Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 2/13/20
Episode #13709 ~ Shawn confronts Princess Gina and tries to get through to his mother. "Steve" continues to deceive Kayla. Gabi plots to maintain control over Julie's heart. Lani fears nothing will stop Eli from marrying Gabi today.
Provided By Suzanne
Jj: You're up.
Lani: Yeah, I'm up. You want--you want coffee? I made some coffee.
Jj: Made a couple pots, huh?
Lani: Well, you know what, jj? I haven't slept, okay?
Jj: Sorry if I woke you this morning. I just had to get the tux.
Lani: No, you didn't-- you didn't wake me u I-I was laying in bed thinking I was having a nightmare that gabi and eli were getting married. But it's not a nightmare, is it? It's reality. Eli is really going to marry that bitch.
Eli: Hey, grandma. How you doing this morning?
Julie: Great! Never better.
Doug: Yes. Getting a new pacemaker always puts her in a good mood.
Julie: [Laughs] I will be in a good mood once I get that pacemaker, because then I will be bright. I will be bushy-tailed. I will be ready to get you two hitched. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered this evening to join my beautiful grandson in holy matrimony. My excellent, my outstandingly tall, my gorgeous grandson!"
Eli: Grandma, grandma, actually, there--there's something I need to tell you.
Gabi: All right, so you have it? Let me see it. This pacemaker, it's exactly like the other one?
Chris: Exactly. Once it's installed, you'll have full control over it with the app on your phone.
Gabi: Right, which means I'll have control of lani. Perfect wedding present.
Shawn: Ciara, hey, it's me. Um, I heard about ben's escape. Would you just do me a favor and just steer clear of the guy? And I need you to call me as soon as possible, all right? It's about mom. It's important. Mom?
Hope as gina: You shall address me as your royal highness princess gina von amberg. Or do not address me at all.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chris: Wedding present? You getting married again, mrs. Dimera?
Gabi: That's right. I am marrying the patient's grandson.
Julie: You're still getting married, aren't you? You two didn't have a fight, did you?
Doug: Honey, honey, you gotta keep calm.
Julie: You've gotta work it out.
Eli: Grandma, this isn't about the wedding. It's about your procedure.
Doug: Is there some problem?
Eli: Well, no, there's no problem, but we can't seem to find kayla.
Kayla: Well, this is looking a lot better this morning.
Steve as stefano: That's because I got a great doctor. You know, if you hadn't fixed me up and hidden me, I could be dead right now. Thank you, sweetness.
Kayla: That's what ex-wives are for. I'm glad that you're doing better. And now it's time for me to go. So try to take it easy, and take aspirin if you need it.
Steve as stefano: Kayla, no. I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave.
Hope as gina: How dare you manhandle me? Take these manacles off of me immediately. Do as I request, rafael! This is insanely ridiculous.
Rafe: All right, sit down.
Hope as gina: No.
Rafe: Actually, yes.
Hope as gina: [Sighs] This is brutality. I demand to speak to my attorney. No, make that the state department.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope as gina: You have kidnapped a foreign sovereign. There shall be hell to pay!
Rafe: No, this is truly worse than hell.
Hope as gina: Do not leave me. Rafe, I--
[Dramatic music]
Shawn: So? She really thinks that she's princess gina?
Rafe: Oh, yeah. Yep. The whole flight back from prague, she's been in full princess mode.
Shawn: All right, what about john and marlena? Belle's been blowing me up. She's worried sick.
Rafe: They're okay, okay? Soon as roman and I caught her highness and kept her from kidnapping marlena, they were able to take a separate flight back.
Shawn: Okay. Now, what about kate? I'm assuming that she's been arrested, right?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. She's being arraigned as we speak.
Shawn: Good. Good. I hope they throw the book at her. I mean, come on. I mean, look at my mom. Okay, anybody would know that she needed help. But no, what does she do? She goes and she does whatever stefano tells her to do and she just says "screw everybody else."
Rafe: Right. Well...
Shawn: Look, I'm sorry. I know that that's not productive. What we need to do is, we need to focus on getting my mom back.
Rafe: Listen, shawn. About that. According to her highness, she's not coming back.
Feel the clarity of new
Lani: The thought of eli being taken in by that bitch. I mean, has he forgotten what she did to abigail? Does he not see what is so obvious to anybody with a brain that she is just a selfish little slut? I mean, my god, her husband died, like, five minutes ago and she's already gonna marry somebody else? How does he trust someone like that? Does he not see that everything that comes out of her mouth is a disgusting lie?
Jj: Apparently not.
Lani: Yeah, because he's so in love. Do you know how sick it makes me to think of them together? To picture them celebrating their engagement together? Toasting with champagne? Getting in bed together?
Jj: You need to stop. Stop doing this to yourself.
Lani: No, no, jj, I can't, okay? Because the thoughts, they're just there. Eli giving her a ring, asking her to be his wife. Them making love together.
Jj: Lani, please, what-- you're torturing yourself. And why? It's gonna be over soon.
Lani: [Scoffs] Yeah. I really wish I could believe that.
Jj: Look, the wedding, it's not gonna happen, okay? By then, julie's gonna have a new pacemaker. She's gonna be out of danger.
Lani: Damn it, jj. Oh, my--do you not understand that gabi knows about the new pacemaker? You don't think she's gonna try to screw with that one?
[Dramatic music]
Chris: So is this your "something new"?
Gabi: What?
Chris: You know, something old, something new, something borrowed, something lethal?
Gabi: I don't pay you for your witty commentary. So please go do what you're paid to do. And don't screw up.
Chris: Hard to screw up. Just have to get this to the hospital and to the doctor doing the procedure.
Gabi: Right, well, get going. Oh, and don't forget, this is strictly between the two of us. It is our little secret.
Chad: What little secret is that?
Kayla: What did you say to me?
Steve as stefano: I said you can't go.
Kayla: How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do? You didn't even do that when we were married.
Steve as stefano: Oh. I must have from time to time. Just like you probably did it to me.
Kayla: No. Never.
Steve as stefano: Really? I seem to recall you being pretty bossy. Yeah. Yeah, but, you know, I-I didn't take it personally. I figured you were chief of staff of a big hospital. You were used to ordering people around. I forgave you for it.
Kayla: You have really turned into a first-class jerk, haven't you?
Steve as stefano: You don't really think that, do you?
Kayla: Yeah, I really do. And I'm leaving.
Steve as stefano: No. I need you.
Kayla: So does julie. She is getting her pacemaker changed out today and I am doing the procedure.
Steve as stefano: But you're not a cardiologist.
Kayla: And you have nothing to say about it.
Steve as stefano: Come on. Can't somebody else do it? Julie's a tough old bird. I mean, does she really need to be coddled?
Kayla: Oh, because you do, right? "Oh, don't help julie. Just help me." Is that it?
Steve as stefano: All right. Sorry.
Kayla: Trust me. You will be just fine until I get back.
Steve as stefano: Kayla, listen, listen. I may have put it badly. But the fact remains. I can't let you leave.
Jj: Look. I think you're overreacting. I think gabi, by now, has had enough revenge. She thinks she's getting married. She thinks that she's won. So why would she go after julie again?
Lani: Why would she go after abigail, okay? Why would she go after me? Because she is insane, jj. That's why.
Jj: But she thinks you're gone and she's in the clear.
Lani: [Scoffs] You are talking about her like she is normal. That woman is driven by hate.
Jj: She and julie, they're close now.
Lani: No. No, she has hated julie for years. Sociopaths, they don't just forgive and forget, okay? All that sweetness and light, it's all an act. It's all a way for her to dig her claws deeper into eli. She doesn't have a conscience, jj. She doesn't care about whose life she destroys, as long as she gets what she wants. Don't you get it? We can't trust her as far as we could throw her.
Gabi: Apparently nobody knocks in this house. You're right.
Abigail: We live here, gabi.
Gabi: Oh, I thought you moved to the backyard.
Chad: I asked you a question. Who is this guy? What are you guys up to? What are you doing?
Gabi: Well, this is my jeweler, if you must know. See, I bought a watch for eli, and he needed my approval so he could start the engraving process.
Abigail: Of course she has a jeweler who makes house calls.
Chad: Let me see it.
Gabi: No, actually, nobody's gonna see it until eli does.
Chad: Right. Okay. Very thoughtful of you.
Gabi: Yeah. You know, he loves vintage timepieces.
Chad: Who doesn't?
Gabi: You can start with the engraving. And make sure to give it a final tune-up, because I just want to make sure it's running like clockwork.
Chris: I'm on it.
Gabi: I can trust the two of you to not spoil the surprise, right?
Chad: Of course.
Abigail: Don't worry. We know what happens when people get in your way, gabi.
Shawn: Oh, my god, I can't even take all this in.
Rafe: I know. I know.
Shawn: So tell me what princess-- god, I can't even say that. I don't even--no. Tell me what that thing in there that's taken over my mom's soul, what did she say about her?
Rafe: Yeah, well, when I was taking gina into custody, I said to her, I said she's gonna be gone forever and hope is coming back.
Shawn: And?
Rafe: And she seemed unfazed by that. And she said...
Shawn: What? She said what?
Rafe: [Chuckles] She said that hope's gone forever.
Shawn: No. No. No. No. No. If rolf did something to her, then he can undo it, okay? He has to.
Rafe: I hope so. I really do. But obviously we don't-- we don't know what the hell we're dealing with here. So I just want to warn you. Gina said what rolf did was permanent.
Shawn: Damn it, no. No. No, there's no way that-- there's no way that you can just permanently erase a woman's personality and then just hand her over to some wack job.
Rafe: Right.
Shawn: And princess bitch in there, she makes grand pronouncements. So you know what? There's no way in hell I'm gonna believe that my mom is gone and that--that thing in there has taken over and she's gonna win. Well, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna go find rolf. I'm gonna find him; I'm gonna make him turn her back. And then I'm gonna kill him.
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: Whoa. You can't let me leave? You actually have said that to me twice.
Steve as stefano: I'm sorry, sweetness.
Kayla: You know what? You can just take "sweetness" out of your vocabulary, all right? Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that?
Steve as stefano: [Sighs] I misspoke.
Kayla: Misspoke? Okay, okay, you know what? We can just skip how offensive that is and go straight to how stupid it is. Do you not get it? Do you not get how completely dependent you are on me? How maybe the only reason I am helping you is because I want to see stefano taken down for all the things that he has done? But don't you forget for one second that you dumped me and you didn't even bother to come back here and tell me to my face. That you didn't bother to come back for your own sister's funeral.
Steve as stefano: Kayla, you need to calm down.
Kayla: Calm down? Don't tell me to calm down. And don't order me around, and don't threaten me. I shouldn't even be talking to you, never mind helping you. You hurt me. You were cruel. You signing those divorce papers shattered me. I laid in bed night after night for days, for weeks, wondering how on earth the man that I love, the father of my children, could turn into such a heartless bastard. So you know what I did? I would go to work. And I would try to just get through every single day. And then when I would get home and I would think of you, I would think, "what happened?" How we were so in love. How could you just throw that away? And I fell apart.
Steve as stefano: That's very sad.
Kayla: Isn't it? But you know what's sadder? Your life and what lies ahead for you when you finally come down to earth and you realize what you've done and how you convinced yourself that this marriage wasn't working for you. But I-I know. And I know you, deep down in your heart, know that the kind of love we had was extraordinary, was passionate, and it was tender. And we had a friendship. You were my best friend. And you told me that I was yours. And even now, when you could hide, maybe, I know that you feel damn guilty for abandoning that and abandoning me and your life and your family.
Steve as stefano: [Sighs] People grow apart, kayla. You know, it's a fact of life.
Kayla: My god. What has happened to you?
Steve as stefano: Is that a rhetorical question?
Kayla: You can change your own damn bandages.
Steve as stefano: Kayla, wait, wait! Listen to me. Think. Don't you see? Don't you comprehend that you're in just as much danger as john and marlena? I'm not threatening you. Stefano is.
Jj: Lani, I'm doing everything I can to make sure gabi doesn't do any more harm. I am helping you.
Lani: I know.
Jj: But it doesn't help to hear another tirade about how much you hate her.
Lani: [Sighs] I know. You're right, and I'm sorry.
Jj: Okay. So to that end, I'm gonna go to the hospital. Keep an eye on things. Gabi shows up, I'll handle it.
Lani: Right.
Jj: She probably won'T. She thinks she's getting married today. She'll probably spend the whole day getting ready, right?
Lani: Yeah. I did.
Jj: You will again.
Lani: Jj. I am so sorry for just dumping all of my misery on you. You have been great. Above and beyond great.
Jj: Did the same for me. If it wasn't for you, I'd be in an italian prison right now. So I hope I can return the favor.
Lani: You already have.
Julie: What do you mean, kayla's missing?
Doug: Has anyone called justin?
Eli: I left him a message. Grandma, look, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sure it's nothing. She probably just got tied up.
Julie: But does this mean I can't have my procedure today?
Eli: No, everything is still going according to schedule. A cardiologist will do it.
Doug: Well, shouldn't we at least wait until we hear from kayla?
Eli: I think it's more important to get her pacemaker inserted.
Julie: Well, right. I have a wedding to perform tonight.
Eli: Grandma, I was talking about your health.
Julie: Oh. You're such a doll. Isn't he a doll?
Doug: Yes, yes, but I think we should wait for kayla.
Julie: Honey, please don't be negative. Remember the last time we had this procedure? It was easier than a trip to the dentist. It's a piece of cake. Wedding cake.
Gabi: [Sighs] Right, well, if you are done grilling me about the watch, I have things to do. I have to go.
Chad: I have something I need to tell you.
Gabi: Well, can't it wait? This is my wedding day. Arianna's sick, so sonny can't go, and then eli's worried about julie. I'm worried about everything, so please cut me some slack.
Chad: It's about the company. Thought that would get your attention.
Gabi: All right, chad. What is it about my company? Spit it out.
Chad: Stefano's back.
Steve as stefano: Kayla, listen. I'm sorry if I used the wrong tone of voice, but I'm begging you to think about what's happening here. All right? You're right. We have our children to consider. If stefano is on the loose, he's after me, he's gonna target the people I love: You and our children.
Kayla: You're just trying to scare me.
Steve as stefano: No, I'm trying to protect you.
Kayla: Well, I'm not the isa or anything like that, but nobody followed us last night. Nobody knows you're here.
Steve as stefano: This is stefano we're talking about. You're not gonna see him in your rearview mirror. You won't have any idea where he is until he's face-to-face with you. He is closer, much closer, than you think.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!
Eli: All right, everything is set. You'll be in and out in no time.
Julie: Ah, good. Can't wait to blow this joint.
Eli: Grandma, do you mind if I take off? I still have some stuff to do.
Julie: Go. Go, go, go.
Eli: All right.
Julie: And in a few hours, I'm gonna marry you to the girl of your dreams.
Eli: Can't wait. You take care of her.
Doug: [Laughs] I always do, eli.
Eli: All right.
Doug: My dear, are you sure you're up for this? Surgery and officiating a wedding in the same day?
Julie: Darling, it's not surgery. It's a procedure. They run a little line up my leg. Anyway, my grandson does not get married every day, so that's that.
Doug: Julie, like zarathustra, has spoken.
Julie: Exactly. Isn't it wonderful? You know, when lani ditched eli, he was so down. I thought he was down for the count. And then along came gabi and...
Doug: Yeah.
Julie: I have never been so wrong about another human being in my entire life.
Chris: Sorry, man.
Jj: Whoa. Hey. Don't I know you from somewhere?
[Tense music]
Gabi: I just-- right. No, right. Yes. Yes, of course. Stefano came back from the dead and he's taken over steve johnson's body. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. I'm gonna go check on the cartoon mice and see if they're done making my dress.
Chad: It's not funny.
Gabi: Of course it's not funny, because it's not real, okay? What, did he go to kristen's mask maker and ask for a steve johnson mask?
Chad: It's not a mask. He tried to kill hattie adams.
Gabi: Oh, of course he did. Well, anybody that's had her as a waitress would want to kill her.
Abigail: Did you hear what he said? Stefano tried to kill her.
Chad: If he's that pissed off at a waitress, imagine how he feels about you, the woman who is currently running his company.
Kayla: You don't have to tell me how stefano operates. I have dealt with him and his stooges before. They want to come after me, well, they're gonna find out that they are barking up the wrong tree.
Steve as stefano: This time is different. He's desperate. Believe me. He's got nothing to lose.
Kayla: So what do you propose? That I just bunk in here with you and hide from him and my patients, my boyfriend? Justin. Justin must be worried sick about me.
Steve as stefano: Well, you know, if you really care about him, you'll stay right here, at least for a little while.
Kayla: Do you think that stefano's gonna go after him?
Steve as stefano: Well, he's gonna go after anyone you care about. He wants to know what you know. Right?
Kayla: I need to call justin, tell him what's going on.
[Dramatic music]
[Cell phone ringing] Is that my phone?
Steve as stefano: Yeah. Please don't answer it.
Kayla: Why not?
Steve as stefano: There's something I need to say to you.
Kayla: Well, what is it?
Steve as stefano: Just want to tell you I really appreciate you patching me up like this. But I'm afraid there's one more favor I need to ask. I need you to hide me.
[Knock at door]
Kayla: It's kayla.
Steve as stefano: Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Kayla: Yeah. Why don't you let me help you put them on so you don't pull out a stitch?
Steve as stefano: All right.
Kayla: Where the hell is my phone?
Shawn: Anything?
Rafe: Nothing substantial. Roman's leading the search for rolf, and in the meantime, not much we can do.
Shawn: What are you talking about? Yes, there is. Why don't we-- let's take my mom to the university hospital, have kayla do a brain scan on her. I mean, that's what they did last time when they found the microchip.
Rafe: You really think she's gonna consent to that?
Shawn: Well, it doesn't matter; it's not her body. It's my mom's body.
Rafe: We need a court order.
Shawn: Okay, well, then we'll get one.
Rafe: Shawn, listen to me. I only have 48 hours until i have to charge her with a crime. I can only put off the da for so long.
Shawn: Then that means that we need to get my mom back before then.
Jj: Yeah, really, your face looks familiar.
Chris: Yeah, a lot of people say that. Maybe I have a twin I don't know about. It is salem.
Jj: Huh. Point taken. Jj deveraux. I work here.
Chris: Chris choi. I work for a medical device company. I'm here a lot; maybe you saw me making a delivery.
Jj: Yeah, I guess that was it.
Chris: to work.
Eli: Best man. Best man. Hey, you remember to pick up your tux?
Jj: Hey. What?
Eli: You psyched about tonight or what?
Jj: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely.
Eli: Well, you definitely don't seem like it.
Gabi: You think stefano's gonna come after me?
Abigail: Yeah. We do. And by the way, you're welcome for the heads-up. He is dangerous, and he looks like my uncle steve johnson.
Gabi: This is payback, right? You're trying to freak me out on my wedding day.
Chad: We're just trying to give you a fair warning.
Gabi: Okay, well, maybe it's not stefano. Maybe steve's lost his mind. He thinks he's somebody else. It happens, you know?
Abigail: Why don't we just wrap this up?
Chad: Look, the man in steve's body is stefano. He knew things that only my father would know.
Gabi: No. I'm sorry. That's just too crazy. I don't believe that.
Chad: You don't believe me? Call rafe. He just arrested hope.
Gabi: What?
Chad: Although it's not really hope, 'cause dr. Rolf turned her into princess gina-- again.
Gabi: Wait. Right. Okay, hold on. So...okay. So steve is stefano, right? And then hope is a princess. And you spoke to steve, but he was actually your father. So is that why you were asking me who my jeweler was? You thought it was your great-aunt poopsie dimera or something? You know what? Both of you should try looking into getting a room--at bayview.
[Suspenseful music]
Rafe: Well, lucky me. I get to tell doug and julie that hope--
[Sighs] Man. What the hell am I gonna tell them? I'll keep you posted.
Shawn: All right, thanks.
[Dramatic music]
Hope as gina: Why have i not been given my phone call?
Shawn: Mom, it's me.
Hope as gina: I am not your mother. I am not. I told you who I am.
Shawn: Yeah. Well, you know what? But I know that she's still in there somewhere.
Hope as gina: No. As I told that insufferable detective, she is gone. Hope... she is gone. Collateral damage.
Shawn: Shut it, princess. You know, I know that my mom is still in there somewhere. And you know what? She's smarter than you. She's stronger than you. And she's gonna fight like hell to get back to her kids, her family, and her life. And she's not gonna let some joke like you win.
Hope as gina: How dare you?
Shawn: Mom. It's me. It's shawn. I know that you're still in there somewhere. I need you to listen to me. Do you remember when me, you, and dad, we sailed around the world together? Do you remember that storm-- that storm that we got caught in and that wave that came and crashed into us and hit me in the chest? Do you know what I remember about that? I remember seeing you fly across that deck and grabbing me by my life jacket. I didn't see an ounce, an ounce of fear in your eyes. It was just fearless determination that you were not gonna lose me. That was a category 4 hurricane. And now this is--this is a vain, stupid, shallow woman who's got delusions of adequacy. She is no match for you. There's no way, nohow.
Hope as gina: Very sweet speech. Obviously...heartfelt. But you're wrong. All the sincerity and all the passion in the world cannot bring your mother back. Because she's gone. She no longer exists, shawn. Mm. It is time you let her go. Our skin tells a story...
Jj: I'm sorry. The guy that just left, I know him from somewhere. Not the hospital, though.
Eli: Does it matter?
Jj: Just, it's bugging me that I can't remember.
Eli: As long as you remembered those rings.
Jj: What?
Eli: The rings. You said you were gonna pick 'em up. Please tell me you didn't forget.
Jj: Dude, eli, I am--
Eli: Yeah. And you did forget. That's why I picked them up myself.
Jj: Ah, you're a real son of a bitch.
Eli: Look, I'm just trying to get your attention, man. Take care of these. I don't want anything to go wrong tonight.
[Dramatic music]
Eli: Lani price... will you marry me?
Lani: [Laughs] Yes. Yes, eli grant. I will marry you.
[Fireworks popping]
Lani: Oh. God, I need your help. Okay, I... I know I didn't take my vows, and... but I still believe in you. And I need you to please make sure that the doctors can get the pacemaker out of julie safely and that-- and that gabi will finally pay for all of the horrible things that she has done. Please.
Gabi: No. No. This is my wedding day, okay, and I'm gonna remove this nonsense from my mind, and I'm gonna go get ready. Abigail, would you like to help me?
Abigail: No. I can'T.
Gabi: Or won'T.
Abigail: I can't, actually. I am going to the hospital to see if I can be a donor for baby mickey.
Gabi: Right. That's a ridiculous name for a baby girl. But as a mother, I do feel for sarah. I should probably spare a few minutes and get tested myself.
Chad: How positively noble of you.
Gabi: I'm also gonna check on julie. I gotta make sure that my soon-to-be-grandmother is in tip-top shape to perform my wedding.
Abigail: Well, hopefully she'll bounce back as quickly as she did before. Remember the other time that she had a heart attack and you left her for dead?
Gabi: That was an accident. And you know it. I thought she was faking. Why would you dredge up old resentments, abigail? You know, julie and I, we-- we're way past that. And we're very close. So why don't you just grow up and move on?
Abigail: I'm leaving.
Gabi: I'm going with you. Come on. Let's go. I have a lot of things to do. Let's go.
Abigail: [Groans]
Doug: Rafe. Good to see you.
Julie: Rafe, you don't have to check up on me. You just tell gabi that after I have the new pacemaker in, I will be in top shape to get her married.
Rafe: Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Doug: Yes, but?
Rafe: Yes, but... I need to tell you something... about hope.
Hope as gina: There shall be serious international consequences once I am released. You cannot leave me in here forever. Shawn! Rafael!
Shawn: Aunt kayla, hey. It's shawn. Will you please, please give me a call back? It's important. I need your help.
[Cell phone beeps]
Kayla: I don't know what I could have done with my phone.
Steve as stefano: I saw it on your desk yesterday. You probably forgot it because we were in such a hurry to get out of there.
Kayla: Damn it.
Steve as stefano: Well, guess you're just gonna have to be incommunicado for a while. Just you and me.
[Tense music]
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