Days Transcript Tuesday 2/18/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 2/18/20


Episode #13707 ~ Doug reflects on his 50 years in Salem; Rafe arrests Gabi; Lani attempts to explain her actions to Eli; Jennifer receives sad news about a loved one.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: No! Just stay away from her.

Rafe: Don't do it, gabi.

Eli: Gabi, if you ever cared for me just even a little bit, give me the phone.

Lani: Eli, she may love you but not as much as she hates me.

Julie: And me. Go on, gabi. Kill me. Kill me. If all I had to do was push a button to kill you, I'd do it!

Eli: Grandma, stop.

Julie: And I want you to know that on any given day of my life, I'd had more love thanou're gonna have in your whole life.

Gabi: Stop talking!

Julie: If I die tonight and you go on living, you're going to do it alone! Because you've betrayed every single human being that ever di-- ever cared about you! You malicious, selfish--

Gabi: [Grunts]

[Device beeps]

Abigail: Julie.

Eli: Grandma.

Rafe: What?

Gabi: Don't touch me.

Rafe: What have you done?

Eli: Grandma, can you hear me?

Doug: Seeing hope like that, handcuffed to a chair in the police station she used to run? And the way she spoke to us with such contempt, I hardly recognized her.

Jennifer: But, doug, that was not hope. It wasn'T. That was not the woman that we know and love.

Jack: And that she was brainwashed into thinking she's this princess gina? Who could have imagined that?

Doug: Yeah, but I'm her father. I should have known something was wrong.

Jennifer: You cannot do that. You can't blame yourself. None of us knew.

Doug: I--I was so sure that I could get through to her. Just look in her eyes and--and-- and reach my little girl. But she was cold as ice.

Jack: I was exactly the same way when I came back to salem without my memory. My family tried to reach out to me, tried to connect, but I refused. And thank god they didn't give up on me.

Jennifer: But in hope's case we need rolf. He is the one who did this to her, and we know from experience that he can undo it.

Doug: If we can find the creep.

Jack: We'll find him.

Jennifer: Well, shane is working on a lead right now.

[Phone rings] Excuse me.

Doug: Oh.

Jack: I bet that's him.

Eli: Grandma. Grandma, please. Wake up. She's not responding. Mom, do something.

Valerie: Julie? Julie.

Abigail: I'm gonna call an ambulance.

Valerie: Her pulse is steady and strong.

Mom, what does that mean? Then what's wrong with her?

Julie: Nothing. I never felt better in my life.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Valerie: Julie. Julie, it's me, valerie. You just collapsed. I'm gonna need you to--

Julie: Valerie. Valerie, stop fussing. I'm fine. Eli, well, don't just stand there, darling. Help your grandmother up.

Eli: Grandma, you shouldn't move.

Julie: I told you, I'm fine.

Gabi: Why is it-- why--why?

Chad: Stop.

Julie: Why? Why didn't your little app work? Because I was faking, and you fell for it.

Lani: Surprise. You don't control her anymore.

Jennifer: Yeah. Thanks for letting me know, and I'll talk to you soon. Okay.

Doug: Honey? Jennifer. Honey, what is it?

Jennifer: I have some bad news.

Jack: Oh. There's other leads. We've got other leads--

Jennifer: No, this isn't about rolf. That was lucas on the phone.

Jack: What happened?

Jennifer: My father died.

Doug: [Gasps] Oh. Oh. Oh. To be honest a little dust it never bothered me.

Jennifer: He had a heart attack in his sleep.

Doug: Well, thank god he didn't suffer.

Jack: Sweetheart, I am so sorry.

Jennifer: I mean, it's not-- it's not a total shock. You know? His health had been declining these past few years since he had that heart surgery. And I begged him to just come home. "Enjoy your retirement."

Doug: Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer: You know dad. He's so devoted to his patients.

Jack: That's--that's bill. He was tireless the entire time we were with him in africa with abigail. I remember he was twice my age, and he worked twice as hard.


Doug: Your father was such a good man. Golly, I've known bill for-- dear god, it's been 50 years.

Julie: The murder app is completely useless now. So you can give her back her phone, because she isn't going to be using it where she's going.

Jj: Don't even think about it.

Abigail: Can someone please explain what the hell is going on?

Jj: When gabi found out that julie needed a replacement pacemaker, she went back to her little dimera minion and told him to rig the new one. So she'd still have control over julie's heart.

Julie: But we foiled your plan.

Abigail: Jj, how'd you know this tech guy?

Jj: I ran into him at the hospital this morning. And I thought he looked familiar. He told me that he worked for a company that made medical devices. But then I just got a nagging feeling that I had known him from someplace else, and it hit me when the guy walked away.

Chad: So how'd you know him?

Jj: Well, I had seen his mugshot back when I was on the force. His name is chris choi, and he has a record a mile long. And I realized that gabi must have sent him, so I confronted him. And of course he denied the whole thing. But then I suggested we have julie's doctor take a look at the new pacemaker, make sure everything's working right, and he took a run for it. Called security, made sure julie got a new device. And chris is cooling his heels at the police station as we speak.

Gabi: You were in on this too?

Rafe: No, I wasn'T.

Jj: No, I didn't want to put rafe in the position of having to expose his own sister as an attempted murderer.

Julie: Oh, but she's been a successful murderer. Remember she shot nick.

Gabi: Oh, my god. Will you just let that go? Stop?

Abe: Jj, go on.

Jj: I had an old cop buddy of mine take chris in, see if we could get him to roll over on gabi. He didn'T. Got a lawyer, didn't give us anything. So we had to come up with a new way to get a confession out of her.

Eli: We?

Lani: When jj called me with the good news, I had theo send gabi a text message.

Abe: Theo? Theo was in on this?

Lani: We needed someone tech-savvy and trustworthy. So when the time was right, theo sent gabi a message saying that the new device was active. Which made her think that she had succeeded and would let her guard down.

Jj: When I picked julie up for the wedding, I told her everything, and we both agreed that the only way we were going to get the proof we needed to nail gabi was to stage the scene.

Julie: So when I got over the shock, I was all in. And I apologize to everybody if I upset you. But the plan worked. Gabi fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Gabi: Damn you. Damn you. And damn you! If anything I have been way too nice to all of you! I don't even know what I was thinking!

Lani: Gabi's sick little game actually turned out to be a good thing. See, you ran down the pacemaker years faster than normal. Now julie is free, we all are.

Jack: You-- you've known him for 50 years?

Doug: 50 years. Yes, sir. I knew bill before jennifer rose was born. Oh, the stories I could tell.

Jennifer: Would you? Would you tell me some stories about my dad that I never knew before?

Doug: You've come to the right guy.

Eli: What the hell is wrong with you?

Gabi: I'm so sorry.

Eli: No, you're not. Was this all about stealing me from lani? I mean from the--from the first moment that you told me that you loved me, was-- was it all about revenge?

Gabi: No. No, no. Okay, that's how it started. But I-- I fell in love with you, eli. I did. I wanted to stop. I wanted--I wanted to stop all of this. But I was just afraid what you would do if you found out the truth.

Eli: And earlier, when I begged you to put down the phone and save my grandmother's life, what'd you do? You cranked up the app to kill her. Was that out of love?

Gabi: No, I'm sorry. I was just--I was desperate. I didn't want to lose you.

Eli: Well, you just did.

Lani: You didn't just lose eli. You are about to lose everything. In one week...

Gabi: I thought you were my friend.

Jj: I thought you were mine.

Gabi: I was. This is how you thank me for saving your life?

Julie: [Scoffs] And to think I was grateful to you for saving my life. I praised you to the skies endlessly saying what an angel you were because you gave me stefan's heart. My god. I was ready to--to welcome you into my family, to marry you to my precious grandson because I really believed you'd changed. Well, you are still the mendacious little bitch you always were.

Gabi: Just shut up, please. Just shut up for once in your life.

Julie: Not a chance. Because now I would like to praise the real angel who's here. Lani! Lani, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my still ticking heart. I'm sorry for all those dreadful things I had to say about you earlier. I just had to convince everybody.

Lani: Of course. I know.

Julie: And I apologize for the way I've treated you over the last year and all the things I thought about you over the last year.

Lani: Julie, it's okay. Okay, you have nothing to apologize for. You didn't know. Okay?

Julie: Well, I do know now. What a sacrifice. What a sacrifice you made. You gave up the man you love to keep me alive. I'm grateful to you, darling, for the rest of my life.

Jack: Jennifer told me that brent douglas was your real name.

Doug: Brent. Brent was a-- he was a con man from way back.

Jack: Uh-huh.

Doug: But bill horton was the exact opposite of a hardened criminal.

Jennifer: What do you mean?

Doug: Prison's a rough place, deary. Those other inmates could be merciless. And from time to time bill could find himself in a little bit of trouble.

Doug: Hey, what the-- knock it off.

Unless you want some of the same, get lost, friend.

Doug: Keep away from him, bill. He likes blood.

Yeah, your blood, friend. You're gonna get it first. Your life or mine. What's the difference?

Watch it. There's a guard coming.

Fight! Fight!

[Whistle blows]

Doug: You had to have eyes in the back of your head.

Jennifer: Or somebody looking out for you. If you weren't so brave, I might not even exist.

Doug: I may have saved bill that day. But in the big picture, he was the one who saved me.

Jack: What do you mean?

Doug: I did not come to salem with the best of intentions, shall we say. I heard, in prison from bill, that susan martin was coming into a very large inheritance, which I immediately set my sights on.

[Paper rustles] "Claim date of the estate until everything is converted to cash, it'll amount to well over $200,000. You can call me poor little rich girl. Maybe I can buy a little happiness. God knows I can't seem to get it any other way. Suzie." Suzie who? Susan martin.

Jack: And?

Doug: Well, I met julie. And so I set my sights on her instead.


Jennifer: And... the rest is history.

Doug: Yes, but I can't help think how different that history would have been if I had not crossed paths with your dad. All that I would have missed, all that would never have been. In a way, I owe who I am and everything I've become to bill horton.

Chad: Gabi, you manipulated abigail into thinking her mental illness was back. You tried to destroy my family over and over again. She could have pressed charges. She didn'T.

Abigail: No, I thought you'd suffered enough.

Chad: And that you would learn a lesson and never try to do something so evil again just for revenge.

Abigail: I understand why you hated me. But stefan's death was an accident. Lani? Lani put her life on the line to keep everyone safe.

Gabi: She didn't keep stefan safe.

Abigail: I have no compassion for you, gabi.

Gabi: Oh, I know. No, I know. I went to prison for a crime I didn't commit because of you. I was beaten so badly that I could not have another child. And the one that I did have hated me the entire time.

Abigail: I protected you from the legal consequences, gabi. Chad said that it was a mistake. I should have just gone through with it, because then you wouldn't have had the opportunity to cause all of these people so much pain.

Julie: Don't you dare blame yourself for anything, abigail. It's all gabi's fault. Gabi's fault alone.

Lani: Rafe, I am so sorry to say this-- and I know you love your sister-- but you are the only cop here, so you are gonna have to arrest this-- julie, uh, what is it again?

Julie: Mendacious... little... bitch.

Rafe: You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you.

Gabi: You really have to do this?

Rafe: I do.

Gabi: I'm sorry.

Eli: So am I.

Jennifer: It's so hard to imagine my dad being hauled off to prison.

Doug: Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer: But I know that when he was a young man, he did a lot of things that he regrets.

Doug: Yes, but he certainly learned from his regrets.

Jennifer: Yeah, and I think that's what drove him to a life of service.

Jack: Hmm. Watching bill work as a volunteer doctor in africa, that was pretty incredible.

Jennifer: Yeah. I think it was bittersweet for me. And don't get me wrong, I loved how he connected with the kids and how he would make them laugh when he would, you know, look in their eyes and look in their ears. And I think it just-- it made me realize how much I missed having my dad around when I was a kid.

Doug: Yeah.

Jennifer: So when he showed up at our wedding, it made my whole world.

Bill: You are quite a young woman, young lady.

Jennifer: Hmm?

Bill: In spite of all the mistakes I made, and lord knows I got it wrong more than I got it right.

Jennifer: Oh, dad.

Bill: No, let me, please? No matter what I did or didn't do, I've always loved you, jennifer. When I see you today and see what an incredible, beautiful woman you've become, I-- maybe I don't have the right, but I'm still proud. I'm very proud.

Jennifer: You do have the right, dad.

Bill: And look. Don't worry. If this man of yours is the man I think he is, he knows what he's getting. And he'll be there. I guarantee you that. He'll be there.

Jennifer: What? Dad, are you okay?

Bill: No, I'm okay. I'm fine. I just--I just-- I just don't want to-- I didn't want to forget that I brought something for you, something old. They're your mother'S.

Jennifer: I know. I remember.

Bill: I think she'd like you to wear these today. Please?

Jennifer: Oh, dad.

Bill: Come on, don't-- don't mess up your eyes, huh?

[Both laugh]

Jennifer: Okay.

Bill: Let me. Yeah. I wish she could be here for you today, jenn. I know she'd like to be if she could.

Jennifer: Yeah. Thank you.

Bill: Thank me? For what?

Jennifer: For being here, and for coming all this way.

Bill: I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world.

Jennifer: I'm gonna go see what they look like.

Bill: Absolutely perfect.

Jennifer: Yeah. It was the most beautiful day.

Jack: Sure was.

Doug: You know? It seems like the family used to get together for weddings. And more and more now, it seems like they get together for funerals.

Julie: My work here is done. I do have some more living to do, and I really would like to get back to doug.

Chad: We'll drive you. We'll drive you.

Abigail: Yeah.

Julie: Thank you, darling.

Abigail: Of course.

Abe: You know, I-- I'm just so sorry for what you've been through. I only wish that you had confided in me.

Lani: I wanted to tell you so bad. So bad.

Abe: Oh, and thank god you're home. And I hope you're here to stay.

Lani: Yeah. That is the plan. Can you give me a second? I just-- I want to say goodbye to jj.

Abe: Of course.

Jj: You did it.

Lani: No, we did it. Jj, I can't thank you enough for what you did for me today. I am so thankful.

Jj: Now what are you waiting for? Go talk to him.

Lani: I will.

[Sighs] They say life is all about making choices.

Doug: Dear god. Gabi could have killed you.

Julie: I'm in no danger now. She no longer controls my pacemaker.

Chad: Rafe arrested her. He took her down to the police station himself.

Abigail: Most important thing is that you're okay, julie.

Julie: Oh, honey. More than okay. I'm satisfied, 'cause now I know that gabi hernandez dimera is gonna get what she deserves.

Gabi: [Weeps]

Rafe: I don't even know what to say.

Gabi: Rafe, you don't understand.

Rafe: Then help me understand. Help me understand how you could do this.

Lani: Eli?

Eli: Why didn't you tell me?

Lani: I wanted to, so much that it physically hurt, okay? But I--I couldn't take that risk. Eli, I--I--I couldn't take the risk that gabi would hurt your grandmother. And you saw it for yourself. You saw that she wasn't bluffing. If I would have told anyone--

Eli: You told jj. Why him and not me? (Lisa vo) right now, he's doing his taxes.

Rafe: I need you to explain, because I cannot understand.

Gabi: Love.

Rafe: Sorry?

Gabi: Do you know how long I've waited to find love? Real love, rafe. You know, the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. You know, that kind of love? I didn't think it was gonna happen for me. And then it did with stefan. Just like that he was gone. All our plans, hopes, future, for a family, everything: Just over. I needed somebody to blame. Okay, do you understand that?

Rafe: It's not lani's fault.

Gabi: So you're gonna take her side over your sister?

Rafe: No, I'm not taking sides with anyone.

Gabi: You know, when lani shot my husband, eli, doug, and a whole parade of hortons came to the hospital asking, begging me to safe julie's life, after they had treated me like the biggest bitch there ever was. I just-- I couldn't take it anymore.

Rafe: You wanted payback.

Gabi: Yes, I did. And then I found out that--that julie needed a pacemaker, and I saw my chance. Rafe, I saw my chance to make those people hurt as much as I have hurt, to make them feel the pain that I have felt.

Lani: You have to realize that when all of this went down, you had just been promoted to police commissioner, and gabi was watching my every move. Eli, if I would have told you, she would have found out.

Eli: So instead you told jj?

Lani: I didn't plan to. I have been sitting on this secret for more than a year. And I just happened to run into jj on my way out of town. He let me hide out at his place, and eventually he got the truth out of me. And he was so determined to stop gabi, and as thankful as I was for his help, I was petrified that it would backfire. But it didn'T. Eli, it worked. And now the truth is out. And I am so relieved that it is, because now I can finally, finally tell you what is on my heart. What I said earlier is true. I still love you, eli. I never stopped, not for one second, okay? I joined that convent because I knew that I could never love anyone the same. The only-- the only man that I want-- the only man that I'll ever want, eli, is you.

[Jazzy music plays faintly]

Jj: Why does everyone look so sad?

Julie: Jj, I was just talking with your parents and doug about-- about their visit to hope.

Jj: And how is she?

Doug: Sadly, she's the same.

Julie: But I think we must all buck up here, show some confidence. We are going to get her back. Just gonna take a little time.

Doug: Honey, you're absolutely correct. Absolutely correct. However, we have, I'm afraid, we just got some very bad news.

Jennifer: Oh. Just--

Abigail: What?

Jennifer: I just, um... I need you to know that your grandpa bill died today.

Julie: Oh, no.

Abigail: He what?

Julie: Jenn, I'm so sorry.

Jennifer: Mike is making arrangements right now. He's just trying to get everything together for all of us.

Jack: We're--jennifer and i are gonna book the first flights we can get to cape town.

Jj: I'm going with you.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Abigail: Yeah, me too.

Chad: I'll call the travel agent right now.

Abigail: I don't want you to come with me. I'm bad.

Chad: You don't want me to go to your grandfather's funeral?

Abigail: No, I do. Of course I do. But there's tropical disease in the area where he was working, and I'm uncomfortable taking the kids. So if it's okay, I think you should stay with them.

Chad: Yeah. Whatever you need.

Jennifer: We really, really need to start making arrangements.

Julie: Jennifer, darling. Your dad, he was one in a million. We were all blessed to have him in our lives.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Gabi: I must be cursed.

Rafe: What are you even talking about?

Gabi: Eli was mine first. Then lani took him away.

Rafe: She didn't mean to, gabi.

Gabi: No one means to. Oh, no one means to. Not trigger-happy lani or saint abigail with her merry band of alters. No. They wreck my life, and--and it's never their fault. I'm the victim here. I'm the one that pays.

Rafe: You committed a crime! Multiple crimes! Do--do--do you not even realize that?

Gabi: I was so upset that my daughter couldn't make it to the wedding. And now I'm actually very happy she wasn't there to see what happened. Rafe, how do I explain to arianna that her mommy's gonna be in prison again?

Rafe: I don't know. A little late to think of that now, isn't it?

Gabi: Oh, my god. I confessed in front of a dozen witnesses, rafe.

Rafe: Even with all the dimera power and money, I do not know how you get out of this one.

Lani: I thought I had made peace with losing you forever. But when you showed up in italy and said that you and gabi were together, eli, that was too much. I realized that I had to stop hiding, come home, and fight. And I am so glad I did.

Eli: So am I.

Lani: You deserved to know the truth.

Eli: And you deserve to know how grateful I am.

Jack: Jj?

Jj: Hmm?

Jack: I know. It's been a really rough year, for all of us. I'm sorry we're going to another funeral. But you gotta know that your grandfather lived a long and full life. And you-- you're coming out of a real tough place, having lost haley. And yet today? That made what you did today for lani and julie all the more extraordinary.

Jj: Just did what had to be done.

Jack: You-- that took courage. I am so proud of you. I am so proud. Hey. So? Are we ready?

Jennifer: Ready.

Jack: Let's go.

Abigail: Okay, so thomas is going to want to read that dinosaur book, you know, the one he loves, like, at least twice. And charlotte, she's not even gonna think about--

Chad: Taking a bath without her little boat.

Abigail: Yeah.

Chad: I know. Everything's gonna be fine, except for the fact that I'm gonna miss you madly.

Abigail: Not as much as I'm gonna miss you. Thank you. You've been my rock through this. I'm gonna be back before you know it.

Chad: You better be.

Julie: What a day this has been.

Doug: I can't believe that I--that I came that close to losing you, and I had no idea.

Julie: You're not going to lose me.

Doug: Yes, but I was just strolling down memory lane with jennifer, and I realized I never would have had you in my life at all if I hadn't met bill horton.

[Delicate piano music]

Julie: 50 years, doug. What a wonderful ride you've had. From con man to mayor of salem, golden-voiced singer, proprietor of a night club that everybody loved, that everybody came to, world traveler extraordinaire, father, grandfather, husband, and the love of my life. Thank you for every minute, for 1,000 passionate kisses. What a long road we've been on to come to this moment. Now? I can't imagine my life without you in it.

Doug: Sweetheart. Nor can I imagine my life without you.

[Smooth guitar music]

When I need

to get away

don't need to look very far

you're my hiding place

and you

oh, you

feel like home


I run against the wind

I'm reaching for a sense of




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