Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 1/14/20
Episode #13687 ~ Abigail is surprised to find Steve with Kristen. Chad grows suspicious of Kate. Eli proposes to Gabi.. Lani reveals to J.J. what Gabi has done.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Jack: JJ looked good, didn't he?
Jennifer: Yes. I am so glad that he stopped by.
Jack: Well, how could he refuse after you offered him a care package of all his
favorite home-cooked goodies?
Jennifer: Ooh, I have a little confession to make. I cheated a little bit. Some
of that food was from the pub.
Jack: The shame.
Jennifer: Ooh, thank you. I can't help it, Jack. I'm so excited. I'm almost done
writing my first article post-coma.
Jack: I don't recall giving you an assignment.
Jennifer: No, I just decided to write it.
Jack: But I'm the editor of "The Spectator."
Jennifer: Yes, but usually I write what I want. Is that a problem?

JJ: Little more to the right.
Lani: Like that?
JJ: Perfect. Yeah, I'm sorry I was gone so long. I just stopped by my parents'.
How's unpacking going?
Lani: Yeah, about that...
JJ: Something wrong?
Lani: Well, I didn't-- when you agreed to hide me, I didn't realize that this
was Eli's old place.
JJ: Yeah, he offered it to Haley and me last year.
Lani: Right. After he moved in with Gabi.

Gabi: This is Ari at her curtain call.
Julie: [Gasps] She got a solo curtain call!
Eli: A well-deserved curtain call. She crushed that "Frozen" song.
Julie: Oh, I'm sure she did. I'm so glad that Sonny made it to the recital. You
have heard about Victor?
Gabi: Yeah, he seems to be doing better.
Julie: Yeah, good. Maggie was gonna take JJ to a meeting tonight, but, of
course, she had to back out of it.
Eli: It's great JJ's getting help.
Julie: Gonna take a lot of work and a lot of vigilance. I was thinking of going
over there tonight, you know-- to check up on him--but I don't want it to seem
like I'm spying on him.
Gabi: Oh, he would definitely not appreciate that.
Julie: But he wouldn't be suspicious if you dropped in.
Eli: Me?
Julie: Why not? You're his cool cousin. A little casual visit. Please? For me?
Eli: [Sighs] I can't say no to you, Grandma.
Julie: [Laughs] Nobody can.
Eli: I'll be back soon.
Julie: Thanks, darling.
Eli: You're welcome.
Julie: And now, this gives us a chance to have a little girl talk.
Gabi: [Clicks tongue]

Kate: So, you want my shares of DiMera?
Chad: No, I'm not asking you to give them to me. I'll pay you a fair price.
Kate: What do you need them for?
Chad: The more stock I own, the more leverage I have.
Kate: Leverage over Gabi?
Chad: Yes, I want her out of the family business, and since Kristen won't agree
to sell me her shares, I was hoping that you would.
[Indistinct chatter]

Kristen: I just don't know what to believe anymore. I mean, is this really
Steve: You know me better than anyone. You do.
Kristen: [Exclaims softly]
Steve: And like the Phoenix, we have both risen from the ashes again and
again... and we're always stronger for it. Huh? We can do this together,
Kristen. What do you say? [Speaking Italian]
Kristen: You used to say that to me when I was a little girl. [Laughs] "My
beautiful daughter."
Steve: You are still my little girl. [Both laugh]
Kristen: I really want to believe this. Please... please... is it real? Is it
really real? [Whimpers]
Steve: You know the answer in your heart.
Kristen: [Gasps, sobs]
Steve: Don't you?
Kristen: [Laughs]
Steve: Yes, you do.
Kristen: [Sobbing]
Steve: Aww.

Abigail: Okay, Stefano. If you're in there, let's have a look at you. [Exhales
steadily] Kristen, I need to see you.
Steve: It's Abigail.
Kristen: Yeah, I know. You want me to get rid of her?
Abigail: I'm not leaving, Kristen, so you might as well let me in. Is your
father in there with you, Kristen?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Kristen, please, if--if Stefano is in there, it's very important that I
speak to him. It's for the sake of the family.
Steve: All right.
Kristen: What are you doing?
Steve: [Shushes] She wants to talk. Let's talk.
Kristen: Father.
Steve: Fix this. All right. Hello, Abigail.
Abigail: Uncle Steve, what are you doing here?

Chad: So what do you say? Do we have a deal?
Kate: Sorry, kid. I wanna hold on to those stocks.
Chad: W-why? What--what use is it to you? Kate, there's no reason for you to
have that stock-- unless... unless you're not being honest with me.
Kate: About what?
Chad: Well, I don't know. Abigail seems to think that if you don't want to sell
me the stock, that probably means you have an agenda... like working with Gabi.
Kate: Oh, God.

Lani: It's really hard to be back in this place. This is where Eli and I planned
to start our marriage together.
JJ: I still can't believe Gabi made you dump him at the altar.
Lani: And I still can't do anything about it.
JJ: You haven't told me how she did it. Look, Lani, I want to help you, but you
know I can't unless I know the whole story.
Lani: JJ, please.
JJ: You can trust me. Okay, look. We're not partners anymore, but you know I'll
always have your back.
Lani: [Sighs] If I tell you... this has to stay between us.
JJ: Of course.
Lani: No, seriously, JJ if it gets out, someone could die.
JJ: Who? [Knocking on door] Who is it?
Eli: It's me, Eli.

Jack: Of course, I didn't mean to imply that you shouldn't write what you want.
Jennifer: No, it--it just sounded like you wanted to weigh in.
Jack: After--after Adrienne died and you were... out of commission, I took over
the running of the paper.
Jennifer: Yes, Jack, and I am so grateful that--that you just kept things going,
but I am so excited to get back to work.
Jack: And I--and I can't wait to have you back in the fold.
Jennifer: Yes, so I'm gonna put the finishing touches on this article, I'm gonna
print it out, and you're gonna read it.
Jack: Great, great. So, uh, what's the subject?
Jennifer: I'm--it's a personal piece... about how I nearly died when Rolf threw
me off that balcony.

Kate: Come on, why would I be working here if I was scheming with Gabi to keep
you out of DiMera?
Chad: I never understood why you were working here in the first place.
Kate: Maybe I like it.
Chad: Maybe you're trying to fly under the radar while you've got some shady
stuff going on.
Kate: You have to not let this obsession deter you from getting DiMera back.
That's all. And I expect to be--be paid handsomely for my participation.
Chad: Kate, level with me.
Kate: All right. I haven't been completely honest with you.

Steve: Well, Abigail, I'm in town because, uh, Hope tracked me down to help her
find Stefano.
Abigail: So you're looking for Stefano too?
Steve: That's right, and who better to know his whereabouts than his beloved
Abigail: Yeah, I guess, uh-- I guess that make sense.
Steve: You look disappointed. Did you--did you think Stefano would be here?
Abigail: Yes, I did.
Kristen: Why would you think that?
Abigail: Because he messaged Chad and said that he wanted to speak with you
directly, and it sounded like it was going to be a face-to-face meeting. But,
uh, I guess that didn't happen, so...
Kristen: Huh. Actually, it did.

[Knocking on door]
JJ: It's okay, I'll send him away. Hey, what's up?
Eli: Nothing. I was just in the neighborhood. Thought I'd come by and say hi.
JJ: Oh, okay. Well, look, I was just--I was gonna hop in the shower, man.
It's--it's been a long day.
Eli: You good?
JJ: Sure. Just--just tired. Let's--let's catch up another time.
Eli: Well, actually, I was hoping I can come in now. Just for a minute, man.
JJ: I'm really beat, man.
Eli: Okay, look, here's the deal. Julie asked me to come over here and check on
you, and honestly, I don't feel comfortable going back to her without a good
JJ: She didn't need to do that.
Eli: Maybe she did, 'cause to me, it seems like something's off with you.
JJ: Look, I'm fine. Like I said, I'm tired.
Eli: Well, I just want to make sure.

Eli: Place looks great. Much better than when I was living here.
JJ: Yeah, Haley did the decorating. She picked out the art and brought in all
the plants. She had a great eye.
Eli: Yeah.
JJ: [Sighs] [Laughs] Look, man I--I appreciate you stopping by, but tell Julie
I'm fine.
Eli: Are you?
JJ: I'm good.
Eli: JJ, come on, man. You don't have to pretend.
JJ: I'm not pretending.
Eli: I can tell that you want me out of here as fast as you can and you're
JJ: It's not what you think.
Eli: Let's keep it real. You lost the woman that you love in the worst possible
way, and no matter what you tell me, I know that you're still hurting. What I
went through last year wasn't a tenth as bad as that, but I know how I felt when
Lani left me... and I never thought that losing the woman I love could hurt so

Kate: You know, plenty of people think I'm just a cold-hearted bitch... [Sighs]
But the truth is, over and over, I have let my emotions get the better of me
when it comes to men I love.
Chad: Are you talking about my father?
[Indistinct chatter]
Kate: Stefano and I did love each other once, but right now I'm talking about
Chad: You are?
Kate: Yeah. Yeah. You know, Andre left his shares to me, and... I don't know,
maybe I'm being sentimental, but I feel like that's all I really have left of
Chad: Stocks aren't exactly keepsakes.
Kate: No, they're not, but we ran that company together, and that meant a lot to
Chad: Did he leave you my father's ring?
Steve: Hmm. Back where you belong.
Kate: [Laughs] God, I almost forgot about that. You know, I think I-- I
misplaced it--
Chad: You lost my father's ring?
Kate: No, I didn't lose it. I know it's there somewhere, but... you know, the
truth is. That ring, that's Stefano's. But these stocks? They belong to Andre.
Chad: It's just, that sounds strange. Right?
Kate: Does it?
Chad: Yeah, it's crazy. Reminds me of when, uh, Anna was running around with a
cocktail shaker full of ashes that she was telling everyone was Tony's.
Kate: Well, you know something? I think now I understand a lot better where she
was coming from.
Chad: No, I don't buy it. See, 'cause Anna and Tony were soulmates. Andre, he
screwed you over. Replaced you at the company. Supposed to believe he was that
important to you?

Steve: So you've seen Stefano?
Kristen: Oh, I've seen him. Yeah, right in this very room. In fact, he was
standing exactly where Steve is now.
Steve: Is that right?
Kristen: Yeah. You just missed him.
Steve: Well, that's a damn shame.
Abigail: Did he ask you to sell your shares of the stock to Chad?
Kristen: He did.
Steve: And knowing your loyalty to your father, I assume you agreed?
Kristen: Well, as a matter of fact, I turned him down.
Abigail: You what?
Kristen: As much as I love my father... I just wasn't sure I could trust him.

Eli: I'm glad that you and Haley took over my lease. I couldn't stand living in
this place without Lani.
JJ: I know Lani. I'm sure she wouldn't have walked out on you unless she had a
good reason.
Eli: She said that she didn't love me enough.
JJ: I don't think that's true.
Eli: Well, I don't know what's true and what isn't anymore. Look, man, don't get
me wrong-- I--I'm happy with Gabi-- but it still eats at me: The questions.
JJ: Maybe Lani couldn't give you a reason... 'cause she's trying to protect you.
Because I know she did care about you, and maybe she still does.
Eli: Why would you say that?

Jack: [Sighs]
Jennifer: Is everything okay? So?
Jack: So... it's a solid piece.
Jennifer: "Solid piece"? You--you cut the guts out of it, Jack.
Jack: No, I didn't.
Jennifer: Yes, you did. Everything I wrote about Rolf's connection to Stefano is
gone. All of the context--
Jack: 'Cause you have no facts. You cannot prove that Stefano is protecting
Jennifer: There is no mention of Rolf's missing flash drive.
Jack: I don't think it's essential to the story.
Jennifer: What? "Essential"? That was Rolf's motive for throwing me over the
balcony in the first place, Jack.
Jack: Speculation.
Jennifer: What--this is so personal to me! Why would you cut out the heart of
this whole story? Not to mention the ongoing search for Rolf and Stefano, which
makes it so relevant. Why would you cut all of that out?
Jack: Because I am afraid that if I publish this story, I could get my wife

Chad: I'm not buying it.
Kate: What part?
Chad: That you're keeping Andre's stock to keep his memory alive.
Kate: Okay, Chad, seriously, what other reason would there be?
Chad: Well, I think Gabi was onto something. I think you've always had a--an
agenda when it comes to DiMera.
Kate: [Scoffs] Sorry, but ever since Abigail became a reporter, she finds
conspiracies everywhere, and it doesn't--you know, she can dig here as much as
she wants. She's not gonna find a thing.

Steve: I understand your reluctance to trust your father. He's been gone a long
time. But, you know, Stefano has ways of exerting pressure to get what he wants.
Kristen: Hmm. Does he?
Steve: Yeah. If he wants your stock, he's gonna get it one way or another.
Abigail: That's so funny. Uh, Stefano said that exact thing to Chad.
Steve: So is that why you're looking for him, Abigail? To see if he managed to
get Kristen's shares?
Abigail: N-no, that's only part of the reason. I'm looking for him because I--
my main focus is to find Dr. Rolf, and I think that Stefano might be hiding him.
So Kristen, do you have any idea where Stefano might have gone when he left you?
Kristen: Of course I do.
Abigail: Tell me where he is, Kristen. Please.
Kristen: Well, he left the country, and he said he didn't know when he was gonna
be back.
Abigail: He--he left the country immediately?
Kristen: Mm-hmm, he headed to the airport as--as soon as he left here.
Abigail: Okay, um, did he say anything about Dr. Rolf or what Dr. Rolf did to my
Kristen: No, no, no. I'm sorry, we didn't discuss that, and I don't know why my
father would be involved with something like that.
Abigail: Really? Well, I--I don't share your same faith in Stefano DiMera.
Steve: So, uh, the police are convinced that Rolf is the one who pushed
Abigail: Yeah, she'd found a flash drive, and whatever was on it, he was
desperate to get it back.
Steve: And you think he's working with Stefano?
Abigail: Well, he's dedicated his life to being his loyal soldier, and if I can
find a connection, then even Chad is gonna be done with him-- for good this
Steve: Be careful, Abigail. Tread lightly when dealing with your father-in-law,
especially for Chad's sake.
Abigail: I'm not afraid of him.
Steve: I can see that. But right now, my focus is getting information from this
Kristen: What? I told you everything I know.
Steve: Oh, I could haul you down to the police station and have Hope question
you about your father.
Abigail: Well, Uncle Steve, it looks like you've got everything under control
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: I'm gonna go update Chad.
Steve: I'll keep you posted.
Abigail: Yeah.
Steve: It was good to see you, Abigail.
Abigail: It was good to see you too. Bye.

Kristen: [Laughs]
Steve: Hey.
Kristen: What?
Steve: What the hell was that?
Kristen: [Laughs] I was just having a little fun. Oh, what's the matter, Father?
Did you leave your funny bone in your old body, hmm? [Laughs]

Julie: I agree. It's a new year. We should let go of all those things that hurt
us in the past, and we should focus on the future.
Gabi: Sounds good to me.
Julie: Lani hurt Eli. That's past. You are his future.
Gabi: I certainly hope so.
Julie: [Chuckles] How long have you two been together now? Over a year, isn't
it? Have you ever discussed taking it all to a higher level?
[Dishware clinking]
Gabi: Well, we're-- I don't know, we're at a good place right now. There's no
rush, right?
Julie: Life goes by so fast, Gabi. Nobody knows that better than me. Stefan's
heart, the pacemaker... gave me more time. I'm so grateful. But I will say
this... if you know what you want... why should you wait for it?
Gabi: Uh, I'd love nothing more to make that commitment to Eli, but... Julie, I
don't think that he's over the way that Lani burned him... and I think it's
gonna be a long time before he's willing to... marry somebody again.

Eli: Why are you suddenly taking Lani's side in this?
JJ: I'm not taking sides. I--I just know that Lani loved you with all her heart.
There has to be some bigger reason why she walked out on you. Do you love Gabi
as much as you loved Lani?
Eli: I don't think you can ever love two people the same way. Lani and I were--
we were very much in love, and then when we lost our son, it made our love even
stronger. Well, at least--at least, I thought so. I thought we were built to
go-- were built to go the distance. [Snaps] Then, like that, it was gone, like
it never even meant anything.
JJ: Sounds like you got some unresolved feelings, man. Maybe you're not as over
Lani as you think.
Eli: No. No, that's not true. It's just being in this damn apartment. Look, I
gotta go, man. Gabi's waiting on me.
[Door closes]

Jennifer: You think writing this article puts me in danger?
Jack: Jennifer... I spent the last year... holding vigil at your bedside...
praying that you would come back to me. I wake up every morning, I look over at
you... and I think God... that we got a second chance. I--I can't... [Stammers]
I am afraid to publish an article that will make you a target of Stefano
DiMera... or Dr. Rolf.
Jennifer: So you shredded my article to bits because you want to protect me?
Jack: I shredded your article because I love you. Because I can't live without
Jennifer: Well, nobody likes a rewrite. Especially you, if I recall. So because
you said it so nicely, I am gonna take another pass at it. (Beep)

Lani: That was close.
JJ: You heard what he said?
Lani: I heard.
JJ: He still cares for you.
Lani: He cares for the woman he thought he knew... but I blew that all up when I
left him the way that I did.
JJ: Well, you didn't want to leave him. Gabi forced you. He doesn't know that.
Lani: Well, he's in love with Gabi, not me.
JJ: Hey, look, if Eli knew Gabi was the reason you two broke up, he'd hate her,
and don't you think he deserves to know what she is capable of before they get
any more serious?

Eli: JJ didn't want to let me in, but you know I didn't take no for an answer.
Julie: That's my guy. And? How was he?
Eli: Well, he wasn't thrilled that I was there at first, but after talking to
him for a while, um, I think he just had a bad day. He's sad, but he's okay.
Julie: Oh, I am relieved to hear it.
Gabi: Hopefully he's starting to heal.
Eli: He's trying.
Gabi: I'm glad. Oh, wait, actually, I'm so sorry--I forgot, I need to make a
work call. I'll be right back.
Julie: Thank you again for checking up on JJ.
Eli: Yeah, any time.
Julie: It gave me and Gabi a chance to have a little girl talk--a little chat.
Eli: Uh-oh.
Julie: No, no. Nothing to worry about. But I would like to give you a little
advice. Don't let your disappointment with Lani stop you from getting on with
your life. My darling, if you have a chance at happiness, go for it.
Eli: I understand what you're saying.
Julie: Do you?
Eli: Would you mind grabbing a bottle of champagne and, um, giving Gabi and I
some privacy?
Julie: I'd love to. Oh, God. [Claps]

Kate: What could I do with that amount of stock?
Chad: You tell me.
Kate: [Scoffs]
Abigail: Chad.
Chad: Hey, hey, what are you doing here?
Abigail: I couldn't stop thinking about Stefano confronting Kristen, and I was
worried that maybe we were missing an opportunity, so I went to her hotel room.
Chad: Okay, was my father there?
Abigail: No, but my Uncle Steve was.
Chad: Wait, why was Stevie there?
Abigail: Steve was there because he was questioning Kristen about Stefano. She
admitted that he'd been there to see her.
Chad: He showed up?
Abigail: So she says, okay? Apparently, he--he came there and he asked for her
stock, and she turned him down.
Chad: Well, there's a lot of that going on. Okay, um... where is he now?
Abigail: He's gone. He--he left. He's leaving the country, maybe for good this
Chad: [Groans] We missed him.
Abigail: Let's just--let's go home, and we can finish talking about all this,
okay? Come on.
Kate: Chad, your father loves you. Remember that.
Chad: Yeah? Then why is he showing himself to Kristen, not me?

Steve: You... have a cruel streak, Kristen.
Kristen: [Laughs] Well, I take after you.
Steve: Mm-mm. You were adopted.
Kristen: [Laughs] Well, I learned at the feet of the master. Only I'm not your
student anymore. It's time you realized I am a force to be reckoned with,
Steve: Darling daughter, are you threatening me?
Kristen: [Chuckles]

Jack: [Sighs, sniffs] How did it turn out?
Jennifer: Well, I took most of your edits, and I just changed the ending a
little bit.
Jack: May I?
Jennifer: Please.
Jack: [Sniffs] "I hope, one day... the person or people responsible for what
happened to me will be brought to justice." [Sniffles] "But I come away from
what happened grateful for the second chance I have been given..." "and for my
friends and family, who never gave up hope. My recovery is a gift, one that
wouldn't have been possible if not for the undying support of my children and
the man who loves me, Jack Deveraux."
Jennifer: So?
Jack: [Mouthing] It's perfect. Don't--don't change a word.
Jennifer: And I did a little heart at the end. "J.D." Mm.
Jack: Thank you.

Chad: I think you're right about Kate having her own agenda. There's a reason
she's not selling me her shares.
Abigail: People don't get sentimental about shares, e-even Kate.
Chad: So what's she up to?
Abigail: I don't know. Maybe she's allied with Stefano.
Chad: Well, it wouldn't surprise me. I mean, if he's willing to meet with
Kristen, who's to say he didn't reach out to Kate too?
Abigail: God, such a mess. I'm sorry, babe. I know this hurts.
Chad: It's just the games. I mean, like, he--the cryptic messages, and I think
he's gonna meet me, and then he just... [Hisses through teeth] Skips town.
Abigail: Well, if you believe Kristen's telling the truth.
Chad: Well, that's a big "if."

Kristen: I would never cross you, Father. Unless you have me no choice.
Steve: Meaning?
Kristen: Well, you came here demanding my shares, not understanding they helped
me get a job at Basic Black so that I could be closer to Brady.
Steve: I understand your desire to be close to Brady. I feel the same way about
Kristen: [Laughs] Then you'll help me?
Steve: When it comes to our hearts' desires... perhaps we can help each other.
Kristen: [Laughs]

JJ: Gabi may have saved my life once, but I can't sit back and watch her destroy
Lani: She already has.
JJ: It's not over, Lani. You can fix this. You can be with him. You just have to
tell him the truth.
Lani: I don't know how. H-how am I supposed to do that?
JJ: I don't know, but tell me, please... what does Gabi have on you?
Lani: Do you remember when Julie got her pacemaker put in after her heart
JJ: Yeah, saved her life.
Lani: Yeah, well, that device came from a company that DiMera invested in.
JJ: Okay.
Lani: It's all complicated, but somehow, Gabi was able to hack into the device,
and with the touch of an app on her phone... [Sighs] Gabi has the power to...
blow up Julie's heart.
JJ: So she--she threatened to kill Julie if you didn't walk away from Eli?
Lani: Yeah. That is what Gabi is holding over me. Julie's life.

Julie: I'm so proud of you, Eli. All I want is wonderful things for you and
Gabi. I owe her my life... and I love her too.
Eli: We love you.
Julie: [Kisses][Laughs]

Eli: [Exhales]
Gabi: [Sighs] Whoa, looks like we have the place to ourselves.
Eli: Yeah, uh, I've got pull with the management.
Gabi: Thank you. Oh, now that is some power. You okay? Seem a little nervous.
Eli: Uh, I'm just--just excited. Look, I didn't-- I didn't plan any of this
tonight, but then I got to talking to JJ about how you've been there for me ever
since we got together last Christmas, and... maybe we were both on the rebound
after you lost Stefan and Lani left me... but I feel like what we have has
really grown into something really, really special.
Gabi: Yeah, of course it has, babe.
Eli: I love your strength; how you're afraid of nothing; your passion... how you
fight for what you want. But most of all... I love you... and I don't want to
lose you.
Gabi: Eli--
Eli: Ever.
Gabi: You--you won't. Oh, my God. [Both laugh]
Eli: I don't have a ring... but I don't want to wait. Gabi Hernandez... will you
marry me?
Gabi: [Gasps] Are you really asking me this right now?
Eli: Would I be on my knees if I didn't?
Gabi: [Laughs] Yes! Oh, my God, yes! I wanna marry you!
[Passionate music]
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