Days Transcript Monday 1/27/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 1/27/20


Episode #13696 ~ Will and Ciara debate whether or not they should come forward with the truth. Sonny and Evan grow closer. Kristen stirs up trouble for Eric and Nicole. Brady and Kristen bond as they grieve over their daughter.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: Maggie was the one who ran sarah and adrienne off the road?

Ciara: Yes. Yes, and now you know the whole truth about what happened the night adrienne died, and everyone else needs to know it, too, will.

Will: Ciara, all this time I thought... I thought I was the one who-- who killed sonny's mother.

Ciara: I know.

Will: And every second of every day living with the guilt and--and--and the pain that i inflicted on everyone who loved her--

Ciara: It wasn't you, will.

Will: It wasn't me.

Ciara: It wasn't you.

Will: It wasn't me.


[Monitor beeping]

Xander: Voicemail again, dammit.

Victor: Will you settle down?

Xander: Settle down? For all we know, ciara's out there telling the truth to the world.

Victor: I made it very clear to ciara that if she says one word about the accident to anyone, maggie's life will be destroyed, but if she loves me, she loves maggie, she'll protect her.

Maggie: Oh, I would give anything to have that night back.

Sarah: Mom, please, you--you have to stop blaming yourself.

Maggie: I can't help it. I should have been with you when your little girl was born instead of passed out drunk.

Sarah: But no one knew that summer was gonna show up on our doorstep with--with a mountain full of baggage and a bottle of vodka, okay? I'm just glad that you did pass out at home and that no one got hurt.

Maggie: Yeah.

Nicole: Oh, hey.

Eric: Hey, you should have seen mickey guzzle her bottle. After her bath she just--put her in the carrier and she fell asleep.

Nicole: Well, she's lucky to have a daddy like you to care for her.

Eric: Yeah, but I'm lucky to have an angel like her in my life.

Nicole: Uh, so, um, I got you a cuban sandwich, extra pickles.

Eric: Oh, I'm not hungry.

Nicole: Okay, but you need to keep up your strength for your daughter.

Eric: Yeah, well, you don't need to do that.

Nicole: Do what?

Eric: Take care of me.

Nicole: While you look out for mackenzie and sarah, who's looking after you? So now put down the baby, have a seat, and eat your sandwich.

Brady: Even now it's--it's-- it's really, really hard to pr-- to process the swing of emotions we went through that night when our daughter was born.

Kristen: As painful as it is to relive that--that day, I'm really glad that we did it.

Brady: Yeah, me, too. Me, too.

Kristen: You know, I know that we can never get our daughter back...

[Dramatic music] But she's always gonna be in our hearts.

Brady: Mm-hmm.

Kristen: And we will always be her parents, together.

Will: [Crying] I'm sorry. I'm--I'm just having a little trouble believing that this is real.

Ciara: Yeah, it's a--it's a lot to take in.

Will: It is. Sarah and adrienne said that my car swerved into their lane, and it all happened so fast. You know, I heard the blare of the horn and saw the lights and swerved, and then I looked back and I saw their--their car heading off the road.

Ciara: I mean, you must have been right behind maggie. They were swerving to avoid her, will, not you.

Will: My car is gray, and-- and--and sarah said the car was black, and I just thought because since it was, you know, dark, it just--they thought it looked the--the same.

Ciara: Maggie's car is black.

Will: Maggie's car's black?

Ciara: Yeah. Will, you--you never questioned that it was you?

Will: I mean, I--I knew i shouldn't have been texting. And when it all went down, I-- I had no--I had no reason to-- to doubt that it was me.

Ciara: Well, apparently victor and xander overheard you telling jj what you thought happened at the hospital.

Will: And they--they already knew the truth?

Ciara: They decided to cover up for maggie and let you take the fall.

Will: What? Are you s-- are you serious?

Ciara: Will, I am so sorry for what my grandfather did to you. I am so sorry, but you know what? He's not gonna get away with it, okay?

[Monitor beeping]

Xander: You never should have told ciara the truth.

Victor: I couldn't have her thinking I sent her boyfriend to death row.

Xander: At least you didn't tell her that we swapped sarah and kristen's babies.

Victor: I would never do that.

Xander: Hopefully the ob-gyn we paid off is sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere never to be seen or heard from again.

Victor: Yeah, if she knows what's good for her.

Xander: You really would do anything to protect maggie.

Victor: Bad enough she was responsible for adrienne's death. If she were to find on top of that that she was responsible for the death of her granddaughter, it would destroy her.

Xander: Just as it would destroy sarah. She can never find out that little mackenzie is really kristen's daughter.

Victor: We did what we had to to protect the women that we love. Too bad that brady had to suffer the consequences.

Brady: You remember how we-- how we planned to open up the envelopes with the--with the baby names that we picked?

Kristen: Yeah. But we never got the chance because they took me down to the police station for booking.

Brady: That's right. Did you know that the nurses came to me and they asked me what name I wanted to--to have on the death certificate? All--all I could do was think about the--the envelopes and opening them up alone.

Kristen: Oh, god, brady, I'm sorry. That must have been--I mean, that must have been awful.

Brady: Yeah, yeah, it was, but, um, I was--I was touched by the name that you had chosen. You chose my mother's name. You chose isabella.

Kristen: You were thinking of me and I was thinking of you.

Brady: Mm-hmm. I only got to see her for, like, a minute.

Kristen: [Gasps]

Brady: You know what? She had your eyes.

Kristen: [Chuckles]

Brady: She had your eyes, so I went with rachel isabella.

Kristen: Our precious rachel isabella. I had--I had so many hopes and dreams for her.

[Both crying]

[Dramatic music]

Kristen: But I'm sorry. I shouldn't be falling to pieces.

Brady: Here.

Kristen: Thank you.

Brady: You don't have to apologize about that.

Kristen: It's just whenever I'm around you, brady, I just can't help but think about what could have been. You are the only one who understands... the loss I feel.

Brady: 'Cause I feel it, too.

Kristen: [Exhales sharply]

Brady: Have you--have you been to see her? Have you visited the grave?

Kristen: No. No, I just didn't think I could handle it.

Brady: Well, um, if you wanna go, I'll go with you.

Kristen: Really? You would do that for me?

Brady: For you. And for our daughter, yes.

Sonny: You, too.S a bad time? Rachel isabella. I had--I had so many hopes and dreams for her.

[Both crying]

[Dramatic music]

Kristen: But I'm sorry. I shouldn't be falling to pieces.

Brady: Here.

Kristen: Thank you.

Brady: You don't have to apologize about that.

Kristen: It's just whenever I'm around you, brady, I just can't help but think about what could have been. You are the only one who understands... the loss I feel.

Brady: 'Cause I feel it, too.

Kristen: [Exhales sharply]

Brady: Have you--have you been to see her? Have you visited the grave?

Kristen: No. No, I just didn't think I could handle it.

Brady: Well, um, if you wanna go, I'll go with you.

Kristen: Really? You would do that for me?

Brady: For you. And for our daughter, yes.

Evan: It's good to see you.

Sonny: You, too. Is this a bad time?

Evan: Not at all. Rafe's away on a stakeout. David's already down for the night.

Sonny: So I'm not, uh, interrupting anything?

Evan: I didn't say that. I'm actually midway through an epic binge of "the good place."

Sonny: Well, if you'd rather be alone...

Evan: No, I'm kidding. I'd much rather hang out with you. I mean, if that's what you want.

Sonny: I'm here, aren't I?

Evan: I know, it's just you said you weren't entirely comfortable with us spending time together as long as you were still married to will.

Sonny: I did say that. Um, but I just came from visiting will in prison and we signed the divorce papers.

Evan: Oh, sonny. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Sonny: No. Not at all.

Will: Victor did this to me?

Ciara: He says that he was trying to protect maggie.

Will: And I'm sure that's how he sees it. But I--I can't believe maggie would go along with this, that, I mean, she--she'd let me take the blame for something that she did.

Ciara: Well, um, according to grandpa victor, maggie has no memory of that night. Apparently she got so drunk that she doesn't even realize she left the house.

Will: Why'd she even go out in the first place?

Ciara: Well, I mean, she had that run-in with summer, but i guess even in her drunken state, she, uh--she decided that she needed to be at the hospital with sarah.

Will: Oh, she--she wanted to see her granddaughter born.

Ciara: Oh, my gosh, once maggie finds out what happened, she's gonna be so devastated.

Will: It's the worst feeling in the world. The guilt... is harder than a prison sentence ever could be.

Ciara: Well, at least now you know you're innocent, and once the truth comes out, will, you're gonna be set free.

Will: I don't know. Maybe the truth shouldn't come out.

Eric: You know, the one good thing in all of this is that mickey doesn't know. She just sleeps and, like, she doesn't have a care in the world.

Nicole: That's because she knows she has parents that love her.

Eric: Yeah. God, I really hate to drag her around town, but you know what? I just don't wanna leave sarah alone at the hospital. I wanna be there for her when the test results come in.

Nicole: Well, go ahead. Mackenzie can stay with me.

Eric: Really?

Nicole: Yes, of course. I'll take her back to my place or your place, really, and she can sleep in holly's room.

Eric: Uh, you know what? I don't know.

Nicole: Eric, come on. You can trust me. I'm pretty good with baby girls, if I do say so myself.

Eric: You know what? I really don't wanna have to ask you to do this for me.

Nicole: You didn't ask. I offered and I wanna do everything I can to make up for all those months I kept you from your daughter.

Eric: You know what? You really didn't even have a choice. Xander and ciara were pushing you.

Nicole: No, eric, I did. I could have told you I--

Eric: All right, you know what? I'm gonna take you up on your offer. It's really gonna be a big help to me.

Nicole: My pleasure.


[Monitor beeping]

Xander: Do you ever wonder why it happened like it did?

Victor: We made it happen, you dolt.

Xander: I mean the luck of it all. Kristen delivering her baby the same night as sarah, will thinking he caused the accident.

Victor: When we first made the deal with the doctor to switch the hospital bracelets, I thought that losing the baby would be the end of kristen and brady.

Xander: Well, she left town, so at least you got what you wanted.

Victor: Yeah, what I didn't count on was losing brady, too, all because you forced me to fire him and make you the new ceo of titan.

Xander: Are you saying i didn't earn that promotion? I mean, after all, I'm the reason your wife isn't in prison.

Sarah: It still breaks my heart when I think about adrienne, you know? Her poor family.

Maggie: Sonny lost his mother and his husband. I feel terrible for will.

Sarah: [Sniffs] He should have known better, you know, than text and drive, but he has to live with that mistake for the rest of his life.

Maggie: I--you know, I can't imagine a worse feeling than to know you killed someone. Someone in your own family.

Sarah: Knowing will, that-- his guilt over adrienne's death, that has to be worse than any prison sentence.

Ciara: What do you mean, the truth shouldn't come out?

Will: I'm just asking the question.

Ciara: Will, victor and xander had no right to let you take the fall for something they knew maggie did, and you know what? Maggie would not want you and sonny and arianna to pay for her actions.

Will: What if she didn't have to know?

Ciara: But she does, will. She does need to know. Everybody needs to know, including the authorities so you can be set free. Will, you have suffered long enough, and you and sonny deserve the right to be together again.

Will: Ciara... I'm sorry. I know how hard you've been working to clear ben, and you, uh--you wasted all that time pursuing victor.

Ciara: I--I'm not gonna give up on ben, but the one person I know I can clear right now is you, and it'll feel really, really good knowing that you can walk out of here tomorrow and be with sonny. I mean, will, isn't that what you want?

Sonny: My father offered to bring the papers to will or to send them to his attorney, but i wanted to do it myself.

Evan: You needed the closure.

Sonny: I owed it to will--i owed it to our marriage--to end it in person, together, you know? Face to face. And I guess I just wanted to make sure that a divorce is what he really wanted. What we both really wanted.

Evan: I can't imagine how hard that must have been.

Sonny: I still love him. You know, a part of me will always love him. But I--I've been realizing lately as much as I've hoped it can be possible, I could never get past what he did to my mother.

Brady: Those white flowers are beautiful.

Kristen: I, uh... when I was pregnant and, uh, on bed rest for all those months, i used to plan our daughter's christening in our head.

Brady: You did?

Kristen: Yeah, I guess both our families would be there and that church would be filled with white flowers like these.

Eric: Hi.

Nicole: Hi.

Brady: Hey.

Kristen: Hello, nicole. Eric.

Eric: Kristen.

Brady: I didn't know you were--I didn't know you were back in town.

Eric: Yeah, I got back early this morning.

Brady: I mean, it'S... it's good to see you.

Eric: You, too.

Brady: Oh, sweetie, that's--

[Baby crying]

Brady: Kristen, um, this is-- this is mickey.

Kristen: Oh, my god. She's beautiful.

Brady: Yeah, she is.

Will: I've never stopped loving sonny, but I was so sure that, you know, our marriage was over after what I did to his mother.

Ciara: Yeah, but you didn'T. You didn't kill adrienne, and once sonny learns that you are not responsible, he's gonna want you back.

Will: I--what about that guy, evan? Like, rafe's nanny? I mean--

Ciara: Yeah, he's nice enough but you are the love of sonny's life.

Will: He's the love of my life, but it's been a long time since we've been together, you know? And things can--things can change. I--I can't believe this. I mean, like, a few hours ago we were signing divorce papers, and now--

Ciara: Everything has changed, and you get to reclaim your life, will.

[Dramatic music]

Will: What--what about-- what about victor? What--what happens-- what happens when he finds out what you did?

Ciara: Uh... I, uh--I'm sure he's gonna be furious. He may never even forgive me but that's okay because I know I'm doing the right thing.

Victor: I was trying to save my wife. Last thing I needed was your demands for a promotion.

Xander: I risked everything to protect maggie. My loyalty deserved to be rewarded. Besides, I've done an excellent job as ceo, and you know it. Provided a good life for sarah and our child.

Victor: Yeah, the thing is, she's not your child. Not even eric and sarah'S. She's brady and kristen'S.

Xander: And that has to remain our secret. Sarah can never know the truth.

[Both groaning]

Sarah: I'm done thinking about all the terrible things that happened last mother's day, 'cause it--it wasn't just a day of tragedy. It was a day of miracles, too, 'cause... somehow... somehow I survived that accident and--and then I gave birth to my little girl.

Maggie: Yes, and thank god xander found you and helped you deliver mickey.

Sarah: I'm always gonna be grateful to him for that.

Maggie: He really loves you.

Sarah: I know.

Maggie: So how do you feel about that?

Sarah: I, uh... I--I can't--I can't--I can't even go there right now. I can'T. I can only focus on getting my daughter the treatment that she needs.

Maggie: And you will. She has so many great people on her side.

Sarah: What if eric and i aren't a match? Mickey doesn't have a sibling, so then we just have to rely on luck and maybe a stranger?

Maggie: No, come on. Don't get ahead of yourself. We've just gotta keep praying that you or eric or someone else in our families is a match.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: We were hoping for better results, you know, after the chemo treatment. Now our best hope is with a bone marrow transplant.

Brady: Yeah. I am sorry that you're going through this, man.

Kristen: And I--I'll pray for you and your daughter. I just would never want you and sarah to go through what brady and I went through.

Nicole: Kristen, what is wrong with you? Mackenzie is gonna live and to suggest otherwise is just cruel.

Kristen: Okay, that's not what I meant, and you know it.

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: No, I was just--I'm trying to say something nice.

Nicole: Well, trying and failing.

Brady: Nic.

Eric: I understand what she was trying to say.

Kristen: Thank you.

Nicole: So, where are you two off to?

Kristen: Brady was taking me to put some flowers on our daughter's grave, if that is all right with you.

Nicole: What is your problem?

Kristen: I just wanted to make sure that you weren't gonna try and accuse me of stealing your man.

Eric: Man? What does she mean by that?

Kristen: What, y--you didn't know? Nicole and brady aren't just working together. They are a couple now.

[Dramatic music]

Kristen: You didn't know that nicole and brady were together?

Eric: No. She never mentioned it.

Nicole: I was gonna say something.

Eric: There's no need to. So this happened over the holidays while I was away getting treatment for my daughter?

Nicole: No, I can explain.

Eric: You don't have to explain. It's your business. My focus is on my daughter.

Nicole: Well, we wanna do everything we can to help, so why don't you go to the hospital and I'll--I'll take mickey--

Eric: Actually, I think it's better if she stays with me. I'm sure you and brady have better things to do than watch my daughter.

Nicole: Eric, I--

[Dramatic music] Sorry about that.

Kristen: Would you mind if we go?

Brady: Yeah, we--we should go. Um, we'll talk about this later.

Sarah: Thank you for staying with me, mom. Why do you have to be worried about victor?

Maggie: Oh, I'll check in on him soon. I don't wanna leave you alone. I know you're scared.

Sarah: You know, I see sick patients every day, and I tell them, "trust your doctor," you know? "And take--take each challenge one day at a time," but, you know, and it's--it's hard when it's your own daughter. It's hard.

Maggie: Yes, I know.

Sarah: I have to be strong for mickey. As much as I just wanna curl up in a ball, she needs me to be strong.

Maggie: And you will be. You're the strongest person I know.

Sarah: That's 'cause you raised me that way.

Maggie: Oh. [Chuckles] I've made some mistakes in my life, including the one on the night that you--you had your baby girl. But you know when I look at you? I see the woman that you've become, and I know I did something right.

Sarah: You did a lot of things right, mom.

Maggie: Yeah? Oh, I let you down that night, but never again. I promise you that.

[Melancholy music]

Sarah: Oh.

Will: All I can think of is the look on maggie's face when she finds out that she's the one who killed adrienne.

Ciara: Will, I don't wanna see that any more than you do, but imagine the joy that sonny and ari will feel when they learn that you're coming home to them.

Will: [Stammering] I'm scared to even think about that.

Ciara: Why?

Will: Because what if it--what if it doesn't happen, ciara? What--what if it can't happen?

Ciara: Hope can be a scary thing. I know. I mean, when I walked in here today believing that you would be released, I couldn't help but wish that the same was true for ben.

Will: I really am sorry that all the work you put in to saving ben could end up maybe sending me home instead.

Ciara: Okay, well then don't let it be in vain. Ben and I can't be together, at least not yet, but the same doesn't have to be true for you and sonny.

Will: Me and sonny.

[Both chuckling]

Will: I never thought I'd say that again.

Ciara: He's probably sitting at home right now praying for a miracle, wishing that you'd come running in through those doors and rip up the divorce papers, and you can. Will, you can do that. You can do that right now. God, imagine how happy he's gonna be knowing that you get to come home and he gets to have his husband again. He gets to hold you in his arms again.

Sonny: You know, I'm still worried about how I'm going to explain to ari that will and i are ending our marriage. Her life has been one upheaval after another.

Evan: Poor kid.

Sonny: Like, her mom was in prison and now will.


Evan: If there's anything i can do to help, just ask.

Sonny: You've already done a lot.

Evan: I don't know about that.

Sonny: You have. Really. You've helped me see that I have a future beyond will.

[Dramatic music]

[Monitor beeping]

Victor: Let's just change the subject, shall we? Your being ceo of titan is the least of our problems.

Xander: Because you gave your granddaughter a loaded gun and sent her on her way.

Victor: And it's our job to make sure she doesn't fire that gun.

Xander: By telling her mom, the commissioner, that maggie really caused the accident?

Victor: I told you that she won't do that. You have to concentrate on protecting maggie.

Maggie: Protect me? From what?

Victor: I, uh, wanted to protect you from yourself. I'm worried about you.

Maggie: Worried about what?

Victor: Well, that you're going to exhaust yourself spending so much time at the hospital looking after me and sarah.

Xander: Before you walked in, victor was suggesting that i track you down and drag you home.

Maggie: Well, I appreciate your concern but this is where I belong. You need me and so does my daughter and my grandchild.

Xander: Is there any news on mackenzie?

Maggie: Well, unfortunately, sarah and eric learned that the chemo treatment, it was not successful, so mickey needs to have a bone marrow transplant.

Victor: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, maggie.

Maggie: Well, both sarah and eric have been tested and we are just hoping that one of mickey's parents will prove to be a match for their daughter.

[Dramatic musical sting]

Eric: Hey. Look who I brought to see you.

Sarah: Oh, hi, baby girl! Oh, I missed you.

Eric: You've been sitting in here all alone.

Sarah: Well, I wasn'T. My mom was here. She just left to go check on victor.

Eric: I take it the test results haven't come in yet.

Sarah: No. Not yet. My mom keeps telling me that everything is gonna be okay.

Eric: That's what moms are supposed to do.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Eric: How is she?

[Baby cooing]

Sarah: She still feels guilty for being drunk the night that mickey was born and for not being there.

Eric: I wasn't there, either.

Sarah: Yeah, but that was my fault, not yours. I should have never kept the truth about mickey from you. Never.

Eric: Listen, we've already discussed this and you had your reasons. I'd gone back to nicole and you didn't wanna feel like a burden.

Sarah: I know, but it was--it was a mistake.

Eric: I've forgiven you.

Sarah: Yeah? What about nicole?

Eric: What about nicole?

Sarah: You still haven't forgiven her, have you?

Eric: It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is saving our daughter's life.

[Somber music]

Kristen: I miss you every single day, rachel isabella.

I think about all the hopes and dreams that I had for you and that your father had for you.

And the life that the three of us were gonna share together.

[Sighs deeply] If only you would have lived, everything would have been different. If only...

Brady: I'm sure she knows that we love her. I'm sure of it.

Will: Thank you for--for coming to me with this news.

Ciara: Yeah. Of course, will. I wanna do more. I wanna go and tell my mom everything right now.

Will: Before--before we do that, um, just let me--let me think on it for--for a little bit.

Ciara: Will. You deserve to be free.

Will: Victor and xander want you to keep this a secret, right? So for now, let's just let them think that you have.

Ciara: [Chuckles] You know, it is incredibly unselfish of you to wanna protect maggie, but I honestly think that if she knew the truth, she'd be the first person to want you back together with sonny.

Will: Yeah.

Ciara: Okay. I will let you sleep on it, but you have to promise me one thing. Do not let your lawyer file those divorce papers, okay? The truth about that night needs to come out, and then you and sonny can start spending the rest of your lives together.

Will: Okay.

Ciara: Okay.

[Dramatic music] Bye.

Will: Bye.

Sony: What--what's wrong?

Eric: You just came from signing divorce papers. I mean, they probably aren't even filed yet.

Sonny: That's just a formality. My marriage to will is over. Okay? It ended the night I learned that he killed my mother. It's over, okay? It's--it's really over.

Eric: Are you sure?

Sonny: I want to be with you, not as a substitute for will, but because I want you.

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