Days Transcript Tuesday 2/11/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 2/11/20


Episode #13707 ~ Princess Gina attempts to outwit Rafe. Chad and Abigail get locked inside Gina's lair. "Steve" seeks help from Kayla. Jennifer finally remembers it was Hope who pushed her off the balcony.

Provided By Suzanne

Jennifer: Shawn.

Shawn: Jennifer, jack, hey. Thank you so much for coming here so quickly.

Jack: That's all right. We just--we were just kind of surprised to hear from you.

Jennifer: Yeah, I didn't even know you were in town. Hi.

Shawn: I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to be. But rafe, he called me and said he was concerned about my mom and needed my help. And turns out he's got pretty good reason.

Jennifer: What are you talking about?

Shawn: I don't really think there's any easy way to say this, but we think that my mom may have been turned back into princess gina.

Kate: John. John, can you hear us?

Rafe: John. Hey. Hey, you with us, buddy?

John: Rafe, is that you?

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, it's me. I'm here with kate.

Kate: You hurt yourself. Did you hurt your head? Did you hit it?

Rafe: Someone knock you out?

John: No, no, no, no. Drugged. By hope. No, no, no, no, no. She thinks that she's gina. But you two probably already figured that out.

Kate: Yeah, we did.

Rafe: You know where she's at now?

John: Gina took doc hostage. You gotta find her, rafe. You've gotta find her, rafe.

Rafe: Hey. I'm on it. I'm on it. Yeah.

Hope as gina: You're certainly taking your sweet time with that key. Would you get inside already?

Marlena: I don't usually unlock a door with a knife in my back.

Hope as gina: Oh, I'm so sorry. I do apologize for the imposition. Get inside now. Hurry up. Sit down. Sit down.

Marlena: Ah!

Marlena: Hope. This is not you. It isn'T. It's not you.

Hope as gina: Yes, you're right. I'm not hope, I am princess gina von amberg.

Marlena: You are not gina. Gina died 20 years ago. Somehow--somehow rolf and stefano have made you think that you're gina. You've been brainwashed. You've been hypnotized. I can help you.

Hope as gina: I do not need you to be my psychiatrist. I need you to shut up. That's what I need. I need time to think. You really have thrown a wrench into my plans, have you not? Yes, you have. If john had only just given into his feelings for me.

Marlena: John doesn't have feelings for you any more than I have feelings for stefano.

Hope as gina: He must be furious that you managed to escape.

Marlena: He doesn't even know that I'm gone.

Hope as gina: How could he not? What are you talking about?

Chad: Just put the--put the gun down.

Abigail: Stefano. Don't do this.

Steve as stefano: "Stefano, don't do this." You have been a thorn in my side since the moment you married my son. In fact, I will be doing him a great favor by eliminating you.

Hattie: Oh my gosh, you really are a monster.

Steve as stefano: Quiet, fool!

Chad: Stop! What are you, gonna shoot my wife? The mother of your grandchildren? Hey, hey, look at me. If you love me, I you ever loved me-- dad, if you hurt her, I will never forgive you.

Steve as stefano: I admire your loyalty. If only she deserved it. After having murdered your brother, andre. After having slept with another brother.

Chad: Stop. Don't--don't talk about my wife that way.

Steve as stefano: She's a murderer and a slut.

Chad: Stop!

Steve as stefano: How would you prefer I talk about a woman who took the life of one of my sons and cuckolded the other?

Abigail: You just can't stand the fact that he chose me over you.

Hattie: Geez, don't make it any worse.

Chad: Okay, can we just stop?

Steve as stefano: All right, my boy. I'll let abigail live for now. I have better things to do. Stay back!

Chad: Where are you going?

Steve as stefano: Marlena is still out there, and I will find her if it is the last thing I ever do.




Chad: Dad. Dad!

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

John: [Groans]

Kate: Here, you really should drink this.

[Tense music]

John: Thanks.

Kate: [Stammers] I'm sorry it's only half filled. I mean, you know, I could try to find some more water for you, but I don't think you want to drink from the tap.

John: I'm just trying to figure out what the hell you're doing in prague.

Kate: I came here with marlena, to find you, because we knew you were in danger.

John: How'd you know that?

Kate: You know, I think we can talk about all that later, because right now, you're in bad shape. We need to get you to the hospital.

John: No, no, I just need to find doc, that's all.

Kate: Okay, look. We can deal with that later. Right now, gina gave you something. God only knows what that is, so we need to get you to a doctor.

John: No, no, no. I will be fine, and I can relax just as soon as we find doc. Just help me up, please.

Kate: Okay, look. I'm gonna take you to the hospital.

John: Easy, easy, easy. There, there, there, there. See?

Kate: Okay.

John: I don't need any stinking doctor.

Kate: [Yelps] John! Oh my god. Okay.

Marlena: Hattie is pretending to be me, so that kate and I can have some time to track down john.

Hope as gina: I knew she was not to be trusted. Stefano was a complete fool to bring her into our plans. Once he realizes he's been played, god knows what that man will do.

Chad: Dad. I'm sorry.

Steve as stefano: [Groans]

Chad: I didn't want to hurt you, okay? I just--I didn't want you to hurt marlena. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please forgive me.

Hattie: Hey, you know, it seems to me that if anybody should be asking for forgiveness, it's daddy dearest over here.

Abigail: Not now, hattie.

Hattie: What do you mean? He tried to strangle me with his own bare hands. I'd say now's a really good time.

Chad: Abby, call 911.

Abigail: I can'T. I don't have my phone. It's in the car.

Chad: Okay, I don't have my phone either. It's in the car. Here's my keys.

Steve as stefano: [Shouts]

Abigail: Chad!

Steve as stefano: [Groans]

>Abigail: Chad, chad, are you okay? Chad. Chad.

Jennifer: I don't know what to say. I had no idea.

Jack: So where is your mom? Or where--gina? Where is she right now?

Shawn: Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. Since I got back here, I've been consulting with the pd and I've been coordinating with rafe and roman while they're in prague.

Jack: So you're saying that hope is in prague?

Jennifer: What is she doing there?

Shawn: We think that she may have kidnapped marlena.

Hope as gina: Yes. That is all. We will be there within the hour. Stefano's plane is waiting for us on a private airstrip.

Marlena: Where are we going?

Hope as gina: I've not quite decided yet.

Marlena: Can we stop and check on john? I'm worried about him, and I know you--I know you care about him.

Hope as gina: Did not just care about him... I loved him. We did share a great love at one time. But now I can see that his love for me has dissipated during our time apart. And that flame... there's no rekindling it. So why should I care if he dies?

Marlena: Gina--

Hope as gina: Enough. It is time to go. We have a plane to catch. Let's go, doc. Move to the door.

Marlena: [Gasps]

[Stirring music]

Kate: John. John! John, wake up. John, can you hear me? Oh my god. Marlena will never forgive me if I let something happen to you. John! Oh my god, he's not breathing. Oh my god. Oh my god. John.

Kayla: Julie, it's kayla. I just wanted to re-confirm your appointment for tomorrow to take out your pacemaker and replace it with a new one.

Steve as stefano: [Whispers] Kayla...

[Gasps] I need your help. These are real people,

Abigail: Easy.

Chad: I'm fine. I'm fine. He just--he didn't knock me out. Son of a bitch.

Hattie: Well, maybe he didn't knock you out, but he's got us locked in. This is just slammed tight.

Chad: Give me my wallet. I can fix that.

Hattie: What, have you got a magic wand in your pocket?

Chad: Even better.

[Groans] Damn it. My father must have used something to wedge it shut, or it's bolted.

Abigail: It's still so weird to hear you call my uncle steve father.

Chad: Yeah, tell me about it. Care to shed any light on this? Hattie.

Hattie: What? What? I'm sorry. I wasn't listening.

Chad: My father looks exactly like steve. It's not a mask and it's not plastic surgery.

Hattie: Oh, no, I don't understand that. I mean, I can tell you what I do know.

Kayla: Steve, what happened?

Steve as stefano: It's just a little gunshot wound.

Kayla: Oh, oh yeah, that's all.

Steve as stefano: Bullet's still in there.

Kayla: Well, do you want to lift your shirt up and let me take a look?

[Gasps] What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were in europe with john.

Steve as stefano: I was. Until we realized we were on a wild goose chase. Stefano is actually here in salem. He kidnapped marlena.

Kayla: What?

Steve as stefano: When we found that out, we high-tailed it back here.

Kayla: Oh my god. Where is she? Is she all right?

Steve as stefano: Yeah. John rescued her. In the process, stefano shot me.

Kayla: All right, come on. Let me get you to the er.

Steve as stefano: No, no, no. No one can know I'm here.

Jack: So... how did this happen? When did your mother turn into gina?

Shawn: I don't know. We're not exactly sure. But we think that rolf is responsible for this. Considering he had access to the hospital lab.

Jennifer: Oh, my gosh. That's my fault.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Jennifer: I'm the one who got rolf access to the lab, because he needed a space to work on the serum for you to get your memory back, jack.

Jack: Wait, this was over a year ago.

Jennifer: Yes, and we were worried then about whatever other experiments he was working on. That's why I was trying so hard to get that flash drive. I mean, it's possible that he was working on changing hope and... rolf's flash drive. Maybe it'll show up in here. Oh! You scared me. No. No, it can't be.

Kate: John. Breathe. Breathe. Oh my god. Thank god.

John: [Gasps] What's going on?

Kate: You're okay. You're okay. You stopped breathing.

John: What's going on?

Kate: Let me help you. I gave you cpr. Are you okay?

John: I owe you one.

Kate: Yeah, well, try to remember that, okay, when this is all over. Rafe!

Rafe: Hi.

Kate: Did you--did you find them?

Rafe: No, I looked everywhere. No sign of gina or marlena.

John: Got to keep looking.

Rafe: John, you're in no condition to go anywhere.

John: We've got to find them, rafe! Gina tried to kill me! I have no doubt she's gonna do the same to doc. Gotta find them.

Hope as gina: Roman. No time to ask you what you're doing here. I need to get marlena somewhere safe. She is in terrible danger.

Roman: Yes, she is. From you, gina.

Kate: [Screams]

Roman: Marlena! Marlena! Marlena! Marlena!

It's a brand new

morning for breakfast.

Abigail: So you're saying that my uncle steve has somehow been brainwashed into thinking that he's stefano.

Hattie: No, no. He doesn't just think it.

Chad: What does that mean?

Hattie: What it means is that he's got stefano's memories, his thoughts, his feelings, even his obsession for marlena. So, for all practical purposes, he is your father.

Abigail: How is that even possible?

Chad: Rolf. He's been doing horrible stuff like this forever.

Hattie: Mm-hmm.

Abigail: The whole hope and princess gina thing, which now, apparently, has happened again. Right?

Hattie: You got that right, sister.

Abigail: I guess that would explain all of hope's bizarre behavior.

Hattie: Yeah, well, maybe some of it. Anyway, marlena and kate are gonna go find john, and then together, they're gonna slap the snot out of that girl. And then they'll come and rescue us.

Abigail: And who knows how long that's gonna take. We have to get out of here.

Chad: We have to let everyone know steve isn't really steve after all.

Kayla: What is wrong? Why do you say that no one can know that you're here?

Steve as stefano: Because stefano got away. He's not too happy with me and john right now. He's out for blood.

Kayla: So you're saying that you're in danger. Well, what about john and marlena?

Steve as stefano: John has got marlena someplace safe. But we all need to watch our backs right now. Stefano is still out there, and his men could be anywhere, even in the er.

Kayla: Well, we're just gonna have to take a risk, aren't we? Because if we don't take care of this wound--

Steve as stefano: I know, I'll bleed to death. I know that. That's why I came to you. Just take the bullet out here and I'll be on my way.

Kayla: Here? No, everything I need is in the er.

Steve as stefano: So go get it! Trust me. It's better that no one knows that I'm here. Stefano is more dangerous than ever. There's no telling what he might do.

Jack: Jennifer, what is it?

Jennifer: Jack, I remember now. It was the night of our wedding, right before the reception. I was at the bistro, and I was alone. And I remember that I had rolf's flash drive. Remember? I told you. And the it department at the spectator managed to unlock it. And there was a laptop sitting there. I put the flash drive in the laptop, and that's when I saw it.

Jack: You saw what?

Jennifer: Rolf's plan to change hope into gina. And then I remember, I turned around and hope was standing there.

Jack: Wait a minute.

[Stammers] Hope was standing there?

Jennifer: Yes. And then I tried to warn her about rolf, and then... look at it. He wants to turn you into princess gina again. We have to do something. We have to show this to somebody.

Hope as gina: No, no, no, no. No one else can know about this.

Jennifer: What do you mean?

Hope as gina: I mean... it is too late. It is done. I am princess gina.

[Both scream]

Jennifer: It was hope. Hope is the one who pushed me.

Hope as gina: I must get to that airstrip. Oh! Let go of me. Let go of me. You're hurting me. I do not know this man! Somebody help me!

Rafe: Nice try.

Hope as gina: Help me.

Rafe: Yeah. It's over, okay? We found john, so why don't you save us both the time and tell me where marlena is.

Hope as gina: She's at the hotel with that idiot roman. Now unhand me immediately. Let go.

Rafe: I'm not gonna unhand you. I'm taking you back to salem and we're gonna turn you back into hope.

Hope as gina: No! Ahh!

Rafe: Gina? Gina, you all right? Hey. Gina. Hey. Talk to me. Gina! Gina. Hey. Hey. Are you okay? Gina.

Hope: What happened?

Rafe: Hey. You all right?

Hope: Hey. Did you call me gina? Did you?

Rafe: Yeah.

Jack: Jennifer, are you sure it was hope who pushed you?

Jennifer: No, jack, that's just it. It wasn't hope. I'm telling you, shawn, right now, it was gina. That's why it never made sense when everyone was trying to convince me that it was rolf who pushed me.

Jack: So when you told hope-- when you told gina that you knew what rolf's plan was, she tried to kill you to keep you from revealing the truth.

Jennifer: Yes. And that is why she framed eve, jack.

Shawn: Jen, jen, would you mind if I have somebody come take your statement?

Jennifer: No, not at all. Please, of course.

Shawn: I'll be right back.

Jack: Oh my god.

Jennifer: My best friend, my cousin--I can't even...

Jack: It wasn't her. Hope loves you. She would never hurt you.

Jennifer: I know that. Ai know that, jack. I do.

Jack: Thank god you're all right. Thank god you're all right.

Chad: I still can't believe that all this time, kate knew that steve was really stefano and she didn't say anything to me.

Abigail: She must have been the one who was reporting to your father about you.

Hattie: Hey, you know what? Wait a minute. You can't blame kate for taking an opportunity. I'm sure that stefano offered her a plum job over at dimera. And all she had to do to keep the job was just to keep a secret.

Chad: So much for the simple life at the brady pub.

Hattie: Hey. You know what a sweet talker your dad can be. And there was a time that he almost had me knocking boots with him. You know, your dad, he's got a way of making people do what he wants them to do.

Kayla: I'm gonna numb the area, so you're going to feel a little pinch.

Steve as stefano: You locked the door when you came in, right?

Kayla: You saw me do it.

Steve as stefano: Just trying to protect you.

Kayla: Since when? Thought you didn't care about me at all anymore.

Steve as stefano: Can we please not get into our personal trauma right now?

Kayla: Well, that's probably a wise decision, considering I'm in the position to cause you a lot of pain.

Steve as stefano: [Chuckles] You wouldn't do that.

Kayla: Don't test me.

Steve as stefano: Yes, ma'am.

Kayla: You know, you're damn lucky that I have my medical license. For all the time I've had to patch you up over the years.

Steve as stefano: Yeah. Does come in handy, huh?

Kayla: Yeah. Remember the first time? You were beaten so badly I had to take your patch off to close the wounds.

Steve as stefano: At least you were able to fix me up over at the emergency center that time, huh?

Kayla: Emergency center? It was in your basement apartment. I can't believe you'd forget that.

Roman: All right. All right. I can't believe all this. Rafe and I suspected that hope had been transformed into gina, and we knew something was going on with steve. We had no idea steve actually thinks he's stefano.

Marlena: So unbelievable.

Roman: Wait, whoa. Where do you think you're going?

Marlena: I need to get to john.

Roman: No, no, no. You need to get checked out by a doctor. You could have a concussion.

Marlena: No. Let me just find--I need--

John: I'm right here, doc.

Marlena: [Sighs]

Hope: Oh, my head. What's going on? Rafe.

Rafe: Is that really you?

Hope: What?

Rafe: Hope?

Hope: Of course it's me. Where are--where are we?

Rafe: Prague.

Hope: Prague?

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: As in the czech republic?

Rafe: Yeah. You really-- you don't remember how you got here?

Hope: Feel like I've been asleep for a really long time. Everything... it's hazy.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I get that. Really, you have no memory of it?

Hope: Mm-mm. Last thing I remember, I was in salem. Wait... I found a lair. I think rolf was there.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, we think rolf is the one that turned you into gina.

Hope: No. What? Why would he do that? Doesn't make sense.

Rafe: Yeah, so, you know, you could do stefano's bidding, so you could break up john and marlena.

Hope: Well, I would never do that. That... did I?

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Oh god.

Rafe: Yeah, you kidnapped john.

Hope: What?

Rafe: You drugged him.

Hope: No.

Rafe: You almost killed him.

Hope: No. Rafe, I couldn't have. Say it isn't true. Say it.

Rafe: It's okay. It's okay.

Hope: No, it's not okay. I can't believe it. I actually tried to hurt john? I can't believe any of this.

Rafe: It's all right.

Hope: Oh my god. What have I done?

Rafe: No, no. No, no. It's okay.

Hope: What have I done?

Rafe: It's okay. Sweetie, I am sorry I missed your game.

Hattie: Wow. This chair is a lot more comfortable when you're not tied to it. Hey missy, how about a blanket?

[Light music]

Thanks. Yeah, that's much more like it. Yeah. I kind of like being treated like royalty.

Abigail: How are you doing?

Chad: I am confused.

Abigail: Yeah.

Chad: This whole time, I thought I was communicating with my father, and it turns out it was just some weird and elaborate game. You really think that's my father?

Abigail: I--I don't know. I wish that I had more answers for you, but I don'T.

Chad: I don't think anybody will. At least I have you. Thank god for that. You keep me sane, grounded.

Abigail: I love you, chad.

Chad: Even though I have a crazy family?

Abigail: Yeah. It can be challenging at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Steve as stefano: All right. Sorry. Yeah, it was my place. I guess that bullet is messing with my head.

Kayla: Pretty sad that you would forget, since it was the first time you ever let anybody look underneath your patch.

Steve as stefano: Well... maybe it didn't mean as much to me as it did to you.

Kayla: I know that's not true.

Steve as stefano: Or maybe I'm just trying to forget about our past.

Kayla: Right. Of course you are. All those bad times. The insults. The slamming doors in each other's faces. The horrible fights. You know, I have thought, it is a mystery to me that we even stayed together as long as we did. I mean, talk about-- talk about incompatible.

Steve as stefano: I take it you're being sarcastic.

Kayla: Oh, you are quick. But actually--and I say this without a hint of sarcasm-- I have wracked my brain to figure out what I did to make you hate me so much.

Steve as stefano: I never said I hate you.

Kayla: Okay, fine. Okay, fine. Fall out of love with me. Dump me unceremoniously. Not even care enough to tell me why.

Steve as stefano: What's the point? I mean, it's obvious, isn't it? People grow apart, feelings fade.

Kayla: But we did not grow apart. We were--and these were your words--never closer. In fact, right before you left salem, you told me that you felt that your feelings were never stronger for me than right then, and that you couldn't live your life without me.

Steve as stefano: I guess that's what I felt at the time.

Kayla: You know what I felt at the time? I felt that I was married to a wonderful man who had a big heart, and a wonderful father who was caring and loving and loyal.

Steve as stefano: Well, you don't feel that way anymore.

Kayla: Brilliant observation. Yeah, now, I think I realize that I was delusional. And the man that I was married to is really a shallow son of a bitch who wouldn't know love if it bit him in the ass.

Steve as stefano: Well, I'm glad you're expressing your anger. I think it's best to be open and honest, to air one's grievances.

Kayla: My god. How condescending can you be? Not to mention cruel. But okay, fine. If you are glad that I'm expressing my anger and airing my grievances, I will do it on behalf of my children, who are our children...

Steve as stefano: All right.

Kayla: By the way, but you have conveniently, you know, let that slip your mind.

Steve as stefano: No, not at all. But our children are adults, aren't they? They're grown up. I mean, should I be hovering?

Kayla: Not hovering, but maybe caring, maybe not being oblivious to how they are, and asking about them. But you know what, don't worry. Don't worry about it all, because you know what, they don't ask about you anymore either.

Steve as stefano: I understand why they wouldn'T.

Kayla: But you know what, it's not because they don't care. Because of course they care. You are their father. Why wouldn't they? But they know that any mention of your name brings up a visceral response in me. I am physically ill. It makes my heart pound. That's how much you have hurt me. That's--that is how much pain you have caused me.

Steve as stefano: And I... am really sorry about that. But... it's just life. As I said, people grow apart. Marriages end. Kayla, maybe it's better if we just don't talk about the past.

Kayla: Yeah, sure. It's better. I wouldn't want to cause you any, you know, undue stress. Just safe topics from now on.

Steve as stefano: I appreciate that.

Marlena: Oh, here. Come on. Come sit down.

John: I'm fine. Marlena: I'm a little concerned about you.

Roman: There you go. Marlena: How did you get back here?

John: Rafe and kate, they found me. They brought me here. Rafe is--he's trying to find gina. Kate's--she's gonna ring the authorities.

Roman: Okay, well now that you're back here, I'm gonna go try to find gina too.

Marlena: Would you please call the salem pd and let them know about hattie and stefano?

Roman: All right, will do. Okay.

John: What was that--what did you say about hattie and stefano?

Marlena: Oh, it's such a long story. I'll fill you in later.

John: You know, I'm getting a lot of that lately. Kate said the same thing. So...

Marlena: I know. A lot's been happening. Honey, I'm so sorry for what gina put you through, but everything is going to be all right.

John: I'm not so sure about that. When we were searching for stefano, we found rolf. He shot steve. I think he's dead.

Marlena: No. That was all a trick. Steve is very much alive.

John: Oh, thank god.

Marlena: Yeah. But he's not who you think he is.

John: What's that supposed to mean?

Marlena: The man that gina brought back to salem is not steven. It's stefano.

Hope: You have to tell me everything. Rafe. What other horrible things did I do while I was gina?

Rafe: I don't know exactly, because, honestly, we just started to figure everything out.

Hope: What if I tried to hurt somebody else? Like I did john? Or worse, what if I killed someone? Oh my god, I would never forgive myself.

Rafe: No, you're all right. It's okay. You know what? All that matters now is you're safe. You're safe.

Hope: Would you hold me, please? Hold me.

[Tense music]

Hope as gina: [Screams]

Kate: Not today, bitch.

Jack: Thought you could use some tea.

Jennifer: Thank you. Is shawn on his way?

Jack: He had to take care of an emergency but he's told me an officer would be in here soon to take your statement.

Jennifer: Okay. I just want to get this on record as soon as possible, jack. I can't even believe this person was right under our noses the entire time, and if I had just remembered sooner that it was gina...

Jack: Actually, I'm glad that you didn'T.

Jennifer: Why?

Jack: Because it was probably the only thing that kept her from killing you.

Rafe: Kate, what are you doing?

Kate: I'm stopping the princess from stabbing you in the back, literally.

Rafe: Oh, no, no, no, no. No. This isn't gina.

Hope as gina: Ciao! Ahhh!

Rafe: Oh my god. I can't believe I was so stupid to fall for that.

Hope as gina: You're so blinded by your love for her. But hope, she is gone.

Rafe: No, she's not. No, she's not. I'm taking you back to salem, and we're gonna figure out a way to get hope back.

Hope as gina: You're dead wrong.

Rafe: No.

Hope as gina: She's gone.

John: So steve thinks he's stefano. Well, as insane as that sounds, I got to admit, there's a certain amount of truth to it. I knew something strange was happening with him. Then I found the phoenix ring in his bag.

Marlena: He and gina have been working together for a while.

John: [Chuckles] Well, it just goes to show you, doc, no one, not gina, stefano, even rolf, or a pack of wild horses, can keep us apart.

Marlena: Yeah. We always find our way back to each other.

John: Always. Always.

Hattie: [Sighs] Oh, I'm so bored! Royal subjects. Entertain me. Give me a dance.

Chad: No.

Hattie: No? Pfff. At least when I was here with stefano, I mean, he would talk to me. He would compliment me. He'd say things like, he liked my nails, and my hair smelled good. I think he said that. And, I'll admit, it's nice getting compliments from a man, especially one who's such a good kisser.

Shawn: Police!

Hattie: Don't shoot!

Marlena: Chad, where's stefano?

Kayla: You are lucky. That bullet was in one piece, so you'll be fine.

Steve as stefano: Thanks to you. I really do appreciate your help, kayla. And I'm sorry there's so much tension between us. I'm sorry for the emotional pain I caused you.

Kayla: Yeah, I can see you're really broken up about it.

[Cell phone ringing] Is that my phone?

Steve as stefano: Yeah. But please don't answer it.

Kayla: Why not?

Steve as stefano: There's something more I need to say to you.

Roman: Kay. Roman. All right, listen, I hate to leave this on voicemail. I wish we could actually talk, but this is important for you to hear right now. Steve--well, he really isn't steve. So if you happen to run into him...

Kayla: Well, what is it?

Steve as stefano: I just want you to know how much I appreciate you patching me up like this. I'm afraid I have one more favor to ask of you.

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