Days Transcript Tuesday 2/25/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 2/25/20


Episode #13712 ~ Maggie confronts Xander and Victor about the night of Adrienne's death; Gabi makes a last ditch effort to avoid prison; Valerie and Julie urge Eli to work things out with Lani; Sarah and Eric are faced with a difficult decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Lani: [Sighs] Jj, I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Yeah, thank you so much for letting me stay at your place. Nope, it's just me and the plants.

[Knocking at door] Oh, you know what, I'll talk to you soon, okay? Take care. And sending so much love to you and your family. Okay, bye. Dad. Hi.

Abe: Hello, sister. I would like to make a donation to the convent. Oh, that's right. You're not really a nun. You've been lying to me about it for over a year.

Valerie: You haven't touched any of the food.

Eli: Not sure I'd be able to keep it down anyway.

Valerie: You really tied one on last night, huh?

Eli: When I was supposed to be tying the knot. I mean, can you blame me for getting drunk? The woman I was engaged to has been making a total fool of me for over a year.

Gabi: You and I both know what prison is like, and I am not going back there a single day.

Eric: There are serious charges against you.

Gabi: Well, the way I see it, you two are gonna make those charges go away.

Eric: How?

Gabi: I don't know. But if you want my bone marrow to save your sick baby's life, you're gonna figure it out.

Eric: Wait, you have a chance to save a little girl's life, and now you're gonna hold that over our head?

Gabi: The way I see it, I have a chance to save not just mickey's life but mine too.

Xander: Looking out for maggie is the right thing to do. Sonny will get over will. He did it before.

Victor: No way sonny can stay married to a man that killed his mother.

Maggie: Except will didn't kill adrienne, did he? No one told me, if that's what you're wondering. I finally remembered.

Xander: Are you all right? Talk to me.

[Maggie groans]

Maggie: Xander. What--what are you doing?

Xander: I'm looking for sarah.

Maggie: I was on the road the night that adrienne died.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Victor: I don't know what you're thinking, but obviously you're confused.

Maggie: No, I'm not confused. I was on the side of the road the night adrienne died. And xander knows it because he's the one who found me.

Xander: Maggie.

Maggie: How could you lie to me about something so big?

Lani: Dad, I am so sorry I didn't tell you the truth when I came back. I hated lying to you.

Abe: You've been lying to me a lot longer than that.

Lani: Because gabi gave me no choice. Julie's life was on the life if I didn't do what gabi said.

Abe: I understand why you left eli, even why you felt you had to leave salem. I can forgive all of that.

Lani: Okay, then why are you so upset with me?

Abe: You suffered in silence for over a year and not once, once, did you feel like you could come to me, your father, for help.

Eli: I was one of the top agents in the fbi. I was a police detective. Hell, I was commissioner of the salem pd. How did I miss the signs?

Valerie: You were in love.

Eli: Mom, I let lani lie to me. She said that she didn't love me enough, and I believed her. How could I be so stupid?

Valerie: What you are, eli, is proud. And lani may not have taken her vows, but she'd be one of the first people to say that pride goeth before a fall.

Sonny: Hey. The door was open. I hope you don't mind if I just popped over.

Evan: Of course. Anytime.

Sonny: I know that you're probably busy, but do you have a minute to talk?

Evan: What's wrong? You look upset. Is this about will?

Sonny: It's about gabi.

Gabi: I know what I'm saying must sound horrible to you, but...

Eric: Gabi, our little girl is gonna die if you don't step up and do the right thing.

Gabi: And I am sympathetic to that, eric, I am. I have a daughter too. I am a mother, okay? And I was ripped away from my child once before. I vowed to never let that happen again. I am just--I really want to help you. I'm just not in a position to be unselfish.

Sarah: And so you're blackmailing us with our daughter's health?

Gabi: Look, call it whatever you want, sarah. Just like mickey, I am fighting for my life here. We can work together. I see no reason why we can't all get what we want. Managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough.

Lani: You have no idea how badly I wanted to come to you, dad.

Abe: Why didn't you?

Lani: Because I couldn't take that chance. To the rest of the world, gabi was this generous widow who donated her dead husband's heart to a woman that she didn't even like. But to me, she was this evil bitch who was gonna kill that woman if I didn't leave eli at the altar. Julie's life was hanging in the balance, dad. So how could I come to you? How could I say anything to anyone?

Abe: And only you knew the truth.

Lani: Yes. Only I knew how low gabi was willing to sink to hurt me.

Abe: She had everyone fooled.

Lani: Especially eli and julie. Thank god she was finally exposed before she got to marry eli. Now, people can finally see her for the murderous witch that she really is.

Eli: I don't see what pride has to with gabi making a fool out of me.

Valerie: Eli, honey, you have such a big heart, but you are not an expert when it comes to dealing with the women in your life.

Eli: I guess you're right. I mean, I knew that gabi did terrible things before I fell in love with her. But I stupidly put that aside. I missed what was happening right under my nose and it almost cost julie her life.

Valerie: Okay, honey, please, you can't blame yourself.

Eli: Yeah, but how could I be so blind, mom? How did I not see that gabi only cares about herself?

Gabi: You know, everybody thinks I'm the worst person in the world, but they've conveniently forgotten that I saved julie's life.

Sarah: You want some kind of a prize for acting like a human being?

Gabi: No, I want you to understand that I'm not a monster.

Eric: Then why did you tamper with julie's pacemaker? Or try to blackmail lani into dumping eli? Or how about why you just tried to kill julie? Or those actions of a good person?

Evan: I heard from rafe that gabi was arrested at her wedding. They're saying it was attempted murder.

Sonny: Yeah, that's the charge.

Evan: The article on "the spectator" made it all sound pretty awful.

Sonny: Well, I was just with her, and, uh, it's all true unfortunately.

Evan: Wow.

Sonny: Gabi is a very, very complicated person. And I hate what she did. And now she's gonna plead guilty.

Evan: So what does that mean?

Sonny: It means that she's gonna go to prison for 10 years. And with will locked up, I'm gonna be the only parent that ari has left.

Maggie: I want you to be honest with me.

Victor: Honest about what? These outrageous conspiracy theories?

Maggie: Enough, victor. Xander, when you found me in the car that night on the side of the road, you told me I was drunk, although I have no memory of taking a glass to my lips that night.

Victor: You said summer brought you a bottle of vodka.

Maggie: And the tragic news that she was dying. And that I was to blame.

Victor: But you never left the house.

Xander: Where's sarah? Maggie, where the hell is sarah?

Maggie: You were so worried. You were looking for sarah. I was--I was groggy, but I remember telling you that adrienne had taken sarah to the hospital, not me. But from the moment I woke up the next morning with no memory of what happened that night, I thought, "oh, thank god, I never left the house." But I did. I did, didn't I? I drank from that bottle and I got in the car.

[Breathing shakily]

Eli: Julie can give you a long list of the things that gabi's done. I mean, she murdered my cousin, nick. And I won't even begin to tell you what she did to chad and abigail.

Valerie: You're not listening to me.

Eli: No, I am. You said that I'm proud.

Valerie: You're too proud to accept that anyone could fool you who has bad intentions.

Eli: What does it matter?

Valerie: It matters because you're sitting here blaming yourself when you've been tricked, when none of this is your fault. It matters, eli, because you're wasting time getting drunk and feeling guilty when there are better things you could be doing.

Eli: Like what?

Valerie: Like getting your life back together. Like fixing things between you and lani.

Eli: I don't think that's possible.

[Door shuts]

Julie: Why the hell not?

Abe: Gabi's in police custody. And by all rights, she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but the da is offering her a deal.

Lani: Wait, what kind of deal?

Abe: In exchange for a guilty plea, ten years, no chance of parole.

Lani: Well, ten years is a long time.

Abe: After what she did to you and julie, it could be a lot worse.

Lani: You know what, dad, I don't want to talk about it anymore. I am just so happy that the truth is out, eli is free, and julie is safe.

Abe: And you're able to move on.

Lani: I spent a year away, trying to find peace. And all I did was think about what gabi did to me and plot my revenge. It is time for me to move on.

Abe: Well, especially now, there's no reason why you and eli can't be together.

Lani: I don't know about that.

Sarah: So it's just like it was with julie. You have no problem saving a life, as long as there's something in it for you.

Gabi: You know, when your family came and begged me for help, I did--I gave in. I gave them stefan's heart. I regret every single day saying yes. I should have let julie die and wither.

Sarah: You sick bitch!

Eric: Hey! Hey, hey, sarah.

Gabi: You keep her away from me.

Sarah: You are lucky that eric is here to keep me back.

Gabi: Oh yeah, why is that? What would you have done?

Sarah: I'd break your boney little neck and take all the bone marrow I need.

Evan: There's not much worse than what ari is about to go through--losing her mom.

Sonny: Well, you've been helping david deal with the same thing, right?

Evan: Except his mom's never coming back, and he's too young to understand that.

Sonny: Of course.

Evan: But, of course, he'll find out eventually.

Sonny: Yeah, and it's important to be ready with answers.

Evan: Can I show you what I was working on?

Sonny: Is that a scrapbook?

Evan: Yeah, rafe asked me to track down a bunch of pictures of jordan, starting from when she first to salem all the way up until the end of her life.

Sonny: For david.

Evan: Yeah. So that he can, you know, have something to remember his mom by. That way, when he does eventually ask, he'll at least have this.

Xander: I'm sorry, maggie, but what you're describing, it didn't happen.

Maggie: So you say I'm wrong about what happened that night.

Xander: No, I'm saying that what you're ascribing to memory must have been a dream, 'cause it certainly isn't reality.

Maggie: So it wasn't a dream, it really happened, and it was my worst nightmare. I have to know the truth.

Victor: The truth is that you passed out in the house that night.

Maggie: I asked you to stay out of if, victor. Xander, you and i have grown close. I had my doubts, but I watched you support my daughter, and how you looked after her and her child.

Xander: You know I love sarah.

Maggie: Yes, and I trust that you will look after her and her child. And I am trusting you to tell me what happened. What really happened?

Victor: What is the point of all of this?

Maggie: You were looking for sarah. You found her on the side of the road, the same road that you found me on. So tell me, xander. I need to know. Was I the one who caused my daughter's accident? How do you get skin happy 24/7?

Maggie: You can't even look at me. Tell me what happened. Am I the one that caused the accident?

Victor: Of course, you didn't cause the accident. Will horton is the sole person responsible for adrienne's death.

Xander: I'm calling because you need to send someone to come and get her. If the police notice her car, they're gonna investigate and arrest her for sure.

Maggie: I remember xander calling you and telling you to come get me.

Victor: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Maggie: You know what happened.

Victor: Of course, I know what happened.

Maggie: The two of you worked together to keep the truth from me. I mean, it's obvious the way you keep looking at each other.

Victor: We keep looking at each other because this whole thing is so outrageous. Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of the whole thing. I mean, I'm barely out of the hospital.

Maggie: And that's no excuse.

Victor: I just almost died from a stroke. You're the one that kept saying I had to be stress-free.

Maggie: Well then, cut the act and come clean. Victor, I know you're trying to protect me. You're my husband, and I'm asking--no, I'm begging you. If you love me, please tell me the truth. Did I kill adrienne?

Xander: All right, maggie. You want to know? I'll tell you everything.

[Dramatic music]

Sonny: This is really amazing. Rafe's gonna be so happy with it.

Evan: I wish I could do more. For david, these are just pictures. Doesn't replace having a parent.

Sonny: You really love him, don't you?

Evan: It has been my privilege to be here for that little guy.

Sonny: Well, he's lucky to have you too, you know. I mean, not every kid gets to be raised by someone like you.

Evan: Well, if you ever need any help with arianna, I'm here for you too.

Sarah: I'm calm. I'm calm. Let go.

Eric: Are you sure?

Sarah: Yes.

Eric: Okay.

Gabi: You want to hurt me. I get it. I'm a mother too. I get--I get your pain at the possibility of losing your child. So why is it so hard for you to understand mine?

Sarah: Maybe I'd be a little sympathetic to you if you weren't such a heartless bitch.

Gabi: I get it. You don't care about me. But what about my daughter? Okay? She's already dealing with having one parent in prison. What's gonna happen to her if she loses another?

Sarah: So just because your daughter has suffered, you're okay with others suffering?

Gabi: Don't you get it? You don't--you're missing the point here. Okay, nobody has to suffer. I'm not gonna add to my daughter's pain, okay, and I will do whatever it takes to save your child. After you two get me out of here.

Julie: First of all, I don't remember you booking a pity party at my restaurant.

Valerie: Well, you'll have to excuse your grandson, julie. He's a bit hungover today.

Julie: Hmm. I excuse nothing. Snap out of it, eli. You're finally free of that she-devil gabi, and lani, she's still madly in love with you. What are you waiting for?

Eli: You do realize that up until a couple of days ago, you were that she-devil's biggest fan. And you practically did nothing but push us together.

Julie: She fooled me too, darling.

Eli: And need I remind you that you treated lani like something you scraped off the bottom of your shoe?

Julie: After she left you at the altar, I think we all felt that way.

Valerie: Yes, and now, we all know how wrong that was.

Julie: She gave up her chance at happiness to keep me alive.

Eli: Yes, grandma, I know.

Julie: I'm sure she cares about me. I'm sure she does, but I know the real reason she did it. Because she loves you so much. She loves you so much she didn't want gabi to hurt you.

Abe: I don't understand why you can't be together with eli. You loved each other.

Lani: Dad, I never stopped loving him. It's the reason I walked away.

Abe: Well now, he knows that you left him out of love. That changes everything, right?

Lani: I wish it were that simple.

Abe: Well, why can't it be?

Lani: Dad, because a year has passed by, and we are different people. And after speaking with him earlier, I don't know if we'll ever get back the love we had before. Expertly tailored eyecare.

Sonny: Thank you for the offer. I know that ari has really connected with you on her play dates with david.

Evan: Better not call them play dates in front of your daughter. She insists that she's the babysitter.

Sonny: Yes, I know. Tell me about it. She actually, like, claims we owe her back pay. I mean, she drives a really hard bargain, that little one. I remember, this one time, she was telling will-- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Evan: It's okay. I know you have your hands full with everything that's happening with gabi. But you did say you were going to the prison to speak with will about the divorce papers. Did you get a chance to talk to him?

Sonny: I did.

Evan: And?

Victor: Xander, go ahead, tell maggie she's wrong.

Xander: But she's not. I was on my way to find sarah when I saw your car, and yes, I called victor to bring you home.

Maggie: I knew it.

Xander: But you're making a huge leap here, maggie. You had nothing to do with the accident.

Maggie: Well, if that's the truth, then why did you keep it from me for this whole year? Why didn't you just tell me that I was on the road that night?

Xander: Didn't seem relevant.

Maggie: Relevant? Relevant? Adrienne died. I wasn't at the hospital when my granddaughter was born.

Xander: We brought you home for your safety, and luckily no one was hurt.

Maggie: Adrienne died.

Xander: Because of will. He was already there when I arrived at the scene.

Maggie: You're sure?

Xander: He admitted the whole thing.

Victor: So you see, maggie? I mean, even if we would lie to you, why would will ever admit to killing sonny's mother if it weren't true?

Sonny: Will said that the divorce papers were confiscated as part of the investigation into ben's escape.

Evan: That doesn't make sense.

Sonny: I don't know. He just said they took everything from his cell, just to be sure.

Evan: But you'll get them back?

Sonny: When I was at the police station, I did hear that ben turned himself in, so, you know, hopefully they'll return will's stuff.

Evan: I hope so. I know this has been painful for you, but if I'm being honest, I'm really ready for you to be divorced.

Abe: I saw how tortured eli was when you left. I think he would give anything for another chance.

Lani: Dad, this is really hard for him to process. He spent a year hating me and falling in love with gabi.

Abe: Because she was lying to him.

Lani: And he knows that, intellectually, but I just don't know if that's easy to turn your feelings on and off.

Abe: Are you saying, after everything she did, that he still has feelings for gabi?

Eli: Lani lied to me.

Julie: To keep me alive.

Eli: Yes, but she could have come to me instead of humiliating me and ruining my life. She could have trusted that, together, we'd find a way to stop gabi.

Valerie: Okay, whatever you think about lani's decision, there is only villain here, and that is gabriella hernandez.

Eli: I'm not saying that lani is a villain.

Julie: Well, she isn'T. She's a heroine. I mean, thank god that she and jj stopped gabi from getting control of my new pacemaker.

Eli: Yes, grandma, believe me, I'm grateful for what she did.

Julie: Well then, don't forget about it, and show some understanding to lani. As for gabi, she's finally gonna find out that payback is as much of a bitch as she is.

Eric: You're expecting us to get you out of these charges?

Gabi: Talk to the da.

Sarah: You want us to explain how you're blackmailing us?

Gabi: Look, the state has a clear choice to make. It could take its pound of flesh from me or it could set me free so that I can give my bone marrow to your daughter.

Eric: You really are out of control.

Gabi: I'm just trying to hang on to the little control I have left, okay? It is within the da's power to save mackenzie. If he's not willing to do what it takes to make that happen, then her death will be on his head, not mine. As a caricature artist,

Lani: I may not have become a nun, dad, but I learned that if we want god to forgive our trespasses, then we have to forgive those who trespassed against us.

Abe: Even gabi?

Lani: All I am saying is that sometimes we just don't fall out of love with someone because they hurt us.

Abe: Gabi didn't just hurt eli. She lied to him.

Lani: Dad. Dad. Dad.

Abe: Every second. She nearly killed his grandmother.

Lani: I am not comparing what gabi did to what I did. But I hurt eli too.

Abe: Well, he can't possibly be holding this against you.

Lani: Dad, where are you going?

Abe: I am gonna go talk to eli.

Lani: To say what?

Abe: If he doesn't understand that you only lied to him because you loved him so much...

Lani: Dad, he understands that, but his heart has been broken badly, twice. So for me to expect him to just feel the way he felt before I left him at the altar--it's hardly fair.

Abe: And what about you? What's fair to you?

Lani: Dad, please, can you just give him the space to heal? Okay, I can't push him.

Abe: All right. All right. If he has any common sense, he'll come around on his own.

Lani: I hope you're right.

Abe: Okay, sweetheart. I will--I'll let you know if gabi decides to take the plea or take her chances in court.

Lani: Thank you.

Abe: I'm just glad you're back. You have to promise me that if you get in trouble again, you'll come to me, no matter what.

Lani: Dad, I promise. Okay? I love you so much.

Abe: I love you too.

[Door shuts]

Eli: Grandma, of course, i hate what gabi did to you, but--

Julie: But? How can there possibly be a "but" at the end of that sentence?

Eli: I was with her for a year. I loved her.

Julie: Darling, true love is based on trust, and gabi did nothing but lie to you. So whatever you felt for her, it wasn't real.

Eli: Grandma--

Julie: No. Don't "grandma" me. Gabi stole away a year of your life. Don't let her stop you from one moment more being with lani.

Valerie: I agree with your grandma. You need to be with lani. And you need to be with her now.

Sarah: I cannot believe that gabi might actually go free after what she did to julie.

Eric: It's not right. But the only thing that matters right now is saving our little girl's life.

Sarah: What kind of a person uses a baby's life as a bargaining chip?

Gabi: Sorry, little mickey, but I've got to do what I've got to do. Let's hope your parents love you enough to save us both.

Sonny: I know that we've been, like, dancing around things a lot lately. But just given what I'm dealing with, I just don't know if I'm ready to be involved with anyone.

Evan: I understand. And I would never, ever push you.

Sonny: And you haven't, you know? You've been absolutely amazing and you've been patient. I love spending time with you. You know, I feel really good when you're around.

Evan: Right back at ya.

Sonny: Well, I should go check on ari. But I'd really love to see you tomorrow.

Evan: I would like that too.

Sonny: Thank you. For listening.

Evan: Anytime.

Sonny: This is great.

[Evan sighs]

[Paper rustling]

Evan: "Dear mr. Hernandez, this is our second attempt to reach you about the issue with the background check of david's caregiver, evan frears. Please contact us as soon as possible."

Maggie: I don't think will lied about causing the accident. I don't think he knew.

Victor: How could he not know?

Maggie: Well, he always said that he didn't remember crossing the yellow line into the other lane, and so he just assumed that he did it because there was no other explanation.

Victor: He was texting and driving.

Maggie: And I was drinking and driving.

Xander: Why not just let it go? Will pled guilty. It's been decided.

Maggie: Let it go? Pretend I wasn't on the road that night? Will's car was gray. Sarah always said that the car that ran them off the road was black, like mine. Tell me. Tell me I'm wrong! Tell me it was a dream or a hallucination or that the facts don't point to me. Oh god, oh god, oh god.

[Sobbing] I killed adrienne. I killed adrienne.

[Sobbing] I'm bad.

[Soft dramatic music]

Eli: I forgot what this felt like.

Lani: I didn'T.

[Knocking at door]

Valerie: So julie, what should we drink to?

Julie: Oh, to true love.

Valerie: Yes.

Julie: And to us. For convincing eli to finally go see lani.

[Glasses clink] Oh, but there's something else.

Valerie: Ah?

Julie: To gabi finally getting what she deserves.

Valerie: To justice.

Julie: Yes.

Both: Mmm.

Julie: Hey.

Valerie: Oh, hey.

Julie: Hi, honey. Come join us. We're drinking here. To justice.

Abe: Oh, well I'm here with an update on that very subject.

Valerie: About gabi?

Abe: Yeah, I just learned from the da that she rejected a plea to serve ten years in exchange for entering a guilty plea.

Julie: Well, she can't possibly think she's gonna win at trial. Not after what she pulled at the wedding.

Valerie: I mean, she confessed her crimes in front of everyone.

Abe: Maybe she's confident she can beat the charges.

Julie: She could never convince a jury, right?

Abe: I wouldn't think so. But gabi must know that, and that makes me worried she's up to something.

[Ominous music]

Sarah: Did you talk to the da about gabi?

Eric: Yes. I did. I explained the situation. I told them how we needed gabi to be released so she could donate bone marrow to mickey.

Sarah: And?

Eric: He said he wouldn't even consider it.

[Suspenseful music]

[Line trilling]

Evan: I'm in trouble. I need your help.

Maggie: So it was me. And you both covered it up. You let will take the blame. You sent an innocent man to prison for something I did.

Victor: Yes, damn it, woman, it was you. You made a mistake. It's over and done with now.

Maggie: And what about will?

Victor: Will knows.

Maggie: What?

Victor: He knows the truth and he's agreed to keep it quiet.

Maggie: Why?

Xander: The same reason we kept it quiet, to protect you.

Maggie: Oh, that's why he wanted to see me. He was asking questions about that night.

Victor: No, he just found about it. Up until now, he honestly believed that he was the one that drove adrienne and sarah off the road.

Maggie: But he's given up his whole life.

Victor: That was his choice. No one needs to know that you're the one that really killed adrienne.

Sonny: What?

[Somber music]

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