Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 2/14/20
Episode #13710 ~ Abe and Eli have a heart-to-heart about Lani. Gabi and Eli's Valentine's Day wedding begins. Chad and Abigail share a romantic moment on Valentine's Day. Chad discovers Ciara and Ben at the gatehouse.
Provided By Suzanne
Abigail: Wow. Oh, my god.Chad: What?
Abigail: Whew. I look awful. Whew.
Chad: No, you don'T.
Abigail: Yes, I do. Oh, my god. Bridezilla has been running me ragged all day. It's gonna take me, like, a keg of concealer to cover these bags under my eyes.
Chad: I think that you look beautiful with or without makeup.
Abigail: Hm. Nice try. I know what you're doing.
Chad: Is it working?
Abigail: Hmm... not yet.
Chad: Happy valentine's day, mrs. Dimera.
Abigail: Mmm.
[Phone ringing]
Gabi: Hi, julie? Everything okay?
Julie: Great. My brand new pacemaker is in working like a charm. The doctor said I can go home now, so I'm all set to marry you two.
Gabi: I'm so relieved.
Julie: I--I just wish that doug could be there, you know, to hear me pronounce you man and wife, but there's a situation with hope, and she really needs her dad right now.
Gabi: Yeah, I heard about that, and I am so sorry. I really hope that doug can get through to her.
Julie: Thank you, sweetheart. Me too.
Gabi: Hey, listen, I'm really sorry to cut this short, but I have to go because I have to do so many things, but I will see you later.
Julie: You bet.
[Foreboding music]
Eli: Well, we lucked out weather-wise, huh? Probably would've been better to wait for the spring, but what's better than a valentine's day wedding?
Jj: Mm-hmm.
Eli: Unless maybe it's national cheeseburger day wedding, right?
Jj: Yeah, right?
Eli: Yo. What is it with you, man?
Jj: I'm fine.
Eli: You've had something on your mind all day. What is it?
Lani: Call me back when you get this, kristen. Gabi and eli's wedding is tonight, and I know what I have to do, but I would feel a lot better if I could talk it over with you.
Kristen: Lani called. All right, I need to call her back.
[Knock at door]
Brady: Hi.
Kristen: Hi. Well, has anybody ever told you you look great in a monkey suit?
Brady: I'm going to gabi and eli's wedding. You want to be my plus-one?
Kristen: Uh...
Ciara: "The prison "remains on lockdown "as the manhunt for ben weston continues."
Ben: It's dark now. I should get going.
Ciara: In the shape you're in? Ben, you won't get very far.
Ben: No, I've already thought this through. Ciara, I mean it.
Ciara: Ben--
Ben: Ciara, we have to face reality and say goodbye.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ciara: Were you not listening to me when I said that I would never say goodbye to you?
Ben: I won't let you live your life on the run.
Ciara: [Sighs sharply] Yeah, but ben, if you leave me here alone, I won't have a life. Look, if you love me--
Ben: You know I do.
Ciara: Then stop telling me to let you go.
Ben: Ciara, if I cave now and I take you with me, I'm gonna end up hating myself. I know how tough you are, but I'm calling the shots now. Maybe one day we will be together again. Somehow. I am praying for that with my heart and my soul because you are everything to me. But for right now, you're staying right here.
Abigail: I love it.
Chad: There we go. Now, look at yourself in that mirror and tell me that you're not a knockout.
Abigail: Kids and I have something special for you too.
Chad: What? I thought that gabi was keeping you too busy for you to remember.
Abigail: No. What, are you out of your mind? Of course not.
Chad: "To the best daddy and husband in the world." Aww.
Abigail: I know. His little hand.
[Phone ringing]
Chad: Harold, what's up? Well, I'm sure security was just checking out the place. Okay. Okay, I'll go take a look. I guess someone left a light on in the gatehouse.
Abigail: And you're gonna go check that? What, are you out of your mind?
[Reflective music]
Gabi: I'll always love you. I'm never gonna forget you. I know that you wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life alone. You'd want me to be happy, and eli makes me happy. But there's always gonna be a very special place in my heart for you. I still miss you. I missed how honest we were with each other. You knew everything about me. Most of it was bad. You knew that I married you for revenge, that I wanted to take everything from you, but you fell in love with me anyway. Stefan, you told me that you loved me so much, and I said that no man had ever loved me the way that you did. One of the happiest nights of my life turned into a nightmare. You had to go, but you asked me to wait up for you. But the next time that I saw your face, I was identifying your body. And that's--that's when somebody found your donor card in your wallet, and everyone--everyone was telling me that I had to give your beautiful heart to this person that hated my guts. And this whole time lani just kept begging me for forgiveness, telling me that she didn't mean to shoot you, and I just couldn't--I was-- I was driving myself crazy. I made her-- I made her get on her knees and beg for your heart. I thought it was gonna make me feel better, but it didn'T. Stefan, I lost you. Oh, god. And lani had eli, and julie had your heart keeping her alive, and I just--I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand it, so I came up with this plan so that I could feel sane again. I told lani that she had to break eli's heart at his wedding, or I was gonna kill julie. I was gonna--I was gonna make her new pacemaker not work. Stefan, you know that saying, "what goes around comes around?" Julie was so grateful to me that I had saved her life that she completely changed toward me, and of course I cared about her, too, and I love eli and--oh, my god. Oh, my god. If they find out, oh, god. Oh, why can't I just get rid of this stupid app, but I--I can'T. I can't get rid of it because it's the only leverage I have over lani. If I do that, she's gonna go to the cops, and then--and then stefan, I'm gonna lose everything. Eli's gonna hate me, and I'm gonna go to prison, and then my baby, she's not gonna have a mother, and I just can't take that chance, okay? I can'T. I can't take that chance.
Jj: Just thinking about haley. I had the engagement ring in my pocket when she died. Never had the chance to ask her.
Eli: And here I am going on and on about how excited I am about getting married.
Jj: No, you get to do that.
Eli: If it's too much for you to stand up at my wedding, it's all right.
Jj: No, no, no. It's cool. You're my buddy. I'll do anything you need me to do.
Eli: Including seeing kristen?
Jj: Is she gonna be here?
Eli: I don't know. But gabi insisted on inviting her. She didn't rsvp, though.
Kristen: You want me to go to the wedding as your date?
Brady: Yeah. You were invited, right?
Kristen: Eh, only gabi is sucking up to me because she wants me to sell her my dimera stock.
Brady: So are you gonna go, or do you want to go with me, or do you not want to go with me? You want to go--
Kristen: Oh, no, brady, I would love to go with you.
Brady: All right.
Kristen: And I am really touched that you asked me. It's just that lani and I got close at the convent, and I feel like I'd be disloyal if I went to the wedding and saw the man she loved marrying another woman.
Brady: Well, I'm-- I'm confused because lani left eli at the altar. You're saying that she still loves him?
Lani: God, I don't know if this is the right thing. All I know is I have to do it. Dear ms,
Abigail: But I--I just don't understand why it has to be you.
Chad: What do you want me to do, call my security chief on his wedding day just because somebody maybe left a light on?
Abigail: You have an entire security force.
Chad: Well, we know how harold is. He's a worrywart, so...
Abigail: What are you saying? You think that I'm just overreacting?
Chad: Maybe.
Abigail: Fine. I'll see you at the wedding. Fine. I will--I'm gonna go check on julie and make sure she's up for officiating.
Chad: And if she isn't?
Abigail: Well, maybe harold's available.
Chad: Gabi would lose her mind if our butler officiated her wedding.
Abigail: So?
Chad: So she would never speak to you again.
Abigail: That would be a loss why?
Chad: Oh, my god. I love you so much. You're such a romantic.
Abigail: I actually am.
Jj: Kristen just found out her baby died. Pushed haley. Haley fell down a flight of stairs. It was a horrible accident. I accept that now.
Eli: Doesn't mean you have to socialize with the woman.
Jj: I'll keep my distance.
Eli: Okay.
Jj: So anything else you need me to do as best man besides hold the ring? I could pick julie up.
Eli: No, no. I told her I'd do it.
Jj: Well, I can tell her you need some more time to get yourself together. You do, right?
Eli: You sure?
Jj: What a best man does. And besides, they know me at the hospital, so they'll let me cruise julie through all that red tape.
Eli: Yeah. Yeah, thanks man. I could use the time. Thank you.
[Knocking at door]
Rafe: Hey, sis, you in there?
Gabi: Yeah, come on in.
Rafe: Hey. I thought, uh... we could walk over to the square together.
Gabi: That's really sweet of you.
Rafe: Well, hey, I am the guy that's giving you away.
Gabi: Thanks.
Rafe: Must be thinking about him today, huh?
Gabi: I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ben: I'm not giving an inch on this. That manhunt you were reading about, it's me that they're looking for. Every cop in three states is looking for me, and you're my main known associate, which means that they're looking for you too. I know about all the calls and the texts you've been getting, ciara.
Ciara: Okay, well, I've been ignoring them.
Ben: Which is only making them sure that you're with me. So I'm gonna fix it so that they're wrong, and you're gonna have to deal with that.
[Dramatic tone]
Chad: Weston. What the hell are you doing here?
Buckle up for some insurance themed fun
Chad: Are you helping him?
Ben: No. No. I forced ciara to let me in here. She didn't want to do it.
Ciara: No. No, chad, what the hell do you think you're doing?
Chad: I'm calling the cops, and if you're lucky, I'm gonna keep you out of this.
Ciara: If you turn ben in, they're gonna execute him, okay, and he didn't kill jordan. He's innocent.
Chad: Innocent? Look, I don't know what he did or didn't do to his sister, but I know what he did to my wife. Ciara, he killed three people!
Ciara: He's different now.
Chad: He's different? Then why'd he escape from prison? I'm sending you back where you belong.
Julie: Say, are you here to get me out of this place?
Abigail: No, I am here to find out how you're feeling.
Julie: Wonderful. I'm going to see my grandson marry and live happily ever after.
Abigail: Okay, so you're definitely up for doing the ceremony?
Julie: Darling, it is my chance to make amends. I've never been so wrong about anybody in my life as I have about gabi.
Abigail: Well, I'll never be a fan.
Julie: Remember when I believed in you and nobody else did? Remember what you said to me? You said it meant the world and all to you.
Abigail: And it did.
Julie: Well, now I believe in gabi.
Abigail: And that is your right.
Julie: I certainly hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her, because tonight she is going to become a member of the horton family. She is going to become our relative, part of our big, wonderful, complicated family whether you like it or not.
Rafe: You're absolutely sure this is what you want?
Lani: Yes. Yes, I love eli, and I want him to be my husband.
Rafe: Okay. Well, then great. Great. I'm happy for you.
Lani: Thanks. Hey, I know. I know I don't have the best track record, but rafe, this marriage is gonna work, okay? Eli is an amazing man, and I am the luckiest woman in the world.
Rafe: Eh, I don't know about that.
Abe: Well, you look like you're dressed for a wedding.
Eli: Hey. Yeah. It's tonight.
Abe: I'm happy for you. You have every right to live your life the way you want. You know, I still can't believe that-- what lani did, or that she disappeared from my life the way she has.
Eli: Well, have you seen her since she left salem?
Abe: Just a couple phone calls. She's going through with becoming a nun. I--I don't know if I'll ever understand that either. All I can tell you is that the lani that broke your heart that day is not the daughter that I know and love. I'm bad.
Kristen: It--it was just a slip of the tongue. Lani "loved" eli. Past tense.
Brady: "Loved." Okay. Well, then you don't have to worry about hurting her if you go to the wedding then, right?
Kristen: Still a sensitive subject for her.
Brady: All right, no pressure. I understand.
Kristen: Thank you. Thank you for understanding.
Brady: No worries. I actually came over here for another reason. I have something that I wanted to give you.
Kristen: You got me a present?
Brady: Maybe, but I don't know if it was a good idea at this point.
Kristen: Why?
Brady: 'Cause I noticed you're not wearing your charm bracelet. And it's okay. It's okay if you're not because I--I remember the night that we were talking about rachel isabella and you had it on, but maybe you took it off because it's too painful for you to think about that.
Kristen: Okay, brady--
Brady: And I understand if you did. I mean--
Kristen: Brady. Brady, brady. I would never get rid of anything you gave me no matter how painful the memories would be.
Brady: Okay.
Kristen: Okay?
Brady: You still have it then?
Kristen: Of course I do.
[Laughs] See?
Brady: You do have it.
Kristen: I do have it.
Brady: Good. Good, because I have...
Kristen: What do you have?
Brady: An addition to it. I got you this because I--I think we need to put those painful memories behind us and move forward, so.
Kristen: Brady.
Brady: Happy valentine's day.
Kristen: Happy valentine's day.
Abe: I've reached out to lani a million ways. She seems to have retreated behind the walls of the convent.
Eli: Well, I know how much that hurts. I've been through it.
Abe: I miss her so much.
Eli: Hey, would you-- would you mind staying for the wedding? Ever since I came to salem, you've been like a father to me.
Abe: Well, that you can still say that, that means the world to me.
Eli: Listen, before you make that decision, there is something that you should know. There's a chance that--mom, hey. You made it.
Gabi: You're keeping something from me, right?
Rafe: Mm-hmm. No. Would you calm down?
Gabi: Well, then why did you disagree when I said I was the luckiest woman in the world?
Rafe: Because luck had nothing to do with you finding happiness.
Gabi: Oh, okay, so what was it?
Rafe: It was you. You. You have grown up.
Gabi: Have I?
Rafe: Yeah, you have, because you see, you used to--you used to think that you had to trick people into finding happiness or getting what you want. But now--see, now you realize that you got the best man in the world, and he loves you because of you. See? You've changed. You've grown up.
Gabi: It's about time, right?
Rafe: Well, yeah, maybe. But it's true, and honestly, eli is the luckiest man in the world.
Gabi: Thank you.
Rafe: Yeah. That's the truth, kid. You ready? Huh? Are you ready? Can we get this show on the road? Come on.
Gabi: Yes, but there's just one more thing I have to do.
[Soft dramatic music]
Ciara: Okay, chad, wait, wait. Hold on one second, okay? I know you hate ben, but he did not kill his sister.
Ben: Ciara, it's not just about what happened to jordan. Chad's right. I put abigail through hell. I killed three people. I tried to kill will. That's never gonna go away, and it shouldn't go away.
Ciara: No, no. Okay, but ben-- ben, you were out of your mind when you did those things. You were hearing your father's voice in your head. Clyde was the one who told you to do what you did. It was clyde, not you. Chad, ben is better now, okay? He is the man he would've been if he hadn't had clyde for a father. He is sweet. He is kind. He is caring, and I love him.
Chad: Your father would be losing his mind if he heard you say that.
Ciara: People stand by the ones that they love. Abigail, she did some horrible things when she was not in her right mind, but you still love her, right? Right? Please. Chad, I'm begging you. I am begging you, just listen to me. Listen to what I have to say and try and show some compassion for us, please. Copd makes it hard to breathe
Valerie: So nice to see you, abe.
Abe: It's nice to see you too.
Eli: I was just inviting abe to the wedding if that's okay with you two?
Abe: It's fine with me.
Valerie: Me too.
Eli: Good, 'cause I'm gonna have to leave you guys alone together.
Valerie: Oh, are you okay?
Eli: Yeah, yeah. No, I'm fine, but I need to check on the photographer. He should've been here by now.
Valerie: Ah.
Eli: Yes.
Valerie: Oh, sweetie.
[Wistful music]
Ciara: Oh, my god. Thank you. Thank you so much, chad.
Chad: I want you out by tomorrow.
Ben: I will be.
Ciara: Yeah.
Chad: Ciara, I need you to be careful, all right? You have no idea how much trouble you could be in for harboring a fugitive.
Ciara: Come on, chad. If it were abigail, you'd be doing the exact same thing. I--I just need you to know how much ben and I appreciate this.
Chad: I can't believe I'm doing this. You're lucky it's valentine's day. See you later.
Brady: There you go.
Kristen: I remember when you gave this to me. And then you took me to john and marlena's to celebrate mother's day.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Kristen: That was one of the happiest days of my life, until--
Brady: I know. I know.
Kristen: And I still think about rachel isabella every morning.
Brady: So do I. Every morning. Every day. She--she's a bond between us that will never break. I think we need to build on that, kristen. Think about the future instead of living in the past, you know?
Kristen: Think we can do that?
Brady: I've learned a little bit about taking one day at a time. And what I know about today is that it's valentine's day, a special day, so I think you should put that bracelet on, go get dressed, and let me take you to a wedding. What do you say?
[Crickets chirping]
Lani: No, eli! Eli... I don't want to do this. I owe you the truth. And the truth is... I just don't love you enough to marry you!
[Wistful music]
Here's the thing about depression.
[Crickets chirping]
[Somber music]
Lani: [Gasps]
Chad: Hey.
Abigail: Oh! Hey, you. Let me look at you. Wow. Nice. Very nice. You made it. Not bad.
Chad: What are these? Gabi's?
Abigail: Yes, these are gabi'S. Hoping this is my last official act. What's going on? What's the deal with the gatehouse?
Chad: Um, everything's fine. I'll fill you in after the wedding.
Ciara: Did you hear what chad just said?
Ben: That the police are coming for me and that you could be in a hell of a lot of trouble if they find out you're helping me? Yeah, I heard him, which is why I'm taking off before daybreak tomorrow.
Ciara: That's not what I was talking about. What he said was that today is valentine's day.
Julie: Eli. Do you know how much I love you?
Eli: I am so glad that you're here.
Julie: Me too.
Eli: Thanks for picking her up.
Jj: My pleasure.
Eli: Well, it's almost time, and no signs of kristen.
Jj: Well, you won't hear any complaints from me.
Brady: And you look beautiful.
Kristen: Oh, thank you. Would you mind zipping me up?
Brady: Sure.
[Warm music]
Kristen: What are you doing?
Brady: What do you think?
[Acoustic "bridal chorus"]
Julie: Dearly beloved, we are gathered this evening to join in holy matrimony this man and this woman. It is an occasion both sacred and joyous. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
Rafe: No one tells my sister what to do. She makes her own choices.
Julie: Please face each other. Marriage. It should not be entered into lightly, but reverently and with true belief in one another. Into this holy agreement, eli and gabi come together to be joined. If anyone here can show just cause why these two should not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
[Murmuring laughter] And they'll have to deal with me.
[Laughter] Any takers?
[Dramatic rock music]
Up to 90 percent of
people fall short
Julie: I didn't think so. Please join hands. Gabriella, do you take eli to be your lawful wedded husband to love, honor, and cherish from this day forward as long as you both shall live?
Gabi: I do.
Julie: And eli, do you take gabriella to be your lawful wedded wife, to love, honor, and cherish from this day forward as long as you both shall live?
Eli: I do.
Julie: And what token have you brought, a symbol of your love?
Jj: What?
Eli: The rings. They're in that black pouch.
Jj: Yeah, yeah, right.
Jj: Uh... where the hell did I put 'em?
[Smooth music]
Brady: You didn't really-- you didn't really want to go to this wedding in the first place, did you?
Kristen: No. There's no place I'd rather be.
Ben: I'm sorry. I missed the part about valentine's day. All I can think about is that chad's giving us one more day before he's calling the police.
Ciara: Okay, well, then let's make the most of it, huh?
Ben: Ciara, you can't keep putting your life and your future on the line for me.
Ben, will you just knock it off? I love you, and today's valentine's day, and we have this one night together, so I don't-- I don't want to argue. I don't want to argue with you about what happens tomorrow. I just--I want--I want to make love to you right now.
Ben: I love you more than anyone, more than I ever thought I could love someone. That's all I got for you for valentine's day.
Ciara: Good. Because, ben, that's all I want.
Jj: I got it. I got it.
Eli: Seriously?
Jj: I'm sorry.
Julie: Ah, what's a salem wedding without a little drama?
[Laughter] Gabriella, take the ring, place it on eli's finger, and repeat after me. "With this ring, I thee wed."
Gabi: With this ring, I thee wed.
Julie: "May it ever be to us a symbol of our love."
Gabi: May it ever be to us a symbol of our love.
Julie: Eli, take the ring and place it on gabi's finger. Now repeat after me. "With this ring, I thee wed."
Eli: With this ring, I thee wed.
Julie: "May it ever be to us a symbol of our love."
Eli: May it ever be to us a symbol of our love.
Julie: Inasmuch as gabi and eli have consented together in the union of matrimony and pledge their belief in each other in the presence of these witnesses, I now pronounce them--
Lani: Don't you say another word.
[Dramatic music]
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