Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 2/19/20
Episode #13708 ~ Kayla is shocked by Steve's revelation; Marlena and John have a romantic Valentine's Day; Hattie and Roman share a sweet moment; Rafe and Justin try to track down Kayla.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Rafe, I know i confessed in front of a dozen witnesses, but I should probably get a lawyer, right?Rafe: Yeah, yeah. Well, I know you have the dimera fortune at your disposal, but i don't see how all the money and power in the world is gonna get you out of this one.
Gabi: Well, thank you for the vote of confidence.
Rafe: You just copped to everything in public, sis.
Gabi: And I drove eli straight into lani's arms.
[Dramatic music]
Eli: I forgot what this felt like.
Lani: I didn'T.
Steve as stefano: Hah. Yes, rolf, thank you so much for doing that for me, and thanks for the provisions.
[Distant clattering] I must go. Kayla's coming.
[Cell phone beeps] Ah.
Kayla: You know, I still don't understand why you're making me stay here.
Steve as stefano: I told you. It's for your own good.
Kayla: But I don't have my phone, so I can't call anyone and tell them where I am or that I'm okay, and I'm sure that justin is worried sick about me.
Steve as stefano: Enough about justin, all right?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Tense music]
Hattie: Oh! Roman, roman, roman, oh, please. Please don't fire me. Look, I know I was awol for a while, but I've got a really good explanation for it.
Roman: Hattie, hattie.
Hattie: I was trying to help marlena and she was in a real pickle and--and then things got complicated, and you know what? I'm a really good waitress and-- and I need this job.
Roman: Hey, you're not getting fired.
Hattie: Oh!
Roman: Kate is.
Hattie: What?
[Phones ringing]
Kate: God, what is taking so damn long? I want to post bail and get the hell out of here. No, I don't wanna hear any excuses. You're my lawyer. Just do it. Get me in front of the judge and let them know that I'm working as a waitress, okay? That's my waitress salary. Oh, god. Could someone unshackle me, please, so I could at least powder my nose?
Justin: I'll get the guard.
Kate: Hey, justin. Thank you. Oh, I bet you didn't expect to see me in here.
Justin: Actually, I thought I might. I was just at the courthouse and I saw your name on the docket.
Kate: Yeah, well, I have been languishing in here the entire day waiting to be arraigned.
Justin: Yeah, they're pretty backed up over there.
Kate: Mm.
Justin: So... what exactly have you been accused of?
Kate: Betraying a friend.
Marlena: Hey, you.
John: What?
Marlena: They're beautiful. Thank you.
John: Yeah, they are, but not from me.
[Suspenseful music]
[Marlena exhales] "I haven't given up on you, my queen, my--" ooh!
John: Here we go again, damn it.
Steve as stefano: I am sick and tired of hearing you whine about justin.
Kayla: Why? When have I ever whined about justin? Or whined about anything, for that matter? And you know what? While we're on the subject, I am sick and tired of you speaking derisively about him. He is a wonderful man and we are in a committed relationship together. And why do you care, anyway?
Steve as stefano: I don'T.
Kayla: Well, you certainly hate it whenever I even bring his name up.
Steve as stefano: That's because I'm bored with it.
Kayla: Oh, really? Well, I'm bored with you acting like you have the right to shut me up about the man who loves me, who helped me recover from your cruelty and your total abandonment of me and our children.
Steve as stefano: I hear violins.
Kayla: How dare you be sarcastic? How dare you be anything but respectful of me and of justin? He lost his beloved wife, and my husband dumped me, and we are in a fulfilling, committed relationship. And since you have turned into such a narcissistic jerk, i doubt that you even remember what that is like.
Steve as stefano: Oh, no? You think I'm not capable of being in a fulfilling, committed relationship? I've already told you there's an extraordinary woman to whom I'm totally committed. I'm not in contact with her at the moment, and it's killing me.
Kayla: Just stop it, all right? I know there isn't a woman. Marlena told me that you made the whole thing up.
Steve as stefano: Marlena told you that?
Kayla: Yeah, yeah, she did, and I know that you asked john to keep it a secret, but he confided in his wife because he loves her, and she confided in me, and she said that you were just trying to push me away. Is that true?
Steve as stefano: John thought so. He assumed I invented a girlfriend because you had moved on with justin. I just let it go because i wanted to get him off my back.
Kayla: So is this woman real or not?
Steve as stefano: Oh, she's real. She's very real, and I am deeply in love with her.
[Crickets chirping]
[Dramatic music]
Lani: What's wrong?
Eli: I can't do this. It just doesn't feel right.
Lani: Why not?
Eli: Lani, I can't kiss you when I'm still ripped apart inside over what you did. All this time you knew what gabi was up to and you just--you just kept me in the dark.
Lani: Eli, I told you. I--I didn't have a choice.
Eli: Yeah, I know. You were trying to protect my grandmother and I love you for that, but I hate you for it, too.
Lani: [Exhales sharply]
Gabi: Rafe, I know I promised I would never put you in this position again. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, okay? But I'm gonna make--taking it all the way back to nick, I have embarrassed you, I have disappointed you over and over. You must hate me.
Rafe: I don't hate you. My damn sis, I love you.
[Exhales sharply]
Gabi: I'm scared, rafe.
Rafe: Hey, it's gonna be okay.
Gabi: [Exhales]
Rafe: One step at a time. All right?
Gabi: Mm.
Rafe: Okay. Why don't you... make your call?
I... I'll be back.
Both: Okay.
[Phones ringing]
Gabi: [Exhales]
[Phones ringing]
Rafe: Hey, how you doing, man?
Justin: Hey. Uh, I heard about gabi. Sorry.
Rafe: Yeah. Thanks.
Justin: I understand she confessed in front of a whole host of witnesses.
Rafe: Yeah, including me. Yeah. She was in a lot of pain, felt like she'd been wronged, and, uh... just can't believe she would do something so extreme. You know?
Justin: Revenge is a powerful motive.
Rafe: Yeah. She wanted to get back what she felt she'd lost and, uh, well now it looks like she's gonna lose everything.
Gabi: Sonny, uh, I am so-- I am so sorry. I know that everything's probably in the news and we need to talk about how we're gonna handle this with arianna. I don't want her to be blindsided. I don't want this to be happening at all. Uh, please, could you just please come see me as soon as you can? Okay.
[Phone receiver hanging up]
[Phones ringing]
Kate: The hell did you do to get arrested on my wedding day?
Roman: Kate knew that princess gina and stefano were on the loose for months. Said nothing. Not one word.
Hattie: Yes, but then she came clean, and then she sent marlena down to prague to take care of gina and saved john.
Roman: She did do that, but i gotta tell you. I don't get it.
Hattie: You don't get what?
Roman: You of all people, why would you defend a woman who teamed up with stefano dimera?
Kayla: If you are so in love with this woman, what are you doing here with me?
Steve as stefano: I told you I'm protecting you.
Kayla: Oh, right. From stefano's goons who are everywhere just waiting and watching and--you know, to kill me and everybody that I know.
Steve as stefano: That's right, and as I said, I will take him down but I need to catch him completely off guard which is why I need to hide out here until I can make my move.
Kayla: And you need me to stay here away from my job and my home and the man I love?
Steve as stefano: I don't like it any more than you do. Do you think I wanna spend all my days in this hovel with my ex-wife?
Kayla: No. Of course not. You wanna be with your mystery woman.
Steve as stefano: That's right, and soon enough I will be. Outside forces have conspired against us. Getting back to her is taking longer than I'd hoped, but I did send her a message letting her know that I'm thinking of her on valentine's day.
Kayla: Oh. How very thoughtful of you.
Steve as stefano: I only wish I could have taken her out for a romantic dinner, toasted with champagne, and spent the night showing her how much I love her.
Kayla: Do you even realize that today is our wedding anniversary?
[Tense music]
Steve as stefano: We're divorced.
Kayla: Right, of course, so that just means that, uh, we permanently delete all those memories. Is that it? No looking back on our whole life together, our children, and the weddings, and the trips, and--I mean, it would just be a whole waste of time, wouldn't it?
Steve as stefano: Yes, waste of time.
Kayla: Well, then, if we are indeed history--over, done, finished--then why be so cryptic about this girlfriend? If the woman is real, have the courtesy to tell me who she is.
Steve as stefano: All right. If you must know...
it's marlena.
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Hattie: All I'm saying is that when kate confessed to hitching her wagon with stefano, she felt--she felt so guilty about it, and--and she wasn't trying to change, and she was just trying to--trying to make things right.
Roman: Maybe. Or maybe she was doing damage control 'cause she knew she was about to get caught.
Hattie: No. She was really worried about marlena.
Roman: Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure she claimed that she had concern for her friend, but I'll tell you this, all right? I know kate. I know how she thinks, and I'll tell you what. The ugly truth is more often than not, kate has concern for one person. One person only. Herself.
Hattie: Oh.
Kate: An exploding pacemaker? Wow, I mean, wow, you really outdid yourself this time. For what, for what? For revenge?
Gabi: Lani murdered my husband. Well, what did you think? I was just gonna watch her ride off into the sunset with eli?
Kate: No, no, maybe not, but seriously threatening to blow up julie's heart?
Gabi: Stefan's heart. Stefan's heart, okay? Which is only available to that old hag because--because lani killed him.
Kate: Okay, look, I g--I get it. Retribution, revenge. I--I get it, but who the hell gave you this insane idea?
Gabi: I got it from you.
[Tense music]
Gabi: You hate me?
[Dramatic music]
Eli: Lani, I shouldn't have used that word. Okay, of course I don't hate you.
[Lani scoffs]
Eli: I'm--I'm still really hurt that you left me. I mean, yes, I--I know now why you did it, that you--you were suffering, too, and that you didn't have a choice, but I was in bad shape for a long time. Lani, I spent so many nights lying awake just trying to make sense of it all, feeling depressed and humiliated.
[Lani inhales] Eli, I never wanted to hurt you, and I know I--I know that i convinced you that it was over between us and that I--that i never loved you, but you have to understand that none of that was true. It was all an act.
[Scoffs] God, I wish I--I wish I could have just told you everything, and I wish I would have married you that day. I wanted that more than I have ever wanted anything in my entire life... and then gabi... she took it all away from me, eli. She took you away from me.
I know that this is all confusing and painful, but I am here, eli, and I wanna help you get through this, okay? I want to fix this.
[Eli scoffs]
Lani: Eli, please. Please don't let gabi win. Please don't let her keep us apart for one more second. Please just--just come with me, okay? Please, and... let me show you how much i love you.
Eli: Lani, I'm sorry. I don't think I can do what you're asking.
[Lani exhales]
[Phones ringing]
Rafe: Yeah, she--she tried to explain everything to me--
Justin: Excuse me. Gotta get this.
Rafe: Yeah.
Justin: Damn it.
Rafe: Everything okay?
Justin: Ah, I was hoping it was kayla. Maybe she's tied up in surgery.
Rafe: You seem uneasy.
Justin: I--I've been in court all day but I have left her a dozen texts, voicemails, and she hasn't got back to me, and, uh-- and that's very unusual.
Rafe: Ah. When was the last time you saw her?
Justin: Last night at the hospital. She told me she had a lot of work to do and that she may have to pull an all-nighter.
Rafe: And she never came home?
Justin: No. And I wasn't worried then, but now I'm worried. I mean, we've both been wrapped up in work.
Rafe: Justin, how much do you know about what's going on with steve?
[Tense music]
Kayla: Marlena? Marlena evans?
Steve as stefano: Yes. What other marlena would I be talking about?
Kayla: That's impossible.
Steve as stefano: No more impossible than you being in love with justin kiriakis.
Kayla: But john is your best friend.
Steve as stefano: John black is not good enough for marlena. She would never truly give her heart to a pawn like him.
Kayla: A pawn?
Steve as stefano: Yes, a lowly, servile, worthless underling, whereas marlena is a queen. My queen!
Kayla: What are you talking about? You sound like a crazy person. Actually, you sound like stefano dimera.
Steve as stefano: That's because I am stefano dimera. I am stefano dimera.
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Marlena: I really thought this nightmare would be over, especially after to ordeal in prague.
John: It's gonna be over soon, doc.
Marlena: Soon? When is soon? Because stefano is relentless.
John: Ah, let him do his best. Gaslighting, kidnapping, sending you these ridiculous gifts here, even trying to kill us. He will never succeed. He can't break us, doc, and he can't break us up. Nobody can because it's always gonna be you and me, baby. Always and forever.
[Marlena groans]
Roman: All right, tell me this. How did kate talk you into taking marlena's place as stefano's captive?
Hattie: Oh, uh, I volunteered. I mean, I do pride myself in what a great marlena evans impression I do.
Roman: Yeah, but you know how dangerous stefano is. If it weren't for chad and abigail, you might have been strangled to death.
Hattie: Yeah. Well, I guess there are worse things, huh?
Roman: Worse than being strangled to death?
Hattie: Well, I--I guess it depends on how you look at it. Speaking of looking at things, do you know that patchy is really hot without his eye patch on? I mean, I haven't had a hot guy look at me that way in a very long time, no matter how many eyes he had.
Roman: But it wasn't patch. It was stefano.
Hattie: I know! I know it, but you know what? He thought that I was his queen of the night, and he was talking all kind of sexy and romantic and I don't know, I guess I just got swept up in the moment.
Roman: Wait a minute. You mean--
Hattie: Oh, no. No. I mean, it did get a little steamy at one point, but something stopped me from taking it too far.
Roman: What?
Hattie: You.
[Country music playing]
Kate: What the hell are you talking about? I gave you the idea to tamper with julia's pacemaker?
Gabi: Well, yeah. You remember when you--you came over to see me when stefan died. I was a wreck. You comforted me, told me i should carry on my husband's legacy and make sure to keep his dreams alive.
Kate: Gabi, I told you that you should go for the ceo job. That's what I said, that you should pitch yourself to shin and--as a replacement for tony.
Gabi: Right, yeah, but before I could do that, I needed to look at all the projects that stefan had in the works. I looked at all the files that were in his briefcase and one of them was visionary bionics.
Kate: Yes, subsidiary of dimera. They created the bionic eye.
Gabi: And state-of-the-art pacemakers. The idea hit me like a bolt of lightning.
Kate: Oh, my god. So you had revenge in the palm of your hand.
Gabi: And then lani got off and I thought that it was gonna be, you know, over for me. I was just gonna have to sit there and take it like always, but I didn'T. I didn'T. I found a way, okay? To make her hurt as much as i was hurting. Suddenly I had a new mission.
Kate: Okay, look, I'm--I'm not saying that you did the right thing, because it's a really pretty horrific thing, but I know that your pain and your grief was real because i saw it.
Gabi: Damn right it was.
Kate: But gabi, you had moved on. Two hours ago you were getting married. You had found happiness. Why not just disable that app and--and let it all go?
Gabi: Controlling that heart was the only way that--that i was keeping lani from telling eli the truth.
Kate: Then he found out anyway, baby.
Gabi: Yeah, that's why I'm locked up in here with you, chatting it up instead of having passionate sex with my new, handsome husband.
Kate: Yeah, well, no other reason, I suppose.
Gabi: Well, what about you? Kate, what is your story?
[Kate groans]
[Tense music]
Steve as stefano: You recognize this, don't you?
Stefano dimera has risen from the ashes once again.
Kayla: What is going on? And why are you talking like that? And your eye.
Steve as stefano: Ah. Brilliant dr. Rolf devised it, and he transplanted my consciousness into steven johnson's body.
Kayla: Your what?
Steve as stefano: Terminology doesn't matter. The point is I look like steve johnson and with great effort, i am able to behave like him, sound enough like him, so that everyone believes that I am him, except in those rare moments like now when I can be my true self.
Kayla: No. It can't be.
Steve as stefano: Ah. I assure you it is, but take your time, kayla. Look at me, listen to me, and soon you will realize the truth. I am back and poised to reclaim everything that is rightfully mine.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!
Kate: So when stefano walked in, said he needed an ally, promised me a real good position with dimera, well, I found it hard to resist.
Gabi: And if you would have gotten that, you would have screwed me over, too.
[Kate laughs] I think you did a pretty good job of screwing yourself over. But hey, look, no judgment, all right? Both of us have done some really outrageous things in the name of revenge.
Gabi: For love. That's the real reason I did what I did, and--and what didn't allow me to stop, okay? I was afraid of losing everything, okay? And now--now I have.
Lani: I know that you're still... struggling with the shock of everything that happened, but eli, try to remember us at our best times. Okay, the love that we felt for each other, our friendship, the passion. It was perfect. We were perfect.
[Dramatic music]
Eli, we belong together. Well, we-- and we can be together now.
Eli: I know you went through a lot for me, for my grandmother. But right now my head is spinning and my heart, it--it doesn't know--doesn't know what the hell to feel. I just need time to figure it out. I just wanna be alone.
Roman: Me? How in the hell did I stop you from crossing the line with steve?
Hattie: Okay. Well, just seeing as you are a strapping hunk of sexy man, women naturally wanna throw themselves at you.
Roman: Well, I don't know about that, hattie.
Hattie: Well, you know what?
[Chuckles] I do. I do and--and--and a man of a-- of a certain age with your kind of--your good looks and all that, I mean, women are always throwing themselves at you, but, well, for me, that's not quite the case. I--look, I may look like I'm kind of hot to trot all the time, but for me it takes a very special kind of man. I mean, not just any man, but somebody I really have very deep feelings for and there's only one man that I've felt that way about for--for a while, and, uh--and, uh--and I'm not gonna talk about that anymore.
[Roman chuckles]
Hattie: What?
Roman: You really are quite the romantic, aren't you?
Hattie: Yeah, but I'm also a realist and--and I'm not gonna just keep on chasing after you when you--you have no real interest in me at all.
Roman: Hattie, that's not necessarily true.
[Country music playing]
Kayla: When did this happen?
Steve as stefano: Last year.
Kayla: Oh, my god. It's all starting to make sense. That's why you've been so awful to me. Why you signed those divorce papers and sent them back without a word.
Steve as stefano: And why steve didn't return for his poor, dear sister adrienne's funeral.
Kayla: Stop doing that.
Steve as stefano: What am I doing?
Kayla: Talking like steve is another person. You are steve!
Steve as stefano: No, i am not! I am stefano. Your steve was on his way home to you when my people intercepted him.
Kayla: He was on his way home to me?
[Steve as stefano grunts] In america we all count. No matter where we call home,
Marlena: I'm glad we found some time to-- oh. Look what you've done.
John: Eh, it's nothing, doc. You deserve a hell of a lot more than this. Okay, here's the ground rules. You are home, you are safe, and we are together, and that's all that I want you to think about tonight.
Marlena: I'm sorry that I got upset earlier. I--
John: No, no, that's all right. It's totally understandable after everything we've been through. So tonight I just want you to forget all about that, I want you to shut out the world, and please try to enjoy your valentine's day.
Marlena: We have so much to celebrate.
John: You got that right, and I'm telling you, doc, it still blows my mind to know how lucky I am to have you in my life. I swear to god after all these years, I love you more and more every day.
Marlena: Then we're a good match. I feel exactly the same way about you.
John: Happy valentine's day, sweetheart.
[Dramatic music]
Hattie: Don't you dare do that.
Roman: Do what?
Hattie: Try to make me feel better. I mean, I've been buzzing around you like a queen bee in heat, and you got nothing for me. Well, you know what--what i don't want from you? What I don't want from you is a little pity party. No thank you very much.
Roman: It's not pity. Look, I know I've pushed you away a few times.
Hattie: Really? Wait, a few times? No, let me think. Every time.
Roman: Well, you did come on a little strong.
Hattie: Well, but that's who I am. I mean, I can't change that.
Roman: I don't want you to change. You've got personality. I like that.
Hattie: Oh. You got kind of a funny way of showing it. Hey, listen to me, okay? I want you to know this. What you did, putting your life on the line to save marlena's when you didn't have to...
Hattie: Oh.
Roman: That was incredible. That was unbelievably brave and I not only appreciate that. I admire it big time, so yeah, I do see you in a whole new light. Hattie adams, you are a very, very special woman.
[Hattie gasps]
[Country music playing]
[Hattie shudders] Mm.
Rafe: Kayla? Both: Kayla?
[Tense music]
Justin: She's not here.
Rafe: Look at this. Look at that.
Justin: It's like what someone would use to patch up a bullet wound.
Rafe: Yep, so steve as here. I'm calling security. Yeah, this is rafe hernandez, salem pd. I need full surveillance footage from dr. Brady's office from yesterday and today.
Kayla: Steve, please. Look at me.
[Dramatic music]
I know that you're in there somewhere. You need to fight this and i know you can because I know how strong you are. I know that you remember us exchanging our wedding vows in front of our friends, our children, our family. I know that you remember me telling you that we could get through anything if we were together. And we can still do that. We can, we can beat stefano, if you would just come back to me. If you would just come home, please.
[Steve as stefano laughs] Oh, oh. Good try, kayla.
[Chuckles] But your steve johnson is dead and gone. A toast to the one and only stefano dimera. Long live the king. To be honest a little dust it never bothered me.
Lana: I understand. I know you are still trying to process everything and the last thing I wanna do is put any pressure on you.
[Dramatic music]
Eli: I gotta go.
Lana: Eli. I know I already said this, but I love you with all of my heart. I never stopped, and i never will, so if and when you feel like you are ready to come back to me, I will be waiting for you.
[Lana exhales]
Kate: Well, I still haven't heard from my lawyer. I really hope you don't snore.
Gabi: What does that mean?
Kate: It means I think I'm going to be spending the night in a jail cell with you.
[Gabi exhales]
Justin: So this is all the surveillance footage taken outside kayla's office in the past 48 hours.
Rafe: Yeah, and the head of hospital security said she was last seen in this office last night but not since then. So hopefully this footage will tell us more.
[Tense music]
Justin: That's her.
Rafe: No.
Justin: Look, the picture's grainy, but that is definitely kayla.
Rafe: Yeah. All right, there's someone with her wearing scrubs.
Justin: Can you tell who it is?
Rafe: It's hard to tell but looks like it could be steve.
Steve as stefano: Would you care for a glass of wine? It might calm you.
Kayla: I am getting the hell out of here. You have clearly lost your mind and you need some serious help.
Steve as stefano: Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Kayla: Let go of me or i will scream.
Steve as stefano: No one will hear you. Ah, ah, ah! Listen. I am a wanted man. Now, you could prove very useful as a bargaining chip. So I am sorry, kayla, but you are not going anywhere.
[Steve as stefano grunts]
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