Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 1/7/20
Episode #13682 ~ Eli questions Lani about why she threw a rock through Gabi's window. Kristen uses Gabi to get what she wants. Xander blames Ciara for Victor's medical crisis. Brady learns about Victor's condition.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Niki
Ciara: Will you just get it together, okay? We're in a freaking hospital right
Xander: What did you do to Uncle Victor? Henderson told me you were alone with
him when he blacked out. What did you say to him?
Ciara: Okay. I've... I've been lying to you. I still think that you ordered
Xander to kill Jordan Ridgeway and let Ben take the fall. I'm not gonna defend
myself to a lowlife like you.
Xander: That man loves you. He doesn't trust anyone, and he trusts you, and
you've been nothing but a sneaky, ungrateful bitch to him. If he dies, it'll be
on your head.

Lani: I found a higher calling which has helped me to put the past behind me.
Eli: Nice for you. Not so much for the rest of us. Look, I don't know why the
hell you're back in Salem, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
[Phone rings]
Lani: Hello?
Gabi: You're still in Salem? You better get your little ass out of town by
tonight, or I'm gonna crank Julie's pacemaker until it explodes. Do you hear me?
Lani: Loud and clear.
Gabi: I am serious. I'm gonna send that bitch straight to hell.
Eli: Who are you sending to hell now?

Julie: I'll tell you, JJ, those party crashers arriving on New Year's Eve--that
is getting to be a tradition. I really thought I could break the cycle by
changing the venue, but no. Same old rodeo. Different cowboys.
JJ: My dad was one of those party crashers, a couple years ago. Ended up working
out all right.
Julie: Well, yes. Once he got rid of his date, whom I recall was Eve Donovan.
JJ: Just saying it could work out for Steve too.
Julie: After the way he's treated Kayla, I really don't see that happening.
JJ: Didn't see it happening for my dad either.
Julie: Well, I have more important things to worry about than Steve. You know
the exterior of my restaurant was vandalized last night? And you'll never guess
by whom.
JJ: Freddie Krueger?
Julie: No, darling, worse. The security camera saw everything plain as day.
Kristen DiMera is back in town.
[Dramatic music]

Nicole: Please, Brady. I know you still have feelings for me. I can see it in
your eyes.
Nicole: Oh, Brady?
Brady: What?
Nicole: The theme on the summer collection? What--you didn't hear a word I said,
did you?
Brady: Hey. It was a late night, right?
Nicole: Mm-hmm. This is more than just sleep deprivation. You can't stop
thinking about Kristen, right?

Kristen: Who called?
Lani: Gabi. She says if I don't leave Salem by tonight, she's gonna kill Julie.
Kristen: Kid, take it from me. Threatening to kill someone and actually doing
the deed is two different things. And besides, Gabi is with Eli. I mean, you
really think that she's gonna murder a sweet, old granny?
Lani: I don't know, Kristen, but I can't take that chance with Julie's life.
Kristen: Okay, well, then what choice do you have?
Lani: So you're saying I should just do what Gabi wants?
Kristen: Do you have a better idea?
Lani: Yeah I do. Kristen, you know that Gabi would sell out her own mother for
your stock. If you could just let her--
Kristen: Okay. Lani, I'm sorry. I can't just give up a bargaining chip like that
stock. I have my own problems, okay?
Lani: I'll start packing.
Kristen: Hold on. Just--hold on. You don't have to leave Salem.
Lani: You just said that I need to--
Kristen: All you have to do is convince Gabi that you did. Find a place to lie
low for a while.
Lani: Where?
Kristen: There's got to be someone you trust. How about your father?
Lani: Right, I'm gonna call up honest Abe Carver and ask him if I can hide out
at his place, "but dad, no, you can't ask me any questions."
Kristen: Okay, okay, okay. It was a bad idea. I mean there's somebody-- there's
someone else you trust. I mean someone who can keep their mouth shut.
Lani: Kristen, everyone thinks that I broke Eli's heart.
Kristen: All right. Lani, I am on your side, and I want to bring Gabi Hernandez
to her--
Lani: Gabi DiMera.
Kristen: Gabi Hernandez. And I will bring her to her knees. We both will.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.

[Sweeping orchestral music]
JJ: Kristen's in town? You sure?
Julie: Yep.
JJ: I thought the last I saw of her was in Italy when I--
Julie: When you threatened to shoot her. That wasn't you, darling. That wasn't
you. It isn't you. It was the drugs talking.
JJ: No one tied me down and poured 'em down my throat. That was my idea.
Julie: Well, you're off the drugs, and you didn't shoot her.
JJ: Yeah, well, it's not like I saw light. Lani showed up, stopped me.
Julie: Please, darling. I don't want to hear that woman's name.
JJ: I'm just saying.
Julie: I appreciate the fact that she stopped you from committing murder. That
doesn't change the fact that she strung Eli along, so she could humiliate him on
his wedding day. Thank goodness he's been able to pick up the pieces, and he's
found some happiness with Gabi.
JJ: You've sure done a 180 where Gabi's concerned.
Julie: Yes. That's true, because she not only healed Eli's broken heart. She did
exactly the same for me, literally. I'm alive because of that girl.

Gabi: I was talking to Rafe.
Eli: Well, what bitch are you sending straight to hell?
Gabi: Kristen. Okay, she is playing games with her shares, and she threw a plant
through my store window. If Stefano really is in the picture, he's not gonna
want me controlling his company. You can count on that.
Eli: Rafe could have Kristen picked up, and she's got a rap sheet a mile long.
Gabi: She'd get off. Nothing sticks to her.
Eli: Well, you want me to lean on her, as your head of security? Make sure she
knows her place?
Kristen: Oh, don't worry. I know exactly where my place is.

Ciara: You think that what happened to grandpa is my fault? Xander, you are the
Xander: One who what?
Ciara: Aunt Kayla, hi. How is he? Marlena said she would try to figure something
out, but she hasn't gotten back yet.
Kayla: Well, she had an emergency with a patient, but I can fill you in. I just
saw Victor.
Ciara: And?
Kayla: He's still in the ER. We gave him a dose of TPA. It's the best stroke
fighting weapon we've got, but it has to be administered in a short window of
time, so it's a good thing that you were with him and that you called an
Ciara: Okay, so does that mean that he's gonna be okay?
Kayla: Well, the clot is large. If the TPA doesn't dissolve it, then we will
prep him for surgery.
Xander: Brain surgery.
Ciara: Aunt Kayla, he's not gonna die, right?
Kayla: I wish I could promise you that, but let's just take it one step at a
time, all right?

Ciara: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Kayla. He can't die.
Kayla: We are gonna do everything we can, sweetheart, all right?
Ciara: Okay.
Kayla: Do you know where Maggie is? I have a lot of paperwork for her to sign.
Xander: She wasn't home when this happened. You didn't even bother to call her?
You didn't let her know that her husband might be on his deathbed?

Maggie: JJ!
JJ: Hi.
Maggie: Hey, sweetheart. Oh, my goodness. I can't tell you what it means to me
to see you looking like your old self.
Julie: I'm afraid I've just been talking his ear off.
JJ: You were fine.
Julie: Sure I was. He is champing at the bit to go to his own place, but I think
it's too soon.
Maggie: Well, that's the reason I'm here. I just want to make sure that you have
all the support you need in your recovery. Your last meeting--it didn't go so
JJ: Kind of an understatement.
Maggie: Well, if you are willing to give it another try, I'll go with you. And
this time I guarantee you that Brady will not be there.

Brady: How can I stop thinking about Kristen? You know, it was ridiculous. She
charged at you. She what--she called you a slut, right?
Nicole: Actually I think my favorite part is when she whipped off the habit and
showed us the trademark red dress underneath.
Brady: Yeah. I know. It's not--you know what, Nic? It's not funny though,
because she verbally--she physically--she attacked you. You didn't deserve that,
at all.
Nicole: Well, she doesn't want you kissing another woman, honey, not even on New
Brady: Why'd she come back? Why is she back?
Nicole: 'Cause that's where you are.
Brady: Doesn't matter. She's wasting her time, because I tell you what. If I
never see her again, that would be too soon.
Nicole: You sure?
Brady: What are you getting at, hmm?
Nicole: Me thinks Brady doth protest too much.

Eli: You better be here to make restitution for that window you broke, and if
you destroy any other property--
Kristen: Oh, be quiet. I didn't throw the plant.
Eli: Then who did?
Kristen: Uh, the only other person in town dressed in a nun's habit.
Eli: Lani?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Eli: But I thought she said that she--
Kristen: Go ask her yourself.
Gabi: Eli, don't worry about it, okay? It's just a broken window.
Eli: It matters to me. I'm about to get to the bottom of this.
Kristen: You go for it, Sherlock.
Gabi: Eli--
Kristen: Well, I don't know about you, but to me he seemed pretty anxious to
spend a little time with his ex. Think he's still hung up on her?
Gabi: I don't know. She waited until they were at the altar to tell him she was
leaving him. Didn't even give him a reason. You're being ridiculous.
Kristen: Oh, gee. I don't think I'm being a bit ridiculous.
Gabi: You better get your little ass out of town by tonight, or I'm gonna crank
Julie's pacemaker until it explodes. Do you hear me?
[Knock at door]
Eli: Lani? Lani, answer the damn door, all right? I'm not leaving until I talk
to you.

JJ: When I stopped using before, I told myself I didn't need a program. I didn't
think that I would do drugs again, so I was wrong. So yeah, I would like to try
another meeting.
Maggie: I was like you, and then I had a major slip. And I realized the triggers
that make me want to drink-- they're never gonna disappear. I don't know what I
would do without the support that I got from my meetings. You could benefit from
that sort of support. And if you ever can't get to a meeting and you need
someone to talk to, just call me.
JJ: Yeah, I will. Thank you, Maggie. You're always there for me.
Maggie: I always will be. Come here.
JJ: Both of you have my back, and I know how lucky I am.
Maggie: Yeah.
Julie: Well, we love you. Speaking of people we love, what's the news about
little Mickey?
Maggie: Well, I haven't talked to Sarah today, but-- [Cell phone rings] Oh, hold
on here. Wait a minute.
Julie: That's it?
Maggie: Yeah. Ah, Xander. Xander, what's going on?

[Dramatic music]
Brady: I hate it when you do that. Like, you act like you know me better than I
know myself. Don't.
Nicole: I don't do that.
Brady: Yeah, you do.
Nicole: No, I don't.
Brady: You did it just now. Yes, you're doing it, and you're wrong, because the
only feeling I have for Kristen is contempt, okay?
Nicole: Contempt.
Brady: Yeah.
Nicole: Brady, that's what makes your heart beat faster whenever she's around.
Brady: No, no, no. If my heart beats faster when she's around it's because I'm
mad, that's it.
Nicole: Mad.
Brady: Mad.
Nicole: Oh, are you angry mad or mad with desire? Maybe it's both.
Brady: You know what? I think we should probably just stick to the summer line.
Why don't we just do the business and--yeah. Come in please. Dad, hey.
Nicole: Hi.

John: Oh, hey. Sorry to interrupt.
Brady: No, no, no. What's going on?
John: Nicole.
Nicole: Hi.
John: I just got a piece of news. I wanted to give it to you in person.
Brady: What's wrong?
John: Doc just called me. Said that Victor had been rushed to University
Hospital. He just had a stroke.
Brady: Why are you telling me?

Gabi: You know, you should worry about your own love life. I mean, from what I
know, Nicole and Brady-- they're getting pretty chummy.
Kristen: Do you want my shares or not?
Gabi: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I was still in the running. Chad told me you
two talk all the time.
Kristen: He called me once. My little brother and I are not that close, and if
my father wants him to be in charge of the company, well, then that's not gonna
make me jump on the bandwagon.
Gabi: Okay, so you want me running things?
Kristen: I didn't say that.
Gabi: You're playing games. You're playing games. You're not gonna give your
stock to anybody but yourself. You want it all.
Kristen: Well, I haven't lived the kind of life that would endear me to the
board of directors, so I am willing to play ball.
Gabi: And what do you want from me in return?

Lani: Come on in. What do you want now?
Eli: What is it with you, huh? Kristen said that you're the one that threw the
plant through Gabi's store window.
Lani: I can't lie to you.
Eli: You did yesterday.
Lani: You jumped to a conclusion, and I didn't bother to set you straight. It
was a lie of omission, but it was still a lie, in the eyes of God.
Eli: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I didn't come here to go to Sunday school. I want
to know why you broke the window, and it can't be because I'm with Gabi, 'cause
you're the one that broke things off with me. So what is it? What do you have
against her? 'Cause she's never done anything to you.
Lani: You have no idea what Gabi has done!
Eli: What the hell's that supposed to mean? Are you saying that she did do
something to you?

Maggie: Xander.

[Monitor beeping]
Ciara: Oh, Grandpa. Grandpa, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for all the things that
I said to you. I love you so much, and I just-- I don't want anything bad to
happen to you. But I love Ben too. God, Grandpa. I just--I'm so desperate. If I
don't get any answers soon, then they're gonna execute him for something that he
didn't do.
Xander: You hang in there, I'm sure Maggie would.
[Monitor beeping]
Ciara: How long have you guys been standing there?
Maggie: We just got here. I'm here, sweetheart. I love you.
Xander: I'm sure Maggie would like some time alone with her husband.
Ciara: Right.
Xander: You hang in there, Uncle. That's an order. Hey!

Ciara: Get your slimy paws off me, Xander!
Xander: I didn't hear what you had to say to Victor, but I have a pretty good
idea what it was.
Ciara: Just leave me alone, okay?
Brady: Hey, hey. You heard her, right? How is he?
Ciara: He's bad, Brady.
Brady: Come on. What did the doctors say? Have you talked to them?
Ciara: Just Kayla, and she said that they gave him a drug to help dissolve the
blood clot, but he still might need surgery, so--
Brady: I think it's a big mistake for me to be here.
Ciara: No, Brady, not to me.
Brady: My grandfather and I are on the outs, Ciara. And that ape over there is
the man of the hour right now.
Ciara: Yeah. No matter how much we love him, he still finds ways to make us
angry and hurt.
Brady: Exactly.
Ciara: And the worst part is he's actually doing those things because he loves
Brady: I'm tired of analyzing the man. I don't know why he does what he does,
but the result always seems to be the same. He pushes us away.

John: Once again, I'm sorry to interrupt. I'll get out of your hair and let you
get back to work.
Nicole: Don't go. Thank you for getting through to Brady.
John: It was the right thing to do.
Nicole: If he hadn't gone to the hospital, it would have eaten at him, and he's
already in a pretty bad place with Kristen being back, and--
John: Excuse me?
Nicole: You didn't know?
John: Kristen is in Salem?

Gabi: You can stick your stock where the sun don't shine. I am not doing that.
Kristen: Well, if I were you, I would not make an enemy out of me.
Gabi: I'm not afraid of you.
Kristen: So you don't mind if I sign my shares over to Chad which will give him
the upper hand, which will cost you your job, this house, and all the money you
control right now.
Gabi: Five minutes ago, you were about to become a nun. Now you're blackmailing
me. I don't believe you.
Kristen: Oh, honey. I can make a believer out of anyone.

Eli: I'm not leaving until you tell me what Gabi has supposedly did to you.
Lani: Last year, when Julie needed a transplant, and Stefan was a compatible
donor, Gabi had a decision to make.
Eli: Yeah, she donated Stefan's heart to Julie.
Lani: But she hated me, because I'm the one who shot Stefan.
Eli: Lani, quit telling me things that I already know. I want to know what she
did to you. Well?
Lani: I went to her and tried to make her understand that I would never do
anything to hurt Stefan, and she made me get down on my knees and beg her to
give his heart to your grandmother.
Eli: She did that?
Lani: Yeah, and I did it, Eli. I got down on my knees, and I begged her. I
begged her.
Eli: Gabi was filled with grief, okay? She was filled with grief. She probably
didn't even know what the hell she was saying.
Lani: No, she knew, and she enjoyed every minute of it. Eli, she is not a nice
person, and she will end up breaking your heart.
Eli: No one will ever break my heart more than you did. Lani, I didn't come here
to talk about us. You were a cop. You know you can go to jail for felony
Lani: You're really gonna arrest a nun for breaking a window? You were a cop
too, and you know those charges won't stick, so just stop harassing me. I'm
leaving town anyway.
Eli: You just got here.
Lani: Big mistake.
Eli: So where are you going?
Lani: I don't know. Wherever the good Lord leads me.
Eli: Why did you even come back to town? You know what? Don't even answer that.
I thought I knew you better than anyone on this planet, but I don't get anything
that you do anymore.
Lani: Yeah. Well, I don't get how you could fall for Gabi, so why don't you just
go live your life, and I'll go live mine? Good-bye, Eli. For good this time.
[Dramatic music]

[Monitor beeping]
Maggie: You... you once quoted me a line from Shakespeare that I'll never
forget. It went something like, "when sorrows come, they come not single spies,
but in battalions," and that's what this feels like. My baby granddaughter has
cancer, and now you--you're like this. Oh, Victor, please. Please be the
stubborn mule who drives me crazy. Fight. Please fight hard. Please don't leave
me. Don't leave me. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, you don't seem the type to carry a
Xander: He taught me a few things.
Maggie: Me too. Well, I have to go sign some consent forms. They said that he
needs surgery.
Xander: So it's been decided then?
Maggie: Yeah.
Xander: I'll stay with him.
Maggie: Oh, please do. I really can't stand to think of him alone now.
Xander: You don't have to worry. No one will ever find out what we did. I'll
make sure of it.

John: You can't be serious. Kristen was gonna be a nun?
Nicole: And now she's kicked the habit, because she's decided that she can get
Brady back.
John: Yeah. Well, she's delusional. You're not saying anything.
Nicole: I know you remember Kristen's ability to reel people in. Make them feel
John: Even after she treats them like dirt. That woman just poisons everything
that she touches. Trust me. I know. I'm an expert on that subject.
Nicole: In the past few years, I've become at least a B student.
John: And you're still a good friend to Brady, after everything that happened.
And Nicole, listen, I am really grateful for that. It's just--
Nicole: But you're afraid that I'm on the rebound from Eric, and I might hurt
John: Yep.
Nicole: This is what I told Marlena. I think Brady is my closest friend, and
there's nothing more.
John: And you speak the truth to him, and I got a feeling with Kristen in town
he's gonna need a good friend like you.
Nicole: He told me he doesn't want anything to do with her.
John: Oh, come on. You and I both know that she has some sort of hold over him
that he just seems powerless to resist.

Gabi: Even if I do what you want me to do, it's not gonna change anything
between you and Brady.
Kristen: Leave that to me. Do we have a deal or not?
Gabi: What choice do I have, Kristen? If we don't work together, then Chad's
gonna beat both of us.
Kristen: Good thinking.
Gabi: You listen to me. When everything is said and done, you better remember
who's in charge here.
Kristen: Oh, I will.

Maggie: I'll be right here waiting for you. Don't you stand me up. Love you so
Xander: We're all counting on you to pull through.
Brady: It's me. I don't want things to end this way between us, so do me a favor
and fight. You fight.
Xander: This is happening so fast. Anything goes wrong, I'll get the best
specialists money can buy. You just say the word.
Kayla: I promise you he's in good hands.
Julie: Maggie doesn't need this right now. She's already so worried about the
JJ: Yeah. Victor's one tough old dude.
Julie: He better be. Well, if it isn't the flying nun.
Lani: It's not a costume.
Julie: I heard. I hope that suitcase doesn't mean you're moving back to Salem.
Lani: No. I just was--came to see my dad. You'll be happy to know I'm on my way
to the airport.
Julie: Fine. Well, don't let me keep you. I'm gonna get us some coffees.

Lani: You're looking a lot better than the last time I saw you.
JJ: Getting it together. Sorry about what Julie said.
Lani: That's okay. She loves her grandson, and I really hurt him.
JJ: You wouldn't do that to Eli, unless you had your reasons.
Lani: Yeah. You're right, and I really wish I could explain it to you.
JJ: Well, you don't owe me an explanation. Look, if you hadn't talked me down, I
would have blown Kristen away.

Nicole: It's me. Call when you can. I want to know how Victor's doing, and
I--gotta go. Well, Brady's not here. That's who you're looking for. Yeah, that's
your cue to leave. Not stay.
Kristen: Well, I'm not going anywhere.

Gabi: That's Kristen DiMera. Don't you dare ask me to spell that! Did you find
Eli: Yeah.
Gabi: And?
Eli: I asked her why she broke your store window. She said it was because of
something you did.
Gabi: What exactly did she say about me?
Eli: Something about what you made her do when Julie needed Stefan's heart.
Gabi: That bitch is lying.

JJ: If I had killed Kristen that night, my life would be over right now, and if
there was any way that I could repay you for what you did, I would.
Lani: You really mean that?
JJ: Definitely do.
Lani: Okay. Well, there is something you can do for me, but it's asking a lot.

Kristen: Are you calling security?
Nicole: No, I'm ordering tea and little sandwiches, so we can have a chat.
Kristen: Well, they're gonna tell you that I have every right to be here.
Nicole: And I have every right to kick people who assault me out of my office.
Kristen: Oh. I don't think you do. You see, I'm your coworker now. Well, aren't
you gonna welcome me to the company? Hmm?
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