Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 1/31/20
Episode #13700 ~ Believing Nicole is with Brady, Eric turns to someone else for comfort. Brady is thrown by Xander's urgent request."Steve" informs Marlena that John is dead!Chad and Abigail make a startling discovery.
Provided By Suzanne
[Monitor beeping]
Victor: Will you cut that out? Calm the hell down.
Xander: How am I supposed to calm down? Mickey will die if she doesn't get a bone marrow transplant. We're sat here like a couple of idiots waiting for the test results when we both know they're testing the wrong parents.
Sarah: I'm a doctor. I know that these things take time, but this waiting is killing me.
[Mackenzie cooing]
Eric: Well, at least this little one doesn't have a care in the world.
Sarah: I mean, you can tell that she's having sweet dreams, can't you?
Eric: It's a miracle that she came into our lives. Now we just need to pray for another one.
Sarah: I'm counting on you in the prayer and miracle department. That direct connection that you have with the big guy upstairs. 'Cause one of us has to be a match, eric. It's the only way that we can save her.
Steve: Yes. Gun in my hand... john at my feet. It took every ounce of self-control not to squeeze that trigger and rid myself of that useless pawn once and for all. But this... this is more important. My end game... to be reunited with marlena. But tell me one thing... did john make it through the night?
[Door opens]
[Lock clicks]
Hope as gina: Thank god. Thank god you're alive. And finally... at long last... we shall be together again. My love... my love...
Steve: Finally, at long last, marlena will be mine. Yeah.
[Phone beeps]
[Suspenseful music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Are you sure you left it in here?
Chad: Yeah, this was the, uh, last place I had it. It's just strange that I, uh, didn't miss it last night.
Abigail: Well, it's not that strange--we were having too good a time to think about your phone.
Chad: Hey. Um... got it.
Abigail: Yeah? Oh, good. What's wrong? Everything okay?
Chad: Um, yeah. It's, uh--it's my father.
Steve: Marlena, are you okay?
Hattie as marlena: Steve-- steve, you won't believe what happened.
Steve: Okay, don't try to talk.
Hattie as marlena: Look, look, stefano led you and john on a wild goose trying to get you out of the way. And then--and then hope was meant to be protecting me, and then I got a voicemail--or a message from rafe saying that she wasn't herself. That she was princess gina.
Hope as gina: Let me out of here! Let me out of here! Do you hear me? Let me out!
John: Hope...
Hope as gina: John?
John: [Groaning] Hope... what are you doing here? How'd you find me?
Hope as gina: It doesn't matter now. Oh, my god, thank god you're alive. What happened?
John: Steve--steve got a lead on stefano, but dimera wasn't here--only rolf.
Hope as gina: Rolf?
John: Yeah, rolf.
Hope as gina: What... what about steve? Where is he? What?
John: Too late.
Hope as gina: What?
John: Steve's gone. Steve's dead.
Steve: Don't worry about gina. The important thing right now is that you're safe.
Nicole: Hey, thanks for coming.
Brady: Hey. Couldn't do this at the office?
Nicole: No, I wanted to speak to you privately... about the bombshell that kristen dropped on eric that... you and I are back together.
Brady: Ah, yeah. Yeah, that. No wonder you didn't want kristen crashing the conversation. I get that now.
Nicole: I know that's the plan we agreed upon--keeping kristen away from you--but... I don't know. Things are different now.
Brady: How are they different?
Nicole: Now that eric is back from boston, I mean, we kind of--sort of had a moment. Maybe two.
Brady: I see. Sounds like progress.
Nicole: He even agreed to let me babysit mackenzie, and I had real hope that there would be another chance for us, but--
Brady: And then kristen blew it to hell because she announced that you and I were together, and eric probably got very upset about that, right?
Nicole: Oh, eric--eric's not just upset. I think he hates me again.
Maggie: Oh, good. I'm not too late. Kayla hasn't gotten here yet. What happened?
Eric: Kayla was already here.
Sarah: Neither of us are a match.
Maggie: Oh... I'm so sorry.
Sarah: I knew the odds weren't great, but...
Maggie: [Sobs]
Sarah: We were really hoping that one of us would be able to be a donor.
Eric: Hey, and we are not giving up. Kayla is searching the national registry, and we're gonna reach out to many blood relatives as we can, starting with my mom and my dad. My sister, her kids, and--
Sarah: You, um, melanie, parker, and summer, too.
Maggie: Summer. Uh, well, I haven't seen or heard from her since you went into labor last year. I don't even know if she's alive. But, look, I--I promise you that we are not gonna stop until we find someone to save your little girl's life.
Xander: When I placed kristen and brady's child in sarah's arms, I--I did it so she wouldn't know that her own child had died--to protect her so she wouldn't suffer... but now, I mean--dear god.
Victor: We did it just as much to protect maggie from finding out she ever killed her grandchild... and we take that to the grave. Understood?
Xander: I won't keep a secret if it jeopardizes mickey's life. I love her as if she were my own--I can't lose her, and neither can sarah. Not after everything she went through to have her.
Victor: We will not lose her. You hear me? Stop the caterwauling. After all, one of them may be a match.
[Door opens]
[Monitor beeping]
[Door closes]
Maggie: Well, I'm afraid that neither eric nor sarah were a match.
Chad: "My son... I am deeply sorry I left you in the middle of our plan, but i had to leave the country on short notice. Something important came up."
Abigail: "Something important"? All stefano ever says is that family is the most important thing to him. What could be more important?
Chad: "But you must trust that everything I'm doing is for our family. I want to take back dimera and return you to your rightful place as its leader with me by your side, because no one deserves it more, my son. After all these years... hope had failed me, but you restored my faith--in family and in love. You won back abigail against all odds."
Abigail: He doesn't even like me.
Chad: [Laughs] "I know I've had my issues with her, but you found your way back to each other. You've had faith in the future, and never stopped fighting for the woman you love. You are a true dimera, and like you, I'll never stop fighting... for those I love."
John: You're gonna be okay.
Hattie as marlena: Yeah, yeah.
John: Just glad I got here when I did.
Hattie as marlena: Well-- yeah, how did you get here? And how did you know where i was? I thought you were in prague. Did you see gina?
Steve: Gina is not my concern right now--you are. Your safety.
Hattie as marlena: No, no. What about john's safety? Look, gina wants him at all costs, and if she's--if she's not here somewhere, then she's out there trying to find him. Look, you were there. Did you--did you see him? Is he all right?
Hope as gina: Steve's dead? My god, are--are you sure? He's dead?
John: Yeah, rolf shot him three times, point-blank. It happened so quick, hope. Before I could react, someone knocked me out from behind.
Hope as gina: I know, that's quite a bump. You could have a concussion.
John: [Groans] Forget about that.
Hope as gina: I'm gonna get you out of those, okay?
John: Please hurry.
Hope as gina: Good. Let me find my pocket. One second. Okay.
John: Steve stepped between me and rolf. He saved my life. I couldn't do anything. I should have reacted quicker, though.
Hope as gina: I'm sure you did the best you could, john. Can't blame yourself. Don't blame yourself. You can'T.
John: He couldn't die in vain. That bastard is still out there. We gotta get to the phoenix. Son of a bitch.
Hope as gina: Of course you will. John, we're gonna do it together. Promise you.
John: [Exhales sharply]
Hope as gina: Together. But first... we need to concentrate on getting the hell out of this place.
John: [Groans]
Hope as gina: Right? [Sighs]
Abigail: I gotta admit, he did sound pretty sincere.
Chad: Yeah. Yeah, he did.
Abigail: Maybe we shouldn't move out of the house. I mean, maybe it's not the right timing for you to lose your foothold on dimera--especially since your father is still working so hard to get gabi out.
Chad: There's no way in hell we're living under that roof with gabi. We're not giving up anything. With us living out here, maybe she'll--she'll let her guard down, and we'll be able to take advantage of her somehow.
Abigail: Good, 'cause I'm kind of getting really excited about renovating.
Chad: Okay, great! Stay excited. I'm not upending our plans because we got one text from stefano dimera.
Steve: I understand your concern for john, but you need to stay calm. Catch your breath. Let's take this one step at a time, okay?
Hattie as marlena: I've been sitting in this stupid chair all night long. I told myself that john can take care of himself. You know, that I didn't have to worry about. That he's the--the strongest, bravest man I've ever known.
Steve: I think you're dehydrated. You need to drink something.
Hattie as marlena: Look, you were in prague. Why isn't he with you now? Why--why are you back here? Tell me what happened. Did you find stefano?
Steve: Yes, we did.
John: [Groaning]
Hope as gina: All right. Ooh, there we go. I'm getting closer, john. Won't be long. Be out of these... and we... will figure a way out of this godforsaken place.
John: Oh, I'm telling you, hope--if you hadn't showed up, I'd be a goner.
Hope as gina: Well, I guess you got lucky. It's your lucky day.
John: "Lucky"?
Hope as gina: Mm.
John: Dimera's out there, and he's on a mission. We gotta get to him before he gets to marlena. We both know that's where he's headed. What are you even doing here?
Hope as gina: That doesn't sound very grateful.
John: Your job was to protect marlena. The reason I traveled halfway around the world was 'cause you gave me your word that you would keep her safe. Why aren't you in salem protecting my wife?
Victor: Damn it. That sweet child. Sarah must be devastated.
Maggie: Eric too. But they're both so strong. They're just not gonna give up. So that means everyone has to be tested to make sure we find a match. I'm going down to the lab and have my blood drawn.
[Sighs] I know you're not related to mickey, but you love her so much--
Xander: Of course I'm coming with you.
Maggie: Thank you. We have to believe, okay? We have to believe there's a match out there somewhere, and we're gonna find it. Ok
[Monitor beeping]
Nicole: That's what I do, right? [Laughs] I screw things up.
Brady: You didn't screw anything up.
Nicole: Yeah, well, it was my idea to pretend to be a couple.
Brady: You--you were protecting me, nic.
Nicole: Okay, um--
Brady: What?
Nicole: All right, if I'm truly being honest here, I--i really just wanted to punish kristen. I wanted her to squirm every time we looked at each other, and because I had to be a jerk, what happened? Eric assumed I jumped into bed with you the moment he left town, and now--like I said--he hates me all over again.
Brady: He will come around. He will.
Nicole: Will he? I don't think so. I've hurt him so many times, and this time, I... I really tried to show eric how sorry I was for keeping him from mackenzie, and I did. I thought there was hope-- at least just a little bit. I saw it in his eyes that maybe... maybe, forgiveness could be possible. And then it was just undone in a moment.
[Indistinct chatter]
Eric: You know what, I'll go grab the car.
Sarah: Okay, um, I'll take mickey, and then we'll meet you outside?
Eric: Yeah.
[Elevator dings]
[Mackenzie cooing, snuffling]
Sarah: You are gonna be just fine. Okay? Mommy promises.
Xander: Prettiest girls in town.
Sarah: Hey.
Xander: I just heard the news. I'm so sorry.
Nicole: You and kristen were on your way to your baby's grave when eric and I saw you.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Nicole: I know exactly what that feels like.
Brady: I know you do. Ah, nic. Rachel isabella dimera black. We just had to--we had to say good-bye. Tell her how much we missed her. And even though it seemed impossible to do, we did it. It was cathartic. I think it was--it was healthy. It was good for us to do that.
Nicole: You know how I feel about kristen.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Nicole: But I do understand how grieving a baby together can bring you closer... and remind you of the love you had.
Brady: Nicole, we gotta end this--we've gotta end this charade. No, we should be honest with eric and just let him know that we were doing it for kristen's benefit--period.
Nicole: Brady, I don't know.
Brady: I do. I do know. It doesn't seem right to play games like this... especially that his baby's life is at risk.
Sarah: The blood test results weren't a huge surprise. The best odds would be with a full sibling, but of course, mickey doesn't have one of those. Thank you. So now we're contacting all of my relatives and all eric's-- and, of course, there's the national registry. So... all we can do now is just...
[Sighs] Hope for the best.
Xander: Well, maggie's getting blood drawn as we speak, and I'm up next.
Sarah: When I was pregnant and dreaming about this little one, and... and all the things that being a mom would mean... you know, being responsible for this tiny, innocent little thing, and... I was so ready for it. But fighting to save my child's life and feeling so incredibly helpless, it's just...
Xander: You're not helpless. You have me.
Sarah: [Laughs] Um... and I have this.
Xander: My mum's bracelet.
Sarah: You said that it would--that she believed that it would ward off sickness. So I'm holding you to it.
Xander: You do that, because I will move heaven and earth to help you find that match.
[Phone beeps]
Sarah: The blood test results weren't a huge surprise. The best odds would be with a full sibling, but of course, mickey doesn't have one of those. Thank you. So now we're contacting all of my relatives and all eric's-- and, of course, there's the national registry. So... all we can do now is just...
[Sighs] Hope for the best.
Xander: Well, maggie's getting blood drawn as we speak, and I'm up next.
Sarah: When I was pregnant and dreaming about this little one, and... and all the things that being a mom would mean... you know, being responsible for this tiny, innocent little thing, and... I was so ready for it. But fighting to save my child's life and feeling so incredibly helpless, it's just...
Xander: You're not helpless. You have me.
Sarah: [Laughs] Um... and I have this.
Xander: My mum's bracelet.
Sarah: You said that it would--that she believed that it would ward off sickness. So I'm holding you to it.
Xander: You do that, because I will move heaven and earth to help you find that match.
[Phone beeps]
Sarah: [Sniffles] Ah, eric's bringing the car around. I have to go. Xander? Thank you.
[Elevator dings]
Hope as gina: There you go!
John: [Groaning]
Hope as gina: John, careful. John.
John: Answer me, hope! How can you leave marlena alone unprotected? Your job was to keep her safe! Why are you here?
Hope as gina: Because I had to come to prague to find you... to tell you something... about marlena. Something very important, john.
Hattie as marlena: Did you take stefano to the authorities? O-or is john holding him somewhere? Why don't you answer me?
Steve: Marlena, you've been through a terrible ordeal. Come on. There will be time for answers. Just--for now, let me take care of you, all right?
Hattie as marlena: I am fine. At least, I will be fine when i know john is all right. Why don't you talk to me?
Steve: All right. I'll tell you everything.
Sarah: [Sighs] Mickey is exhausted. I'm gonna go put her down.
Eric: Here, I can help.
Sarah: Yeah, um, before we do, I gotta talk to you about something.
Eric: Yeah.
Sarah: Um, xander's still living here.
Eric: But he offered to move out. You know, it's just like him not to stick to his word.
Sarah: No, no, no, it wasn't xander--it was me. I asked him to stay. And I know--I know that you don't like him, but... he loves mickey so much... and she honestly just needs all the love and support she can get right now.
Eric: You're right. Nothing is more important than saving our daughter's life. So it's if xander's support you need, I'm fine with it. Just promise me that I'll never have to share a meal with him.
Sarah: Promise. Thank you. It means more to me than you could ever know.
Eric: You're welcome. Come on.
Sarah: [Sighs]
Victor: Good, you're back.
Xander: What good is getting tested? I'm not gonna be a match. But, uh, brady and kristen--I'll take those odds. Better yet: Tate. Mackenzie's best shot for a match would be a sibling. Now, tate might only be her half-brother, but he could be just the ticket. If I can convince them to get tested--
Victor: Now, you just can't go running around half-cocked making demands. You're gonna make people suspicious.
Xander: I'm not gonna let mackenzie die.
Victor: And I'm not gonna let you threaten my wife's peace of mind.
Xander: Look, I want to protect maggie every bit as much as you do...
[Sighs] But I'm gonna do whatever it takes to save that little girl.
Abigail: No, I really--I can see the whole thing. I can--I mean, we could put, you know, a little table over there, and the kids can play here, and it'll be cozy, you know? They'll be laughing at it'll just--it'll be perfect, just like you said.
Chad: I love the way you think.
Abigail: Good... because we're gonna need to hire a contractor as soon as possible. We just have to get all this stuff out of here.
Chad: Like now?
Abigail: Well, yeah. Yes. I mean, there's no time like the present.
Steve: We tracked stefano down in prague. We tried to take him into custody.
Hattie as marlena: "You tried"? What happened?
Steve: He wasn't alone. He had help.
Hattie as marlena: [Scoffs] With princess gina? Did she manage to get back there after she--she tied me up and left me for dead?
Steve: It wasn't gina. It was rolf... and he had a gun.
Hope as gina: I never left marlena's side. I protected as I promised i would, john. Then stefano's goons showed up. They grabbed my gun. They took it and they held me down, and then stefano appeared and--
John: Oh, that lousy bastard--
Hope as gina: He told her he was gonna make her his, john! I--oh, god, I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him--
John: You couldn't stop what? What happened? What? Oh, my god. He took her, didn't he? Where'd they go? Where'd they go? Where did they go?
Hope as gina: [Wails]
Sarah: Oh, my gosh. It's already been the longest day ever, and it's not even lunch time yet.
Eric: Seems that we have a lot of long days ahead of us.
Sarah: [Sighs] And nights. Hey, thank you so much, again, for being so understanding about xander. And I totally get it if you want to reach out to nicole for support.
Eric: I ran into nicole earlier--she's great. She actually even offered to babysit mickey while we waited for our results.
Sarah: That's kind of her.
Eric: Yeah.
Sarah: She's such an awesome mom. So, you know, if you ever do want her to watch mickey, I'm fine with it. And... it couldn't hurt for you to spend some time with nicole, maybe.
Eric: Right, right. Yeah, well, I thought about it, but I changed my mind.
Sarah: Why?
Eric: Well, like five minutes after we left to take mickey to boston, nicole jumped back into bed with brady.
Sarah: [Sighs]
Nicole: Eric's devastated. Uh, maybe now is not a good time to tell him about our stupid charade.
Brady: Nicole, I--I think he deserves to know the truth.
[Knocking on door]
Nicole: Oh, what the hell are you doing here?
Brady: The hell are you doing here?
Xander: I was hoping you'd be here too.
Brady: Xander, come on. Get out of here. What are you doing?
Xander: I have news that you need to hear. Eric and sarah weren't matches for mackenzie.
Nicole: [Gasps]
Brady: Oh, god.
Nicole: You must be devastated. Is there anything we can do?
Xander: Well, I'm glad you asked. I promised I'd rally the troops. I'm trying to get everybody in the family tested. I can count on you, right?
Brady: Yeah, yeah, you can count on me. But you know eric and I are not blood brothers, xander?
Xander: Nevertheless, I'd hoped that you'd want to be included.
Brady: No, absolutely.
Nicole: I--I'm in too.
Xander: Thank you. I'm trying to cast as wide a net as possible, so... tate needs to be tested as well.
Brady: My son? Because he may be a match for mackenzie because eric and theresa are cousins, right?
Xander: Tate is definitely related to her.
John: Where is she? Where did stefano take her?
Hope as gina: John...
John: Damn it, we gotta get out of here. We've gotta find doc!
Hope as gina: We can'T. John. We can't!
John: What do you mean, "we can't"? We can't what? We can't get out of here, or we can't find doc?
[Grunting, panting]
Hattie as marlena: Okay, well, r-rolf had a gun. He's no match for you and john-- and stefano is an old man.
Steve: An old man who knows how to handle himself.
Hattie as marlena: Oh, come on--you and john could take him.
Steve: I jumped rolf. I wrestled the gun out of his hands, and, uh, john went after stefano. I assumed that he would get the better of him, but...
Hattie as marlena: What? But what?
[Stammers] Did they fight? Did john and stefano fight? Or was john hurt? You've gotta take me to him.
Steve: I'm sorry, marlena. I can'T.
Hattie as marlena: [Stammers] I don't--what do you mean, "you can't"? Of course you can. You have to take me to him. Why can't you?
Steve: Stefano killed him. John is dead.
Victor: I was starting to worry about you.
Maggie: [Laughs]
Victor: Why did the tests take so long?
Maggie: Hi. They were quick, but I stopped by the chapel afterwards. Maybe to pull myself together.
Victor: A few prayers are always good at a time like this.
[Monitor beeping]
Maggie: Maybe I was asking for forgiveness.
Victor: For what? Being human?
Maggie: The last time i donated blood and I saw the records, I was clean and sober for more than 35 years... and this time, I had to admit that I had had more than one slip the last couple of years. Like last mother's day... which I don't even remember.
Victor: Maggie... don't beat yourself up. You are still... and always will be the most beautiful person... inside and out that I have ever known.
Maggie: [Sighs]
Brady: You do understand that tate and mackenzie are second cousins? I mean, they're--they're not even that closely related, xander. I mean, even if tate was a match--
Xander: What? "Even if tate was match, what"?
Brady: He's a little boy. I mean--I mean, he's very young to go through something like this. It's a long surgical procedure--
Xander: What kind of brother are you? Either you're committed to doing whatever it takes to helping eric and sarah, or you're not.
Brady: Hold on! I said I would help. I do want to help.
Xander: Great, so you'll agree that we can leave no stone unturned, and we probably shouldn't worry about the discomfort of a potential donor when a child's life is at stake.
Brady: Don't refer to him as a "potential donor." He's my son.
Xander: Right!
Brady: Just take it easy.
Xander: And he might be a match for little mackenzie. Please, I need you to call theresa as soon as possible and arrange to have tate tested.
Brady: What--what is going on here? Listen, the likelihood of tate being a match is--is a longshot, xander. I'm willing to help, but I want to know something right now: Why are you pushing this so hard to have my son tested?
Sarah: I mean, I know that brady and nicole have history, but I'm surprised that she would just hook up with him like that. No wonder you're hurting.
Eric: No, it's--it's not a big deal, really. Just being a little sensitive these days, I guess.
Sarah: I feel you on that. You want a hug?
Eric: [Laughs]
Sarah: Better?
Eric: Much.
Sarah: I haven't always been fair to you.
Eric: It's all in the past.
Sarah: What I mean is that, um... I'm here. If you need anything, you just-- just have to ask.
Chad: You are a dervish, woman.
Abigail: [Laughs] Well, it is one of the things you love about me.
Chad: It's true.
Abigail: Yeah, this is cool. I love this piece. Don't you? [Gasps]
Chad: Yeah, whatever you want.
Abigail: Hmm. Huh, it looks like there's a piece of art in here. Let's see what it is. Whoa. Don't worry, babe, I got it.
[Laughs] Let's see. Oh, my god.
Chad: That bad?
Abigail: Um... you should come look at this. Theresa as soon as possible and arrange to have tate tested.
Brady: What--what is going on here? Listen, the likelihood of tate being a match is--is a longshot, xander. I'm willing to help, but I want to know something right now: Why are you pushing this so hard to have my son tested?
Sarah: I mean, I know that brady and nicole have history, but I'm surprised that she would just hook up with him like that. No wonder you're hurting.
Eric: No, it's--it's not a big deal, really. Just being a little sensitive these days, I guess.
Sarah: I feel you on that. You want a hug?
Eric: [Laughs]
Sarah: Better?
Eric: Much.
Sarah: I haven't always been fair to you.
Eric: It's all in the past.
Sarah: What I mean is that, um... I'm here. If you need anything, you just-- just have to ask.
Chad: You are a dervish, woman.
Abigail: [Laughs] Well, it is one of the things you love about me.
Chad: It's true.
Abigail: Yeah, this is cool. I love this piece. Don't you? [Gasps]
Chad: Yeah, whatever you want.
Abigail: Hmm. Huh, it looks like there's a piece of art in here. Let's see what it is. Whoa. Don't worry, babe, I got it.
[Laughs] Let's see. Oh, my god.
Chad: That bad?
Abigail: Um... you should come look at this.
Chad: Oh, no. What the hell?
Abigail: I don't know.
Hattie as marlena: No. No, no, that's not possible.
Steve: I'm sorry.
Hattie as marlena: It's not true--he can't be gone. He can't be gone. What are you saying? I'll never see him again?
Steve: I'm so sorry. John was my best friend. He was the bravest man I ever knew. Marlena, listen...
Hattie as marlena: [Sobs]
Steve: His final request was for me to take care of you... and I promised him I would do that, and I will.
Hattie as marlena: [Sobbing]
Steve: I will. I know, I know.
Hope as gina: John, john! John, I'm sorry. We can't find marlena. We can'T.
John: Why do you keep saying that? What do you mean, "we can't"?
Hope as gina: John--
John: What the hell happened? What happened?
Hope as gina: [Sighs] Stefano insisted on taking marlena with him. He was so determined to have his way--determined that marlena wasn't gonna get away again. She--she fought. She wouldn't go. She refused to go, john, and he said either...
[Sighs] Either she--she went with him, or she was gonna die. And then--
John: And then what?
Hope as gina: [Sobs]
John: Then what, damn it? Do I have to pull it out of you?
Hope as gina: She spit in his face! She spit at his face and... I can'T. I'm sorry I have to do--do this.
[Sighs] Stefano shot her. She's gone. She's dead. Marlena... john, she's dead.
John: No.
Hope as gina: I'm sorry.
John: No.
Hope as gina: It's true. It's true.
John: No. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my... oh, god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
[Sobbing quietly] Oh, no...
Hope as gina: Oh, john, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
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