Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 1/30/20
Episode #13699 ~ John grows suspicious of "Steve." Princess Gina tries to lure Marlena into a trap .Rafe and Shawn desperately try to track down Gina.A guilt-ridden Kate makes a confession.
Provided By Suzanne
Roman: Uh--
Hattie: Oh, jeez, don't sneak up on me like that.
Roman: Look, would you do me a favor and see if table five needs anything?
Hattie: That's kate's table.
Roman: Well, I know that, yeah.
Hattie: Well, then why don't you have her take care of it?
Roman: Well, she and chad seem to be talking about something important, okay? Thank you.
Hattie: Well, I--
Chad: I know kristen isn't telling me everything about her meeting with my father. What I don't know is what she's hiding or why.
Kate: Maybe you should keep your distance for a while, you know? Just stay away from everything that has to do with your father.
Chad: Why do you say that?
Kate: Just looking out for you.
Chad: Has he contacted you?
Kate: No, no, why would he reach out to me?
Chad: You'd tell me, though?
Kate: Of course I would tell you. Chad, I just--I want what's best for you, you know? So can I get you some pie to go with that coffee?
Chad: No, I, uh-- I actually gotta go.
Kate: Hey, hey, hey, forget it. It's on the house.
Chad: Thank you. And, um, thank you for letting me bend your ear about my father.
Kate: It's the least I can do.
Hattie: Hey. Table five wanted you.
Kate: Would you not sneak up on me like that, okay?
Hattie: Wow, you are as nervous as a cat around a rocking chair. What's going on with you?
Kate: [Sighs]
[Suspenseful music]
Rafe: She's gone. Cigarette's still lit in the ashtray.
Shawn: Yeah, we must have just missed her.
Rafe: Looks like she left in a hurry.
Shawn: Look, rafe, we need to find my mom before gina does something to wreck her life for good.
Rafe: Yeah, it's not just hope we need to worry about. You told me before that princess gina was always trying to get with john, right?
Shawn: Yeah, well, thankfully he's in prague with steve.
Rafe: Yeah, but what if while he's gone, she targets marlena?
Marlena: I got your message. Has something happened?
Hope as gina: No, but it's about to.
Marlena: Why the gun?
Hope as gina: Sorry. Didn't mean to alarm you.
Marlena: Mm. What are you doing here?
Hope as gina: I'm here to protect you. I just got a tip that stefano is purposely leading john and steve on a wild-goose chase in europe.
Marlena: Oh, then it was a setup?
Hope as gina: Yes, we believe so. And now that he's gotten them out of town, we think he's sending people to come for you.
Marlena: You think stefano is going to try to abduct me?
Hope as gina: Marlena, don't panic. John and steve have me here to protect you, and that's what i intend to do. But it's not safe for you to stay here.
Marlena: Oh, where do you think I should be?
Hope as gina: I'm gonna take you to a more secure location, where you can hide out until this threat is neutralized.
Marlena: All right. Look, I know because of your feelings for john that things have been tense between the two of us--
Hope as gina: Marlena, none of that matters now. I just wanna keep you safe.
[Dramatic music]
John: What are you doing with stefano's ring?
Steve as stefano: I got a better question, pal. Why you going through my stuff?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Shawn: We need to warn marlena immediately. Gina is a clear and present danger to her.
Rafe: I'll call marlena. You call roman; you have him meet us here.
Shawn: How come?
Rafe: Because he's been worried about your mom for a long time. Besides, he knows her and marlena better than anyone. Maybe he can help us.
Marlena: I'll pack a bag.
Hope as gina: No. There's no time. We need to leave immediately.
[Cell phone ringing]
Marlena: Oh, it's rafe.
Hope as gina: No! Don't answer that.
Marlena: Why not?
Hope as gina: You can't talk to rafe. He may have been compromised by stefano.
Marlena: What do you mean, compromised?
Hope as gina: Marlena, you know better than anybody how stefano operates. He can get to anyone at any time.
Marlena: Uh, wait. Are you thinking that stefano has rafe working for him? Why would you even think that?
Hope as gina: For weeks, he has been undermining my authority at the salem pd. I just found out that there were leads on rolf and stefano, but rafe withheld that information, which is why they slipped through our fingers. Yeah, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if rafe is somehow involved in stefano's plan to kidnap you.
Marlena: [Scoffs] Wow, I don't know what to say. Rafe working for stefano, really?
Hope as gina: I know. It's shocking. Don't worry, I'm gonna protect you. We need to go right now. Let's go.
Kate: I'm gonna take the check to table five.
Hattie: Hey, wait, wait. Wait a second. What is going on with you? You--you look like you lost your last friend.
Kate: [Sighs]
Hope as gina: Let us be clear about something. If you even entertain the idea of throwing me or my dear friend stefano under the bus, your friends will not be able to save you, katherine.
Kate: That's exactly how i feel.
Hattie: Well, then let's have a little hen chat about it. I am such a good listener.
Kate: Hattie, I can't do that; I can't talk about this.
Hattie: Oh, is it because it's, you know, about steve dragging down stefano?
Roman: You guys talking about steve? Did you hear from him and john? Did they find stefano?
Kate: Yeah, well, I don't know. We're just hoping they do.
Hattie: What's up, boss?
Roman: Well, I got a call from shawn. He and rafe need my help on something.
Kate: Shawn's in town? Why?
Roman: I'm not sure. Can you two hold down the fort here?
Hattie: Can we hold down a fort? We could hold down two forts, couldn't we?
Roman: Thank you, thank you.
Hattie: You just go about whatever you need to do.
Kate: [Sighs] Hattie--hattie, I told you not to mention steve, not to talk about steve around roman.
Hattie: No, but he knows everything already. Come on, he doesn't care that steve's hiding out in your room.
Kate: Just keep it zipped.
Hattie: I'll take your table five.
Abigail: Mm.
Chad: I needed that.
Abigail: Oh, that doesn't sound very good.
Chad: Everyone's hiding something from me.
Abigail: What do you mean by everyone? You mean your family?
Chad: Yeah, kristen refuses to sell me her shares. I pressed her about her meeting with our father, and she gets all squirrelly and she refuses to give me any more details.
Abigail: Yeah, she was the same way when I talked to her.
Chad: And kate, she just suggests that I have nothing to do with my father. So it makes me think that she's up to something.
Abigail: Kate cares about you, so maybe she's just trying to protect you, right?
Chad: Yeah, but from what? What is stefano up to? Why won't he meet me face-to-face? What's the big secret?
John: After the way you just treated anna and tony, I'm kinda worried about you.
Steve as stefano: Worried?
John: You're not acting like yourself.
Steve as stefano: Well, since when have I ever tolerated fools, huh?
John: There you go again.
Steve as stefano: Come on, the woman is a loon, john. She shot me once. I want nothing to do with her.
John: So forget about her. Tony is stefano's son. We both know how much the old man thinks about family.
Steve as stefano: Even family that betrays him?
John: Stefano contacted tony. I have reason to think tony can be useful to us.
Steve as stefano: You should have told me you contacted him. Instead, I was blindsided. Why's that?
John: Judgment call.
Steve as stefano: That's not an answer. We're supposed to be on the same team. Do we have a problem here?
John: I hope not. So what are you doing with stefano's ring?
[Tense music]
Steve as stefano: Yeah. After all these years, it's hard to put anything over on you. I guess I'll have to tell you the truth.
Abigail: I'm sorry you're dealing with all this with your family, especially when you're working so hard to get dimera back from gabi.
Chad: There's just something that I'm missing.
Abigail: I was gonna surprise you tonight. I made a reservation at the bistro for dinner, and the kids are with my parents. But I'm just gonna cancel, because if you're not feeling like it, it's--
Chad: This little reservation have anything to do with you not wanting to break bread with eli and gabi? Hmm?
Abigail: No, I'm--
[Scoffs] Okay, fine, yes. You know me too well.
Chad: Which is another thing that annoys me. Because kristen doesn't wanna sell me her shares 'cause she needs the leverage with gabi. I also need those shares so i can kick gabi out of the company and out of this house.
Abigail: I hate living in this house, under the same roof as gabi just as much as you do, but what choice do we have? I mean, chad, if we move out, you could lose your foothold at dimera.
Chad: There might be another option.
Abigail: What do you mean?
Chad: Come with me.
Abigail: Where?
Chad: Coat.
Abigail: Okay.
Steve as stefano: I grabbed the ring from kate before we left.
John: So why did kate have it?
Steve as stefano: It was in andre's possession when he died.
John: Assumed it would have gone to chad.
Steve as stefano: She offered it to chad, but he turned her down.
John: Oh. So he must also be over stefano's legacy of evil.
Steve as stefano: That's very dramatic, john.
John: Do you disagree with that characterization?
Steve as stefano: Chad and stefano may not see eye to eye on everything, but chad has always loved and respected his father.
John: Okay. So why did you want the ring?
Steve as stefano: I know how important it is to stefano. It's part of his identity.
John: And?
Steve as stefano: And i thought it would come in handy if we needed to lure him to us.
John: I see. So you have had this ring before we got to prague here, and you didn't tell me about it?
Steve as stefano: I didn't think it was that important.
John: Important enough that you convinced kate to give it to you.
Steve as stefano: It was just an idea I had.
John: You're all over the place here. You realize that, don't you?
Steve as stefano: Are you accusing me of something?
Hope as gina: My car's parked across the street; I'll take you right to the safe house.
Marlena: Yeah, well, wait, wait, wait, shouldn't we contact john and steve about rafe? They'll be checking in.
Hope as gina: Stop question-- please, just do as I say, okay?
Marlena: Wait a minute. What if stefano's thugs are waiting for us outside?
Hope as gina: I'll be ready.
Marlena: No, no, what I meant was, I mean, maybe you should pull your car into the garage, and that way, I won't be exposed.
Hope as gina: Fine, I'll do that.
Marlena: Okay, and I'll, uh...I'll pack a few things.
Hope as gina: Don't waste time.
[Cell phone beeps]
Kate: How dare they? How can people be so vile and obnoxious?
Hattie: Oh, talking about table five?
Kate: Yeah, they said that i mixed up their order, and then they refused to pay for their drink.
Hattie: And did you?
Kate: Did I what?
Hattie: Did you mess up the order?
Kate: I thought that you were on my side.
Hattie: I am on your side. Tell me what happened.
Kate: Well, I told them that if they don't like the service here, then they can find someplace else to eat, because I'll be damned if I'll wait on them. And that goes for the rest of you as well.
Hattie: Bring it down a notch, will ya?
Kate: I like this notch.
Hattie: Well, you know what? Roman won't like it if we start running off his customers.
Kate: Oh, really?
Hattie: Yeah.
Kate: What are you gonna do, tell on me? I thought I could trust you.
Hattie: You can trust me. Gol, you're in such a mood. I don't even know. Look, I'd like to help you, but I gotta have some idea of what sent you around the bend.
John: Like you just said, you and I, we've had a very long history.
Steve as stefano: That we do.
John: And when you showed up on new year's eve, vowing to help me find stefano and rolf, i couldn't have been more grateful.
Steve as stefano: You needed me.
John: But I'm not gonna lie to you, man. I was a little more than surprised that hope didn't give me a heads-up that she'd already contacted you.
Steve as stefano: Well, if we're being honest, I was disappointed that you didn't reach out and ask for my help in the first place.
John: Oh, come on, partner. We both know how these missions work. I just assumed you were too busy staying on point.
Steve as stefano: There is nothing I wouldn't do for marlena. You know that.
John: I wanna believe that.
Steve as stefano: She's very special to me, even more than you know. So stop doubting me, john. Instead of fighting with each other, shouldn't we be focused on finding the real enemy, stefano dimera?
Roman: How can hope be princess gina if gina's dead?
Shawn: So we think that she's been brainwashed again by stefano. I don't know how it happened, but whoever is in my mom's body believes that she is princess gina.
Rafe: Yeah, so we need your help coming up with a plan how we're gonna save hope from herself.
Shawn: And protect marlena in the process.
Rafe: Well, I already left a message for marlena warning her.
Roman: Don't forget about john. Gina was obsessed with him.
Rafe: John's in prague looking for stefano.
Shawn: So we think that rolf is the one doing stefano's dirty work.
Roman: All right, now, rafe, you said you left a message with marlena.
Rafe: Yeah, I did; she hasn't gotten back to me yet, though, so I'm starting to worry.
Roman: Yeah, we gotta track her down, make sure we get her someplace safe.
Shawn: She might just be in session with a patient.
Roman: Well, I'll call her at the hospital. She's not there, I'll go to her place.
[Suspenseful music]
[Cell phone beeps]
Rafe: Marlena, it's rafe. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm here with shawn, and we have reached a very disturbing conclusion. We think that someone--someone has turned hope into princess gina. As you know, she was obsessed with john, which means you are a threat to her. So keep your distance from her and call me back as soon as you get this message.
[Cell phone beeps] Oh, my god, she's princess gina.
Hope as gina: What's taking you so long? Why are you looking at me like that?
Marlena: I was...just thinking that, um, you're not yourself.
Hope as gina: Hmm. Well, if I'm not myself, who would I be?
Marlena: Tell me.
Hope as gina: All right. Brilliant, insightful shrink thinks she's figured it out. You think I am princess gina, don't you? Am I right?
Hope as gina: I am rather surprised that the illustrious doc evans didn't figure it out sooner.
Marlena: It's surprising. I should have noticed it. Your odd behavior, the smoking, the attraction to john.
Hope as gina: Guess you're not as smart as you think you are.
Marlena: Princess gina is dead.
Hope as gina: Do I look dead to you?
Marlena: No, you don't, but then you're not princess gina. You've been brainwashed. You're still hope brady.
Hope as gina: Hope brady is long gone, thanks to rolf. I am in complete control of her body and her thoughts, have been for quite some time. Now, I cannot have you telling anyone who I really am. That is not part of the plan.
Hattie: Okay, honey, I'm listening.
Kate: This is a lot more than a bad mood that I'm dealing with.
Hattie: Oh. Tell me what it is.
Kate: I'm in a mess, and I'm not sure how to get out of it.
Hattie: Hmm. Is it something to do with steve and trying to track down stefano?
Kate: Yes.
Hattie: Are you in any danger?
Kate: I'm not worried about myself. It's the people that I care about who could get hurt.
Hattie: Look at you. You know, you shouldn't have to be going through this thing alone. Hey, aren't we the best waitressing team in town?
Kate: Sure.
Hattie: Okay, then from now on, we will face this together as a team.
John: You're probably right. I'm probably taking out my frustrations on you because we're not making any headway here.
Steve as stefano: Well, you see, that's where you're wrong, 'cause one of my contacts just said he got a new lead.
John: Yeah, on stefano?
Steve as stefano: Yeah, who else? He said that a man resembling the phoenix to just rented some rooms off the old town square.
John: Old town square, that would make sense. Someone like him could blend in pretty well there.
[Cell phone beeps]
Steve as stefano: This might be him. Yeah, that's him.
John: What do you got?
Steve as stefano: He said, "that man just got back." This could be our chance.
John: All right, let's get it.
Steve as stefano: Wait. The ring.
John: What?
Steve as stefano: I'll take the ring back.
[Dramatic music]
[Gun clicks]
John: You ready now?
Steve as stefano: Born ready.
Abigail: So why did you bring me to the gatehouse?
Chad: This place has been vacant for over a year since ben went to prison.
Abigail: Yeah, I know. So?
Chad: So if we moved out here, we wouldn't have to live under the same roof as gabi and eli. But it's still on dimera property, so we wouldn't give any ground on the turf war.
Abigail: Move here, you mean our entire family of four would live here?
Chad: Yeah, ever heard of tiny living?
Abigail: Ever heard of tiny children? We have two, and we need space.
Chad: So we grab a sledgehammer and we make space.
Abigail: Okay.
Abigail: [Scoffs] Look, I'm as desperate to get away from gabi as you are, but we don't exactly travel light these days, chad.
Chad: True.
Abigail: And, you know, our kids are small, but they have toys and things and--
Chad: I have stepped on them all barefoot.
Abigail: Well, yeah.
Chad: So? We'll add another bedroom. We'll add two bedrooms and another bathroom. It'll be cozy, but it'll be nice. Four of us all snug in here. Hmm? You've never liked living in that big, cold mansion. And home is where the heart is. long as I have you and the kids, I can live anywhere.
[Cell phone rings]
Rafe: Marlena.
Roman: All right, put it on speaker.
[Cell phone beeps]
Rafe: Hey, marlena. Yeah, I'm here with shawn and roman. You okay?
Marlena: Yes, I'm okay. Thank you for the warning. John already alerted me that hope is gina.
Rafe: He did? When?
Marlena: Was a little while ago. He wants me to join him in prague. He's arranging a private jet.
Roman: Marlena, roman here. Are you sure that's a good idea?
Marlena: Yes, john says that it's the safest place for me. So I'm on my way to the airport.
Rafe: Okay, I guess the further away from hope, the better.
Marlena: Yes, I couldn't agree more. Thank you for the warning. I'm glad the truth is finally coming out.
Roman: Yeah, well, we're just glad you're gonna be safe.
Marlena: You need to find the imposter pretending to be hope as soon as you can. Promise me you'll keep on--
[Cell phone beeps]
Hope as gina: And you were doing so well...
[Cell phone clangs] Until you went off script. That was a mistake.
Rafe: Well, I'm glad john told marlena about gina, but you'd think that he would have alerted us too.
Roman: Yeah.
Shawn: Is it just me or did-- did she seem pretty stressed?
Roman: Yeah, she ended that phone call abruptly.
Shawn: I mean, she didn't even say good-bye.
Roman: You know what I'm thinking, guys? I'm thinking it might be a very good idea if I escort her to prague, make sure she gets there safely.
Shawn: You're okay with doing that?
Roman: Yeah, I'm okay with it if you guys are okay with me not helping you find hope--or gina.
Rafe: Well, marlena's safety is our top priority. We'll find hope, put her on ice until we figure out what to do next.
Roman: Okay, good luck.
Rafe: Thanks, you too man.
[Tense music]
Steve as stefano: All right.
John: Nobody home.
Steve as stefano: Take a look around. Stefano might have left some clues.
Rolf: I wasn't expecting guests. Don't do it! I'll shoot. You're intruding, mr. Black.
John: You know, rolf, well, we know that you're the one that pushed jennifer off that balcony to protect whatever the hell was on that flash drive.
Steve as stefano: We know you helped stefano get away.
John: Tell you what we're gonna do here. You lead us to stefano, we'll work it out with authorities to cut you a break.
Rolf: You're in no position to make a deal with me while I have a gun pointed at you.
Steve as stefano: Come on, rolf. You're not a cold-blooded killer.
Rolf: Heh. It appears, mr. Johnson, you have miscalculated.
Steve as stefano: Ah!
John: No!
[Suspenseful music]
John: Hey, buddy, I'm right here.
Rolf: Step away from him, or I'll kill you as well.
[Ominous music]
Abigail: You're right. Yeah, no, you're totally right. We're a family because of who we are and because of how much we love each other, not because of where we live.
Chad: Exactly.
Abigail: But I just--ugh. Renovation is, like, the number one cause of stress in a marriage.
Chad: We have taken on multiple personalities. Too soon? Murder trial...everything that's happened with your brother, your--your--your mother almost dying, everything with my father, gabi trying to destroy us. You think we're gonna get taken down by some damn tiles?
Abigail: Well, I can be very particular.
Chad: Yeah, I know, which is why you get to make all the decisions about the tile.
Abigail: Well, that does sound sensible.
Chad: I am no dummy.
Abigail: No, I'm no dummy, 'cause I married the most incredible man on this planet. And I would be happy to live anywhere--really, anywhere with you, as long as we're together. I mean it.
Kate: [Sighs] I don't know. I have no idea of what I was thinking when I got involved. I wasn't considering, you know, the impact that my choice would have on the people that I love. And now there's a possibility that john and marlena's life together will be destroyed.
Hattie: No. No, no, I'm sure you're making this out to be worse than it really is.
Kate: No, I'm not. It's that bad.
Hattie: Look, I'd sure like to help you here, but gotta know what's going on. I can see this thing is eating you alive. I just can't stand to see it killing you.
Kate: [Sighs] Okay. I'm gonna tell you. Steve isn't steve.
Hattie: Okay. Who is he?
Kate: Stefano dimera.
John: What in the hell is the matter with you? First you try to kill jennifer. Now this?
Rolf: I warned mr. Johnson.
John: Well, you just killed my best buddy, and now I'm gonna make you pay if it's the last thing I ever do.
[Blow lands, body thuds]
Rafe: But gina doesn't know that we're onto her. So we can still pretend that it's hope.
Shawn: I mean, I could call her, and I could say that there's an emergency with ciara and that she needs to meet us here immediately.
Rafe: It's worth a try.
[Cell phone ringing] It's roman.
[Cell phone beeps] Yeah, what's up? You gotta be kidding me. Okay, thanks.
Shawn: What's wrong?
Rafe: There's no private flight to prague.
Shawn: What? Nobody at the airport knows anything about it?
Rafe: We gotta get to marlena's right now.
Marlena: You're not gonna get away with taking over hope's life. They know about it. They'll find you.
Hope as gina: I've been getting away with pretending to be hope for over a year. Oh, and, doc, it was I who arranged that job opportunity in germany to get you out of town.
Marlena: That was you.
Hope as gina: While you were gone, I had john all to myself. If you hadn't returned early, he would have ended up in my bed.
Marlena: No, no. John would never betray me. You saw what happened when you tried to throw yourself at him. He doesn't want you.
Hope as gina: He was more tempted by me than you realize.
Marlena: Ooh, dear, you're delusional too. John loves me. You couldn't possibly understand that.
Hope as gina: No, i understand; I understand quite well. Which is why I know that if i wanna make a life with john, there's only one option left. You need to die.
Chad: I think we're gonna be happy here.
Abigail: Yeah, I do too. We are. I mean, I know I was skeptical at first, but it's like I said: Wherever you are, that's home to me.
Chad: Me too.
Abigail: Sorry about this mess with your father.
Chad: Well, I do hope I hear from him, but even if I don't, I have you and the kids, and that's all I really need.
Abigail: Come here.
Hattie: Steve is stefano? How--how does he-- how does that-- how do you know--
Kate: They're all good questions.
Hattie: Oh. So that's the real reason he's not wearing the patch.
Kate: Yes. And by the way, hope isn't hope.
Hattie: What?
Kate: Stefano, with help from rolf, turned her into princess gina.
Hattie: Wow. How does that work?
Kate: Oh, my god, seriously, if I went into the history of that, your brain would explode. The bottom line is, gina loves john. She hates marlena.
Hattie: Oh. So this gina character, is she-- is she dangerous?
Kate: Yes.
Hattie: Oh, and you've known about this for a while?
Kate: Stefano promised me that we would rule dimera together once he got rid of gabi. And I wanted that. I wanted it. And now because of that, marlena is in danger.
[Dramatic music]
[Cabinet clangs]
Rafe: Search the place.
Steve as stefano: Oh.
[Laughs] Oh. Excellent work, rolf.
Rolf: Mm.
Steve as stefano: Very, very convincing. Aha.
Rolf: Even though I knew there were blanks in the gun, i was still nervous.
Steve as stefano: But you came through for me, as always.
Rolf: Well, it was my pleasure, sir. Although...
Steve as stefano: What? What is it?
Rolf: Well, I still don't understand why you wanted john black to believe that steve johnson is dead.
Steve as stefano: John will be more vulnerable to princess gina if he thinks his best friend has been murdered.
Rolf: I see.
Steve as stefano: And by the time john comes to, hope will be here to deliver the bad news that his precious doc has also died.
Rolf: Yes, that will be quite a blow.
Steve as stefano: Indeed.
Rolf: Sir, I don't mean to overstep. Und I realize that you and princess gina have struck a bargain so she can get her pawn back. But you owe her nothing.
Steve as stefano: What are you suggesting?
Rolf: Well, if you really want a clear path to bringing back your queen of the night, wouldn't it be best to finish john off here and now?
Steve as stefano: You make an excellent point, rolf.
Rafe: No sign of marlena.
Shawn: Purse--it's got her wallet and her cell phone in it.
Rafe: Oh, no. What? She wouldn't have left those.
Shawn: No.
Rafe: So why did she tell us that story about going to prague to meet john?
Shawn: Maybe 'cause she didn't have a choice. Maybe gina's already got her.
Marlena: [Moans softly]
Where am I?
Hope as gina: Do not try to move. You will only harm yourself.
Marlena: Oh, gina.
Hope as gina: Welcome to your new home, doc.
Marlena: What is this?
Hope as gina: Merciful monarch that I am, I spared your life. No need to thank me. I had my reasons. And I guarantee you are not going to like them, not one bit.
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