Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 1/8/20
Episode #13683 ~ Nicole lies to Kristen about her relationship with Brady. Lani confides in J.J., who offers his help. Gabi tries to cover her tracks with Eli. Kate warns Will about Evan.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Niki
Brady: Hey. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of the coffee.
I'm sick of the waiting around. I don't like it.
John: So how's Vic?
Brady: He's in surgery. They're trying to remove the clot or--we're not gonna
know anything for a couple hours.
John: All right, so let's get out of here. I'll buy you lunch.
Brady: I can't go. Can't leave. It wouldn't feel right.
John: I get that. You know, I actually love this place. In fact, I've been
thinking about dropping by here more often, you know? Just to kind of hang out.
Brady: Yeah, I'm sure. You don't have to stay. You know, you can--I'm all right.
John: I know.
Brady: I know you know, so thank you for staying.
John: Nicole told me that Kristen's back in town.
Brady: She is, Dad, yeah. Like malaria, she never really goes away. God, I love
my life right now. Really do.

Nicole: I think you're confused. You don't work here.
Kristen: Au contraire, Gabi made me CO-CEO.
Nicole: Because of your experience in the prison laundry?
Kristen: Oh, isn't this just fabulous? I mean, what could be better? You, me,
Brady. All working together.
Nicole: Over my dead body.
Kristen: Whatever.

JJ: If there was anything that I could do to repay you for what you did, I
Lani: You really mean that?
JJ: I definitely do.
Lani: Actually, there is something that you can do for me, but it's asking a
JJ: Name it.
Lani: Would it be okay if I just crashed at your place for a little while?
JJ: Sure. No problem.
Lani: Maybe there is. Thing is, JJ, you can't tell anyone about it.
JJ: Why not?

Gabi: Did you find Lani?
Eli: Yeah.
Gabi: And?
Eli: I asked her why she broke your store window. She said it was because of
something that you did.
Gabi: What exactly did she say about me?
Eli: Something about what you made her do when Julie needed Stefan's heart.
Gabi: That bitch is lying.
Eli: Gabi, listen. I--
Gabi: No, please. Okay, before you say anything, I can explain everything. I

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.

Kate: I don't even know why I keep bothering. I don't know. I can't seem to get
anything to penetrate that thick skull of yours.
Will: It's nice to see you, too, Grammy.
Kate: Look, and don't call me that. Really? Don't play cute. Please, please
don't do that. The whole reason I told you about this pretty boy babysitter
going after your husband is because I wanted to inspire you to fight for your
marriage, and what do you do? You ask him for a divorce! I mean, why are you
driving your husband into another man's arms?

Sonny: Is something wrong?
Evan: No, it's just this is getting a little intense.
Sonny: Oh, and you have, like, a lot of things to do, before David wakes up.
Evan: It's not that. I just--I want to make sure you're comfortable with what's
happening here.
Sonny: Well, I don't know if "comfortable" is what I was feeling.
Evan: Look, I just--I know that things aren't settled between you and Will, so I
have to ask. Are you really ready to move on?

Will: "Driving my husband into the arms of another man." That's not something
you hear every day.
Kate: Okay. You know, this isn't funny.
Will: No, it's not, and trust me. It was not fun to ask Sonny for a divorce. I
was trying to do the right thing.
Kate: Well, it wasn't the right thing. It was the stupid thing.
Will: Can you--Grandma, can you try to understand?
Kate: Oh, what? What am I gonna understand? That you're acting like a masochist?
Will: You know, I had this exact same conversation with my other grandma, and
the funny thing--she actually listened to me.
Kate: Oh, well, that's very nice. Maybe she was coddling you, but I love you
enough to tell you when you're an idiot!
Will: Oh, well, thank you for the tough love. And now that you've given it to
me, why don't you go over to the hospital and tell Victor's family to buck up?
Kate: What are you talking about? What's wrong with Victor?

Brady: I'm telling you. New Year's Eve? It was vintage Kristen. I mean, she was
just out of her mind crazy.
John: Well, I guess her little stint in the convent didn't leave much of an
impression on her, huh?
Brady: Oh, no, no. She left the convent. You know why she left the convent? Get
this. Because she wants to get back together with me. I mean--
John: Yeah, well, you don't have any say in that.
Brady: Look. I'll admit. I mean, when we lost the baby, Dad, she was in a lot of
pain. I understood that, and I'm still trying to understand that, but the way
she attacked Nicole--the way she flung insults at her--she called her every name
in the book, and then she was accusing Nicole and I of being together. I mean,
it was just crazy. Crazy time.
John: Yeah, well, you know, with the history between you and Nicole, is it
really all that crazy?

Kristen: So where's Brady? I can't wait to tell him the good news.
Nicole: Well, he's not here.
Kristen: Well, do you expect him back soon?
Nicole: None of your business.
Kristen: What a surprise. Taking the low road. Well, since Brady and I are
partners, I can just ask his secretary.
Nicole: He's at the hospital. Victor had a stroke.
Kristen: Hmm, and a good day just got better. Life-threatening, I hope.
Nicole: How in God's name did you get Gabi to hire you?
Kristen: She realized how much I could contribute to the company's success.
Nicole: Yeah. Just about five minutes ago, you were ready to become a nun. That
hardly makes you an authority on current fashion.
Kristen: Well, I could say the same about you.
Nicole: All right, look, we both know why you're here. You maneuvered your way
in, so you could get close to Brady, but that's never gonna happen. You are
never getting back together with Brady, and I will make sure of it.

JJ: I get it. I guess a nun wouldn't want people to know that she's living with
a guy.
Lani: I'm not a nun.
JJ: But you're dressed like one, and you just told Julie you took your vows.
Lani: I lied. I didn't go through with it.
JJ: Why would you lie about not taking your vows? It's not like anyone would
hold it against you, if you didn't.
Lani: Kristen and I felt that it was the best way for people not to see us as a
JJ: Who would think you were? Look, I gotta admit this isn't making much sense
to me.
Lani: Okay, look. JJ, you have to promise to keep what I am about to tell you a
JJ: Okay.
Lani: Before I left Salem, someone set out to destroy my life. And for the past
year, I've been letting her get away with it. But not anymore. I am getting back
what is mine, and I am gonna let the world know what kind of a monster she
really is.
JJ: Who are you talking about?
Lani: Gabi DiMera.

Gabi: I know that what Lani said to you must have shocked you.
Eli: You can say that.
Gabi: Okay, but you have to believe me, okay? I am not an evil person.
Eli: Who said anything about evil? Look, I don't like what you did, but I
understand why you did it.
Gabi: You do?
Eli: You were grieving for Stefan, and you blamed Lani for his death.
Gabi: Yeah, yes, I did, yes.
Eli: So making Lani kneel and beg for Stefan's heart? I mean, that was a bit
much, but it wasn't evil.
Gabi: That's what she told you?
Eli: It's the truth, right?
Gabi: Yes. Yes, it is the truth, and I really regret it now. I was a completely
different person back then.
Eli: Grief can do that.
Gabi: Yeah. You know, it's actually really good that this is out. I'm glad. I
don't want any secrets between us. Did you want something? Coffee or tea?
Eli: Hold on. If Lani was telling the truth, then why did you say she was lying

Kate: So I talked to Philip, and Victor's in surgery. They're not going to know
anything for a few hours.
Will: Poor Sonny.
Kate: Exactly. Just when he needs you, you're pushing him away. The whole point.
I told you about Evan going after your husband is so that you would fight for
him, but instead, you just threw in the towel.
Will: How do you really feel about this?
Kate: Look, I probably exaggerated a little bit when I said that Sonny was
serious about this, because he's not, not yet.
Will: I know. I know it's not serious. Sonny told me.
Kate: Sonny told you that it's not serious, and you asked him for a divorce?
Will: Yes, because I want him to be happy. And, Grandma, he's not gonna be
happy, as long as he's tied to me. So if there's even a chance that he could be
happy with--with Evan, then I am not going to stand in his way.

Sonny: Actually, just now, I wasn't thinking whether I wanted to be moving on or
not. I wasn't thinking anything, except that was pretty nice.
Evan: I thought so, too, but since I made the first move, I just wanted to make
sure that it was okay.
Sonny: Well, I wouldn't have kissed you back, if it wasn't.
Evan: But you have to have some mixed emotions about this.
Sonny: I don't really know how to say this. It's nothing about you, but it was
kind of, like, a little weird, for me.
Evan: Because I'm not Will.
Sonny: No. It's nothing personal. It's just that I haven't been with anyone like
this in a very long time.
Evan: And?
Sonny: And I--well, I have to admit to you that it did kind of feel a bit like
cheating, you know, 'cause Will and I aren't technically divorced yet.
Evan: Yeah, and you want to pump the brakes until you are. I get it. It's
totally up to you.

Gabi: I said that she was lying because... I was so ashamed of what I did. I
didn't want you to know that about me. I didn't want you to know that I did
something so awful.
Eli: Lani shot and killed Stefan, and then she was asking for his heart. Gabi,
it's no wonder you lost it. And in the end, you did give Julie Stefan's heart.
It was an incredible thing to do.
Gabi: It was just the right thing to do. I just wish I hadn't made an enemy out
of Lani.
Eli: That doesn't matter anymore. She's getting ready to leave town.
Gabi: Are you sure?
Eli: I just saw her. Her suitcase was packed and ready to go.

JJ: Gabi tried to destroy your life?
Lani: She blamed me for Stefan's death.
JJ: That wasn't your fault.
Lani: Yeah, well, Gabi decided to be my judge and jury. I tried to persuade her
to let Julie have Stefan's heart. She made me get down on my knees and beg her.
Otherwise she would just let Julie die.
JJ: Okay. That must have been horrible, but you've gotta admit that was a pretty
crazy situation.
Lani: JJ, no. She didn't stop there. She couldn't stand that Eli and I were
happy, about to be married. So she decided, since I took Stefan away from her,
she would take Eli away from me.
JJ: You dumped him. I was there. The whole town was there.
Lani: Yeah, because she made me do it, okay? It was the hardest thing that I
ever had to do. It was hard enough that I had to let him go, and to do it so
brutally, in front of everyone.
JJ: Yeah, well, okay. Wait a minute. How could she make you do that?

Kristen: Well, I guess your relationship is on shaky ground, if you're so easily
threatened by me.
Nicole: Brady and I are just friends.
Kristen: Yeah, 'cause I caught the two of you making out, on more than one
occasion. You are just pathetic, the way you throw yourself at him.
Nicole: Oh, I'm pathetic? You're the one who had to wear a mask of my face, just
to get Brady in bed with you.
Kristen: You be careful what you--
Nicole: I didn't have to don a disguise when I "threw myself" at him.
Kristen: You have no idea what you're talking about. Brady is a man, and as
Nicole: I know this.
Kristen: Has his needs, and I am sure when he is desperate you meet all his
physical needs, but he has a mind and a soul, and you will never know the part
of him that is perfect for us or share what we share.
Nicole: Wow.
Kristen: You know, if you had any pride, you would bow out, right now, before
once again, you're humiliated. And I know that seems harsh, but I'm just being
Nicole: Hmm. Well, you know, since you're just being honest, I guess I can tell
you Brady and I are together. We are happily, permanently in love.

Kate: I know that you don't want to hold Sonny back. I really do, but you're
just moving too fast. Will, you're going to get parole.
Will: We don't know that I'm gonna get parole, and even if I do, that could be
years from now.
Kate: Okay, let's just not be negative, okay?
Will: How about I be realistic then? I'll be realistic. I killed Sonny's mother.
Kate: It was an accident. That was an accident, and Sonny is going to forgive
you eventually--
Will: Even if he does forgive me, it doesn't mean he wants to still be married
to me. That doesn't mean he wants to be married to the man--
Kate: Just stop! Just stop. Stop. When Adrienne had cancer, she and I became
really close, you know? And you know, the really great thing about her is that
she didn't have an ounce--not an ounce--of self-pity. And because I know that, I
know that she would not want you wasting your life beating yourself up over
this. And she would also not want her son to lose the man who truly, deeply
loved her son.
Will: Asking Sonny for a divorce was not about my self-pity, okay? It was about
doing the best for the man that I truly, deeply love.

Sonny: I just have such a hard time, like, understanding this, even for myself.
It's like, until this divorce goes through, I just can't--
Evan: You still feel married.
Sonny: I've just never been, you know, a letter-of-the-law kind of guy. And
like, Kiriakis family crest is "see what you can get away with." So I just don't
know why this just doesn't--it doesn't feel right. I don't know why it bothers
me so much.
Evan: Maybe because you really did love him. Maybe you still do.
Sonny: I feel like I should be talking to a therapist about this, not the guy
that I just made out with.
Evan: This is on me. I'm the one that stopped kissing you and started talking,
Sonny: What?
Evan: I just--I think part of me wants this to, you know, be more than just sex,
as nice as that would be, you know?
Sonny: Yeah. It would be nice.
Evan: Yeah, I think, if we go too far too soon, it's just--it won't work.
Sonny: So you're playing the long game?
Evan: Yeah, yeah. I think we should wait until the divorce is final. I'll wait
and see if I can play for the big deal of the day.
Sonny: Well, that is flattering. Are you sure?
Evan: Yeah. I'm not going anywhere, especially now, with Rafe adopting David.
I'm here.
Sonny: Right, yeah, because you have, like, job security.
Evan: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Well, I'm gonna get going. Ari has her recital tonight.
Evan: Oh. Oh, tell her knock 'em dead. I'll see you around. Good talking to you,
casual acquaintance.
Sonny: Yes, yeah, we had a very productive conversation.
Evan: This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.
Sonny: Right. Well, I'm gonna--
Evan: Oh. You turned your phone off?
Sonny: Well, yeah, yeah. I mean, you never know. Oh, my God.

Brady: Nicole and I are just friends.
John: Mm-hmm. Son, let me tell you something. No man has ever been or will ever
be just good friends with Nicole. And it's not like the two of you don't have a
Brady: I--look. I'll admit this to you. Something almost did happen between us,
all right? But we stopped it, because we knew it would be a mistake.
John: Yeah. I think so too. I mean, not only the two of you trying to get your
lives back on track, but I don't think Kristen would take to that very well.
Brady: That's a real polite way of saying that Kristen would probably gun Nicole
John: She's not known for her restraint, yeah.
Brady: No, that's exactly why I made it very clear to Kristen, number one, I am
not interested in her. Number two, Nicole and I are just friends. I just hope
she got the message.

Kristen: I knew it. Somehow, you got your claws back into Brady again.
Nicole: And I didn't have to dress up as someone else to do it. Kristen, remind
me again why you pretended to be me for months? Oh, I know! Because you know
Brady loves me. Not you. He wants me. Not you.
Kristen: No. No. You see, when we made love he knew it was me.
Nicole: Because of your mind, right? Your soul?
Kristen: No. He admitted it to me. He just felt bad for you. But once he had me
again, he knew he was living a half life without me.
Nicole: Oh, so sorry, honey. It's just this morning, lying in bed, our naked
bodies intertwined, he told me no one has ever satisfied him the way I do.
Kristen: You shut your filthy mouth.
Nicole: Or what? You'll kill me, the way you killed Haley Chen? I'd like to see
you try.

Rafe: There he is, hey.
Evan: Hey, sorry, dinner's gonna be a little late.
Rafe: Well, I keep telling you, you don't have to cook. It is not in the job
Evan: I like to cook. I'm just--I'm sorry I got behind. I got busy.
Rafe: With Sonny? Sorry. I'm just--so what is going on with you? Are you guys
Evan: No, not yet. We're gonna wait until the divorce goes through.
Rafe: Ah. Seems like a good idea.
Evan: You still think I'm asking for trouble, don't you?
Rafe: I just know Will and Sonny.
Evan: They're getting a divorce.
Rafe: Right, yes, they are, so legally, they will not be together anymore.
Emotionally, it's different. And trust me. I speak from experience.
Evan: Well, I can understand the situation is complicated, but, well, I told
Sonny that he's worth the wait.
Rafe: Wow, really?
Evan: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: Huh. Real deal, huh?
Evan: Yeah. I think it is.

Sonny: Hey, how is he? I got your text message. Is he bad?
Brady: No, no, listen. Take a breath. It's okay. Look, he's in surgery. There's
a clot. That's what caused the stroke, and they're trying to remove it
Sonny: I should have been here.
Brady: Hey, don't beat yourself up about it, all right? He was unconscious when
I saw him, so you'll be there when he wakes up, right?
Sonny: How about Maggie? How's she doing?
Brady: She's okay. She's hanging in there. She's in the chapel.
John: Just come with me. I'll take you to her.

Lani: Gabi has something over me.
JJ: She's blackmailing you?
Lani: Worse.
JJ: What's that supposed to mean?
Lani: I can't tell you, JJ, okay? Look, if Gabi found out that I told you
anything, someone's life could be in danger.
JJ: What, what? Look, Lani, if Gabi is threatening someone's life, you need to
go to the police.
Lani: Yeah, no. I can't, okay? It's too risky.
JJ: I'm not understanding.
Lani: And I can't explain it to you, okay? All you need to know is that Gabi
told me I had to leave town. Look, she knows I'm a threat to her, but I can't
just leave and let her get away with everything that she is doing, okay? I
just--I need to lie low, and I need some time, okay? And I have to get Eli away
from that--
JJ: So this is about Eli. You still love him.
Lani: I tried to move on. I just--I couldn't. You know, I don't think I ever

Gabi: You really upset about the whole Lani thing?
Eli: You kidding me? Seeing her brings back bad memories. Good riddance. I don't
even want to talk about her no more. How did your meeting with Kristen go?
Gabi: Well, not as well as I hoped. She still won't hand over her shares.
Eli: Is she trying to give them to Chad?
Gabi: She hasn't made up her mind yet.
Eli: Sounds to me like she's playing games.
Gabi: Of course she is. She's a DiMera. I asked her if she intended on keeping
the shares for herself, but she doesn't want to run DiMera.
Eli: And you believed her?
Gabi: Well, she asked me for something else.
Eli: What?
Gabi: A job.

Kristen: What happened to Haley was an accident, and I felt terrible about that.
Nicole: Because you have such a gentle soul? Please. That's why Brady and I
didn't tell you we were together. He was afraid you'd do something drastic, like
fling yourself off lover's leap or something like that.
Kristen: I told you to be careful what you say about--
Nicole: Yes. I know, 'cause you like to threaten people, but I'm not afraid of
Kristen: Well, you should be.
Nicole: Oh, what a surprise. Another threat.
Kristen: No. A statement of fact. Stay out of my way, or someone will get hurt.

Kate: That's from Ari. She knows that you can't be at the recital, but she
wanted you to have it.
Will: I'll read it later.
Kate: You know I only yell at you because I love you.
Will: Lucky me.
Kate: Honey, you and Sonny love each other so much. Nothing is impossible.
Will: Grandma, when did you become such a big believer in the power of love?
Kate: I'm not. I'm not. It's just that I know how much you love Sonny, and I
don't want you to waste that. I don't want you not to fight for him and fight
for your family.
Will: What about Sonny? I mean is he supposed to just wait and hope that I get
out? Grandma, if he has a shot at being happy with Evan, like I said, I'm not
standing in his way.
Kate: He's not gonna be happy with Evan. He's not gonna be happy with Evan. Evan
is not the right man for him. He's gonna hurt him. I guarantee it.
Will: Wait a minute. What do you mean? Is there something about Evan that I
don't know?

Rafe: Look, I hope that everything works out for you and Sonny, 'cause you're
both great guys.
Evan: Thanks for saying that, and for the job and everything. I mean you've
treated me like family.
Rafe: Well, you are family. Are you kidding? Honestly, I don't know what David
and I would have done without you, all right? So do not get any ideas about
moving on, especially now. Now that I am adopting him legally, I'm gonna need
you more than ever, okay?
Evan: I'm here as long as you need me.
Rafe: Good, great. All right.
Evan: Well, I'm gonna go get dinner started.
Rafe: Yeah. You know what though? Before you go, I've got more adoption
paperwork I need you to sign.
Evan: What is that?
Rafe: Yeah, it's just since you're living with David, I need you to consent to
having a full background check. That's not gonna be a problem, is it?

JJ: My first reaction is why would Gabi do something like that? And then I
think--all of the things she's done to my sister. I just--I thought that--hoped
she'd changed.
Lani: No. She hasn't changed at all. It's all just an act. A good one, yeah.
Sure as hell fooled Eli.
JJ: You can't even talk to him about this?
Lani: No, I can't, because I'm the one who looks like the villain in this whole
piece. Crazy. Erratic. Never to be trusted. JJ, she set me up good.
JJ: What are you gonna do?
Lani: First thing, I'ma let her think that I'm gone. That she's gotten away with
JJ: Then?
Lani: I'm working on that. Will you help me?
Eli: So in order to get close to Brady, she wants to work for Basic Black?
Gabi: Yeah.
Eli: And you agreed?
Gabi: Well, I really don't have a choice. She's using DiMera shares as leverage.
Eli: Nicole will be thrilled.
Gabi: Kristen wanted me to fire her, but I couldn't, because the board loves
her. So now they have to work together.
Eli: Can you see this ending up in anything but a disaster for Basic Black?
Gabi: Basic Black is expendable. I don't care what happens to it, as long as I
get what I deserve.

Nicole: You know, you really should have taken those vows, because at least
you'd have an excuse for your lonely, solitary, celibate life.
Kristen: That's a big mistake, to underestimate me.
Nicole: And you're underestimating Brady. You think he's not gonna see through
your--what is that word? Oh, your desperate, humiliating ploy? It's your call. I
mean, if you want to come here every day to work and see just how much Brady
loves me, be my guest. So welcome to Basic Black. You can start by filing these.

Kate: Just this--this feeling I have about him. Just--I don't know. I don't
trust him.
Will: Why not? He seems like a, you know, perfectly nice guy, and I doubt Rafe
would hire someone to look after David if there's something wrong with him.
Kate: Really? After Rafe vouched for Jordan? Look how that turned out.
Will: So what is it exactly that makes you suspect him, or is it just that you
see him as a threat to me?
Kate: Okay, all right. You know, I knew that you wouldn't take my word for it,
so I have decided to do a little digging.
Will: No, don't. Please don't do that.
Kate: What do you mean, "please don't do that?" Why? Why? If there's something
not right there, do you really want him around Ari? No, I am gonna get the
truth. I'm gonna get the whole truth.
Will: Well, I mean it's not like I can stop you.
Kate: That's right. You can't.
Will: But can you promise me one thing? Can you talk to me before you try and
poison him please? Because that never really works out for you.
Kate: So... love you.

Evan: No, I'm totally fine with a background check. I've got nothing to hide.
Rafe: Oh, I know, I know. You know, it's just a formality.
Evan: Right.
Rafe: Okay. Just get it back to me. I'ma go see what David's up to.

Gabi: Ari's almost ready. We should get going.
Eli: Nicole left you a voicemail.
Gabi: Oh, Kristen must have given her the good news then.
Eli: Do you really think Kristen's gonna come through for you?
Gabi: Well, if she doesn't, I'm gonna make her wish she never left that convent.

Lani: Look, JJ, I understand if you don't want to get mixed up in all this. I
know Gabi was there for you once.
JJ: You were there for me once too. Are you telling me the truth?
Lani: I swear to God.
JJ: Okay then. Then I'll help you, in any way I can.
Lani: So I can stay with you?
JJ: Yes. Let's get you settled in.
Lani: Oh, thank you. Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.

[Elevator bell dings]
Nicole: Brady? Hey.
Brady: Hi.
Nicole: How's Victor?
Brady: Still in surgery.
Nicole: I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can get you?
Brady: No, no, no, I'm okay. Thank you. I'm all right.
Nicole: Listen, I know this isn't a good time, but there's something I have to
tell you about Kristen.
Kristen: You can't stop me from being with Brady, Nicole, because I won't let
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