Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 2/12/20
Episode #13708 ~ Kayla smuggles "Steve" out of the hospital. Sarah and Eric receive news about the bone marrow search for Mickey. Kristen keeps a secret from Brady, even as they grow closer. Ciara hides Ben at the DiMera gatehouse.
Provided By Suzanne
Nicole: Being like this in your arms again, part of me still doesn't believe I deserve it.Eric: That's in the past, okay? Mickey, she's in my life, and so are you. I love you. Never doubt that.
Xander: I always thought of myself as an optimist, but... this is one dream I never thought I'd actually get to live, you here next to me.
Sarah: Don't forget the love part.
Xander: Oh, I love you too. Although I had my doubts you'd ever return my feeling.
Sarah: Was it worth the wait?
Xander: Every second. Although I'm very glad the wait is over.
Sarah: Me too. This is the first time since mackenzie got sick that I feel genuinely happy.
Xander: Well, let's see if we can sustain that happiness a bit longer.
Kristen: Steve might have a better shot at seducing marlena than stefano does, but it's definitely a long shot, father.
[Knocking at door] Oh.
Brady: Hi.
Kristen: Hi. I wasn't expecting you back so soon. Are we still on for our breakfast date in the morning?
Brady: Uh, yeah, no, of course we are. I just--I had some basic black contacts I wanted to run by you.
Kristen: Oh, um, and it can't wait?
Brady: It could wait. It could, but, I, um, don't really want it to wait because I really wanted to just see you. But I mean, if this is a bad time, then I'll just--
Kristen: No, no, please.
Brady: You sure?
Kristen: Please, no, I want you to come in.
Brady: All right, thank you. I-- what the hell is that?
[Kristen sighs]
[Cell phone ringing]
Kayla: Is that my phone?
Steve as stefano: Yeah. And please don't answer it.
Kayla: Why not?
Steve as stefano: There's something I need to say to you.
Kayla: Well, what is it?
Steve as stefano: Just want to tell you I really appreciate you patching me up like this, but I'm afraid there's one more favor I need to ask. I need you to hide me.
Justin: Glad to see you're awake.
Victor: Who could sleep in this hellhole?
Justin: Well, maggie said you're gonna be released tomorrow. That's good news.
Victor: Can't wait to blow this joint.
Justin: On the subject of blowing joints, I just heard that ben weston escaped from prison. Were you involved?
Ciara: Okay. Okay. Careful, careful, careful. Okay. Come on. Okay, okay. All right, okay. Okay. Ben, are you okay?
Ben: I'm not sure this is a good idea.
Ciara: Well, I'm not sure about anything, but I know we haven't lived here in over a year, so I figure the police won't even think to check here, so we can stay here until--
Ben: No, no, no, no, no, not--not we. Ciara, I only accepted that ride because the place was swarming with cops. I've got it from here. You need to leave, and do not come back.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Victor: Why on earth would i break ben weston out of prison?
Justin: Maybe you felt like you owed ciara.
Victor: If you recall, I spent a great deal of my time trying to keep that maniac away from my granddaughter.
Justin: Mm-hmm, which is why she was so sure all these months that you and xander framed ben for jordan's murder, until somehow you convinced her that you didn't, even though she overheard you and xander admit that you sent an innocent man to prison, so just for fun, what did you say to ciara to convince her that ben wasn't the innocent man you got locked up?
Ciara: I'm in this, ben. I'm not going anywhere.
Ben: I can't believe my father involved you in this. I warned him not to, which is why I need you to turn around. Ciara, you need to leave, and you do not come back here, and you forget about all of this.
Ciara: No.
Ben: What do you mean, no? Do you know how much danger you're in right now? You're helping a fugitive.
Ciara: I don't care, ben. I love you.
Ben: No, no. It's not happening. You need to leave. You have a life to live.
Ciara: I don't have a life without you in it, okay? So just shut up and take off your clothes.
Kayla: Hide you? Stefano's men tried to kill you. You need to contact the police.
Steve as stefano: No, I will when the time is right, but I can't take that chance right now. I need to take stefano down myself.
Kayla: No, no, no, no, you know what? John and roman can help you. I'll call roman--
Steve as stefano: No. I'm sorry. I can't let you do that.
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Kristen: Um, chad and abigail found this stashed in the dimera gatehouse, and they brought it to me.
Brady: Why?
Kristen: Because I'm one of the only people who's seen my father face-to-face, and the two of them got it into their heads that he looks like steve johnson now.
Brady: Is that possible?
Kristen: I told them it was crazy.
Brady: Right.
Kristen: Because it is.
Brady: It seems crazy. Yeah, it is. I mean, but is it? I mean, you--you came back to town as nicole. You were pretty damn convincing, remember?
Kristen: [Sighs] I was desperate, and it was so wrong because I hurt so many people, including you, and I will always be grateful that you forgave me.
Brady: Well, the woman I forgave showed me her heart when she carried and loved our daughter for nine months.
Kristen: Uh, have you talked to eric? I w--although it's a long shot, I was hoping that we would be bone marrow matches for little mackenzie. Any word on that?
Victor: You're looking for a conspiracy where there isn't one. No wonder I had a stroke. I had people accusing me of things I didn't do.
Justin: I'm not accusing you of helping ben break out of prison. I'm just looking for some answers, and I pray to god ciara isn't involved.
Victor: Yeah, sometimes she reminds me of her father, impulsive, hard-headed, willing to do the wrong thing for the right reason. Let's hope ben is long gone so she won't have to deal with that troublemaker anymore. That'd be the best possible ending.
Justin: I don't think ciara would agree with you.
Victor: Of course she wouldn'T. She'll get over it. Look at you. Much as you loved adrienne, you managed to move on with kayla.
Justin: I will always love adrienne, but kayla showed me what it was to live again.
Victor: And now you're happy together?
Justin: Yes, very.
Victor: Even with steve johnson back in the picture?
Steve as stefano: Listen, involving john and roman is only gonna get them killed. We barely made it out with our lives in prague.
Kayla: I thought you said it was a wild goose chase.
Steve as stefano: It was. Stefano wasn't there, but his goons were there, and they were waiting with orders to kill, and I'm sure they followed us back here.
Kayla: Well, thank god that john has marlena in a safe house.
Steve as stefano: Mm, roman is there too.
Kayla: But you need their help.
Steve as stefano: Not this time.
Kayla: You know, I don't understand any of this.
Steve as stefano: All you need to know is that I need to take stefano down myself, but until I'm ready to make my move, I need a place to stay where no one will think to look. That's why I need you to hide me. I'm bad.
Xander: I just have a hunch that our prayers for the donor will be answered.
Sarah: And just maybe you're hoping to be the answer to those prayers because you want to be the hero?
Xander: You got me.
Sarah: Xander, you already are my hero. I told you that. You've been by my side since day one, and mickey's, even when I was a brat, and especially now, especially since mickey got sick. I mean, you've been working overtime to get everyone you know tested.
[Cell phone beeps] The results are in.
Xander: Okay. I'll ask maggie to look after mackenzie so we can go to the hospital.
Sarah: I should actually call eric.
Xander: Yeah, good idea.
[Line trilling]
Sarah: Eric?
Eric: Hey. What's going on?
Sarah: The test results are in.
Eric: That's great. I'll meet you at the hospital.
Nicole: The test results?
Eric: They're in. Let's hope this is what we've been praying for.
Nicole: I'll get a babysitter for holly, and I'll go with you.
Eric: Oh, no, you don't have to do that.
Nicole: No, I'm-- I'm going with you. I want to be there for you.
Brady: I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm sure sarah put a rush on the tests.
Kristen: Well, after all the hell I put eric and nicole through, I-- is it--is it wrong for me to hope that I'm the match to save little mackenzie's life and prove that I've changed?
Brady: You have changed, everything about you, your heart, your soul, everything. That's kind of why I'm here. I, um, couldn't stay away.
[Ben groans]
Ciara: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm afraid my nursing skills aren't nearly as good as yours.
Ben: Mine?
Ciara: After my motorcycle accident? Ben, you were amazing.
Ben: And you were terrified. You were stuck in a cabin with a serial killer.
Ciara: Who made me pancakes, really good pancakes. I mean, how could I not fall hard?
Ben: That's what it was?
Ciara: That's it. Ben, that's it. We'll just--we'll find a remote, secluded cabin. We'll hide out there. We'll make a plan. Maybe--maybe we can leave the country. Maybe we--
Ben: Ciara, stop.
Ciara: What?
Ben: Stop. There is no us in this, do you understand me? If we are found together, you will go to prison for helping me, and there's no way in hell I'm letting that happen.
Ciara: Well, then we have a problem because, ben, there is no way in hell that I'm leaving you.
Justin: Steve is not a threat to my relationship with kayla.
Victor: They sure have many years together, children.
Justin: And then he ended things with her, brutally and for some supposed other woman, and the way he treated her when he came back to town, having unceremoniously dumped her? It's unforgivable. If anyone doesn't deserve to be treated that way, it's kayla. She's a wonderful person, caring and loyal.
Victor: You really love her, don't you?
Justin: Kayla and I have been blessed with the kind of love that I never thought I'd find again.
Kayla: I don't like the idea of you going up against stefano alone. It is too dangerous.
Steve as stefano: It's not your call, woman. I'm sorry, but there's just so much at stake, and it's all up to me, all right? John and marlena have each other, and roman is your brother, but I'm unattached. I'm a free agent. I mean, who would care if something happened to me?
Kayla: How can you say that? I mean, your children would certainly care. Jack would care.
Steve as stefano: Jack, yeah, jack still hasn't forgiven me for not attending our sister's funeral.
Kayla: Well, that was pretty unforgivable, but regardless, you are the only family that jack has left. So at least there would be one person in the world who would care if you died.
Steve as stefano: What about you? Would you care if something happened to me? This is hal.
Kristen: After our rachel isabella died, I wanted to die myself, and if it wasn't for the sisters taking me in and comforting me, I--
Brady: I wanted to be the one to comfort you so that we could move on together, kristen.
Kristen: Yeah, but I was in such a dark place, I couldn't see that. I thought you just felt an obligation to the mother of your child. I thought you saw me as a burden, brady, just a remind--
Brady: You do--you do realize that that is so far from the truth?
Kristen: Yeah, I do.
Ben: This is a non-starter, okay? Do you--[Grunts] Do you understand me? I love you way too much to put your life at risk, ciara. I know that life, that life on the run as a fugitive, I could never do that to you.
Ciara: Don't you get it, ben? My life is nothing without you, so I don't care. I don't care what we do or where we go, ben, as long as I'm with you.
Victor: I'm glad you found love again. I really felt for you when you lost adrienne.
Justin: She was never one of your favorite people.
Victor: Yeah, well, we butted heads, but she made you happy, and that's what's important. Only wish that I'd had the chance to tell her that before it was too late.
Justin: She knew, uncle vic.
Victor: I hope so. And I think she's looking down now, and she's very grateful that you're with kayla, as am I.
Justin: There it is. I knew it. You do have a heart.
Victor: You better go be with kayla before I turn you into a liar.
[Both laugh]
Justin: See you at home.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Kayla: Of course I care. You're the father of my children. And just because we're not married anymore doesn't mean that I want to see you end up dead.
Steve as stefano: Well, hopefully it won't come to that.
Kayla: Then you need to come up with a different plan, something better, something not so risky.
Steve as stefano: Listen, this is stefano. Risk is part of the equation. You have to trust me.
Kayla: Trust you?
Steve as stefano: Listen, if I'm gonna take stefano down, I have to catch him completely off-guard, which means I have to stay out of sight until I'm ready to make my move. You're my only hope. Now, will you help me?
[Knock at door]
Justin: Kayla? Are you in there? Your door's locked.
Eric: Hey. Are those the results?
Sarah: Yeah. I didn't expect to see you here.
Eric: I'll explain later. What matters is the results.
Sarah: Okay.
Xander: So?
Sarah: You aren't a match, and neither is my mom. You aren't either.
Nicole: I knew it was a long shot. I'm sorry.
Xander: What about brady and kristen? Ever since we moved here, I've been noticing it.
Kayla: Hi. Hi.
Justin: Why was your door locked?
Kayla: Oh, um, I'm--I'm working on a report, and I kept getting interrupted. What are you doing here?
Justin: Checking on victor. Is it true he's being released tomorrow?
Kayla: Yeah, and not a moment too soon.
Justin: Yeah, he is kind of anxious.
Kayla: No, I'm talking about my staff. I think they're gonna throw a party.
Justin: Oh. Maybe you and I could throw a quiet little party of our own back at the condo, open a nice bottle of cab, turn on some music, you and me, slow dancing. What do you think?
Kayla: That sounds wonderful. It does, but I--I really just need to work on this report, so I, um-- it may be a all-nighter.
Justin: An all-nighter? Can't you just do it from your laptop at home?
Kayla: No, I think I, um-- I need the big screen, you know, so I can really concentrate because you are such a distraction.
Justin: [Chuckles] Okay. So an all-nighter, huh?
Kayla: Yeah, sorry.
Justin: Okay.
Kayla: Thank you for understanding.
Justin: Is everything all right?
Kayla: Yeah, of course it is. I just--you know, I just gotta finish the report. It's been a long day, the whole thing. Why don't you go home, and--and I'll get there, but it may not be till the morning.
Justin: Well, I hope it's sooner than that.
Kayla: Fingers crossed.
Justin: I love you.
Kayla: Me too. Okay.
Steve as stefano: [Sighs] Well, I wasn't sure for a minute there, but you really came through for me. Thank you.
Sarah: Brady and kristen aren't a match either.
Nicole: Oh, I am so sorry.
Xander: Well, just because there's no match doesn't mean we stop trying.
Eric: Xander's right, as much as I hate to admit it, but we gotta keep fighting.
Xander: I promised victor I'd keep him posted. You'll--you'll be okay?
Eric: I know brady was really hoping he had a chance to help. I know he'll be disappointed.
Sarah: Are you going to see brady tonight? Maybe you could break the news to him?
Nicole: Um, brady and i aren't together.
Sarah: Oh, no. When did you break up?
Nicole: Truth is, we never were together.
Sarah: I'm confused.
Nicole: Well, it was just this stupid charade to try and keep kristen away from him, but when two people love each other, lies are never the answer.
Sarah: So are you saying that brady and kristen are back together?
Nicole: I don't know, but sharing grief over losing their little girl has definitely made them close again.
Eric: Yeah.
Brady: I don't know, this--this taking things slow is gonna be hard for me.
Kristen: I know.
Brady: It's gonna be challenging.
[Cell phone ringing] Sa--saved by the bell. Saved by the bell. Um, it's eric.
Kristen: Oh.
Brady: Hey, brother.
Eric: I just wanted to let you know the test results came back. You and kristen aren't matches.
Brady: She's here. She's here. I'll tell her. I'm--I'm so sorry.
Eric: Me too.
Brady: Listen, man, you hang in there. We're gonna--we're gonna keep searching. We're gonna find a match, all right?
Eric: Thank you, and thank you and kristen, you know, for being tested. I appreciate it.
Brady: Of course. I'll talk to you soon.
Kristen: So we weren't matches?
Brady: No.
Kristen: That poor child.
Victor: Damn it. I was sure one of mackenzie's biological parents would be a match.
Xander: So was I. That's why I've got to get tate tested. As her half-sibling, he's the best chance she has.
Victor: Well, I thought you said that brady got suspicious the last time you pushed to have him tested.
Xander: He did. If I try again, it might set off alarms.
Victor: We can't have that. Nobody can figure out that brady and kristen are mackenzie's parents.
Xander: Agreed, but i promised sarah I wouldn't let her child die, and it's a promise I intend to keep.
Victor: Well, then let's keep it. Dear ms,
Sarah: So you and brady aren't together, and you two came in together.
Eric: Yes.
Sarah: Does that mean--
Eric: It does mean that. Nicole and I are back together.
Nicole: Eric somehow found it in his heart to forgive me.
Sarah: Oh, yay! Oh, I'm so happy for you guys. This is such good news.
Eric: It is, and we are very happy ourselves.
Sarah: Aww. I actually have news of my own. Um, xander and I are together, and we're so in love, and--yeah, okay, I know you guys don't like him. I get it. He's done some really horrible things, but that's the old xander, and you have to admit that the xander that I love, he's been incredibly supportive and caring, and I'm--I'm gonna go find him and--and go home. 'Kay. Yay. Okay.
Nicole: Congratulations.
Victor: Thank you, theresa. I'll be in touch.
Xander: So?
Victor: So she's agreed to have herself and tate tested.
Xander: Excellent.
Victor: I knew she would. She'd do anything for maggie.
Xander: Good for her.
Victor: You look like you have something else to tell me, and I'm not gonna like it.
Xander: Sarah loves me. She finally admitted it.
Victor: Oh, good god.
Xander: You can rain on my parade all you want, old man. This is my dream come true.
Victor: Yeah, unless she finds out you switched those babies. Then she'll never speak to you again.
Xander: Then I can't have her find out.
Sarah: Find out what?
Kayla: I really don't like lying to justin.
Steve as stefano: Well, it wasn't a big lie. I'm sure your relationship will survive, huh?
Kayla: You know, you need help. Justin could help you.
Steve as stefano: No.
Kayla: No, he can be trusted. It's not too late. I could go catch him right now.
Steve as stefano: No, no, no, no, absolutely not. You know, involving justin in this, it'll be dangerous for him. I wouldn't do that to you, not after what I put you through.
Kayla: You want me to hide you. I don't even have a clue where.
Steve as stefano: Well, first step is I need to get out of this hospital, so could you find me some scrubs?
Kayla: You think that's necessary?
Steve as stefano: Yes. Stefano's spies could be anywhere. Listen. I know it's hard for you, but this one time you really do need to trust me, sweetness.
Kayla: All right.
[Steve as stefano groans]
Steve as stefano: See you, roman, deleted. Now my sweetness is gonna get me out of here.
Ciara: I don't want to hear another word about you taking off without me, okay? I don't want to hear it. And with that leg of yours, you need me, ben, so just admit it.
Ben: I love you so damn much. I will admit that, but right now I am way too tired and way too hungry to argue.
Ciara: Okay. So I'll see if I can scrounge something up.
[Chuckles] It's, uh--it's kinda weird to be back here, isn't it?
Ben: We were so happy, till we weren'T.
Ciara: Hey. We'll be happy again. I know we will. So yeah, depression.
Nicole: I'm sorry you didn't get better news tonight, but you know what? Before tonight I thought I'd lost you forever, yet here you are. Miracles do happen, and it will happen for mackenzie too.
Victor: Oh, we weren't talking about anything important.
Sarah: No? Then why do you both look so guilty? Xander, what can't I find out about?
Xander: I guess the jig is up, uncle victor.
Victor: Oh, don't try and put me in the middle of this.
Xander: I didn't want to say anything. I was hoping to keep it a secret. I've arranged to have a playhouse built for mackenzie in the garden.
Sarah: But she's a baby.
Xander: I know, she is now, but she's gonna beat this disease, sarah, and when she does, she'll grow into a beautiful little girl who needs a playhouse to make mud pies and have tea parties in. I just wanted to make that happen for her.
Sarah: You are too much.
Victor: He certainly is.
Sarah: Thank you.
Kristen: Dear god, I know our rachel isabella is in heaven because it was your will, but little mackenzie, please, please let her stay with us. She's--she's the light of her parents', their life, joy, their miracle. Help us find a donor that will save her life and restore her back to health and a life of love and happiness, amen.
Brady: Amen.
Kristen: What?
Brady: You're amazing.
Kristen: Well, the power of prayer is amazing. That's what I'm counting on.
Brady: Your compassion and your faith is amazing.
Kristen: I've seen a better--better path, that's all, and I want to be that person, the person that our daughter would love.
Brady: I'm gonna--I'm gonna grieve for rachel isabella, I think, every day, but the love that we learned from her, I'm so happy that it's brought us here.
Kristen: And I'm gonna honor that, and I want to be worthy of it, and that's--that is why I do not--I do not want to mess this up, brady, because I have a real talent at doing that.
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: I mean, a life-- life to be with you is all I ever wanted. Oh, god, that is why I just--oh, I want to--I need-- I need to take this slowly.
Brady: Yeah, we both need to do that, and that is my cue to leave.
Kristen: Oh. Okay.
Brady: I'm gonna go.
Kristen: Okay.
[Clears throat] Bye. Oh. Father, I do not know if you are gonna be reunited with marlena, but I think I have a real chance at getting back together with brady.
[Knocking at door]
Kayla: It's kayla.
Steve as stefano: Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Kayla: Yeah. Why don't you let me help you put them on so you don't pull out a stitch?
Steve as stefano: All right.
Ciara: Can we just, uh, for one night, this night, can--can we just be us, maybe not worry about what's on the other side of that door or worry about tomorrow? Can we just--can we just go back to being us? Because I haven't been this close to you, ben, and I haven't been this alone with you in forever, so can we-- can we just please do that? Can we just go back to being us again?
Ben: Come here.
[Soft, emotional music]
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