Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 2/5/20
Episode #13703 ~ Sarah and Xander have a romantic evening. Gabi scrambles to keep control over Julie's heart. JJ and Lani make moves to thwart Gabi's hold over Julie. Eric moves back in with Nicole.
Provided By Suzanne
Julie: I think it's only fair that since you got engaged here, you should have the wedding reception here, and I have some cracker-jack ideas for you two lovebirds.Eli: I think gabi's kind of got the ideas covered.
Julie: Of course she has. The talented bride. And I promise, I am going to focus on my part of the ceremony, and... I can't tell you how thrilled and touched I am that you want me to officiate.
[Dishware clinking] And you know what I think is the most wonderful part of all of your wedding plans? That jj is gonna be your best man.
[Stammers, sighs] It just does my heart good to see the family getting along together so wonderfully.
Lani: Somehow, gabi was able to hack into the device, and blow up julie's heart.
Jj: So she--she threatened to kill julie if you didn't walk away from eli?
Lani: Yeah. That is what gabi is holding over me: Julie's life.
Julie: I think it's important in these milestone moments for-- for the family to put aside differences so they can... celebrate life. Celebrate love together. Don't you agree, jj? Jj?
Jj: Hmm?
Julie: Is something wrong, darling?
[Indistinct chatter]
Lani: I assume that no news is no news, theo, but I--i really do hope that you are making progress with disabling this app.
[Sighs] You do understand the urgency of this, right? You get that gabi can kill julie with it? Just--just please call me back as soon as you can, okay? I love you so much, little brother.
[Knocking on door]
[Phone beeps]
Kristen: Lani? Are you in there? It's kristen. Open the door.
[Indistinct chatter]
Brady: I--I'm gonna go.
Kristen: [Laughs]
Maggie: Well, you look happy.
Brady: Hi, beautiful. How you doing?
Maggie: [Laughs] I'm so glad I ran into you. I heard that you got tested to be a bone marrow donor. I just--I can't thank you enough. Ugh, I'm so worried about little mickey, I--I can hardly sleep.
Brady: I know. I wish--I wish there was more that I could do. I mean, to lose--to lose a baby like kris and I lost rachel-- I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially not my brother.
Eric: What's wrong?
Nicole: Are you sure you can really forgive me?
Eric: Didn't we just have this conversation? I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Nicole: I know, I'm just not sure I can forgive myself.
Eric: Listen to me, please. You told me the truth about my daughter, and that is all that matters.
[Dishware clinking] No more looking back. We are all about the future.
Nicole: Okay. But right now, in your immediate future, you have a very sick little girl who needs your time and attention and energy. Mackenzie has to be your priority.
Eric: And she absolutely is. So are you.
Nicole: [Laughs softly]
Xander: Are you sure this is really what you want?
Sarah: I'm so sure. Don't you?
Xander: Yeah, but...
Sarah: But what? What's wrong?
Xander: Half an hour ago, you--
Sarah: Eric and I kissed. I know, I'M... but that was it, and I stopped him. And I don't love eric. I love you... and I'm gonna keep saying it until you believe it.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Xander: You are so perfect. You're so beautiful, and...
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: I've been dreaming of this moment for so long. If only--
Sarah: Mickey wasn't sick.
Sarah: I know. I feel so guilty for being this happy right now, but... honestly, if this nightmare has taught me anything, it's that... it's to never take anything for granted, especially not the people that you love.
[Sarah wailing over monitor]
Brady: Actually, I didn't even need to be tested. I was still on the national bone marrow registry from when chloe had leukemia. Remember that?
Maggie: Oh, oh, right. Right.
Brady: Yeah, and I know it's a long shot. I'm probably not a match for-- for mickey, but... you know, the more people that get tested, the better the odds are for her, right?
Maggie: Yeah. I--I heard, uh, kristen got tested as well. How incredibly kind of her.
Brady: Yeah, that was--that was very nice of her to do that.
Maggie: Am I sensing a thaw between the two of you?
Brady: You might say that, yeah.
Kristen: Hey, paranoid much?
Lani: No one can know I'm here, remember? What's up? Why are you here?
Kristen: Well, I wanted to check in on you. See if there's any progress.
Lani: Not--not much at all. Not since jj tried to grab gabi's phone and disable the app. Thank god you were there to run interference. He was so fired up about getting to her phone, I thought he would screw it up. Gabi would figure out why he was there and blow up julie's heart.
Kristen: Yeah, well, I might have gotten gabi out of there to give jj access, but she was not excited to see me when i interrupted her--her big fat engagement celebration. Did you see the rock that eli put on her finger?
Lani: [Scoffs]
Kristen: Look I--I'm sorry.
Lani: No, it's--it's fine. You know what? Actually, no--it's not fine. This wedding cannot happen, which means we have to find a way to neutralize that app and gabi.
Kristen: Okay, you know what? I promise you: We're gonna break that app and gabi's heart into a million little pieces. We just need a plan.
Jj: Oh, nothing's wrong.
[Chuckles] Nothing at all.
Julie: Oh, darling, I know that you've had some difficult times lately. If there's anything you want to share...
Jj: No.
Julie: You know, we're all here for you.
Jj: There's nothing to share. I'm all good. Really. And--and look, I am going to my meetings. What's not to love about a wedding, right? I'm just--I am looking forward to you getting exactly what you deserve.
Gabi: That's very sweet of you to say, and I know exactly what you mean about friends and family. So we really need to talk about the seating chart, because some friends and family are not as simpatico with others.
Julie: Absolutely. Absolutely. Uh, but before we get into the minutiae, there's a little macro matter we have to discuss. I'm 99.99% sure this won't be an issue, but, well, I--I had a rather unpleasant surprise at my cardiology appointment.
Eli: Is something wrong with your heart?
Julie: No, nothing wrong with my heart. No, it's--it's the pacemaker.
[Laughs] You can never get too close
Xander: Oh, she's okay, then?
Sarah: It's just the way that she cried, you know? I was scared that she had a fever or something worse, but... I think it was just a nightmare.
Xander: Yeah, still--nothing good about those.
Sarah: No. It's not the first time, either, unfortunately. Started in boston. I wish you could have been there... 'cause you just have such a way with her. Like, just calming her down, you know? Me, too, actually.
Xander: Hi. Hey, there.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: How you doing? Mm. I came up with a new one since you've been gone. "Little miss muffet sat on her tuffet... her dress all tattered and torn. But it wasn't the spider that crept up beside her, but little boy blue with his horn."
Sarah: That's not how that goes.
Xander: Well, it makes for a happy ending, and I'm all for those--especially for this little one. And us.
Sarah: I'm sorry this isn't quite the romantic evening you were probably hoping for.
Xander: You kidding? This is everything I ever wanted.
Nicole: [Laughs] So...
Eric: So?
Nicole: Do you wanna go upstairs?
Eric: I don't think we should do that.
Eli: Grandma, what's wrong with your pacemaker?
Julie: Well, apparently, the battery needs changing.
Eli: Well, I was sure that when the doctor put it in, they said you'd be good for another ten years or so?
Julie: Yeah, well, evidently I'm the exception to the rule. Go figure.
Jj: Go figure.
Kristen: I have complete confidence in theo's genius-- I mean, he is a dimera-- but, uh, we need a plan B. Hmm? I mean, he's all the way in south africa, and we need something more hands-on.
Lani: "We."
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Lani: I like the sound of that. You know, with you and jj, I--i don't feel so alone in all of this. I really--I can't thank you enough for all of your help.
Kristen: Well... you're my dearest friend. Well, I mean, you're my only friend...
[Both laugh] And I want to pay it forward. I do.
Lani: Pay what forward?
Kristen: Well... brady and I, uh, might be getting back together again.
Lani: Wait, what?
Kristen: Yes.
Lani: Kris, I--I thought he was seeing nicole.
Kristen: Well, I mean, that little bitch lied, and--and talked brady into going along with it.
Lani: [Scoffs] Why would she do that?
Kristen: To hurt me, of course. And--and brady came to his senses and, uh, told me the truth, and--'cause he realized that he still has feelings for me.
Lani: Oh, my god, that is so wonderful.
[Stammers, laughs]
Kristen: He even kissed me.
Lani: What?
Kristen: [Laughing]
Lani: So, wait, what does this mean?
Kristen: I-it means I don't want to get my hopes up too high...
Lani: Okay, okay.
Kristen: Because the fall would kill me. But... things are really looking up.
Brady: Ever since kristen came back to town, I've been doing nothing but pushing her away. I even made her believe that i had moved on with nicole. I mean, anything, maggie, to get her out of my orbit. And... then we started talking about rachel isabella. We just started... we went to her grave, and we, uh--we took flowers, and we said... we told her that we loved her, and we said our good-byes, and... it was nice.
Maggie: I'm sorry, brady. How devastating for you.
Brady: It was. It was, but at the same time, maggie... talking about it, and--and sharing, and remembering that night, I think--I think it helped. I think it helped us move forward a little bit. You understand?
Maggie: Remembering, huh? Mm... how?
[Weeping] How do you move forward?
Eric: Are--are you okay? Are you okay?
Maggie: No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm really not.
[Gasps hoarsely]
Eric: Maggie. You try hard, you eat right... mostly.
[Indistinct chatter]
Nicole: You don't want to go upstairs with me?
Eric: No, I don'T. I want to go home with you.
Nicole: "Home." You mean to your apartment?
Eric: No, I mean our apartment. If that's okay with you.
Nicole: Yes, yes, yes.
[Laughs] Mm.
Eric: Yes? Yes?
Nicole: [Laughs]
Maggie: [Weeping] Thank you.
Brady: Sure. I wanna know what's going on. Why--why don't you talk to me?
Maggie: Ah... I get so upset when I...
[Sighs] When I think about the night that you lost your child and sarah and eric... they had their baby. And I... I remember so little a-about it because...
[Sighs] I was passed out drunk at home.
Brady: Maggie, you've made amends. You--you've been working the program and you've been sober since, right?
Maggie: I'm just--I'm disappointed in myself. See, I--I knew.
[Sighs] I knew sarah was in labor and she needed me, and I was--I was so upset about the idea of losing one daughter...
[Gasps] That I got good and plastered, and I wasn't there for the other one.
Brady: Summer--summer showing up, that was-- that was shocking for you. It was hard.
Maggie: There was no excuse. It was after she left. One minute, I was pouring liquor down my throat, and then the next, I was waking up with A... with a hell of a hangover, and i have no memory of the night before.
Brady: Y-you shouldn't be torturing yourself like this.
Maggie: Oh, yes, I should.
Brady: Take it easy on yourself.
Maggie: Yeah, I failed my daughter, brady.
Brady: No, no, no.
Maggie: When she needed me the most--when she was giving birth at the side of the road-- I--I got into bed, and I passed out.
Brady: Maggie?
Maggie: [Groans]
Brady: What if you had gotten behind the wheel and tried to drive yourself to the hospital? Trust me... putting yourself to bed was the best thing that you could have done for sarah.
Sarah: Do you remember when we sleep-trained mickey before she got sick?
Xander: It was hell.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: I had to leave the house 'cause I just couldn't bear hearing her cry and not going to her.
Sarah: I know. You know, we were just trying to teach her how to put herself to sleep and self-soothe and all that. Honestly, now... I don't care if she sleeps in this bed with us every single night until she's five. If I can do anything to keep her from crying or feeling scared, then I'll--I'll pick her up, and I'll feed her, and hold her, and rock her all night long.
[Both laugh]
Xander: She's gonna make it, sarah. I promise you that. I've rallied everyone I can think of. Friends, family--even strangers--to see if they're a match for her, and they're stepping up. Nicole, brady, kristen, they've all agreed--
Sarah: Brady and kristen?
Xander: What?
Sarah: I'm just... I'm a little uneasy about those two getting tested.
Xander: Why would you say that?
Kristen: I just don't want to get ahead of myself, you know, and jinx it. I--I've jinxed enough things to last me a lifetime. But this time I'm gonna get it right. I will. This time, um... I will. I will get it right.
[Laughs] And you know what? So are you. So are you. We're gonna get you and eli back together again.
Lani: Yeah, well, it better happen damn quick, 'cause gabi and eli are getting married on valentine's day.
Kristen: Valentine's day? That's next week.
Lani: You know, I-- I still can't believe that eli loves that psycho enough to actually go through with marrying her.
Kristen: He doesn't, lani, and he won'T.
Gabi: Julie, I'm so sorry about your pacemaker, okay? We can push back the date so that you can be well enough to perform the ceremony.
Julie: No. Valentine's day comes but once a year. That's the day you've chosen. So that's the day. We're sticking to it. This is a simple procedure. I'll be back on my feet right away--ready to tie your knot.
Gabi: How do they go about, uh, replacing the battery, exactly?
Julie: Well, they don'T.
Gabi: What do you mean?
Julie: Oh, I'm getting a whole new pacemaker. The whole enchilada.
Gabi: [Laughs]
Julie: Oh, my lord. I shouldn't have used the word "enchilada." Eli, I--I swear to you, I have learned my lesson. Gabi, what I meant to say was...
Gabi: It's fine. Really, it's fine. It's fine.
Julie: No, I can see I have upset you.
Julie: I'm just worried. I'm really--I'm worried about you.
Julie: Well, you don't need to worry. This is practically routine. I am going to be just fine. I promise you that.
Nicole: Home, sweet home.
Eric: Are those new pillows?
Nicole: Yes, uh, but if you don't like them, I'll get rid of them.
Eric: No, I love them.
Nicole: Okay.
Eric: I'm grateful. You know, this place, it never felt like home until you moved in.
Nicole: It never felt like home when you moved out.
Eric: I meant what I said to you at the pub. You're my anchor. Wherever you are will always be my home. As long as we're together... as we are now.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Xander: Why would you feel weird about asking brady and kristen to get tested as donors for mickey?
Sarah: Mm, it's just, they lost their baby the same night that mickey was born... and every time I see them, i just--I get this flash of guilt because... my daughter survived, and theirs didn'T. They've just--they've been through so much, and they've sacrificed a lot, and I...
Xander: Well, it's not much of a sacrifice. Just getting a little bit of blood drawn. Kristen was eager to do it. She said she would do anything to spare you having to go through what she and brady did.
Sarah: Remember when mickey was born... and instead of crying, there was just silence? And then--then, finally, she started to cry, and she was alive, and my heart could start beating again. But... in that same moment, kristen delivered her little girl, and she thought that she was fine. And then, hours later, she was just gone.
Xander: There's no need to relive that night.
Sarah: I know, but I can't help it... because it could have just easily been the other way around.
Maggie: Well, you know what?
[Laughs] I'd better get to the hospital before victor sends out a search party.
Brady: Yeah.
Maggie: [Laughs] He's been asking about you, you know.
Brady: Well, I, uh, I went-- I went to see him when he had his surgery. I mean, it's never enough with that man.
Maggie: Brady, I'm as mystified and as hurt as you are about what victor--how he treated you. I mean, to fire you when you had just lost your child... and put xander in your place. I will never understand why victor did that... but I know he loves you... and you love him. And the silence is deafening.
Brady: [Laughs]
Maggie: But listen... if you can have a breakthrough with kristen.... then I'm holding out hope for you and victor.
Brady: Maybe. I don't know.
Maggie: [Laughs] Thank you, sir.
Eric: You're welcome.
Kristen: You know, I work with gabi almost every single day--maybe there's a way I can get her phone.
Lani: No, that won't do any good. Gabi is smart. I'm sure she has that app on many devices.
Kristen: Yeah, well--
Lani: What if her phone goes missing and she freaks out and pushes the button and--and just kills julie?
Kristen: Yeah, but, lani, I--I can't do nothing. Tell me, please. Please, please, tell me what i can do to help you.
Lani: I don't know, kristen. Pray for me.
Kristen: Honey, I will do that--I will do that, along with whatever it takes to bring down gabriella hernandez, hmm? Come on.
[Both laugh] Mm.
[Both laugh]
Lani: Come here.
Kristen: Mm.
Lani: You are glowing... and I am so happy for you and brady.
Kristen: You know what? Soon, we'll both be this happy. You'll see.
[Door opens]
[Door slams]
Julie: One year ago... I watched eli's wedding to lani from a hospital bed, and I'm so glad that I was not there in person to witness that disaster. She shattered my grandson's heart for the whole world to see. So you better believe I'm gonna be front and center... to see him give his heart to the woman he loves. Who gave me my heart. Who is my darling, darling life-saver.
Jj: I gotta go.
Julie: Honey, we--we haven't even started yet.
Gabi: What's wrong?
Xander: Little angel.
Sarah: Exactly what she is. And our little angel needs to get some sleep. I'm gonna go put her down. Why don't you stay here and I'll be back? But it might take a while, 'cause as I mentioned... if she's crying, I'm not gonna leave her side.
Xander: Well... you hold her, rock her, feed her--whatever you need to do. I'm not going anywhere, believe me. Wait, wait, wait. Mm. Sweet dreams, sweet girl.
Sarah: Come on. Yeah, come. Say night-night. Night-night.
Nicole: So how is mackenzie?
Eric: Um, I just checked with sarah a little while ago, and she's fine.
Nicole: No word on a match yet?
Eric: No, but I am grateful for everyone who stepped up to get their blood tested, like you and brady did. Thank you. It means everything to me.
Nicole: Well, you might want to thank xander.
Eric: Xander?
Nicole: He came roaring in here demanding that brady get tested. And I mean, I volunteered as well, but he really put it to brady. He was so intense. It was a little strange.
Eric: It's not strange to me. As much as I can't stand the guy, you know what? He does care about sarah and mickey. I mean, after all, he did raise my daughter for the first six months of her life.
Nicole: Right, but...
[Sighs] You and brady aren't even blood related. And xander was so laser-focused on him, and he also made it a point that he wanted tate to get tested, which brady was opposed--at least initially.
Eric: Yeah, well, if theresa and I are first cousin, that makes mackenzie and tate second cousins. I know, it's a long shot, right?
Nicole: Right, but even if tate was a match--which is unlikely--that's a lot on a little boy. A surgical procedure, anesthesia. I mean...
[Sighs] I don't know. Xander said he wanted to cast the widest net possible. I mean, that--that guy. I--who knows how xander cook's mind actually works. I know that's not a place I want to be.
Eric: Nicole, why are we talking about xander?
Nicole: That's a good question.
Eric: All right.
Sarah: She went straight to sleep. I mean, her eyes were closed before she even hit the crib.
Xander: Did she make those little snorfling noises?
Sarah: Oh, my god, yeah. You know she was.
Xander: Wait...
[Both laughing] I've not seen this one before. New?
Sarah: Uh, yeah, eric got it for her at the airport in boston.
Xander: Ah.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: How do you think he'll react to finding out we're together?
Sarah: Um, well, I mean, I-- I told him that I want you to be a part of mickey's life and mine, and he knows that... she needs all the love and support she can get. So...
Xander: I do just wanna make that little girl--and you--happy.
Sarah: You've been there for us since day one.
Xander: I always will be.
Sarah: I love you so much.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Eric: You... are so beautiful. And I've wasted too much time fighting what I feel for you.
Nicole: You have every right to hate me.
Eric: No, it's in the past, remember? I've realized what I've always known... I love you. I've never stopped, and I never will.
Nicole: I love you too.
[Tender music]
[Indistinct chatter]
Kristen: Hi.
Brady: Hi. I didn't expect to see you so soon.
Kristen: Well, I'm not stalking you, if that--if you're afraid of that.
[Both laugh] Um, actually, I--I'm sorry I ran into you at all.
Brady: Why?
Kristen: Well, be-because i have a tendency to push things too hard, and... I--I don't want to push you away.
Jj: I just remembered that i gotta go to work. I'm sorry to cut out on you. Um, I--I'll catch you later.
Gabi: I have to go too.
Julie: [Stammers] We haven't tackled that seating chart yet.
Eli: I mean, we haven't even tasted the cake. What's going on?
[Uplifting, intimate music]
Singer: I can't enough
[Both breathing heavily]
I can't get enough
Nicole: [Laughs]
Both: You take me high
I can touch the sky
Nicole: [Gasps]
Both: You take me high
Singer: I'm so high
Sarah: This is the first time that I haven't felt like my whole world was crashing down around me in I--I don't even remember how long.
Xander: We're gonna find a match for mickey. I promise.
Sarah: I'm holding you to that.
Xander: You can, for sure. I don't make promises I can't keep.
Brady: You're not gonna push me away.
Kristen: Promise? Because I've done it every time we've been together. But not this time. No, things are gonna be different.
Brady: Oh, they're gonna be different?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Brady: How's that?
Kristen: Uh, well, I think... think we should start out low-key, hmm?
Brady: "Low-key."
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Brady: Low-key, okay. I can do low-key. How about this: A bagel date.
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: In the office. In the morning... at my desk. How's that for low-key for you?
Kristen: I--I like it.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah, I do.
Brady: I'll see you in the morning.
Kristen: I'll see you in the morning.
[Keys clatter]
Lani: How did wedding planning go?
[Door closes] Did gabi choke on a cake sample?
Jj: Might not be a wedding.
Lani: Wait, what? Did eli and gabi break up?
Jj: N-no, not yet... but I have huge news. Julie has to have her pacemaker replaced. So it could be the perfect chance for us to stop this.
Lani: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, jj, wait, this is better than perfect. We--we don't have to do anything! They take out that pacemaker and gabi has got nothing to work with.
Jj: I wouldn't be so sure.
Lani: What? What--what are you saying?
Jj: I--I'm sorry to say that gabi knows about the procedure too. So you can bet she's probably plotting her next move.
Lani: [Sighs]
Gabi: I have--I have to call the dj.
Eli: Babe, I told you I'd take care of that. Relax.
Gabi: I know, but I can't relax when I'm super excited about the wedding.
Julie: And what's more exciting than cake? I will get the samples and we'll taste them.
Eli: And I will help you.
Gabi: Okay.
[Phone beeps]
[Phone line trills]
[Phone line clicks] Oh, good, you answered. Listen, julie williams is getting a new pacemaker. I need to make sure that I have complete control over this one as well.
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