Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 2/10/20
Episode #13706 ~ Marlena makes a sacrifice to save John's life. Stefano and Chad come to blows. Ben and Clyde's prison escape goes awry. Kate and Rafe desperately try to track down Princess Gina.
Provided By Suzanne
Ben: Hey, shouldn't we get a move on before the guard comes back?
Clyde: Don't you worry. I paid old tommy to leave us alone for a while.
Ben: You told him we were escaping?
Clyde: Course not. He thinks we have a little father-son bonding to attend to. As long as we move before bed check, we'll be okay. Not everyone's for sale, you know.
Ben: So what now?
Clyde: Now you keep an eye out...[Clears throat] And I get to work.
[Dramatic music]
Don't you hang up, girlie-girl. You and I need to have a little chat.
Ciara: What the hell do you want, clyde?
Clyde: I need your help, sweetheart.
Ciara: [Scoffs] Forget it, okay? I want nothing to do with you.
Clyde: Well, I think I'm about to change your pretty little mind. You see, I need to save my son's life, and I can't do it without you.
Clyde: [Grunts]
Ben: Please, dad, hurry up.
Clyde: Almost there. Just a couple more cuts. Nothing to worry about.
[Alarm blaring]
Ben: What the hell is that?
Clyde: It's the bed check alarm; they must have found your empty cot. We gotta get out of here now.
Chad: So...[Clears throat] How, um, do we think that portrait of steve johnson ended up in the-- in the gatehouse?
Abigail: I don't know. I mean, I-I doubt that ciara and ben knew about it, so that means someone must have hid it there after they left.
Chad: Well, the original portrait went missing, like, a year ago.
Abigail: Yeah, but they found it, right?
Chad: Yeah, in stefano's hideout. I put in a request to hope to have it returned, but she never got back to me.
Abigail: I guess she's been busy.
Chad: I'll check with rafe, see if he knows something.
Rafe: What do you mean steve is stefano?
Kate: Okay, I get it. It sounds really crazy.
Rafe: Yeah.
Kate: It does, but it'S... it's true. Steve is stefano, and hope is princess gina, and the two of them have been working together for quite some time now.
Rafe: And you knew about this?
Kate: Okay, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here right now and I want to fix it and I want to make things right.
Rafe: Okay, and how do you plan on doing that? You have any idea the lengths that they have gone to to convince us all that they are hope and steve?
Kate: Uh, yeah, I think I do.
Rafe: Yeah, you do, because you've been working with them.
Kate: All right, come on. I know that it looks bad, rafe.
Rafe: It is bad.
Kate: I swear to you I did not know what stefano was going to do here, and once I found out, I came here to stop him from hurting john and marlena.
Rafe: So you have not been working with them?
Kate: [Sighs] Working with them?
Rafe: Yeah.
Kate: No!
Rafe: You've just been keeping their secret basically from everyone in salem--friends, family-- jeopardizing the whole town.
Kate: Okay, you know, none of that matters right now. It really doesn't, because I am here now to--to do whatever I can to help.
Rafe: Which is what, exactly?
Kate: You know, I think I actually have already helped the situation.
Rafe: Oh, have you?
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: How?
Kate: Because before I left salem, I... performed a little switcheroo.
Steve as stefano: I've dreamt about this moment for so long.
Hattie as marlena: [Laughs]
[Growling and panting] Yes, mm, mm. Mm-mm-mm-mm. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Steve as stefano: Why are you stopping?
Hattie as marlena: I can't do this.
Steve as stefano: Yes, you can.
Hattie as marlena: No, no. I can't do this to him. I can't do it to him.
Steve as stefano: Forget about john! He's gone. It's just us.
Hattie as marlena: It isn't about john. It's about roman.
Steve as stefano: Roman? What does he have to do with this?
Hattie as marlena: Everything. He's the one that I love. He's the man of my dreams. Yes, it's always been roman. Always been roman.
Steve as stefano: No. You're not marlena, are you?
[Yelling] Are you?
Hattie: Oops.
[Tense music]
Steve as stefano: "Oops"?
Hattie: Yeah. Look, I-I thought you were supposed to be some sort of an evil supergenius, you know? Took you a long time to figure this out.
Steve as stefano: This cannot be happening.
Hattie: Yeah, well, it's happening, so your plans for making love to your queen of the night or look-alike...
Steve as stefano: No. You're hattie adams.
Hattie: Yeah. Yeah, bingo.
Steve as stefano: Yeah.
John: What do you think you're gonna do with that knife?
Hope as gina: Actually, it is a dagger.
It once belonged to the countess elizabeth b*thory of hungary.
John: Gina. Gina.
Hope as gina: I am sorry, john, but if I cannot have you, then I cannot let you live.
Marlena: Step away from him, you bitch!
Hope as gina: Take one step closer, and I swear to god I will kill him. I will kill him!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: [Sighs]
Clyde: Believe me, I wasn't wanting to bring you into this, but I know you love him, so here we are.
Ciara: Here we are what?
Clyde: We're the last chance of saving his life. After his last appeal went south, he doesn't have any other options.
Ciara: I haven't given up, clyde.
Clyde: And neither have I. Which brings me to the point of this conversation. If we don't do something, that boy's gonna be executed in three weeks.
Ciara: You don't think I know that? You don't think I wake up every day feeling how little time we have left?
Clyde: Good, then you know there's no time to waste. Listen up, girlie. I'm gonna bust him out of this hellhole tonight, after dark.
Ben: Come on, dad! The guards are gonna be out here in a second.
Clyde: Quick cut. All right. That's good enough. Come on. Get through there. You first.
Ben: You sure?
Clyde: Yeah. Don't argue with me.
In the yard.
Steve as stefano: I can't believe it.
[Laughs] You're hattie adams, not marlena.
Hattie: Hmm. Well, if that's a compliment to my acting, I accept.
Steve as stefano: Oh, you're proud of yourself, taking advantage of my vulnerability, hmm?
Hattie: Well, you didn't make it that difficult. I mean, you're so focused on trying to get your queen of the night into bed that you were not paying attention to details.
Steve as stefano: I wanted so badly to believe she could finally be mine.
Hattie: Yeah. Well, if you ask me, it was a pretty bad plan to start with.
Steve as stefano: I didn't ask you.
Hattie: I mean, really? Really? Admitting to marlena that you're stefano and trying to seduce her? Wow! That's a real buzzkill.
Steve as stefano: You threw yourself into my arms.
Hattie: Well... well, marlena would have never fallen for all those sweet things you were saying, especially the sexy parts.
Steve as stefano: Marlena and I have a connection you wouldn't understand.
Hattie: Well, I'd call it a one-sided connection, if there is such a thing.
Steve as stefano: That's enough! How did you get here in the first place?
Hattie: By car.
Steve as stefano: Well, you had to have had help.
Hattie: Really? You think that I'm not smart enough to pull this off on my own?
Steve as stefano: That's right.
Hattie: Oh, you know what? I pulled off being marlena for months, and even john didn't know it.
Steve as stefano: Mm-hmm. Someone sent you, someone with an agenda, hmm? So who else knew the truth about me and my plans? Dr. Rolf? No. Much too loyal. Princess gina? She's too focused on john. Ah. Your waitress buddy kate. I can see by the look on your face that I'm right, hmm? Well, you can believe me. Katerina will pay for what she's done.
Rafe: So you swapped out marlena for hattie, hmm? She just went along with it?
Kate: [Sighs] Rafe, hattie is always up for an adventure. You know that.
Rafe: That true?
Kate: And plus, she felt a little guilty about everything she had done to john and marlena the last time she was in salem, and I was able to convince her to impersonate marlena.
Rafe: Right, right. You have any idea how dangerous this is if stefano finds out what you've done?
Kate: Okay. Well, first of all, hattie is a grown woman, and she knows exactly what she's getting into.
Rafe: By the way, what exactly is that?
Kate: She's stalling stefano. He's going to believe that he is with marlena while the real marlena is with me, finding a way to save john from gina.
Rafe: And where is marlena now, hmm? Please tell me she's safe.
[Tense music]
John: Doc?
Marlena: John, it's all right; I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you. I...I love you.
John: I love you.
Marlena: John? John!
Hope as gina: He cannot hear you.
Marlena: He needs my help.
Hope as gina: I would not do that.
Marlena: What have you done to him?
Hope as gina: I have given him something to relax and keep calm. You take one step closer, and I swear to god I will slit his throat.
Marlena: All right. I'll stay where I am.
Hope as gina: I am glad to see you are capable of taking directions. Now, you need to do exactly as I say. Are you listening?
Marlena: I'm listening. What is it you'd like?
[Tense music]
Abigail: Okay. All right, thank you. I will, uh--I'll just reach out to him on his cell. Thanks.
Chad: Rafe wasn't on duty?
Abigail: No, and neither was hope. They're both out of town.
Chad: I wonder what they're doing.
Abigail: They don't know, but I can try him on his cell.
Chad: No, 'cause... rafe showed me where the hideout was. It's not a crime scene anymore.
Abigail: What--okay. Do you want to go there?
Chad: Yeah, kind of. I mean, I've always wanted to see what it was, especially since my father spent so much time there.
Abigail: Yeah. Let's go.
[Dramatic music]
Hattie: Yeah, the thing is that kate was upset at how far princess gina was taking this whole plan, and she just wanted to put an end to the whole masquerade.
Steve as stefano: Katerina was never my enemy. Why would she turn on me now?
Hattie: Well, I suppose because she's a decent person.
Steve as stefano: Ah. So decent, she was willing to keep my secret in the hopes that one day, she would rule dimera by my side.
Hattie: Yeah, well, I-I guess her friendship was more important to her than whatever you were promising her.
Steve as stefano: I can't believe she confessed to you, of all people.
Hattie: I don't know why not. We have a special kind of bond. I mean, we are in the trenches together at the pub.
Steve as stefano: So she planned all of this?
Hattie: Well... no, see, she came here looking for gina, you know, to tell her that she wanted to end this whole thing. But when she got here, she found that marlena was tied up, so she came to me and asked if I would switch places, and that way, I could stall you for a bit. I think I did a pretty good job, I mean, up until right now.
Steve as stefano: What about marlena? Where is she?
Hattie: Well, she went looking for john, of course, and I assume, by now, they've found each other and they're heading back to salem.
Steve as stefano: No, no, no.
Hattie: Yes. And when they get here, they will go straight to the police and tell them who you are and what you've been doing. And then you will be going to jail.
Steve as stefano: Never.
Hattie: Yeah, yeah, and when you're in jail, I hope you remember all the people that helped get you there.
Steve as stefano: Well, enjoy your moment while you can, hattie adams, because you just signed your own death warrant.
We are the thrivers.
Marlena: What is it you want me to do?
Hope as gina: For starters, you will not try to talk to him. You will not try to revive him. He's out, and he shall be for quite some time.
Marlena: I understand.
Hope as gina: Good. Now you will answer my questions, all of them.
Marlena: Hmm. What do you want to know?
Hope as gina: How the hell did you get here? I left you locked up in salem. You had to have had help, but who'd do that, hmm? Who would take that kind of risk, going up against stefano dimera?
Marlena: I have friends, friends who would do anything for me. You don't have any friends, so you couldn't possibly understand that. But they're the ones who came through for me.
Kate: Marlena is in the hotel following up some leads. I left to follow up some other leads, until the whole thing was stopped because you derailed me.
Rafe: Mm. Does marlena know that you're keeping gina and stefano's secret?
Kate: Okay, this is not the time for that, all right? I need to get back to the hotel. This whole investigation is stopped because you have me here, grilling me.
Rafe: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I have questions about your relationship with stefano dimera.
Kate: Rafe, we're on the same side here, okay?
Rafe: And what side is that, exactly?
Kate: That's the side that's trying to help john and marlena catch stefano and gina. Let me help you.
Rafe: Fine. Call marlena. Call her. I want to know that she's safe.
Kate: Oh, my god.
Rafe: Just call her.
Kate: I am.
Rafe: Good.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Dramatic music]
Abigail: Does that really work?
Chad: [Laughs] I don't know. I guess we're gonna find out.
[Tense music]
Steve as stefano: [Yells]
[Soft dramatic music]
Ciara: It's after dark. Lights out at the prison. Why haven't I heard anything?
You can't just bust out of prison, okay? That's way too risky.
Clyde: You'd rather leave your boyfriend inside, a dead man walking? The clock is ticking, girlie.
Ciara: No, clyde, there has to be some other way.
Clyde: There ain'T. We tried your way. Now it's time to try mine.
Ciara: Does ben know that you're calling me for help?
Clyde: No, and if he did, he probably wouldn't talk to me for the little time that he has left. The whole plan would be off.
Ciara: Okay, so you reached out on your own.
Clyde: Try to keep up, sweetheart. He doesn't even want you to know about the escape, much less be a part of it.
Ciara: Then why are you telling me, clyde?
Clyde: Because you're out there and I'm in here.
Ciara: Okay, what about all those contacts from the outside that you brag about all the time?
Clyde: I can't count on any of those degenerates, not with something this sensitive. My son's life is at stake. I need someone we can trust. Like it or not, that someone is you.
Ciara: [Sighs]
Clyde: Come on. Go, go, go!
Ben: How, how, how, how? They'll call for backup.
Clyde: Yeah, that's why you gotta go now!
Ben: Dad, I'm not leaving you here.
Clyde: I'm right behind you! Go now! Go!
Ben: Dad, I'm not leaving you.
Clyde: Go now!
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: [Sighs] I hate going behind ben's back.
Clyde: If you talk to him, he'll know I told you and he'll call the whole thing off just to protect you and it'll be too late. Tonight is his only chance, and if he doesn't go for it, you might as well just mark that execution date on your calendar. And I don't know about you, but I can't sit around and just wait for that to happen, so I'm gonna do my damnedest to get him out of here tonight. Which means you cannot breathe a word of it to him. He says he loves you, and he believes that you love him too.
Ciara: I do. More than anything.
Clyde: [Scoffs] Well, we'll see. I'm not much of a believer in words. I think you gotta put your money where your mouth is, so listen up. Either you go along with this and you help him escape, or you live the rest of your life with the guilt of knowing that when he needed you, you failed him. You let him die.
Ben: [Grunts]
Clyde: Rest of the guards will be here any minute. Can you walk? Whoa, whoa.
Ben: Oh, barely. Oh, just leave me here. Dad, leave me here. You run.
Clyde: No. I ain't leaving you.
Ben: Dad, I'm only gonna slow you down. They're gonna execute me anyway.
Clyde: This whole plan is for you. I have failed you as a father all my life. I have one chance to make it right by you, and I'm gonna do it, by god, or die trying. You hear me?
[Tense music]
[Line ringing]
Kate: [Sighs] No answer.
Rafe: Oh, great. Oh, that's just great. I--
Kate: I don't know where she is.
Rafe: You know, I cannot believe that you went along with this insanity in the first place. How long have you known?
Kate: Too long.
Rafe: What did stefano promise you?
Steve as stefano: I want to rebuild my empire, take back everything that is mine, hmm? But I can't do that alone. I need allies.
Kate: Why should I help you?
Steve as stefano: Because we are two of a kind. We crave power. We live for it. Katerina, you were born to rule, not collect tips and refill ketchup bottles.
Kate: I have an honest job.
Steve as stefano: Hmm.
Kate: Besides, I couldn't be seen with stefano dimera or the likes of steve johnson.
Steve as stefano: I don't want you to. Keep your waitress job, hide in plain sight, and no one sees you as a threat.
Kate: Damn. I loved it when people saw me as a threat.
Steve as stefano: Ah. Now, that's the katerina I know. I promise you that when this is all over, you will be on the winning side.
Kate: Okay, could we hash all of that out at a later time? Seriously, we need to get back to the hotel and find out where she is. Hopefully she left a message. Maybe she's made some progress in finding john.
Rafe: Yeah, hopefully.
[Both arguing indistinctly]
Hope as gina: Who are these friends? Where are they? Do they even know that you're here?
Marlena: They'll know soon enough. You should get away while you still can.
Hope as gina: I am not going anywhere without john.
Marlena: Really? A moment ago, you were about to kill him. That was just talk, wasn't it? I didn't think you were going to hurt him.
Hope as gina: But I can kill you.
Marlena: Yes, you can, but then john would track you down to the ends of the earth. He would make you pay. I think you need a better plan.
Hope as gina: Do not pretend you're trying to help me.
Marlena: Oh, I am trying to help you out of here, not because I care what happens to you, but I'm hoping there's a way this doesn't end up tragically for everyone.
Hope as gina: And what way would that be?
Marlena: Well, you could try to get away while you can.
Hope as gina: You know I cannot do that. They will find me.
Marlena: Well, there is another way. You could escape. You could leave here and take me as your hostage.
Chad: Hey!
Steve as stefano: [Yells]
Chad: Steve, what the hell? Stop! What the hell are you doing?
Abigail: Marlena, are you all right?
Hattie: It's not marlena. It's hattie.
Chad: What the hell is wrong with you, steve? Stop.
Hattie: It's not steve. It's not steve.
Abigail: Uncle steve, where's your patch?
Steve as stefano: Let go of me... my son.
Chad: What did you just say?
It's true. You really are my father.
It's a brand new
morning for breakfast.
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Mom, I wanted to talk to you. I have a huge decision to make, and I don't know what to do. You haven't always agreed with me, but... I know that you love me. And I love you, but I love ben, too... so much. I need you to call me.
Ben: [Grunting]
Clyde: All right, ben. You get through that fence, and you run...
Ben: Okay.
Clyde: As fast as you can. Don't make me tell you again.
Ben: Okay. [Grunting] Okay, okay. Ah! Okay. I'll do it.
Stop right there!
Ben: Okay, you next. Let's go, dad! Let's go! Dad, hurry up!
Clyde: You go, ben. I'm staying.
Ben: What? Let's go, dad. Come on!
Clyde: Go, ben! Go!
Rafe: Marlena?
Kate: Marlena!
Rafe: Marlena? Her bag's still here.
Kate: Okay, well, I don't know if that's a good sign. We have to go look for her.
Rafe: Well, hang on. Can't just go walking around the city without a plan. We need to find some clues, okay? Let's search this place.
Kate: I don't even know what I'm gonna be looking for.
Rafe: Think I found something.
Kate: Okay, that's blank.
Rafe: Or is it?
Chad: Father.
Steve as stefano: Yes, chad. I am your father, stefano dimera.
Chad: You've been in salem this whole time, communicating with me?
Steve as stefano: Now you know why I couldn't allow you to see me in person. I couldn't let anyone see my new face. I couldn't reveal myself until I knew exactly who I could and could not trust.
Chad: Well, apparently you trusted my sister.
Steve as stefano: Kristen is another story for another time.
Chad: You know what? No. I-I...I don't--I don't know how you pulled-- pulled any of this off, but, uh, I'm not gonna believe anything until I can actually get some answers. So in the meantime, I'm taking you into the police station.
Steve as stefano: No. You won't do that, my boy, not to your own father.
Chad: You just tried to murder hattie, so yeah.
Hattie: Yeah, I thought I was a goner.
Steve as stefano: She is inconsequential, and she's a liar.
Chad: Well, you'd know something about lying.
Steve as stefano: I wasn't lying when I promised you would have it all, hmm? The property, the company, your inheritance, all of it. We will do this together, my boy, hmm? We'll get rid of gabi hernandez and reclaim dimera enterprises for ourselves. You will reassume your position as ceo, next to me.
Chad: That's a big promise.
Steve as stefano: Huh. This... this is your birthright, my son. I built this company with my sweat and with my blood, but I didn't do it for myself. I did it for my family, for you and your children, for thomas and charlotte and you. You are my family. That's what this has always been about... family. I'm bad.
Clyde: Just get to this address. Someone will be there to meet you, help you get away. Make sure you get there.
Ben: But what about you?
Clyde: Don't worry about me. Just get the hell out of here!
Stop him! At the fence. At the fence.
Clyde: Go!
[Tense music]
Hope as gina: You want me to believe... that you would willingly go as my hostage and you would leave john behind?
Marlena: I would do anything to save his life, as he would do for me.
Hope as gina: And if i were caught?
Marlena: Well, you could trade me for your freedom.
Hope as gina: You are so sure of yourself.
Marlena: I'm sure of one thing... my love for john and his love for me. After all the times you've tried to win him and lost, I would think you would understand that. John loves me. He always will. But if you listen to me and if you do as I say, you might just get your freedom.
Rafe: It's an address. Does that look like marlena's handwriting?
Kate: Oh, my god. Yes, it does. That's the address. That's where she must have gone.
Rafe: Then that's where we're going.
Abigail: He can't trust you. All you ever do is betray him.
Steve as stefano: This is between me and my son.
Abigail: He's not your real family.
Steve as stefano: Yes, he is. My blood is in his veins.
Abigail: Chad, thomas and charlotte and I, we are your family.
Steve as stefano: Oh. She lied to you. She betrayed you. She betrayed your marriage.
Abigail: Chad knows I would never lie to him again. What about you? Can you say the same? The only thing you care about is yourself, and you will do whatever it takes to get what you want.
Steve as stefano: All right. You've heard from your little wife. Now, what do you say, chad? Hmm?
Chad: Abi's right. The answer's no. No.
Steve as stefano: I'm very sorry to hear that, my boy.
Chad: I have to take you in now.
Steve as stefano: Well, you can betray me after all these years, turn your back on me, but if you think I'm going to go quietly, you don't know me very well.
Chad: What do you want? What are you gonna do, shoot me?
Steve as stefano: You will not stop me or follow me.
Chad: I can't let you leave here.
Steve as stefano: Don't be stupid, chad.
Chad: You're just gonna disappear again.
Steve as stefano: You'll make a terrible mistake.
Chad: Stefano, even you wouldn't shoot your own son.
Steve as stefano: No? Maybe not, but I wouldn't mind shooting you. To be honest a little dust it never bothered me.
[Door bangs]
Rafe: John! John. John, hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Both: John.
Rafe: Can you hear me?
Kate: Where's marlena? Where's gina? John.
Chad: Put--put the gun down.
Abigail: Stefano, don't do this.
Steve as stefano: "Stefano, don't do this." You have been a thorn in my side since the moment you married my son. In fact, I would be doing him a great favor by eliminating you.
Hattie: Oh, my gosh. You really are a monster.
Steve as stefano: Quiet, fool!
Chad: Stop! What, you're gonna shoot my wife, the mother of your grandchildren? Hey! Hey! Look at me. If you love me, if you ever loved me, dad, if you hurt her, I will never forgive you.
Steve as stefano: [Chuckles] I admire your loyalty. If only she deserved it, after having murdered your brother andre, after having slept with another brother.
Chad: Stop.
Steve as stefano: Huh?
Chad: Don't talk about my wife that way!
Steve as stefano: She's a murderer and a slut.
Chad: Stop!
Steve as stefano: How would you prefer I talk about a woman who took the life of one of my sons and cuckolded the other?
Abigail: You just can't stand the fact that he chose me over you.
Hattie: Oh, jeez, don't make it any worse.
Chad: Okay, can we just stop?
Steve as stefano: All right, my boy. I'll let abigail live for now. I have better things to do. Stay back!
Chad: Where you going?
Steve as stefano: Marlena is still out there, and I will find her if it is the last thing I ever do. Ah! Ah! Ah!
Hattie: Ah!
Drop the gun. On your knees. Hands behind your head.
Clyde: Whatever you say, fellas.
[Alarm blaring]
[Dramatic music]
You go, son. You be free.
Ben: This must be the place.
Ciara: Hi.
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