Days Transcript Monday 2/17/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 2/17/20


Episode #13706 ~ Lani crashes Gabi and Eli's wedding; Julie collapses; Gabi makes a huge admission; Sonny and Will separately recall their last Valentine's Day together.

Provided By Suzanne

Julie: Marriage. It should not be entered into lightly, but reverently and with true belief in one another. Into this holy agreement, eli and gabi come together to be joined. If anyone here can show just cause why these two should not be join together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

[Guests murmuring] And they'll have to deal with me.

[Laughter] Any takers? I didn't think so. Please join hands. Gabriella, do you take eli to be your lawful wedded husband to love, honor, and cherish from this day forward as long as you both shall live?

Gabi: I do.

Julie: And eli, do you take gabriella to be your lawful wedded wife to love, honor, and cherish from this day forward as long as you both shall live?

Eli: I do.

Julie: And what token have you brought, a symbol of your love?

Jj: What?

Eli: The rings. They're in that black pouch.

Jj: Oh, yeah. Right.

[Laughter] Uh, I don't know where I put 'em.

Sonny: Hey, gabi, you're probably getting married right now, but I want to let you know that ari is feeling way better, and sorry that we can't be there for your big day, but we wish you and eli a lifetime of happiness. Talk soon.

[Clears throat] "To maggie, the love of my life. I will always put you first, first in my heart, first in my soul, first in everything I do. Yours, victor." Wow, uncle vic, getting romantic on valentine's day I see.

[Tablet chimes] Oh, my god. Will. "Ben weston is still at large after his escape from statesville prison. The prison remains on lockdown as the manhunt for ben weston continues. His cellmate denies any knowledge of weston's escape."

Jj: I got 'em.

Eli: Seriously?

Jj: I'm sorry.

Julie: Ah, what's a salem wedding without a little drama?

[Laughter] Gabriella, take the ring, place it on eli's finger, and repeat after me. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Gabi: With this ring, I thee wed.

Julie: "May it ever be to us a symbol of our love."

Gabi: May it ever be to us a symbol of our love.

Julie: Eli, take the ring and place it on gabi's finger. Now repeat after me. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Eli: With this ring, I thee wed.

Julie: "May it ever be to us a symbol of our love."

Eli: May it ever be to us a symbol of our love.

Julie: In as much as gabi and eli have consented together in the union of matrimony and pledge their belief in each other in the presence of these witnesses, I now pronounce them--

Lani: Don't you say another word.

[Dramatic music]

I'm sorry, eli, but I can't let you marry her.

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Eli: You won't let me? I don't need your permission.

Lani: Eli, I am serious, okay, you don't want to do this.

Rafe: Come on, lani. Hey, let me just get you out of here, okay?

Lani: Rafe, you need to sit down, okay? I know that you mean well, but stay out of this.

Rafe: Oh, I'm sorry. I--I can't do that, okay?

Gabi: Best thing you can do right now is turn around and get out of here. You don't want to do this, lani.

Lani: Don't you tell me what I want ever again!

Julie: Rafe, everybody, I've got this. Almost everyone was here when you stopped your wedding to eli for no good reason and broke his heart. Well, sister, if you are here for an instant replay of that, you're gonna do it over my dead body! Managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough.

Lani: The only body that anyone has to worry about at this wedding is the bride'S. It's over, bitch.

Rafe: Lani--

Lani: No, rafe, let go of me.

Abe: Lani. Lani. You told me you were going back to italy. You said you knew about gabi and eli. You wouldn't get in their way. Now what the hell's going on?

Lani: Dad, I promised you that I would come back here and answer all of your questions. This is that day.

Rafe: Okay, now is not the time--lani, it is not the time nor the place to have it out with gabi.

Lani: You know, you took vows--you're supposed to be some holy person, right? What kind of nun crashes a wedding and then threatens to kill the bride? "Thou shall not kill." That's one of the commandments, okay? Did you miss that day in nun school?

Lani: It's the sixth commandment, and you know what, gabi--you are right. If I'm gonna march in here and go all old testament on your ass, I should make my confession first. And you know what? I'm pretty sure I'll get absolution.

[Guests murmuring] You know what? I never became a nun, and the only vow I ever took was that I would come back here and make you pay for all of your sins.

[Soft music]

[Background chatter]

Will: Oh, sonny, I'm sitting in my cell remembering where we were last valentine's day. Hi.

Sonny: Hey. Did you drop ari off at gabi's?

Will: I did, and gabi wants to keep her until tomorrow, which means--I don't know--we got the evening to ourselves.

Sonny: Well, that's great 'cause I've been thinking that is all too rare.

Will: I agree.

Sonny: As much as I love, I mean, more than anything, hanging out with our daughter, it'd be nice to have some alone time with you, just the two of us.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: So to that end...

Will: To that end what?

Sonny: I booked us a trip to costa rica.

Will: Are you--what? Are you serious?

Sonny: Yeah, this spring, it won't be too hot, and it'll be just us, and it's gonna be for a week.

Will: That--this is-- that's amazing. Thank you.

Sonny: Absolutely. Yeah, and if gabi has a problem with us being gone for so long, then I'm sure ari's great grandmothers would love to take care of her.

Will: Oh, definitely. I'm--I'm so excited.

Sonny: I'll email you all the details, the flights, the hotels, and everything.

Will: Thanks. Oh, my gosh. Do you want to open your--your present now?

Sonny: I do, but I actually have another present for you.

Will: Seriously?

Sonny: Yeah.

Will: A trip to costa rica's not enough?

Sonny: Nope. It's not enough. But before we do that, there's something I want to do first.

Will: Okay. What?

Sonny: Well, it involves agility, athleticism, and it will definitely get your heart rate up.

Will: Oh. Count me in.

Sonny: I'm glad to hear you say that.

Will: Forget about it.

Gabi: Be careful, lani. You are on thin ice.

Julie: I'm not surprised you left the convent. Having a little trouble with commitment are we?

Lani: I was in that convent a long time, reflecting on my ruined life. But you know, I finally made the decision to leave the safety of those walls behind because I knew that I could not forgive myself if I didn't come back here and make things right. That was after I, uh, found out what gabi had done while I was gone.

Eli: Get to the point, lani. What are you accusing gabi of?

Lani: I'm so glad you asked.

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Gabi: Eli, please look at me. Baby, listen, don't listen to her, okay? She's just trying to hurt you again, all right? We can get married anywhere, any time--let's just go.

Eli: No.

Gabi: Eli, please.

Eli: I said no. I'm not gonna let someone walk in here and make accusations about god knows what about you on our wedding day. So let's just hear these insane charges that lani has to make, and then she can get her ass out of here, and then we can start our life as a married couple. You know, you got this thing about stopping my weddings with big dramatic speeches, so just go ahead. And then I want you to get out of here, and I want you stay out of my life for good.

Lani: You want to know why I...left you right here in front of all of our friends and family?

Eli: I know why. You told me you stopped loving me, but you waited until we had an audience to tell me.

Lani: No. That was a lie, eli. Looking at you in your eyes and denying everything that I felt and saying all of those hurtful things to you was... it was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do.

Eli: But you did it.

Lani: Yeah, and I've been living that lie ever since, okay? But it's over now, and I am back here, right here with you, and this time I am gonna tell you the whole truth.

Will: In all the time we were together, all you ever had to do to have your way with me was smile. No, sorry, johnny weir. We are--no, not gonna happen.

Sonny: What was the whole "count me in" business?

Will: Well, you conned me.

Sonny: I did not con you.

Will: Yes, you did. You got in real close, and you talked about getting our heart rates up, and I'm--I'm supposed to assume figure skating?

Sonny: Ice skating is a romantic sport. Did you ever see a pair skating in the olympics? It actually kind of turns me on a little bit.

Will: No. No.

Sonny: Yes. Seriously. A lot of these skaters start off as friends, and then they fall madly in love on the ice. I read about it all the time.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: I do. You don't believe me? Ekaterina gordeeva and sergei grinkov? What about irina rodnina and oleg protopopov?

Will: Okay. What? Even though I am very impressed right now by your powers of retention, remembering those names, and sort of being able to pronounce them, unfortunately we are not ice skaters, and we're already in love. So what's gonna happen is the opposite, and we're gonna fall out of love on the ice.

Sonny: Oh, come on.

Will: Especially if I fall on my ass the whole time and I want to kill you for making me put those skates on.

Sonny: You know, you're kind of being a drip, will horton.

Will: Hmm.

Sonny: And you're hurting my feelings that you don't like my wonderful idea.

Will: Well, I like your costa rica idea.

Sonny: Well, you should like this idea, too, because ice skating is a delightful winter sport and it's invigorating and we can get some exercise.

Will: Okay. Okay, fine. I will go ice skating with you when hell freezes over.

Sonny: Well, I don't know what's happening in hell, but the good news is that the lake is frozen, so please? Please. Please, will you come? I'll hold your hand the whole time, I promise.

Will: No, you won't actually. You'll be out on the ice doing triple, you know--I don't know-- quadruple, whatever. And I will be permanently face-planted onto the ice.

Sonny: I will not let you fall, okay? I promise you. Scout's honor.

Will: You know that's not fair.

Lani: There's only one reason why you and i didn't get married that day and start our life together, and it's gabi.

Eli: You dumped me and spelled out the reasons why. Gabi had nothing to do with it.

Lani: Because she forced me to break it off with you, eli, and to do it in such a cruel way. She is the only reason why I broke things off.

Rafe: Lani, if you've got something to say, then say it.

Lani: Rafe, that is why I am here today.

Julie: I know what's going on here. Lani has finally realized what a mistake she made when she let you go, letting go of eli, a wonderful, loving man like that. But that doesn't give you any right to blame it all on gabi. I speak as someone who has--who has misjudged gabi for a terribly long, long time. I doubted her decency. I doubted her kindness. And when she did give me stefan's heart, which did save my life, we finally worked out our differences, and now we love each other. We love each other like--like family. So if you'll excuse me, lani, that's why I'm here, and you can take a seat, or you can take a powder. It really doesn't matter because I'm gonna finish what I started!

Julie: Okay, we've done the vows. We've done the rings. All that's left is for me to pronounce the two of you married.

Lani: Eli, eli, eli. Eli, please. Please look at me. Please don't do this. Eli, please. Please do not give gabi another chance to hurt you.

Eli: Just say it. Just say it--what did gabi do to make you hurt me? What, she hold a gun to your head or something?

Lani: No. She was more clever than that. She threatened to kill julie.

[Guests gasp, whisper]

Will: The thing about us, sonny, is that we may have had a lot of breakups, but we always found our way back, and every time we fell for each other, we fell harder. A double axel, sonny? Really?

Sonny: You know, I am a good skater--I've been practicing that for weeks. I don't know what happened. I think I hit, like, a rough patch of ice or something.

Will: Yeah, for sure, a rough patch of ice, or maybe you're just clumsy. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It was. It was--I saw the rough patch, and hey, you know, I almost fell myself plenty of times, so--

Sonny: No, you didn'T. You're just saying that to make me feel better. You were sexy out there. You were--you were, like, confident, and you were cool, and you were graceful.

Will: Yeah, I was really graceful, wasn't I? I mean, especially considering I haven't skated in, like, ages. I guess I'm just...I don't know, a natural athlete.

Sonny: You're lucky I love you, or I would never talk to you again.

Will: Okay, okay. Seriously, the reason I didn't fall was because I was skating very conservatively, and you were being bold. You're out there doing twists and turns and that, you know, double axle you've been practicing for, like, weeks, and you still haven't--haven't yet.

Sonny: Okay, all right, you know that part where I said I loved you? Yeah, I take it back, okay? I'm never gonna talk to you again.

Will: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Truthfully I was in awe of you out there. You know, I--I think the double axel attempt was very brave, very admirable.

Sonny: Well, thank you, because I was trying to impress you, you know.

Will: And you did.

Sonny: No, I didn'T. I fell flat on my ass, and I made a fool of myself.

Will: Yeah, but you looked very charming while you were doing that. I swear it made me love you even more, if that were possible. So where does it hurt?

Sonny: I mean, kind of everywhere, but mainly my ego is battered.

Will: Oh, yeah. You know what could fix that? Some hot cocoa. Are you still cold?

Sonny: Just a little bit.

Will: Okay, I'll make it better. There you go.

Sonny: Ooh. Oh, my god.

Will: Better?

Sonny: Oh, so much better.

Will: Yeah? Um, does it still hurt?

Sonny: I mean, it hurts a little bit.

Will: How 'bout your ego, how does that feel?

Sonny: Well, it's gonna take a little while for that to heal, so you know, it's definitely gonna need some--it needs some stroking.

Will: Can that be done on an outpatient basis?

Sonny: Let's hope so.

Will: Okay, well, let me get the ball rolling by saying that you are the most loving, courageous, and altogether fantastic person that I know.

Sonny: You didn't say that about my skating.

Will: Oh, my gosh, of course. Sorry--how could I forget about your skating? That's the most impressive thing about you. I mean, watching you out there on the ice, that's, like... I don't know, it's like a religious experience. Even when you fall, you do it so gracefully, effortlessly. In fact, I think you should skate competitively. Is it too late to, like, to try out for the winter olympics? I'm sorry, what I mean is you are a very skilled skater, and even though you didn't get the double axel this time, I am very confident the next time you're gonna nail it.

Sonny: Well, thank you.

Will: Yeah?

Sonny: Yeah. My ego is, you know, on the mend.

Will: Good.

Sonny: Sort of.

Will: Oh. Well, you know, you probably should've held my hand on the ice like you said you would, and maybe I would've been able to keep you on your feet. What--[Clears throat] What I mean to say is I am--I'm sorry I let you fall.

Sonny: I'm not.

[Soft music]

Gabi: That's it. I'm gonna throw you out myself.

Lani: You're right, that is it. Now that I've said what you did and broken the vow of silence you made me take, it's over, gabi. You are done!

Gabi: You didn't break your vow of silence. You lied, okay, and nobody here trusts you after everything you did to eli.

Lani: She made me leave you, eli, and she made me do it in public. She said that if I didn't, she would kill julie, so I did what I was told, and I left town without saying a word about why because I knew that her threat was still alive. She said if I opened my mouth, she would kill julie.

Julie: That's ridiculous!

Lani: But marrying eli, that was taking it way too far, and I just couldn't let that happen. Someone has to stop you.

Gabi: You know that you sound like a lunatic?

Lani: Do you really think after everything that we have been through, after we grieved our son together, eli, that I would just hurt you like that if I had any choice at all? Leaving you at this altar was her idea, okay? And you know what? She didn't fall in love with you--she went after you. She blamed me stefan's death, so she decided that since I took her man away, she was gonna take mine.

Eli: This doesn't make any sense. She saved my grandmother's life. She gave stefan's heart to julie.

Rafe: That's right, that's right--eli's right. Julie had already had the transplant. She was out of danger, lani.

Jj: Lani...tell them.

[Dramatic music]

Lani: Gabi rigged julie's pacemaker.

Julie: What?

Lani: It's true. The device was made by a company that dimera owns, and gabi has an app on her phone that can manipulate your heart.

Abe: Is that even possible?

Valerie: The technology is there, but it was never made for that purpose.

Lani: It's true. I didn't want to believe it at first when she told me she could do it, so she walked me over to your hospital window and gave me a little demonstration. She pushed a button on her phone that made your heart monitor go crazy.

Julie: I remember that. It was right after they put in the pacemaker.

Lani: She threatened your grandmother's life to make me stop our wedding, eli, and she made it very clear that if I said anything to anyone that she would kill julie. So I have been down on my knees to this bitch ever since because I knew that she would go through with it. I knew that she would kill someone that you love so much just to get back at me. But you know what? Don't take my word for it. Ask her your damn self.

Eli: Is this true?

[Dramatic music]

Eli: Gabi, is this true?

Gabi: Of course not! Of course not--can't you see? Isn't it obvious? She's crazy. I mean, she--she went off and joined a convent with kristen dimera. No sane person does that. And then she came back and she saw that we were so happy, and that made her crazier. She's trying to do what she did before. She's trying to ruin your life in front of an audience. Please, baby, listen. Just can you make her go away? She cannot ruin us. Please. Please.

Evan: I was just going to drop this off--I thought you were at the wedding. And then henderson said that you stayed home with arianna because she wasn't feeling well.

Sonny: Yeah, she has an ear infection, so I didn't want to leave her.

Evan: I just dropped david off at a play date and was walking by the florist, and--oh, boy. I'm talking a lot. I do this when I get nervous.

Sonny: Why are you nervous?

Evan: Because I think this may have been the wrong thing to do.

Sonny: Not at all--I think it's a very kind thing to do. Thank you.

Evan: Well, I'll get going. You probably don't want company.

Sonny: Why do you say that?

Evan: You must be thinking about will.

Will: Is this what I think it is?

Sonny: Well, if you think it's one of E.M. Forster's oliver standard typewriters--

Will: How--how did you get this? I mean, even if you could find one, they're--I mean, they cost the moon.

Sonny: Well, there was some, you know, spirited bidding, but I felt it should be in the hands of a real writer, not locked in a vault somewhere.

Will: Sonny, this is-- this is too much.

Sonny: No, no, no. It's not enough.

Will: No, it's too much. I mean, it's--once you see what I got you, I mean, you'll understand this is too much. I, um--I got one for each of us, and I thought that we could write a year's worth of love letters and give them to each other next valentine's day.

Gabi: Rafe. Rafe, get her out of here.

Lani: One more thing, eli. I still love you. I never stopped, okay, and I never will, and there is nothing that gabi or anyone else can do to change that.

Gabi: She's lying, okay? She's lying. She's lying about loving you. She's lying about what I did. She's lying about everything.

Jj: No, she's not! Our skin tells a story...

Jj: When lani came back the last time and then told everyone that she left town, it was because gabi threatened julie again.

Gabi: She's making him lie for her.

Jj: She didn't leave.

Abe: She didn't?

Jj: She didn't--she came to me and asked me for help and basically told me what she just told all of you, and I didn't believe it either, not until I saw the app on gabi's phone.

Gabi: Jj--

Jj: I tried, but I couldn't disable it.

Abigail: So--so it's still on her phone, right, which I just happen to have here in her purse.

Gabi: No. Abigail--

Abigail: Let's take a look, shall we, gabi? Gabi--

Rafe: Give me the phone gabi.

Gabi: No.

Eli: Gabi, please tell me that this is a misunderstanding.

Julie: No. No, it's the truth. What an idiot I've been to think that you could ever change. Lani's right. It's all over.

[Dark music]

Sonny: You're right. I-I was thinking about will.

Evan: If you want to talk about it... or I could go. That's probably the best thing.

Sonny: No, no, no, no, don'T. It's just-- it's been a really weird day. Let me show you something. You know, I don't know if I can, you know? I mean, I'm no E.M. Forster.

Will: Well, you don't have to be. Just write what you think and feel, and I'll do the same.

Evan: So? This is valentine's day. Are you gonna show him the letters?

Sonny: I can'T... even if I wanted to, because the prison's on lockdown. Ben weston escaped.

Evan: I heard about that. He's david's uncle.

Sonny: I do need to see will soon, though, because he didn't return the signed divorce papers, which is kind of weird because he was the one that wanted the divorce. I just don't know why he's dragging his feet. Nothing more romantic than a guy talking about his ex, right?

Evan: I asked you to.

Sonny: Thank you for listening, and for the rose.

Evan: Any time. You've got my number.

Julie: You didn't give me stefan's heart to save my life. You just did it for revenge!

Gabi: She killed stefan. She killed my husband, and then--then she waltzes off and has this happily ever after. And you, oh, don't you think I ever forgot about the horrible things that you said to me.

Julie: Well, it seems they were all true.

Lani: What about eli, gabi? What did he do to deserve all this?

Gabi: I saved him from you. He deserves so much better than you.

Eli: You lied to me? Are they telling the truth? Did you lie to me? Hey, answer me--did you lie?

Gabi: Okay! Stop it! Yes. Stop! Shut up, okay? Yes, jj--jj is telling the truth, okay? I had her new pacemaker made to order, and i can still control it, okay, so her life is in my hands.

Julie: I'm not afraid of you.

Gabi: You should be.

Rafe: Put it down, gabi. Just put the phone down. Think of arianna.

Julie: Yes, think of arianna. If there's a god in heaven, he will never let you see that poor little girl again!

Eli: Grandma, don't!

Julie: I'm gonna be so happy to see you--to see you suffer for every horrible thing that you have ever done!

Gabi: Shut up!

Julie: To think I was ever grateful to you. You! You're nothing. You're a brown-eyed, black-haired monster!

Gabi: Just shut up!

Julie: [Gasps] Ugh! My heart' Racing...oh!

Abigail: Julie-- as a struggling actor,

[Quiet music]

[Background chatter]

Sonny: Dear will, after what happened with my mom, I stopped writing these letters to you. But that doesn't mean I stopped loving you. And the truth is, no matter what happens next, I don't know if I ever will.

Gabi: No, just stay away from her!

Rafe: Don't do it, gabi.

Eli: Gabi, if you ever cared for me just even a little bit, give me the phone.

Lani: Eli, she may love you, but not as much as she hates me.

Julie: And me. Go on, gabi, kill me.

[Panting] Kill me. If all I had to do is push a button to kill you, I'd do it!

Eli: Grandma, stop.

Julie: And I want you to know that on every given day of my life, I've had more love than you're gonna have in your whole life.

Gabi: Stop talking!

Julie: If I die tonight and you go on living, you're gonna do it alone because you've betrayed every single human being that ever--ever cared about you, you malicious, selfish--

Gabi: Aaaah!

Julie: Aah!

Abigail: Oh, my god, julie?

Eli: Grandma!

Gabi: Don't touch me.

Rafe: Oh, my god. What have you done?

[Intense music]

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