Days Transcript Friday 1/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 1/24/20


Episode #13695 ~ Will confesses to Sonny and Justin. Brady is stunned to learn what Kristen has done. Abigail tells JJ that Haley is dead. Jack tearfully says goodbye to Adrienne.

Provided By Suzanne

Ciara: I just saw justin at the hospital. Are those your divorce papers?

Will: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: Hmm. Well, you can't sign them, will.

Will: Um, well, it's too late, 'cause I already did.

Ciara: Okay, well, then you can't file them.

Will: I have to. Ciara, sonny and I are never gonna get past the fact that i killed his mother.

Ciara: That's the thing, will: You didn'T.

Will: [Stammers] What are you talking about?

Ciara: That is what I came here to tell you. Will, you're innocent. You did not kill adrienne.

Sonny: Thank god you're here. Oh, thank god I have you.


Will: Sonny... I need to tell you something.

Sonny: Now?

Will: Yeah, now. I was at the accident... because I caused it. It's my fault that your mother is dead.

Sonny: You caused it?

Will: I ran sarah and adrienne off the road. I'm sorry. I--I killed your mother.

[Monitor beeping]

[Somber, tense music]

Jack: Oh, hey. Jj, you're back. Listen, your sister's downstairs in the cafeteria getting us something that passes for a burger around here. We can get you something too.

Jj: No, that's--that's okay.

Jack: Oh, no, it's no problem. We'll get you one. Don't you worry.

Jj: Wait, wait, I just-- I need to talk to you.

Jack: Yeah?

Jj: It's about aunt adrienne.

Justin: You and I were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together. What am I... what... what am I supposed to do without you?

Sarah: Is the baby okay?

[Baby crying]

Xander: She's perfect.

Sarah: Hi. Hi.

Xander: See?

Sarah: Hi. Hi.

[Laughs] Hi. Oh, my gosh. You're right. She's perfect. She's here in this world because of you. Thank you so much for delivering this precious angel. She'S... she...

Xander: Is something wrong?

Sarah: This is so strange. Um... she doesn't look how i remembered her. It's, like, almost like she's a different baby or something.

[Knocks on door]

Kristen: Yes.

[Sighs] Where's my baby?

Haley: Dr. Raynor isn't here.

Kristen: No, why--I mean, why would she be?

Haley: She, uh...

[Clears throat] She needs to talk to you.

Kristen: About what? Where's my baby? You said you were gonna bring her back here so that i could hold her. What are you not saying to me? What are you not telling me?

Haley: [Sighs] I--I'll go get her, okay?

Kristen: [Sighs] You're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my baby.

Haley: Let--let me go find your doctor, okay?

Kristen: No, no, no, no. You answer me. Tell me...

[Stammers] Where is my baby girl?

Haley: I--I was just in the nicu, and unfortunately, there were complications.

Kristen: What kind of complications?

Haley: Kristen--

Kristen: No, I need you to tell me, please. Tell me, please!

Haley: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I--I'm afraid that your baby didn't make it. Kris: No, no, no, no.

Haley: The doctors, they tried everything that they could. They really did, but it... your baby's gone. Kristen, I'm so sorry.

Kristen: You're sorry? Oh, god, you're sorry? Do you know--do you know? Do you know how long I have wanted this child?

Haley: Yes. Yes, I--I understand, but just let me go find kayla, okay?

Kristen: You--

[Shrieks] You don't understand, you little bitch! You were supposed to be watching my baby! You're supposed to keep her safe!

[Both shriek] - [Yelps]

Abigail: Kristen, what did you do?

Sonny: You were the one driving the other car?

Will: Yes.

Sonny: No, that's not possible. It's not possible because you are a good driver, and you would never do something like that. And sarah said the car was black, and your car is grey.

Will: It's dark grey. It was night, and sarah was in labor. So how focused could she be? And it all happened so fast.

Sonny: The other car drove into their lane. They had to swerve out of the way, will.

Will: Because I didn't realize that I had--had drifted into oncoming traffic.

Sonny: How did you not notice?

Will: I was--I was distracted.

Sonny: By what?

Will: My phone. I was texting and...

Sonny: Are you serious? My mom is dead because you were texting?

Xander: Don't be silly. You think I'd bring you the wrong kid?

Sarah: No, of course not. It's just... I don't know, she seems different somehow.

Xander: Well, been through so much tonight. It's no wonder you're a little discombobulated.

[Baby fussing]

Sarah: [Laughs]


Abigail: Haley! Haley, it's okay! Haley? Haley, can you hear me? Haley? I can't find a pulse. Kristen, what did you do to her? Haley. We need to get help. Call someone! We need help! Kristen? Kristen, where are you going? Do not leave me here! Kristen! Somebody help me! Help! Call a doctor, please! I need help!

Sarah: [Laughs]

Xander: There you go, little one. Rafe.

Rafe: I heard about the baby. Congratulations.

Sarah: Oh, thank you.

Rafe: Yeah. Big night for newborns.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Rafe: Oh, well, I just saw brady. Kristen had a baby too.

Sarah: Oh, that's wonderful.

Rafe: Yeah.

Sarah: It was a boy or a girl?

Rafe: A girl.

Sarah: Oh.

Rafe: Yeah, brady's over the moon.

Sarah: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah. Uh, listen, I know you must be exhausted--I just wanted to ask you a few questions about the accident while it's still fresh in your memory. Maybe we can go over a couple of things? Yeah?

Sarah: Yeah.

Rafe: Okay.

Sarah: Um...

[Sniffles] I--I was in labor, and, um, i was on the phone with xander to come to the hospital.

Rafe: Uh-huh.

Sarah: And... yeah, out--out of nowhere, this car just veered into our lane, and adrienne had to honk and swerve so that we wouldn't hit them.

Rafe: Do you remember anything about the car?

Sarah: No, not really. It was dark, and the headlights were in my eyes, but I--I think it was a black car? Honestly, adrienne probably got a better look. You should ask her.

Rafe: So you don't know?

Xander: I, um--I didn't have a chance to tell you.

Sarah: Tell me what?

Justin: I remember when i gave this ring to her. We had just had the best evening together... with jack and jennifer. Four musketeers together again. And after they left, I dropped to one knee, and I popped the question. And the look on her face...

[Laughs] It was one of those perfect moments in life. Adrienne was speechless... which is a rare thing for her. Was. Okay, I, uh--I'm gonna go check on sonny, see how he's doing. And I gotta call... alexander and the twins.

Kayla: If you need anything-- anything at all, okay?

Justin: All right.

Kayla: Okay.

Justin: Okay, thank you.

Kayla: Yeah.

Justin: Thank you.

[Door closes]

Jack: My little sister is gone. Uh...

Jj: I'm sorry.

Jack: [Stammers] How am I gonna tell your mom when she wakes up? How am I gonna tell her aunt adrienne is...? They were--they were so close. They always had their heads together about one thing or another. They were... I mean, they finished each other's sentences. How...

Jj: Just tell me what you need.

Jack: I--I need to see my sister. I need to see adrienne.

[Stammers] Wait a minute--abigail. Somebody's gotta tell abigail.


Jj: I'll find her, okay? I'll find her.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Kristen: [Inhales deeply]

Brady: Hey. I was just on the phone with my dad, bragging about our beautiful little girl, and-- where is she? I thought nurse chen was gonna bring her right... what's--what's wrong?

Kristen: Nurse chen is not coming, brady.

[Elevator dings]

Abigail: [Sighs]

[Exhales sharply]

Jj: Abigail--

Abigail: Jj.

Jj: Look, I'm glad I found you. Um, I have some really bad news.

Abigail: I know. Jj, I know. I--I was there. I saw the whole thing. I'm just so sorry. Poor haley.

Jj: Haley? What are you talking about?

Abigail: I--haley. I--I thought you knew.

Jj: Knew what? Say it!

Abigail: Okay, um, I... haley is gone. S-she died.

Kayla: I love you.

Jack: [Sighs] Is--is it... is it okay if I'm here?

Kayla: Of course. Jack, I... I'm so sorry.

Jack: [Sighs] This is...


Kayla: Oh...

Jack: This is impossible.

Kayla: I know.

Jack: [Exhales sharply] Uh... you--you called steve?

Kayla: I left him a message.


[Phone beeps] Oh, maybe--maybe that's him.

[Sniffles] Uh, no, actually, it's the-- the nurses' station needs me. Will you be all right?

Jack: Huh?

Kayla: Okay.

[Sniffles, sighs]

[Door closes]

Will: What I did was so stupid and so reckless--

Sonny: What was so damn important that you couldn't wait till you got home?

Will: My mom, I--I kept forgetting to send her a text for mother's day, and--and i wanted to do it before it was too late.

Sonny: So that's why you took your eyes off the road?

Will: For one second--

Sonny: And now my mom's dead! Because you were texting your mom! Because you were too busy to send the message earlier!

[Sniffles] I just don't understand, will! Why are you so much busier than everyone else? Who the hell do you think you are?

Justin: Hey, sonny! What's going on?

Sarah: Adrienne is dead?

Rafe: Yeah.

Sarah: Oh, my god.

Rafe: I'm sorry, I... I'm sorry. The last thing that I wanted to do was upset you. So, um... why don't--why don't I do this later?

Xander: I--I think that's a good idea.

Rafe: Yeah. Um, congrats on the baby. I'm sorry.

Sarah: [Weeping] It's my fault.

Xander: No, of course it's not.

Sarah: She was only on the road because of me. Because she offered to drive me to the hospital, and she'S...

Xander: Sarah, listen to me: It's not your fault. You couldn't know what was gonna happen. The only one to blame is whoever was driving that car. Do you understand? What happened to adrienne is not your fault.

Sarah: Maybe not... but I hope rafe finds who did it, because they need to be held responsible for what they did.

Xander: Actually, um... I know who was driving.

Jj: You're wrong. I--I just saw her not that long ago.

Abigail: Jj--

Jj: We have plans. So whatever you're talking about, there must be some mistake.

Abigail: Jj, there's no mistake, okay? Listen, I was there. I saw it.

Jj: What do you mean, "you were there?"

Abigail: I was there. I was walking down the hallway and I heard arguing, a-and it sounded like kristen, maybe? But I wasn't sure, and so I kept walking. And then I--I heard a scream, and when I got there, I turned the corner. And I saw that kristen was at the top of the stairs and haley was... at the bottom of the stairs, and I think that kristen might have pushed her.

Jj: Why would she push her?

Abigail: I--I don't know, okay? I'm--I'm so sorry. I don't know why, but we're gonna get all the answers, okay? Just sit down--

Jj: No, no, I...

Abigail: Jj--

Jj: I can't--I gotta go.

Brady: Wait, what do you mean? What do you mean, "nurse chen isn't coming"? Kristen, is--is it the baby? Is the baby okay? Kristen?

Jj: You crazy bitch! What have you done?

Justin: Sonny. What--what is going on? What were you fighting about?

Sonny: It's nothing, dad.

Will: No, he has a right to know... and it's not like he's not gonna find out.

Justin: Find out what?

Will: I, uh... I need to tell you something... but before I do... I hope you know... how much I loved adrienne.

Justin: She loved you too. She loved you like a son, will. So do I.

Will: Please don't say that.

Justin: Why not?

Will: Because, justin, you're not gonna feel that way after you hear what I have to say.

Sarah: How could you-- how could you know who was driving? Why--why didn't you tell rafe?

Xander: I wanted to discuss it with you privately first. It won't be easy for you to hear.

Sarah: Oh, my god, is it someone I know?

Xander: It was your cousin, will.

Sarah: No. No, that's not possible.

Xander: I heard him admitting it to jj.

Sarah: Oh, my god. I--oh, my god. Poor will. Oh, my god, he--he killed sonny's mother? Justin and sonny--oh, my god, this is such a tragedy. I...

Brady: The hell is wrong with you, man?

Jj: What did you do, kristen? What did you do to haley?

Brady: She didn't do anything! She just gave birth, jj!

Jj: Really? Abigail just told me kristen pushed haley down a flight of stairs. She's dead!

Brady: Hold on, what? What are you talking about?

Jj: It's true.

Brady: I--I don't even know what you're talking about.

Jj: You'll find out when the police get here. They're on the way. You will pay for what you did.

Abigail: Oh, my god.

[Inhales deeply, exhales] Aunt adrienne... that must have been what jj was talking about when he said he had bad news.

Kayla: Your dad is in with her now. Do--do you want to go there?

Abigail: Yes, yes, I do.

Kayla: Okay, I'll take you. Jj.

Jj: I want to see haley. I need to say good-bye.

Kayla: I'll take you to her.

Abigail: I just heard about aunt adrienne. Um, so I'm gonna go be with dad unless you want--

Jj: No, no, no, that's-- that's exactly where you should be. He shouldn't be alone right now.

Abigail: Okay.

Jj: Can I ask you for a favor, though? Will you... don't tell him about haley, 'cause then he'll just worry about me, and that's the last thing he needs right now with mom and aunt adrienne.

Abigail: Hey, I got it. Of course, no problem. I got you.

Jj: [Sniffles]

Justin: It was you? You... caused the crash?

Will: Well, I--I didn't actually see what happened.

Sonny: B-because he was texting.

Will: I heard a--a horn blaring, and I swerved to the side. I didn't think I left my lane, but I--I must have, because i looked back and I saw another car had crashed. And... I went over, and I saw... adrienne and sarah, and they were unconscious. And I thought... but then adrienne woke up.

Justin: You spoke to her? What did she say?

Will: She said that another car had veered into their lane and forced them off the road, and that's when I knew what i had done. That it was me. Adrienne was so happy to see me, that I called 911, and she was so kind. Made me feel like everything was gonna be okay. Justin, I... I am so... I'm so, so sorry.

Justin: "Sorry"? You're sorry? My wife--the love of my life-- is dead... because of you! Because of you!

[Sighs] Oh, my god.

Sonny: You should go.

Justin: [Breathing heavily]

Will: I--I know "sorry" is not enough... and I'm not just sorry. I really wish it were me.


Justin: My god. Oh, my god.

Kristen: Nurse chen came in here earlier... she didn't have our baby with her. And I... I followed her out-- out of the room... and I got up with her on the stairwell. And she told me something... and I got upset. And then she fell.

Brady: What did she tell you?

Kristen: I didn't mean to--

Brady: Kristen--

Kristen: I didn't mean--

Brady: Kristen, what did she tell you? What did she say?

Kristen: Our baby... she told me our baby is dead.

Brady: What? What?

Kristen: Our baby... our baby... something happened, and I don't know what... but brady, our baby is gone. She died.

Brady: Mm.

Kristen: [Breathing heavily]

Xander: So, uh... I didn't really know adrienne... but I know she loved her boys above all else. So... I think what she'd want you to do right now is just... enjoy every perfect finger and toe on this beautiful little girl. I don't want to sound callous, but there'll be time to mourn later. So, um... you said you had a name for the baby? One that worked for a boy or a girl.

Sarah: Yeah.

Xander: Don't keep me in suspense.

Sarah: I was thinking, um... mackenzie... but "mickey" for short.

Xander: After your adoptive father?

Sarah: Yeah. He was the best dad ever. What do you think? Do you like it?

Xander: I think it's absolutely perfect.

Sarah: [Laughs] My mom is gonna love it. I can't wait to tell her.

Brady: No, no. I mean, this doesn't make sense. You had a tough delivery. You had a--you had a scare, but she's--I held her. She's perfect.

Kristen: But nurse chen said that there were complications.

Brady: No, there's no--what complications? What did she say was wrong?

Kristen: I don't know, she just--she said that she was sorry and that our baby was dead.

Brady: That doesn't make any sense.

Kristen: I don't--maybe she's wrong. Maybe she's wrong.

Brady: She's wrong. No, she's wrong, and I'm gonna go find out what's going on. Um, I need to see the doctor, need to see my daughter.

Kristen: Okay, I'm gonna come with you.

Brady: Baby, look at me. I want you to stay. I want you to stay. Whatever I find out, I--I'll let you know. I promise, okay?

Kristen: Brady, she can't be...

[Gasps] She can't be dead.

[Breathing heavily] She can't be dead, brady.

[Sniffles, groans]


Jj: [Sighs]

Kayla: I'm gonna leave. You'll be okay. I'm so sorry.


Jj: [Sniffles] My beautiful girl.

[Sniffling] Can't leave me this way. You can't, you're my...

[Speaking foreign language] My double happiness. You walked into my life and changed everything. You made me believe in love again, and hope. That anything was possible. Y-you made me grateful for every single day... and happy for our future together. Our life together. Tonight was going to be the start.


Kristen: [Breathing shakily]


[Door opens]


[Gasps, laughs] Brady, nurse chen was wrong, wasn't she? Our baby's still alive. Let me take her.

Brady: Kristen, uh... doctor gave her to me so we could, um--we can say good-bye.

[Sniffles] We, uh... we have to...

[Stammers] Kristen, we have to say good-bye.

Kristen: No!

Brady: Look at me.

Kristen: No! No!

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: No, no.

Brady: Look at me.

Kristen: No!

Brady: Look at me.

Kristen: [Whimpering]

Brady: Shh, hey. Look at me. Give me your hand. Give me your hand.

Kristen: [Sobbing]

Brady: Shh, shh.

Kristen: Oh, brady.

Brady: It's all right.

Kristen: Oh, god.

Brady: It's all right.

Kristen: [Sobbing]

Brady: It's okay, it's okay.

[Knocks on counter] Rafe--rafe, I know why you're here. Could you come back? Our baby didn't make it. Could you come back, please?

Rafe: Oh, my god. I'm so sorry.

Brady: [Mumbles indistinctly]

Rafe: Yeah, I--I'll give you as much time as you need.

Brady: Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Kristen: My beautiful baby.

[Sniffles] My precious... precious baby.

[Both weeping] Mommy loves you so much.

Brady: It's all right. It's all right, it's all right. It's okay.

Kristen: Mama loves you.

[No audible dialogue]

[Somber music]

[No audible dialogue]

Abigail: It's the truth, will. You had nothing to do with the accident.

Will: Maggie was the one who ran sarah and adrienne off the road?

Abigail: Yes. Yes, and now you know the whole truth about what happened the night adrienne died... and everyone else needs to know it too.

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