Days Transcript Friday 1/10/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 1/10/20


Episode #13685 ~ Ciara delivers bad news to Ben. Justin urges Victor to do the right thing regarding Ben. Gina squirms as John questions her about Steve. Stefano tests Kristen's loyalty.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki

[ Light Music]

Marlena: Kayla?

Kayla: Oh.

Marlena: Hi, Honey.

Kayla: Hi.

Marlena: I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you'd be at the hospital with Justin.

Kayla: Oh, well, Victor's surgery went long, so Justin insisted I come and get something to eat. Um, not that I have an appetite.

Marlena: Did Victor's surgery go okay?

Kayla: Yeah, no, it was a complete success. We removed the blood clot, and his prognosis is excellent.

Marlena: Good.

Kayla: Yeah.

Marlena: I've been thinking about you a lot.

Kayla: Yeah, Steve.

Kristen: Steve Johnson? What the hell are you doing here?

[Tense music]

Gina: Hello? What are you staring at?

Stefano: I'm here because of your father, Stefano DiMera.

Gina: Stefano?

John: Why are you expecting to find him here?

Victor: I thought I was a goner.

Xander: The ambulance arrived just in the nick of time. The surgery went well. You're a lucky man.

Victor: Yeah, if only I'd been looking at a prettier face than yours.

Xander: Well, it took all of my considerable charms to convince Maggie to go home and get some rest. I know you should do the same thing, but I'm afraid this can't wait. We have to talk about Ciara.

Justin: Ciara, I just got the call. They've reached a decision.

Ciara: What is it?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.

[Sweeping orchestration]

Kayla: Jack and Jennifer were here earlier, and Jack said he had a run-in with Steve that sounded like it went about as well as my conversation with him, but he said something that was spot-on.

Marlena: Which was?

Kayla: That Steve just doesn't seem like the man he was before, that he's cold and almost cruel.

Marlena: You know, John and I were taken aback by the way he treated you. All you wanted was answers, I think answers you deserve.

Kayla: Uh, yeah. The woman he's in love with, he had no problem throwing that in my face, did he?

Marlena: Is it possible that we are misreading this, that Steve didn't really mean to hurt you, he just wasn't aware of what he was saying, aware of his words? And he is on a mission right now, and it's quite possibly dangerous. We know that he gets laser-focused. We know that he tends to push aside everyone and everything when he's on a mission.

Steve: I heard Stefano's in town, was hoping you could help me.

Kristen: Yeah, well, you came to the wrong place. I haven't heard from him.

Steve: Well, he is your father. You must know something.

Kristen: Yeah, I do. I know that he hasn't made an effort to see me, that he's deigned to only communicate with his son, although he refuses to show himself to Chad, so who knows if he really is our father or not?

Steve: You have your doubts?

Kristen: All I know is that the man who may or may not be our father has sent Chad as an errand boy demanding my DiMera shares. Obviously that stock is the only thing the Phoenix gives a damn about, so I don't give a damn about him.

Steve: I'm sensing anger issues, huh?

Kristen: [Laughs] You think?

Steve: In that case, maybe I can convince you to help me catch him.

Gina: Well, when I saw that the lock on the door had been tampered with, obviously by a professional, naturally I thought Stefano had returned.

John: Hmm. Well, if either one of us had gotten here a little earlier, we might have caught him, because Stefano has definitely been here.

John: Since the Salem PD swept this place thoroughly, right here we have proof that Stefano has been back here since then.

Gina: Well, Stefano has to know that we're on to him. He wouldn't take such a risk and be so careless to leave behind evidence like that. You know, Rafe or someone from the forensics team must have overlooked it.

John: It's kind of their job not to.

Gina: Exactly, and I'm gonna take it up with them and reprimand the appropriate party.

John: Uh-huh. Don't you want to log this into evidence?

Gina: Yes, of course I do. Here, just give it to me.

John: Don't you want to put it in a bag?

Gina: It's been a long day. This was a secure crime scene, John. Last time I checked, uh, I didn't give you permission to enter or, more accurately, break and enter. You're lucky I didn't mistake you for someone else and shoot you.

John: Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry about that. I should have gone through the proper channels, so I apologize. It's just that whatever it takes to bring down Stefano is my priority, so I was just thinking that if I could come here and spend some quiet time in the place where Stefano and Rolf were hiding out, maybe I could get inside his head.

Gina: And how did that go?

John: Still no answers, but I do have a question for you.

Gina: Me?

John: It's about Steve. Just how exactly did you manage to track him down and bring him to Salem?

Kristen: You want me to help you catch my father.

Steve: He's obviously hurt you, and I'm sure there have been betrayals and disappointments in the past, and now this blow, hmm?

Kristen: You don't know anything about my father, what a great man he is, so no, there is no way in hell I'm going to work with you to expose him.

Steve: I'm certain he appreciates having such a loyal daughter.

Kristen: Whatever.

Steve: So this stock you mentioned, perhaps you have your own plans for that.

Kristen: Yeah, and the plans I have right now is to break up Brady and Nicole now that they're a couple again.

Steve: Ah, love. That's what has you so upset.

Kristen: Well, how would you like it if you came back, and your beloved Kayla was with someone else, hmm?

Kayla: Justin has been so wonderful through all this. I mean, Steve coming back has really knocked me for a loop, but Justin has listened to me, and he's been so supportive, and you know, he's just acted like a real grown-up, and I am grateful to him, and I am--I'm just so happy that he is in my life.

Marlena: You don't seem happy.

Kayla: No, I am, I-- at least, I was before Steve came back. I think I'm just so angry with myself because I have this amazing man in front of me. I mean, why can I not let go of Steve?

Xander: Henderson told me that you were alone with Ciara when you had the stroke. I tried to get her to tell me what happened, but I couldn't get anything out of her. What did she do?

Victor: She confronted me about Jordan's murder.

Xander: That's what I was afraid of. What did you say?

Victor: Nothing. Right after she accused me, I collapsed, but it's just like you said. She thinks--she thinks that Ben is innocent and you and I are responsible for Jordan's murder.

[Door closes]

Justin: Is she right about that?

Ciara: Hi.

Ben: Hey.

Ciara: I, uh--I just spoke to Justin at the hospital.

Ben: How's Victor? Is he gonna be okay?

Ciara: Yeah, he's good. He, uh--he made it through the surgery. He's gonna be fine.

Ben: Good. I'm glad to hear that.

Ciara: But that's not why I'm here, Ben.

Ben: There's been a ruling?

Ciara: Justin told me the verdict.

Xander: Victor needs to rest.

Justin: I can never decide whether you're his guard dog or his lapdog.

Xander: Well, I know exactly what you are and what you're doing. You're encouraging Ciara in her ridiculous delusion that her serial killer boyfriend is innocent of killing his equally homicidal sister.

Justin: I don't think it's a delusion.

Xander: It is if you don't have any proof, and you have none.

Justin: Yet.

Xander: Victor and I have absolutely nothing to do with Jordan's death, but your recklessness just nearly caused one.

Justin: I don't follow, although I'm not sure I care.

Xander: Ciara is love struck. She's obviously incapable of rational thought, but here you are encouraging her absurd theory that her own grandfather is guilty of murdering Jordan Ridgeway, so what does she do? She hounds the poor man until he has a stroke.

Justin: Uncle, I am truly sorry for your stroke. I truly am, but if there is any possibility that you are somehow involved--

Xander: Okay, that is enough! Weston had his day in court and lost several times. That should be proof enough for anyone that he's guilty as hell.

Justin: You may not know this, but in America every person has a right to justice, and that includes a right to appeal his conviction, a conviction that is based solely on circumstantial evidence with more than enough reasonable doubt, and that is why my client does not deserve the death penalty, which is also the same argument I made to the judge.

Xander: Well, let's hope the judge sees the truth and that's the end of it.

Justin: Well, as a matter of fact, the ruling just came in.

Ciara: I'm so sorry, Ben. They didn't overturn your conviction.

[Somber music]

Ben: Not that much of a surprise, right? No new evidence. But Justin's--his petition included a request... to try to get my sentence commuted to life.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Did the judge rule on that?

Ciara: It was denied, Ben.

Ben: That's it. That's my last appeal. After all the horrible things I've done in my life, I'm gonna die for something I didn't do.

Kayla: Steve is with someone else now, and I just--I just need to accept that, and I can. I mean, people change. I've changed. I just--I just have to let him live his life. I just--I just wish that I--

Marlena: You wish he weren't being such a jerk.

Kayla: Yes. You were there. You saw him, how he went on and on about this other woman, how perfect she was. There was no point of that except to hurt me and push me away, but why? After all of our years together, and, you know, most of them were happy, why the animosity? He's the one who stayed away.

Marlena: I can't explain why Steve is behaving the way that he is. I'm sorry it's so terribly upsetting to you, but, you know, you--you were a family. You raised children together. You created memories together, and that--that bond is strong, and those memories can't be put aside by a legal document. I'm so glad that you have Justin, but I do understand why you're having a hard time letting go.

Kayla: I think that's what's bugging me so much. Steve didn't have a problem moving on.

Steve: It's funny you should say that. When I came back to town, Kayla had indeed taken up with somebody else, Justin Kiriakis.

Kristen: So you understand how much it hurts.

Steve: Well, to be honest, it doesn't bother me as much as everyone seems to think it should.

Kristen: I don't get it. I mean, you and Kayla, you were like a sup--this, what, this super couple.

Steve: Mm.

Kristen: And so you're just fine now that she's in love with another man?

Steve: Not--not fine, no. Of course not. A part of me will always love Kayla, and I'm happy for her, and if she's happy with Justin, I--I have to respect that.

Kristen: Well, I will only be happy if Brady's with me.

Steve: You know what you want, and you usually get it. That's one thing Stefano loves about you.

Kristen: How the hell do you know that?

John: You know, Steve is a highly-trained ISA agent who was in hiding. It would be nearly impossible for anyone to find him unless he wanted to be found, but you found him, easy-breezy, and he agreed just like that, come back to a town he's been avoiding and a wife he divorced.

Gina: John, is there a problem? Are you accusing me of something?

John: No, this isn't about you, Hope. It's about Steve. Steve is--he's--he's distant. He's, uh--he's been downright rude to Kayla, and hell, the more I look at it, he's been kind of cool to me too, a little stand-offish. In fact, the only person he's halfway nice to is Marlena.

Gina: Hmm. Well, they're old friends, like you and I.

Xander: Well, there you have it. Justice is done. The verdict stands. Ben Weston, guilty of murder, sentenced to death.

Justin: A young man is going to die.

Xander: A certifiable killer is going to die. Maybe now you can stop blaming me and Victor for crimes we didn't commit.

Justin: Uncle Victor, you know I love you, and I know that, given the man you are, you'll be able to live with yourself after they execute that young man for something we both know he did not do. Xander is right about one thing. Ciara is deeply in love with Ben, so are you prepared to accept the fact that she will never, ever forgive you for this?

Ciara: Justin wanted to tell you himself, but I asked if I could give you the news. I was gonna come here so strong, Ben. I was gonna be so strong for you. I was gonna tell you that--that there was a way that we could fight this, that maybe there's something that we can do, that we can--

Ben: There isn't.

Ciara: I'm so scared. Ben, I am so scared. Everything was riding on this, I mean everything, and now, I mean, how--what do we do? How do we do this? I'm not gonna let you die, Ben, okay? I'm not gonna let you die. That can't happen, but how? How can we stop this?

Ben: We don't.

Ciara: Don't say that.

Ben: This is over.

Ciara: No, Ben.

Ben: Ciara, this is over.

Ciara: No, Ben, it's not over!

Ben: Yeah, this is over. I need you to leave.

Ciara: No.

Ben: I want you to go. I need you to forget about me, and I need you not to come back here, ever.

Kayla: It's not like Steve hasn't pushed me away in the past, but it was different, you know? He was doing it because he cared about me, and he was trying to protect me. It's not like that now. There's no love. There's only emptiness.

Marlena: Yeah. John and I felt that what he did was unnecessarily cruel.

Kayla: Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I mean, maybe it was just--would have been better if he hadn't come back. Why did Hope bring him back, anyway?

Marlena: Well, who can speak to why Hope does anything at all?

Kayla: What do you mean?

Marlena: I caught her making passes at John.

John: Yes, exactly, friends.

Gina: We agreed we could work together to pursue Stefano, right?

John: Yes, we did.

Gina: Then why am I getting the distinct feeling of hesitancy on your part?

John: I'm sorry for the vibe. I just want to make sure that we're on the same page where we stand with each other.

Gina: John, please try to understand. The feelings I developed for you, they weren't something I was planning on. Now let's put all of that aside. We're professionals, and we have a job to do, and with Stefano returning, it presents a threat to all of us.

John: Couldn't agree more.

Gina: Good, because I have every intention of prevailing, which is why I need the very best, like you and Steve. That's why I brought him back, John, because I know Steve wants the same thing I do.

Steve: I have spent the better part of my life deeply concerned with what Stefano does, thinks, feels... and no matter what his faults, I have no doubt that he loves his children very much.

Kristen: Some more than others.

Steve: I am sure he loves you very much.

Kristen: You know, if my father gave a damn about me, he would have contacted me directly. I was his daughter before Chad showed up. I've been nothing but loyal to him, so what do--what do I get? What do I get? I get silence, not a word.

Steve: Maybe Stefano had his reasons for not contacting you directly.

Kristen: You know, you came here asking me about my father, but it seems to me that you know a whole lot more about his current state of mind than I do, so what is it that you're not telling me?

Steve: Let me tell you something. Stefano is a wanted man with legions of enemies.

Kristen: Yeah, tell me something I don't know. And why is this so relevant?

Steve: Why? Because you of all people should appreciate why your father might need to lie low. You yourself came back here with someone else's face to avoid detection so you could win Brady back.

Kristen: Yeah, but I didn't win Brady back, did I? I lost our child. I lost Brady. I lost everything, and where was my father then, when I was broken and alone, when I needed him the most? You know, his only living daughter destroyed, and he chose to stay beneath whatever rock he crawled under! God, I don't even know why I'm telling you this!

Steve: Because... you and I have more of a connection than you realize.

Gina: I know I was wrong. I know I overstepped when I admitted my feelings for you, but I only did it because I--I thought that--that you felt the same, but obviously I--I clearly misread the signals.

John: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hope, that's--that's on me if you thought you were getting signals. I must have said or done something that gave you the wrong impression. I'm--I'm really sorry about that. That--I'm sorry about that.

Gina: Oh, John, always--always a gentleman. And you already apologized, but, you know, I don't want you to be polite or gallant with me. I just really--just be honest, okay, please? There is this distance between us, and it is killing me because I'm so worried that because of my stupid, horrible mistake I--I'm really worried that I'm gonna lose your friendship, that it's gonna cost me. Please just tell me I'm wrong.

Marlena: When I was in Europe, Hope moved into the townhouse. She was apparently having some plumbing problem at her place, and they grew rather close.

Kayla: Yeah, I know she was going through a hard time with the divorce from Rafe and Ted Laurent's murder.

Marlena: Are you excusing her?

Kayla: Oh, oh, no, absolutely not. No, listen, you guys have been friends for decades, so close. I'm just--I'm just trying to figure out how she could do something so outrageous as make a pass at John. It just doesn't sound like her.

Marlena: Hmm. Doesn't sound like her? I walked in one day, and she had her blouse off.

Kayla: What? They didn't--

Marlena: No, no. Whew, no, and--and John told her in no uncertain terms that he had no interest in her, and she realized what she had done, and, um, she apologized.

Kayla: But you're still unhappy about it.

Ciara: There is no way in hell that I'm walking away from you right now, Ben.

Ben: Go home. Ciara, please go home.

Ciara: Ben, I am not leaving you.

Ben: No touching.

Ciara: I don't give a damn.

Guard: Hey, no touching, inmate. Did you hear me? Step back, Miss.

Ben: My last appeal just got denied, which means death. You even think about laying a finger on this girl, I have nothing else to lose.

Ciara: Ben, Ben, I am not giving up on you, okay? You have to believe me. I'm going to find a way to keep you alive. That's a promise, okay?

Clyde: Hey, son. I heard you lost your last appeal.

Ben: And what, huh? Did you come here to rub it in my face, say that you told me so?

Clyde: No such thing. You're my son. I am genuinely aggrieved that you're facing the reaper, but now that Ciara has let you down again, maybe it's time to let your old man help you out.

Xander: I told you to stay away from him.

Ciara: I'm not going anywhere, Xander.

Xander: Last time you saw him, you almost killed him. You here to finish the job?

Ciara: I love my grandfather, and I need to talk to him.

Xander: After what you did? Not a chance in hell. Look, before I throw you out of here, I want to be very clear. I don't want you within 100 yards of this room. Do you understand?

Ciara: I don't take orders from you, Xander, and I'm going to get my answers.

Xander: Justin told us that your homicidal boyfriend just lost his last appeal, so the subject is closed.

Victor: Ciara.

Ciara: Grandpa, hi. Grandpa, I love you. You know that I love you. I love you so much, but I love Ben too, and he's gonna be executed, and we both know that he did not kill his sister, and we both know that Ben is the innocent man that you guys sent to jail.

John: Our friendship has survived a lot of ups and downs. It's gonna survive this too.

Gina: I hope so.

John: Oh, yeah. As long as we're both clear that Doc is the only woman for me, everything's cool.

Gina: I understand. I do.

John: Good. Now, what I need to do is track down the Patch man so we can start this hunt for Stefano. Hope, I know that I've said it before, but it really bears repeating. Any man, any man would be lucky to be with a woman like you.

Gina: I'm glad to hear you say that, John, 'cause your luck is about to change.

Marlena: No, I could never be threatened by Hope's attraction to John. We've worked too long and too hard to make this marriage strong, and we are more in love now than we've ever been. We do have a threat right now.

Kayla: Stefano.

Marlena: Yeah.

Kayla: I am glad that Steve's back for that. When he and John team up, not even Stefano is a match for them.

Marlena: I hope they catch him quickly.

Kayla: Me too. Listen, I gotta get back to the hospital and to Justin. Thank you, dear friend, for listening to me.

Marlena: Always. One more question.

Kayla: Hmm?

Marlena: Um, would you consider going back to Steve if he wanted to give your marriage a second chance?

Kayla: As Jack said, he's not the man I knew, and I'm happy with the man I'm with. I'll see you later.

Marlena: See you there.

Kristen: A connection, hmm? The two of us? We are acquaintances at best, so what connection could we possibly have, hmm?

Steve: Familial ones. Kristen... I am your father.

Xander: You need to get out and let Victor rest.

Ciara: I'm sorry, Grandpa, but I'm not going to drop this. I know what the both of you did to Ben, and I'm not gonna let him die for your sins. Please, Grandpa, please help me. You are the only person in this world who can. Please.

Xander: I guess you have your answer.

Ciara: Grandpa, Grandpa--okay, fine! Okay, fine, then I'll tell Maggie everything. Yeah, yeah, I'll tell her how I saw you burning your confession and how I overheard the both of you saying that you sent an innocent man to prison.

Xander: Are you mad? You can't tell Maggie any of that.

Ciara: I will say and do whatever I can to get her to believe me, and then she'll get the both of you to admit what you've done. That's exactly what I'll do.

Victor: Ciara, wait. We have to tell her the truth.

Ben: I don't need your kind of help.

Clyde: Hey, hear me out, will you?

Ben: Hear you out? What, are you gonna go after little Mickey Horton again, dad, huh? You do that, and I will go straight to the Warden, mark my words. That little baby's sick. I'm not gonna stand around and let you--

Clyde: Hey, hey, Ben, hold on, will you? I love it when you get on that high horse of yours, but maybe it's time you climbed down and listened to what your old man has to say. What I'm talking about is busting us both out of here.

Marlena: I'm glad to see you drinking a beer, not that fine wine that Hope tried to introduce you to.

John: I don't want to talk about Hope, but I do want to make a toast to my wife.

Marlena: Well, don't let me stop you.

John: To the most beautiful, brilliant woman I've ever known, and to our love, which, like a fine wine, only gets better with age.

Gina: I obviously have no chance with John as long as your queen of the night is around. I have no choice. Marlena must die.

Kristen: You really want me to believe that you are my birth father? What, you think I'm gonna get on my knees now in gratitude with the big reveal so that you and I can go catch Stefano, huh? You are pathetic, pathetic! Now get out of here!

Steve: Kristen, listen to me.

Kristen: Get out!

Steve: Listen--

Kristen: No!

Stefano: To me! I am not Steve Johnson! I am Stefano DiMera. I am Stefano DiMera! Look at me.

Kristen: Oh, my God, you--

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