Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 1/29/20
Episode #13698 ~ Anna, Tony, and John are shocked when "Steve" lashes out at Anna. Kate confronts Gina about her and Stefano's plans for John and Marlena.Rafe is stunned when Shawn explains his theory about his mother's strange behavior.Chad grills Kristen about her meeting with Stefano.
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Proofread By Suzanne
Rafe: You talked to your mother?
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, I did.
Rafe: What did she say?
Shawn: She said that she thinks that you're
having trouble getting over the divorce and you don't want to let her go.
Rafe: Well, what do you think?
Shawn: I don't think my mom's lying.
Because I don't think that that woman is my mother.
Rafe: Okay. If that
woman is not Hope, then who were you talking to?
Shawn: I can't be
totally sure, but from everything that you've told me and the way that she was
acting once we were alone, I think we're dealing with Princess Gina.
Gina: Finally, a moment of peace.
Kate: I've had it. I want to know what you and Stefano were up to now.
Gina: Lower your voice. And there was no need to slam the door.
Gina: What makes you think I would tell you anything?
Because if you don't, I'm going to go directly to Marlena and tell her that you
and Steve are not who you appear to be.
Marlena: John, will you give me a call when you get this please? We've got
to talk about Hope.
Kayla: Are they okay?
Marlena: Oh, hi.
Kayla: Hi.
Marlena: Yeah. I'm just trying to reach John in Prague.
Kayla: Prague? What's he doing there?
Marlena: Oh, he and Steve... He
and Steve are trying to find Stefano.
Kristen: Ugh. Chad, what are you doing here? I really have to head to work.
Chad: Work can wait. We need to have a conversation about our father.
Kristen: Well, I don't have time for that right now.
Chad: Well, then
make time.
Kristen: Okay, I guess we're talking.
Chad: Abby said
that you met with Stefano. I want to hear every single detail of that meeting.
Kristen: A connection. The two of us, we are acquaintances at best. So
what connection could we possible have?
Steve: Familial one. Kristen, I'm
your father.
Kristen: Is this because I'm adopted? You really want me to
believe that you are my birth father? What, you think I'm going to get on my
knees now in gratitude with the big reveal so that you and I can go catch
Stefano? Huh? You are pathetic. Pathetic! Get out of here!
Kristen: Get out!
Steve: Listen-
Kristen: No!
Steve: ... to me! I am not Steve Johnson. I am Stefano DiMera. I am Stefano
DiMera. Look at me.
Chad: So... what did he say?
Uh...let's just say it was a revealing encounter.
Anna: Stefano DiMera is
pure evil, and I don't want that twisted old spider dragging Tony back into his
web. I mean... he does nothing but suck the life blood out of his children. And
he doesn't even have the guts to show his face?
Tony: No, uh, darling, it's all right now.
Anna: No. All I ever wanted was to be with my Tony, but Stefano ruined it. He ripped my world apart. He's destroyed thousands of lives, and he's never even paid for any of it.
Tony: Sweetheart, it's okay.
Anna: No, Tony, nothing that snake ever did would be okay. And I sent that to
him the last time I saw him. He was locked up in a cage like the animal that he
is. I looked him right in the eye and I said, "You are going straight to hell."
Now I realize, I think he's already there because he's all alone. And even his
own son is sickened by him. No, Stefano DiMera is nothing but a weak, pathetic
Steve: For God's sake, woman, would do just shut the hell up?
Tony: How dare you speak to my wife like that?
Steve: How dare she
pollute my ears with her nonsense.
Anna: Excuse me.
Steve: There's
only so much I can take. I am finished with this charade!
John: Hey,
buddy. Hey buddy, what's going on? What's gotten into you?
Like sands through the hourglass so are the Days of Our Lives.
Rafe: So you're telling me that you think that Hope is actually Princess Gina,
her lookalike?
Shawn: Yeah. That's the one.
Rafe: Okay. I know
that this happened before. You actually think it's happening again?
Shawn: No, no, no. This is-- this is different than that.
Rafe: Okay. You
lost me.
Shawn: Princess Gina is dead. The day that she was going to
marry my dad, she tried to kill Marlena and me. My dad stopped her. There was a
struggle for the gun and the gun went off and-- and she didn't survive.
Rafe: Okay, so if Gina is dead, then how can she be here in Salem?
Because the last time this happened to my mom, she was brainwashed into thinking
that she was Princess Gina. I think that's what's happening again.
Gina: What are you doing?
Kate: I'm waiting for an update. What are
you and Stefano up to?
Gina: If you must know, John and Steve are in
Europe, searching for Stefano.
Kate: [Scoffs] Steve is Stefano.
Gina: Oh, Bravo.
Yes, I know that. And you know that, but Joe does
Kate: Oh, I see. So John is with his friend, Steve, who's leading
him on a wild goose chase?
Gina: Yes, that is right. And I am here acting
as Marlena's guardian.
Kate: I see. So Stefano is along with his pawn
overseas while you're here sitting like a fox guarding the townhouse.
Gina: Yes, that is correct.
Kate: What are you going to do to Marlena?
Gina: Do?
Kate: What is your plan?
Gina: Are you worried I'm
going to harm your dear friend, Marlena?
Kate: I know you're going to, so
either you tell me what you're going to do, or you'll tell Rafe after he arrests
Gina: Arrest me, for what?
Kate: Oh, I'm sure he'll find
something. Should we ask him to come in?
Gina: Oh, I... I would not
do that if I were you.
Kayla: I didn't know that Steve was leaving the country. But then again, why would he bother to tell me?
Marlena: Kayla...
Kayla: It's not like we're still married.
Marlena: Kayla. I'm
sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
Kayla: No, I'm not upset. I'm not. You
know what? It's good to know. So, uh, have they found Stefano?
Not that I know of. I've been trying to reach John, but he has not called me
Kayla: Well, I know it's been weighing on you. I mean, Stefano on
the loose again. So, I hope that their mission is successful.
Marlena: So
do I. Do you, um, do you expect Steve to come back the same?
Kayla: I
have no expectations one way or the other. Nor do I care. As far as I'm
concerned, Steve Johnson can leave town for good.
John: Give me that. Hey, hey.
Steve: I don't need to be handled, John.
John: Nobody's handling anybody. I'm just wondering what the hell was that
all about?
Steve: I was just getting sick of listening to that
insufferable woman go on and on--
Tony: I'll show you insufferable.
Steve: Oh, will you?
Anna: It's okay, Tony.
Tony: No, no. He
has no right to speak to you that way.
Anna: I do seem to have struck a
nerve with you, Steve. Why is that?
Tony: Yeah, Steve. Why is that?
Steve: Maybe I have a low tolerance for ignorance.
Anna: Why do you
have a problem with me trashing Stefano DiMera when you apparently hate him as
much as I do? Unless something's changed.
John: Anna's got a point there.
Why are you sticking up for Stefano? Are we missing something here?
Chad: It wan't revealing... What does that mean? Revealing in what way?
Kristen: Well, it's just that I hadn't seen father in a long time. For a
moment, I almost didn't recognize him.
Chad: You didn't recognize Stefano
DiMera? One of the most infamous faces in town?
Kristen: I said, I almost
didn't recognize him. And then he said something to me that made it undeniable
Stefano: What do you say?
Kristen: [Breathing shakily]
Stefano: [Speaking Italian] La mia bellissima figlia.
Kristen: You
used to say that to me when I was a little girl. My beautiful daughter.
Steve: You are still my little girl.
Kristen: And then I realized of
course it was him. Our father's come back to us.
Kristen: Please...
Please... [Breathing shakily] Is it real? Is it really real? [Sobs]
Steve: You know the answer in your heart. Don't you? Yes, you do.
Kristen: I could feel the love in his embrace. I missed that more than I even
Chad: Well, if this was such special moment, why did he just
turn around and leave?
Steve: I'm not missing anything, John.
John: Okay, good. Then why the
hell are you sticking up for Stefano?
Steve: I'm sticking up for common
sense. We're wasting time listening to her whine and complain instead of finding
the man.
Tony: You really should watch your tone.
Steve: Come on,
Tony. Even you can admit that her anger and resentment toward her father-in-law
is out of line.
Anna: Is totally justified. It's the least that monster
Steve: Monster. Is that how you think of your father, Tony?
Tony: Will you just let her speak?
Anna: Yes. Thank you, darling. And
yes, Stefano is a monster. He kept Tony and me apart for two decades. He's done
horrific things to all of us, and I will never ever forgive him.
Nor do you have to.
John: I think we all agree here that the old man has
tried to destroy our lives at one time or another, right?
Tony: Surely,
Steve, you can admit that my wife has a right to say this.
John: Steve?
Steve: All right. I'll admit that. As long as you admit to the fact that
your wife is a major pain in the ass.
Rafe: So that is Hope, but she thinks she's Gina.
Shawn: Well, I mean
given everything that you've told me, and--and the vibe that I got from her, I
mean that's what I feel is happening.
Rafe: Okay, well how can we be
Shawn: Okay, let's look at the facts. All right? She mishandled
evidence at Stefano's lair. Gina wasn't a cop. And plus, she probably doesn't
want you to find anything.
Rafe: Was Gina a smoker?
Absolutely. And we also know that she made a pass at John, and Gina's always
been in love with John.
Rafe: Right.
Shawn: And then you said
something about a tiara, right?
Rafe: Well, they found a tiara at the
loft, and I--I thought maybe Stefano and given it to Marlena as queen of the
Shawn: Well, it sounds to me more like something that Princess
Gina would wear.
Rafe: Right. My God. Could this really be happening?
Shawn: I mean, look at the way that she barged in here. She barged in here,
and she didn't even notice me. I mean, I just flew in from Hong Kong and my own
mother just walks right past me. My mom would never do that. I mean if anything,
she's over-protective of her kids.
Rafe: I've definitely seen that.
Shawn: And Gina hates me. Hates me. And that hug. That hug was... It felt
Rafe: She was making herself do it.
Shawn: Exactly. And
then she doesn't even mention anything about her granddaughter, Claire.
Everything that Claire's been through she doesn't even seem... No questions, no
concerns, nothing.
Rafe: She would have had 100 questions.
Or more. That alone tells us that she is not my mother.
Rafe: Okay.
Okay, so let's say this is possible. Let's say that Hope is Gina. Who the hell's
Shawn: It's the same person who was responsible last time...
Stefano DiMera.
John: Whoa, whoa, partner. I think we all need to chill out here a
little bit.
Steve: I will not chill out. And you know what? You twoy--
you and you -- weren't around the last time we went hunting for Stefano. We were
so close to capturing him when this one showed up and fired a shot at me and
him, and it hit me.
Anna: Oh, the bullet barely grazed you.
There's a scar on this body that would disprove that theory.
Anna: And I
say that if you hadn't gotten in the way of that bullet, then Stefano would be
dead today, and the world would be a better place.
Steve: As if a bullet
has ever stopped The Phoenix. He always rises from the ashes.
Shawn: It had been months before we figured out what Stefano had done to my
mom. I mean, we had Gina living as my mom/ Sll the while she's
plotting against us, and she's working for Stefano.
Rafe: That would be
the perfect revenge for Hope shooting him.
Shawn: That's exactly what I
was thinking. So he's resurfaced.
Rafe: I think so.
Shawn: And I
know that Rolf in town. Rolf is always willing to do Stefano's bidding.
Rafe: Hmm. So Rolf was the one who was responsible for doing this to Hope
last time?
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, who else?
Rafe: Oh my God.
Rolf was in town about a year ago when Hope started acting differently. I know
he had access to the hospital lab.
Shawn: I mean, then it all makes
sense. Stefano wanted revenge, so he had Rolf figure out a way to get rid of my
mom and bring Princess Gina back from the dead.
Rafe: So what do we do
Gina: Stay where you are. Let us deal with this woman to woman. Have a seat.
Kate: I already made it clear to Stefano that I am not going to let anything
bad happen to Marlena.
Gina: As if he would allow me to harm her in any
way. Stefano may be a new man, but he's still obsessed with that woman. And he
sees this as his last chance to finally win her love.
Kate: You're doing
the same thing with John, Princess.
Gina: No... because unlike Stefano
and his Queen of the Night, John and I actually share a romantic history. A
spark that simply needs reigniting.
Kate: That's pretty twisted.
Gina: You're just too cynical to believe in true love.
Kate: Oh yeah,
that's right. That's my problem. So are you going to tell me how this works?
Gina: How what works?
Kate: Well, this impossible dream you have of
riding off into the sunset with John and Marlena.
Gina: Well, I'd hardly
call it impossible. In fact, it's going to be quite easy. And the best part--
the best part is that John and Marlena are never going to see it coming.
Marlena: You mean that? You don't care if Steve ever comes back to Salem?
Kayla: There's nothing for him anymore here. His children are gone.
Adrienne's dead. He and Jack certainly don't get along.
Marlena: You're
Kayla: Well, I'm with Justin now. And you heard Steve. He made it
pretty clear that he has moved on with another woman. And the way he spoke about
her, well, it's pretty certain that, uh, she has captured his heart.
Steve: Say what you want about Stefano DiMera. He's always beaten the odds.
He's outsmarted everyone who's ever tried to take him down, all of you included.
Some might call him a genius. He's always one step ahead and just out of reach.
Tony: Until now.
Steve: Well, I can tell you this. We're never going
to catch him as long as this deranged Annie Oakley keeps getting in the way.
He's miles too clever for that.
Anna: You know, Steve, it sounds like you
actually admire the man.
Steve: You're right. I do.
Kristen: I assume Father left because I refused to hand over my DiMera stock.
Chad: Did he say where he was going? When he was coming back?
Kristen: No, he wasn't in the mood to discuss his travel itinerary, especially
after I just disappointed him.
Chad: I just can't believe that he didn't
trust me enough to meet me face to face.
Kristen: Hey, I wouldn't take it
personally. You know how father is. He's just being cautious about who he
reveals himself to.
Chad: There's that word again. "Reveal."
Kristen: Chad, come on. Is it news to you that the father likes being secretive?
Chad: He was willing to meet with you.
Kristen: Yeah, but I demanded
Chad: So did I.
Kristen: I have something that he desperately
Chad: Something we all need. Considering everything he's been
through... how did he look?
Kristen: [Laughs] "Look?"
Chad: Yeah.
You said that you had trouble recognizing him, which means he looked differently
than the last time you saw him. Was it that rough?
Kristen: Actually...
Actually, no. I mean for a man who's been to hell and back he looked better than
I expected.
John: Got to tell you, pal, never thought I'd live to hear you say you
admired Stefano.
Anna: Yeah, it sounds like crazy talk to me.
Steve: All I'm saying is that he's a worthy adversary. He'll do anything he has
to to survive. Believe me.
John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a survivor. No
one's arguing that.
Steve: Well, that's why I don't want to litigate the
things he's done in the past. I want to find him instead -- now.
Same here.
Steve: So Tony, if you don't have anything useful to add to
our investigation, I would prefer it if you got out of the way. Right, John?
John: Well, you know what? I don't think I'd quite put it in those terms.
Tony: And that's because you're not a rude, insulting ass.
Rude? Why don't you talk to your big mouth wife about that?
John: [Sighs]
Anna: Big mouth?
Steve: That's right. A big mouth
that's only going to get you and your husband in trouble.
John: That's
enough. Come on.
Tony: Why is any of this Anna's fault?
Steve: The
woman is unhinged.
Anna: Oh, I'll show you unhinged.
Steve: You
see what I mean?
John: Stop, stop, stop.
Steve: You see what I
John: Stop, stop.
Tony: How would you feel if I was to
assault Kayla the way you have been assaulting Anna? You wouldn't stand for it,
would you? No. So I want you to apologize to my wife because otherwise, you and
I are going to be having problems.
Shawn: We need to track down Rolf from whatever he did to my mom... we need
to force him to undo it.
Rafe: Yeah, that would be great, but Rolf has
left the country, and we haven't heard from him since.
Shawn: You don't
know where he's at?
Rafe: No, we don't know where he's at and Stefano
helped him escape, so it's going to be hard to find him.
Shawn: Damn.
Rafe: Maybe we don't go after the perpetrators. Maybe we face it head-on.
Shawn: You mean confront Princess Gina? No, no. Last time I did that, she
tried to kill me.
Rafe: It's not Princess Gina in this time. It's your
Shawn: If the woman inside my mom's body believes that she's
Princess Gina, I guarantee you that she's not going to go down without a fight.
Gina: If Stefano and I each do our jobs, it's just a matter of time before
John and Marlena are ours.
Kate: So Marlena is supposed to believe that
John's dead?
Gina: And for John to simultaneously believe that she is
dead. Once they are rid of their partners-- well, as I just said, they shall be
Kate: Oh my God. Okay. Seriously, I've heard enough. I am not going
to sit by idly and let you try to fulfill these deranged plans, fantasies.
Gina: I would just love to see you try and stop us.
Kate: What are
you going to do with that?
Gina: I hope nothing. I'm tired of your little
threats. I think you should sit down... and listen.
Rafe: Look, I understand why you're hesitant to confront Gina after what she
did to you last time.
Shawn: She may look like my mom, but for all
intents and purposes, she is Princess Gina, and she is a lunatic. She is a-- a
cold blooded killer.
Rafe: I understand that. I get it, but we can't just
let her run around living life as Hope. She's armed. She's dangerous.
Gina: You're so determined to ruin everything.
Kate: I guess it's just
in my nature.
Gina: Hmm. I was under the impression that you would be
handsomely rewarded by Stefano for supporting our endeavor.
Endeavor, is that what we're calling it now?
Gina: It is not just my life
at stake here. It is yours as well.
Kate: What are you going to do,
Princess? Are you going to shoot me?
Gina: I should not have to because
if you were to blow up our plan, you would lose everything that Stefano promised
you. Oh, not to mention the fact that you would be charged as an accessory to
our crimes. Is that what you want?
Kate: I just want to protect my
Gina: Then just be clear about something. If you even entertain
the idea of throwing me or my dear friend Stefano under the bus, your friends
will not be able to save you, Katherine.
Kayla: So have you heard anything further? Has Steve confided in John about
who this other woman is?
Marlena: Honey, I don't know if this will make
things better or worse. There is no other woman.
Kayla: I don't
Marlena: Steve just said that so he could push you away.
Kayla: So he's not seeing anyone?
Marlena: No.
Kayla: Well,
that doesn't make any sense. Why would he need to push me away? He was the one
that left.
Marlena: Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It's just-- it's
just what he said to John.
Kayla: Yeah, but you heard him. He went on and
on about how wonderful this woman is. How special. I looked in his face. He
meant it.
Marlena: Maybe it was an act.
Kayla: Well, it sure felt
real. Maybe he lied to John.
Marlena: No, I don't think so.
I-- I am completely confused.
Marlena: Yeah. Look, if it turns out that
there was no other woman...will that change things for you?
Steve: Well, Kayla's with Justin Kiriakis now, and I couldn't be happier.
Tony: Just like that? After all these years with Kayla, you don't mind
seeing her with somebody else?
Steve: She has her life. I have mine. So
if you think I'm going to apologize to your chattering wife for getting in the
way, you can forget it.
Anna: Oh, come on, Tony. Let's just go. John,
good luck getting your man. But I wouldn't count on it as long as this
Neanderthal is part of your posse, I think Stefano will smell you coming a mile
Tony: I'm sorry this didn't turn out the way I'd hoped.
John: Yeah. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.
Tony: Oh, and by the way,
if I do hear from father I'll be in touch with you.
Steve: Nice to see
you again, Tony.
Tony: [Inhales sharply]
John: All right now, it's just you and me now. I'm going to ask you one more time. What the hell has gotten into you?
Shawn: I agree with you that we need to try to stop Princess Gina. But we can't just go barging in there without a plan. If we do, things could get dangerous for everybody.
Rafe: I cannot believe that we are talking about Hope like she's some vilent criminal.
Shawn: Well, that's exactly what Gina is.
Rafe:Well, I'm just glad that you came here to help me put the pieces
together. I knew your mom was acting weird for a long time, so...
Yeah. I mean, but you don't have a history with her like I do. This is your
first time.
Rafe: Lucky me, I guess.
Shawn: Yeah. Lucky you.
Rafe: All right. You're ready for Princess' reign to end?
Shawn: I'm
ready for anything.
Gina: I knew Katherine would eventually see it my way.
Kayla: You know, Steve made a choice to leave me behind, so I have made a
choice to move on... to a wonderful man... and I'm very lucky.
Marlena: I
think you are. I think he's even luckier. You do seem very happy together. Look,
I didn't mean to be insensitive, I just--
[Phone beeps]
Kayla: Oh, wait. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm coming. Ah, I
have to go see a patient. Listen, thank you for telling me the truth.
Marlena: Always.
Kayla: [Chuckles]
Kristen: I really need to be going.
Chad: I just can't help but feel
like you're leaving something out about your meeting with him.
No. I told you everything that happened.
Chad: I'll take your word
for it. If our father is really gone, then we may as well forget about him. Go
after Gabi in the board ourselves.
Kristen: Is that what you really want?
Chad: Yeah. I want us to work as a united family. You'll pool your stock
with the stock that I've already acquired, and we can stage a little coup of our
Kristen: Well, I hate to let you down, Chad, but I have to keep my
stock neutral.
Chad: Why?
Kristen: Well, I've already told you. If
I give you my shares, my stock, then Gabi is going to get upset, and then she's
going to fire me from Basic Black.
Chad: Yeah, we get rid of Gabi anyway
and you can stay and run the company.
Kristen: Okay, but without Brady,
what's the point?
Chad: So keep him on.
Kristen: That is what I'm
trying to do. So, what...I can't just go in there and blow in there and help you
obliterate Gabi, because then Brady will think that I'm the same Kristen as
Chad: So prove that you're not.
Kristen: That is what I'm
trying to do. That's why I'm at the company... to prove to the man I love that
we belong together.
Chad: You're fine with Gabi running our family
business into the ground?
Kristen: No, I need to be selfish here, Chad. I
am sorry. I lost my baby. I almost lost Brady. And now I need to think about
what comes next.
Chad: So you won't help me?
Kristen: Not until I
help myself. Look, in the meantime, who knows? Maybe Father will surprise us.
Steve: Nothing has gotten into me. Okay? Just reacting to that woman's
insanity. It's like the walking embodiment of nails on a chalkboard.
John: Come on, pal. That's a bit harsh.
Steve: Not harsh enough if you
ask me. I honestly don't know what someone like Tony sees in her.
Well, I think they were nice enough to come and give us some information.
Steve: Which turned out to be useless. So Stefano reached out to Tony a
couple of months ago. Big deal.
John: You never know. It could lead to
Steve: You know that's not true. As far as I'm concerned Count
Anthony can take his crazy wife and disappear.
John: I don't think that's
a good call.
Steve: When she puts a bullet in you then come talk to me.
Wasted enough time on Tony and his wife. It's time that we talk about our
next move.
John: I like the sound of that. You got any ideas?
Steve: I'm going to go check in with my contacts in town.
John: All
right. Let's get it.
Steve: No, no, no, no. You can't go. They'll get
nervous if they see you -- I have to go alone. I won't be long. See you back at
the hotel.
John: Yeah, I'll see you there. [Sighs]
Rafe: Cigarettes still lit in the ashtray.
Shawn: Well, we must've
just missed her.
Rafe: Looks like she left in a hurry.
Look, Rafe, we need to find my mom before Gina does something to wreck her life
for good.
Marlena: I got your message. Has something happened?
Gina: No, but
it's about to.
Kate: So, what did Kristen have to say about her meeting with Stefano?
Chad: She stuck to her story. She said she turned down, uh, his request for
the shares, and he told her he was leaving the country.
Kate: So did she
have anything to say about the way he looked?
Chad: She said he appeared
to be in good health, which I find kind of hard to believe.
Kate: Oh?
Chad: I find the whole thing a little bit hard to believe.
What-- what does that mean?
Chad: I got the sense that she wasn't telling
me the entire truth about Stefano.
John: What are you doing with Stefano's ring?
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