Days Transcript Thursday 2/6/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 2/6/20


Episode #13704 ~ Ciara hits upon a new theory regarding Jordan's killer. Clyde pushes Ben to escape with him from prison. Rafe and Roman arrive in Prague to search for Hope and Marlena. Gina drugs John.

Provided By Suzanne

Roman: Black patch tracks stefano to prague. Gina shows up here, most likely with marlena. Can't be a coincidence.

Rafe: Stefano and gina are probably working together.

Roman: Yeah. We gotta bring john and steve up to speed.

Rafe: Well, the concierge here confirmed that they are staying at this hotel, but no one's seen them in a while.

Roman: Yeah, and neither one of them's answerg their phone. Let's hope... that means they're hard at work.

Rafe: Yeah.

John: [Grunts] Come on, damn it. Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Hope as gina: You really think you can get us out of here with you bare hands, john?

John: I'll do whatever it takes, hope. You know that. You also know that I will die before I give up on marlena.


Hope as gina: Dear lord, i just hope it does not come to that, my love.

Hattie as marlena: There's gotta be a way to open this window.

Steve: You doing okay over there?

Hattie as marlena: Yeah, I'm just trying to get this window open.


[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Perfect. Oh, I forgot the napkins.

Justin: Oh, I got 'em.

[Knocking on door]

[Both laugh]

Kayla: Who could that be? Ciara. Baby, what--what's the matter?

Clyde: Let me guess...

[Grunts] You're writing a love poem to your girlfriend.

Ben: It's from the folks who are gonna inject me with a lethal dose of poison. They want to know what I want for my last meal.

John: [Grunts] Come on, come on, come on.

[Door clatters]

Hope as gina: Wait!

John: What the hell?

Hope as gina: Wait! Let us out of here! Let us out! You can'T...

[Groans] You can't leave us in here!

[Phone beeps]

Hattie as marlena: Steve? You're keeping something from me. What is it? Something great from mr. Clean.

Kayla: Baby, why are you so upset?

Ciara: [Sniffs] It's ben.

Justin: You must have heard.

Kayla: Heard what?

Justin: The judge set his execution date.

Kayla: Ciara...

Ciara: I mean...

[Laughs] It's not like it came as a shock or anything, but, uh, actually having a date set... um, anyway...

[Sniffles] Please forgive me for barging in like this. I just--I needed somebody to talk to. I left my mom a ton of messages, but she must be busy working on a case right now.

Kayla: You know that I am always here for you. Always.

Ciara: I appreciate that, aunt kayla... and I am so grateful. I am so grateful for all the work that justin did to try to exonerate ben.

[Sniffs] You know his case better than anybody. Are you sure that there's nothing we can do to try and stop this?

Justin: Ciara, I wish there were. Given that all of ben's appeals have been denied and I have no new evidence to present-- I'm so sorry.

Ciara: Um, no, you're fine. You have nothing to be sorry for.

[Sniffles] You did everything you could. It's actually, um--it's actually my fault. It's all on me.

Kayla: How--how can you say that?

Ciara: I say that because it's the truth. Ben might be a free man right now if I hadn't wasted all that time trying to prove that victor and xander killed jordan and framed ben for it. After jordan was released from bayview, ben was terrified that she might try to hurt me. So he went to grandpa, and he asked him to--

Kayla: Kill her?

Ciara: No, no, no, no. Just--just get her locked back up so she can get some help. But after jordan tried to poison me, grandpa went extreme--or so I thought.

Justin: The theory was that victor saw an opportunity to eliminate the two greatest threats to his granddaughter at once. So he ordered xander to kill jordan and then set up ben to take the fall.

Ciara: Yeah, but it turns out neither of them had anything to do with jordan's murder.

Kayla: Well, how do you know that?

Ciara: Well, because for months, I was looking for evidence to try to prove that they did it, but it was all circumstantial. It wouldn't hold up in court. So I finally confronted them, and I begged them to confess, and they convinced me that they were innocent.

Kayla: I don't think that i would take either one of them at their word.

Ciara: Well, normally I would agree with you, but, uh, trust me: In this case, they were definitely telling the truth. And I was dead wrong... and now ben is gonna have to pay the ultimate price for my mistake.

Clyde: I warned you not to trust the system. Not to put your faith in that hotshot lawyer and your uppity girlfriend.

Ben: You can save your "I-told-you-so's" for yourself. I need to think about what i want to eat before they strap me down and stick a needle in my arm.

Clyde: The only thing you need to think about eating is some crow so you can admit you need your old man's help.

Ben: How in god's name can you help me now?

Clyde: I still plan on busting out of here. You gonna join me?

Hope as gina: This place is like a fortress. Never gonna break out of here. Face it, john.

John: I'm not facing anything, and I'll be damned if I'm giving up. And you're not giving up either. Right now, you're gonna think about all those people who love you back in salem. You're gonna think about your daughter. Ciara's gonna want you to be strong right now. You be strong, you be brave.

Hope as gina: Like she has so many times. Thank you. John, thank you, for the reminder.

John: You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.

Hope as gina: I'll do my best to stay strong, okay? Maybe, um... a little sustenance would help.

John: No!

Hope as gina: [Screams] Should I have--

John: Stefano has tried to kill us on more than one occasion. From my experience at maison blanche, there's a damn good chance he's laced that with poison.

Rafe: Still no luck?

Roman: No. Rafe... I don't like this. I am starting to think that stefano set a trap for john and steve and that they walked right into it.

Rafe: Well, fortunately, we've identified the last two people to have seen him, and they've agreed to meet us here.

Anna: Hello, roman.

Roman: Oh, hey.

Justin: Well, it seems as if all of salem has come to prague asking the same question: Where is stefano dimera?

Hattie as marlena: You said your phone had no reception.

Steve: Yes, uh, I was just trying to get another signal, but no luck. I didn't want to get your hopes up.

Hattie as marlena: I can tell you're lying to me.

Steve: Yes, I am. Because I wasn't sure you could handle what I'm about to show you. I can't keep the truth from you any longer. Humira patients...

Hope as gina: I really don't think that stefano would poison us--I really don'T. It would deny him the sick pleasure of watching us die, john.

John: Well, knowing the old man, he probably is watching. And if he did kill marlena, he doesn't have any reason to keep us alive.

Hope as gina: Let's not waste our energy thinking about or talking about stefano dimera. We need to focus on keeping our strength up, john.

John: That's a fact... and I still don't think it's a good idea to eat that damn food.

Hope as gina: Agreed. Well, we can't survive without water.

John: No, I wouldn't drink-- don't! [Stammers] You shouldn't have done that, hope.

Hope as gina: There's no point in both of us taking a chance. Pretty soon, we'll know if this water's okay.

[Sighs] Or not.

John: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Tony: You know, a few evenings ago, john left me a message saying that he and steve johnson were in prague in search of my father.

Roman: So you came all the way from vienna to meet him?

Tony: Oh, I want my father brought to justice just as much as you do.

Roman: And you felt you had information that could help the cause?

Tony: Oh, I know I did. You see, I told steve and john that my father reached out to me a few months ago wanting to acquire my stake in dimera enterprises, but something strange happened. I don't know what it is, except that he refused to meet with me in person.

Anna: Hmm.

Rafe: So did you give stefano the share?

Anna: No, he gave them to chad to help him bring down gabi. My tony is such a good big brother.


Roman: Tony... are you absolutely sure it was stefano that contacted you?

Tony: The language in the missive was very definitive of my father... but because I didn't see him, i can't really be sure.

Rafe: So after you told steve and john your plans, did they tell you what they were doing?

Tony: Oh, even if they were going to share their plans with us, they didn't, because the meeting was cut short.

Roman: How come?

Anna: Because steve was acting like a pompous ass.

Steve: If you're not ready...

Hattie as marlena: [Sighs] No, I--I'm ready. Oh! Oh!


Steve: I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to see those pictures. I don't want you to have to remember john that way.

Hattie as marlena: He really was shot.

Steve: Yes. In the head at close range.

Hattie as marlena: No, no. Wait, wait--those can't be real.

Steve: I know for a fact that they are.

Hattie as marlena: How do you know?

Steve: Because I took them myself right after john was murdered by stefano's thugs. I'm so sorry, marlena. I'm afraid john is really gone.

Justin: I thought a little sustenance might help.

Kayla: Yes, stay for dinner. Come on.

Ciara: Um, thank you, aunt kayla, but I really have zero appetite right now.

Kayla: How about--how about stay the night? You know, the guest room is--

Ciara: No, aunt kayla, i don't have time to sleep. Since my grandpa and xander didn't kill jordan, that means her real killer is out there somewhere, and I need to find this person. I need to find them, or else ben dies.

Ben: I already told you... I don't want any part of your plan to break out of here.

Clyde: Ben, you remember you were about ten or eleven years old, and I found out somebody was using my truck for a tractor pull? I was sure as shinola that it was travis preston's little kid, but you were so afraid of what i might do to that boy, you stepped up and took the blame.

Ben: And you knew the truth... and you still whipped my ass anyway.

Clyde: That's right.

Ben: You made him watch.

Clyde: Yeah, and every time my switch hit your behind, that little twit just laughed his head off, 'cause he knew that you were a fool for taking his beating.

Ben: Yeah, dad, well, lesson learned.

Clyde: I don't think so. 'Cause here you are, about to make the same mistake all over again. Now, you recovered from my little beating, but once the needle goes in your arm, there's no coming back. So you've gotta ask yourself... are you willing to let them kill you for something you didn't do?

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Ben: It's over for me, pop. My fate is sealed.

Clyde: That's bull. You've still got a choice.

Ben: Yeah, I got a choice: Whether I want catfish or chicken fried steak for my last meal.

Clyde: I'm talking about the choice that I'm giving you. Let me bust us out of here. You can pick up your gal. We hit the road and never look back.

Ben: You're gonna leave ciara out of this.

Ciara: My entire mission right now is to clear ben's name. He should have never been convicted, let alone put on death row.

Kayla: Well, okay, if, uh, victor and xander aren't suspects, do you have any leads?

Justin: Looked over all the evidence in ben's case multiple times. I mean, if there was road to go down--uh, any other possibility to--to look at... okay, okay, look, this is what we're gonna do. Okay listen, to me: As hard as this is, we are gonna need to set our emotion aside, and we're gonna just lay out all the facts, all right? One more time. You with me? Okay.

Ciara: Yeah.

Justin: Ciara, okay. In the days and weeks before jordan's murder, what was she up to? What--what was she doing?

Ciara: Um, she was here in salem trying to save everyone from her crazy brother by framing him for an awful crime.

Anna: Setting the cabin on fire and almost burning you alive.

Ciara: Yeah, and, uh, after i was rescued, she showed up in my hospital room and came after me with a syringe.

Justin: And that's when they took her to bayview.

Ciara: Yeah, where she dropped the bomb on rafe that she had a son.

Anna: Baby david. And rafe agreed to be the guardian until she got well.

Ciara: Yeah, except for when they released her, she wasn't really well. She tried to kill me again with a poison cupcake, and then she tried to pin it on ben, again. Except for this time, everyone in the town was onto her. So she ran away with her baby.

Justin: And the assumption is that she broke in to the dimera gatehouse to make another attempt on your life. But instead, she was the one who ended up dead. Strangled with a scarf.

Ciara: And then ben-- aka the necktie killer-- goes to prison.

Justin: Okay, let's get back to jordan. It seems like she really only had two goals...

Anna: To hurt ciara.

Ciara: And to get her baby back.

Kayla: Well, thank god both of those things failed. Can you imagine david's life being raised by a tortured soul like jordan? I think we should all be grateful to rafe for stepping up and taking care of that sweet baby when he had nobody else.

Ciara: What about david's father? I mean, what if he had something to do with jordan's murder?

Rafe: Steve was rude to you?

Tony: He was more than just rude. He was, I think, cruel to my anna.

Rafe: Hmm.

Roman: Okay, what happened?

Anna: Well, john asked tony if he thought he could make contact with his father again, and I said no. Actually, what I said was: I didn't want my tony to have anything to do with that horrible, hateful man ever again. And then steve got so mad at me. He...

[Laughs] He--he told me to shut up. He told--he called me all kinds of names. Then my tony stepped in to try to defend me. He was gonna wallop him. Then I got back in steve's face and I asked him: Why did he have a problem with me trashing stefano?

Rafe: Hmm. Well, steve hates stefano just like the rest of us.

Tony: Yes, well, you can imagine how surprised we were when steve was offended by anna's proclamation. Then he defended my father-- his most ardent enemy.

Roman: Wait a minute. Steve stood up for stefano?

Tony: And if that wasn't difficult enough to comprehend, steve also admitted how much he admired the man--admired my father. Can you imagine?

Steve: Marlena--

Hattie as marlena: [Yelps] Why would you take those horrible pictures of john?

Steve: As awful as it was, i had to document john's death so that I would have evidence to prove what stefano did to him.

Hattie as marlena: And what about you? Why don't you have a scratch on you?

Steve: I honestly don't know. Stefano's goons closed in on us, and I somehow managed to snap those pictures and escape with my life. But not john.

Hattie as marlena: Then it's true. He really is gone. I--I'm never... never going to see him again.

Steve: Yes.

John: I really wish you hadn't drunk that water.

Hope as gina: I'm fine... but you, on the other hand, john... you don't look so hot.

John: [Groans]

Hope as gina: Oh?

John: I'm all right. I just gotta keep working on those bars.

Hope as gina: Hey, hey, hey. I'm as determined as you are to get out of this hole. Let me dig for a little while, okay? So you can rest.

John: Thanks. I'm just so damn... dehydrated...

Hope as gina: Rest.

John: [Sighs] Ugh, no paper towels?

Ciara: We never found out who david's father was.

Justin: Jordan wouldn't identify him. So there was no way we could find him. Did jordan ever say anything about him?

Ciara: No. I mean, all rafe told me was that jordan got really upset any time he brought the subject up. She refused to talk about it and was very adamant that he stay out of david's life.

Kayla: Well, I know that jordan had her baby in california. Do you guys really think that david's father came here to kill jordan?

Clyde: I'm using ciara for motivation 'cause you seem to think she's the only thing worth living for.

Ben: Ciara is the reason why I don't want to do this with you. You understand that? If I bust out of here, she's gonna come looking for me. She's not gonna stay away, dad. What the hell do I possibly have to offer her now, huh? What, a life on the run? Until death do us part?

Clyde: Call me crazy, but it sounds to me like the stuff of legend. Who knows--you kids could be the next bonnie and clyde.

Ben: [Scoffs]


Rafe: Well, thanks for filling us in. This has been very helpful.

Roman: Yeah. Yeah, it has been. Uh, let us know if you hear from john or steve or stefano.

Tony: Will do.

Anna: Will won'T.

Tony: Darling, they're only asking us to stay close.

Anna: I understand, but I'm saying no.

Tony: Excuse me.

Anna: Tony.

Tony: Darling.

Anna: I finally have you back, and you're not in a dream or in my purse. The real deal, and we're happy. We're together. We're happy. We're living far away from that whole dimera mess. There's absolutely no reason for you to get drawn back into it.

Rafe: There is a reason. Please. We're fairly certain stefano somehow convinced hope that she is princess gina, and that she has taken marlena hostage.

Hattie as marlena:

[Shaky breathing] I can't believe it. John's dead.

Steve: Marlena, marlena... I'm here for you.

Hattie as marlena: [Sniffles]

Steve: I promised john that I would keep you safe, and i intend to honor his dying wish.

Hattie as marlena: [Sobs]

Steve: Come. Come to me.

Hattie as marlena: [Sobbing]

Steve: There. You'll be all right. Yeah.

John: [Grunts] Come on, damn it.


[Panting] That's what I'm talking about.

[Laughing] Before long, we're gonna be out on the streets of prague, and we're gonna get a phone, and I'm gonna pray god that... that marlena...

[Stammers indistinctly]

Hope as gina: Oh, please, john--careful, careful. Are you okay? All right you all right?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hope as gina: You sure?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine. I didn't have to shout out for help.

Kayla: Here you go.

Ciara: Thank you.

Justin: We have no idea who david's father is. So we have no idea whether he ever came to salem, let alone ever set foot in the dimera gatehouse.

Ciara: Justin, I know it's a long-shot, but, I mean, given the way that jordan reacted every time rafe brought up david's father, I just--there has to be some bad blood between them, right?

Kayla: I mean, a father kept from his child. I mean, that's a possible motive, isn't it?

Ciara: Yeah.

Justin: It's speculation.

Ciara: Okay, well, then, let's find out for sure. I mean, there has to be some way we can track this guy down.

Kayla: Yeah, even if his father is innocent, he might know someone that would want jordan dead.

Justin: We may be grasping at straws here.

Ciara: Yeah, but if there's a chance that we can save ben...

Justin: Okay, look, I will, um... I'll talk to my contacts in california and I'll see what i can find out.

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: I saw that movie, dad. Bonnie and clyde went down in a hail of gunfire.

Clyde: Any doubt your gal will take a bullet for you?

Ben: I'm not putting ciara in any more danger. I already asked way too much of her. First off, she's defended me to everyone. To her mother; to the cops; to everyone dad. And do you know how much flack she's taken for that?

Clyde: That was her choice.

Ben: "It was her choice." Was it her choice when jordan almost tried to kill her? Or when jordan shows up dead? When ciara believes in me when i said I was innocent?

Clyde: You are innocent.

Ben: Yeah, but all the facts--all the evidence pointed to me, dad, and still, she had my back. She went up against her grandfather--one of the most terrifying, powerful men I've ever met.

Clyde: You know what's really terrifying and powerful? A lethal injection.

Ben: Ciara has done everything she can do to help. I can't ask her to do this. I can't expect her to just give up her life to be with me. Maybe someday, somehow... we can be together. I'm holding on to that hope, man. I have to. Otherwise, none of this really means anything. She's my reason for wanting to live... but I can't ask her to do this.

Clyde: Okay, okay. We'll leave your gal out of it. But it sounds like you're in. You gonna blow this joint with me?

Hope as gina: Are you all right?

John: Yeah.

[Breathing heavily] Help--help me up, hope. Just--just help me up.

Hope as gina: [Grunts] Slow.


John: [Sighs] That water was drugged.

Hope as gina: Only the bottle you drank from, john. Only the bottle you drank from.

Anna: [Scoffs]

Tony: Oh, my god. Oh, marlena. Does anybody have any idea where she may be?

Roman: Well, we're waiting on security footage, but we think gina brought here to prague on stefano's orders.

Tony: Oh. Yes, my father's quite obsessed with his queen of the night. He'll do anything to possess her.

Rafe: Well, we're gonna stop him, but we're running out of time, and we need all the help we can get.

Tony: Well, marlena is a dear friend of mine. I'll do whatever I can to help save her from gina--and also for her not to fall back into the clutches of my father. We'll do this, won't we, darling?

Anna: Of course.

Tony: So we're gonna stay in prague until marlena is returned safely.

Rafe: All right, thank you.

Tony: So you keep us posted.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Tony: If get information that could be of any use, we'll let you know.

Rafe: Good, good.

Tony: Okay.

Both: Thank you.

Tony: Good to see you. Good-bye.

Anna: Bye, guys.

Rafe: What anna said before about steve--it's really bugging me.

Roman: Yeah. I get that, but... anna does have a talent of rubbing people the wrong way.

Rafe: Yeah, that may be true, but that did not sound like the steve I know.

Roman: What are you thinking?

Rafe: I'm thinking hope's not the only person who's not acting like herself.

Hattie as marlena: [Sobbing]

Steve: Oh... I know it's hard... but I am here for you, marlena. Anything you need. Anything at all.

Hattie as marlena: [Gasps] W-what the hell do you think you're doing?

Hope as gina: John. John, talk to me. You have to stay awake. I need you to stay awake. Come on, talk to me. Please.

John: [Groans]

Hope as gina: Oh, care--ah! John, I got you. I got you, it's okay. I got you. I have you. It's okay, it's all right.

John: [Breathing heavily]

Hope as gina: Hey. John.

John: [Weeping] Marlena. Is it really you?


Allergies with sinus

congestion and pressure?

Ben: I don't want to die.

Clyde: So you'll do it? You'll break out of here with me? Trust me, son: It's the right decision. In a few days, you'll be a free man sitting down to an all-you-can-eat catfish and chicken fried steak.

Kayla: You know, a lot of people have mixed feelings about ben weston--me included--but i have to say, I am so moved by ciara's commitment to him-- her passion, her dedication. It's really incredible.

Justin: It is. When you love someone, you fight for them, and you never give up.

Ciara: Hello? Yes, yes, I will accept the charges. Hey, ben.

Clyde: Guess again.

Ciara: Clyde?

Clyde: Don't you hang up, girly-girl. You and I need to have a little chat.

Roman: [Sighs] You know what? I'm thinking: Steve was brainwashed to be stefano's soldier once before. Do you think that could be happening again?

Rafe: Well, hope's the one who brought steve back to salem.

Roman: Yeah.

Rafe: It's entirely possible they're working together.

Roman: And stefano changed hope into princess gina. If he also compromised steve...

Rafe: Then john's in as much danger as his wife.

Roman: Exactly.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hattie as marlena: How can you just stand there... when the monster who killed your best friend is still out there? You need to make me a promise. You promise me that together, we will get out of here... and when we do... we will get revenge on that murdering son of a bitch!

Steve: Yes. Together... we will see that justice is done. And no matter what... I will always be here for you. Always.

Hattie as marlena: [Gasps]

John: Oh, marlena...

Hope as marlena: Yes, my darling, it's me.

John: Oh, doc. I knew that you were-- couldn't be dead.

Hope as marlena: And I knew you'd never give up on me.

John: [Sighs]

Hope as marlena: Stefano is up to his old tricks again, but he won't win. He'll never win. Not as long as we have each other. Not as long as we have our love. John... make love to me. Right here. Take me. Take me right here, john. Right now. Take me.

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