Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 2/21/20
Episode #13710 ~ Will questions Maggie about the night of the accident; Sarah is shocked when she learns the identity of Mickey's bone marrow match; Ciara resorts to desperate measures to stop Rafe from arresting Ben; Gabi faces a bleak future.
Provided By Suzanne
[Tragic music]Ciara: I'm gonna work around the clock to make sure that I find david's father.
Ben: Thank you. Thank you for always believing in me.
Ciara: Always, ben, always. So do--do you need me to give you a ride into town or something or...
Ben: It's too risky. I need to go.
Ciara: Please be careful, ben.
Ben: I will.
Ciara: Be very, very careful.
Ben: I will. I promise you, I will. I will. All I'm gonna be thinking about is getting back to you. I love you.
Ciara: I love you too.
I'm gonna see you soon, okay? I'm gonna see you real soon. I'll see you so soon.
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Bingo. I was really hoping you weren't a complete idiot. End of the road, weston. Game over.
Gabi: You're not my lawyer.
Sonny: Do you really think a lawyer is gonna help you right now?
Gabi: Dimera's best attorney. Stefano didn't serve any time ever.
Sonny: Well, I don't think stefano ever tried to kill someone in front of a crowd of people.
Gabi: Don't do this to me right now, okay?
Sonny: I thought you wanted to see me.
Gabi: Yeah, but that was after I spoke with my attorney. This is a nightmare, sonny!
Sonny: Yeah, it is a nightmare. And I talked to my dad to ask him how this is gonna go down. He doesn't think there's a way that you'll avoid prison time, okay? So I'm here to ask you a very simple question. Who gets the fun job of explaining this to ari? Is it me? "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but your mommy has issues with julie, okay? So she tried to kill her multiple times."
Gabi: Just stop, okay?
Sonny: And and she adores julie, which is gonna make this wonderful. Do you forget your daughter exists? Because she doesn't forget about you.
Gabi: Just don't do this to me right now.
Sonny: And you're about to go to prison again. And this time, we don't know for how many years.
[Melancholy music]
Will: Maggie.
Maggie: It's good to see you, will. Although I was a little surprised to get your call.
Will: Well, thank you for coming.
Maggie: Of course. Why do you want to see me?
Ciara: What do you mean, the truth shouldn't come out?
Will: I'm just asking the question.
Ciara: Will, victor and xander had no right to let you take the fall for something they knew maggie did. And you know what? Maggie would not want you and sonny and arianna to pay for her actions.
Will: What if she didn't have to know?
Ciara: But she does, will. She does need to know. Everybody needs to know, including the authorities, so you can be set free.
Maggie: Will, what is it?
Eric: I'm so glad to hear that you and john are safe. No, there's still no word on a bone marrow match. Yeah, we all have to keep praying. Okay, well, I love you too, mom. Bye.
Nicole: You know what? The entire office staff volunteered to get tested, so one way or another, there is going to be a match.
Eric: I know, I know, I have to have faith, but mickey doesn't have a sibling, and that's her best shot. Neither sarah nor I are a match. The fact is, the odds are against us.
Victor: I've already told you why I wanted tate tested. You should be thanking me instead of dressing me down.
Xander: Victor just came back from the hospital. You shouldn't be stressing him out like this.
Brady: That's a very convenient excuse. You know, if he had the strength to contact theresa, he has the strength to give me a legitimate reason why he wanted to keep it a secret.
Victor: Unbelievable. Kristen is still getting inside your head.
Brady: Excuse me?
Victor: That crackpot obviously has you convinced there's some sort of a conspiracy going on here when there isn'T.
Brady: Don't! Don't insult her. We're together. Don't do that. Have some respect for us, okay? And speaking of respect, tate is my son. You want to have him tested or anything. I will arrange it. All right?
Xander: Understood. You can leave now.
Brady: Xander, just get out of my face.
Xander: Why don't you make me?
Victor: Oh good god.
Kristen: Come on, let's go.
Brady: I can't even believe that I came over here looking for answers from you two.
Sarah: Hello? I need to say something.
Victor: Bye, brady.
Xander: You heard him, cuz. Adios.
Brady: I don't take orders from apes.
Sarah: Shut up! Hi. Sorry. I have the most incredible news. The hospital called, and they have a bone marrow match for my daughter.
Victor: Oh, well, who is it?
[Suspenseful music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ciara: Rafe, please. I know you want justice for jordan, but this is not it, okay? Ben didn't do this.
Rafe: It's not your call.
Ciara: But it's the truth.
Rafe: Hey, you got proof? Bring it down to the station and give it to his lawyer.
Ciara: No, no, I don't have proof, but I think-- I think I know who--
Ben: Ciara, he's right. It's over.
Ciara: No, no. Rafe, if you ever cared about me at all, you will not do this. They've scheduled his execution date. It is next friday, and it's gonna be on your head that an innocent man was killed, rafe.
Rafe: Damn it, ciara, listen. He's already been tried by a judge and a jury. They did their job, and now I'm doing mine, and I don't have a problem with it.
Will: Well, uh, first, I'd like to say that I'm sorry to hear that mickey's chemo didn't work and if you haven't found anyone, I would like to get tested and see if I'm a match.
Maggie: Well, no, they haven't found a donor. I wish it could have been me. I so love that little girl. I'm sorry, you know. Thank you. Thank you for asking.
Will: Maggie, you don't-- come on, we're family.
Maggie: Yes, we are. I owe you an apology.
Will: Me?
Maggie: Well, I should've come to see you long before now. The truth is, it hurts me to see you here, because the worst night of your life was mine too. Seeing you is--it's, "there but for the grace of god go I."
Nicole: I know your faith is being sorely tested right now. Well, you know what they say about the faith of a child. Holly made this for you this morning. And in case you couldn't tell, it's you, me, holly, and mackenzie.
Eric: Why are we in burkas?
Nicole: We're not in burkas, we're in muumuus. We're in hawaii, celebrating mackenzie getting better.
Eric: It's beautiful.
Nicole: Look, I know we're not a conventional family, but we are a family, and we fought so hard to be together and nothing, nothing is gonna tear us apart now.
Sarah: I don't know who it is. They just said that they have a match. They have a match.
Xander: Oh, thank god.
Sarah: You know, I kept praying and every time, I said "you're a doctor," you know? "This is--you're asking for a miracle." But it is. It's a miracle. I have to call eric. They want us to come down to the hospital. I'm going to call from the baby's room. I'll be...
Kristen: Well, we know it's not one of us, so it has to be someone who just got tested.
Brady: Then it was theresa. Or tate.
Managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough.
Sonny: You know, this morning I actually found myself wishing that the prisons were coed so it could cut down on my drive time when I bring ari to see her mommy and her daddy.
Gabi: You're being horrible.
Sonny: I get to. I get to. I just want to reach across this table right now and smack you in the face, because you have this beautiful, gorgeous little girl that you care nothing about.
Gabi: That is not true.
Sonny: It has to be, and thank god she had an earache, or she would have been there to watch you try to zap julie to the next world.
Gabi: Lani did that. Lani did that, okay? She pushed me into a corner. I was trying to defend myself. She attacked me.
Sonny: No, she wasn't attacking you. She was telling people the horrible things that you have done, and you have done some horrible things.
Gabi: She killed stefan. She had to pay.
Sonny: [Scoffs] I don't even know why I bother talking to you.
Gabi: Don't tell me that i don't think about my daughter. That's my baby, and I love her. And now I'm gonna lose her. Oh god, it's just not fair.
[Melancholy music]
Will: Um, maggie, what are you talking about? What happened that night?
Maggie: May I?
Will: Oh, yeah.
Maggie: Well that night, my daughter went into labor, and she needed me. I was drunk.
Will: Oh. Do you want to talk about it?
Maggie: Well, that night-- you know, there are no excuses. No one can make you drink.
Will: Maggie, what happened?
Maggie: Summer. You remember it was mother's day.
Will: Yes, I remember.
Maggie: Yeah. Well, out of the blue, my daughter summer showed up with this shiny bottle of vodka and the news that she was dying from liver disease, and it was my fault. She was an alcoholic because of me. See the problem is that I thought she was right. The guilt was overwhelming, and I thought that I'd feel so much better at the bottom of the bottle.
Will: I'm sorry.
Maggie: I just don't remember taking that first drink, but the next morning, my head was pounding, and I didn't remember anything about that night at all. Sarah went into labor, summer showed up. I was supposed to take sarah to the hospital. I let both of my girls down. It was terrible.
Will: Maggie.
Maggie: But there was one good thing that happened. I don't know what stopped me from getting behind the wheel, but thank god I didn'T.
Will: Are you sure?
Eric: I'm gonna get this framed.
Nicole: Oh, holly would love that.
Eric: Yeah.
Nicole: So, hmm... I wonder who these are from. Huh. If I can get the card out.
[Both laugh] Oh. Eric, this is beautiful, but you already got me this, and it's perfect. Besides, valentine's day is over.
Eric: Says who? I told you, this time, it means it's forever. Like valentine's day, it doesn't just mean once a year. It just is.
[Cell phone rings] Excuse me. Sarah. Okay, what? What? Oh my god. Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll be right there. Okay, bye. It's a miracle.
Xander: Look, sarah will be back in a minute. Can't we talk about this later? Can't we give her a little--
Brady: Xander, first of all, this is none of your freaking business. You know that giving bone marrow--this is not like giving blood, granddad. This is a big deal. He's a little boy. More importantly, he's my little boy, so anything that needs to be done to him, anything, needs to go through me. You understand that?
Victor: Fine. Point taken.
Xander: So now can you leave? Sarah just found out her kid might not die. Do we really have to talk about all this crap right now?
Brady: It was so much easier to stomach when you were just running around blowing up power plants. Come on, let's go. I'm tired of talking to brick walls here.
Kristen: You've overplayed your hand once again, victor.
[Disquieting music]
Xander: So the match-- it's gotta be tate, right?
Victor: It would seem so.
Xander: Brady and kirsten are already so suspicious 'cause we pressed hard to get tate tested. I mean, they're stupid, but they're not that stupid. How do we explain this so we don't tip them off that mackenzie's actually their child?
[Uneasy music]
In america we all count. No matter where we call home,
Nicole: Brady, we just got the best news.
Brady: They found a match for mickey.
Nicole: Yeah, you knew?
Kristen: Mm-hmm. We were there when sarah got the call.
Nicole: You don't seem very happy.
Brady: Look, I love mickey. I want mickey to get well, but the match may be tate.
Nicole: Tate? But sarah told eric she didn't know who it was.
Brady: Victor being very victor, he had tate tested behind my back, and then immediately, there was a match.
Nicole: Tate? But wasn't that a long shot?
Brady: Exactly.
Kristen: Okay, wait, wait, wait. You know what? Why--how did victor, of all people, know to get him tested?
Brady: Right, and why did he insist that theresa keep it a secret from me? I mean, the only reason I found out was because of tate. He told me.
Nicole: It doesn't make any sense. Yes, eric and theresa are first cousins, but the odds are still astronomical.
Brady: And one thing I know about my grandfather is he doesn't do anything without knowing the odds.
Sarah: Eric, of course, is over the moon. I'm going to meet him at the hospital.
Victor: Did you tell maggie the good news?
Sarah: No, I can'T. They make you surrender your phones before you go into the visitor waiting room.
Victor: What are you talking about?
Sarah: Didn't she tell you? She went to go visit will.
Xander: Why?
Sarah: I don't know. He called her and he asked her to come and visit. I'm sure he's just lonely. I'm gonna go get mickey. Isn't this just the most wonderful day?
[Gentle music]
Xander: Why did will call maggie? Ciara must have told him the truth.
Victor: It would seem so.
Xander: I have to get over there.
Victor: No, I want you to go to the hospital with sarah. She can never knowing that anything's up. I'll have henderson drive me. Call me as soon as you find you find out if tate is the match? I'll have to come up with a cover story.
Xander: This is all starting to unravel.
Victor: We're not gonna let that happen. Maggie can never know the truth.
Maggie: Why would you ask me that?
Will: Well, you said yourself that you don't remember anything about that night. So how do you know that you didn't, you know, try to drive?
Maggie: Well, I don't know for sure. I just woke up the next morning upstairs in my bed. I just assumed.
Will: Okay. Maggie, I don't want to upset you, but um, I do remember everything about that night.
Maggie: Yeah, and god knows you've paid a terrible price. I know how much you've lost, and I'm so sorry. Will, aa is about second chances, and I hope and I pray that you'd get one.
Will: Me, too.
Ciara: Rafe, please. You looked the other way when my mom shot stefano.
Rafe: Yeah, and that was a really big mistake.
Ben: Ciara, he has no choice. He has to take me in.
Ciara: No, no, no, no, no, no. Think about david. Ben is the only family that little baby has left. Do you really want to be responsible for having him killed?
Rafe: Was he thinking about david when he killed his mother?
Ciara: He didn't do it, rafe.
Rafe: Ben, let's go!
Ciara: He didn't do it. How many times do I have to tell you he didn't do it?
Rafe: Now! Now, ben, step away.
Ciara: No, ben, just stay here, okay?
Rafe: Get your damn hands behind your back.
Ciara: Ben, please!
Rafe: Ciara.
Ciara: Stop it!
Rafe: Hands behind your back.
Ciara: No, rafe!
Ben: All right.
Rafe: Now!
Ben: All right!
Rafe: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Run. You run. You run as fast as you can, do you hear me? Run! Ever since we moved here, I've been noticing it.
Xander: So, um, what happens next?
Sarah: Well, um, we contact the match and see if he or she is still healthy and willing to donate. And then--then they will administer an intense chemotherapy to destroy mickey's own immune system, which will be brutal. And there's still so many things that can go wrong. I wish I didn't know so much about this.
Xander: Hey we have a match. Let's focus on that, yeah? She has a much better chance than she did yesterday.
[Somber music]
Kristen: Brady, you shouldn't have.
Nicole: He didn'T. They're for me from eric.
Kristen: Oh, you and eric are back together?
Nicole: We are.
Kristen: How nice. Brady and I are too.
Nicole: Ooh, lucky for him. Brady, I hope your life insurance policy is up to date.
[Cell phone rings]
Brady: Cut it out. I gotta take this. Excuse me.
Kristen: I'm waiting.
Nicole: For godot? For the robert E. Lee?
Kristen: For the apology you owe me.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Will: Actually, there is one thing that I don't remember about that night. I was driving, I looked down at my phone. I don't remember drifting into the other lane, but I heard a car honk, and the next thing I knew--
[Uneasy music]
Victor: Will, long time no see.
Maggie: Victor, what are you doing here?
Gabi: You know what, sonny? You don't need to remind me about ari, because you could not possibly make me feel worse than I already do.
Giddens: Ms. Dimera, I'm district attorney james giddens.
Gabi: I can't talk to you without my lawyer present.
Giddens: Fine, we'll put you in a holding cell, try and schedule something. Could be a week or two.
Gabi: I can't wait that long.
Giddens: Your lawyer and i are very busy, and we managed to work out a plea deal, but if you need him here before I explain it to you, that's your prerogative.
Gabi: So you worked out a deal? What's the deal?
Giddens: Pretty straightforward. Ten years in prison. No time out for good behavior. No chance of parole. That's the deal. Take it or leave it.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: Well, at least you didn't kill him.
Ciara: Ben, listen to me. You have to get out of here.
Ben: I can't get out of here. You're gonna be in a lot of trouble.
Ciara: No, ben, they don't want me. They want you, okay? And you need to get out of here before he wakes up, okay? I can't lose you, ben. I can't lose you, okay?
Ben: This is not goodbye.
Ciara: No, this is not goodbye. I'm gonna see you. I'm gonna see you as soon as I prove that you're innocent, okay? I love you.
Ben: I love you.
Ciara: I love you. Go, go! Go. Oh, god. This is ava.
Ciara: God. Rafe, wake up, please. Rafe, please be okay. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Rafe? Oh, thank god. Oh, thank god you're okay.
Rafe: What have you done?
Ciara: I'm sorry. Rafe, I had to.
Rafe: First, you help a wanted killer get away, and now you've assaulted the police commissioner? Where is he? Tell me where he is.
Ciara: No.
Rafe: Ciara, tell me where he is, or I'm bringing you in.
Ciara: Go ahead. Bring me in. It's not like my mom's gonna let you threaten me.
Rafe: What, your mom? Yeah, let me tell you something about your mom.
Gabi: 10 years? My daughter will be almost grown by the time that I get out.
Giddens: Yeah, you should've thought about that before you admitted in front of 30 or so wedding guests that you tried to kill julie williams. And then you gave it one last college try. Try to imagine how much I'd love to take this to trial. It was a wedding. People had phones in their hands to record vows. It's not often that you get to enter a video of attempted murder as evidence. If this goes to trial, I'll ask for a life sentence. Now, I'm trying to save the taxpayers' money. Ten years is a gift. Don't try my patience. Limited time offer, and the clock is ticking. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
Gabi: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, what have I done?
Victor: I understand you called my wife.
Maggie: Victor, I asked, what were you doing here?
Will: What did you want to see maggie about?
Maggie: He was telling me that he asked to be tested to see if he was a match for mickey.
Victor: That won't be necessary. They found a donor.
Maggie: They did? Who is it?
Victor: We don't know yet. Sarah took the baby to the hospital. She was looking for you. Wanted you to go with her.
Maggie: Well, of course. Will, you'll understand, won't you? I'll be back soon.
Will: Please tell sarah how happy I am for her.
Maggie: Bye, honey.
[Disquieting music]
Victor: Now, why did you really want to see my wife?
Sarah: Isn't it just the most wonderful news? I guess all those prayers worked.
Eric: Looks that way.
[Infant cries] It's okay. I can take care of her.
Sarah: No, no, no, actually, I will. She needs a new diaper.
Eric: So I hear you and sarah are together?
Xander: I imagine you have a problem with that.
Eric: I can't tell sarah how to live her life.
Xander you got that right.
Eric: But it doesn't help me forget the things that you've done, either. To women. If you ever hurt sarah or my daughter, you'll have to answer me.
Nicole: You want me to apologize to you for what?
Kirsten: For making brady go along with the lie that you two are together just to torment me.
Nicole: Let me get this straight. You push nurses down stairs when they deliver bad news. You take pot shots at brides who "steal your man." You put on a mask and pretended to be me just to get brady back in bed. You staged my daughter's death and I hurt your feelings? I have a real problem seeing you as fragile.
Kristen: I saved your life.
Nicole: And then you did everything you could to steal it back.
Kristen: You know, that poor nurse didn't just give me bad news. She told me that my baby girl was dead and I held my little girl in my arms once, and then I never got to see her again. I hate you, but I hope you never have to go through that much pain.
Nicole: Brady, who was that on the call?
Brady: That was theresa. She heard from the registry. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
Ciara: Rafe, why didn't anyone tell me? My mother was in prison thinking that she was someone else, and no one thought to tell me?
Rafe: We tried. Shawn tried. But I guess you were too busy harboring a fugitive to--
Giddens: What's this about harboring fugitives?
[Suspenseful music]
Gabi: Ten years. I mean, it might as well be 10 lifetimes to not-- to not hold arianna for that long. I mean, she's gonna be in college by the time that I get out. Oh, my god. I can'T. Look, I've done it before, and it was torture. It's just the worst kind of torture. Sonny, I can'T. I can't do it. I can'T.
Sonny: I know, I know. Gabi, you have to think about this case against you. Okay, they could've thrown the book at you. If I were you, I would take the deal.
Sarah: The oncologist wants to see us.
Xander: I'll wait here. They're just going in to see the doctor now.
Maggie: But there's the match, right?
Xander: Yeah.
Maggie: Oh, so that's good news.
Xander: Yeah, there's a match. I guess victor told you. The second we got the news, he was like, "I have to tell maggie." So how was will?
Maggie: Fine. I don't know what stopped me from getting behind the wheel, but thank god I didn'T.
[Somber music]
Will: Are you sure?
Xander: Maggie? Are you all right?
Will: Ciara told me that I didn't kill adrienne, that maggie was driving drunk and that she caused the accident, and that you and xander covered up for her by framing me.
Victor: Will, you confessed. You admitted that you killed adrienne. Of course, we believed you. We were just trying to cover up a drunk driving charge--
Will: The way you protected maggie cost me a year of my life, victor. A year of my life. It cost me my marriage.
Victor: So what are you gonna do now? You're gonna tell maggie your version of the crime to get back at me? Have you thought at all about what that would do to her, that she might have killed her own?
Will: Her own what? As a caricature artist,
Gabi: It's very easy for you to say, sonny, "take the deal, gabi." Yeah, you're not the one that's gonna have to live a decade in a living hell. So why don't you just shut up, sonny?
Sonny: Just remember, the da said you don't have much time to make this decision.
Gabi: I don't need time. I know what I'm gonna do.
[Sorrowful string music]
Well, ciara, nice to meet you. I'm district attorney james giddens. And if you don't tell us where ben weston is, it'll be my duty to charge you with aiding and abetting a fugitive, and then I'll prosecute you to the full extent of the law.
Ben: No need. I'm not a fugitive anymore.
Victor: Adrienne was like a daughter to maggie. She thought of her as family. Look, I'll pull whatever strings I can to get you out of here sooner. I'll see to it that your daughter never wants for anything. But please, please don't tell maggie what you know. God saw fit to take that memory away from her that night. I pray to god that she never, ever, remembers.
Xander: Maggie, are you all right? Talk to me.
[Echoing] Talk to me. Maggie, are you all right? Talk to me. Talk to me.
[Normally] Maggie, what is it?
[Echoing] Talk to me. Maggie, are you all right?
Brady: Theresa is not a match.
Nicole: What about tate?
[Dramatic musical crescendo]
Eric: Please, open it up. See what it is. Who's the match?
Sarah: Oh, my god. You're never gonna believe this. Last time I spoke with her and it was about 10 to 15 minutes ago.
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