DiMera; Eli and Lani reunite; Justin is thrown when Steve shows up on his doorstep.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: I was hoping we could talk. May I come in?

Lani: I thought you said you wanted space.

Eli: Yeah. Yeah, I did say that. But that was until everything I thought I knew went straight to hell.

Lani: Then why are you here?

Eli: Because a couple of people made something really clear to me.

Lani: What people?

Eli: My mother and my grandmother. They made me realize that there's only one villain in this, and that's gabi.

Sarah: The da refuses to drop the charges against gabi. Does he not understand that our baby's life is on the line here? That gabi's bone marrow is the only thing that can save our baby?

Eric: Sarah, I told him all of it. The da is a law and order kind of guy. Look, maybe we can just find another donor.

Sarah: Look how long it took set up to find gabi. Eric, we do not have time. Mickey needs this transplant now. So we either need to convince the da to change his mind or I'm gonna go rip out gabi's bone marrow myself.

Justin: Kayla's still missing. She hasn't returned my calls. She hasn't returned to the hospital. Now, I know rafe spoke to you.

Chad: Do you really think that she was kidnapped by my father?

Justin: We checked the surveillance footage at the hospital. Okay, she left with a man wearing scrubs who could have been steve. Now, I know rafe is on the case, but I need to know if you've heard from stefano.

Chad: No, I've tried to get ahold of him. I've left him messages and he hasn't responded to me.

Justin: Okay. Well, if he does, please call me or rafe as soon as possible.

Chad: Yeah, of course.

Justin: Okay, thank you.

[Phone beeps]

[Knock at door]

Sonny: What did you just say?

Victor: I don't know what you think you heard, sonny, but, uh--

Sonny: You said that maggie killed my mom. That's impossible. We know that will did. Okay, he drove her off the road that night, right?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eric: Listen, I am with you on this. But the da is not gonna cave. He wants gabi behind bars.

Sarah: Well, then I guess we'll just go--

Eric: Wait a minute. Hold on. You know what, yelling gabi is not gonna get us anywhere.

Sarah: Oh, I'm gonna do a hell of a lot more than hell at her.

Eric: Whoa. Hold on. This isn't the answer.

Sarah: Then what is, eric? Because we have to convince this bitch to stop playing games. I can't lose my daughter.

Eric: You won'T. I have an idea.

Xander: Of course, it was will. He confessed he was texting and driving and caused the accident.

Sonny: Then, why did you say that maggie killed my mom?

Maggie: Sonny, I...

Xander: Maggie was feeling very guilty about the accident. Adrienne wouldn't have even been in the car if maggie had taken sarah to the hospital.

Sonny: Maggie, from what I've heard, my mom offered to drive sarah, okay? She wanted to. We all know that will is to blame for the accident, okay? You have no reason to feel guilty.

Maggie: Yes, I do.

Victor: Maggie, please. Don't do this.

Maggie: Will is innocent. I'm the one who caused the crash. I killed your mother.

Steve: You look tense.

Justin: Where's kayla? Where in the hell is kayla, you bastard?

Steve: If you ever want to see your precious kayla again, I suggest you unhand me, now.

Justin: Tell me where kayla is, steve. Please.

Steve: The name is stefano dimera. Now, do I need to repeat myself or would you like to be responsible for kayla's demise? That's better. Now perhaps we can negotiate the good doctor's return in a more civilized manner.

Justin: You're willing to let her go.

Steve: Of course. For a price.

Gabi: What the hell are you doing here?

Chad: I told the guard that I was delivering a message from your attorney. I lied.

Gabi: What's that?

Chad: Open it.

Gabi: Hmm. What's this for?

Chad: We're celebrating. And since they don't allow champagne in here, I figured this would work.

Gabi: [Snorts] So what, you're here to gloat?

Chad: Well, seeing you in that dress, cuffed to that chair-- yes. But there's also some other very exciting news to share. The board has unanimously voted to have you removed as ceo of dimera. Which means... you're fired.

Abe: Joanna, can you transfer me to the da's office? I want to find out why gabi hernandez turned down the plea deal.

Eric: Abe.

Abe: Joanna, look, I'll call you back. Yep.

Eric: I think we might be able to answer that.

Abe: So what do you know about gabi?

Eric: We were just with her. She turned down the plea bargain to angle for a better deal.

Sarah: And she's using our daughter as leverage.

Sonny: That doesn't make any sense. You were here that night. You fell off the wagon. You were passed out. You were nowhere near the accident.

Maggie: That's what I thought. Because I blacked out. But tonight, little bits and pieces started coming back to my memory. I got drunk. And I must have gotten in the car. Because I remember waking up on the side of the road.

Sonny: But that doesn't mean that you caused the accident.

Maggie: Do you remember what sarah said to the police? That the car that swerved into adrienne's lane was black? Will's is gray.

Sonny: It was dark, and she made a mistake.

Maggie: No. No, she didn'T. My car is black, and I was on the road that night. Will just assumed he caused the crash. But he didn'T. Sonny, it was me.

[Sobs] Humira patients...

Justin: It's really true? You are somewhere in poor steve johnson's body.

Steve: I prefer to think of it as my body. Now let's talk money.

Justin: No. No. No, before we do any negotiating, I want proof that kayla is all right.

Steve: Luckily, you are predictable. Ah, see? There she is, intact, holding today's copy of the spectator. Nice touch, don't you think?

Justin: You son of a bitch.

Steve: I thought you would be happy that kayla's still alive. At least for now.

Justin: I swear to god, if you lay one hand on her--

Steve: Down, boy. I have no intention of harming kayla in any way. She's much more useful to me alive than dead. That is, as long as you are willing to give me what I want for her safe return.

Justin: What is it that you want?

Steve: $10 million.

Chad: It's funny. After all that time plotting with my father, trying to find a way to get you kicked out, all I had to do was sit back and watch you self-destruct. I would ask you for your company badge, but I'm guessing it was confiscated when you were arrested by your own brother at your own wedding.

Gabi: Get out.

Chad: I'm not gonna lie. I've replayed that moment over and over again in my head. I'm thinking about it right now. It's pure gold.

Gabi: Go ahead. Make jokes. Be a jackass. 'Cause as soon as I get out of here, I'm gonna wipe that stupid grin off your face.

Chad: Several decades from now. I'm not too concerned.

Gabi: See, that's where you're wrong. I could get out much sooner than that. Actually, I could be getting out today.

Chad: You confessed to trying to kill julie in front of all the guests at your wedding. And then, you actually tried to kill her in front of all of the guests at your wedding. It's an air-tight case. There is no way in hell the da is gonna drop those charges.

Gabi: Unless I happen to hold the life of sarah and eric's precious little baby girl in my hands.

Abe: Gabi's refusing to donate her bone marrow unless all the charges are dropped? That's absolutely reprehensible.

Eric: Agreed.

Abe: Well, gabi's just outrageous. We--we--we can't allow her to manipulate the system.

Sarah: We're begging you, please, please, please, please convince the da to change his mind. You're his boss. He'll listen to you.

Abe: [Stammers] I'm completely, completely sympathetic to your situation. But gabi tried to destroy my daughter's life, and she would have killed julie williams if she hadn't been stopped. Now you're asking me to help her walk away unpunished? I just don't know that I can do that.

Lani: You said that you couldn't just turn off your feelings for gabi, even after everything that she's done.

Eli: Apparently, that was my pride talking. My relationship with gabi was based on lies, and not just the lies that she told me, but the lies that I told myself.

Lani: What do you mean?

Eli: Lani, I wanted so badly to get over you that I threw myself into another relationship. I mean, I worked hard to convince myself that I hated you. And then, when I saw you in a convent in italy, and then again on new year's eve, those old feelings-- they came back. I don't know; maybe I was just too much of an ass to admit it. So I steamrolled into a wedding with gabi because I was stupid enough to believe that it would help me get over you. And then when you showed up at the wedding all righteous and fierce, I saw the truth.

Lani: Which is?

Eli: That I don't want to lose you ever again.

Lani: So does this mean you don't hate me anymore?

Sonny: I can't believe this. All this time, I thought that will killed my mom.

Maggie: Sonny.

Sonny: He has been in prison for months. We drew up divorce papers because I couldn't get past what he did. Oh my god, I have to tell him. He needs to know the truth.

Victor: He already knows.

Sonny: He knows? What do you mean he knows?

Victor: He knows that maggie caused the crash. And he's agreed to keep it a secret. In america we all count. No matter where we call home,

Eli: I'm sorry. I am so sorry that I put you off.

Lani: You had a lot to absorb. And I was willing to wait, no matter how long it took. Because I knew that god didn't work this hard to not bring us back together.

Eli: God?

Lani: I prayed so hard that somehow you and i would come back together. And I really believe that god answered my prayers.

Eric: Abe, I'm not asking you to save gabi, I'm asking you to save my little girl.

Abe: I know, I know. You must know that my heart just breaks for what you're going through.

Eric: Listen, I understand you are conflicted.

Sarah: Abe, without this transplant, our baby will die. I know that you love lani so much, and I know that you want justice for her and for julie. But what if it was her? What if it was your daughter that needed this transplant? You would do anything to save her. You would give into any demands, no matter the cost, wouldn't you?

Justin: $10 million? You're stefano dimera, supposedly. You don't need kiriakis money.

Steve: Ah. If only that were true. But here's the thing. Steven johnson's body may have had its advantages. Can move about town freely. A bit of spring in my step. But no one wants to give me stefano dimera's money when I don't look like stefano dimera. Even my own children haven't cooperated.

Justin: Mm. I heard chad shot you. Too bad he didn't aim a little higher.

Steve: That was an accident. But then your lovely girlfriend fixed me up. So good as new. But now I've been compromised. My options are limited. So I need your help to shore up my finances.

Justin: I don't have that kind of money.

Steve: No. But your uncle victor does.

Sonny: I don't understand.

Victor: I spoke to will earlier. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone the truth.

Sonny: So he was willing to stay in prison, even if he knew he was innocent? Wait. Wait a second. Did you just say that you-- you talked to will before maggie remembered everything? Does that mean that you knew he was innocent? Answer me!

Victor: Yes.

Sonny: How?

Xander: The night of the accident, I found maggie passed out in her car by the side of the road. I called victor and had him take her home. When maggie woke up in her bed the next morning, she didn't remember a thing. So we thought it best it stayed that way.

Sonny: This whole time-- this whole time, you knew he was innocent? That he didn't cause the accident?

Victor: I was trying to protect maggie.

Sonny: And in the process, you had no problem throwing me and my husband under the bus! Challenge what soft can be.

Sonny: How could you do this? How could you let me and will think that he killed my mom? It tore my heart apart and my marriage and his life and my life! And you watched it happen! You did nothing, uncle vic!

Xander: Uncle vic did what he did out of love--

Sonny: Shut the hell up! Shut up! You make me sick! Both of you! And you!

Xander: Maggie didn't know any of this until tonight. This isn't her fault.

Sonny: She killed my mother! And you. How could you be this irresponsible when you lost a son to a drunk driver? Did you think of daniel for one minute before you got drunk and got behind the wheel?

Maggie: I'm sorry, sonny! I don't know why I did it. Whatever the reason, it was just unforgiveable, but I guess I was trying to get to sarah.

Sonny: Well, you got to her, maggie. You got to her! You drove her off the road, and you killed my mom!

Maggie: [Screams]

Sonny: You're lucky that you didn't kill your daughter and your grandchild too!

Maggie: [Sobbing]

Sarah: Please. Abe, please. Our children are everything to us. They're everything, and I can't--I cannot lose my little girl. Please.

Abe: No. No, you can'T. And you won'T. We have to put mickey first. I'll talk to the da.

Sarah: Oh my god, thank you. Thank you so much.

Eric: Thank you.

Abe: I have to warn you. This da doesn't like to be told what to do. So I don't know if I can convince him to make a deal.

Sarah: Can't you just fire him and then hire a da that will?

Abe: Well, there is this little thing called ethics.

Sarah: I don't--I don't give a damn about ethics, not if it's gonna save my baby's life.

Chad: You're a match for mickey horton?

Gabi: Yeah. Yes, my bone marrow can help save that baby's life.

Chad: But let me guess. You're only gonna agree to be the donor if eric and sarah can get the da to drop the charges.

Gabi: There you go.

Chad: You're gonna use a child's life as a bargaining chip. You're a mother. How can you be so cruel?

Gabi: Of course I don't want anything to happen to mickey. Please, stop. We could both win.

Chad: You are unbelievable.

Gabi: It's one of my best qualities, actually. You know, if you're don't here, you can run along. Actually, thank abigail for me.

Chad: For what?

Gabi: Well, if she hadn't mentioned that she was getting tested, I wouldn't have gone myself. So because of your cray-cray wife, I get a get out of jail free card and a cupcake.

Chad: Say the da does agree to drop the charges. Everyone in town will know that you used a child's life to gain your freedom. You'll be a social pariah.

Gabi: Ah, chad, do you really think I care? I will have my freedom. I will have my daughter. Nothing else matters.

Chad: You will have no job, no friends, no marriage. Eli, he won't be able to stand the sight of you. Your brother, he'll make all the right noises and he'll make people believe that he loves and supports you, but really, he won't be able to stand the sight of you either. You'll have nothing.

Gabi: Yeah. Well, I have come back from having nothing before. And I can do it again.

Eli: You know, you may be onto something. Someone definitely had a sit-down with my mother and my grandmother, because they were not letting it go unless I came straight here.

Lani: Well, they are very, very wise women.

Eli: And also capable of throwing lightning bolts if you don't do what they say. Look where it got us. Back in my old apartment, where we fell in love and we made so many memories for the future.

Lani: As thankful as I was for jj letting me stay here, it wasn't easy. Not with all the memories you and I created here.

Eli: What do you say we make some new memories? Jj's out of the country, right?

Lani: We have the whole place to ourselves.

Eli: Perfect.

Justin: You're not as sharp as you used to be if you think my uncle is gonna hand over that kind of money, especially to a sworn enemy.

Steve: He'll do it for you. For all of victor's bluster, he is a romantic. He wouldn't want to see you lose your lady love, especially not after you just lost your wife. I must say, you really didn't waste any time getting back in the saddle, did you?

Justin: Oh, shut the hell up.

Steve: No judgment. Your attentions kept kayla off my back. I wasn't sure she was going to accept those divorce papers, but you were there to soften the blow.

Justin: I sure as hell didn't do it to help you.

Steve: What's with all the animosity? You should be grateful to me as well.

Justin: Grateful?

Steve: Yes. Do you know steve johnson was on his way home to be reunited with his beloved sweetness when my people intercepted him? And since he didn't come back, kayla was free to help you pick up the pieces after adrienne died. All right? Yeah. It's a nice little home you've made for yourselves. If you don't want to lose it, I suggest you get me that money. And I will return kayla safe and sound. Then I'll quietly disappear. And with steve johnson out of the picture for good, you will again have kayla's full attention and you can get on with living your version of happily ever after.

We are the thrivers.

Justin: Kayla and i love each other. I'm not threatened by steve johnson.

Steve: Oh, you should be. He is her ex-husband. The love of her life. Hmm? You're just the consolation prize. As long as I'm around, kayla will do everything she can to get steve back.

Justin: Is that even possible?

Steve: No. But we both know she'll never stop trying.

Justin: And she shouldn'T. No one deserves what's happened to steve.

Steve: It's worked out pretty well for me.

Justin: Steve, if you're in there, you need to fight. You need to remember who you are. You had a mother. Her name was jo. You had a little sister named adrienne. They loved you. You were married to kayla. She loves you. You have children--

Steve: Oh, no, no, no.

Justin: Joey.

Steve: That's enough.

Justin: Stephanie.

Steve: That's enough. Kayla tried that too. You know, she looked deep into my eyes. Tried to contact steve. Begged him to come home to her. But steve johnson is gone forever. Now, you listen to me. You are the only person who can help kayla now. Whether she lives or dies is up to you. So I suggest you ask victor for that 10 million, posthaste. And if you're thinking of contacting the police, don'T. It would be a fatal mistake. I'll be in touch.

Victor: Please, sonny, don't blame maggie. It was an accident.

Sonny: Maybe. But what you two did was no accident. You made a stone-cold decision to allow my husband to take the fall for a crime that he didn't commit. And now we're gonna get him out.

Victor: You'll be condemning maggie to a life in prison.

Maggie: That poor boy has been behind bars for months because of something I did. And that ends tonight. Do you know how much I loved your mother? The light that she brought into our lives? Her kindness and her devotion to her family? She was an inspiration to me and to everyone who knew her. That I'm responsible for taking her away from you and your father-- oh, I wish it had been me that lost her life that night.

Victor: Maggie.

Maggie: I can never make it up to you for what I've done, but I'm going to try. I'm just so sorry, sonny. More than you'll ever know.

Chad: You know, it's gonna be hard to come back from nothing when nobody wants you. There's no way in hell the board's gonna take you back after everything that you did. It would be too much bad press.

Gabi: I don't think they have a choice. See, kristen, she's got a worse reputation than mine. And your daddy is a wanted man who's running around in steve johnson's body. You're the idiot who was enabling him. I don't think they're gonna put you in charge.

Chad: If I had known what my father was up to--

Gabi: But you didn'T. You took orders from somebody claiming to be stefano dimera. You didn't even know who he was.

Chad: It is my father.

Gabi: Right. Yes. His essence is inside steve. Are you serious? You think shin is gonna have confidence in your judgment? He's gonna be begging me to come back.

Chad: Even if the da does drop the charges, you will never come back to dimera. I will do everything in my power to make sure of it.

Sarah: He's been talking to the da for an awfully long time. That can't be a good sign.

Eric: Hey. We've got to keep the faith.

Sarah: I cannot believe our luck. Out of all of the people that could be a match for mickey, it had to be that conniving witch.

Eric: But we got a match. Which means now, mickey's got a real good chance.

Sarah: You're right. I should focus on the positive. Mickey will get better. As long as the da gives in to gabi's demands. So? What did the da say?

Lani: What? What? What's wrong?

Eli: I was just thinking that I am really glad that I came over here and that I got over myself. But I do have one regret.

Lani: What?

Eli: That I didn't tell you something earlier. I don't know; maybe I-- maybe I was afraid. Maybe I was scared of getting hurt. But that's what love's about, right?

Lani: Love?

Eli: Lani, I love you. And I never stopped.

Lani: I love you too.

Gabi: Wasn't exactly expecting you to come here.

Abe: I want you to just shut up and listen to me. I hate what you did to my daughter. You're vindictive, heartless beyond reason, and after the way you tried to kill julie williams, I believe you deserve to spend the rest of your life behind bars. However, a baby's life is at stake. And while it twists my guts to say this, you're getting your devil's bargain.

Gabi: Thank you.

Abe: No, no. Please don't thank me. Oh, there-- there is one more thing. Eli went to see lani. And I suspect that they are working things out as we speak. You know, as much as you may have regained your freedom, I'm very happy to say that you have lost eli, for good.

Sarah: Mickey has a chance. Oh, she has a real chance. You were right. You were right. We just--we just had to believe.

Eric: You know, abe convincing the da to drop the charges against gabi was a real miracle.

Sarah: I can't wait to tell my mom and xander!

Eric: Hey.

Sarah: I was just about to call you. What are you doing here?

Maggie: I'm turning myself in to the police.

Sonny: All this time, I thought it was you. I thought my mom died because of you. But it wasn't your fault. It was never your fault.



Justin: Uncle vic! I need to speak to you!

Sonny: He's not here, dad.

Justin: Sonny. What's going on? What's wrong?

Sonny: You need to sit down, dad. There's something I need to tell you.

Chad: There. There we go. Right back where you belong. Yeah, it would have been nice to have you in the flesh. Why didn't you just turn yourself in? That way, we could have actually gotten some answers.

Steve: Sorry, son. I'm not about to give up now. Not when I am so close to getting everything I want.

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