Days Transcript Friday 2/7/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 2/7/20


Episode #13705 ~ Steve reveals his true identity to Marlena; Gina goes for broke to win over John; Abigail and Chad question Kristen about the portrait of Steve; Will helps Clyde and Ben with their escape plan.

Provided By Suzanne

(Ending missing; we will get it tomorrow)

Rafe: Hey, Shawn.  Just checking in. No major leads, but roman and I split up, we can cover more ground that way. Yeah. Yeah, listen, don't you worry, okay? We're gonna find your mom. We'll figure out a way to bring her home. And I'll keep you posted if something major develops. Okay. Bye. Kate.

Chad: Hi, kristen.

Kristen: What are you two doing in my room?

Chad: Well, we were hoping that you could explain... this.

Steve as stefano: Together, we will see that justice is done. And no matter what... I'll always be here for you. Always.

Hattie as marlena: [Yelps] What are you doing? Oh.

John: Marlena. Ah.

Hope as marlena: Yes, my darling, it's me.

John: Oh, doc. I knew--I knew that you couldn't be dead.

Hope as marlena: And I knew you'd never give up on me.

John: Uh-uh.

Hope as marlena: And stefano is up to his old tricks again. But he won't win. He'll never win. Not as long as we have each other and not as long as we have our love.

Hope as gina: Make love to me, john. Take me. Right here... right now.

John: [Moans]

[Dramatic music]

What the hell?

Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Sweeping orchestral music]

Will: I didn't think it'd be so soon.

Ben: Yeah. Well, it's not like I get to... pick the date of my own execution.

Will: Yeah, I know. I--I-- I don't know, I just thought you had more time, I--

Ben: So did i

Will: I'm sorry, ben.

Ben: Me too. I'm out of options, will. I decided to take clyde up on his offer to break us out of prison.

John: No, you're-- you're not-- marlena, I was just with her, she--you're not her. You're not her.

Hope as gina: John... she's gone. Stefano shot her. Do you not remember?

John: No, no. No.

Hope as gina: The person you're about to make love to... it was me. That's how it should be. You and I belong together, john.

Steve as stefano: I'm simply trying to comfort you, marlena. You know, john was your husband and my best friend, and because of his death, we're both in terrible pain. It's only natural that we be here for each other, huh?

Hattie as marlena: Wait, wait, wait, no, no. Stop doing that. God. Look, I know we're both hurting, but--but kissing, and-- wow. It's just not the answer. So yeah, depression.

Rafe: What are you doing here?

Kate: Stefano promised me that we would rule dimera together, once he got rid of gabi. And I wanted that. I wanted it. But now, because of that, marlena is in danger. Oh. Wanted to join the hunt for stefano. I'm sure you're here for the very same reason.

Rafe: Actually, I'm here to find princess gina.

John: No. You're wrong. The only woman that I'm meant to be with is marlena. Why is my head so messed up?

Hope as gina: It's all right. I gave you a little something to help you relax.

John: [Groans]

Hope as gina: Don't fight it.

John: Doc, where is she?

Hope as gina: John, she's gone. Whether you wanna admit it... I know you had feelings for me.

John: [Sighs] I love--I only love marlena.

Hope as gina: I understand. You shared a lot. But when she was in europe working for the institute, you and I... we shared so many wonderful evenings together.

John: [Stammers] We're just friends, hope.

Hope as gina: Remember the night that we walked to the square to watch the outdoor screening of "charade"? It was a chilly night, and you wrapped that blanket around us.

John: God, what is happening here?

Hope as gina: [Laughs] I think of you as... my own cary grant. I do. Handsome and dashing. That little devilish streak you have. John: We're just friends.

Hope as gina: Oh, no, john. We're so much more than that. I'm gonna prove it to you. I am.

Kristen: What on earth is this?

Chad: Well, we're hoping you can tell us.

Abigail: Have you ever seen that portrait before?

Kristen: Never. Where'd you find it?

Abigail: In the dimera gatehouse. We're not sure how it got there.

Chad: Doesn't look familiar?

Kristen: Other than it looks like steve johnson, minus the patch.

Chad: Look at the ring.

Kristen: Mm-hmm.

Chad: And the pose. Does it, um, does it resemble any of the portraits that you might remember?

Kristen: I mean, I guess it looks like fathers, although i haven't seen it in a while.

Chad: Yeah, it looks exactly like father'S.

Kristen: Mm. But why would someone want to paint a portrait of steve johnson to match stefano dimera?

Abigail: That's exactly what we wanna know.

Chad: And you're the only person that's seen him face-to-face.

Kristen: So?

Chad: So, when you met him here that day, did he happen to look like the guy in this portrait?

Hattie as marlena: Look, we are friends, steve, but we're never gonna be more than that.

Steve as stefano: Even just to get each other through this terrible tragedy?

Hattie as marlena: Kayla's my friend. I mean, kissing, you-- any of that, that would be wrong.

Steve as stefano: Kayla and i aren't together anymore. She's--she's with justin. I signed the divorce papers months ago.

Hattie as marlena: Yes, but you were still connected. I mean, that would be like a double betrayal of her and of john.

Steve as stefano: John is gone.

Hattie as marlena: It doesn't mean I've stopped loving him. It doesn't mean that I've stopped feeling like his wife.

Steve as stefano: Yeah, I'll miss him for the rest of my life, too. But I know my old friend. He would want someone to take care of his beautiful wife. He wouldn't want you to suffer alone.

Hattie as marlena: Well, perhaps anybody but steve johnson.

Steve as stefano: What if i told you I wasn't steve johnson? You know, new customers save over $1,000 on average

Will: Do you think clyde's plan could actually work?

Ben: You say what you want about my father, but he knows how to skirt the law.

Will: So then once you get back to the ozarks, then--

Ben: Yeah, we'll be able to disappear.

Will: Have you told ciara?

Ben: No, no, no. She can't know about that, will.

Ben: She--ben, she thinks you're gonna die.

Ben: And I hate that more than I can say. Will, she's already risked so much for me. I--I can't involve her in any of this.

Will: Okay. I mean, i understand.

Ben: Only reason why I'm telling you all this is because I wanted to say good-bye. And thank you. I wouldn't have been able to survive in here without you.

Will: Are you serious? I--I--

Ben: No, will, it's true. My god, out of all the people in this world, I could've never imagined that you and I would be the ones helping each other through this nightmare.

Will: I mean, I admit it was unlikely, given our history.

Ben: Will, you didn't have to forgive me, but you did. I'm always gonna be grateful for that. And for our time spent in here together.

Will: Yeah, me too. I can't believe it's come to this that you gotta escape, otherwise they're gonna execute you for something you didn't do. I mean, that's--that's so unfair.

Ben: You're innocent, too. Why don't you come with us?

Kate: Oh, my god. Okay, so your working theory is--

Rafe: Is that rolf has turned hope into gina.

Kristen: So you mean that he brainwashed her.

Rafe: Yeah, he's done it before.

Kristen: So why is she here? Why is she in prague? Is she with john?

Rafe: We think so. We think she's also taken marlena with her.

Kristen: Does that mean--i mean, are you saying that she kidnapped marlena?

Rafe: It's a real possibility, yeah. We're just hoping they're still here.

Kristen: God, well, we have to find them.

Rafe: Well, we're trying, okay, believe me when I tell you we're trying. Roman's out there right now looking for them.

Kate: The whole thing is a mess, rafe.

Rafe: You know, that's not even the worst part. I haven't even told you the worst part yet.

Kate: [Sighs] Please, what? There's more?

Rafe: Hope is not the only person who was infested with a new host.

Kate: [Sighs] Okay, what the hell does that mean?

Rafe: We think that steve johnson has been compromised as well.

Hattie as marlena: What do you mean you're not steve johnson?

Steve as stefano: You see, marlena... I am a new man.

Hattie as marlena: Oh. Wow, your eye is fixed.

Steve as stefano: It is. Dr. Rolf devised it.

Hattie as marlena: Oh. Why didn't you say anything earlier?

Steve as stefano: 'Cause i needed to play the part.

Hattie as marlena: What part?

Steve as stefano: Well, up until now, you and almost everyone else in salem thought i was steve johnson. But I've told you the truth. I no longer have to pretend to be that clown. And I don't need this ridiculous accoutrement.

Hattie as marlena: What truth? What is the truth?

Steve as stefano: I am not steve johnson, marlena. Dr. Rolf put me, my consciousness, my essence into his body. Johnson is just a vessel.

Hattie as marlena: I-- essence? Vessel? What the hell does all that mean? No. No, it can't be.

Steve as stefano: It is I, marlena. Stefano dimera. And it is so good to be back.

Hope as gina: It's just the two of us now, john, trapped in this place who knows if we'll ever be able to leave.

John: Hope--hope--

Hope as gina: We can make the most of it, you know. Just like we did the last time we were trapped together. Remember how we made love?

John: We never slept together.

Hope as gina: John... look at me. Really... look at me. Do you not remember? Our time together was up-- under the sea.

John: Under the sea.

Hope as gina: Yes.

John: You're not hope.

Hope as gina: Yes, yes, that is right, I am not. I am princess gina von amberg and my gosh, john I never-- I never stopped loving you. Not ever. Not ever.

[Sobs] John.

John: What have you done to hope?

Hope as gina: She's gone.

John: Where is she?

Hope as gina: Oh, she's in here somewhere, but I have complete control of her body and her thoughts, john. Hope is never coming back.

John: You took over her body?

Hope as gina: Yes, yes, that is right.

John: You took over her body.

Hope as gina: I have, thanks to our dear, old friend, dr. Wilhelm rolf. John, he's brought me back to the land of the living. He's given us another chance at love.

John: I knew--I should've known, I should've seen this coming.

Hope as gina: I have worked so hard to get you back. So hard. Now it is our time. You wanted me back then. I know you want me now. I know you do. Please, john.

Kristen: You're asking me if our father looks like steve johnson.

Chad: Well, it's just 'cause the last time I saw you, you said that you didn't recognize him.

Abigail: Yeah, and the last time I was here, uncle steve was here, and you were supposedly meeting with stefano.

Chad: So has our father somehow made himself look like steve johnson?

Kristen: Well as far as i know, the man that was here was steve johnson.

Chad: So stefano--

Kristen: Yeah, still looks like stefano.

Abigail: So how come you said you didn't recognize him?

Kristen: A lot of time has gone by, people tend to be different in our memories than in real life.

Chad: She's saying that we're wrong.

Abigail: Yeah.

Kristen: I'm saying that this is completely insane. Why would our father wanna morph into steve johnson?

Abigail: Hm, yeah, we thought it was totally unfathomable also, but then I remembered that you've been walking around for for months with nicole walker's mask on, so--

Kristen: So? It would take a lot more than a mask to turn stefano into steve johnson. You see, nicole and I were roughly the same body type, and steve and stefano, not so much.

Chad: Maybe it's not a mask.

Kristen: Then what?

Chad: Maybe it is steve johnson's body.

Kristen: [Laughs] What, you think father possessed it?

Abigail: Different personalities have been known to inhabit a given body.

Kristen: Oh. I'm aware of your struggles, abigail, but this has nothing to do with me or our father. And you know what, chad?

[Laughs] If I knew something, I would tell you.

Chad: See, I don't think that you would. I don't think she would.

Abigail: Mm-mm.

Kristen: So you think I'm lying right now?

Chad: Well, I think that you're definitely hiding something. Why don't you just come clean? Get it off your chest.

Kate: So steve johnson was compromised how?

Rafe: Okay, roman and I spoke to anna and tony dimera. They had an odd encounter with steve.

Kate: Odd how?

Rafe: Well, anna was railing against stefano, and steve started defending him, almost became defensive.

Kate: Yeah, no, that is strange, that's very strange. Steve would never defend stefano.

Rafe: Right. Exactly. So if hope isn't really hope, then maybe steve isn't really steve.

Hattie as marlena: No. Stefano? How is that even possible?

Steve as stefano: It wasn't easy. You see, though my passion for life has never wavered, my body was breaking down. I was barely holding on. My loyal and brilliant scientist dr. Rolf found a way to preserve me.

Hattie as marlena: You mean preserve your essence.

Steve as stefano: My essence, my consciousness, whatever you wanna call it. Rolf arranged for the kidnap of steve johnson, and then he put my very being inside of him. He gave me a new body and a fresh perspective on life.

Hattie as marlena: Well then, why?

Steve as stefano: Why?

Hattie as marlena: Why would you go through all that and then just throw it in the trash?

Steve as stefano: I don't understand.

Hattie as marlena: You've got a new face. You've got a new body. And yet, you're still committing crimes. I mean, prison is prison. They don't really care what vessel you're in.

Steve as stefano: It was risky, I'll admit that. I could've taken over steve's life and lived as a law-abiding citizen. But that would never satisfy me. My wants are too powerful.

Hattie as marlena: What is it you want?

Steve as stefano: What I've always wanted. I could never leave this earth without possessing the one thing I have desired since i set foot in salem all these years ago. You, marlena. My queen of the night.

I'm jimmy dean and uh,

Kristen: Well, I'm not hiding anything, I mean, you can search my room, I'm an open book.

Chad: Ah, I wish I could believe you.

Kristen: Well... whatever father was planning, he didn't share with me.

Chad: See, I think that there's more to this than you're saying, so we're not gonna stop until we figure out what that is.

Kristen: Well, good luck. You're wasting your time.

Chad: Clearly. You ready?

Abigail: Yeah.

Chad: Mm-hmm.

Kristen: Uh, brother, dear, aren't you forgetting something?

Chad: Consider it a gift.

Kristen: What are you looking at?

Hattie as marlena: You know, your essence or whatever you call it must not be firing on all cylinders if you think that you could possess me.

Steve as stefano: Oh, marlena.

Hattie as marlena: I don't care how you've changed your looks. There is no way on god's green earth I would ever be with you. Doesn't matter how you look. I still hate you.

Steve as stefano: And we both know there's a thin line between love and hate.

Hattie as marlena: Hm, not so thin for me.

Steve as stefano: Marlena... we have danced this dance for so long. You, the bastion of goodness and light, and me, the symbol of all things decadent and dark. You can deny it all you want. But I know there's a part of you that has always been drawn to me. From our time at the opera, to--

Hattie as marlena: To when you had me locked in a cage.

Steve as stefano: A beautiful, gilded cage.

Hattie as marlena: Did you think I would like that?

Steve as stefano: I think you liked being desired and cherished and I think you might've given into me, had you not been so loyal to my pawn.

Hattie as marlena: You know, he may have been a pawn to you, but to me, he is a knight in shining armor.

Steve as stefano: Was. Your great love is dead. That life is over, but a new life is waiting for you. Would it be so terrible to let down your guard... and see what it is you've been missing?

Hope as gina: John, john, careful, you'll hurt yourself.

John: You drugged me!

Hope as gina: Medicated.

John: You drugged me!

Hope as gina: John--

John: I don't love you. I don't love you.

Hope as gina: No. That is not true. John: All the way up here by being with a woman like you, as if my brain was altered and all of my memories were erased, never of my own free will.

Hope as gina: You do not mean that.

John: I do mean that. The only woman I ever loved is marlena.

Hope as gina: She's gone. She is gone! She is gone. And I am happy that I am the one who made that happen.

John: You killed her?

Hope as gina: I killed her.

John: You won't get away with this. You--I'll make you--you won'T. I'll make you pay. There's a way out of here, I--

Hope as gina: Actually, there is not, there is not. You... are not going... anywhere.

Will: I appreciate the offer, but I can't--I can't break out of prison with you.

Ben: You're still thinking you might let ciara tell the truth about the accident? That maggie is responsible for the crash and for adrienne's death?

Will: I don't know, but i don't wanna put maggie through that hell.

Ben: And you sure as hell don't wanna spend the rest of your life in here, will.

Will: Well, that's true, but if I go with you, that's a decision that I can't take back. And while I--what am I gonna do without my daughter and without sonny? What kind of life could I even lead out there on the run? I mean, I-- I--thank you, but I gotta stay put for now.

Ben: Okay.

Will: Well, good luck. I really hope you make it, so-- you deserve to be free.

Ben: Thank you. You too.

Clyde: All right, girls, break it up.

Ben: What do you want, dad?

Clyde: You and I have some business to attend to.

Ben: I already told will what the business is. We were just saying good-bye.

Clyde: What the hell did you do that for? What if your little boyfriend here rats us out?

Will: I won't, clyde. Ben is my friend, and I got his back.

Clyde: Nice night, huh?

Ben: Shouldn't we get a move on before the guard comes back?

Clyde: Don't you worry, i paid old tommy to leave us alone for a while.

Ben: You told him we were escaping.

Clyde: Of course not. He thinks we have a little father-son bonding to attend to. As long as we move before bed check, we'll be okay. Not everyone's for sale, you know.

Ben: So what now? Clyde: Now, you keep an eye out. And I get to work.

Guard: Bed check. Horton.

Will: Here.

Guard: Weston.

Will: He's, uh, he's asleep.

Guard: Already?

Will: Yeah, um, he's just feeling sick, so-- he was actually out when I got in here.

Kate: Steve acting oddly, i mean, that's not exactly new behavior for him.

Rafe: How so?

Kate: Well, because I've always heard that he was pretty feral before kayla--

Rafe: Feral?

Kate: Yeah, feral before kayla tamed him, you know, and now that they're broken up, maybe he's reverted back to his original self.

Rafe: Steve's a good man.

Kate: Okay, maybe he's a good man, but in my run-ins with him, he's always been kind of a jerk.

Rafe: Or maybe he was brainwashed like he was once before, thinking he was one of stefano's mercenaries. What if that's happened again?

Kate: I don't know, I guess that's possible.

Rafe: Well, either way, we need to find him, and we need to find john and marlena because they could be in trouble.

Kate: [Sighs] God. Rafe, look, I can, uh... I can help with that.

Rafe: With what?

Kate: I can tell you who steve is.

Rafe: What? What-- wait, what are you saying right now?

Kate: I know who steve is. He is not stefan's mercenary. Steve is stefano dimera.

Hattie as marlena: You are out of your mind.

Steve as stefano: [Laughs] Oh, come now, marlena. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to stop fighting against your basic instincts, to let go of society's restrictions. Surely you have wondered what it would be like to be with someone who embraces freedom, to do what makes you feel good and not worry about the consequences. Marlena... don't you wanna taste what it's like to be with a dimera? We would roam the world as king and queen of the night. We would live a life of luxury, a life of passion. Oh, I want you. And I know you want me. Just give in. Let go.

Hattie as marlena: Oh!

John: Get out of my way.

Hope as gina: And if you were to make it out, you would not get very far, john. The drugs in your system have not fully kicked in yet.

John: You can't keep me here.

Hope as gina: Oh, but I can. I have. So why not do the noble thing and surrender.

John: I told you, fool. I'm never gonna be with you.

Hope as gina: You have no idea how much that hurts me. Because I am certain that we belong together. I can feel it in my soul, john.

John: [Laughs]

Hope as gina: If you do not give yourself to me, then-- then I have no choice but to eliminate you. John: No.

Hope as gina: Yes, john! As much as it will break my heart, I cannot let you leave here alive.

John: You can't stop me.

Hope as gina: I am sorry, but I can! As a struggling actor,

Clyde: Ah, almost done.

Ben: Come on, hurry up, pops.

Clyde: Patience.

Ben: We're gonna get spotted if we don't get a move on here.

Clyde: Patience, son. Couple more minutes, we will bust out of here and be home free.

Guard: Let's see how weston is doing.

Will: No, I--I--I said he's sick. You don't want him to puke on you or catch a bug or something.

Guard: Code 7. We have an escape in progress.

Kristen: I'm sorry, father. I did my best to protect you. But chad is onto you. And he may not be the only one.

Rafe: What do you mean steve is stefano?

Kate: Okay, I get it, it sounds really crazy, it does. But it's--it's true. Steve is stefano. And hope is princess gina. And the two of them have been working together for quite some time now.

Rafe: You knew about this?

Kate: Okay, it doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm here right now, and I wanna fix it and I wanna make things right.

Rafe: Okay, and how do you plan on doing that?

Kate: [Sighs]

Steve as stefano: Marlena, i have dreamt about this moment for so long!

Hattie as marlena: [Laughs]


Steve as stefano: Ah.

[Grunts] It's over.

Hattie as marlena: Mm, mm! Wait a minute! Wait a minute.

Steve as stefano: Why are you stopping?

Hattie as marlena: I can't do this.

Steve as stefano: Yes, you can.

Hattie as marlena: No, no. I can't do this to him. I can't do it to him.

Steve as stefano: No, forget about john! He's gone. It's just us.

Hattie as marlena: It's about roman.

Steve as stefano: Roman? What does he have to do with this?

Hattie as marlena: Everything. He's the one that I love. He's the man of my dreams. Yes, it's always been roman. Always been roman.

Steve as stefano: You're not marlena, are you? Are you?

Hattie as marlena: Oh! Oh!

John: What do you think you're gonna do with that knife?

Hope as gina: Actually, it is a dagger... that once belonged to the countess elizabeth bathory of hungary.

John: Gina. Gina.

Hope as gina: I am sorry, john, but if I cannot have you, then I cannot let you live.


Marlena: Step away from him, you bitch!

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