Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 1/21/20
Episode #13692 ~ Tragedy strikes Adrienne and Sarah. Tony learns Anna has betrayed him. Maggie gets an upsetting visit from someone from her past. Xander makes an admission to Victor.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Maggie: I heard about the baby. Oh, Honey. I'm so sorry. You know how much I
love that little girl.
Sarah: I'm just--I'm so scared, Mom, 'cause Mickey is--she's a part of me. She's
in my soul, and I didn't go through everything the night that she was born, so
that I could just lose her now.
Maggie: I know I wasn't there for you that night, but I am here. I'm here for
you right now, okay? Yes. What's wrong? What's wrong?
Sarah: I think I'm in labor.
Maggie: Well, isn't it too soon for you to be in labor?
Sarah: Oof. Mm-hmm. I know.
Maggie: Well, could it be Braxton Hicks? No?
Sarah: No, no, no. I'm gonna have this baby today!
Maggie: Oh, my God! Oh, oh! Today?

Will: You want another kid?
Sonny: Yeah, I mean, I know it's kind of a shock, but I don't know. I mean,
what's your first reaction?
Will: [Stammers] I don't know.
Sonny: That's all right.
Will: Yeah, I-- um, you know I should-- I should be at the office, to work on
the piece.
Sonny: Right, right.
Will: So I mean, we can talk about this later, but right now, I gotta go, so
don't forget to give Gabi her present.
Sonny: Don't you forget to call Sami, or you'll never hear the end of it.
Will: Right.

Abigail: Hey. That was such a nice Mother's Day. Thank you. [Laughs] I can't
believe I got breakfast in bed. I can't remember the last time...
Chad: Thomas and I--
Abigail: I had that.
Chad: Thomas and I did do one hell of a job on those French toasts.
Abigail: You did a very good job.
Chad: You know, when we were cooking, Thomas said that there should be a kids'
Abigail: He said that? He said--that's so smart. I love that. We should have a
kids' day.
Chad: We should.
Abigail: We should.
Chad: You want a foot rub?
Abigail: Yes. That sounds so nice. You know what? Actually, I did promise-- yes,
wait. I promised Will that I would go help him at The Spectator, as soon as the
kids were asleep, so I'm gonna go do that, and then I'm gonna go to the hospital
and check on my mom, so...
[Soft tense music]
Chad: Today's not gonna be easy. Do you want to talk about it?
Abigail: Nope. No, I'm fine. It's--you know. I mean, I thought she would be out
of her coma by Mother's Day, but you know, she's not, so that's--it is what it
is, you know?
Chad: Hope for the best. She's gonna get through it.
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: Yeah.
Abigail: Yeah, I mean, yeah. She will. Yeah. Will you wait up for me until I get
Chad: No, I think I'm just gonna turn in early. Yes, I will wait up for you.
Abigail: Oh, really? Interesting. [Laughs] Love you.
Chad: Love you. [Sighs] Tony, what's up?
Tony: I just got a call from Mr. Shin. It appears that I've been ousted from
DiMera Enterprises.

Adrienne: Mmm. The facial and massage were the best Mother's Day presents ever,
but I am thinking about skipping on the Mani Pedi and just heading over to the
paper to help Will. I mean, I know he said today was my present-- having the day
off and everything--but there's just so much work to be done. I J...[Sighs]
You're right. You're right. You're right. Okay. All right, I'll stay. I miss
you, too, Justin. Just please don't work so hard, all right? I love you.
[Smooches] Bye. [Sighs]
Sarah: Mom! It's happening again!
Adrienne: Something's wrong with Sarah.
Sarah: [Grunting]
Adrienne: You're in labor?
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Maggie: Hey, I gotta take Sarah to the hospital. Call Kayla. Tell her we're on
our way!
Adrienne: Okay, good luck. Good luck. Okay. Go easy.
Maggie: Summer!
Summer: Hey, Mom.

Chad: It doesn't make any sense. Why would the board fire you with no warning?
Tony: Well, it seems that someone went behind my back and lobbied for the job.
Chad: Well, it had to have been family. It wasn't me, and Kristen gave up that
idea when she found out she was pregnant.
Tony: No. It wasn't her.
Chad: You know who it was? Kate?
Tony: No, but you're getting warmer.

Gabi: Sonny? Hey.
Sonny: Hey. I was just gonna come see you. Will and I got you a Mother's Day
Gabi: Oh, that was sweet of you.
Sonny: Yeah. It seems only right. So how was your Mother's Day?
Gabi: Amazing. Amazing. I had brunch with our beautiful daughter, and, oh, she
made this really sweet card. I was an emotional mess, of course, but I loved it.
Everything was--this whole day has been perfect. It's--
Sonny: Yeah?
Gabi: Yes. I got everything that I wanted.
Sonny: Everything, huh?
Gabi: Jackson, my friend, you are looking at the new CEO of DiMera Enterprises.

Xander: You still working?
Victor: Somebody has to. My CEO just informed me that the she-wolf is about to
Xander: Kristen's in labor?
Victor: So I'm going to need your help. You're gonna have to tear yourself away
from Sarah.
Xander: Won't be a problem. She just informed me she wants nothing to do with

Maggie: Why didn't you tell me you were coming for a visit?
Summer: It's your big day. Where else should I be?
Sarah: Mom, we have to go!
Maggie: Sarah is in labor.
Summer: Sarah? This is what my sister looks like.
Sarah: [Strained] Hi.
Maggie: I gotta take Sarah to the hospital. You and I can talk about this later.
Summer: But what I have to say is pretty important.
Sarah: Ugh, I don't want to have this baby right here.
Adrienne: You know what? I will take her to the hospital, and you can just meet
us later.
Maggie: Thank you, Adrienne.
Adrienne: Just get her in my car.
Sarah: I don't give a damn who drives me! Just take me to the hospital!
Adrienne: I'll just get dressed.

Will: Okay. What do I do next? Oh, right. Call my mom.
Abigail: Knock-knock. Hi.
Will: Hey. What are you doing here?
Abigail: I'm helping you.
Will: Helping me?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Will: On Mother's Day?
Abigail: Yeah, yeah. Chad and I had a great day with the kids already, and
they're asleep, so I figured I would come over here and lighten your load--
especially since you were very sweet to give my dad some time with my mom today,
Will: Oh, yeah. Is there any change?
Abigail: No, no.
Will: Sorry.
Abigail: You know, I just--every single day I just--I feel like she's gonna wake
up, and she doesn't, and I miss her. You know, I just feel like there's so much
I want to ask her, so many questions I want to talk to her about, you know--
with the kids especially. Just, you know, some days I just--most days, actually,
I just feel like I'm aching for her advice. Ugh, anyway... [Laughs]
Will: Is it a lot harder with two?
Abigail: With two kids? [Laughs] It's funny. You know, there's this old saying
that my mom used to love actually. One is one, and two is ten. And I used to
think it was a total exaggeration, but it's not. It's true. You know, you should
be grateful right now for your one very easygoing child. Well, you do have one
child, right?
Both: [Laughs]
Will: Well, maybe not for long.
Abigail: Oh, no?
Will: Not if Sonny has his way.

Sonny: How did you manage to pull off this coup?
Gabi: Well, it wasn't easy. I didn't think I was making any headway, and then I
got some backup that was a total surprise.
Chad: You and the board should not have done an end-run around me. Yeah, I'm
still a member of the family.
Tony: Where have you been?
Anna: Oh, out shopping for Noah. Honey, I found the cutest stuff. [Chuckles]
Chad: Yeah, I should have been in on those discussions. Yeah. What you've done
has--it's gonna be terrible for the company.
Anna: Who is he arguing with?
Chad: Mr. Shin.
Anna: Really? What's going on?
Tony: I'm being replaced as CEO of DiMera.
Anna: Oh, no, Tony. Well, who got your job?
Tony: Gabi, but I knew that, and I told Chad. So he's trying to figure out now
what her strategy was, and that's why he called Shin.
Anna: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
Chad: Well, what experience does she have? The only thing she's ever done--
Anna: But maybe, just maybe, it's for the best.
Chad: Is run a little clothing company-- oh, and sleep with my brother.
Tony: For the best?
Anna: Well, this is what has always happened with DiMera Enterprises, and that
Mr. Shin is so sneaky, and your father was--well, we know how your father was.
Chad: Yes. Just please let the board know that I am very unhappy.
Tony: Did Shin explain to you how Gabi managed to stab me in the back?
Chad: She didn't do it alone. She had help.
Tony: It was a plot? But if it wasn't you or Kristen who were in on it, then who
Chad: You want to tell him, or should I?
Tony: It was you, Anna?
Anna: I didn't do that much.
Chad: Well, that's not what Shin said.
Tony: What did he say?
Chad: That Gabi was a non-starter until Anna got in on the act.

[Soft dramatic music]
Tony: Tell me what you did, Anna.
Anna: It was just a few phone calls.
Chad: And made sure Gabi met the right people on the board, and pointed out that
your position was only temporary, and you never really wanted the job.
Anna: Well, that's what you said.
Tony: And then I got the job, and I discovered I was good at it.
Chad: The things you did hadn't kicked in yet when the quarterly report came
out. Profits were down. Shareholders were unhappy.
Tony: Yes. We both knew I was going to be vulnerable. We also knew it was only
Chad: And it would have been, until Anna called Shin and sold him that Gabi was
a better, more youthful choice.
Anna: He's got a big mouth, that Shin.
Tony: Tell me, Anna. Tell me what it is you did.
Anna: I did it for us, Tony. Look, I am sorry that I had to go behind your back,
but I am not one bit sorry that it worked. It was the only way I could make sure
that you didn't end up back in one of these.

Maggie: Here.
Summer: Thanks. I'm dying of thirst.
Maggie: Oh, if I had known you were planning a visit, you would have had the
warm welcome that you were entitled to.
Summer: I was gonna call, but I decided to surprise you. Yeah, I waited outside
by the bushes until I saw Victor leave.
Maggie: Yeah. You and Victor never hit it off.
Summer: Well, he was always so suspicious of me.
Maggie: He's suspicious of every woman who he meets.
Summer: Except you, and I did not want to mess up the great love story of the
Maggie: But you're my daughter. I want you to be a part of my life.
Summer: [Sighs] Well, you seem pretty busy with your other daughter, the one
that is about to give you a grandchild.
Maggie: But that doesn't mean I don't love you. I've been trying to locate you
for so long. It's like you fell off the face of the earth, and all I had was a
cell phone number. I have a friend who's an investigator, and I was about to ask
him to try to find you.
Summer: [Scoffs] But you decided not to, right? [Scoffs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
That was a bitchy thing to say.
Maggie: Where were you?
Summer: Vegas. I got all your messages.
Maggie: Huh. Why didn't you call me back?
Summer: To be dead honest, I didn't want to see you or talk to you.
Maggie: Well, what made you change your mind?
Summer: I had to thank you for the gift that you gave me.

Victor: Why any man would want to attend the birth of a child is beyond me, but
Sarah has no right to keep you from being there. I mean, you may be annoying as
hell, but you are the child's father.
Xander: Actually, I'm not.

Adrienne: How you doing, sweetheart?
Sarah: Oh, I wish this wasn't happening.
Adrienne: Well, childbirth is no picnic, but, honey, you'll get through it, and
just think of the joy that you're going to have. I tell you. You're gonna be a
mom, and there is no greater pleasure. I can speak for my own life experience. I
am at my happiest when I'm a mom to my sons, so-- I'm probably talking too much.
I'm sorry, honey.
Sarah: No, no, no, no. Please don't stop talking. It's helping. Please keep
Adrienne: Oh, really? Are you sure? Okay. Don't--just keep breathing. Calm down.
It's gonna be okay. I remember with Sonny-- hate to tell you, but it was seven
hours of hard labor.
Sarah: Oh, my God!
Adrienne: I know. I know, but it really-- it wasn't that bad. Just afterwards, I
was pretty exhausted, but, honey, they put him on my chest, and I put my hands
around his warm, little body, and boy, I looked up at Justin, and we just knew
it was all worth it.
Sarah: Xander's not gonna be there.
Adrienne: Why? He doesn't know you're in labor?
Sarah: We got into this big fight, and I told him that I didn't want him to be
Adrienne: Well, honey, I can understand getting in a fight with Xander.
Personally, I can't stand the guy, but, honey, he's the father of your baby, and
it seems like he is really trying to step up, so you know, maybe you should
really think about it. I mean, you shouldn't let a fight keep him from being
with you at this time. I'm telling you, baby. Life is too short.

[Loud thunk]
Both: [Gasp] What I've inherited from you is a little deeper, in your heart.
Maggie: Just tell me. What do you mean?
Summer: I'm a drunk, Mom...
Maggie: [Gasps]
Summer: Like you. My hand was shaking because it's been half an hour since I had
a drink.
Maggie: But I can help you with that.
Summer: It's a little too late.
Maggie: No. It's never too late.
Summer: And besides, you have your other child, the legitimate one. She needs
Maggie: And you need me. You need me, and I want to be there for you.
Summer: You don't understand.
Maggie: What?
Summer: Okay? Just listen to me. It's too late.
Maggie: Well, you didn't seem to drink that much when you were here before.
Summer: But I drank a lot. When I left here, I went to Vegas to drink myself to
Maggie: Don't say that!
Summer: But I didn't die. Instead, I woke up every single day with a killer
hangover and another day to face. But I finally got my wish.
Maggie: What do you mean?
Summer: I'm dying.

Adrienne: Got a flat tire.
[Motorcycle whizzes]
Sarah: What else can go wrong?
Adrienne: No, no, honey. Don't worry. I'm gonna call an ambulance and have them
take you the rest of the way to the hospital, and I will sit here and wait for
the tow truck. I've got no service. Shush, shush, shush.

Victor: You and Sarah cooked this up together?
Xander: Yeah. I mean, she knew that I fixed the paternity test results.
Victor: Because she didn't want to come between Eric and Nicole?
Xander: What can I say? It's just the way she is. She's always thinking of
Victor: And I don't know that Eric Brady's gonna see it that way.
Xander: Well, you can't tell him.
Victor: I have very little use for Eric, and I'm sure he feels the same way
about me. I won't say a word.
Xander: Good. Bad enough Sarah feels so guilty about keeping it from him. Didn't
help matters that I came on a bit strong as the baby's father.
Victor: Is that why she told you to stay away from her?
Xander: Yeah.
Victor: Then I would suggest you do what the lady said.
[Tense music]

Adrienne: Another try there.
Sarah: [Grunting] I don't have service either.
Adrienne: Okay. Nope, no, no. Another contraction coming. All right. So bad you
can't talk? All right, don't worry. Just keep checking your phone. I'll change
the damn tire myself.
Sarah: You can do that?
Adrienne: Who do you think you're talking to, a hothouse flower? Come on, girl.
Sarah: [Grunting] I want my mommy!

Maggie: Are you just saying that to hurt me?
Summer: Cirrhosis. Advanced. Could be three to six months.
Maggie: But we have to do everything we can. We have to get the specialists, the
best in the field. I'll put you on the transplant list.
Summer: Oh, come on, Mom. They're not gonna give a new liver to a drunk.
[Dramatic music]
Summer: So, I guess you and I are more alike than you care to admit. What do you
say we toast to that? It's Mother's Day.
Maggie: We don't keep alcohol in the house.
Summer: That's why I brought my own stash.
Maggie: What are you doing?
Summer: Well, you're not gonna pass on a farewell cocktail with your dying
daughter, are you? I'll pass on the ice. It takes up too much space in the glass
anyway. Here's looking at you, Mom.
Maggie: [Gasps] Please, please. Please don't go.
Summer: Why? Why not?
Maggie: Can't we at least try--
Summer: What? What? Work things out? [Scoffs] I'm sorry, Mom, but there is no
happy ending for you and me. You should have seen that from day one. Next time
you see Brady, tell him he shouldn't have pulled me out of that ocean that day.
I had the right idea. See you.
Maggie: Summer!
[Door closes]
Maggie: [Sobs] Oh. [Sighs] Summer.

Anna: You don't think we have a future together, huh? I can't believe you have
the nerve to say that to me.
Tony: Well, if you had a problem with me, you should have discussed it with me.
Anna: Oh, and if I had said to you, "it's the job or me," would you have quit
the job? [Soft dramatic music] I didn't think so, because deep down, you'll
always be your father's son.
Chad: Guys, I'm gonna get out of here.
Anna: No. I'll go. I should have known that I could never compete for your sick
need to prove yourself to that awful old man.
Chad: You just gonna let her go?
Tony: What? And leave you to fight for father's company with that money-grubbing
little tart? She may have won this round, but I'm not down for the count.
Chad: Gabi and I-- we go way back. I can handle her. You got a second chance at
love. Life. And I think you should listen to your little brother who loves you.
Don't blow it.
Anna: What really matters. And as for you, Count Antony DiMera, maybe someday
you'll realize that all of this doesn't really matter, and you'll come crawling
back to me. But I warn you I might be with George Clooney by then. You know,
that wife of his has got nothing on me.
Tony: Well, you can forget about George Clooney. [Tender music] I'm afraid
you're stuck with me.
Anna: Are you serious?
Tony: I am. Most important thing to me in my life is having you by my side.
Anna: Well then, it's a good thing I had Harold pack your suitcases too.
Tony: You did?
Anna: Well, I'm not leaving town without you, buster, so come on. I'm gonna have
to drive like a bat out of hell, and otherwise we're gonna miss our plane.
Chad: [Clapping]
Tony: If you ever need me, you know who to call. Besides, you know I'll always
have your back.
Both: [Chuckle]

[Phone beeps]
Will: Okay. Joe in printing has the paper.
Abigail: Huh, look at that. My work here is done. All right. Well, I'm gonna
head to the hospital and see my mom.
Will: Okay. Give her a kiss for me please.
Abigail: Yeah. I will. I'm glad I got to see you.
Will: Yeah. Bye.
Abigail: Hey, whatever you and Sonny decide, good luck to you.
Will: [Laughs]
Abigail: It's a big decision. Bye.
Will: Bye.

[Mellow music]
Adrienne: [Sighs] That was a piece of cake. The lug nuts came off just like
Sarah: [Grunts] Please hurry. The contractions are getting closer together.
Adrienne: Sweetheart, I'm on it. Just focus on your breathing, all right?
Sarah: It's hard.
Adrienne: You know what, honey? Picture that Xander's here, and for once, he's
keeping his mouth shut. He's just holding your hand and keeping you through,
okay? All right? [Engine turns over] And then, once we have service, maybe you
should think about calling him.
Sarah: Ooh!

Xander: I'm surprised. A minute ago, you were just banging on about my rights as
a father.
Victor: Well, that's before I knew you didn't have any rights, and I'm doing
this for you. You don't want to get attached to a baby that's not yours.
Xander: You're too late. I'm already attached to the baby and the mother.

[Line trilling]
Maggie: Hi, Brady. Would you mind giving me a call? I would really-- I would
really appreciate it. I need you. [Sighs]

Chad: I swear to God I am not making this up. Tony's out. Gabi's the new CEO.
Anna engineered it all. No, I haven't talked to her yet. Well, when I get my
hands on her.
Gabi: Let me guess. You're talking about me. You must have heard the good news.
[Tense music]
[Phone beeps]
Sonny: [Laughs softly] Oh, yes.
[Mellow music]

Sarah: Brace yourself, Mom. Our family is about to get bigger.
Adrienne: All right. Hang in there. Exit 6 is coming up. We're just a few
minutes from the hospital. I bet Maggie's going crazy wondering where we've
Both: [Laugh]
Sarah: Thank you. Thank you for reminding me of what's really important.
Adrienne: Does that mean you're thinking about calling Xander?
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Adrienne: What are you waiting for? Come on.
Sarah: [Laughs] [Exhales]

Sonny: Don't you forget to call Sami, or you'll never hear the end of it.
Will: Aww, shoot. I did forget. It can't wait till I get home. It's past
midnight her time. I'm a dead man.

Xander: Sarah? What's going on?
Sarah: Um, I just--I wanted to call and apologize for how I talked to you
before, and I also wanted to tell you that I'm in labor.
Xander: Already?
Sarah: I know. I know.
Xander: Where are you?
Sarah: [Exhales] We are on Route 7, and we just passed Exit 5, so we're almost
at the hospital, and I would really, really like it if you would just come, and
you would be in the delivery room-- that is, if you still want to.
Xander: Of course I want to be there.
Sarah: [Laughs] Okay, but you're gonna have to hurry.

Adrienne: Hey, out of my lane, moron! [Car horn honking] [Tense music] Come on!
Oh, my God!
Will: Oh, my God!
[Tires screeching]
Sarah: [Screams]
[Dial tone sound]
Xander: Sarah, what happened? Hello? Are you there? Sarah!
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