Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 2/20/20
Episode #13709 ~ Kristen has an unsettling dream about Rachel; Sarah receives hopeful news about Mackenzie; Ciara shares with Ben her theory about Jordan's killer; Sonny asks Will why he hasn't filed the divorce papers.
Provided By Suzanne
Kristen: Hello?[Speech echoing] Is anybody here?
[Baby cries echo] Rachel? Rachel.
[Baby cries echoing] Rachel isabella, where are you? Where are you?
[Baby cries echoing] Don't worry, my love. Mommy--mommy will find you. Mommy's coming, rachel. Mommy's coming.
[Baby cries echoing] Rachel?
[Baby cries echoing] Oh, thank god. My precious rachel. Mommy's here. Mommy--
Brady: What? What is it? What's wrong?
Kristen: I had the most horrible dream. Our baby needed me, and I couldn't find her. I couldn't find her.
Brady: Hey. It's okay. It's okay.
Sarah: [Gasps]
Xander: Sarah, what is it?
Sarah: Oh, my god. Oh, I had the most horrible dream. I think that mackenzie died?
Xander: It wasn't real. It was just a nightmare. Mackenzie's fine. I just heard her cooing in her sleep. I promise you, she's perfectly safe, and so are you.
Will: Well, I mean, I'm not expecting any visitors. Sonny.
Sonny: I'm sorry about your grandfather.
Will: Oh. Oh, yeah. Thanks. But that can't be why you're here. Why--what's going on?
[Both gasping]
Ben: It's the police. They found me.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ciara: Okay, okay. Okay. You, get out the window, and I will stall them alright?
Chad: Ciara! Open the door.
Ben: It's chad. It's chad. We're okay.
Ciara: Okay.
Chad: What the hell are you doing? Surprise, surprise. What were you doing?
Ciara: We were asleep.
Chad: You-- I thought I made myself clear. Alright, I told you I wanted you gone by today. Yeah?
Ben: Yeah.
Chad: I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna come back here in one hour. If you are not gone, ben, I am gonna call the police. Got it?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: We got it.
Victor: For god's sakes, maggie, I had a stroke. I'm not some invalid that needs a wheelchair.
Maggie: I just wanted to get you home safely. And when you're up to it and you can manage with a cane, well, you can swing it at anyone who annoys you.
Victor: Thank you, maggie, for getting me out of that dreary hospital room.
Maggie: I missed you, my darling. And I'd much rather oversee your recovery here at home, where I can keep an eye on you. But let me very clear about this. You need to relax and embrace this peace and quiet. Okay? Because under no circumstances can you engage in anything that will cause you any anxiety.
Victor: Yes, dear.
Maggie: Victor, I mean it. If you don't want to end up back in the hospital, it is essential.
Rafe: Ah, maggie.
Maggie: Rafe.
Rafe: Victor.
Victor: What do you want?
Rafe: I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm here on official police business.
Sarah: You were right. Mackenzie's sound asleep, making those little--
Xander: Snuffling noises.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Xander: No sign of fever, and she had good color?
Sarah: Yeah. You would never know, looking at her, right? Just how sick she really is?
Xander: I know how scared you are, sarah. But we're gonna find a match.
Sarah: I know, we'll find a match. I know, I know, I know. That's what everyone keeps saying. And I keep praying for it. And I'm trying to stay positive. But then that nightmare was just a reflection of all of my fears bottled up inside me, just knowing that if we don't find a match, my baby could die.
Xander: You're not going to lose mackenzie. I promise you that.
Kristen: I was at the hospital, and I heard this baby crying, and I knew--I knew, brady, it was rachel. And I told her that mommy was coming, but I just couldn't find her. And then I know this sounds crazy--I know it does--but I have this strong feeling inside me that she is out there somewhere, and she needs my help, brady.
Brady: Hey. Shh. I know you miss her. I miss her too.
Kristen: Yeah, but she's our miracle baby.
Brady: I know. She was. She was. But we don't have her anymore. But we still have each other. And being with you again and touching you and feeling you, I just can't think of a better, a more perfect valentine's day than being with you, the woman that I happen to love very much.
Kristen: I love you too. And I love my new charm.
Brady: You do?
Kristen: I do.
Brady: But like I said, I don't just want to share sad memories with you. I want to make some new ones. Some happy ones. You're all I need. You are all I need. I don't know if you believe that, but that is the truth. So from now on, I want to start focusing on our future. You know? I want to fill this bracelet up with charms that symbolize our new adventures, our new memories, that we get to share.
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: Right?
Kristen: Yeah. Yeah. We have so much to look forward to, don't we?
Brady: We have a ton, a ton to look forward to. Our skin tells a story...
Victor: So why are you here? Don't you have your hands full dealing with your homicidal maniac of a sister?
Rafe: [Chuckles] Well, she's in custody, and, rest assured, she'll be facing the appropriate charges.
Maggie: I'm more concerned about arianna. With both parents in prison, dear god.
Rafe: She doesn't know yet, does she?
Maggie: Uh, no. No, once they get more information on what gabi is facing, then I'm sure they'll find a way to break the news to her.
Victor: Never a good time. But we'll do whatever we can for sonny's daughter.
Rafe: Great. That's great to hear. She's gonna need all the love and support she can get. But again, that is not why I'm here.
Maggie: Well, go on. What is it?
Rafe: The thing is, I have reason to believe that someone under this roof has committed a very serious crime.
Sarah: Xander? You have been my rock through all of this. I mean, you're always lifting my spirits, and you're keeping me positive. I couldn't do this without you. I couldn't get through this without you.
Xander: You'll never be without me, sarah. There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect you and our daughter.
Sarah: I know how much you love mackenzie. Maybe we should just be a little careful about you calling yourself her father in front of eric, though.
Xander: Eric's making a serious mistake if he overplays his hand about being that little girl's father.
Sarah: What do you mean?
Xander: Sorry, I didn't mean to disparage eric. I just meant you don't have to share dna with a child to be a good father to them, you know.
Sarah: I agree. Speaking of dna, I'm gonna call the hospital lab. So kind of abigail to get tested and try to round up any potential donors. God willing, one of them will be a match.
Xander: Let's hope so.
Kristen: I do not want to move.
Brady: I don't want you to move.
Kristen: But I think I should take a shower.
Brady: I could take on with you.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: I could. I could jump in--
[Cell phone rings] Oh, it's theresa. Hold on. Hold on. Hey. Yeah, oh, good. I'm glad it got there. I wanted tate to know that his dad was thinking about him on valentine's day and that he misses him. Theresa, can you put him on? Is he around?
Kristen: [Mouths words]
Brady: Thank you. Hey! Hey! How you doing, buddy? Did you like your present? I heard you did. Yeah? Really? What's that? Your mom took you to the doctor to get--what'd you say, some tests? What tests?
Will: I knew there used to be bad blood between gabi and julie, but I thought they'd moved past that.
Sonny: So did I.
Will: Where is gabi now?
Sonny: She's at the police station. So I was gonna go see her, but I wanted to, you know, fill you in first.
Will: Sonny, how bad is this?
Sonny: It's very bad. Will, she confessed in front of all her guests at the wedding, including rafe.
Will: My god.
Sonny: She's going to see prison time. And I just know how difficult that's gonna be for our daughter.
Will: Especially since I'm in here too. I mean, I'm so sorry that I'm not there to support ari. I mean, you--this should not all be on your shoulders.
Sonny: Well, I'm gonna do the best that I can. And, you know, ari is not the only reason I came here to see you today.
Will: What else?
Sonny: Will, why haven't you filed our divorce papers?
Emma, bathroom time. Alex.
Kristen: Is something wrong with tate?
Brady: No. But get this. Victor went behind my back and asked theresa to have herself and tate tested as matches for mackenzie.
Kristen: Tate told you that.
Brady: Yeah, apparently, he didn't know it was a secret. But theresa fessed. She fessed up to it.
Kristen: Well, I mean, she would do anything for maggie's grandchild.
Brady: Yeah, I mean, we all would. I mean, that's why we all volunteered to be tested. But this urgency to have tate tested, it's come up before.
Kristen: Right. I mean, I remember, back at eric's apartment.
Brady: Xander insisted that I communicate to theresa that tate needs to be tested right away. When I questioned him about it, he blew up.
Kristen: I mean, he is desperate to save a child's life, and I am willing to give him a pass for that.
Brady: Well, I'm not willing to give a pass to this. He can't meddle in my life after firing me shortly after I lost my daughter. Something's going on here.
Kristen: Like what?
Brady: I don't know. But I'm sure as hell gonna find out.
Victor: I can't imagine what you'd be investigating here. Last time there was a criminal living under this rood, it was will horton. And as you just said, he's behind bars.
Rafe: Yeah, I'm talking about ben weston. I assume you've heard he escaped from prison?
Maggie: Yes, it's all over the news.
Rafe: Well, as I'm sure you know, ciara and ben have had a history, and, well, I'm concerned that she might be helping him.
Victor: My granddaughter is far too busy working her way up in major corporation to be abetting a convicted felon. I happen to know for a fact that she's got a meeting at titan this morning. She texted me with questions.
Rafe: Alright, yeah. Well, I'm actually well aware of that meeting at titan. In fact, I was just there. Ciara was a no-show. Now, my guess would be if I asked to see your phone, those texts wouldn't be on it.
Maggie: Victor, what's going on?
Rafe: Well, he's lying to me is what's going on. And I'm just wondering why.
Victor: Just because my granddaughter took pity on a convicted murderer doesn't mean that she's ruthless enough or stupid enough to try and break him out of prison.
Rafe: I understand that. And I care about ciara too, very much. I don't want to see her in trouble. So if she happens to text you or call you or stop by, please let her know I need to speak to her right away.
Maggie: Okay.
Rafe: Good day.
Maggie: Dear god, victor. Ciara may have helped a death row inmate escape?
Victor: Oh, hogwash. You heard what I just said to rafe.
Maggie: Yes. And you were bluffing. You know as well as I do how much ciara loves ben. She would do anything to help him.
Ben: Chad's not messing around, ciara. I need to get out of here.
Ciara: Okay, and I'm coming with you.
Ben: No. You're not. We've been over and over this. Ciara, you need to stay here in salem. Hey, this is where your future is, your job, your family.
Ciara: How many times to I have to tell you, ben? I don't want a future without you. Look, I am not gonna let you die over a murder that you didn't commit. And you don't have to. Not if we find the person who really killed jordan.
Sonny: After we signed our divorce papers, you said you were gonna send them back to your lawyer.
Will: Yeah, I know.
Sonny: Okay, well, my dad called your lawyer, and he never received them. So what's the holdup?
Gabi: Will, you're innocent. You did not kill adrienne.
Will: There is a very good reason that I didn't file those papers. Something great from mr. Clean.
Will: Divorce is a huge decision.
Sonny: But we agreed. I mean, we admitted that it was over between us and that it was the right thing to do. Right? Because [Inaudible] You get over the fact that--
Will: Yeah, no, no, I-- yes, I know, sorry. What I mean is, I just wanted to read over the papers one more time.
Sonny: Okay. Well, I mean, did you?
Will: Yes, I did. I was gonna file them. But then something happened.
Sonny: What happened?
Will: Ben escaped, so--and the whole place was on lockdown till this morning, so there was no, you know, mail going--going in or out.
Sonny: Okay. Well, do you have them here? Do you have the papers? 'Cause then I can just go ahead and take care of it.
Rafe: Hey, chad.
Chad: Hey.
Rafe: Hey.
Chad: Any news on steve?
Rafe: No, I'm afraid not. We now actually have reason to believe that he has abducted kayla.
Chad: Anything I can do to help?
Rafe: Well, I'll keep you posted. Thanks.
Chad: Oh, then you must be here to get our statements about gabi's case then. But unfortunately, abby's grandfather passed away and she had to leave town.
Rafe: I'm sorry to hear that.
Chad: It's fine. I can give you mine. We actually--we saw gabi-- gabi was having a meeting in this house with the guy who raped--
Rafe: I'm not--I'm not--no, no, I'm not here about gabi. I'm looking for ben weston, and I need you to search your gatehouse.
Ciara: Ben, we both know that you didn't kill jordan. Right? But someone out there did. So I've spent a lot of time thinking. I've been thinking, who? Who could have done this? Who would have had a reason to do this?
Ben: Last night, you said you had a theory.
Ciara: Yeah, I do. Ben, what if it was the father of jordan's baby?
Maggie: It's bad enough that we're all so worried about mackenzie. And now ciara could--she could be in serious trouble too.
Victor: Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Maggie: Just like I said, this is supposed to be a stress-free zone.
Victor: Maggie, you know damn well I'm gonna do whatever is necessary to protect the people that I love, especially you.
Xander: Uncle vic. Welcome home.
Victor: Thank you.
Xander: Oh, I was just-- sarah's taking a shower. I was supposed to check on the baby. I should go.
Maggie: No, no, no. You know what? Let me. I haven't had a chance to give that little one a hug today. And it'll be my pleasure.
Xander: Thank you, maggie.
Maggie: Nice to see you.
Xander: Have you heard from theresa?
Victor: Last time I checked, she hadn't heard anything.
Xander: So check again.
Victor: I don't want to do that. Theresa may become suspicious. Now she thinks we're testing everybody we can get our hands on. Can't run the risk of someone finding out that we switched those babies.
Xander: We did it for a good reason-- the best reason-- to protect the women we love.
Victor: Maggie would never recover if something went wrong. That's why I would be willing to do the same thing all over again, even though brady has to suffer the consequences.
Brady: What consequences?
Victor: Xander and i were just discussing how titan is thriving.
Xander: With me at the helm.
Brady: As I recall, titan was doing just fine when I was ceo. And then I was fired for reasons that still haven't been explained to me.
Kristen: Yeah, and it turns out that titan's loss was dimera's gain. And basic black has been flourishing since brady came aboard.
Xander: Oh, is that why you're here, to gloat?
Brady: No, xander, I'm here because my grandfather got out of the hospital, and I wanted to know how he was doing.
Victor: Good as new, thank you.
Brady: Clearly. Since you've already begun sticking your nose into business where it doesn't belong.
Victor: What's that supposed to mean?
Brady: You went behind my back, granddad. You had tate and theresa tested as donors for mickey. I would like to know why.
Sarah: Yeah?
Maggie: Hi, darling.
Sarah: Mama.
Maggie: I looked in on our little angel, and she's asleep, looking very peaceful.
Sarah: Okay. She's been so brave through all this. Such a little trouper, you know?
Maggie: Yes. Well, she proved that from the start, when she was born on the side of the road. Yeah.
Sarah: I think about that night a lot. You know, adrienne being kind and offering to drive me to the hospital.
Sarah: It should have been me. I should have been there for you, instead of passed out drunk.
Sarah: Mom,
Maggie: No.
Sarah: No, we've been over this. Come on. You had no way of knowing that summer was gonna show up with a bottle of vodka and the news that she's dying. And you had a slip. But the good news is that you didn't get in that car and drive.
Maggie: But it was still a terrible accident.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, it was. But it doesn't do us any good to keep thinking about it or keep talking about it.
Maggie: Well, you're right, it doesn'T. And we need to focus on how lucky we are that you and little mickey survived.
Sarah: Yeah.
Maggie: Yeah.
Sarah: I'm eternally grateful for that.
Maggie: But adrienne-- you know, she was such a wonderful woman. She was so full of life and joy,
Sarah: Yeah, she was. She was. It was a-- it was a terrible loss.
Maggie: You know, I can't imagine how this is affecting will. The torture. That one lapse in judgment and one text that he couldn't wait to send. And he ended up killing sonny's mother.
Will: Actually, the warden took the papers. They confiscated everything in my room, just to, you know, see if I was complicit in ben's escape.
Sonny: Well, did they give you any idea when all of it would be returned?
Will: No, sorry.
Sonny: So we're gonna have to wait for the prison to finish their investigation or what, we're gonna have to start the whole process over again?
Will: Yeah. I mean, I don't know which one would take more time, honestly.
Sonny: Maybe my dad would know.
Will: Well, maybe we should just, I don't know, you know, wait it out.
Sonny: Will, are you rethinking a divorce?
[Clears throat] Time's up.
Will: Um... well, I--I-- tell ari that I love her.
Sonny: I'll be in touch.
Will: I don't want to lose sonny. But if tell the truth, that maggie killed his mother, I will hurt so many of the people that I love.
Chad: Why would you need to search the gatehouse? Ben hasn't lived there in over a year.
Rafe: Well, I'm conducting a thorough search.
Chad: Right, no, but that's where he murdered jordan. I feel like that would be the probably the last place he'd go hiding.
Rafe: Or the last place that he'd think we'd look. It's just gonna take a minute.
Chad: But you can't do that.
Ben: You know who david's father is?
Ciara: No. No, I don't know anything about him except for that jordan freaked out whenever anyone asked her about him.
Ben: I remember her saying that--just how adamant she was that he stays out of her son's life.
Ciara: Right. So obviously, there must have been bad blood between them. And if jordan kept him from seeing his own son, I mean, maybe that gave him motive to actually kill her. Look, I know--I know that it's not much to go on, but, ben, tell me what you think.
Ben: I think you're on to something. (Beep)
Victor: Yeah, I asked theresa to give tate tested. So what?
Brady: So what? You can't go behind my back and do something like that.
Victor: Maggie's granddaughter could die, and you're niggling about a simple blood test?
Brady: Tate and mackenzie are not even closely related. You know that.
Victor: Close enough. Theresa and eric are first cousins.
Xander: We're casting the widest net possible to try and save a little girl's life. We'd get everyone in the world tested if we could. Why would you have a problem with that?
Kristen: He doesn'T. Having lost our own daughter, we sympathize. But why? Why did you ask theresa not to tell brady?
Victor: I knew that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.
Brady: It was tate who told me about the test. What I don't understand is why you insisted on keeping it a secret. And I'm not leaving here until you tell me the truth.
Rafe: Why can't I search the gatehouse?
Chad: You-- abby and I, we're renovating.
Rafe: Uh-huh.
Chad: We're renovating the place. So that the kids and I--that we can--so we can move in there and we didn't have to live in the same house as gabi. But she's going to prison, so--
Rafe: What is your point?
Chad: I guess it's not gonna be--it's just that there's we have tons of people working on the place, rafe. There's people coming in and out, and if there were any signs of ben--
Rafe: Well, maybe there are no signs, you know, 'cause escaped convicts are really good at covering up their tracks. Do you have a problem with me searching the gatehouse?
Chad: No. Just seems like you're wasting your time, that's it.
Rafe: Oh. Thought maybe there's some other reason that you don't want me going down there. Hmm?
Ciara: It's a decent theory, right?
Ben: Yeah. Did you run it by justin?
Ciara: He thinks it's a long-shot, but he said he'll talk to his contacts in california, where jordan had her baby, and see if they can tell him anything about david's father. You're skeptical.
Ben: Only because when rafe started this whole process of trying to adopt david, he tried to get information on david's real father, and he struck out. Ciara, the guy is a cop, but he couldn't find a single lead.
Ciara: Okay, so we'll dig deeper. Ben, I mean, someone out there has to know who jordan was involved with, right? Ben, the more that we talk about this, the more confident I am that the key to clearing you is finding david's father.
Ben: Which you can do while I'm on the run.
Ciara: Which I can do. Alone. By myself. Okay, I see. I understand. Ben, you're suggesting that I do this alone so that you can get away from me. This is just some new way to blow me off, right? Our skin...
Chad: I have nothing to hide. Alright, there's a convicted serial killer on the loose, and I just think that there's probably better places that you could spend your time looking for him.
Rafe: I can get a warrant if I have to.
Chad: I mean, do you really think that I would risk my neck trying to help a guy who terrorized me and my wife?
Rafe: Stranger things have happened. But if you are harboring a fugitive, you will get put away, and it'll be for a long time. You'll be away from your wife and your children. Are you really willing to risk going to prison for ben weston?
Will: Maggie.
Maggie: It's good to see you, will. Although I was a little surprised to get your call.
Will: Well, thank you for coming.
Maggie: Of course. Why do you want to see me?
Victor: I've already told you why I wanted tate tested. You should be thanking me instead of dressing me down.
Xander: Victor just came back from the hospital. You shouldn't be stressing him out like this.
Brady: That's a very convenient excuse. You know, if he had the strength to contact theresa, he has the strength to give me a legitimate reason why he wanted to keep it a secret.
Victor: Unbelievable. Kristen's still getting inside your head.
Brady: Excuse me?
Victor: That crackpot obviously has you convinced there's some sort of a conspiracy going on here...
Brady: Don'T.
Victor: When there isn'T.
Brady: Don'T. Don't insult her. We're together. Don't do that. Have some respect for us, okay? And speaking of respect, tate is my son. You want to have him tested or anything, I will arrange it, alright?
Xander: Understood. You can go now.
Brady: No, no, no. You get out of my face.
Xander: Why don't you make me?
Victor: Oh, for heaven's sakes.
Kristen: You know what, brady, let's just go.
Brady: You know, I actually came here to get answers.
Sarah: Hello.
Brady: I can't believe that-- I thought that you might be reasonable here.
Victor: Goodbye, brady.
Sarah: I have something I have to say.
Brady: I'm not going anywhere.
Brady: I don't take orders--
Sarah: Oh my god, shut up! Hi. I have the most incredible news. I just--I got a call from the hospital lab, and they--they have a match. They have a bone marrow match for my daughter.
Ciara: You know, I'm really sick and tired of you trying to ditch me, ben weston.
Ben: Ciara.
Ciara: You know, it's starting to hurt my feelings.
Ben: You know why. I don't want you to be a fugitive. But that's not why I'm suggesting that you stay here. I'm serious. I just think it would be a lot easier for you to find david's father if you weren't trying to outrun the police.
Ciara: I can handle it, ben.
Ben: The clock is ticking for me. I need to focus on staying ahead of the cops while you focus on proving your theory, okay? Please. Please. Will you just stay here, please? Will you stay here in salem? Will you help me from here, please?
Ciara: Do you really want to do that, ben? Do you want to say goodbye?
Ben: I love you, more than I have loved anyone. The whole reason I want to stay alive is to be with you.
Ciara: Then don't do it, ben. Don't go. Please don't leave me here.
Ben: It's not gonna be forever.
Ciara: Please don't go.
Ben: It's not gonna be forever. It's not gonna be forever. I promise you. I promise you. I promise you. But for right now-- right now, we need to go our separate ways, okay? I will contact you as soon as I find someplace safe.
Ciara: I'm gonna work around the clock to make sure that I find david's father.
Ben: Thank you. Thank you for always believing in me.
Ciara: Always, ben. Always. So do--do you need me to give you a ride into town or something, or--
Ben: It's too risky. I need to go.
Ciara: Please be careful, okay?
Ben: I will.
Ciara: Be very, very careful.
Ben: I promise you, I will. I will. All I'm gonna be thinking about is getting back to you. I love you.
Ciara: I love you too. I'm gonna see you soon, okay? I'm gonna see you real soon.
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