Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 2/3/20
Episode #13701 ~ Xander is stunned when he finds Eric and Sarah in a compromising position. Gina consoles John over Marlena's "death." Nicole comes clean. Chad and Abigail have many questions after discovering the portrait of "Stevano."
Provided By Suzanne
Sarah: I haven't always been fair to you.
Eric: It's all in the past.
Sarah: What I mean is that, um, I'm here. If you need anything, just... just have to ask.
[Tender music]
Wasn'T...exactly what I meant.
Eric: What did you mean?
Xander: We can't leave any stone unturned, and we certainly can't worry about the discomfort of a potential donor.
Brady: Don't refer to him as a potential donor. He's also my son. You understand that, right?
Xander: Right, right, and he might be a match for little mackenzie. Please, I need you to get in touch with theresa as soon as possible and arrange to have tate tested.
Brady: I don't get it, xander. Something doesn't make sense here, okay? First of all, my--he's my son. He's a little boy. The probability of him being a match for mackenzie is a long shot, so I have a question for you. Why are you pushing so hard to have my son tested?
Kristen: Tested for what?
[Eerie music]
Abigail: You should probably look at this.
Chad: What the hell?
Abigail: It's my uncle steve, but it looks so different.
Chad: There's no patch.
Abigail: Well, yeah, but i mean, it looks so similar to--
Chad: To my father's portrait.
Abigail: Yes.
Chad: Do you see that?
Abigail: A phoenix ring.
Hattie as marlena: [Crying] I can't believe he's gone. I can't believe I won't see him again. [Cries]
Steve as stefano: I'm--I'm so sorry. John was my best friend, the bravest man I ever knew. Listen. His final request was that i take care of you. I promised him I would, and I will.
Hattie as marlena: [Crying]
Steve as stefano: Oh, yes. All right.
[Melancholy music]
Hattie as marlena: No. No. No, you won'T.
Hope as gina: Stefano insisted on taking marlena with him. He was so determined to have his way, determined that marlena wasn't gonna get away again. She--she fought. She wouldn't go. She refused to go, john, and he said either... either she--she went with him, or she was gonna die, and then...
John: And then what?
Hope as gina: [Cries]
John: Then what, damn it? Do I have to pull it out of you?
Hope as gina: Please, please! I... she spat in his face, and... I can'T... I'm sorry I have to do this. Ste--stefano shot her. She's gone. She's dead. Marlena... john, she's dead.
John: No.
Hope as gina: I'm sorry.
John: No.
Hope as gina: It's true. It's true.
John: Oh... oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh. Oh, doc... oh, my god. Oh.
[Crying] Oh--oh, no.
Hope as gina: Oh, john, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
John: [Crying]
[Somber music]
I don't believe you.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Roman: Ah, damn it!
Rafe: No luck reaching steve?
Roman: No, or john. How good's the cell service in prague?
Rafe: No idea. It's working here, though. I just talked to shawn.
Roman: Any leads on hope and marlena?
Rafe: Ah, he's been pounding the pavement, but nothing yet.
Roman: Yeah, well, if we're right, and rolf did manage to brainwash hope into thinking she's princess gina again, then, uh, her first goal is gonna be to try to win john's love back, and that means getting marlena out of the way.
Rafe: If hope does something to hurt marlena, she's never gonna forgive herself.
Roman: Yeah, I know.
Rafe: I know.
Roman: Um, I'm wracking my brain here, and nothing's coming to mind. Where would gina take marlena?
Rafe: I think I have an idea.
[Uneasy music]
Hope as gina: What? John? Oh, my god! Of course I'm sorry.
Hope as gina: Marlena was one of my best friends. You...
[Tense string music] Yes, we've hit a rough patch, but no matter how bad things got, I would never wish this on her. I would never want to see her suffer; I would never want you to suffer--never!
John: No, no, no, you don't understand. I'm not saying I don't believe you're sorry. I'm saying I don't believe that she's dead.
Hattie as marlena: I don't want your comfort. I can't even stand to look at you. Get the hell out of my sight!
Steve as stefano: I understand, marlena. It's the grief talking. But you shouldn't be alone right now.
Hattie as marlena: You are the last person I want to be around.
Steve as stefano: Why would you say that?
Hattie as marlena: Isn't it obvious? My husband is dead, and it's all your fault!
Abigail: Who could've painted this?
Chad: I don't know. The more important question is, why would somebody paint this, and how did it get here?
Abigail: Gabi hasn't had anyone staying here, right?
Chad: No; as far as I know, this place has been empty since ben went to prison.
Abigail: But I mean, this couldn't be ben'S.
Chad: I would seriously doubt it, but I don't know. We could ask, uh--we can ask ciara, see if she knows something.
Abigail: Maybe this was just a prank. Right?
Chad: Dimeras do not do pranks. I mean, my father's original portrait went missing. Rafe said that, um--that he found it in that hideout.
Abigail: My uncle would be so creeped out by this. I mean, he can't stand stefano. He's his enemy, and so to be painted like this, to look like him--this is just--this is so bizarre.
Chad: What's bizarre is, it doesn't look like it was done by memory.
Abigail: What do you mean?
Chad: Look at the pose, the detail. I mean, I'm no artist, obviously, but it looks like he sat for it.
Abigail: He would--why would he do that? He wouldn't S... I mean, it does look fairly recent.
Chad: Why would he do it? I mean, what in the world could explain this?
[Uneasy musical crescendo]
Chad: Strange. You know, my father kept reaching out, but he never let me see his face.
Abigail: But you don't think...
Chad: I know it sounds crazy. When nicole came here, everybody thought it was her, and it wasn'T.
Abigail: No, it was kristen...
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: In a mask, pretending to be nicole so you think your father...
Chad: Can we rule it out? Dr. Rolf--he has the technology, and he would do absolutely anything to please my father.
Abigail: Okay, so you're saying--
Chad: Listen, what I am saying is this: What if my father changed his face, and now he looks like that?
Steve as stefano: Marlena... I did everything I could to save john.
Hattie as marlena: I'm sure you did, after you dragged him off to europe in your ridiculous plan to try to capture stefano.
Steve as stefano: Listen, listen to me--
Hattie as marlena: I begged him not to go. I begged him, but he insisted. You see, he thought you needed him, and he thought that you would protect him, but we see how that turned out. So when I couldn't persuade him not to go, I did the next best thing. I begged to go with him.
Steve as stefano: Marlena, if you had come with us, you would have only been putting yourself in danger, and for what? You couldn't have saved john.
Hattie as marlena: I would have been with him! I would have been there to comfort him, to try to ease his pain, to tell him how much i love him. I would-- I would've been there to hold him when he took his last breath.
Steve as stefano: I'm sorry. Please--
Hattie as marlena: No.
Steve as stefano: You have to know how sorry I am.
Hattie as marlena: You know what? You should be sorry. You should be, because you underestimated stefano. You were arrogant, and you were careless, and it cost my husband his life.
[Strident music]
I don't know who you are, steve. I don't know what's happened to you.
Hope as gina: I was there. I wish I could tell you it was possible that marlena's still alive, but there is-- there's no doubt in my mind, john. She couldn't have survived. I'm sorry.
John: No, no, no, no, no, no. You don't get it. Stefano did something. He made you see what he wanted you to see.
Hope as gina: No, john--
John: Trust me. There's one thing I know in my soul. As evil as that old man is, there's one evil that he would never commit, and that is killing marlena, because he treasures her life as much as his own.
Hope as gina: John, you don't understand. I don't think he meant to hurt her. She pushed him too far this time. When she spit in his face, he lost it. He became enraged. I've never seen him like this. I'm S... john, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
John: No!
Hope as gina: I couldn't stop him. I'm sorry.
John: [Mutters] I gotta get out of here. I gotta get back to salem. Give me--give me that thing that you used to unlock those shackles. Just give it to me.
Hope as gina: What?
John: Whatever that was, give it to me. I can get us out of here in no time.
Brady: What are you doing here, kristen?
Nicole: Just because we work together doesn't mean you get to barge into my apartment.
Kristen: I didn't "barge into" your apartment. The door was open. Here, here. The office said you were working from home, so I need that deal closed, so sign it.
Nicole: Fine, I'll sign it.
[Tense music]
There, signed. Good luck. Now get out.
Kristen: Fine. You know, wait a minute. I'm sorry that I came in here unannounced, but xander mentioned that tate needed to be tested. Is tate sick?
Brady: No, no, he's not. He's fine.
Nicole: And now that you got what you came for, you can leave. [Clicks tongue]
Xander: No, wait. Please, kristen. I'm actually glad you're here.
Sarah: This is my fault. I gave you the wrong idea.
Eric: And I shouldn't have assumed.
Sarah: What I mean is, um... I've been depending on you so much, eric, and it's not fair. Ever since we took mickey to boston, I feel like all I do is lean on you.
Eric: And I've been leaning on you, but it just... seems natural in these circumstances. I mean, we need to be there for each other, for our daughter.
[Tender music]
Sarah: Just 'cause her getting well--that's all that matters.
[Tender music]
Eric: Just want to be strong for mackenzie, for you.
Sarah: You have been strong, eric. I mean, by god, you were kept from your daughter for the first six months of her life, and then you barely had any time to process it before she got sick, and you've been so mad at nicole for keeping it from you, and what about me?
Eric: Nicole was being selfish. She didn't want to tell me that I was mickey's father because she was afraid she was gonna lose me. Then after I for nicole, you...were only trying to do everything for me. I mean, you were alone, you were in pain, you...pregnant...
Sarah: And I was--I... I was in pain, but honestly, it's nothing compared to what i feel now, 'cause I am so afraid, eric.
Eric: So am I.
[Tender music]
Kristen: You're glad I'm here?
Xander: Yeah. Mackenzie needs a bone marrow transplant, and eric and sarah just found out that neither of them is a match.
Kristen: Oh, no. That's why you were talking about getting tate tested.
Xander: It's not just about tate. Look, I...I know I'm not mackenzie's real father, but i love her like she's my own, and I'm on a mission to help save her life, so I'm trying to get as many people as I can think of to get tested. Theresa, tate--anybody, even you, kristen.
Kristen: You know what? Of course I-I--I'll go get tested right away.
Nicole: Oh, my god. I think I need to sit down. Since when does kristen dimera do anything for anyone ever in her lifetime? Never, is what I'm gonna say. Never.
Kristen: Since I lost a child, and I would never want eric and sarah to go through the pain that brady and I went through.
Xander: Thank you, kristen, from the bottom of my heart.
Hope as gina: Hey.
John: Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Hope as gina: Why don't you, uh, let me give it a try? Picked one of those shackles, didn't I?
John: [Grunts] Yeah, that is a fact.
Hope as gina: Let me try.
John: [Grunts] All right, give her a shot.
[Gentle flute music]
[Pick snaps]
Hope as gina: Ah, damn it!
John: What?
Hope as gina: Broke.
John: Gah, it's just perfect! Perfect! It's just...
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Stefano's hideout. I found a tiara there which I later discovered had hope's fingerprints on it. Now, hope argued it was because she had mishandled evidence, but we now know it was because it belonged to gina.
Roman: So you think gina was hiding out there, too.
Rafe: Be an ideal spot. The place has been empty ever since we raided it, so if gina needed a place to stash marlena, wouldn't it be perfect?
Roman: What the hell are we waiting for? Let's go.
Steve as stefano: Marlena, I understand the pain you're feeling because I feel it, too, but you have to know in your heart that I never wanted this to happen. I did everything I could to stop it, and so did john.
[Melancholy music]
Hattie as marlena: I know that. I know that's true. It's not your fault, and I... shouldn't be lashing out at you. I just--I have to... lash out at somebody, and the person that I should be blaming really is stefano.
Abigail: So you think that your father disguised himself as my uncle steve, and he wore a mask or got plastic surgery or something?
Chad: Look, I know. I told you, it sounds crazy.
Abigail: It's crazy. Uh, why? Why would he do that?
Chad: Same reason kristen did: Tactical advantage. Right? He'd come to town. Everybody thinks you're friends instead of an enemy. Gain their trust.
Abigail: But stefano is old, and--and my uncle steve is young, and he's healthy, and yeah, he's been acting a little strange since he's been back, but that's not--there's no way that he could be stefano dimera. Is there?
Chad: What is that look? What are you thinking?
Abigail: I went to visit kristen a few weeks ago, and I was sure that she was gonna be meeting stefano.
Chad: Yeah, but he wasn't there.
Abigail: No, but my uncle steve was.
Chad: Right.
Abigail: Kristen said that stefano had just left, but i don't know. What if...
Chad: So what if my father is running around, wearing steve johnson's face?
Abigail: [Scoffs]
Chad: But why would he tell kristen and not me?
Abigail: Well, because he couldn't tell you. He would--if he told you, then you would tell me, and then i would tell my whole family, and I would ruin the whole thing, so... oh, my god, I can't believe we're even having this conversation right now.
Chad: Right, that makes two of us. But it pisses me off, because I knew that she was being cagey about everything that was going on with my father, and now i just--I need to do anything i can to get it out of her.
Kristen: Well, I'm sure the two of you are eager to get back to working from home, so...
Brady: Kristen. I'm actually glad that you came by.
Kristen: Wow. Everybody's happy to see me today. That's novel.
Brady: Nicole and I have something to tell you.
Kristen: You know what? I'm sorry. If this has to do with business, it's gonna have to wait. Baby mackenzie is in desperate need of a bone marrow donor, and I'm gonna go to the hospital right now and get tested, and the odds that I'm a match are probably very slim. It's the least I can do. It's the least we all can do.
[Dramatic music]
Xander: Oh, great news, uncle victor. Brady and kristen both agreed to be tested. No, kristen didn't even hesitate. Brady did get a little bit suspicious when I pressed him about tate. Well, he considers him a long shot as a donor because he thinks tate and mackenzie are only second cousins. Also, he's protective of his son. Doesn't want him going through a surgical procedure. Hmm, well, guess we'll have to wait and see, but tate is probably our best candidate, since he's actually mackenzie's half-brother.
[Uneasy music]
Look, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but if we need to reveal the truth in order to get tate tested, and-- fine, fine. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I have to check on sarah, see how she's holding up.
[Hangs up]
[Knock on door] Sarah? Henderson said you were, uh... oh.
[Dramatic synth music]
[Cell phone rings]
Roman: Hey. Got anything for me? All right, all right. Great. Thanks, buddy. [Hangs up]
Rafe: Your old contact from the isa come through?
Roman: Yeah, he did. He came through big. A woman fitting hope's description boarded a flight last night to prague. She's gotta be trying to get to john.
Rafe: Was marlena with her?
Roman: Well, my buddy says she was traveling alone, but there's a record that shows marlena's passport being scanned at the airport in prague.
Rafe: We found all of marlena's personal effects in a purse at the house.
Roman: Yeah, well, maybe hope just didn't let her take anything with her.
Rafe: No use wasting our time here. Looks like we've got some traveling to do.
Roman: Yeah, it would seem that hope and marlena are probably halfway around the world right now.
Hattie as marlena: Stefano is not gonna get away with this. I don't care how long it takes or what I've got to do. I'm gonna track him down and kill him with my bare hands.
Steve as stefano: If I were stefano, I'd be very afraid.
Hattie as marlena: You know what? We're not safe here. We've got to get out of here before gina comes back.
[Uneasy music]
It's locked!
Steve as stefano: What?
Hattie as marlena: How can it be locked? It was open when you came in.
Steve as stefano: Gina must have doubled back and secured it from the outside somehow.
Hattie as marlena: Oh, then we're trapped.
Steve as stefano: We're not trapped.
Hattie as marlena: I've got to call my children. I've got to tell them about john.
Steve as stefano: Wait, we're gonna find a way out of this. It's gonna be okay, marlena. And remember, you're not alone. I'm right here with you.
Hattie as marlena: Yeah. Thank you. Wait a minute. Something isn't adding up here.
John: No, no, no, no. I can't be locked up in here. I gotta get out. I've got to get back to salem.
Hope as gina: No, john...
John: I gotta get back to my family.
Hope as gina: John, sit down. Sit down.
John: Sitting down ain't gonna get us out of here.
Hope as gina: Yeah, well, neither is collapsing where you stand. You have a concussion. You need to rest. Deep breath; that's it. That's right. You're gonna be okay. Just let me help you, okay? Let me help you.
[Disquieting music]
Nicole: Well, that was simple enough. You'll be in and out of here in no time.
Brady: Actually, I don't have to go in at all. I'm still on the bone marrow registry from when I got tested for chloe.
Nicole: When she had leukemia, that's right. The national bone marrow registry.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Nicole: I'd forgotten about that.
Brady: I mean, mackenzie's match might not even be in salem. It could be anywhere in the country, and because eric and sarah aren't matches, and she doesn't have any siblings, they're gonna check the entire database.
Nicole: [Scoffs] Can you believe kristen felt so strongly about running down here to get tested? She almost seemed human, but she's not, so don't get sucked back in again.
Brady: Tr--uh, trust me. That ship has sailed.
Nicole: Mm, mm-hmm. Well, after what she did to me, I had no problem pretending that we were an item, but I never wanted to hurt anyone else, and now eric's upset with me again.
Brady: And you want to pull the plug.
Nicole: I'm afraid if we do, kristen will go after you again with a vengeance.
Brady: She's gonna find out the truth sooner or later anyway--I mean, especially if you tell eric, which honestly, you probably should.
Nicole: I'm going to.
Brady: Good. He needs the support right now anyway.
Nicole: I just hope he accepts it for me.
Eric: I should go.
Sarah: Xander, this isn't what it looks like.
Xander: Please, just spare us both the mealy-mouthed explanations. Just be with eric. It's what you wanted all along, anyway.
Sarah: No, that's just it. I have been confused for so long about what I want, and then the baby came, and it was all about her, and then she got sick, and then eric and I found out that neither of us are a bone marrow match for her, so we couldn't help but cling to each other, just to have something, anything, to hold onto.
Xander: I really don't need to hear any more, thanks.
Sarah: Yes, you do, xander, 'cause eric and I almost slept together, but I want you to know that we didn'T.
[Pensive music]
Kristen: Fancy seeing you here.
Brady: Hey. You okay?
Kristen: Yeah, I'm holding up. It's just...after all these months, being back here...
Brady: I know.
Kristen: And I think about that awful night when we lost our baby girl.
Brady: Yeah, it's pretty rough for me, too. Thank you for doing this and volunteering for being tested for mackenzie. I mean, to me, it's my niece, but to you, it's just-- well, it's the daughter of the family that you hate, so...
Kristen: Brady, I don't hate your family. Um, now that that's taken care of, you wanted to tell me something earlier.
Brady: Yeah. Um... why don't I walk you home, and we'll talk then? Okay?
Kristen: Okay.
Abigail: Okay, you can't just go and confront kristen, because she's just gonna lie to you.
Chad: Yeah, I'm not gonna confront her.
Abigail: Well, what are you gonna do?
Chad: My father wanted her shares. He came to me, right? He trusts me more than her. So we play them off each other.
Abigail: No.
Chad: Why not?
Abigail: No! Because kristen and stefano are dangerous, and they're unpredictable, and honestly, i regret ever even suggesting that you meet with your father.
Chad: Right, I know, right, this is gonna be dangerous...
Abigail: Yes, exactly.
Chad: Especially with dr. Rolf involved. He pushed your mother off a balcony, but he--and now he's messing with your uncle steve's life. Look at me. We don't have a choice. We have to figure out what's going on.
Roman: Two tickets on the next flight to prague.
Rafe: You kidding me? You tell your guy--you tell him I owe him big time.
Roman: You owe me, actually. I cashed in some frequent flyer miles. Don't worry about it. You can take me to dinner when we're done with all of this.
Rafe: All right.
Roman: Rafe, we're gonna find her.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. I just, uh... wish I'd have figured this whole damn thing out sooner.
Roman: You can't blame yourself--you didn't even know hope during princess gina's last reign of terror. I did; I was in the front row for it, okay? I should've connected the dots. I'm just glad shawn figured out what the hell was going on.
Rafe: Yeah, you and me both. Speaking of shawn, I'm gonna call him, give him an update on what's going on. I'm gonna see if he can stick around in case this whole thing's a wild goose chase.
Roman: All right. I'll call john. I'm getting a little worried. I can't get ahold of him or steve.
Rafe: Okay.
Steve as stefano: What do you mean, something doesn't add up?
Hattie as marlena: Well, if all gina wanted was to be with john, she didn't have to track you down in europe and bring you back here to help find stefano. It--it doesn't make sense.
Steve as stefano: Actually, I think I can answer that for you.
John: You know how many times people have told me I lost doc, how many...[Laughs] How many times I said my final goodbyes to her?
Hope as gina: I know you want to believe that marlena's still alive.
John: I know she is. I know it, because stefano is a master manipulator, so until I see her body with my own eyes, I will never believe that she is gone.
Steve as stefano: Gina had months to try to win john's affections. She didn't resort to drastic measures until she brought me here, which is why I'm sure she is working with stefano. She used me to lure john into his trap.
Hattie as marlena: Yes, but what if their plan--
Steve as stefano: Marlena, marlena, your husband just died. Speculating about gina's motives isn't going to change that.
Hattie as marlena: What if john isn't dead?
Steve as stefano: I was there.
Hattie as marlena: You know, um, when john and I were on our honeymoon in hawaii, he went out for a swim and disappeared. Everybody thought he had drowned, but he hadn'T. Gina had kidnapped him. She wanted him for herself. So if gina and stefano are involved in this, I refuse to believe that my husband is gone.
[Suspenseful music]
Chad: We really think that your uncle steve could be my father in disguise?
Abigail: I know it sounds implausible and insane, but it's your dad. It's stefano dimera. He's capable of anything.
[Disquieting music]
Kristen: Well, thank you for walking me home.
Brady: Of course.
Kristen: Uh, you wanted to talk? Let's talk. Can I get you anything? Um, coffee?
Brady: No, no, nothing. Listen, I'll get right to the point, okay? It's about nicole and me.
[Somber music]
Nicole: Eric. Your secretary told me I could find you here.
Eric: I was on my way out.
Nicole: Hey, uh... xander told us that you and sarah aren't a match for mackenzie. I'm so sorry. Brady and I went to the hospital to get tested ourselves.
Eric: Thank you. Thank brady for me when you get home to him.
Nicole: Wait, eric.
I'm not going home to brady. We're not together. The truth is, we never were.
Xander: So you didn't sleep with eric? Whatever. You don't owe me an explanation.
Sarah: Yes, I do. You have been so wonderful to mickey and me, and I saw how hurt you were when you walked in here. Xander, I fell into bed with you once because I was hurting, and i wanted to make the pain go away, but that was a mistake, because I had feelings for eric, but today, I realized that i don't want to make the same mistake again, because I don't love eric, not anymore. I'm in love with you.
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