Days Transcript Friday 1/17/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 1/17/20


Episode #13690 ~ Xander demands to know what Ciara is going to do now that she knows the truth. Sonny visits Will in prison. Eric and Sarah receive more bad news about Mickey. Kristen wants to talk to Brady about the day their baby died.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki


Maggie: Victor, who are you texting?

Victor: None of your damn busine-- hey, what do you think you're doing?

Maggie: Listen, the doctor said you're supposed to be resting. Now, you tell me what you want me to write, and I will type it in. Oh, there's an awful lot of exclamation points here. Why do you and Xander need to talk to Ciara? What's so urgent?

[Machinery beeping]

Victor: I know it's upsetting to hear, but at least you understand, don't you? You understand that you can't breathe a word of this to another living soul.

Ciara: Okay. But what about Will?

[Door opens]

Xander: Ciara, here you are.

Ciara: Yeah, and I was just leaving.

Xander: No, you're not going anywhere. I need to know if you're going to keep your mouth shut about what Victor just told you.

Ciara: You just need to stay away from me, Xander, all right?

Xander: Answer me. Do you swear to keep what your grandfather and I did a secret?

Ciara: How the hell can I do that, Xander, when Will's in prison for a crime that he didn't commit?

Guard: Horton, you have a visitor.

Will: Hello?

Adrienne: Hello, Will.

[Dramatic music]

[Elevator dings]

Kayla: [Chuckles]

Justin: Oh, parting is such sweet sorrow.

Kayla: Well, it's only till tonight.

Justin: I don't know. I don't know if I can wait that long to see you again.

Kayla: Well, I think you're gonna have to. I need to go check on Victor.

Sonny: Well, I just saw him, and you might want to wear a flak jacket because he is on edge, like, more than usual.

Kayla: Ah, not what we want for our recovering stroke patients. All right, I'll go see what's going on.

Justin: Okay.

Kayla: Bye, you guys.

Sonny: Well, I'm really glad Uncle Vic's okay, but that visit with him was just very tense, so I'm gonna get out of here.

Justin: No, you're not, actually. We have to talk.

Sonny: About what?

Justin: I hate to do this, Sonny. This came from Will's lawyer this morning.

Sonny: What is it?

Justin: Your divorce papers.

Brady: When I was driving up just now, I saw Gabi DiMera leaving. You know anything about that?

Kristen: No, nothing.

Brady: You want to try again?

Kristen: Well, now that I'm working with you and Nicole, Gabi just came by to see how I was getting along.

Brady: Oh. What'd you tell her?

Kristen: Three's a crowd.

Nicole: Oh, keys, keys where are the keys? Oh.

[Dramatic music]

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Xander: You know why you have to keep your mouth shut. Your grandfather explained it all to you.

Ciara: Back off, Xander, all right? I mean it.

Xander: Not until you swear that you won't say anything to anyone.

Ciara: I care about Will, and what you're doing is wrong.

Xander: Look, I understand that you're on some big crusade for truth and justice, but you need to let it go. Drop it now because if you don't, lives will be destroyed. Victor and I will not let that happen.

Sarah: Anybody home?

Xander: Sarah.

Nicole: Eric.

Eric: I--I thought you'd be at work.

Nicole: I was just heading to the office, but what are you doing here? Is Mickey okay?

Eric: Yeah. She finished her latest round of chemo and, you know, so far she's tolerating it well.

Nicole: Oh, that's great news.

Eric: Yeah, Sarah and I, we thought there was some other options on how to proceed, so we spoke to the oncologist there in Boston, and she said as long as we consult with her, then we could come home for her final treatments at the hospital.

Nicole: So all three of you are back.

Eric: Yeah, we have a meeting with Kayla, you know, to kind of go over our options.

Nicole: Well, it must feel better for all of you to be home with friends and family.

Eric: It is.

Nicole: Uh, so I guess-- I guess that means you're home for good.

Eric: Uh, I hope so.

Nicole: Well, you've been so incredibly kind, letting Holly and me stay here. I-- and now that you're home, um, I assume you would like us to move out?

Brady: I couldn't agree more. I think three is a crowd.

Kristen: Good. Then you'll break the bad news to Nicole?

Brady: I meant you, Kristen.

Kristen: You can't be serious.

Brady: Of course I'm serious. Why would I want to get rid of Nicole? I love her.

Kristen: I don't believe that for one minute.

[Dramatic music]

Will: Oh, my God. Adrienne, Rolf--Rolf brought you back, just like he did for me.

Adrienne: Why'd you do it, Will? Why'd you kill me?

Will: I--I didn't mea--mean to.

Adrienne: But you did. You ended everything just when everything was going so well. Justin and I were finally married. We were happy, and you and Sonny were happy too. But you, you destroyed everything. You ended my life. You ended my marriage, and you did the same to yourself!

Will: [Inhales sharply]

[Gentle music]

Sonny: Will said he was gonna have his lawyer draft up the divorce papers, but I didn't think it was gonna happen this fast.

Justin: Yeah. I've looked them over. Everything seems to be in order. Look, Sonny, I know this is not easy, so just take your time and just sign them when you're good and ready, and then I'll get them back to Will's lawyer for his signature.

Sonny: Actually, I think I want to handle this another way.

Maggie: What's going on, Victor?

Victor: It's Titan business.

Maggie: Then let Xander deal with it. He's the CEO. You're retired. In case you hadn't noticed, you are in a hospital!

Victor: Would you stop nagging me, woman?

Maggie: I am not nagging you! I'm just trying to keep you from having another stroke.

Kayla: Okay, what's going on in here?

Maggie: He refuses to disconnect from the office.

Victor: I sent one damn text.

Maggie: And look how agitated you are.

Kayla: Well, you do seem a bit on edge. Sonny already mentioned that to me too.

Victor: A bunch of worrywarts.

Maggie: Mm.

Kayla: Hmm, well, let's check your blood pressure. Yup, it's a little high, so we're gonna have to keep you right here till it gets back to normal.

Victor: Oh, bloody hell.

Kayla: That's the rules, and you know it. I'll be back to check on you. I'm gonna go set up the meeting with Sarah and Eric.

Maggie: I am so glad they brought Mickey back here for her next round of treatment. Oh, I can't wait to see them. Ah.

Sarah: Everything okay?

Xander: Oh, it's--it's fine. It's just so wonderful to have you home. Hi.

Ciara: Yeah, totally. Um, and I would love to stay and hear about how Mickey's doing, but I have to run, so.

Xander: We haven't finished our conversation.

Ciara: Yeah, well, I'm sure you'd much rather catch up with Sarah. Later. Bye.

Xander: I missed her and you so much.

Sarah: You saw me over the holidays.

Xander: Oh, but that was ages ago, and I didn't get to see little Mickey, did I?

Sarah: Yeah. You--you understand why I couldn't--

Xander: Of course. I'm not--I'm not angry. I don't want to cause you any more stress. All that matters is that you're back. [Mickey fusses] My little angel. She's grown so much.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: She's more beautiful than ever, just like her mom.

Eric: No, you don't have to move out. I still have a room at the pub.

Nicole: Are you sure?

Eric: Yeah. I mean, I'll probably spend most of my time at the hospital anyway. I just--I thought I'd get a few of my things and--

Nicole: Okay.

Eric: Please feel free to stay. You probably don't want to ruin your routine with Holly anyway. How is she?

Nicole: She's great. I just had a meeting with her teachers, and she's reading like crazy and learning how to add.

Eric: That's amazing. I hope that wasn't too babyish.

Nicole: Are you kidding? It's her favorite toy, probably be--because it came from you. Uh, I have to go to work.

Eric: Yeah, I just gotta grab some things, so I'll-- I'll see you around.

Nicole: All right. See ya.

[Somber music]

Xander: I think she still recognizes me.

Sarah: Of course she does. Eric and I, um, we have an appointment at the hospital soon to go over Mickey's treatment plan.

Xander: I wish I could be involved in all this, be there to support you and the baby, but I understand why that's not possible, why I have to stay away from both of you. I understand how important it is not to make things harder for you. Eric doesn't want me around the baby, and I--I promised I'd move out of the mansion, so now that you're back, I--I guess I should go. I'll miss you both terribly, but I have to do what's right.

Sarah: No. I don't want you to leave.

Xander: What about Eric?

Sarah: I will talk to him. I'm gonna make him understand that seeing you is good for the baby.

Xander: Are you sure?

Sarah: Yeah. Let me get through this appointment first, but then--then I will tell him. Thank you for everything. We'll see you soon.

[Gentle music]

Ciara: Justin.

Justin: Hey, Ciara. How are you holding up?

Ciara: Not so good. I mean, even though I knew that this was Ben's last appeal and his chances of winning were really slim, I just-- I didn't let myself go there, and now I have to. Ben is on death row, and that means-- have--have they set a date yet?

Justin: No, no, no, not yet, and I'm really sorry I couldn't have done more for Ben, and unfortunately, the only thing that's gonna save him is if Victor or Xander confess, and they both still insist they had nothing to do with Jordan's death.

Ciara: Because they didn't.

Guard: You have a visitor. Is there a problem, Horton?

Will: Um, no.

[Somber music]

Brady: I know you don't like it, but you're gonna have to accept it because Nicole and I are back together.

Kristen: You can say that as many times as you want. There's no way you're gonna settle for a dishrag like her when you can have me.

Brady: You are wrong.

Kristen: Remember, hmm? How it felt when we touched, when we kissed, when we made love?

Brady: Stop, hey. The only reason why I went to bed with you is because I thought it was Nicole. You know that.

Kristen: That is a lie. Deep down you knew it was me. I'm the one you really want. I'm the one you still want, and you'll never find the kind of passion for anyone that you have for me.

Nicole: [Clears throat]

Brady: Are you sure about that?

Nicole: Oh. Sweetie, I am sorry I missed your game.

[Nicole moaning]

Nicole: Oh, Brady.


Kristen: All right, enough! Get your hands off of him right now, or I swear--

Nicole: Or what? What are you gonna do to me, bitch?

Kristen: Yeah, let's go.

Kayla: Oh, my God, it is so good to see you.

Eric: Thank you. You too.

Kayla: Hi.

Sarah: So sorry we're late. Thank you. Oh, they should just give me my own parking spot at this point.

Kayla: Oh, right.

Sarah: Thank you so much for doing this.

Kayla: My pleasure, really. Oh, what a doll baby.

Eric: Yeah, she's been a champ, let me tell you.

Kayla: Yeah. Listen, sit, please. First let me just say welcome home.

Eric: Hey, thanks.

Sarah: We were--we were thrilled when Dr. Hirsch said that we could finally come back to Salem.

Kayla: Well, I assured her that we would work very closely with your team in Boston, make sure that it's a smooth and successful transition for Mackenzie.

Eric: Well, how does that work? I mean, will Mickey get an oncologist here, and those two will communicate?

Kayla: Well, I have set up a call, and we are gonna go through everything. [Phone rings] Oh, speaking of Dr. Brady. Oh, oh, perfect, Dr. Hirsch. I have Mackenzie's parents right here in my office, and we just wanted to go over the plan with you. Yeah. All right. I--I'll explain it and, um, get back to you. Thank you.

Sarah: What's wrong?

Eric: Please don't say we have to go back to Boston for treatment.

Kayla: I--I hate to be the one to tell you this, but there's not gonna be treatment. Mackenzie's numbers came in, and, um, the chemo's not working.

[Mickey fussing]

Maggie: Oh, shoot.

Victor: Maybe you should have Kayla take your blood pressure.

Maggie: [Sighs] I can't help it, all right? I'm worried. I'm worried about Mickey. She's--she's a baby, and she's already been through so much.

Victor: Mackenzie's going to be fine. After everything that's happened to this family, she has to be.

[Machinery beeping]

Justin: What do you mean, Victor and Xander had nothing to do with Jordan's death? You were so adamant about their guilt.

Ciara: I know. I know I was, but after I broke the news to Ben, I came back here, and I confronted grandpa again, and Xander was here too, and they, uh-- well, they convinced me that they didn't do it.

Justin: How? Didn't you hear them admit that they sent an innocent man to prison?

[Gentle music]

Will: What--what's this?

Sonny: Our divorce papers. My dad just got them from your lawyer.

Will: You could've just signed them and given them to Justin.

Sonny: I know. But I felt that we owed it to each other to sit down face to face, look each other in the eyes, and agree that ending our marriage is the right thing to do. So I'm gonna ask you one more time, is this really, truly what you want?

[Gentle music]

Will: Of course this isn't what I want, but like you said, our marriage was over the day that I killed your mother. So I gotta let you go now, and you gotta go on and live your life.

Sonny: Please, I can't let go, and I can't move on.

Will: Well, you have to! You have to, Sonny. You don't understand. I had a dream, and your mother was here. Your mother was right here. She said that I ruined all of our lives, and I did.

Sonny: Okay, but our lives are not over.

Will: Well, Adrienne's is!

Sonny: We are still here.

Will: Adrienne is gone, and she's not coming back, and I can't undo it. No amount of prison time or apologies or love will-- will ever fix this.

[Gentle music]

Justin: Weren't you listening in when Victor and Xander said they sent an innocent man to prison?

Ciara: Yes, I was eavesdropping.

Justin: Okay, then I don't understand. How did they possibly explain that admission?

Ciara: I misunderstood. I guess I wanted to save Ben so badly that I just-- I heard what I wanted to hear.

Justin: Hmm. So then you do think Ben killed Jordan after all?

Ciara: God no, no, of course not, I just-- I also know that grandpa and Xander didn't do it either.

Justin: Hey.

Maggie: Hi.

Justin: Hey, how's Uncle Vic doing?

Maggie: Oh, his usual. He refuses to avoid stress, and now his blood pressure's elevated.

Justin: Oh.

Maggie: So I'm going down to get him some green tea, not that he'll drink it. Oh, by the way, I have been carrying this around with me. It's--Sonny left it behind.

Justin: Sonny's. Oh, I'll make sure to give it to him.

Maggie: Okay.

Justin: He just went over to the prison to visit Will.

Maggie: Really?

Justin: Yeah, it's possible that they are signing their divorce papers as we speak.

Maggie: Oh, I just can't believe it. So there's no hope for their marriage?

Justin: Will doesn't think so. He thinks that the damage that was done when he killed Adrienne is beyond repair.

Maggie: Oh.

Victor: So did Ciara promise to keep our secret?

Xander: No.

Victor: What do you mean, no?

Xander: I tried, but then Sarah came home, and Ciara took off. To be honest, right now I'm more concerned about Mackenzie. I've been at the center of that little girl's life from the very beginning, but now I'm poison just because Eric says so.

Victor: Well, he is her father.

Xander: Technically, but he doesn't know her at all. It just kills me that he gets to be a part of her life and I don't. At least Sarah's gonna let me stay in the mansion, so maybe there's some hope.

Victor: Of course there's hope. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Maggie. Mackenzie is going to be fine. After everything that this family has been through, she has to be.

Eric: The chemo's not working?

Sarah: We--we knew that there were no guarantees, but Mickey seemed to be responding so well.

Kayla: Unfortunately, her numbers say otherwise.

Eric: So what do we do now? I mean, there's gotta be something we can do, right?

Kayla: Yes, yes, and we are not giving up by any means. There are other ways to treat this.

Sarah: A bone marrow transplant.

Kayla: Yeah. It's her best hope at this point.

[Somber music]

Kayla: While many children with neuroblastoma can be cured with chemotherapy and radiation, those at high risk like Mackenzie don't necessarily respond as well.

Eric: So the next step is a bone marrow transplant? She is an infant.

Sarah: It's our only choice, Eric. And our best hope at a match for Mackenzie is a full sibling.

Eric: But she doesn't have that.

Kayla: Well, the next step would be to test the parents.

Eric: Okay, so how soon can we do that?

Kayla: We can do it right now. I will draw the blood myself and get the lab to rush it.

Eric: All right, do I need to wait in an exam room--

Kayla: Nope, you stay right here; I'm just gonna go get what I need and I'll be right back, okay?

Eric: Kayla, thank you.

Kayla: Yeah.

Sarah: The odds of one of us being a match aren't good, but--but we will hope.

Eric: And pray.

Nicole: Let's hear it, Kristen, huh? What are you gonna do to me?

Kristen: Keep speaking, and you will find out.

Brady: Why don't you give me a moment alone with Kristen before she does something she's gonna regret?

Kristen: I don't think I'd regret doing anything to her.

Brady: You know, baby, let me--let me handle this, okay?

Nicole: Fine.

Brady: All right.

Nicole: I won't be able to get anything done with this crazy in the room. Ooh.

Brady: You want to work here, you're gonna have to deal with it. I'm in love with Nicole, and that's not gonna change, Kristen.

Kristen: You don't love her. You're just using her to push me away, and she's using you because she lost Eric and can't stand to be alone, hmm? Oh, come on. Come on, Brady. Oh, I get it, I get it. I hurt you, and I--I know that you're doing this to protect yourself, you know? Coming up with this lie, this shield to keep me at bay. But we both know, we both feel that what you have with Nicole doesn't--doesn't come close to the connection that we have.

Brady: No, no. Don't.

Kristen: What? I'm just talking about an emotional connection.

Brady: Emotional? What--our what?

Kristen: You don't recall, do you? That's okay. It's okay. I'll refresh your memory. You remember this?

Maggie: Divorce, it's so final and so sad. My heart, it just breaks for Will and Sonny.

Justin: Mine too.

Maggie: Yeah.

Justin: But it's their decision, and we have to respect it. I have to get to the office. Hey.

Maggie: Hey.

Justin: Give Victor a hug for me.

Maggie: I will. Thanks.

Justin: And you, hey, you hang in there. I'm here if you need me, okay?

Ciara: Okay.

Maggie: Bye. Thanks. [Elevator dings] Oh, sweetheart. Oh, I know how hard all of this has been on you, this news about Ben and your grandfather's health scare, now Will and Sonny separating.

Ciara: Yeah. It's--it's awful, but, you know, I am happy that grandpa's gonna be okay.

Maggie: Well, he would really like to see you, and actually, it seems quite urgent.

Ciara: What does?

Maggie: Well, Victor claims it's about Titan business, but I'm not so sure. In any case, maybe, I don't know, you could put his mind at ease, and--and then he will finally relax. You could go in now.

Ciara: I would love to, but I really can't. Um, I have something else that I need to do, and it absolutely can't wait.

Maggie: Oh, okay.

Ciara: So yeah.

Maggie: Okay. Bye, sweetie.

Ciara: Bye.

Maggie: Take care of yourself.

Ciara: I will.

Maggie: Oh.

Sonny: I can't do it. I won't do it.

Will: You have to. Sonny, sign it. Trust me. It's gonna be so much easier for everyone.

Sonny: What about Ari? Is it gonna be easier for Ari--

Will: Yes, it will! Yes, it will because she has you and Gabi and--and whoever else comes into your life.

Sonny: No, just stop. What do I need to say to you? What do I need to do--

Will: Nothing! Sonny, nothing! Nothing is gonna change my mind!

[Somber music]

Will: I'll get these back to my lawyer. You don't have to do anything else... except say goodbye. Okay? We're done here. Goodbye, Sonny.

[Somber music]

[Papers rattle]

Kayla: Okay, I'm going to get these to the lab, and I'll put a rush on them.

Eric: And how soon until we know?

Sarah: It's gonna be a couple hours at least.

Kayla: Why don't the two of you go home and get some rest? I will call you as soon as I know if either one of you are a match, all right?

Sarah: I don't want to leave without my baby, but I really want to see my mom. I know that she's here with Victor.

Kayla: Mm-hmm. Why don't you stay here? I'll go get Maggie, okay?

Sarah: Okay.

Eric: Hey, um, why don't I take Mickey to my place so she can nap?

Sarah: Are you sure?

Eric: Of course. I'll call you as soon as she wakes up.

Sarah: Okay, thank you.

Eric: Of course. All right. It's gonna be okay.

[Somber music]

Kristen: You gave this to me the day our baby was born, and I thought it was gonna be the best day of our lives. Turned out to be the worst. And I know we never talked about it, not once. Don't you think it's time we had that talk?

Nicole: Eric. [Mickey fusses] Oh. Oh, she's so beautiful. Those rosy cheeks. You would never know what she's going through. Eric... what's wrong?

Eric: We just left Kayla's office. The chemo's not working.

Nicole: I'm so sorry.

Eric: I'm just trying to hold it together the best I can for Sarah's sake.

Nicole: I know. That's what you do. You're always so strong for everyone. But you don't have to be that way with me.

Sarah: [Exhales deeply]

Maggie: I heard about the baby. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. You know how much I love that little girl.

Sarah: I'm just--I'm so scared, Mom, 'cause Mickey is-- she's a part of me. She's--she's in my soul, and I didn't go through everything the night that she was born so that I could just lose her now.

Maggie: I know I wasn't there for you that night, but I am here. I'm here for you right now, okay? Yes.

Justin: Got your text. Did you see Will?

Sonny: Yeah, I, uh, left the papers with him.

Justin: So you haven't signed them yet?

Sonny: No, we did. Our marriage is--is legally and officially over, Dad.

Justin: I'm sorry.

Ciara: Will?

Will: Hey. Um, I was actually just headed back to my cell, so I'll let Ben know that you're here.

Ciara: No, um, actually, I'm here to see you.

Victor: You should have made Ciara promise to keep our secret.

Xander: You shouldn't have said anything to her in the first place.

Victor: I had no choice. I was about to lose my granddaughter.

Xander: Well, now you might lose everything. I mean, my God, the consequences if she speaks, not just for us, for a lot of people.

Victor: I know, damn it.

Xander: Then you better start praying that she keeps quiet, because if she doesn't, all hell's gonna break loose.

Ciara: I just saw Justin at the hospital. Are those your divorce papers?

Will: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: Hmm. Well, you can't sign them, Will.

Will: Um, well, it's too late 'cause I already did.

Ciara: Okay, well, then you can't file them.

Will: I have to. Ciara, Sonny and I are never gonna get past the fact that I killed his mother.

Ciara: That's the thing, will, you didn't.

Will: What are you talking about?

Ciara: That is what I came here to tell you. Will, you're innocent. You did not kill Adrienne.

[Dramatic music]

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