Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 2/4/20
Episode #13702 ~ Sarah declares her love for Xander. Eric and Nicole reconcile. Brady and Kristen share a kiss. Ciara fears she's let Ben down.
Provided By Suzanne
Justin: When I meet with the judge later today, I'll ask him to postpone the date, pending further review.
Ben: The execution date. You can say the word, justin. I really do appreciate whatever time you can buy me. Hopefully it'll give ciara the chance to get a confession out of victor and xander.
Justin: She didn't tell you?
Ben: Tell me what?
Justin: My uncle and xander convinced her that they did not set you up.
Ben: She overheard them saying they sent an innocent man to prison. Justin, if that isn't me, then who the hell is it?
Sonny: So I'm thinking we should get some hot cocoa. Are you a marshmallow or a whipped cream kind of guy?
Evan: Both.
Sonny: I knew I liked you.
Evan: Yeah, hot cocoa's one of my specialties. It's kind of a job requirement when you're a nanny. You know, david's on a play date for a few more hours. Rafe's out of town on a job. Maybe we could go back to my place.
Sonny: Are you sure? I mean, we were together last night, and now tonight? I don't want you to get sick of me.
Evan: Not even possible.
Ciara: Sonny? What the hell are you doing?
Kristen: So your big news is about you and nicole.
Brady: Yes. I wanted you to know--
Kristen: You know what? Maybe you should leave.
Brady: No, kristen, if you--
Kristen: No.
Brady: If you'd just let me--
Kristen: What?
Brady: Explain to you...
Kristen: What are you gonna do, break it to me gently? Tell yourself you're a good guy for letting me down easy? I'm not in the mood to hear about your relationship with nicole.
Brady: Kristen, that's kind of the thing. There is no relationship with nicole.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eric: You and brady aren't together?
Nicole: No.
Eric: Kristen, she said that you--
Nicole: I don't care what kristen said, okay? She's wrong. I--
Eric: Why?
Nicole: We were just pretending to be involved.
Eric: Why?
Nicole: Because it's complicated.
Eric: It's always complicated with you. And right now I can't handle this, especially with what mickey's going through.
Nicole: [Stammering] I know you're worried about mickey, and so am I. But would you please just let me explain? A few minutes, that's all I ask.
Sarah: Today I realized that I don't want to make the same mistake, because I don't love eric, not anymore. I'm in love with you.
Xander: You-- I'm sorry-- what did you just say?
Sarah: I said I'm in love with you. And I meant every word.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kristen: So did you break up with nicole or did nicole break up with you?
Brady: We didn't break up, because we were never together. It was just for show.
Kristen: All right, maybe this will make sense if I have another one of these.
Brady: Okay, listen, listen, listen, listen, please. Listen! When you came back to town, you assumed nicole and I were back together, right?
Kristen: Yeah, you were kissing each other, yeah.
Brady: We were ki--it was new year's eve, kristen. We had told you that we were just friends, but you didn't believe it. And then when you got yourself hired at basic black, nicole went through the roof. She wanted to hurt you, so you know what she did?
Kristen: Mm?
Brady: She made up the lie that she and I were dating.
Kristen: [Exhales]
Eric: Please, explain to me why you and brady were trying to pretend to be a couple.
Nicole: Okay. It was my idea...partially because I wanted to protect brady from kristen.
Eric: "Protect brady," why?
Nicole: [Stammering] She came back into town... wanting to sink her fangs into him and, you know, she's hurt him enough already. I wanted her to stay away. I wanted her to look at brady and know that she couldn't have him. And not only could she not have him; I wanted her to believe that he was in love with me and not her. But then you came back into town and we ran into kristen and brady--
Eric: And you had to continue the charade. Why would you let me believe that you and brady were together?
Nicole: [Sighs]
Justin: Ciara says she misunderstood what she overheard and she's now positive that my uncle and xander have nothing to do with jordan's murder.
Ben: No, this is... this is not what I expected. I need to talk to her.
Justin: Yeah, you do that. In the meantime, I'll head over to the court and, um, yeah, as soon as I hear anything, I will contact the warden's office and pass along a message.
Ben: Thank you... for everything.
Justin: Ben, we're gonna get you out of here.
[Soft dramatic music]
Will: Hey.
Justin: I was expecting to get the signed divorce papers back from your attorney by now.
Will: Oh, yeah, I--[Stammers] I wanted him to take another look at them before they're filed.
Justin: Is there an issue?
Will: No, um. Just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake.
Sonny: What's wrong?
Ciara: Um. Sorry, it's just, I don't know, I'm not used to seeing you kiss someone else.
Sonny: "Someone else" is evan frears. I don't know if you've officially met. This is my cousin ciara.
Evan: Nice to meet you.
Ciara: Hi. Yeah, you too. Rafe told me all about how great you are with david. I, uh, I'm sorry for freaking out like that.
Sonny: That's okay. I don't know if you know, but, uh, will and I are getting a divorce.
Ciara: What, so you haven't heard from will?
Sonny: No, why? Here's the thing about depression.
Sonny: Why would you think i would hear from will?
Ciara: I just--I know how much he loves you. And I thought maybe he'd put up more of a fight.
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, um... I mean, it was will's idea for the divorce. It was his decision.
Ciara: Yeah, but what if--
[Phone rings] Hold on.
[Phone rings] It's statesville. It's probably ben. Talk to you guys later?
[Phone beeps] Yes, yes, I'll accept the charges.
Ben: Ciara?
Ciara: Oh, ben. Ben, it's so good to hear your voice.
Ben: Justin just told me that you don't think victor and xander set me up. What's going on?
Ciara: I'm on my way. I'll explain everything, okay? Bye.
Sarah: Look at you! Speechless--that's--that's definitely a first.
Xander: I just... I didn't expect you to say those words to, ever.
Sarah: Lack of confidence, that's also a first.
Xander: Well, if you recall, I admitted that I loved you months ago. And you didn't say it back.
Sarah: Yeah, well, you took me by surprise, and I... I hadn't really quite thought of you like that, and I was still wrapping my head around it when eric interrupted us.
Xander: He'd just found out mickey was his child. In that moment, everything changed.
Nicole: Eric, you never gave me a chance to explain. Brady and I are good friends, that's it, and if you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself. It was his idea to come clean. He's probably having the same conversation with kristen as we speak. Please tell me you believe me.
Eric: I believe you.
Nicole: Thank you. I'm sorry I hurt you. I was just so happy that we were reconnecting a little. And I... you know what, now that you know the truth, I'll just leave. Have a good day. Sorry.
Eric: Wait.
Brady: Nicole told me about the lie after the fact. She regretted it. She wanted to set the record straight with you, but I-I told her not to.
Kristen: Why?
Brady: Your behavior. When you came back to salem, that loving woman that was pregnant with my child, she was nowhere to be seen, kristen. You were vengeful, you were angry, you were mean. I wanted you to understand in no uncertain terms that you and i were not going to have a relationship.
Kristen: So you lied to me.
Brady: I thought it was the best way to keep you at arm's length, yes, I did.
Kristen: Wow. Best way, huh? I can't believe this. You and nicole were playing this stupid game, laughing behind my back the entire time. You heartless jerk!
Evan: Well, that was awkward.
Sonny: Yeah, sorry about that. It's gonna take my family a little while to get used to the idea of you and I being together.
Justin: Uh...
[Laughs] You and evan... are together?
Evan: Good to see you, mr. Kiriakis. I'm gonna let you and your father have a chance to speak in private.
Justin: Hmm. I couldn't help but overhear.
Sonny: Yeah, I mean, it's kind of a new development, but evan and I are officially dating.
Justin: Isn't it a little...
Sonny: Fast? You might think so, but, uh, I just figured since will and i did file the divorce papers...
Justin: Actually... the papers have not been filed.
Sonny: They haven't?
Justin: I just ran into will at the prison. For some reason, he's dragging his feet.
Ciara: I'm so sorry that-- that I haven't told you what's been happening. I just-- ben, I just--I wanted to avoid disappointing you for as long as possible.
Ben: You could never disappoint me, ciara, but I don't understand. Everything pointed to victor and xander being behind jordan's murder. Now you think that they're innocent?
Ciara: Yes, I know, ben. I talked to them and they explained everything and it totally makes sense.
Ben: What did they say to convince you?
Ciara: I, uh... I really can't tell you.
Ben: Ciara, my life is on the line. I need to know what they said. If I wasn't the innocent man that they sent to prison, then who was it?
Ciara: It's not my place to say.
Will: It's okay, ciara. You can tell him.
[Soft dramatic music]
Brady: Really? Really, after everything you've done, you're gonna act indignant, kristen?
Kristen: You played with my emotions.
Brady: You let me believe that you were nicole so that i would fall back in love with you, remember that?
Kristen: Yeah, and i apologized for it, too. Okay, fine. All right, you have--you might have a point.
Brady: Thanks.
Kristen: Mm-hmm. But I-if, you know, if you and nicole are so happy torturing me, then why did you decide to tell me the truth?
Brady: Rachel.
Kristen: I don't understand.
Brady: When we visited her gravesite... I saw how deep your pain was. I saw how alone you have been with it. I saw how vulnerable you were, kristen. I'm sorry. I should have been more understanding and I should have tried a little harder. After everything that we have been through, I owed you that.
Kristen: So this isn't, um, another lie or another game or trick or...
Brady: No.
Kristen: And you're not in love with nicole.
Brady: I am not.
Kristen: So then this... it might be possible. I-I mean, not... I mean, not totally impossible that... you and I might have a future?
Eric: I have a confession... of my own. When sarah and I, we got back into town, the first person i wanted to call was you. As much as I wanted... I-I knew I had to let go of you, but when kristen told me that you and brady were together, i just felt like I'd been stabbed in the heart. As much as I wanted to pay you back, I... I may have done something that i shouldn't have done.
Nicole: What?
Eric: I kissed sarah.
Sarah: I know it's been hard for you to not be a part of mickey's life, especially when she got sick. And--and I will admit that, when we were in boston, eric and I did get close, 'cause we were just... comfortable with each other again, and I think that's partly why he kissed me, was just to see if there was something still there between us. I couldn't go through with it because all I could think about was you.
Xander: Me?
Sarah: Yeah. Xander, you have been by my side since the beginning. When I was barfing in trashcans, you made me feel safe and... you make me laugh, and the way that you look at my daughter, I mean... you are my rock, xander. And whenever I needed you, you come running, and thank god you did, because I wouldn't be able to hold my baby girl in my arms right now if it wasn't for you.
Xander: You give me too much credit.
Sarah: No, I don'T. I don't give you enough credit. You're a great guy.
Xander: No. No, I'm not. We used to love going out with julia and mike,
Nicole: You kissed sarah to get back at me.
Eric: That's part of it. At least with everything that was going on with mickey, I was seeking comfort and so was sarah.
Nicole: Did it go further than a kiss?
Eric: No, we stopped it. And I'm glad we stopped it. We kissed for all the wrong reasons. Nicole, you're my anchor. You're my life and my home. And I can't imagine spending any part of it without you in it.
Brady: Kristen, I--
Kristen: You know what, never mind, never mind. It was a stupid question. You know, any hope that we had-- that we could have had-- disappeared last mother's day when that poor nurse died. And I can't expect you to get past that.
Brady: Kristen, what happened to haley was an accident. You were grieving. It was post-partum depression.
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: You hear me?
Kristen: Yeah, probably people are gonna think that's just an excuse. did stand by me, brady, and I do appreciate that. But you looked at me--I could tell, you looked at me differently.
Brady: I looked at the whole world differently. I was...I was grieving my little girl.
Kristen: Yeah, but blamed me.
Brady: I did not blame you!
Kristen: Yes, you did.
Brady: Listen to me, no. It's not your fault.
Kristen: Well, then maybe I--
Brady: It was not your fault.
Kristen: Maybe it was, brady. Maybe it was. I was a high-risk pregnancy. Right? Maybe I could have taken better care of myself or--or--
Brady: No, you took--
Kristen: Or eaten the right foods or--or gotten more rest--
Brady: Kristen, kristen, what happened to our daughter was an act of god. That's it. It was an act of god. It is no one's fault that she was taken away from us.
Sarah: Why would you say that you're not a great guy?
Xander: [Sighs] I'm no hero, sarah.
Sarah: You're my hero, xander. You're so handsome and smart.
Xander: Well, I mean, that's true, but... I'm talking about the less obvious things.
Sarah: Well, you're arrogant and you're insecure, you're infuriating and misguided, and you're a little dopey at times--
Xander: Dopey?
Sarah: And you're not nearly as funny as you think you are, and you have the worst taste in cologne.
Xander: Okay, I get it. We can move on.
Sarah: But I'm not perfect either, and that's the great part. I-I shoot my mouth off and I am so obnoxious. And I do things without thinking and, most of the time, I end up regretting them, and it takes me like 20 minutes just to order anything off a menu.
Xander: Actually that is quite annoying.
Sarah: I know!
Xander: But you're still perfect to me.
Sarah: But I'm not. I'm not perfect. The way that you look at me makes me feel like I could be the person that you see, and i really like that.
Xander: And I like that you see all my flaws, including some I wasn't aware of until this conversation. And yet you still seem to be into me.
Sarah: I'm not just "into" you, you big oaf. I love you, xander cook.
Xander: I prefer kiriakis.
Sarah: Oh, my god, whatever. Just kiss me.
[Tender music]
Xander: So, um... you don't really think I'm dopey, do you?
Sarah: Oh, my god, you have such a fragile ego.
Xander: When the woman you love calls you "dopey," you kind of take it to heart.
Sarah: Okay, let's just talk about something else then.
Xander: Or maybe...
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Xander: We shouldn't talk at all.
Sarah: [Giggles] I, um, I'm gonna--um, check on mickey really quick.
Xander: Of course. I'll wait here.
Sarah: Um, do you wanna come with me?
Xander: You sure that's all right? What about eric?
Sarah: Well, I talked to him. And I told him you're not moving out and--and that you love mickey and that she needs you right now, and so do I.
Xander: He accepted that?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. So what do you say, you wanna come?
Xander: Of course I wanna come!
Sarah: Okay, let's go, dopey.
Xander: That's not gonna become a thing.
Sarah: Oh, it's already a thing.
Nicole: You wanna work things out?
Eric: I do.
Nicole: But... but I kept mickey away from you for so long.
Eric: And I know because you were afraid of losing me, and i understand that, but I just wish that you and I could trust the love that we have.
Nicole: I know. And I can't tell you how much i regret it, and I understand if it takes you months to forgive me, eons even. I-I still just feel so guilty that I helped keep mickey away from you.
Eric: Nicole, stop. I forgive you.
Nicole: Really?
Eric: Really.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Evan: Why do you think will hasn't filed the papers? You think he's changed his mind?
Sonny: And he was very, very clear about wanting a divorce when I met with him. I mean, we even signed the papers together.
Evan: So what do you think is going on?
Sonny: I don't know, but I'm--I'm sure it's-- I'm sure it's nothing.
Ben: So maggie... caused the wreck.
Ciara: And xander and my grandfather covered it up, and they let will take the fall.
Ben: That's the secret they've been keeping?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: That's great news for you, will. That's amazing, man, to know that you're not responsible for adrienne's death.
Will: Yeah, I might actually be able to sleep again.
Ben: Why haven't you told the authorities?
Ciara: Because he's protecting maggie.
Will: Do you know what it would do to maggie to find out that she drove drunk and killed adrienne? Ben, I'm--I'm-- I-I don't want to put her through that.
Ben: So what? Will, you--you're gonna just spend the rest of your life behind bars even though you're innocent?
Will: I-I don't know. I haven't made up my mind yet.
Ciara: Well, you should probably hurry up, because I saw sonny and that evan guy today, and, will, I'm sorry, but they were kissing. Okay, he's starting to move on.
Ben: Will, you can have your life back. You can have your marriage back. Okay? You have to tell the truth?
Will: What does the truth get maggie? She spends the rest of her life in guilt and in misery and--and in prison? She's the best person I know. How--how--how could I do that to her?
Ben: How could you do it to her? I get why you can't, because you love her, will, I get it. But what about you? What about your life? Huh, what about ari? Don't you think that little girl--wouldn't she be a lot happier if her daddy was a part of her world?
Will: You know what, you two have a lot to talk about, so I'm gonna give you some privacy.
Ciara: Wait, will, wait.
Ben: This is crazy. This is crazy.
Ciara: [Sniffles] I am so... so sorry, ben.
Ben: What are you sorry for?
Ciara: For letting you down. I let you down. I spent so much time chasing the wrong lead and now we're back to square one, ben, we're back to square one. Jordan's real killer is still out there and we have no idea who it is.
Ben: [Breathing shakily]
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Ben: You have not let me down. You understand me? You did everything you possibly could; you went up against your own family to try to get the truth. I love you even more. If that's even possible, I love you even more.
Ciara: [Sobs] I love you so much. And I want to get you out of here, ben.
[Sobbing] I want you out of here, okay? 'Cause we're not giving up. I'm never gonna give up, okay? I've been rereading every article written about jordan's death to see if there was something that I missed and I-i even requested my mom to show me a look at your file and I just-- ben, there has to be something. There has to be something that we missed, okay? Some kind of clue that will lead us to jordan's real killer. I just... god, I hope we have enough time.
Evan: How is there still so much junk mail in the world?
Sonny: Something wrong?
Evan: Um...[Clears throat] Yeah, rafe got a letter from child welfare. I hope there's not a problem.
Sonny: I mean, why would there be? Rafe's had guardianship of david for, what, almost two years? He's a cop. He's responsible. David loves him. I'm sure everything is fine.
Evan: Yeah, yeah, it's probably just red tape kind of stuff.
Sonny: Yeah. You mind if I grab a glass of water?
Evan: No, help yourself.
[Paper ripping] "Dear mr. Hernandez, we are writing to alert you to an issue concerning the background check of david's caregiver, evan frears."
Sarah: Mickey was so peaceful.
Xander: Like the little angel she is.
Sarah: I can't lose her, xander, I can'T.
Xander: You won't, sarah. I promise. We're gonna find the bone marrow match for mickey. Ends of the earth, all that.
Sarah: The way you say it, i believe it.
Xander: And you should.
Sarah: Thank you for being here. And for not giving up on me, loving me.
Xander: I always will.
[Tender music]
Kristen: It's still so hard for me to accept that our little rachel is gone. And I don't understand, brady. I don't understand. I mean, I know that the pregnancy was difficult and we had a scare, but when she was born, the doctor said she was just fine.
Brady: She was just fine.
Kristen: She was.
Brady: She was as beautiful as her mother.
Kristen: When I held her in my arms... she was so tiny and peaceful. She was so perfect.
Brady: She was perfect.
Kristen: And everything... and you know what? You know what, if I could just freeze that moment--that wonderful, perfect moment--you know, with the three of us living together, I would.
Brady: And I-I-I understand you wanting to do that, I do, but we can't live back then. Can't live back in the past. We have to find a way to move forward.
Kristen: I don't know how to do that.
Brady: Maybe we can, uh, figure out a way to do it together.
Kristen: You mean that?
[Romantic music]
Kristen: Is this real? Brady, I thought you didn't--
Brady: Ah, no, no, no, no, i know what you thought, but I'll tell you what's--what's real is that, when I was pushing you away, I was so unhappy. It only made me want you more. That's real.
Kristen: Brady...
Brady: I think we deserve another chance, don't you? Although--
Kristen: [Stammering] No, what?
Brady: Kristen, I'M... I'm scared. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want you to hurt me. I don't want us to hurt each other again. I don't know if we'd be able to survive it again. But if you're willing to take the risk, I certainly am.
Kristen: That is all I ever wanted... is another chance with you.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: Well, then it's settled. I think we have a deal here. Okay, I, um...
[Laughs] I have to--I have to go.
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: I really want to stay, but I do--I have someplace i have to be, but we can--can i call you later?
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: Can I call you?
Kristen: Sure. Sure.
Brady: I have to go.
Nicole: I hope you know how sorry I am.
Eric: I do. I want to apologize to you as well.
Nicole: For what?
Eric: Just for treating you the way I have. I've lost you so, so many times, and to lose you again because of my ego and my stubbornness... you and holly bring so much joy into my life. I would never forgive myself. You are the love of my life. There's not one moment that i want to spend without you in it. Eons, even. So don't you ever-- you ever forget that.
[Tender music]
Xander: God, I love you, sarah horton.
Sarah: I love you.
Sonny: Will. I heard the news. Is it true? Are you really innocent?
Will: I am. I-I-I didn't cause the crash. I didn't kill your mother.
Sonny: This is amazing.
Will: So--I mean, then you still love me?
Sonny: I never stopped loving you. I will always love you. I may have lost my mother, but I have my husband again.
[Dark music]
Evan: Damn it. Rafe can't see this.
Sonny: I'm looking forward to that hot chocolate.
Evan: [Chuckles] Unless you'd just like to go back to my room.
Sonny: Even better idea.
Ciara: What did the warden say?
Ben: Uh... justin called from the courthouse.
Ciara: Did he get the judge to put off your execution date? Ben? Ben, what's going on?
Ben: I'm scheduled to be executed by lethal injection in three weeks.
[Somber music]
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