Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 1/9/20
Episode #13684 ~ Kristen is thrown when someone unexpected shows up on her doorstep; Brady decides to go along with Nicole's ruse; Xander warns Ciara to stay away from Victor; Jack rips into Steve.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Jennifer: Hi, sweetie.
Abigail: Hi. Okay, how many times did you have to read it?
Jennifer: Well, two for Thomas...
Abigail: And?
Jennifer: And three for Charlotte.
Abigail: What did I tell you?
Jennifer: I know.
Abigail: I mean, is that not totally me?
Jennifer: Yes, just like her mama.
Abigail: Wow.
Jennifer: I really treasure my time with them, Honey.
Abigail: I know.
Jennifer: And I just cannot believe how much they have grown in a year.
Abigail: I know, and I really--I think that Thomas is starting to look like his
dad, don't you?
Jennifer: Spitting image of his daddy.
Abigail: I know.
Jennifer: Where is Chad?
Abigail: He went to talk to Kristen, actually.
Jennifer: Why?
Abigail: Because she's playing mind games with him and with Gabi, and--and Chad
just wants to put an end to it.

Kristen: Chad, what brings you by here so late?
Chad: Well, I had to hear the, uh--the big news from Shin that you got yourself
a job here. How'd you swing that?
Kristen: I used my leverage with Gabi.
Chad: I hope you didn't promise her those shares. Do I have to remind you that
father wants me to have them so I can take control of DiMera?
Kristen: I don't give a damn what father thinks or wants. I'm here to get what I
Chad: And what's that?
Kristen: Brady.

Brady: Gabi gave Kristen a job at Basic Black?
Nicole: Yup, made her equal partner.
Brady: If Kristen thinks that this is gonna change anything between us, she is
dead wrong. I won't take her back, Nic, not ever.

[Elevator dings]
Justin: Ciara, I just heard about Victor. How is he?
Ciara: Still in surgery. Oh, Justin, I'm so scared.
Justin: Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay, Sweetheart. I'll stay with you.
Ciara: It's--it's not just Grandpa that I'm scared about. Please tell me what
happened in court. How did Ben's appeal go?
Xander: Dear God, I know I'm pushing my luck asking you for help when I only
ever go to church when I want something for myself, but... I really do need
this. Please, I need you to watch over Sarah and Mickey and Uncle Victor too. I
hope and pray that this isn't punishment for what we did.
Maggie: What did you do?
[Tense music]

Steve: Gina, I know you're worried Detective Hernandez is starting to figure out
that you're not Hope, and I agree time is of the essence if we're to win John
and Marlena before our true identities are discovered. Call me. We need to move
ahead with our plan. Did you ever hear of knocking?
Jack: If you mean did I hear what you said, the answer is yes.

Justin: I made the strongest possible argument I could for Ben's exoneration. I
emphasized that he never should have been convicted in the first place, because
it was all circumstantial evidence.
Ciara: Right. Do you think that you got through to the judge?
Justin: I don't know, but I'm hopeful.
Ciara: I just, uh--I hate that I'm not there with him right now, you know? I
mean, the waiting must be torture.
Justin: Do you want to go out to the prison?
Ciara: Yes, so bad, but, Justin, I can't. I have to stay here and make sure that
my grandpa pulls through.
Justin: Yeah. So tell me, what exactly happened? Was Victor alone when he had
the stroke?
Ciara: Uh, no. He was with me.

Maggie: What were you talking about just now, Xander? What have you done that
you deserve to be punished?
Xander: I just--I was talking about pretending to be Mickey's father. You know,
it was just all my idea, and now look at everything that's happened since.
Mickey got sick, and Victor had a stroke. I can't help but think I'm being
punished, Maggie.
Maggie: Oh, I don't believe God works that way.
Xander: We can't lose Victor. We just can't. I--I know I came back to Salem as
the black sheep of this family, but my uncle has become very important to me.
Maggie: And you to him. My husband has put a lot of trust in you this past year,
which frankly surprised me, especially after he fired Brady as CEO and replaced
him with you right after Brady lost his child.
Xander: Well, I've learned not to question Uncle Vic.
Maggie: Yeah. Well, I did. He gave me the same non-answer that he gave to Brady,
that he had to make a huge decision and that he hopes someday that I would
Xander: Sounds about right.
Maggie: Healing--healing relationships with the people that you love are so
important, and I'll not only pray that Victor recovers but that eventually there
will be a reconciliation between him and Brady.

Brady: Damn, Kristen. Like, I can't--I can't imagine what it was like for you
when she just came into the office.
Nicole: All she did was talk about you and how she thinks we're hooking up, but
whatever it is we have, it could never compared to what you have with her.
Brady: But we--there's not--there's nothing going on between us. That's the
crazy part. I mean, we're just friends. What the hell is she--
Nicole: Yeah, well, we know that, but Kristen, she just kept being Kristen, and
I couldn't take it anymore, and I--and I--
Brady: And you--and you what? Oh, God, what did you do?
Nicole: I--I told her it was true, that we're kind of together.
Brady: Oh, you did not. You really did that?
Nicole?: Uh, yeah. I mean, she just kept pushing my buttons, and it slipped out,
and I don't know. I guess after everything she did to me and stealing my life, I
just wanted to punish her. I... okay, you know what? I'm sorry. I'll just--I'll
go to the office, and I'll tell her that it's not true and that I made the whole
thing up.
Brady: Wait, no, no, no, hold on, hold on. You don't have to.

Kristen: Nicole's desperate, because she lost Eric, and like the pathetic whore
she is, she's moving in on Brady. She doesn't really love him. I need to make
him realize that. I need to just be near him for a while, convince him that we
belong to each other.
Chad: I get it, as long as you don't give Gabi your shares.
Kristen: Oh, my God, you are so obsessed with those stupid shares. I mean,
there's more to life than business.
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Kristen: Don't you have a child, a wife?
Chad: I do.
Kristen: Okay, good.
Chad: Yeah, Gabi's a threat to them and to you, and if she takes control of this
company, she's gonna destroy it. She's gonna decimate our family's legacy...
Kristen: Okay, enough, enough.
Chad: Everything that father built.
Kristen: Enough, Chad. I got it. I have no intention of giving Gabi anything.
I'm just stringing her along. Happy now?
Chad: No, I'm not, 'cause you're doing the same thing to me.

Jack: So who you talking to, Steve? What's this big plan of yours?
Steve: I'm leaving a message for Hope. We're working together to find Stefano
DiMera and Dr. Rolf.
Jack: So I heard.
Steve: So you've heard? I'd think you'd be more pumped about that since Rolf's
the one who pushed your wife off that balcony.
Jack: Pumped, yeah, I would be pumped to find out who pushed my wife off the
balcony. What I'm not so pumped about is finding out that my brother came back
into town and hearing it from a bunch of people at a New Year's Eve party. Why
the hell didn't I hear it from you?

Abigail: So what's going on, Mom? Have the cops given you any updates with Rolf
or Stefano?
Jennifer: Rafe has been keeping me in the loop, but there's nothing to report.
There's no new leads. It's like a whole trail has gone cold, so the two of them
could be anywhere.
Abigail: Well, I just--I want you to know that Chad is behind you 100% on this.
Even though Stefano says that he had nothing to do with Rolf's escape, Chad was
ready to write him off completely for even the possibility of him being
Jennifer: Okay, but Chad has no idea where his father is?
Abigail: No, none.
Jennifer: Abigail, the two of them, they were here...
Abigail: I know.
Jennifer: Within reach of the police, and now it's like Stefano and Rolf have
disappeared into thin air.

Steve: Like I said, I was a little bit busy.
Jack: A little bit busy? Too busy to pick up the phone and call me and say
you're sorry my wife is in a coma? Too busy to come to your own sister's
funeral? You realize, of course, what that did to our mother, that it tore her
apart, to lose Adrienne so suddenly, and then number-one son doesn't even bother
to show up?
Steve: I did what I could.
Jack: You did what you--you did what you could? Yeah, you sent a card, a plain
little card, a sympathy card with nothing in it, nothing but your name scribbled
in the bottom like some bar tab. I don't know. Maybe it was. It was nothing. No,
it was--it was worse than nothing. Nothing is your usual M-O.
Steve: Is that right?
Jack: That's right. Whether it's the ISA or the Merchant Marines or whatever
important assignment that you're on right now, that always comes first. You
always come first, ahead of your family!
Steve: Well, Jack, if anyone knows about abandoning their family, it's you,

Maggie: In the Lord's name, amen. Oh, you didn't have to wait for me.
Xander: No, no, I wanted to.
Maggie: You know, from the moment that you called me to tell me about Victor,
you've been right there by my side to offer a hug and handkerchief, and... I'm
very grateful to you. I know Victor feels it too, that you're here, that you're
here for him.
Xander: Do you think?
Maggie: Oh, honey, I know. I've seen how close you and Victor have become.
Xander: Why don't we, um--why don't we go see if there's any more news together?
Maggie: Okay.

Nicole: You don't want me to tell Kristen the truth?
Brady: No. No, no, leave it alone. Let her think that we're a couple.
Nicole: Are you sure?
Brady: Yeah. Yeah, I think it's the perfect way to send a message loud and clear
that I'm not available. Yeah, and maybe--hey, maybe she'll give up and just go
away, you know?
Nicole: Yeah, or she'll just kill me.

Kristen: And how exactly am I stringing you along, Chad?
Chad: 'Cause you're not giving me an answer about your shares. First you're
waiting for, uh, some sign from God. Now that you're not becoming a nun, I have
no idea what the hell you're waiting for. All I know is you can't give Gabi any
more power.
Kristen: And I already told you I'm not giving Gabi anything. Oh, God, I just
dangled those shares in front of her so I could get this job.
Chad: That's great, 'cause you don't need Gabi for that. Once I'm in charge,
you're welcome to keep your job.
Kristen: There's another reason why I'm keeping Gabi on the hook.
Chad: What is it?
Kristen: You know, that's none of your business.
Chad: Yeah, I understand you have a plan, but so does our father.
Kristen: Mm.
Chad: And right now you're going against his wishes. He wants you on my side of
this fight.
Kristen: If father wants something from me, he can ask me himself to my face.

Brady: You're not--you're not serious? You don't think Kristen would--would kill
you, do you?
Nicole: Well, I did bait her a little. I asked her if she was gonna do to me
what she did to Haley Chen.
Brady: Oh, God.
Nicole: Yeah, I know. And then I told her I wasn't afraid of her, and she said I
should be.
Brady: Well, she's wrong, because she's not gonna mess with you as long as I'm
around. I promise you that.

Chad: I, um--I highly doubt father's going to agree to meet with you.
Kristen: Why the hell not? He got in touch with you.
Chad: I haven't seen him. I haven't spoken to him. All we've done is communicate
through text messages.
Kristen: Well, the next time you send one of your messages, you just let him
know that I'm not gonna give up my stake in the company based on secondhand
communication from you. What if you're lying?
Chad: I'm not.
Kristen: Well, I'm not interested in having a conversation this important with a
screen, so you can tell father that it's either my way or the highway, and he
knows me well enough to know I mean it.

Steve: Know what, Jack? You need to get down off your high horse. Well, you
deserted your family, didn't you?
Jack: It's not the same, and you know it.
Steve: Well, what I heard was when your daughter was born, you cut and run, and
then when you got sick, you skulked out of town, didn't tell anyone the truth
about that. And then when you died in that elevator accident, huh, you didn't
even bother to let anyone know that you were actually alive.
Jack: If you'd been here, you'd know I couldn't do anything about that.
Steve: Oh, but you could stroll back into town with Eve Donovan on your arm,
hmm? Jennifer must have loved that.
Jack: I had no memories. I couldn't--I didn't know anything about who I was, but
you, you, you know exactly who you are! You knew exactly what you were doing
when you signed those papers!
Steve: Hey, hey, hey, Kayla sent me those divorce papers, and I only signed them
because I thought that's what she wanted me to do.
Jack: She wanted to wake you up, you idiot! She wanted to wake you up, make you
realize what you had before you lost it, give you a chance to come back and make
things right.
Steve: I'm not a mind-reader.
Jack: No, you--you're-- what you've become is a guy who finalizes a divorce
without a word of communication, without a hint of compassion or respect for the
woman that you've been with for 30 years.
Steve: Kayla has moved on!
Jack: You hurt her! You hurt her. You treated her like dirt.
Steve: Hey, hey, hey, who are you to lecture me about what I did to Kayla?
Didn't you rape her?

Justin: You were alone with Victor? What happened?
Ciara: Grandpa was onto me. He confronted me about visiting Ben in prison and
then for lying to him about it, so I told him that I had been helping Ben and I
never stopped.
Justin: Because you believe Victor ordered Xander to kill Jordan and let Ben
take the fall.
Ciara: Yeah.
Justin: How did he respond?
Ciara: He denied it, and I pushed back...hard. I, uh--I begged him to tell the
truth so that we could save Ben's life, and he--he sort of just slumped back in
his chair and stopped moving, and I did that.
Justin: No, no, Ciara. That's not true. You did not cause Victor to have a
Ciara: I really think that I did. If grandpa dies... oh, my God. Oh, my God,
Justin: Ciara, Ciara. Kayla.

Maggie: How is he? How is Victor?

Chad: I'll get your message to our father, but let me get one thing straight.
I'm the future of this company.
Kristen: Really? I'm getting a lapdog vibe from you.
Chad: Why, because I have the utmost respect for our father?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Chad: He can make whatever decisions he wants behind the scenes. He's in no
position to take over completely or publicly, and while you've been hiding out
in that little convent of yours, I've been building DiMera Enterprises, Asia,
Europe, the entire globe.
Kristen: Would you like a gold star?
Chad: I've worked my ass off to bring this company back from the brink. I'm not
gonna let Gabi steal it from under me, and if you let that happen, not only will
you have to deal with father's wrath, you will have to deal with mine.
Kristen: Hmm.

Kayla: Victor pulled through the surgery with flying colors.
Maggie: Oh.
Kayla: The embolectomy was a complete success. We took out the blood clot, and
he is now resting comfortably.
Maggie: Oh, thank God.
Kayla: Yeah.
Maggie: And thank you, Kayla. May--may I see him?
Kayla: Absolutely. I'll take you back.
Maggie: Okay.

Nicole: Do you want to stay and see your grandfather?
Brady: No, I, um--I don't have anything to say to him.

Justin: You know what? I'm going to give Sonny the good news.
Ciara: Okay.
Xander: Hey. Where the hell do you think you're going?

Jack: Oh, I see where this is going. You're gonna throw that in my face after
all these years.
Steve: But it's true, isn't it, Jack? You did rape her.
Jack: Yeah, I did. I did rape her, and Kayla and I worked through that together
years ago. I guess you weren't here, but this, this, what's this all about, huh?
What, you want to throw me off another roof?
Steve: It's not like you didn't deserve it.
Jack: Uh-huh.
Steve: And after everything you did, what happened?
Jack: Ah, yeah, I got a kidney out of it.
Steve: Yeah.
Jack: You gave me your kidney; thank you very much. I think of you often, and
still the fact is, it never would have happened if our mother hadn't gotten down
on her hands and knees and begged you, begged you, so it still comes back to
you, what you want, what you need, because whatever Steve wants is the most
important, and the hell with the rest of us, including Kayla, sweetness, the
love of your life, huh?
Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know what? You have to stop idealizing
what Kayla and I had. We had plenty of problems over the years. You know, we
fought. We broke up. We were with other people.
Jack: And you always managed to come back together, somehow, somehow. I don't
know, so somehow you could have come back, given her the decency--
Steve: What happens between me and Kayla is none of your damn business, and you
know what? She's with somebody else right now, and she seems really happy with
him, our brother-in-law, and I'm fine with that.
Jack: Oh, this is unbelievable, unbelievable.
Steve: Well, believe it, Jack. We're divorced. It's over, and the only
connection we have left is our three kids.
Jack: What?
Steve: You heard me.
Jack: Yeah, I heard you right, but you and Kayla only have two kids.

Ciara: Relax, okay? I'm not gonna intrude on Maggie's time. I'm gonna wait
outside, and when she's done, I'll go in and visit him. He's my grandfather, and
I love him, so don't even try to stop me, Xander.
Xander: I can't stop you, Ciara, but I can tell you what I think. If you love
Victor as much as you claim, then you won't go anywhere near him. Just seeing
you could give him another stroke.

Jennifer: Oh, I love you so much, baby.
Abigail: Aww, I love you too. Have fun with dad.
Jennifer: This was so fun. I will.
Abigail: I love this coat.

Jennifer: Hey.
Chad: Oh, hey, you two.
Abigail: Hey. Hi.
Jennifer: I just--I want to thank you so much for those beautiful grandbabies,
because I love them.
Chad: Oh, wow, you are incredibly welcome.
Jennifer: All right, I do, I need to go. I love you both.
Abigail: Okay. Thank you for coming. We love you.
Jennifer: Oh, my goodness, no problem.

Chad: That was nice.
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: Unlike seeing my sister.
Abigail: Oh, what happened? Did she explain how she landed her job?
Chad: Yeah, well, it's all about getting Brady back. Kristen wants to be near
Brady. Gabi wants Kristen's shares.
Abigail: Please tell me she didn't sign them over.
Chad: No, it's all about leverage. I told her to stop playing games and to just
do what our father's asked.
Abigail: Right, just sign over the shares to you so that you can boot out Gabi
and then take control over the company.
Chad: But Kristen wants our father to ask her in person face-to-face.
Abigail: Oh, are you kidding me? That's never gonna happen.
Chad: That's what I said. So as--she insisted, so I said I would send the
Abigail: Okay.
Chad: All right. "Father, we have a problem. I've done all I can to get rid of
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: "If you really want me to take charge of DiMera..." uh...
Abigail: Say meet him face-to-face.
Chad: "You need to talk to your daughter..."
Abigail: Or--yeah.
Chad: "Face-to-face. She won't do it any other way."
Abigail: Yup.
Chad: Good?
Abigail: Yes. I think it's great.
Chad: Okay.
Abigail: Well done.

Jack: You and Kayla have two kids, Joey and Stephanie.
Steve: What about Tripp?
Jack: Tripp? Kayla's not Tripp's mother. Ava was.
Steve: I know that, but she's dead, and Kayla and Tripp are close now. She
thinks of him as ours. So do I.
Jack: So you keep in touch?
Steve: What?
Jack: With Tripp. Do you keep in touch? Does he know you're here? Does he know
how you're treating his beloved stepmother?
Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you need to stop with the inquisition, Jack.
Jack: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're a busy man. You've got a lot of stuff to do.
I'm sorry for asking too many questions.
Steve: Okay, well, hey, if you don't care if I find the man who's responsible
for putting your wife in a coma, fine. We can chat all day. Maybe you just don't
care if I catch Stefano DiMera. There's a whole lot of other people in this town
that do.
Jack: I see. I'll tell you what. You may think that this big plan of yours to
catch the bad guy is gonna make you a hero again. Well, guess what. You're
wrong. It's not gonna make up for the fact that you haven't been here for
anybody. I haven't seen you for years. Steve, I--I guess I-- I'm better off
without you. Maybe I always was. Maybe we all were.
Steve: Good riddance, Deveraux.

Justin: See you soon.
Kayla: Was that Sonny?
Justin: Yes. He's on his way back here, and he is very grateful to you for
taking such good care of Uncle Victor, as am I.
Kayla: Of course, yeah. Um, how'd it go in court today?
Justin: Well, I did my best. It's in the judge's hands now.
Kayla: Yeah. Listen, there's, um, something I need to tell you.
Justin: Okay.
Kayla: I, uh, had a--I had a run-in with Steve. Well, it wasn't really a run-in
because I--I went to John and Marlena's to talk to him.
Justin: Oh. How'd that go?
Kayla: He said he's in love with another woman.
Justin: Wow.
Kayla: Not that I should have been surprised, because I mean, why else would he
so quickly sign those divorce papers, you know?
Justin: Well, still, it couldn't have been easy for you to hear that he's
involved with another woman. I'm sorry.

Chad: All right, now all we have to do is just sit around and wait for my father
to respond.
Abigail: Mm.
Chad: In the meantime, how are our two beautiful children?
Abigail: Mm, they're good. They're sound asleep.
Chad: Yeah?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: So does that mean we're alone?
Abigail: Yes. Do you want dinner?
Chad: No.
Abigail: Are you sure?
Chad: I just want my gorgeous wife.
Abigail: Oh, is that what you want? Really?
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: Oh, interesting.
Chad: Should we skip dinner?
Abigail: Should we skip dinner? I guess I could be convinced to skip dinner.
What did you have in mind?
Chad: Mm.

Jack: I don't know. I was talking to Steve and just trying to get some answers,
trying to get him to explain his behavior, and then things got ugly and then
nasty and then weird.
Jennifer: How weird?
Jack: Oh, I don't know. We were going back and forth, and all of a sudden he
just--he just blurted out that he and Kayla had three kids.
Jennifer: That's weird.
Jack: Yes, yes. I mean, I know I have memory problems, but to not remember that
he and Kayla had two kids, it was bizarre.
Jennifer: Wait a minute. How did he even explain all of that, Jack?
Jack: He claimed that he was talking about Tripp, but I don't know. I don't
know. I feel like maybe he was--he was thrown somehow, like--like he was
covering up a slip.

Steve: Gina, why haven't you called me back? Chad, what is it now?

Kayla: You're amazing, you know that? I'm upset about Steve, and you are
supportive and loving, and I--I really just am lucky.
Justin: No, I'm the lucky one. Look, you've been in the O.R. for hours. Why
don't you go out and get something to eat?
Kayla: No, I was just, uh, gonna hit up to the vending machines here.
Justin: Vending machine? You know you need real food. You need some real air.
I'm gonna stick around and wait for Sonny, and then we'll go have a quick visit
with Victor, and by the time that's over, you'll be back.
Kayla: Okay. All right. I love you.
Justin: I love you too.

Kristen: What a surprise to see you two out and about. I thought you'd be at the
hospital holding vigil for Victor.
Brady: Turns out my grandfather's going to pull through, so we decided that we
would go out and celebrate it.
Kristen: Hmm. Enjoy.
Brady: Kristen.
Kristen: Yes?
Brady: I understand the three of us are, um, we're going to be working together
at Basic Black. I hope it doesn't make you too uncomfortable.
Kristen: Well, thank you for considering my feelings, but I am professional, and
I know I can keep my work life separate from my personal life.
Brady: That's good, but I have to put you on notice. Do not--do not mess with
her, or you'll answer to me.

Brady: Paranoid much?
Nicole: Did you see the way Kristen was looking at me? I mean, I could feel the
hatred oozing out of her when we walked by.
Brady: Putting my arm around you probably was going a little too far, but I
couldn't resist the opportunity to let her know that I'm spoken for.
Nicole: Well, I did enjoy you rubbing our relationship in her face, but I also
know from experience it's not a good idea to push Kristen DiMera too far.
Kristen: Augh! Augh! Augh! [Shouts] Ohh!

Chad: Are you, um--are you bummed that we missed dinner?
Abigail: Nope, not even a little bit.
Chad: I mean, in fact, I think that--I think we should skip dinner more often.
Abigail: Oh, you do?
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: Yeah, that would be a good idea.
[Phone beeps]
Chad: No, no.
Abigail: You can check your message. I know you want to. Come on. It's fine.
Chad: Okay.
Abigail: The future of DiMera is important to me too.
Chad: It is from Stefano.
Abigail: Really? What did he say?
Chad: Not to worry, that he's gonna deal with Kristen himself.
Abigail: Hmm.
[Knock at door]
[Tense music]

Jennifer: Wait, so you think that Steve is hiding something?
Jack: Well, I--
Kayla: Hey, guys.
Jack: Hey.
Jennifer: Hey.
Jack: Join--
Kayla: You mind if I join you?
Jack: Please, please.
Kayla: Thank you. I appreciate that. I, uh, just came from the hospital with a
long surgery with Victor. It was a success. He should make a full recovery.
Jennifer: Oh, good, I'm so glad to hear that.
Kayla: Yeah.
Jack: Good, that's good. Good. Um, I have some news for you. I finally caught up
with Steve.
Kayla: Oh?
Jack: Yeah, oh. Uh, look, I--I know he's my brother, but I think you're better
off without him.
Jennifer: Jack.
Jack: Sorry, I just--Steve just--he doesn't seem to be the same man anymore.

Kristen: Steve Johnson? What--what the hell are you doing here?

Ciara: Thank you for saving my grandfather's life. I'm so sorry that I upset him
so much, and I promise as soon as he gets stronger, I'm gonna apologize to him
again, and, um, I just have to ask for one more thing for Ben. I know in my
heart that he's innocent. He doesn't deserve to die. Please, God, please let his
appeal go well, please, please.

Justin: Ciara, we just got the call. They've, uh, reached a decision.Back to The TV MegaSite's Days of Our Lives Site
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