Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 1/13/20
Episode #13686 ~ Clyde suggests to Ben they break out of prison. Hattie causes complications for Kate. Steve reveals his true identity to Kristen. Ciara is blown away when Xander and Victor's secret is revealed.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Chad: What's he waiting for?
Abigail: It's okay, babe.
Chad: Just--I'm frustrated. My father said that he would deal with Kristen, but
he didn't say how or when, and now he's just gone radio silent.
Abigail: Well, I'm sure, knowing Stefano, he's gonna reach out in some cryptic
way to Kristen, send her an email or something, just like he did with you.
Chad: Except she's expecting a face-to-face.
Abigail: If he wasn't gonna meet you face-to-face, what makes you think that he
would do that for her?
Chad: I don't know. It depends on how bad he wants those shares.
Abigail: Uh-huh.
Chad: For all I know, he's meeting with her as we speak.

Kristen: Is--is this because I'm adopted? You really want me to believe that you
are my birth father? What, you think I'm gonna get on my knees now in gratitude
with the big reveal so that you and I can go catch Stefano, huh? You are
pathetic-- pathetic! Now get out of here!
Steve: Kristen, listen to me.
Kristen: Get out!
Steve: Listen...
Kristen: No!
Steve: To me! I am not Steve Johnson! I am Stefano DiMera. I am Stefano DiMera!
[Tense music]
Kristen: Oh, God, is this some kind of a joke?
Steve: No joke, Kristen, no. It's me. It's me!
Kristen: Yeah, right, and I--
Steve: I'm your father!
Kristen: Right, and I am Dr. Marlena Evans!
Steve: What are you doing?
Kristen: Get the hell out.
Steve: No, you need--
Kristen: Get the hell out.
Steve: You need to hear me out!
Kristen: Out, or I'll call security. No. No, I don't need to hear any more of
your nonsense.
Steve: Why is this nonsense? If you can come back as Nicole Walker, why can't I
come back as Steve Johnson, huh?

Kate: Okay, Evan Frears, let's see what we can find out about you.
Roman: Aren't you supposed to be working?
Kate: I am working. I'm saving our grandson's marriage.
[Distant shouting, chatter]

Arianna: Dear Daddy Will, I wish you could come to my recital tonight. I was
going to surprise you with the song from "Frozen" that you helped me learn last
year. I've been making mommy crazy playing it over and over. Like you said,
practice makes perfect, and you were right, because I'm so gonna nail it. Mommy
said she'd make you a recording so you and your friends could listen there too.
I hope you're okay. Daddy Sonny and I really miss you a lot. We hope you can
come home soon. Love, Ari.
Will: [Sighs heavily] I miss you too, Peanut.
[Tender music]

Ben: You wanna bust outta here?
Clyde: I wanna bust us both out of here.
Ben: You're not serious.
Clyde: I'm dead serious. The way I see it, you only got two choices. You face
the rest of your days in here waiting for a lethal injection, or you spend the
rest of your life outside with Ciara. It's your call.

Ciara: I know what you and Xander did to Ben, and I'm not gonna let him die for
your sins. Please. Please, Grandpa, help me. Please, you are the only person who
Xander: Well, I guess you have your answer.
Ciara: Okay, okay, fine. I'll tell Maggie. I will tell Maggie everything. I will
tell her that I saw you burning your confession and that I overheard you talking
about how you sent an innocent man to prison.
Xander: Are you mad? You can't tell Maggie any of that.
Ciara: I will say and do whatever it takes to get her to believe me, and then
she will get both of you guys to admit what you did.
Victor: Ciara, wait. We have to tell her the truth.
Xander: What are you doing?
Victor: We have to come clean. I can't torture my granddaughter anymore. She has
to know everything.
[Suspenseful music]

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]
Ben: Whatever it is that you're planning, I don't want any part of it.
Clyde: Man, you lost your last appeal. It's over. You're a dead man walking.
Ben: Not if Ciara can still prove that I didn't do it. She can get Victor and
Xander to tell the truth.
Clyde: She hasn't been able to do it so far. What makes you think she can do it

Victor: Wait, sit.
Ciara: Are you finally gonna be honest?
Victor: You're right. We did send an innocent man to prison.
Ciara: Okay, wait, Grandpa, before you say another word, I'm gonna call my mom
and have her record this conversation because they are not gonna overturn Ben's
conviction without a recorded confession.
Xander: You're not calling anyone.
Victor: Xander.
Xander: I don't know what you're trying to do here, old man, but we didn't kill
Ciara: Of course you did, Xander. My grandfather literally just admitted that
you sent an innocent man to prison.
Xander: Yes, but he wasn't talking about Ben Weston.

Steve: What's it going to take for me to convince you that I'm telling the
truth, huh? What?
Kristen: There was a--
Steve: Huh?
Kristen: So I'm supposed to believe that this is Stefano in a Steve Johnson
Steve: No, no, more than a disguise. Thanks to Dr. Rolf, it's a reality.
Kristen: Yeah, well, Rolf is good at the masks, but--
Steve: Yeah, go ahead, go ahead. Mm-mm, I'm not wearing a mask.
Kristen: What the--what is it then, plastic surgery? I mean--
Steve: No.
Kristen: No, I mean, it's not just the face. It's your--it's your whole body.
Steve: Yes, yes, yes, yes, my darling. How do I explain? Rolf was able to
transplant my consciousness into Steve Johnson's body.
Kristen: [Scoffs] [Both laugh] I can't--
Steve: Yeah.
Kristen: Oh, my God, I have heard it all.
Steve: No, you haven't, my darling daughter, but you're about to.

Roman: Kate, why are you getting involved in this Will-Sonny situation?
Kate: Because they need my help, that's why. If they're gonna save their
marriage, I need to get rid of this interloper.
Roman: Interloper? So now you're talking about what, Sonny's friend Evan?
Kate: Look, Will and Sonny love each other, but I know they have a lot to
overcome. I mean, they have to get through this whole tragic event that tore
them apart, and I think they will. I think they'll work their way back to each
other, but only if this hustler is out of the picture.
Roman: How do you know this guy's a hustler?
Kate: Because Sonny attracts them, okay? So anyway, I--I Googled Evan Frears,
and I found around a thousand of them. I just have to keep at it till I find out
which one he is, and then I'll see what he's been up to.
Roman: It sounds like a whole lot of work.
Kate: You were the commissioner, so what you can do is help me out and do a
background check on Evan.
Roman: Kate...
Kate: Roman, what? Come on. Do it for me. Do it for Will.
Hattie: Wonder what that's all about.

Abigail: You really think that Stefano would meet with Kristen and not you? Hon,
he's your father.
Chad: Except Kristen and him have always had a special relationship even though
she's not DiMera by blood. Out of all of his children, she's the most like him.
She idolizes him, so if anyone's gonna get through to her, it's--it's him.
Abigail: Do you trust him?
Chad: What choice do I have? I mean, you saw how cagey she was with her shares.
Abigail: Yeah, she's definitely playing both sides.
Chad: Right, so as much as I don't like it, you know, he's our best chance to
get her to fall back in line with the family.

Kristen: So what is your endgame here, Steve? Undercover sting for the ISA?
Steve: I'm not Steve.
Kristen: Mm.
Steve: And I think in your heart you know that.
Kristen: [Laughs] You--you expect me to believe that Rolf took my father's
personality, his brain, and uploaded it into Steve Johnson's body, hmm?
Steve: Well, believe me, this vessel was not my first choice.
Kristen: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, Rolf is brilliant. He is a
brilliant scientist, but I am not gonna believe that he found a way to take my
father's essence and put it into this body without some kind of proof.
Steve: I understand, but... believe me... the Phoenix has risen.

Chad: I'm sorry to be dragging you into all this.
Abigail: What? No, come on. You're not dragging me into anything. Kristen,
Stefano, they are my family too. I'm a DiMera, you know?
Chad: You know, I--I didn't even ask. What are you working on?
Abigail: What? Oh, uh... well, it came out today that, um, Ben Weston's-- he
lost his final appeal. So.
Chad: Well, then that's it.
Abigail: Yeah, that's it. They're setting a date for his execution.
Chad: Well, can't say that I'm sorry that he's gonna be gone.
Abigail: What if he didn't do it?

Clyde: You really think that Ciara's sleuthing is gonna miraculously save you?
Ben: I think that she's never gonna give up, and neither will I.
Clyde: Yeah, well, that's just the problem. You see, saving your hide's gonna
take more than faith and determination. You're running out of time, Ben. If
you're smart, and I know you are, you'll let me start working on plan b.

Ciara: Wait, I don't understand. What do you mean, you weren't talking about
Xander: Exactly what I said.
Ciara: Grandpa?
Victor: Let me explain. When you heard us discussing someone who didn't belong
in prison, we weren't talking about Ben Weston.
Ciara: Then who were you talking about?
Victor: Will Horton.
[Dramatic music]
Will: I swear, Ari, if there was a way I could come home, I would, but after
what I did to your grandmother, I'm exactly where I belong.

Roman: Kate, listen to me, okay? I am not about to interfere in Will's
relationship with Sonny.
Kate: Okay, I am trying to protect Sonny from a guy who might be a predator, and
we both know Sonny isn't a very good judge of character, now, don't we?
Roman: Look, what if this Evan guy is just a nice, normal guy, and the reason
you haven't been able to find anything is because there's nothing to find?
Kate: Oh, my God.
Hattie: Hey. How we doing over here?
Kate: Well, we're having a private conversation.
Hattie: Oh, okay. That's great.

[Mysterious music]
Kristen: God. So you have my father's ring, and you got one eye fixed. What
proof is that?
Steve: You still don't believe me.
Kristen: You could have stolen that ring from Kate, and it is common knowledge
that Steve Johnson got one of his eyes fixed courtesy of DiMera Tech Company.
Steve: Mm.
Kristen: And you could have gotten the other one done as well. You know what?
I'm done playing this game.
Steve: I'm not leaving.
Kristen: Fine! Fine, then I'm gonna call security.
Steve: Why is it so hard for you to believe, huh?

Roman: Kate, did you discuss the Stefano situation with Hattie?
Hattie: Oh, probably shouldn't have said anything, huh?
Kate: Mm. I simply told her that the police were looking for him and that they
had questioned me. That's it.
Hattie: I was just so excited about the cops catching up with Count Chocula.
Roman: They haven't caught up with him yet.
Hattie: They will catch up with him. They will, and then when they do, I've got
a few things that I wanna say, like, "hey, thanks a lot for turning me into
Marlena and all this Marlena stuff--
Roman: Hattie, Hattie.
Hattie: What?
Roman: Yes, he would be wise to stay away, far, far away, as a matter of fact.
Hattie: I should say so.
Roman: Now, I'm going back to the kitchen.
Hattie: Oh, 'kay.

Kate: Okay, I thought that we agreed to keep quiet about all of this.
Hattie: I know. I know, I just got so excited about our--our secret mission.
Kate: Okay, but a secret mission has to remain a secret.
Hattie: Look, I know you didn't want me talking about the Stefano business, but
I guess I was getting kind of afraid.
Kate: Of--why? Of what?
Hattie: I was afraid--I was afraid that Stefano, um, would come after me.
Kate: Well, wh--you? Why?
Hattie: Because, well, Patch--Patch-- can I still call him Patch now that he
doesn't have that thing?

Kristen: My idea, huh?
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Kristen: How the hell was this my idea?
Steve: You don't remember taking me to Nashville?
Kristen: Oh, God. If you are referring to me taking my father to Nashville, what
about it?
Steve: You asked Rolf to save my life, Stefano's life, and he did. He got me out
of that fire.
Kristen: If that is true, then why didn't he tell me?
Steve: I forbade him to tell you. You had already mourned my death once. If I
had tried to reach out to you again and Rolf's treatment failed, you would have
had to have gone through that again. I couldn't do that to you.
Kristen: This doesn't make any sense.
Steve: Oh, my darling, listen. How would I know all of this if I wasn't Stefano?
I can tell you every detail of what went on in that warehouse behind the door
marked SD.
Kristen: If you really are my father, why are you showing yourself now, after
all this time? Why did you reach out to Chad and not me?

Chad: You're not defending Ben Weston after what he did to us, to you?
Abigail: And I--I'm not--no, I'm not defending Ben. I'm just--I'm a reporter.
I'm asking questions, you know? I'm--I mean, what if he didn't kill Jordan? What
if the police made a mistake again, and, you know, I'm thinking about Ciara,
honestly. I mean, don't you have any empathy for her?
Chad: Yeah, I do, but she chose to be with him despite his past, so.
Abigail: So what, she deserves to watch the man she loves die?

Ben: I'm not ready for this Plan B, especially not coming from you.
Clyde: You prefer a Plan D, as in death penalty?
Ben: A few days ago you called me a rat for protecting an innocent man.
Clyde: That's 'cause you pissed me off 'cause you chose to protect that sap Will
Horton over your own flesh and blood.
Ben: Will Horton is a better person than you will ever be, Dad.
Clyde: Probably so, but you're my son, and I'm not gonna sit back and watch them
kill you. I gotta do something.
Ben: Well, I still believe Ciara can pull this off.
Clyde: Why? What's changed?
Ben: Because after Victor's stroke, he's left vulnerable, Dad. His defenses are
down. I know how much he loves Ciara.
Clyde: Well, stroke or no stroke, he's not gonna suddenly cough up a murder
confession. If Victor Kiriakis is responsible for killing Jordan, he's gonna
take that secret with him to the grave.
Ben: You don't know that.
Clyde: I do know that, and I know you're crazy for taking a risk. We could leave
all this behind. We can find a place without an extradition treaty, just a place
in the sun for you to spend the rest of your life with Ciara. Come on, what do
you say?

Will: What's going on here?
Ciara: Will Horton? Grandpa, what are you talking about? He's in prison for
killing Adrienne.
Xander: Yes, we know.
Ciara: What, so are--are you telling me that Will is innocent?
Victor: He is.
Ciara: No, this--this doesn't make any sense. If will didn't kill Sonny's
mother... then are you saying that the two of you killed Adrienne?

Ciara: Okay, you need to tell me what's going on right now. Did the two of you
kill Adrienne and let Will go to prison for it?
Victor: Of course not.
Xander: We would never.
Ciara: So what are you saying? Who did kill Adrienne?
Xander: It doesn't matter.
Ciara: It doesn't matter?
Xander: The point is we had nothing to do with her death or Jordan's. You've
been barking up the wrong tree for months, Ciara. Isn't that right, Uncle Vic?
Victor: I'm afraid so.

Clyde: We're having a private conversation, and you better stay out of it, or
Will: Or you'll do what? You'll try and kill me again? Because you know they're
watching you. If you try that again, you'll just end up back in solitary.
Clyde: That's the way you want to play it, Horton, huh?
Ben: All right, Dad, relax. That's enough.
Clyde: You know what? You're not worth it, especially now. You think about what
I've said.
[Tense music]
Will: What was that about?

Abigail: And sent.
Chad: Yeah? Nicely done.
Abigail: Any word from Stefano?
Chad: No. No, not yet, and I'm done waiting. Yeah, I have to do something to
solidify my position at DiMera.
Abigail: Well, I mean, what can you do? It's not like you can take a stand
without Kristen's shares.
Chad: No, but there is someone else who can help.
Abigail: Who?
Chad: Kate. She still has those shares that belonged to Andre.
Abigail: Are they enough to actually make a difference?
Chad: No, no, but they could help.
Abigail: Well, it's not like Kate's just gonna give you her shares.
Chad: Why? She claims that she doesn't want anything to do with DiMera anymore.
Abigail: Right, so she says.
Chad: You don't believe her? You think she seems content being a waitress?
Abigail: That is true. Maybe if she doesn't agree, then we could find out if she
has a hidden agenda.

Kate: So what exactly did Patch tell you?
Hattie: Oh, he told me that the ISA fixed his eye, and he told me that I should
move out of John and Marlena's because Stefano might come after me.
Kate: Because he's going after Marlena, and you look like her.
Hattie: Bingo. Why else would I leave the lap of luxury for this dump?
Roman: Hey, Hattie, I need you back on the grill.
Hattie: [Imitates whip]
Kate: Yeah, that's the reason you left.
Hattie: Yeah, well, he needs me.
Kate: On the grill, Hattie, on the grill.
Hattie: I know, but that's for starters. Come on.
Kate: Hattie, Roman has made it perfectly clear to you that he's not interested
in you romantically.
Hattie: But you have made it perfectly clear that men do not know what they
Kate: Okay, but that isn't what I was talking about.
Hattie: But maybe I'm not what he wants right now, but I will be 'cause I got a
way of wearing people down. Coming!
Kate: Oh. Oh, my God.
[Country music plays softly]

Steve: I knew it would upset you that I reached out to Chad first, but I had no
Kristen: Why?
Steve: After the fire I was in terrible shape, in a great deal of pain, and my
future was uncertain. It took all of Rolf's abilities not only to keep me alive
but to find a suitable host.
Kristen: What? Why Steve Johnson?
Steve: There were many factors involved, but what is important is, is that is
when my work began.
Kristen: You know this is-- this is not possible.
Steve: I know it's a lot to take in. The transformation was difficult. It was
complicated, and it was touch-and-go for quite a while
Kristen: So you just--you disappeared to recover?
Steve: Yes. Even after Rolf finished his work, it took several months before I
was strong enough to start formulating a plan. That's when I heard about what
had happened to you and--and my grandchild. Kristen, my darling girl, it broke
my heart.
Kristen: I lost my baby. And I almost went to prison for murder. I have never
felt so alone.
Steve: I wish I could have been there for you. I wanted to help, believe me. I
just couldn't be there, but I am here now. Your father is here for you.

[Country music plays softly]
Chad: I was hoping you'd be on duty.
Kate: Hey. This is a really nice surprise. Sit wherever you like.
Chad: Uh, I didn't come here to eat.
Kate: Oh, actually, that's a really, really good choice because right now
Hattie's on the grill, and that can't be going well. So what's up?
Chad: I came here to see you. I need your help.
Abigail: I can't believe this. I can't believe the only two people we're relying
on are Stefano and Kate. Wonder if he really is connected to what happened to my
mom. I wonder if Stefano really is meeting with Kristen right now.

Steve: Please forgive me for not reaching out to you sooner.
Kristen: This year has been hell.
Steve: I know. I did attempt to reach out to you, and I learned that you had
cloistered yourself away in a convent.
Kristen: I just felt so lost.
Steve: Like me, you needed to heal. Kristen, please... come home to your family.
Come home where you belong. Please.

Will: I gotta say, I was a little surprised to see you chatting up your dad.
Ben: Yeah, you mean after the whole stabbing thing?
Will: Yeah, that.
Ben: He came by to offer his own unique brand of comfort.
Will: Comfort?
Ben: Yeah.
Will: Clyde?
Ben: Yeah, doesn't make much sense, I know.
Will: What--was it--was it about your appeal?
Ben: Ciara was here earlier. Will, she came to tell me that it was denied.
They're setting a date for my execution.
Will: Ben, I'm so sorry. I mean, wha--there's gotta be--is there something that
can be done?
Ben: Honestly, man, it's time to pray for a miracle.

Ciara: I can't believe I wasted all this time chasing after you when you had
nothing to do with what happened to Ben.
Xander: So does that mean you will drop all of this?
Ciara: Drop it? Xander, how the hell am I supposed to drop this?
Victor: You know we didn't kill Jordan. There's nothing left to pursue.
Ciara: So what, I'm just supposed to forget about what you told me about Will?
Grandpa, if Will is innocent, he does not belong in prison.
Victor: Just stay out of it.
Ciara: Like hell I am, Grandpa. You need to come clean. Will should be set free
so that he can spend time with Sonny and--and Ari and the rest of his family.
Victor: I'm never gonna do that.
Ciara: Grandpa.
Victor: I said no.
Ciara: What is wrong with you?
Xander: We can't.
Ciara: Fine. If you won't tell anyone, then I will.
Victor: Listen to me. You have to know what really happened to Adrienne.

Chad: You took this job because you said you were tired of the corporate
intrigue and backbiting.
Kate: I am.
Chad: So that means you don't want anything to do with DiMera anymore?
Kate: Why are you asking?
Chad: 'Cause I can offer you a way out for good.

Kristen: I just don't know what to believe anymore. Is this really possible?
Steve: You know me better than anyone. You do. And like the Phoenix, we have
both risen from the ashes again and again, and we're always stronger for it.
Huh? We can do this together, Kristen. What do you say, la mia bellissima figlia,
Kristen: You used to say that to me when I was a little girl, "my beautiful
Steve: You are still my little girl.
Kristen: [Sobs] I really want to believe this. Please. Please. Dad, is it real?
Is it really real?
Steve: You know the answer in your heart.
Kristen: [Laughs, sobs]

[Gentle music]
Abigail: All right. Okay, Stefano, if you're in there, let's have a look at you.

Ben: Thank you for still believing in me, Will. You were the one thing that made
all of this tolerable.
Will: No. No, to think that you are innocent, and you're facing the death
penalty, and I killed somebody, and I get to live? That's not right. That's not
Ben: You don't need to--
Will: No, I'm serious. I wish I could trade places with you. You don't deserve
this. If anybody deserves to die for their crime, it's me.

Victor: So that's the whole sordid story of what happened to Adrienne.
Ciara: Oh, my God. Grandpa, I can't believe it. This is awful.
Victor: I know it's upsetting to hear, but now at least you understand, don't
you? You understand that you can't breathe a word of this to another living
Ciara: Okay, but what about Will? I mean, you have to understand what's at stake
here, right?
Victor: You have to promise me you won't say anything to anyone.
Ciara: I, uh-- I'm sorry, Grandpa, but I don't-- I don't think I can make that
Victor: Ciara.
[Dramatic music]
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