Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 1/15/20
Episode #13688 ~ Gina and Stefano devise a new plot to break up John and
Marlena. Abe is stunned when Eli fills him in about Lani. Armed with a hidden
agenda, J.J. pays Gabi a visit. Julie has bold advice for Kayla.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
[Tense dramatic music]
Stefano: Rafe! [Laughs]
Rafe: Hey! What's up, man?
Stefano: How's it going?
Rafe: Good.
Stefano: Hey, good to see you.
Rafe: Good to see you, man. Yeah.
Stefano: Ooh, big case there?
Rafe: N-nah, this is-- this is just a, uh, little side project I'm working on,
yeah. Yeah, what's--man, I heard you were back in town.
Stefano: Yeah, yeah. Hope said she needed my help, so, you know.
Rafe: Oh, yeah?
Stefano: We're trying to track Stefano down.
Rafe: Oh. That's funny. You and I were the last ones to see that bastard alive.
Stefano: Hmm.
Rafe: Still can't believe he managed to bribe his way out of that cell in
Stefano: Not really a surprise, though, huh? Stefano's always got another trick
up his sleeve.
Rafe: Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I think the old guy's getting sloppy.
Stefano: "Sloppy?"
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Stefano: How?
Rafe: Coming back to town. Leaving evidence around everywhere. Honestly? I think
the old dude's losing his edge.
Stefano: Uh... Hope told me that the two of you couldn't make anything out of
that evidence you found.
Rafe: Yeah.
Stefano: Maybe... it's time to let the big boys take a shot.
Rafe: "Big boys?"
Stefano: The big boys. [Laughs] See you around, Detective.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah.
Stefano: Good to see you.

Gabi: Baby, I was wondering if you could help me with this wedding dress-- oh,
my God.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: [Chuckles] It's a sin to take the Lord's name in vain. And in the sin
department, Gabi, you're already pushing the envelope. Big time.
Gabi: What is this?
[Breathing heavily]
Eli: I'm still in love with Lani. I'm gonna marry her, not you.
Gabi: No, no, no, no, you can't marry her. She's a nun! Stop it!
Eli: I can't help it. She looks so good in that habit.
Gabi: Oh, my God-- stop it! Oh, God. Where is he?

Abe: Oh, nice ring.
Eli: It's for Gabi.
Abe: You're going to propose?
Eli: I already did.
Abe: Well, I had no idea you were talking marriage.
Eli: Well, we weren't. It was a spur-of-the-moment type thing. That's why I
didn't have the ring.
Abe: Seems like history repeating itself.
Eli: I'm sorry, I don't-- I don't--I don't understand.
Abe: You proposed to Lani in the same way.
Eli: Guess you're right. Only this time, you know, I think things will turn out
a whole lot differently.

Lani: Hey, good morning.
JJ: Hey.
Lani: I heard you pacing the floor last night.
JJ: I'm sorry if I kept you up.
Lani: No, it's okay. I actually--I couldn't sleep either.
JJ: Yeah, neither could I. Not after what you told me about Gabi, what she's
doing to you and Julie.
Lani: Where are you going?
JJ: Somebody has to stop Gabi from hurting anyone else. I think that somebody
has to be me.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: [Panicked breathing]
John: What, what, what, what, what?
Marlena: Get--ah, oh! Oh!
John: What's going on?
Marlena: [Gasping]
John: Doc, what's going on?
Marlena: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was having a nightmare.
John: Oh, sweetheart.
Marlena: I was dreaming...
John: It's okay, it's okay.
Marlena: Stefano had me. He had me, I--
John: It's okay.
Marlena: And he'd taken me to this dilapidated ballroom. And...[Exhales heavily]
he made me dance with him, a-and--I mean, he was wearing a mask, so I couldn't
really see him, but I know it was Stefano. I know it was Stefano.
John: Okay, it's okay. It's just a bad dream. That's all it was. Just a dream.
Marlena: Well, yeah, the problem with those dreams is that, when I have them,
they seem to be real.
John: Not this time. We've got a new security system that's called Steve
Johnson. Stefano's not getting in this house. I mean it, Doc. Steve and I will
not let Stefano come anywhere near you. Just a bad dream.

[Knock at door]
Gina: Who is it?
Stefano: Steve Johnson.
Gina: Oh! Thank God.
Stefano: [Groans]
Gina: Good.
Stefano: I just saw your boyfriend.
Gina: He is not my boyfriend. I can do better than that. I have John.
Stefano: Mm. What are you doing?
Gina: I'm bored out of my mind. I'm playing American cards, for God's sake.
Stefano: You should be grateful you don't have to wear this nasty thing over one
eye. Now that I'm living with John and Marlena, I have to wear it around the
Gina: Oh, poor Stefano, hmm?
Stefano: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Give it.
Gina: [Stammering] What are you doing?
Stefano: You gave up that filthy habit.
Gina: I did, except when I'm bored. And stressed. And right now... sorry for the
cigarette. I know how you do hate it. I am extremely stressed.
Stefano: Is that why you summoned me here?
Gina: We agreed from day one, did we not, that our goal was to separate and
split up John and Marlena.
Stefano: Mm-hmm.
Gina: And you, my dear friend, have not kept up your end of the bargain.
Stefano: No?
Gina: No. So I've decided that I must take matters into my own hands.
Stefano: How?
Gina: I'm going to have to kill your beloved Marlena.
Stefano: [Laughs]
Gina: [Laughs]

Kayla: Hello.
Julie: Hi! [Chuckles]
Kayla: What are you doing here? Your appointment's not for two more months. Are
you having a problem?
Julie: No, no, I feel fine. It's Doug. Ever since he heard about Victor and the
stroke, he just insisted that I come in and see you.
Kayla: Well, it's disconcerting when someone has a stroke who's as invincible as
Julie: No. No. Doug has been this way ever since my heart attack.
Kayla: That's just because he loves you, and we all almost lost you.
Julie: Darling, that was a year ago and I feel fine, and Doug still worries as
though I could drop dead at any moment. [Chuckles]

Gabi: [Sighs] This is ridiculous, okay? It was just a dream. Just a dream. But
if Eli is in there with Lani... okay, I am going to blow Julie's heart to
[Dramatic music]
Eli: Aww. "Baby, had some errands to run. Be back. Love, your fiancé."

Rafe: Hey, sis.
Gabi: Rafe, what are you doing here?
Rafe: Well, I came here to see Chad, but Harold said he's not here, so I thought
I'd see how you were doing.
Gabi: Thanks. What's going on with Chad?
Rafe: Mm. Just a few questions for him about Stefano.
Gabi: Mm, I see.
Rafe: So how you doing?
Gabi: Well, it's actually a really great morning for you to ask. I have some
great news. Are you ready? Eli and I are getting married!
Rafe: What? Oh, my God!
Gabi: [Laughs]
Rafe: No way!
Gabi: Yeah.

Eli: Abe, I'm sorry if I sounded bitter. Lani's your daughter.
Abe: And I love her dearly. But I don't understand what drove her to break up
with you the way she did.
Eli: Well, neither do I. I was hoping to get some answers while she was in town,
but all--
Abe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Are you saying that Lani's here in
Eli: You didn't know?
Abe: Do I look like I knew?

Lani: No, JJ, you cannot confront Gabi.
JJ: So I do nothing? I let her keep using Julie to keep you in line.
Lani: Yes. I don't have a choice and neither do you. If you go barging into the
DiMera house, accusing Gabi, she will know that you heard it from me. She'll
pull out her phone and she'll make good on her threat to make Julie's heart
JJ: She does that, her life is over.
Lani: Probably. But then it's still too late for Julie.
JJ: Well, I can't just sit back and let her get her way.
Lani: This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you anything. I knew you would
try to fix it.
JJ: Oh, hell yes, I want to fix it.
Lani: And so do I! You--my--you don't know how much I want to fix it. But, JJ,
we have to play it carefully.
JJ: I can't believe you've lived with this for over a year. She made you dump
him and break his heart in public.
Lani: Yeah, well, it broke my heart too.
JJ: She really is a monster.
Lani: Yeah, she is, and that is exactly why I left town. Because seeing her smug
little face, I just wanted to strangle her. And seeing how much pain Eli was in
and not being able to--to tell him why I hurt him like that... it was... you
know, I... I thought I would find some peace at the convent.
JJ: With Kristen in the same order?
Lani: Yeah. I mean, it was a challenge at first, but she insisted that she
wanted the same thing I did. Peace.
JJ: Right.
Lani: And then you and Eli show up there, and--and I find out that Gabi has her
claws in him. Yeah, and that was it for the convent. God only knows what that
girl will do if someone doesn't stop her.
JJ: Exactly. Okay, look, I-I-- I know how scared you are for Julie. So am I. But
you can't live like this anymore. There has to be a way to stop her from making
good on those threats.
Marlena: [Laughing]
John: Hey, all for you.
Marlena: Oh, honey. You don't have to fuss over me.
John: Sweetheart, you haven't had a bad dream about Stefano in so long. I hate
to see this all starting up again.
Marlena: Yeah. Yeah. Me too. I just... I just...sense that he's in town.
John: Yeah, I know you've been having those feelings, so I actually did
something I haven't told you about.
Marlena: What did you do?
John: Last night, I dropped by his hideout and had a look around.
Marlena: Did you find anything?
John: A butt from one of those cigars he's always smoking.
Marlena: [Groans] [Exhales] Well. I was right. He's still in town.
John: Yeah, that's what I thought. But Hope disagreed.
Marlena: Did Hope go with you?
John: No, no, but she showed up after I'd been there for a while, so I showed
her the butt, and she thought that maybe it was there from before and forensics
simply missed it.
Marlena: And you don't agree.
John: Doc, Rafe and Hope conducted their own search before they brought in
forensics. Who the hell misses a smelly cigar butt?
Marlena: Well, Rafe never would have missed it, but Hope would. She's too
distracted. She's... she's only thinking about you-- how to be with you--and we
both know that.

Stefano: So... you want to kill Marlena.
Gina: I've racked my brain. I see no alternative.
Stefano: Mm.
Gina: Perhaps I will call her and invite her to meet me at Saxon's for lunch or
a drink. Then lure her onto the balcony and then give her a little push, yes,
like I did with Jennifer. That shall work, do you not think?
[Dramatic music]
Gina: You are hurting me.
Stefano: Uh-huh. And I will kill you before I allow you to lay one hand on

Abe: Lani's been here since New Year's Eve.
Eli: And she left last night. As far as I know. I'm sorry, Abe. I just assumed
you knew all this. She never even contacted you?
Abe: No, I had--I didn't have the slightest idea she was here.
Eli: Maybe she was too busy vandalizing store windows.
Abe: Excuse me?
Eli: Somebody threw a potted plant through Gabi's store window. Yeah, shattered
the whole thing. Turns out it was Lani.
Abe: Why would she do something like that?
Eli: I think I'll let her explain that one to you.
Abe: [Sighs] Can you--can you tell me where to find her?
Eli: I wish I could. I've no idea. Maybe she went back to the convent.
Abe: "Convent"?
Eli: You don't know about that either?
Abe: No, I-- it's clear to me that my daughter has been keeping me totally in
the dark.

JJ: There has to be a way to stop her from controlling that pacemaker.
Lani: I have come up with a million scenarios to try to stop her. Okay, but the
thing is, Gabi made it very clear to me that if anyone tampers with that
pacemaker, she will get an alert, and she will use that app to kill Julie before
anybody can do anything about it.
JJ: So she's been just calmly talking about killing an innocent woman? What's
happened to her?
Lani: You know her way better than I do.
JJ: Not anymore. Look, you really think she'd go through with it?
Lani: She gave me a demonstration.
JJ: What?
Lani: We were at the hospital at the time, and I was looking through Julie's
window as Gabi sped up her heartbeat until I begged her to stop.
JJ: She's a--she's--
Lani: A psychopath, yeah, I know.
JJ: So you're right. We stay underground. As far as she knows, you left town. I
don't know anything about this.
Lani: Yeah, hopefully we can use this to our advantage.
JJ: I think I... I may know how.

Abe: So where's this convent?
Eli: Rome.
Abe: Rome? Italy?
Eli: Yeah.
Abe: She told me she was living with her mother in Miami. How--how long has this
been going on?
Eli: I have no idea, but probably several months or so. She was getting ready to
take her final vows.
Abe: "Final vows"? [Stammers] This does not make sense.
Eli: [Scoffs] Honestly, Abe, nothing Lani has done in the past year or so has
made any sense. No offense, but I am looking forward to being with a woman who
doesn't keep any secrets. Speaking of Gabi, I'd like to get back to her now.
Abe: Yeah. Of course. Eli... wish you the best.
Eli: Thanks, Abe. Hopefully you get some answers from Lani. I sure as hell never

JJ: Okay, here's the plan.
Lani: JJ--
JJ: Just listen to me, okay?
[Phone rings]
Lani: [Sighs] It's my dad. I can't take it. [Phone beeps] Okay, go on.
What--what's your plan?
JJ: Okay. Gabi thinks that she and I are on good terms, and she doesn't know I'm
helping you. I could get friendlier with her, and she won't get suspicious. I
might be able to get my hands on her phone, try to disable this stupid app.
Lani: I thought of that too. Gabi is way too smart not to put that thing on
other devices.
JJ: But messing it up on her phone would be a start. And maybe there's a way to
disable the whole system.
Lani: JJ, we are not some tech geeks. We--we wouldn't even know where to begin.
JJ: Well, I have to at least try.
Lani: Okay, and how are you supposed to get her phone? I'm sure she watches that
thing like a hawk.
JJ: I'm gonna need a distraction. A big one, for sure.
Lani: And I think I know someone who can make that happen.

Gabi: So I am looking for someone to walk me down the aisle. You available?
Rafe: I would be honored to.
Gabi: [Giggles]
Rafe: Yes, I would love to.
Gabi: Thank you. You've always been there for me. You know that you are more of
a father than a brother.
Rafe: Thanks. I love you. I always will.
Gabi: I love you too. How many messes have you gotten me out of?
Rafe: A billion.
Gabi: And how many times have I thanked you for everything that you do?
Rafe: Eh, never, but who-- listen, I don't need you to thank me. I don't, okay?
I just...I want you to have a happy marriage, and I want you to provide a great
home for Arianna, okay? She needs that right now.
Gabi: I know I haven't been the perfect mother.
Rafe: No, no, no, stop. Stop, hey. It's okay. You've had a rough year, right?
It's been rough, but I am so happy to see you happy. I love it. You deserve it,
all right?
[Phone chimes]
Gabi: Wait--
Rafe: "Radio waves detected. Routine test in progress." That is a crazy app
notification. What is that?

Julie: How are you doing? I mean since Steve came back. I mean, the colossal
nerve of him, just to waltz into the New Year's Eve party with no warning.
Kayla: It hasn't been easy.
Julie: Has he explained himself to you?
Kayla: Not to me. And it is very frustrating.
Julie: You must feel hurt.
Kayla: Yeah, of course I do. He is so cold to me a-and I don't even know what I
Julie: Oh, you, you didn't do a thing. And I don't understand Hope's part in
this. How could she just trot him out like that?
Kayla: I have trouble with that too. But I know that she wouldn't do anything to
hurt me, and she knows that I'm with Justin. She needed Steve for this important
Julie: Still... she should've had a thought for your feelings, Kayla. Doug and I
agree, this is not at all like her.

Gina: Hmm. Least I finally have your attention, Steffy.
Stefano: Oh... you were just trying to get a rise out of me. Not funny.
Gina: I thought it was. And, yes, it's true. Although last night, doing away
with your precious Marlena seemed like my best option.
Stefano: And how many glasses of your gorgeous wine had you consumed when you
decided that? Hmm?
Gina: Enough. I need you to work with me to separate her from John. And I'm done
waiting. I'm exhausted--
Stefano: All right, okay.
Gina: I'm exhausted with waiting.
Stefano: You're right. And my efforts to regain control of DiMera are on hold
Gina: Why, hmm?
Stefano: Kristen is more stubborn than I thought. She refuses to give me her
Gina: So you have had contact with her?
Stefano: I met with her last night.
Gina: She saw you?
Stefano: Yeah.
Gina: What were you thinking? She could expose both of us.
Stefano: No, no, no, she wouldn't do that. She is my darling daughter. I trust
Gina: Yes, well, I do not share that same trust.
Stefano: She's already provided cover for us. She told Abigail Deveraux that
Stefano had fled the country. So now we have more breathing room to devise a new
plan for John and Marlena.
Gina: Finally. You keep saying we need to make a bold move.
Stefano: And in this moment, I just came up with one.

Rafe: What is--
Gabi: I can't talk about this app.
Rafe: Well, what is it?
Gabe: It's this new project for DiMera. It's hush-hush.
Rafe: Ooh, hush-hush, huh? 'Cause you grabbed that out of my hand like it was
life or death.
Gabi: Well, you're not far off.
Rafe: Gabi, what kind of project is this?
Gabi: It's not a big deal. It's just something--

Eli: There he is!
Rafe: Eli! My man! Hey, congratulations. I just heard the news.
Eli: Thank you.
Rafe: Welcome to the family.
Eli: Well, listen, I was gonna ask you if you'd be my best man.
Rafe: Oh. Gabi just asked me if I'd walk her down the aisle.
Gabi: Brother, sister--I call dibs, so.
Eli: All right, well, I guess I'll have to find someone else then.
Rafe: Hey, bro, win some, you lose some.
Eli: Oh, that's how it's gonna be when I'm your new brother-in-law, huh?
Rafe: Well, I don't know.
Gabi: You still have time to change that, by the way, take it back.
Eli: Not a chance. If someone told me a year ago I'd be this happy, I would've
told them they were lying.
Gabi: [Chuckles]
Eli: Nothing could change my mind about marrying your sister.

JJ: Kristen? That's your idea of a distraction? Are you nuts?
Lani: JJ, look, I know how you feel about her. But Kristen has been an amazing
friend to me. And she knows everything that Gabi has put me through. She will
help me.
JJ: No. Not Kristen. You're not changing my mind, Lani.
Lani: Oh, no, no, no, hey, hey. Even if I told you that Gabi can't afford to
mess with her?
JJ: What?
Lani: Kristen has shares in DiMera stock that Gabi wants so bad that she can
taste it.
JJ: Yeah?
Lani: Look... let me just call her, okay? Let me just ask for help.
JJ: You do whatever you want. I'm not waiting on Kristen. I can do this on my
Lani: No, wait, JJ! JJ!

Kayla: I'm so happy that I have Justin in my life. I just--I just don't want
Steve to turn that upside down. You know?
Julie: Has he been making problems for you and Justin?
Kayla: No, no. And Justin is more than supportive.
Julie: Then he doesn't feel threatened.
Kayla: I hope not. I'm completely committed to Justin. And Steve told me that
he's in love with another woman.
Julie: Oh, really? Well... I wish I knew what her name was. I could set her

John: I'm gonna say something I don't think you're gonna like. But I think we
need to cut Hope a break. I mean, she really feels terrible about coming onto
me, and she even apologized about it again last night.
Marlena: Well... she apologized to me too. And the words were correct. But they
were certainly not sincere.
John: I think she's really embarrassed.
Marlena: Well, yeah!
John: Doc... you know... before this whole mess started here, Hope has always
been one of our longest, closest, dearest friends. I think she wants that
friendship back and I think that maybe we owe it to her to give her the benefit
of the doubt.
Marlena: You know what, I'm just not-- okay. Maybe you're right. Maybe we should
give her another chance. I mean, she has worked overtime to make sure that I am
safe from Stefano.

Gina: Well? What is this bold move of yours?
Stefano: Just as you would only have a chance with John if Marlena was dead, the
same is true for Marlena and me. As long as John is alive, I will never win her
over. My best case scenario is for him to meet an untimely end.
Gina: You know that is off the table. Right?
Stefano: The best solution is for both John and Marlena to die.
Gina: You're completely out of your bloody mind.
Stefano: Relax, princess. Let me explain.

Gabi: Babe, I missed waking up beside you this morning. What was that errand you
had to run?
Eli: Funny you should ask.
Gabi: Oh, my God.
Eli: Gabriella Josephina Hernandez, will you do me the honor of marrying me?
Gabi: I don't know, I mean, I've had a lot of time to think about it so--
Eli: Not funny.
Gabi: Yes, of course, yes! Yes! Oh, my God. Oh, wow, this is beautiful.
Eli: Not as beautiful as you are.

Kayla: You know, I wouldn't mind knowing who Steve's mystery woman is. But more
importantly, I would rather he just find Stefano and go back to wherever he came
Julie: You really mean that?
Kayla: Yeah, I mean that. You know when Joey and I came back, Steve and I were
already divorced. Did you know that?
Julie: I remember, I remember.
Kayla: It was for the same reason. Because he abandoned us. And he spent a long
time trying to convince me that he would never do that again. And that is the
only reason that we remarried.
Julie: Well, I don't see how he could forget a promise like that.
Kayla: I don't either. But I don't care. I don't care, because I am with Justin
now and I am happy.
Julie: Well, if you mean that, maybe you could take a page from Eli's book.
Kayla: What's that?
Julie: He's finally over Lani... and he's proposed to Gabi. You know, what's
sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. You get my drift?
Kayla: Yeah.

Rafe: Abe, hey.
Abe: Hi. Did you get my message?
Rafe: I did, yeah, about the Stefano investigation. I'm sorry I haven't gotten
back to you on that yet.
Abe: Don't worry about it. I'm getting used to being kept in the dark.
Rafe: What does that mean?
Abe: [Laughs] I shouldn't have said anything. It's got nothing to do with you.
Look, I called because I wanted to find out about the new evidence from the
Rafe: New evidence? I haven't heard about any new evidence.
Abe: You haven't?
Rafe: No.
Abe: Well, John found another cigar there last night. He thought that it meant
that Stefano was still around.
Rafe: Well, it could definitely mean that.
Abe: Well, Hope disagrees. She said that her team missed it during the original
Rafe: Oh, her team missed it, huh? I led that team and, uh, let me tell you, I
went over that place with a magnifying glass and there is no way, had there been
a cigar there, that I would not have found it.
Abe: Well...I don't know what to say.
Rafe: I do. Hope's thrown me under the bus. Now I need to find out why.

Gina: You came up with this plan in the moment. It is brilliant.
Stefano: Yes.
Gina: However, it shall be tricky to execute.
Stefano: Well, you know better than anyone what I am capable of.
Gina: Yes, yes, I know, but this is an all-or-nothing situation. The stakes have
never been higher. And if we should fail--
Stefano: We will not fail. We can't. I have faith that we will succeed.
Gina: Yes. Indeed.
Stefano: So we agree.
Gina: Yes. John... and Marlena... must die.

Lani: Hey, Kristen, it's me. I took your advice about staying in Salem and
making Gabi think that I left town. JJ is actually letting me stay with him and
I know that I can trust him. He knows about everything. So can you please meet
me at his house as soon as you get this? I really need your help. [Phone beeps]
[Phone ringing] [Sighs] I can't keep putting this off. [Phone rings] [Phone
beeps] Hey, Dad. I am so sorry for not calling you back. I just--I've been
really busy.
Abe: How's the weather in Miami?
Lani: Better than the weather in Salem.
Abe: Knock it off, Lani. I just spoke to Eli, and I know that you've been living
in a convent in Rome and that you're a nun.
Lani: [Sighs] Yeah, um... I wasn't sure how you would feel about my decision.
Abe: Well, he also told me that you were here in Salem.
Lani: Yeah, well, sounds like you two had a nice little chat.
Abe: Did it not occur to you to call me? Or did you just not want to see me?
Lani: I am sorry if I hurt you, but can you please just try not to be upset with
Abe: Lani... when are you gonna explain all this to me?
Lani: I'm sorry. I can't.
Abe: You're my daughter. And I love you. But I know something's been off with
you for a long time. I want the truth, Lani. Now.

Kayla: Justin and I are a long way from getting married. [Printer whirring] But
I do like the idea of letting go of the past. Please tell Eli I'm really happy
for him.
Julie: Of course I will. You know, that little machine of yours has been
spitting out a lot of paper, and you haven't looked at it once.
Kayla: Well, everything looked good when I was examining you. Let's take a look.
[Soft dramatic music] Ah, wait.
Julie: "Wait" what?
Kayla: There's just something a little odd here.

Gabi: Oh, I cannot believe this is really happening. You mean so much to me. I
love you so much.
Eli: I love you too.
Gabi: Babe, I can't wait to tell everybody the good news.

JJ: Hey, what good news?
Eli: You ever heard of knocking?
JJ: What good news?
Eli: Gabi and I are getting married.
JJ: Can't do that, man.
[Tense music]

Rafe: Hope, we need to talk. [Sniffing] Who the hell was smoking in here? What
the hell?

John: Steve's not in his room. I guess he and Hope got an early start this
morning. You wanna try to meet up with them? Maybe they've come up with
something new.
Marlena: Oh. Or maybe... we could just play hooky and spend the rest of our time
today together.
John: Hmm. Well, I like the way you think. But I thought you had a full schedule
Marlena: I do. I do. I just can't shake this terrible feeling that someone or
something is trying to come between us.
John: Sweetheart, you had a bad dream last night because you're under a lot of
stress, but let me tell you something. Nothing is gonna come between us. Not
Hope. Certainly not Stefano DiMera.

[Dramatic music]
Stefano: Are you sure you're ready to do this?
Gina: Yes. At this point, it is our only option.
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