Days Transcript Monday 1/20/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 1/20/20


Episode #13691 ~ Sonny and Justin revisit the last day of Adrienne's life -- which happens to be last Mother's Day. Sonny has a surprising proposal for Will. Sarah goes into labor. Brady causes tension when he brings Kristen to his parents' townhouse for Mother's Day.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki

Justin: I got your text. You see Will?

Sonny: Yeah. I left the papers with him.

Justin: So, you haven't signed them yet?

Sonny: No, we did. Our marriage is legally and officially over, Dad.

Justin: I'm sorry. You know, I could have just given those papers to Will's lawyer.

Sonny: I know, I know. I just--I really just wanted to see him in person, just ask him one more time, you know, like, if he was sure this is what he wanted.

Justin: And?

Sonny: And it's not what he wanted. He just said this is how it has to be. I don't think he saw a future for us. And I think for Will, our marriage ended the night that he-- the night that he killed mom.

Justin: I remember that day so vividly. It was Mother's Day, and we wanted it to be so special for Adrienne. So, operation Mother's Day is a go?

Sonny: Yes. Yeah. The masseuse and the manicurist are all lined up. Payments and generous tips have been taken care of.

Justin: Great, great. And I have a nice gift for your mother upstairs that goes along with the spa theme.

Adrienne: Hey, guys. Bye. See you.

Justin: Wait, whoa, "bye"? Where are you going?

Adrienne: I'm off to the Spectator. We're finalizing a feature on climate change. And it's going to press tomorrow, so I got to boogie. See you.

Sonny: Wait, Mom, Mom, it's Mother's Day.

Adrienne: Oh, my God. You're right. I totally forgot. No wonder I'm short-staffed.

Justin: Yeah. Can't you call someone in for you?

Adrienne: After I gave them the day off, probably months ago? That would just be mean. And besides, I can't just hand this over to anyone, you know. With Jennifer still in a coma, I have to be the one to take care of it.

Justin: No, no, no, wait. Sweetheart, I know how important this is to you. But can't the newspaper survive one day without you?

Adrienne: Honestly? No.

[Pensive music]

Eric: Good job. Everything is awesome.

Nicole: Mmm!

Eric: We were about to bring you breakfast in bed.

Nicole: Ooh. I thought I smelled something--

Eric: Peanut butter pancakes, made by the one and only Holly.

Nicole: Oh, my goodness. What's under there? Can I see? Can I see? [Gasps] Oh, my goodness.

Eric: What do we say?

Holly: Happy Mother's Day.

Eric: Happy Mother's Day.

Nicole: These look delicious! Thank you, thank you, thank you, my little precious girl. Give me kiss, kiss.

Eric: Oh, I want kisses.

Nicole: Oh. Kisses.

Sarah: Mom, I have-- I have so much I want to thank you for: Your wisdom, and your generosity, but most important, your love. You may not have always agreed with all of my choices, but it's made me all the more appreciative of your support. I love you. Happy Mother's Day.

Maggie: Thank you, sweetheart. Hmm. In a couple of weeks, you're gonna have a child of your own, and then you will understand what it's like to be a mother.

Brady: What are you doing up? I thought you wanted-- you wanted to sleep in. That's what you said.

Kristen: I did. I did. But little Andy or Jenny has been kicking up a storm this morning.

Brady: Oh, yeah?

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: Maybe he or she wants to be born today.

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: Maybe now. Maybe in five minutes.

Kristen: [Laughs]

Brady: You're gonna be a beautiful mom, you know that?

Kristen: You think?

Brady: Oh, yeah. Whoa. Whoa. Where are you going? What are you doing?

Kristen: Well, you know, since I'm finally off bed rest since I'm full-term, I thought that maybe you, I, and this little thing can go for a long walk. Bring on the labor.

Brady: No, no, no, no, no.

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: It's Mother's Day. It's Mother's Day, Kristen. My father invited me over to celebrate with Marlena.

Kristen: Oh. I thought Marlena was out of the country.

Marlena: Ah! Home sweet home.

John: Yeah, baby. Doc, I know how committed you are to your work in Germany, but I'm so happy that you could squeeze in a quick visit for Mother's Day. And guess what? Brady and Eric are coming over.

Marlena: Oh! I can't wait to spend the day with them, and with you. I am such a lucky woman.

John: [Chuckles]

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Gentle music]

Marlena: [Sighs] So, will your new roommate be joining us?

John: Uh, no. Ciara took Hope out for brunch. But Hope didn't really seem that into it for some reason.

Marlena: Really? Well, you'd think she would want to spend Mother's Day with her daughter, wouldn't you?

John: She's probably worried about the repairs to her home.

Marlena: Yeah. What's going on with all that?

John: I don't know. It seems like there was more damage from the flood than anybody had thought, and now it's about mold or something.

Marlena: Yeah. Of course.

John: Hey. It's not bugging you that Hope is still staying here, is it?

Marlena: It is. I like having my husband all to myself in our home, just the two of us.

John: Good to hear. Because Eric and Brady aren't gonna be here for a while, and I would just love to show my wife how much I have missed her. Come with me, quick. [Both laugh]

Kristen: Marlena's home. [Laughs weakly] Sounds like fun.

Brady: Hey. Come with me.

Kristen: No, 'cause I am the last person that John and Marlena want to spend their holiday with. I don't see why you have to go. I mean, she's not your mother.

Brady: Kristen, she is a mother to me.

Kristen: Yeah. She hates my guts. And I don't want you to have to choose between me and your family.

Brady: Well, I don't want to do that, either. The bottom line is, we've been-- we've been seeing each other for many months now. It's you and me, and they have to accept that.

Kristen: I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna be just fine here.

Brady: No.

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: No.

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: No. And I'll tell you why. Because I love you. I love this baby. And I want the world out there to know how much I love you. And I don't want to waste one more minute. Is that okay with you?

Kristen: Okay. I mean, when you put it like that, yeah. How can I say no?

Brady: You can't.

Sarah: I'm sorry Victor couldn't join us. Although I must admit, I do like having you all to myself. I'm sorry, Mama. You have to be thinking about all your other kids and wishing that they were here, too.

Maggie: Listen, Melissa sent me some flowers and a lovely gift.

Sarah: And Summer?

Maggie: I haven't heard from Summer in quite some time. I don't even know where she is. But of course, I miss Daniel. But then, I miss him every day, not just on Mother's Day.

[Gentle piano music]

Xander: Is there room for one more?

Justin: We know the paper is a top priority, but we have something very special planned for you today.

Adrienne: Oh, guys. That's so sweet. But I got to go.

Justin: Wait! Can't you just call in remotely?

Adrienne: No, Justin. I have to be there.

Will: W-what if I cover for you today?

Adrienne: But I thought you had plans with sonny to celebrate with Ari and Gabi?

Sonny: I can handle that.

Will: Yeah, and while-- I'll just fill in for you. And I'm familiar with the article. Dan's editing it, right? He's the best. So, I'd just basically be another pair of eyes.

Adrienne: Oh, gosh. I don't know.

Justin: I do. Now this is a day when we get to celebrate how much we love you. So, if your thoughtful and eminently capable son-in-law wants to help you, I say let him.

Will: Yes, please. Think of it as my Mother's Day gift to you.

Brady: Oh, uh...

Kristen: What?

Brady: One more thing before we go.

Kristen: One more thing? What?

Brady: I forgot. Happy Mother's Day.

Kristen: [Laughs] I'm not a mother yet.

Brady: You're gonna be a mother, like, any minute. So you better open it now.

Kristen: Oh.

[Tender music]

Brady: What do you think?

Kristen: Oh, Brady. I love it.

Brady: Yeah? You like it?

Kristen: Yes. And our baby's gonna love it, too. [Laughs] Oh, this is sweet.

Xander: For you.

Maggie: For me?

Xander: Mm-hmm.

Maggie: Oh, my.

Xander: And for you.

Sarah: Oh, I'm not a mom yet. My due date's not for a couple of weeks, so...

Xander: But since you're carrying my first-born, I got you a little something anyway.

Eric: Mmm! I'm hogging all the pancakes, aren't I? I can't help it, 'cause these are the best peanut butter pancakes I have ever had.

Nicole: Really?

Eric: Definitely. I'm sorry, I can't help it. But, you know, I can't eat them all, because I know how hungry mommy is.

Nicole: Yeah.

Eric: Mm-hmm.

Nicole: Maybe Holly can make us some more.

Eric: Except we are out of ingredients. So, why don't we go to brunch?

Nicole: [Gasps] That's a great idea.

Eric: Great.

Nicole: Let's go wash our hands first.

Brady: Yes.

Nicole: Oh, gee. Let me kiss that.

Brady: Wash them good, soap and water.

Nicole: Let's go wash our hands, and then we'll go get some brunch. Does that sound good?

Holly: Yeah.

Nicole: Okay. You are a good man, taking one for the team.

Eric: It was worth it. Seeing her smile, how proud she was of her Mother's Day gift.

Nicole: Oh, just having the both of you with me is the best gift I could ever have. I have never been happier in my entire life.

Eric: I feel the same way. I love you.

Nicole: I love you, too. [Laughs]

Marlena: Mm, thank you, sweetheart. And Sami, Happy Mother's Day to you, too. Yeah. Okay. Talk soon. Love you. Bye.

John: Look what just arrived. They're from Belle.

Marlena: Oh, my gosh. Aren't they beautiful?

John: Beautiful. Yeah. And Sami's all right?

Marlena: Sami is, uh-- Sami's fine. She's with the children. But she hasn't heard from Will.

Adrienne: Okay, now, if I stay here, do you promise to call me if anything comes up?

Will: Yes.

Adrienne: No, no, I mean anything. A word you're not comfortable with, a caption that doesn't quite fit. I mean, I don't mean to micromanage or anything--

Justin: I think he's got it, honey.

Adrienne: Okay. Are you sure you don't mind covering for me?

Will: I'm sure. It would truly be my pleasure.

Adrienne: Thank you, Will. That's so kind of you.

Justin: Then it's settled. Okay, sweetheart, brace yourself, because you are about to be spoiled. Let's go.

Adrienne: Okay, all right. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. Thank you.

Sonny: Thank you for saving the day.

Will: Are you kidding? She's my mom, too.

Sonny: That was really nice, what you said about my mom.

Will: Oh. Well, it's true. I mean, you know, you hear horror stories about people who don't get along with their mothers-in-law, but I really hit the jackpot when I married you. I mean, granted, Adrienne wasn't thrilled about our relationship at first.

Sonny: But ever since she realized how happy you make me, she's been totally supportive.

Will: Yeah. I mean, with my mom so far away, I'm just--I'm really grateful that Adrienne's in our lives.

Sonny: Well, she's gonna have a great day, thanks to you.

Will: Yeah. Oh, I'd better grab my laptop if I'm going in to work.

Sonny: The best decision I have ever made was to marry you.

[Gentle guitar music]

Will: Don't forget to call your mom!

Adrienne: Oh, it's beautiful.

Justin: It's for your spa day...

Adrienne: Oh.

Justin: Here at the house. Okay? We're treating you to a massage, a manicure, pedicure, a facial, the works.

Adrienne: I guess I need the works, huh?

Justin: You deserve it. And so much more.

Adrienne: Like a full makeup job, too?

Justin: Why would you need that? You are a natural beauty. As stunning now as the day I married you for the first time.

Adrienne: You are so sweet. But let's get real. I do have a few lines here and there.

Justin: Maybe. But I'm glad. I like 'em. They're a reminder of everything we've been through, which has led us to where we are right now. And in my opinion, the happiest we've ever been.

Adrienne: [Sighs] Oh...

[Tender music]

Adrienne: What time did you say that masseuse would be here?

Justin: A little bit later. Which is good, 'cause right now, I'm gonna have my way with you.

Adrienne: [Gasps] You. I'm gonna let you. [Laughs]

John: Happy Mother's Day.

Brady: Happy Mother's Day.

John: Brady. Kristen.

Brady: Dad. Happy Mother's Day.

Marlena: Oh, sweetheart. Oh, thank you.

Brady: I didn't want Kristen to be alone on Mother's Day. I was hoping that you both would welcome her.

Xander: So, yeah. You just adjust the straps, and you'll be good to go.

Sarah: It looks complicated.

Xander: Oh, you'll figure it out.

Maggie: Oh. Oh, this is adorable. [Laughs]

Xander: I might have to borrow that off you, Maggie. I'm gonna need lots of coffee to get through those 3:00 A.M. feedings.

Maggie: I have to say, Xander, you have certainly stepped up in the daddy department.

Xander: Well, you know, we're in this together. Sarah's doing the hard part, of course, but I did take the birthing classes with her.

Sarah: You're helpful. We get it.

Xander: Oh, by the way, I read in one of your baby books that we should have a packed suitcase ready to go, so we're not running around at the last minute.

Sarah: It's on my list.

Maggie: Okay. Speaking of lists, have you two discussed baby names?

Sarah: Well, we don't know if we're--we don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl. But I have a name that I think would work for both.

Xander: Really? I was kind of hoping for a Xander Jr. [Laughs]

Eric: So, you and Xander are having a baby boy?

Sarah: I was just saying that we don't know the sex of the baby, so we were just batting around names.

Xander: Don't you think that Xander Jr. has a nice ring to it?

Eric: I think Sarah should be able to name her child whatever she wants.

Nicole: Um...hey! Happy Mother's Day, Maggie.

Maggie: Well, hi. Well, hello.

Holly: Happy Mother's Day.

Nicole: Oh, give grandma a hug.

Maggie: My darling girl. Come here. Do you know--do you know that next week, the pool opens, and you'll be able to come over for a swim? And Sarah's gonna have her baby soon. You know what that means? You'll have a brand-new cousin to play with.

Nicole: Oh, my goodness.

Maggie: Yes.

Nicole: She will love that.

Maggie: You can teach her how to swim.

Nicole: Yes.

Maggie: Or her, or him.

Nicole: Well, you know what? I am so sorry for interrupting. We'll go grab another table.

Maggie: Yeah, sure. You didn't interrupt.

Nicole: Okay, thank you. I'll see you later.

Eric: I hope your birth goes smoothly.

Sarah: Thank you.

[Gentle music]

Adrienne: Mm. Thank you, mister... [Both laugh] For the most wonderful day ever.

Justin: And thank you for being an amazing mother to our children, who've all turned out pretty darn well, thanks to you.

Adrienne: Well, you had a lot to do with that, too, my love. They are great kids, aren't they?

Justin: They are. And to think that we didn't expect to have any.

Adrienne: And then [Trills] drum roll, please, we adopted two at once.

Justin: And then we got Alexander back. And then along came Sonny.

Adrienne: Jackson Steven Kiriakis, born in Texas on probably the hottest day ever.

Justin: I can still see you holding little Jackson in your arms, that sweet smile on your face, tears running down your cheeks.

Adrienne: My precious little baby. All grown up. All of them, all grown up and making their way in the world, which makes me so very happy. And our Sonny a married man. [Sighs] You know, I never told him this, but...when he lost Will, I thought his heart would never heal again.

Justin: Let's not dwell on that awful day, okay? They're happy now, and so are we. And we will all be sharing many years to come.

Adrienne: Mm. I love you.

Justin: Love you, too.

[Tender music]

Sonny: So, I just talked to Ari, and she's fine with her daddy Will helping out grandma Adrienne at work today. And, um, she wants a puppy.

Will: She still hasn't given that up?

Sonny: Nope.

Will: Oh, man. Well, that's a conversation for another day.

Sonny: Speaking of conversations, have you called your mom yet?

Will: No. I almost forgot.

Marlena: I thought Kristen was on bed rest.

Brady: Well, our baby's full term, actually, so it's good for her to be out and about.

Kristen: Look. I know that you and John are not happy that I'm with Brady, which is understandable, since I...

Marlena: Tried to kidnap my daughter, tried to kill everybody at our wedding?

Kristen: Among other things that I deeply regret. But I love Brady with all my heart, and we are going to build a new life with our child, your grandchild.

John: Wow. Just hearing you say that...

Kristen: I know it's the last thing that you ever expected. And believe me, never in my wildest dreams did I think that I could carry this child, or that the four of us might be a family. But God works in mysterious ways, and here we are. And I don't expect to be best friends overnight, or ever, but I am willing to try and make peace, if you are. And if not, I will--I'll leave right now, and you can enjoy your day.

[Tense music]

Marlena: Well, um--

Kristen: Say no more. I'll see you back at the house.

Marlena: Oh, wait a second. It's clear that Brady loves you, and I love Brady as if he were my own child. And now the two of you are expecting a baby. So, maybe it's the best reason there is to start over. So I am willing to try.

[Pensive music]

John: Just another reason why I love her so much.

Marlena: Well. So, here's to new beginnings.

John: New beginnings.

Brady: Dad, I brought you a present, but I think you just gave me one of the best gifts this Mother's Day. Thank you.

Xander: Sarah, you've barely touched your food.

Sarah: Will you please just back off?

Xander: I'm just saying, you need to eat. It's good for the baby.

Sarah: Okay FYI, I'm a doctor, so I don't need a lecture on prenatal nutrition. And just because I don't clear everything on my plate doesn't mean that I am damaging my unborn child.

Xander: I'm just trying to be supportive.

Sarah: And I appreciate that, but I can take care of myself and my baby.

Maggie: Sarah.

Sarah: I'm sorry. I'm just--I'm irritable because I am tired, and because it is impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position when you are a thousand weeks pregnant.

Xander: Then why don't you just let me take you home?

Sarah: What? Did I not just say that I can take care of myself?

Maggie: Xander was just trying to be nice.

Sarah: Supportive, I get it. I get it. If you want to do something nice for me, Xander, then go back to the office and let me have this day with my mom.

Maggie: I'm gonna give you two a moment.

[Quiet piano music]

Xander: Why are you so angry with me?

Sarah: I'm not.

Xander: If I've done something wrong, you can just tell me.

Sarah: This whole thing is wrong. Okay? And that is not to say that you haven't been good to me, because you have. You've been great. But this whole thing-- it's just pretend. You are not this baby's father. Eric is.

Adrienne: [Laughs] Hi.

Will: Wow, Adrienne. Hey, look at you.

Adrienne: Isn't it gorge?

Sonny: Yes. Excellent work, Dad.

Justin: Thank you. I thought it went along with the spa theme.

Sonny: Ooh, speaking of, the masseuse is setting up in the living room right now. And she's gonna be with you any minute.

Adrienne: Oh, my goodness.

Will: Yeah, so here's the deal. Forget about work for the rest of the day, please. I am all over it. But, just in case I needed to work late, Sonny and I thought we would go ahead and give you your present now.

Adrienne: More? Oh, my gosh. You guys have done way too mu--oh.

Sonny: Happy Mother's Day.

Adrienne: Oh, you guys. You are so sweet. Oh, oh. I love it. I will treasure this the rest of my life. To be honest a little dust it never bothered me.

Eric: So I promised my mother that I would stop by and visit on Mother's Day. If you don't mind, can I take Holly along for the visit? I mean, you can come with us. But you can stay as well, and finish your mimosa if you like.

Nicole: Thank you. No, it'd be good for both of you to spend time with your mother. Just give Marlena my love, and I'll meet you at home.

Eric: Thank you. Ms. Holly.

Nicole: Yeah.

Eric: Come on.

Nicole: Let's go. Come on, sweetie pie.

Eric: [Grunts] There we go.

Nicole: Thanks.

Eric: Say bye to mom. [Laughs]

Xander: If you think you still have a chance with Eric--

Sarah: I don't. He's obviously happy with Nicole, which is why I chose not to tell him about his baby.

Xander: You don't want him to be with you out of a sense of obligation, and he's not.

Sarah: That doesn't mean that I've ever been comfortable with lying to him.

Xander: Look, I know the situation is far from ideal.

Sarah: The situation is fake, and you need to remember that.

Xander: Meaning what?

Sarah: Meaning... the mother's day gifts, and the constant suggestions about how to eat and that I need to pack, and what to name my baby. I think you're just getting too attached to the idea that we're a family.

Xander: How could I not? I've been preparing for this baby's arrival for months. I'm gonna be in the delivery room.

Sarah: Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't be.

Xander: What?

Sarah: It's not to say that you haven't been wonderful to me, because you have been. But I just--I don't-- I don't think that you should be there.

Xander: You can't do this alone, Sarah.

Sarah: Yes, I can. Or I'll ask my mom. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find her and head home.

[Quiet piano music]

Adrienne: Thank you for this beautiful gift. I'm gonna keep it on my bedside table so every night and every morning, I will have a reminder of this happy day. You know, Justin and I were just talking about how happy it makes parents knowing that their children are happy. And the way you two look at each other, I can see that you're falling in love, more and more in love with each other every day. Makes us happy.

Sonny: Yeah, I know I am.

Will: Yeah. Same here.

Justin: Okay. Enough of the love fest. Your masseuse awaits.

Sonny: So, just go bliss out, enjoy, and then we'll be back later.

Adrienne: Thank you, guys. Thank you for being such a great son. And thank you for being such a great son-in-law. But don't forget to call your mother, or you'll be in the doghouse, you know. [Laughs]

John: What you got? What you got? What you got?

Brady: I hope you like it.

Marlena: Oh, Brady.

John: Whoa.

Marlena: That is so thoughtful. Thank you.

Brady: You are welcome.

John: Good choice, kid.

Brady: Thank you.

Kristen: Brady got me this beautiful bracelet for Mother's Day.

Marlena: That's very sweet.

Brady: Well, you inspired this gift to her, 'cause I've always admired your charm bracelet, actually.

John: And it makes gift giving easy.

Brady: Exactly.

Marlena: Thin ice. Thin ice.

Brady: I'm looking forward to putting many, many charms on that over our lives.

Eric: Happy Mother's Day! What is she doing here?

[Uneasy synth music]

[Cell phone rings]

Adrienne: Mm-hmm?

Justin: I'm guessing you enjoyed your massage?

Adrienne: Oh, very much so. And now I'm luxuriating, waiting for my Mani Pedi. I do have to admit, though, I feel a little guilty having Will fill in for me.

Justin: Don't. Like he said, it's his Mother's Day gift to you.

Adrienne: Well, the real gift is how happy he makes Sonny every day.

Sonny: You think Gabi will like these earrings?

Will: Oh, no question. And please give her a big mother's day hug for me.

Sonny: I will. And I want to thank you again for offering to pinch-hit for my mom.

Will: I mean, well, like I said, I'm familiar with the article, so I'm glad to do it. And also, you don't need to keep thanking me. Because after everything Adrienne's done for us, it's the least I can do for her. Oh, but before I go, I am finally gonna call my own mom.

Sonny: Oh, hang on. Before you do, there's something that I want to say.

Will: Okay.

Sonny: Yeah. So, I was thinking about what my mom said earlier, that nothing makes a parent happier than seeing their kids happy.

Will: Yeah. I mean, that's how I feel about Ari.

Sonny: Me, too. And I was just wondering-- I wonder if we could have more happiness.

Will: What do you mean?

Sonny: I was thinking maybe we should start talking about having another kid.

[Tender music]

Brady: Kristen and I are together, Eric. Dad and Marlena have accepted it. I was really hoping you would, too.

Kristen: Hey, Holly, those are really beautiful flowers that you brought your grandma.

Eric: Go to grandpa.

John: Hey, Holly, let's put those flowers in a vase, and watch them grow like a beanstalk. I got you.

Eric: Brady, outside. Now.

Marlena: No, no. No, fellows, no, please.

Brady: It's okay. It's okay.

[Uneasy music]

Eric: What the hell, you bringing that psycho here?

Brady: All right, don't call her that. What I was thinking is that it's Mother's Day and I didn't want her to be alone.

Eric: So, you bring her here, when you know I'm coming to see mom.

Brady: Eric, aren't you the one that's supposed to be a believer in forgiveness?

Eric: I do. But what Kristen has done is unforgivable. She's terrorized and tortured the people that I love, especially Nicole.

Nicole: Looks like your date dumped you.

Xander: Sarah's just tired.

Nicole: Really? 'Cause I could feel the tension between you two all the way across the room.

Xander: If you must know, she wasn't too keen on me acting like the doting dad-to-be in front of Eric.

Nicole: Well, obviously, because you're not the father.

Xander: And you've done a bang-up job keeping that secret, haven't you, for your own selfish reasons.

Nicole: I hate lying to the man that I love.

Xander: Not as much as you hate the idea of losing him.

Nicole: I wish I never knew that Sarah was having Eric's baby.

Xander: Well, it's too late now, so keep your mouth shut, and Eric will never know the truth.

Sarah: I'm gonna go lie down.

Maggie: Sarah.

Sarah: Mom, I'm just tired.

Maggie: You know what? You avoided talking about this the entire way home, and I'm not gonna let you get away with it. You were very hard on Xander, and I don't think it's just because you're tired. So what is going on with you two?

Sarah: [Groans]

Maggie: Oh, what? What? What is it? What's wrong?

Sarah: I think I'm going into labor.

Maggie: What?

Eric: I know you think she's changed because she's having your baby, but I do not believe her for a second.

Brady: Fine, fine. You're entitled to that. But it's Mother's Day, and I don't want to ruin this day for Marlena. Can we not fight, please?

Eric: You're talking about a woman Kristen's tried to kill how many times?

Brady: How about the woman that's willing to forgive Kristen and accept her right now? Yeah. Marlena, of all people. So if she can do it, Eric, can you please just put aside your feelings about Kristen for one day?

Kristen: I can't blame Eric for hating me after what I did to Nicole and you. But I am a different person now, Marlena.

Marlena: Well, I would like to believe that Brady's love and this pregnancy have changed you.

Kristen: It has. And I am--I've very grateful that you are willing to make a new beginning with me, Mom.

Marlena: Well.

Kristen: Oh.

Marlena: Oh. What is that?

Kristen: I think my water just broke.

Marlena: On my shoes.

Kristen: Oh, we're gonna have a baby.

[Dramatic music]

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