Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 1/28/20
Episode #13697 ~ John and "Steve" run into familiar faces as they search for Stefano. Kate realizes Marlena is in danger.Gina is rattled when Shawn arrives in Salem at Rafe's behest.Lani learns Eli and Gabi are getting married.
Provided By Suzanne
Eli: [Sighs happily] I am so excited that we're getting married.Lani: Me too.
Eli: I can't believe that we spent so much time being apart.
Lani: Well... that's all in the past now. We have the rest of our lives to make up for it.
[Romantic music]
[Sharp musical sting]
Gabi: Babe, what's wrong?
[Tense music]
Jj: Breakfast. Crullers for me, and I'm not gonna tell you what I got you. I know you like surprises.
Lani: [Chuckles]
Jj: You making any headway from the picture I took?
Lani: No, not really. I mean, I-I-it's helpful that we--we know what the app icon looks like, but unless we can open that app...
Jj: Yeah, if only it hadn't been double password protected. And I--I saw that it sent gabi an alert. "Radio waves detected."
Lani: What does that mean?
Jj: There was also a notification when julie got a routine checkup. So obviously, gabi's getting pinged every time there's any activity on the device.
Lani: I mean, I know that gabi can control julie's heart rate with that phone. She gave me a demonstration to prove that that app was lethal.
Jj: When she forced you to dump eli.
Lani: Right, but I thought maybe she was lying about getting a--an alert whenever there's activity with the pacemaker.
Jj: Well, clearly she's not. Look, lani, I think we're in over our heads here. We need to bring what we have to the police. I'm gonna call hope right now.
Lani: Yeah, no, no. Jj, I can't let you do that.
Hope: [Exhales]
[Huffs] Where are they? I know they were here. Who the hell took my cigarettes?
Rafe: Shawn, thank you so much for coming.
Shawn: Yeah. Absolutely. You said needed my help, and i hopped on the first plane out.
Rafe: Well, I appreciate that.
Shawn: Yeah. I mean, I still haven't forgiven myself for being halfway across the world when claire needed me. So I wasn't gonna make the same mistake again.
Rafe: Right.
Shawn: Especially since you sounded so concerned. So what's up? What's going on with my mom?
[Unsettling music]
Marlena: Yes, my darling, I feel very safe. Hope is keeping an annoyingly close eye on me. And I know you have abe and roman doing the same thing. How are things there?
John: [Inhales sharply] Oh, hell, doc. Steve and I have been all over prague, but still no luck finding stefano.
Marlena: Well, I--I thought you had good intel from an isa operative.
John: Yeah, but unfortunately, it didn't pan out. But we're staying on it. Like I told you before, that old man's no match for steve and me. So I don't want you to worry, doc. We're gonna find him. And when we do, we're gonna lock him up for the rest of his...
[Chuckles] Well, whatever unnatural life he has left.
Steve: [Seethes]
John: Believe me, doc, there's no way that ugly bastard is ever gonna get his filthy hands on you again.
[Intense music]
Jj: Why don't you want me to call the cops?
Lani: [Sighs] Jj, we have been over this. If gabi finds out that the cops are onto her, she will push a button and kill julie before they even arrest her. And knowing her, she would be angry enough to do it.
Jj: So no cops.
Lani: Not yet. Right now, it's just nice to know that my old partner still has my back and brought me A...danish?
Jj: Nope.
Lani: Croissant?
Jj: Try again.
Lani: [Laughing] No. This is my favorite.
Jj: Mm-hmm.
Lani: Chocolate with rainbow sprinkles.
Jj: Mm. I thought it might... [Clears throat] Might take the edge off of the confession I'm about to make.
Lani: Uh... jj, please tell me you didn't tell anyone else what gabi did to me.
Jj: No, I wouldn't do that. But I was at the dimera mansion the other day. I found something out that I haven't had the heart to tell you.
Lani: What?
Jj: Gabi and eli are getting married.
Gabi: What was your dream about?
Eli: The wedding.
Gabi: Must've been a nice dream. Right before I woke you up, you had this huge smile on your face.
Eli: Yeah. Why wouldn't I? I get to wake up next the woman I love... every single day of my life.
[Mysterious music]
John: Steve and I are working overtime, but I haven't stopped missing you for a second, sweetheart.
Marlena: I miss you too. Oof. I just love you so much.
John: [Chuckles] I love you too, honey. Yeah, I'm getting plenty to eat. Don't worry about it. In fact, there's a café just downstairs in the hotel here, and we're gonna go down and get a bite to eat, and I'm assuming we might get some information that's gonna help us on our search. I'll keep you posted on that. Yeah.
[Unsettling music]
Lani: Eli and gabi are getting married?
Jj: I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, all right? But... I knew it'd upset you--
Lani: Yeah. Yeah. Damn right I'm upset! I'm--I'm furious! N--not at you, jj, but... what the hell? I mean, don't you think that it's strange that--that eli was just here and didn't say anything about that when he came to check on you the other night? I mean, I was hiding right there, listening to you two talk all about his love life, and he doesn't even mention that he and gabi are engaged?
Jj: They weren'T. Not yet.
Lani: What are you talking about?
Jj: Eli told me it was that conversation that made him decide to propose.
Lani: Which part?
Jj: I don't know. Some--something about how I made him realize that you leaving him at the altar is in the past, so why shouldn't he walk down the aisle with gabi?
Lani: [Huffs] Wait, so you helped him make this horrible choice? Y--jj, you--you put the idea in his head for him to-- to marry that two-faced bitch?
Jj: It gets--it gets worse. He asked me to be his best man.
Lani: And you said no.
Jj: I said yes.
Eli: I think we should set a date for the wedding.
Gabi: Now?
Eli: If you've got your calendar.
Gabi: Well, yeah, I always have my calendar! This is exciting. Okay. Babe, what about, um... what about a summer wedding? I've always wanted to be a june bride.
Eli: Why wait so long? What about valentine's day? That would be pretty romantic.
Gabi: No, yeah. You're right. That would be, but... I don't know. The memory that I have of valentine's day is, uh, running interference with that slime leo stark so that will and sonny could have some alone time.
Eli: How did you pull that off?
Gabi: Let's not talk about that, okay?
Eli: Okay. So... I guess we'll pick another date?
Gabi: [Sighs] No. No, you're right. The sooner the better, and any valentine's day would be a great day to get married. Plus, I will erase those horrible memories from my brain, and... we'll make some new valentine's day memories.
Eli: We definitely will.
Gabi: A valentine's day wedding. I love that idea. And I love you.
Eli: I love you.
[Intense music]
John: How about I call you at 0700?
Marlena: Please do. John, please be careful.
John: Always, sweetheart. Love you. Whoa! Hey! What's going on, man?
Steve: [Chuckles] I... I, uh... I was getting a drink, and the--the glass slipped.
John: Yeah, well, let me get a bandage for you before you bleed out--
Steve: No, no, no, no. No, uh... I can handle it, man. It's--it's all right. Hey, why don't you head down to the café, and... I'll meet you down there, huh?
John: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Steve: Ah.
John: Yeah. Yeah. I'll, uh, order up an espresso for you, all right?
Steve: Yeah, that-- that'd be good.
John: Take care of that hand. See you downstairs.
Steve: [Exhales angrily]
[Grunts] So done with this. It is time... to claim my queen. It is time!
Kate: Hey.
Marlena: Oh! I didn't see you there.
Kate: You know, I couldn't help but overhear... john's out of town?
Marlena: Yeah. He's, uh--he's with steve in europe. They're looking for stefano.
[Dark music]
Hope: Well... if I cannot smoke, I must do something to take the edge off. I do hate red, but I must. Hmm.
Shawn: This is--I mean, sloppy police work? No, that's definitely not my mom.
Rafe: I know. And as you can see, it's happened multiple times. I mean, she was questioning kate at a crime scene instead of bringing her down here. She's mishandling police work. I mean, she got her fingerprints all over a tiara I found at stefano's hideout.
Shawn: Wait, you said there was odd personal behavior too, right?
Rafe: Mm. Yeah. Lots of that. She's been cold, defensive. I caught her smoking.
Shawn: Smoking? You serious?
Rafe: Yeah, and the weirdest of all... she hit on john black.
Shawn: You know what? Listen, I think I know what's going on here.
Gabi: I'm so proud of you. I'm so lucky. I'm gonna be the wife of the extraordinarily handsome and charming, smart eli grant, whom I love very much with all my heart.
Eli: And I love you with all my heart.
Gabi: [Giggles]
Eli: You know, what do you say we remove all distractions and stay in bed a little while... longer!
Gabi: Wait, wha--eli! Stop!
Eli: No. No, look, we made a promise that we wouldn't do any phones in bed, right?
Gabi: Okay, but the cal...
Eli: Wait. Hold... what is this about julie?
Lani: You agreed to be eli's best man?
Jj: I didn't want to.
Lani: But you did, jj. So sit and explain yourself.
Jj: Okay. Look, eli asked me, and before I could answer, he had to step out for a phone call. Kristen shows up and gets gabi out of there. I was there alone, and I was taking pictures of gabi's screen. Eli shows back up, asks me what I'm doing.
Lani: So he caught you.
Jj: No. I made up an excuse and tried to get out of there. But then he said, "hey, you didn't answer my question." He put me on the spot.
Lani: So you said yes.
[Sighs] You agreed to stand up with him while he makes that... she-devil his wife.
Jj: I didn't have a choice. Okay, look, I didn't have a good reaction when they told me, so if I said no, he... he might get suspicious.
Lani: You know what? Maybe... maybe we can use this to our advantage.
Jj: The best man gig?
Lani: This gives you an excuse to be around those two, which will help us expose gabi for that homicidal bitch that she really is.
Eli: I seriously cannot believe this.
Gabi: It's not what-- it's not what you think.
Eli: What I think is that you're guilty. And what's on the screen proves it. You've been texting my grandmother. What? Are you guys making wedding plans without me?
Gabi: [Laughs] I... yeah. You know, julie and I, we've gotten so close, and she wanted to be involved. She really wanted to be, and I want her to be.
Eli: Really?
Gabi: Yes. There are going to be some boundaries, of course, but, you know, after everything that julie and I have been through, it means a lot for me to have her support.
Eli: Oh, it means a lot to me that you would include her. Let's see, here. It looks to me like you're free on valentine's day.
Gabi: Right, and we need to get busy, because that is two weeks away.
Eli: Listen, I... I know it's soon, but it's not soon enough. I can't wait to put a ring on this finger.
[Suspenseful music]
Steve: This masquerade has become unbearable. I can't wait to stop being the fool steve johnson... put this ring back on my finger.
[Cell phone ringing] Gina.
Hope: I am bored out of my mind. I need an update.
Steve: You want an update? I almost just killed john black.
Hope: You what?
Steve: Despite my overwhelming desire to cut his throat, I restrained myself.
Hope: You had better, because that was not part of the plan. If you so much as harmed a hair on john's head--
Steve: He's fine. In fact, he's waiting for me now down in the café.
Hope: Before you join him, I need to know that you are clear on our objectives.
Steve: Yes. We make john believe marlena is dead and marlena believe john is dead. And then we both get what we want.
Hope: And you will not go rogue and harm john in any way?
Steve: You have my word. As long as you are still committed to protecting marlena.
Hope: Your queen of the night remains under police protection. However... I am getting sick and tired... of having her around.
Steve: I have to go now and meet john and make my next move. So you, keep your pretty head about you and do nothing until you hear from me again.
Hope: All right. But you had better not keep me waiting. My patience is wearing thin, stefano.
Marlena: Steve got a lead that, um, stefano had been seen in prague. So he and john went to try to find him.
Kate: Okay. I just don't understand why john could leave you here alone in salem, though, when-- when stefano is on the loose. Stefano could be back here right now.
Marlena: Thanks for being concerned. But I have hope watching out for me.
Kate: Hope is protecting you?
Marlena: Yeah. Well... she is the police commissioner. So what could go wrong with that?
Rafe: Well, I'm all ears. What do you think is going on with hope?
[Door clicks open]
Hope: Did you go through my desk? Did you?
Rafe: Why do you ask?
Hope: Something's missing. Did you take it?
Rafe: Oh. You mean these. Now, I know that I don't have to remind the commissioner that it's illegal to smoke in all salem municipal buildings, including this one.
Hope: Don't get smart with me, detective. You said I'd need grounds to fire you. I'd say going through your superior's desk without permission is a damn good start, wouldn't you?
Rafe: I was just worried about your health.
Hope: Keep pushing me. Why don't you start worrying about your own health?
Shawn: Mom? What's wrong with you?
Steve: John. I have another lead.
John: And so do I. Turn around.
Steve: Antony.
Tony: Well, hello, steve. Long time, no see.
Steve: Yeah. Too long. Um, what are you doing here?
Tony: Ah. I know all about your plan.
Marlena: Well, it certainly wouldn't be my first choice, but why are you surprised that hope is protecting me?
Kate: Well, I mean, just her duties as police commissioner. I don't see how she could give you that kind of attention.
Marlena: Mm.
Kate: No, marlena. Seriously. The two of you have some issues, right?
Marlena: Yes. But she apologized for that ridiculous pass she made at john. And we talked about it and cleared the air a bit. And john thinks that I should give her a second chance.
Kate: Oy. So how's that going?
Marlena: Well... it's not a perfect situation. Oh, honey. Look. I am so confident in my relationship with john that no woman, especially hope, is ever going to come between us.
Kate: [Sighs] I'm afraid that I know something about hope that you don'T.
Hope: Shawn. [Chuckles]
Shawn: [Chuckles stiffly]
Hope: My god. I didn't--
Shawn: Hey.
Hope: ...See you there. What a wonderful surprise.
Rafe: Yeah, it surprises me you walked into the same room as your son, who just flew in from asia, and you didn't even notice him.
Hope: What brings you to salem?
Shawn: Well, is it a crime for a kid to pop in and visit his own mom? I mean, I heard that you, uh-- you were gonna come to hong kong for the holidays, but then you changed your mind.
Hope: What else have you two been talking about?
Shawn: I mean, n--nothing really. We were just... rafe and I were just catching up; that's all. We haven't talked in a long time.
Hope: Yeah, well, detective hernandez has done nothing but talk lately. But right now, he's got work to do. Now.
Rafe: Oh. Right. Work.
[Door slams]
Hope: So, uh... what else has rafe told you about me?
Lani: We have to find a way to open that app.
Jj: Mm. We need someone a lot more tech savvy than us.
Lani: No. Jj, we are not dragging anyone else into this. It's too risky.
Jj: What about theo?
Lani: No. No. I am not dragging my brother into this.
Jj: Well, he is a computer genius. And we can trust him to keep quiet.
Lani: [Sighs] Okay. But that's as far as it goes. If gabi finds out what we are doing...
[Sighs] It can cost julie her life.
[Knocking at door]
Gabi: Open up, jj. Eli and I need to talk to our best man.
Marlena: What is it?
Kate: Sorry?
Marlena: What do you wanna tell me about hope?
[Tense music]
Steve: Go ahead. Do it. Call marlena, hmm? She's going to want some information, and you will have to tell her that you've known about me and gina for months. Hmm? Do you think she'll be your friend then? Hmm? What about roman and john? You think they'll ever speak to you again when they find that out? And once the whole town realizes you've been in league with gina and me, your life will be over.
Kate: [Sighs] You know, I--I probably shouldn't even be talking about this, but... rafe told me that he's worried about hope, that she hasn't been acting like herself for quite a while.
Shawn: No. No, rafe didn't-- he didn't say anything else to me about you at all. Nothin'.
Hope: Okay. We both know that's not true. I am 100% certain that he told you that I was acting like a different person, so much so that he felt that he had to start a file on me. I assume he showed it to you?
Shawn: Yes. Yes, rafe did show it to me. Okay? He did.
Hope: I can't believe he got you to come all the way here from hong kong. I'm sorry.
Shawn: He didn't get me to do anything, okay? I came out here because I care about you. All right? Now that I've heard rafe's side of the story, I wanna hear yours. So tell me what is going on here.
Hope: Nothing. Okay, I--just... the only thing that is going on here is that rafe is having... I don't know, he's having a very hard time letting go of our marriage and refuses to accept that it's over.
Shawn: So he started a dossier on you?
Hope: Yeah. Can you believe it? Try to prove I'm crazy, out of my mind, because of course, in that small head of his, it's the only way I could possibly reject mr. Hernandez. Talk about a healthy ego. But you and I both know he has a very healthy one. I mean, does he not know his place? Does he not understand that he's my subordinate?
Shawn: Okay, mom. Listen. Hey. I can that this upsets you, okay, so why don't don't we go to lunch? Let me take you to lunch and we can talk about this in private.
Hope: No. Well, I--I can'T. I have a million and one things to take care of. I don't suppose rafe took time out from bashing me to tell you that stefano is back?
John: I called tony in vienna last night. Left him a message that we were here, looking for stefano.
Anna: Tony and I are supposed to be in a cooking class right now. Schnitzel and strudel for beginners. But tony said we had to take a road trip.
Tony: Yes, well, anna was very understanding. I thought it'd be a good idea to see you in person.
John: They're gonna try to help us out however they can.
Steve: Well, I, uh-- I appreciate you both coming all this way. But you know, stefano is a master of stealth and deception. So what could either of you possibly know that would be of any use?
Tony: Oh, I think I have information for you that will be of great interest.
[Mysterious music]
Jj: Hey, guys. It's not a good time.
Gabi: Well, it can't wait. Drumroll, please! We have set a date for the wedding.
Eli: Mark it down, cuz. We're tying the knot on valentine's day.
Jj: Wow. It's s--soon.
Eli: Well, why wait when you've finally found the person that you wanna spend rest of your life with?
[Laughs happily]
Gabi: Is there something that you're hiding from us?
Jj: Mm-mm.
Jj: Hiding something? I don't know what you're talking about.
Gabi: Well... [Laughs] I know this isn't yours. So you must have some company? Anybody we know?
Jj: Not one to kiss and tell, but I did say this wasn't a good time.
Gabi: Oh. Right. Right. You did say that. I'm just happy that you're moving on. You know, I... I know how heartbroken you were when you lost haley. I don't know. Eli and I, we're proof that you can find true love again.
Eli: Hey, why don't you invite this mystery woman to be your plus one at our wedding?
Gabi: Yeah.
Jj: Uh, I don't-- I don't think she's ready for that.
Gabi: Oh, come on. You can talk her into it. And tell your new girl to stop by my shop, 'cause she's got some great taste in men, but in clothing, not so much.
Eli: All right, well, look. We should bounce. And let's talk about those wedding details soon.
Jj: Yeah. All right.
Eli: All right. See you later.
Lani: Oh, I will definitely take gabi up on her offer next time I want to dress like a lying slut.
Marlena: That's it?
Kate: Should there be more?
Marlena: Well, um... maybe. I don't know. I... I had the sense that there was more, and something perhaps you're not telling me... you don't wanna tell me.
[Chuckles] Look, I know she flung herself at john. So I know that part. W--what is it that's concerning rafe about her?
Kate: Oh! Oh. Oh. I have to take my break. Actually, um, I have an errand to do too, so, um... look, you are my dearest friend, all right? And I am--I am glad that hope has committed to protecting you. But if I were you, I would still watch my back with her.
Hope: So I promised to protect marlena while john and steve are in europe, hot on stefano's trail.
Shawn: Well, with black patch on the case, I kind of feel sorry for the old man or anybody dumb enough to get in their way. So listen. I know-- I know you're busy. So--wait. Why don't you let me take you to dinner tonight?
Hope: Um, I don't know.
Shawn: Mom, you've gotta eat and it'll, uh, give us a chance to discuss your... your new little vice.
Hope: Shawn, give those to me. I gave up this filthy habit just as soon as I started. I just won't give rafe the satisfaction of admitting it.
Shawn: Look, mom, I know you. I know the only way that you would ever take up smoking is if you were extremely stressed out. I mean, with the divorce, julie's health scare, and stefano being back? I mean, that's a lot to take--
Hope: I can't do this now. All right? Not now. Tell you what: Why don't you text me, and if I can get away, we'll grab a bite at the pub.
Shawn: Okay. Okay. Sounds good.
Hope: Great. Good to see you, son. Great surprise.
[Door slams shut]
Steve: But you know, uh... can we really trust anything tony says? I mean, I doubt he'd ever betray his old man, hmm?
Tony: Do you really think I'd be here meeting steve johnson and john black if-- I mean, you were two of stefano's worst enemies-- if I still had any loyalty towards my father whatsoever?
Steve: You tell me.
Tony: Oh, I pledged my allegiance to my father, to his business, to his cause. But after all these years, the treachery, the... I just decided I didn't want any part of it. Didn't want any part of him. All I need is here right beside me. You see, my commitment is only to anna.
Anna: It wasn't easy, but I finally got him there.
John: All right. So what do you say we get down to work here? Can you fill steve in on your interaction with stefano?
Tony: Well, he reached out to me months ago. He wanted to procure my shares in the family business. But I smelled a rat when he refused to meet with me in person.
Steve: Isn't it possible he was busy?
Tony: No. [Chuckles] No, not at all. No, it seemed rather urgent. And every time I mentioned to him to meet face-to-face, he turned me down. So I grew highly suspicious. And then I decided that I was gonna give my shares to my brother to help him in his fight against gabi.
John: Interesting. So--so tell me something. Could you make contact with your father again?
Anna: Well, he could. But he won'T.
Gabi: Okay, so the photographer's gonna meet us tomorrow. I'm still waiting to hear back from the caterer, the florist, and the dj.
Eli: We also need a venue.
Gabi: Right. Yeah. It's a lot. Look, we can totally have a small wedding, or we could just elope. It's fine.
Eli: Gabriella hernandez, I want to marry you in front of all of my friends and family so they can see how happy you've made me. Plus, julie would die if she didn't get to come to our wedding.
Gabi: Yeah.
Lani: Gabi doesn't like my top? You know, I wonder how she would feel about my shoe connecting with her--
Jj: I know you're upset. But you have to focus. Okay? We know that they've set a date. We have to act fast.
Lani: Yeah. You're right. But man, I would really like to give that monster a piece of my mind.
Anna: Stefano dimera is pure evil. And I don't want that twisted old spider dragging tony back into his web. I mean, he does nothing but suck the life blood out of his children. And he doesn't even have the guts to show his face?
Tony: All right, darling. It's all right, darling.
Anna: No. All I ever wanted was to be with my tony. But stefano ruined it. He ripped my world apart. He's destroyed thousands of lives. And he's never even paid for any of it.
Tony: Sweetheart, it's okay.
Anna: No, tony. Nothing that snake ever did would be okay. And I said that to him the last time I saw him. He was locked up in a cage, like the animal that he is. I looked him right in the eye and I said, "you're going straight to hell." And now I realize, I think he's already there. Because he's all alone. And even his own son is sickened by him. No, stefano dimera is nothing but a weak, pathetic coward.
Steve: For god's sake, woman, would you just shut the hell up?
Marlena: Mm--oh. John, would you give me a call as soon you can? We, uh... we've gotta talk about hope.
Hope: Finally. A moment of peace.
Kate: I have had it. I wanna know what you and stefano are up to--now.
Rafe: Hey. Did you talk to your mother?
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, I did.
Rafe: Well, what'd she say?
Shawn: She said that she thinks that you're having trouble getting over the divorce and, uh, you don't wanna let her go.
Rafe: Well, what do you think?
Shawn: I don't think my mom's lying... because I don't think that that woman is my mother.
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