Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 2/24/20
Episode #13711 ~ Maggie wrestles with unsettling memories; Gabi uses a stunning revelation to her advantage; Ben and Ciara are separated once again as he's escorted back to prison; Victor pressures Will not to expose Maggie.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: Ben, what are you doing here?
Ben: I'm turning myself in.
Ciara: You can't do that.
Ben: No, these guys need to know the truth, ciara. You only helped me get away because I made you do it.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: Right. Right. Yeah, right. "Just take the deal," right? It's so easy for you to say because your life is not the one that's gonna be a living hell for an entire decade. So just shut up, okay, sonny?
Sonnyfine. Okay, but the da said you do not have much time to make this decision.
Gabi: I don't need time. I already know what I'm gonna do.
Sonny: So... what are you gonna do?
Gabi: [Sighs] Ten years is a long time. But what choice do I have?
Sonny: And you don't want to face a judge and a jury 'cause everyone in salem knows what you tried to do to julie.
Gabi: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. What was I thinking?
Sonny: Well, not about ari, that's for sure.
Gabi: Oh, my poor little girl! Sonny, now she's gonna have two parents in prison. And she's gonna have to deal with that for the rest of her life.
Victor: Look, I'll pull whatever strings I have to to get you out of here sooner. I'll see to it that your daughter never wants for anything. But please, don't tell maggie what you know. God was kind enough to take that memory of that night away from her. And I pray to god that she never remembers.
Will: You are a powerful man, victor. But you don't have any control over what goes on in maggie's mind. What are you gonna do if she recovers the memory on her own?
[Elevator bell dings]
Sarah: The oncologist wants to see us.
Xander: I'll wait here. They're just going in to see the doctor now.
Maggie: But-- but there's a match, right?
Xander: Yeah.
Maggie: Oh, so that's good news.
Xander: Yeah, there's a match. I guess victor told you. The second we got the news, he was like, "I have to tell maggie." So, uh, how is will?
Maggie: Fine.
Will: Um, maggie, what-- what are you talking about? What happened that night?
Maggie: May I?
Will: Oh, yeah.
Maggie: Yeah. Well, that night, my daughter went into labor and she needed me. I was drunk.
Will: Oh. Do you want to talk about it?
Maggie: Will, that night--
[Clears throat] You know there are no excuses. No one can make you drink.
Will: No. Maggie, what happened?
Maggie: Summer. You remember it was mother's day?
Will: Yes, I-I remember.
Maggie: Yeah, well, out of the blue, my daughter summer showed up with a shiny bottle of vodka... and the news that she was dying from liver disease and it was my fault. She was an alcoholic because of me. See, the problem is that I thought she was right. The guilt was overwhelming. And I... I thought that I'd feel so much better at the bottom of the bottle.
Will: I'm sorry. I--
Maggie: I just don't remember taking that first drink. But the next morning, my head was pounding. And I didn't remember anything about that night at all. Sarah went into labor. Summer showed up. I was supposed to take sarah to the hospital. I'd let both of my girls down. It was terrible.
Will: Maggie--
Maggie: But there was one good thing that happened. I don't know what stopped me from getting behind the wheel. But thank god I didn'T.
Will: Are you sure?
Xander: Maggie, are you all right? Talk to me.
[Distorted] Talk to me. Maggie, are you all right? Talk to me. Talk to me.
[Normally] Maggie, what is it?
[Distorted] Talk to me. Maggie, are you all right?
[Normally] Maggie, you're starting to worry me. What's going on with you?
Maggie: I'd tell you if I understood it myself.
Eric: Please, open it up. See who it is. Who's the match?
Sarah: Oh, my god. You're never gonna believe this.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lee: Cuff him.
Rafe: Yeah, my pleasure.
Lee: So you coerced miss brady into helping you escape?
Ciara: No, no, he didn't!
Ben: Her back was against the wall because of me.
Ciara: No. He's lying!
Ben: I knew if I kept going, you'd take it out on her, so I came back.
Lee: I want mr. Weston transferred to statesville as soon as possible. Your little sojourn on the outside is over. And your execution is back on the calendar.
Victor: Maggie was so drunk the night that she caused that accident that she has no recollection of it at all. Telling her that she killed adrienne would not just destroy her. So many other lives would be in shambles.
Will: Mm. Like your life and xander's life?
Victor: Will, I know what I'm asking of you. I promise... I'll make it up to you.
Will: Make it up? You think I haven't agonized over what this will do to maggie? Victor, that's all I think about. But I have a life too. I have a kid that I never see. Sonny's moving on with another man. Do you understand what that feels like?
Victor: I think I do.
Will: The only reason that we're getting a divorce is because he still thinks that I killed his mother.
[Dramatic music]
Victor: As I said, I'll... I'll do what I can to get you out of here. But until I do that, can you put your own feelings aside... and keep your mouth shut? Don't do it for me. Just think of maggie.
Will: You--you better work fast 'cause I really hate being in here.
Victor: So you'll do it?
Will: Yeah.
Victor: Good.
Xander: Are you feeling sick? Want me to get a doctor?
Maggie: I just--I just had one of those déjà vu things.
Xander: What do you mean?
Maggie: Well, it's--like, these déjà vu things are like, you see or you hear something that's just, like, ordinary and then something is-- it triggers something inside. And it says...that you've seen or you've heard it before.
Xander: Well, whatever it is, it seems to have really shaken you up. Have a seat. Yeah.
Maggie: My mouth. It's so--it's so dry all of a sudden.
Xander: I'll get you some water.
[Tense music]
Xander: Maggie, are you all right? Maggie.
Maggie: [Moans]
[Moans] Xander. What--what are you doing here?
Xander: I'm looking for sarah. Maggie, where the hell is sarah? Here you go.
Maggie: Thank you.
Xander: Did you have that déjà vu business again?
Maggie: No. It was much worse. I saw you. You were shaking me, and you were asking me where sarah was.
Sonny: I know you and will are worried about ari, but you can count on me. She's my daughter too. And I love her so much. And I'm gonna take such good care of her.
Gabi: Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I should just take my chances and fight this-- you know, fight this in court.
Sonny: Really, gabi? What are you gonna do? You gonna download an app that makes the jury deaf?
Gabi: It's not okay.
Sonny: Gabi, you need to start facing reality here. There is nothing you can do, nothing, to get around this. If you go to trial, the jury's gonna find you guilty and you could go away for longer than ten years.
Gabi: You're right.
Sonny: I will take ari to see you every chance I get. I promise you that.
Gabi: I don't even think she wants to see me.
Sonny: Are you kidding?
Gabi: Well, she's old enough to think I'm a terrible person.
Sonny: If she does, it's not gonna last, because if there's one thing I know about our daughter, she loves her mother.
Gabi: [Sobs] Oh, sonny. I have screwed things up so badly. What is wrong with me?
Rafe: Okay. Yeah, that works. Oh, he'll be on it. Okay. All right, there's a van at the courthouse ready to take you back to statesville. Let's go. On your feet.
Ciara: Wait, wait, wait. Rafe--rafe, can I please, please just have one moment alone with him, okay? This might be the last time I ever get to see him.
Rafe: One minute, okay? I'm gonna be right there, so don't you try anything cute, you hear me?
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Why did you come back?
Ben: I had to. Ciara, they were gonna throw the book at you.
Ciara: Did you hear that creep da? They're gonna execute you next week.
Ben: If I can't have you in my life, that life isn't worth it.
Ciara: Don't say that.
Ben: It's true. Ciara, I swear to god, thank you. Thank you for always believing in me and for everything you tried to do for me.
Ciara: I'm not stopping. I'm not stopping, ben. I have exactly one week to find david's father, and--and I won't give up on that. I'm gonna devote all of my time and everything I have to finding him, okay? I'm not gonna lose you. I'm not gonna lose you without a fight.
Rafe: Let's go. Time's up.
Ciara: No!
Rafe: Come on. Your minute is up.
Ciara: I love you so much.
Rafe: For god's sake. Come on.
Ciara: I love you.
Rafe: Ciara!
Maggie: Does this make any sense to you at all? Do you remember it? When you asked about sarah, your voice was--your voice sounded so panicked. Did I dream it? Or did it happen?
Xander: [Sighs] Oh, sarah. Did you find out who the match for mackenzie is?
Sarah: We did.
Xander: So who is it? Brady's son?
Sarah: No. It wasn't tate.
Eric: And it wasn't theresa either.
Xander: Really? Oh. Who was it? Don't keep us in suspense. Hills, you crush them...
Maggie: Well, our little angel, she fell asleep so quickly.
Xander: Yeah, well, she usually does around this hour. It's her nap time. I wonder how sarah and eric are getting on with our potential bone marrow donor.
Maggie: Well, this just has to work.
Xander: At least we have some hope now, eh? Maybe we can all just relax a bit. Maggie?
Maggie: Sorry.
Xander: Were you thinking about that dream you remembered?
Maggie: Oh, oh. That dream? No, I don't know. I mean, I really--I don't know. Was that--that mickey I heard whimpering?
Xander: I don't think so.
Maggie: Must be my imagination. I'm gonna go check on her.
Xander: Maggie, after you do that, maybe take a little lie-down yourself, yeah?
Maggie: Yeah, good idea.
Xander: [Sighs] You're back.
Victor: How observant.
Xander: So what happened? Did ciara tell will the truth?
Victor: Yes. But I got there before he had time to talk to maggie. He wanted to. Made that very clear.
Xander: So what's gonna keep him from talking?
Victor: Same thing that kept him today. He loves maggie, doesn't want to see her be hurt. Told him that if she found out that she was responsible for adrienne's death, it would be her undoing.
Xander: And will that be enough to shut him up?
Victor: I also told him that our family would take care of arianna always and that I would do everything that I could to get him an early release. I think we're pretty much covered.
Xander: Not quite.
Maggie: Well, xander is probably right. Ah. I remembered a dream.
[Chuckles] Or a nightmare.
[Tense music]
Xander: [Distorted] Talk to me. Maggie, are you all right? Maggie, where the hell is sarah? Maggie. Maggie, are you all right? Talk to me.
Maggie: What-- what are you doing here?
Xander: I'm looking for sarah. Maggie, where the hell is sarah?
Maggie: I was in my car. Why...was I sleeping in my car?
Will: [Sighs] Well, I gave victor my word, so no point in holding on to these divorce papers anymore.
Ben: Anyone ever tell you that talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity?
[Dramatic music]
I should know.
Gabi: So it's settled, okay? My mind is made up. The da is probably prowling around out there somewhere. Could you please find him and-- and tell him I'm gonna take the deal?
Sonny: So you're not gonna change your mind?
Gabi: You're right. Ten years is the best that I can hope for.
Sonny: Oh, hey. What are you two doing here?
Eric: We just got news that there's a bone marrow match for our daughter.
Sarah: And we found out that the donor is here.
Sonny: Are you saying that it's me?
Sarah: No. It's you.
[Dramatic music]
Will: Guess you must have missed this place.
Ben: Especially the food. It's fish sticks night.
Will: You got caught?
Ben: Yeah, but I got away.
Will: Well, then how did you end up back in here?
Ben: I turned myself in.
Will: Why would you do that? You're innocent.
Ben: Ciara.
Rafe: You're lucky. You're lucky that ben turned himself in, 'cause it looks like the da is not gonna pursue any charges against you.
Ciara: Great.
Rafe: "Great"? "Great"? That's all I got from you is "great"? I would've thought you'd be a little more excited. I mean, if it were me--
Ciara: What do you want me to do, rafe? What, you want me to just jump up and down, seriously? The man that I love might be executed next week for a crime that he didn't even commit.
Rafe: Well, yeah, a jury didn't agree. They didn't agree, and he lost three appeals, okay? Ciara, it's time to face reality.
Ciara: So, what--what, am i supposed to just--just be like, "oh, yeah, I guess this was a lost cause. I did my best"? No. No, rafe, I can't manage that. Ben has one week left to live. And I need to save him. And I need your help.
Rafe: My help? Even if I was willing to help, there's not one single lead. Not one.
Ciara: Okay. Okay, but, rafe, I have a theory.
Rafe: Okay, what theory?
Ciara: What if the person who killed jordan is david's father?
Gabi: My bone marrow is a match for your baby?
Sarah: A perfect match.
Sonny: I can't believe it. I mean, this is-- this is incredible.
Eric: Yeah, what it is is a miracle.
Sonny: I didn't even know you got tested, gabi.
Gabi: Yeah, it was the day of the wedding. I was with abigail when she got tested. I was there, but-- oh, my god, this is-- this is amazing.
Sarah: Yeah.
Sonny: Well, I'm sure you all have a lot to talk about, so I'm gonna go home and check on ari.
Gabi: Wait, can you please tell--can you give her a hug and a kiss and please tell her I love her?
Sonny: I will. But she already knows that. And I'm here for you, okay, no matter what.
Gabi: Thank you, sonny.
Sonny: I'll find the da on my way out.
Gabi: Thank you.
Eric: Gabi, I don't know how to tell you. I don't even have words right now.
Sarah: Neither do I. You're a match. You are the one person in the entire world who can save our baby's life.
Xander: I was just at the hospital with maggie. She started to have memories.
Victor: Of the accident?
Xander: Yeah.
Victor: Good god. What kind of memories?
Xander: Not much. She-- all she talked about was me shaking her, trying to get her to tell me where sarah was.
Victor: That's it?
Xander: Yeah. I told her it was probably just a nightmare that came back to her.
Victor: Well, it's gonna be our nightmare if she remembers anything else. Must have been triggered by her visit with will. Where is she now?
Xander: I suggested she lie down.
Victor: Good.
Xander: Hopefully, she'll-- she'll get some rest and calm down a bit and...maybe that will be the end of it.
Maggie: Xander. What--what are you doing?
Xander: I'm looking for sarah. Maggie, where the hell is sarah?
Maggie! Maggie! Why the hell did you get so drunk? You were supposed to be taking sarah to the hospital to have the baby!
Maggie: Oh, dear god.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempic®!
Will: Ciara knocked rafe out?
Ben: Yeah. And she told me to take off. I did. Then I got to thinking that when rafe came to, he'd end up running her straight to the police station and charge her. Couldn't let that happen to her.
Will: So you--you turned yourself in?
Ben: They had a van there in no time.
Will: What's--what's gonna happen to you now?
Ben: I guess they'll be moving me to death row soon.
Will: I mean, and there's-- there's nothing you can do?
Ben: No, I'm all out of appeals, man. Ciara won't give up, but... she knows I'm running out of time.
Will: Listen, I've known ciara all of her life. And that is one stubborn woman. Don't underestimate her.
Ben: No, I've learned not to do that. She even has her own theory of who really murdered jordan.
Rafe: I worked my butt off trying to find david's paternal father when I started the adoption proceedings. I wanted him to sign over his rights. I couldn't find him. Nowhere, okay? The guy, he, like, vaporized or something.
Ciara: Okay, but that doesn't mean that he didn't kill jordan.
Rafe: He wanted nothing to do with jordan. The minute he found out she was pregnant, he was gone.
Ciara: Did she ever talk about him?
Rafe: No. No. She would--she would never say very much about him. He meant nothing to her.
Ciara: Okay, so for all you know, things could have been really bad between them, right?
Rafe: Oh, my god, ciara, listen to me. There is not one shred of evidence that says he was in salem the night that jordan was murdered.
Ciara: So what, rafe? You don't have a positive id on ben either. And this entire case has been based on dna evidence.
Rafe: Yeah, and dna evidence doesn't lie.
Ciara: It can be misinterpreted. And you know that.
Rafe: If the killer was someone other than ben, the guy must have been wearing a hazmat suit or something. Ben's dna was the only dna we found on jordan's body, okay? Well, that and david'S. But david sure as hell didn't kill her.
Ciara: Wait a minute.
Rafe: What?
Ciara: My dad used to say that assumptions are the mother of all mistakes. So what if you just assumed that the dna was david's? What if it was really david's father's?
Sarah: Would you like me to explain the process of harvesting the bone marrow to you?
Gabi: [Stammers] Well, I'm not even--I'm not even sure what to do next. I'm not in a position to really do what I want.
Eric: Well, I'm sure if I go to the police or the da and let them know the situation of mackenzie's position, I'm sure they'll find a way to allow you to donate.
Gabi: Right.
Sarah: We can start with rafe because you know him and he has clout here, so--
Eric: Yeah. All right, I'm gonna do that. We'll keep you up to date on what we find.
Gabi: Can you just wait one--one minute?
Eric: Yeah. What is it?
Gabi: Well, I haven't said I'd do it.
Rafe: Every human being gets 50% of their dna from each parent. It's impossible that david's dna is an identical match for his father.
Ciara: But there had to have been a ton of similarities, right? I mean, isn't it possible, just a little bit, that the forensics team made a mistake?
Rafe: We tested. We tested david. It was his dna. I'm sorry.
Ciara: Okay, okay, well, what if--what if jordan was with david and david's father the night that she was killed? I mean, couldn't the techs have missed that?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I suppose. You know, anything's possible. Yeah. Just--I'll check the case file, okay?
[Dramatic music]
Will: So the person who really killed your sister could be david's father.
Ben: Ciara's theory.
Will: Okay. Do you have any evidence?
Ben: No, no, but-- no, listen, rafe said that jordan told him more than once that she didn't want david's father anywhere near her or near david. They had some major problems, will. She would never talk about it.
Will: No one's ever been able to track down the guy.
Ben: My case is circumstantial.
Will: Yeah, no witnesses or anything like that.
Ben: The only reason my dna was found on jordan was because I was the one who found her. I tried to revive her.
Will: Well, honestly, it sounds like a long shot. But I mean, it's not nothing.
Ben: I hope. It's my only hope of getting out of here alive. What the hell are you still doing in here, man? I thought you'd be a free man by now.
Will: Well, I should be, but, um, turns out that maggie was so wasted the night of the accident that she doesn't even remember she caused it.
Ben: How do you know that?
Will: Ciara told me. And maggie came to see me today.
Ben: What, you didn't tell her?
Will: I tell her and then she has to deal with the fact that she killed sonny's mom.
Ben: So?
Will: So I was trying to figure out what to do about that, and then-- and victor arrived and he--he said that it would--that the truth would kill maggie.
Ben: Okay, victor says whatever is best for victor. He wants to keep you quiet, right?
Will: Yes. I mean, definitely.
Ben: No, no. Screw that. Are you kidding me? You can't stay in here forever, will. You need to call sonny and tell him.
Will: I can't, though.
Ben: What do you mean you can't? Why?
Will: Listen, because I gave victor my word. I gave him--I gave him my word that I'd help protect maggie.
Ben: So what?
Will: [Stammers] Ben, if it was--if it was one of victor's other wives, then yeah, I would have told him to get lost. But it's maggie. Ben, it's maggie. It's the sweetest, gentlest, nicest person in the world. And victor's right. The truth would kill her. So yeah, I promised him I would not say anything.
Victor: Now, if maggie stays in the dark and will keeps his mouth shut, we should be okay.
Xander: That's a lot of ifs.
Victor: Yeah, I hope my meeting with will wasn't in vain.
Sonny: You went to see will? Why would you do that, uncle vic?
Victor: Well, for you, of course. Wanted to find out what was holding up the divorce papers. Told him you couldn't get on with your life until they get signed.
Sonny: Thank you for trying to help me, but I've already been to see him. I told him the exact same thing, uncle vic.
Victor: I found that out.
Sonny: So I'm guessing he told you that the papers were in his cell and then they were confiscated after ben escaped.
Victor: Yes. Hopefully, that will all get straightened out and you'll be able to get on with your life.
Sonny: Well, ari's home from school. And I have to go talk to her.
Victor: About gabi?
Sonny: Yes, and I'm dreading this conversation.
Xander: Well, at least you can say her mum's a hero.
Victor: Hero? Gabi?
Xander: Oh, I didn't get a chance to tell you. Yeah, she's the dna match for mackenzie. She can save her life.
Victor: How can that be?
Sonny: Beats me, but it's true. I was actually at the police station when eric and sarah came to tell her the news. It's an absolute miracle. So at least one good thing came out of today.
Xander: Well, he's having a rotten time of it.
Victor: Yes. His life would be a lot better if he knew that will was innocent, but... I love that boy, but I... have to do what I have to do to protect maggie.
Xander: Listen to me. Maggie's been in an accident. I talked to her. She seems fine. But she's had a skinful. She's passed out drunk. I'm pretty sure, but the thing is, her car's stuck in a ditch.
Maggie: Oh, dear god. Dear god. I was drunk. I had a blackout. Oh.
Sarah: What do you mean you aren't sure you want to do this?
Eric: Yeah, you got tested. You knew you might be a match. And you are. So why are you saying this now?
Sarah: Don't you want to save mickey's life?
Lee: Mr. Kiriakis says you want to take the deal.
Gabi: Mr. Kiriakis is wrong. You can take your deal and shove it.
[Tense music]
In america we all count. No matter where we call home,
Ben: Will, this is your life that we're talking about here. You can't just throw it away because you shook hands with some old crook like victor.
Will: Yes, trust me, I hear what you're saying. But you know what? We should be thinking about you. I wish somehow I could help ciara track down david's father.
Ben: Look, even if ciara finds the guy, we don't have any evidence. We don't even know if he's still alive. She could be tracking a ghost.
Ciara: What are you doing?
Rafe: I'm checking the csi profile. If there's anything to your theory, I would see it here.
Ciara: Okay, what does all that mean?
Rafe: Okay, those are three columns identifying each person's dna. We got jordan's, ben's, and david'S. Wait a minute.
Ciara: What?
Rafe: Jordan's and ben's are an absolute match.
Ciara: What about the baby's?
Rafe: Well, it was obviously good enough to be admitted into evidence, but... I see here there are some slight differences, which could be because it's a bad sample simply because it was taken from the body.
Ciara: Or it could be because it's david's father's dna.
Rafe: Well, we can't tell for sure without testing the guy.
Ciara: Okay, rafe, there has to be something you can do with this.
Rafe: There is, but it's a long shot.
Ciara: Tell me.
Rafe: Well, I can enter this into a federal database. And if david's father's dna somehow happens to be in there, we might be able to id him.
Ciara: Okay, rafe, then do it.
Rafe: Like I said, it's a long shot, okay? Don't get your hopes up.
Ciara: I don't care. This could be ben's only chance.
Lee: If you think you're going to get a better deal from a jury--
Gabi: This conversation's over. No deal.
Lee: You're making a big mistake.
Gabi: And it's a lot more paperwork for you too, huh?
Eric: Kidding me? What just happened?
Sarah: Why didn't you tell him about mackenzie and how you can save her life? Don't you know what this would mean to us? You have a daughter of your own.
Gabi: Yeah, that's right, I do. And I'm never gonna leave her again.
Eric: What does this have to do with mackenzie?
Gabi: Everything. You. You out of all people know what prison is like. I am never, ever gonna go back there again.
Eric: These--these are some serious charges.
Gabi: Well, the way I see it, you two will make the charges disappear.
Eric: How?
Gabi: I don't know. I don't know. But if you want my bone marrow to save your sick baby, then you're gonna figure it out.
Will: You know, if I were at the paper, I could help ciara somehow.
Ben: No, will--
Will: No, I mean it. Trust me, I got all kinds of ways to dig up dirt on people and track people down.
Ben: Look, I know what I was getting into when I walked into the police station today.
Will: Yeah, but--I mean, we can't--we're not just giving up. I mean, there's got to be something--
Ben: Look, look. We shouldn't be talking about how to get me out of here. We should be talking about how to get you out of here.
Will: Okay, listen. Part of the deal I made with victor is that he would pull some strings to help me get out early.
Ben: And you think he'll come through? Will, you know maggie caused the accident.
Will: Yeah, so what am I supposed to do, then? What am I supposed to do?
Ben: What do you think maggie would think of this? Would she approve of victor guilting you into staying here?
Will: No, she'd hate it, obviously.
Ben: No, she wouldn't allow it; you shouldn't either.
Will: Listen, I'm not just doing what victor wants me to do. I don't want maggie to find out about this.
Ben: So victor wins? It's bull. Will, you deserve to be with sonny and you deserve to be with your daughter.
Xander: Looking out for maggie is the right thing to do. Sonny'll get over will. He's done it before.
Victor: And there's no way that he can stay married to the man that killed his mother.
Maggie: Except will didn't kill adrienne, did he?
[Tense music]
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