Days Transcript Monday 1/6/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 1/6/20


Episode #13681 ~ Evan and Sonny share a kiss; Kayla presses Steve to tell her about the woman he loves; Ciara's confrontation with Victor takes a stunning turn; Xander threatens Ben.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki

Evan: What brings you by?

Sonny: Some of those sugarless brownies.

Evan: [Laughs] I can whip up a batch.

Sonny: Uh... actually, I just wanted to come by and apologize for the way that Ari behaved on Christmas. You know, refusing to go sledding with you and David, insisting that she would, you know, wait for Will. I just want to say I'm sorry.

Evan: It's all good. I mean losing her father to prison has got to be a pretty traumatic experience for a little girl. It all makes sense she'd act out and be extra protective of her other daddy.

Sonny: Thanks for understanding. You know, I could use some of that wisdom of yours. I just really don't know how I'm gonna tell Ari that Will and I are getting a divorce. You know, she--I can't keep it a secret for much longer. She's at that age where she's aware of everything that's around her.

Evan: It can be tricky. Yeah. All those questions. You know, it's-- I have to say, it's, uh-- it's truly a blessing that poor little David can't ask any questions. I mean how do you explain to a child that his uncle killed his mother?

Xander: Where are you going, Weston? You have another visitor.

Ben: What the hell are you doing here?

Xander: We need to have a little chat about your nosy girlfriend.

Ben: Well, you're wasting your time. Ciara and I broke up a long time ago. She's not my girlfriend anymore.

Xander: That might be the fairytale she's peddling to Victor, but I'm not buying it.

Ben: We're done here. Guard.

Xander: Oh, you mean Jerry? He's a great guy once you get to know him. Comes pretty cheap, too.

Ben: You paid off the guard?

Xander: You forget I spent a little time in this joint. I know who all my friends are, for the right price. So, if you don't want me to do something to you or your pretty little girlfriend, you will sit your ass down.

Victor: Cat got your tongue?

Ciara: Grandpa, I--

Victor: Don't even try and spin this, Ciara. You were visiting Ben Weston, and you were investigating Xander. Don't even try and deny it. Well, now that we got that out of the way, you want to tell me why you've been lying to me?

Ciara: And we can't wait for the court to decide to set you free, Ben. We got to do this ourselves.

Ben: Are you say--

Ciara: I pulled the trigger on our plan.

Ben: You went to Victor?

Ciara: I told my grandfather that I had given up on you and that I thought you were still a killer, and that I don't love you anymore.

Ben: That must have been so hard for you to lie like that.

Ciara: It was worth it. It was so worth it, Ben. He was so happy. You should have seen the look on his face. And now, hopefully he'll let his guard down, and I'll be able to prove that he's the one who really killed Jordan.

Victor: So, in order to get McKenzie back, we have to admit to what we did.

Xander: Yes, Victor. That's what this said.

Victor: Who is they? Who the hell are these people?

Xander: I don't know. And they demanded we make a full confession.

Victor: To what?

Xander: I think you know.

Victor: No, I don't know. And neither do you, not for sure. After all, you've done some pretty terrible things in your life.

Xander: Not with you.

Victor: Still, you have to ask. Make them spell it out.

Xander: Fine. I'll do anything to get my daughter back.

Rafe: Hope.

Hope (as Gina): You're fired.

Rafe: Fired? [Chuckles] Okay. Do you mind if I ask why?

Steve (as Stefano): You're right, Kayla. I have changed. And it would be so much easier for everyone if you would just accept that that man, the man you knew, is gone.

Kayla: After everything that we've been through together, how could you possibly act like you don't care anymore?

Steve (as Stefano): For God's sake! I'm in love with another woman! All right?

Kayla: Who is she?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Evan: I just read that Ben Weston's facing his last appeal. Hired a new lawyer in hopes of a different outcome.

Sonny: Yeah. His new lawyer is my dad.

Evan: Your father's defending Weston?

Sonny: I know. It's kind of crazy. Especially since Ben tried to murder my husband.

Evan: How do you feel about that?

Sonny: I mean, I'm conflicted for sure. But my dad, you know, he always says that everyone's entitled to a good defense. So, I get that. But when it comes to Ben Weston, like, I just don't have sympathy for the guy.

Evan: Actually, I do.

Ben: What do you want with me?

Xander: Your girlfriend has become a right pain in the ass: Investigating me, lurking at doors, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, drilling into my lockbox. I want to know why.

Ben: I don't know what you're talking about.

Xander: I think you do. So, you can be smart and enlighten me, or you can be stupid, and things could get very ugly for a certain young lady.

Ben: You're gonna keep your damn hands off Ciara.

Xander: And look at that. Just like I thought. You are still involved with her.

Ben: She's innocent.

Xander: Not so much. But don't worry about her. Victor told me to stay away from his granddaughter, so I will. But he didn't say anything about you.

Ciara: Okay. Fine. I've been lying to you. I still think that you ordered Xander to kill Jordan Ridgeway and let Ben take the fall.

Steve (as Stefano): I'm not going to tell you who it is. We're divorced. You're in love with Justin Kiriakis. What difference does it make who I'm in love with?

Kayla: We may be divorced, but we raised two children together. We spent so many years together--I supported your son, Tripp, while you were away. I think that I deserve for you to tell me who you are in love with.

Steve (as Stefano): You really want to know? I'll tell you.

Victor: I have told you I had nothing to do with Jordan Ridgeway's death. I can't believe you're still beating that dead horse.

Ciara: And I can't believe you dragged Ben into this room and nearly strangled him to death. Yeah, I know what you tried to do, Grandpa. And I also know that Ben threatened to tell me, but he promised to forgive and forget if you just took care of Jordan. And that's exactly what you did. But you double-crossed him. You sent Xander to kill Jordan, and then framed Ben for her murder.

Victor: That is complete and utter nonsense.

Ciara: It's the truth.

Victor: Truth based on what evidence?

Ciara: I've been spying on you and Xander.

Victor: Spying on me?

Ciara: Yes. Yes. And I overheard you say that "we sent an innocent man to prison." And you were obviously talking about Ben, so grandpa, why don't you just admit it?

Ben: Is that supposed to scare me, Xander? You couldn't possibly do a damn thing to me that hasn't happened already.

Xander: You do not want to challenge me, Mate.

Ben: Just stating the facts.

Xander: You think you're safe here, huh? But a shiv could so easily find its way into your gut.

Ben: Wouldn't be the first time.

Xander: Well, it will certainly be the last. It would solve so many problems. Victor would be happy. Your little Bo-peep wouldn't have a reason to come here anymore. And all of the messy part could be so easily avoided if you would just tell her to back the hell off.

Ben: Are we done?

Xander: If you don't call Ciara off, I will have you killed, and her.

Ben: Like hell you will. You just said Victor told you to stay away from Ciara.

Xander: Oh, he did. But just like you could so easily be shivved stepping into the shower, Ciara could be cut off on her motorcycle and end up dead in a ditch. And none of it would never be traced back to me.

Ben: You son of a bitch! You lay one finger on her, you touch her, you are a dead man! Do you hear me?

Will: What the hell--

Ben: Do you hear me?

Will: Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on here?

Sonny: I'm surprised you feel bad for a guy like Ben. I mean, he killed David's mother.

Evan: I'm not condoning what he did. It was awful. But, from what Rafe's told me about Jordan, she was completely unhinged.

Sonny: I mean yeah. That's the truth. I mean she kidnapped Ciara to frame Ben to look like the crazy one. And then she spent time in the psych ward, somehow convinced them that she was sane. Then when she was on the outside, she went after Ciara again. Just, like more threats, and then she tried to poison her.

Evan: Yeah, so, that's nuts. And dangerous.

Sonny: Yeah. It's very dangerous. But for Ben to take the next step and to put it into his own hands and strangle Jordan?

Evan: I know this may sound weird, but-- never mind. [Chuckles]

Sonny: No, no. What is it?

Evan: It's kind of a relief that Jordan's out of the picture. In some ways, maybe--maybe Ben did his nephew a favor.

Sonny: Do you really believe that?

Hope (as Gina): I am sick and tired of you undermining my authority at every single turn. Oh, not to mention you talking about me behind my back to Roman.

Rafe: I wasn't talking about you behind your back. I was telling him that I'm worried about you.

Hope (as Gina): You should focus on the little boy you have at home instead of on your ex-wife.

Rafe: Well.

Hope (as Gina): And now, you'll have time to do just that. Your gun and badge. Now.

Rafe: No.

Kayla: So, tell me. I mean, what are you waiting for? Who is this new woman in your life?

Marlena: Oh, sorry to interrupt, but we thought we heard raised voices.

John: Everything okay here?

Kayla: I'm sorry for disturbing you. It's my fault. I came here looking for answers and Steve just informed me that he's in love with another woman. So, I asked him who it was, and he was just about to tell me. Weren't you, Steve?

Hope (as Gina): "No"?

Rafe: No.

Hope (as Gina): I'm not asking. I have full authority to fire anyone, including you.

Rafe: Yeah. Maybe you do. Maybe you do. But, as you know, there's a process. Now, first of all, I have a union. And they're gonna find your reasons for termination, well, unfounded? And then after that, you're gonna have to create a case file for her. A lot like this one here.

Hope (as Gina): What is it?

Rafe: Mm. It's just a file of your inconsistencies.

Hope (as Gina): You're building a case against me? Spying on me?

Rafe: Observing.

Hope (as Gina): This is outrageous. How dare you.

Rafe: The only reason that I have created this is because I am worried about you. Now, if you're still determined to see through my termination, go for it. Although I can tell you it's only gonna make me even more determined to find out what the hell's really going on with you.

Hope (as Gina): There is nothing going on with me. Understood? I am fine. In fact, I have never, ever, ever been better. The only problem I am having, Rafael, is with you.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. I can see that. Well, hopefully one day you will tell me. Until then, I'm gonna take this file, I'm gonna go on home, see David for lunch. Unless, of course, you want to fire me for that, too.

Sonny: So, you're a fan of vigilante justice?

Evan: No. I'm just saying that it's probably for the best that Jordan's out of David's life. I can't imagine a woman with her emotional and mental issues raising a child.

Sonny: I know parenting is hard enough for the sane among us.

Evan: And now that she's no longer amongst the living, there's zero possibility that she'll come back into David's life and mess everything up. And the kid really lucked out when he landed with a guy like Rafe.

Sonny: He got lucky to have you, too.

Evan: No. I'm no Mary Poppins, but the little squirt and I definitely have a lot of fun.

Sonny: I'm serious though. You're a great role model. You know, you're responsible, you work hard.

Evan: You're making me sound boring.

Sonny: No. You're a great cook, too, and you rock the swings at the park.

Evan: Okay. All right. That's more like it.

Sonny: And you also make David feel safe and loved.

Evan: Well, I'm trying. When I was a kid, my dad, he wasn't really around. And when he was, total jerk. So, maybe that's why I gravitated towards taking care of kids. I want to give them some of the kindness and stability I never had.

Sonny: Well, you're a natural.

Evan: [Scoffs]

Sonny: You're gonna be a great dad someday.

Evan: You think so?

Sonny: I know so.

Steve (as Stefano): I really don't see the point in sharing my lover's name.

Kayla: Well, I do. And I'm not leaving till I get it.

Steve (as Stefano): [Sighs] All right. If it's so damned important to you, I'll tell you this much. She's beautiful, intelligent, captivating. That's all you need to know.

Kayla: Well, I hope the two of you are very happy.

Marlena: Oh, Kayla, wait! Kayla!

Steve (as Stefano): I'm sorry about that.

Marlena: Um... I'll go after her.

John: That was a bit harsh.

Steve (as Stefano): She asked. I answered.

John: Obviously. But were you telling the truth about that other woman?

Will: Ben, you want to clue me in on what's going on here?

Ben: It doesn't concern you, Will. Just walk away.

Will: No. No. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Ben: Just--

Will: I'm afraid-- 'cause I don't want you to do something stupid. And if Xander is involved, it's probably stupid.

Xander: I'd watch my mouth if I were you.

Will: Whatever this is about, don't let Xander get to you. Okay? Don't sink to his level. You're better than that. It's not worth it.

Xander: Look at you, playing advocate for the man who strangled you. Practically besties. But then, you did join the killer club when you wiped out your mother-in-law.

Ben: Shut your mouth! Shut your mouth!

Will: Hey! Hey! Hey! Ben, chill out. Chill out. Hey, you need to relax, okay? If you get into it with Xander--listen. Look at me. If you get into it with Xander, it could mess up things for your appeal, and you might never see Ciara again. Don't let this piece of trash ruin that for you.

Victor: You're wrong, young lady. You've obviously misheard. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Ciara: No, Grandpa. I know exactly what I heard. And I have proof.

Victor: Proof?

Ciara: When Mickey was kidnapped, Xander wrote a confession in order to get her back.

Victor: You don't know that.

Ciara: Yes, I do. After we found Mickey, I watched Xander burn his confession right here in the fireplace. And after he left, I went back, and I took it out of the fire.

Victor: You have his confession?

Ciara: All that was left were the words, "and that's the whole sordid story of what we did."

Victor: Well, then you have proof of absolutely nothing.

Ciara: Grandpa, I don't need to see what piece of paper in order to know what Xander was confessing to. And now Ben might die because of what Xander did. Okay, please, Grandpa. I've looked up to you my entire life. No, you've always, always been there for me, especially after I lost my dad. And I need you there for me right now. Okay, Grandpa? I need you to admit the truth. Because if you don't tell me the truth about what Xander did, then they're gonna kill an innocent man. An innocent man who has worked so long and so hard to put his life back together. Okay, look. I know in your own twisted way, you thought that you were trying to protect me. But, Grandpa, this is not the way to do it. It's not the way to protect me. And there's still time. You can still fix this.

Victor: Twisted? Twisted? My own granddaughter, who I have done nothing but love. And you come with this. Ciara--

Ciara: What?

Victor: I--

Ciara: What is it?

Victor: I--

Ciara: Grandpa? Grandpa? Grandpa? Hey, Grandpa. Oh, my God. Grandpa.

Steve (as Stefano): What makes you think I'm not telling the truth?

John: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I've known you a long time, buddy, and I know how you operate. It just seems to me that you're pushing Kayla away, telling her that you're in love with this make-believe woman because she's gotten herself involved with Justin.

Steve (as Stefano): All right. You got me. There's no other woman. It was just simpler this way.

John: Oh, come on, man. We don't do simple. There's nothing simple about this. You shared a lifetime together. You sure you want to throw that away?

Steve (as Stefano): I already have. I signed the divorce papers. It wasn't easy. I mean all the history, the kids. But what choice did I have? Our relationship was in ruins. And now she's in love with Justin.

John: Yeah. Well, you know, you pushed her in that direction when you just went off the grid.

Steve (as Stefano): I realize that, but what kind of a man would I be if I came back to town and destroyed what she has with Justin?

John: Who's judging? Especially if you still love her.

Steve (as Stefano): No, John. I can't. She's moved on. That's why it was easier for me to let her believe there's another woman.

John: I'm not so sure about that.

Steve (as Stefano): No. That's the way it has to be. There's no going back to Kayla. Now, can I count on you to keep my secret?

Marlena: Hey.

Kayla: Uh, hi.

Marlena: Are you okay?

Kayla: Yeah, listen. I really didn't mean to cause a scene. I just wasn't expecting my ex-husband to drop the bomb that he's in love with another woman.

Marlena: I'm so sorry he's hurt you. I imagine you're feeling so frustrated. You know, maybe it's good that he came back to town. Maybe now you can have some closure.

Kayla: I wish I saw it that way. But I'll tell you something. It just gave me more questions. I mean, who is this woman? Is she the reason that he stayed gone for so long? Is she why he gave up on his marriage? To think that I allowed him back in my life just to let him upend it again. I just feel like a fool.

Marlena: Don't you dare blame yourself for this.

Kayla: I will tell you one thing. I will never make that mistake again.

Ciara: Grandpa! Grandpa? Grandpa, please! Just wake--oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yes, this is an emergency! We need help.

Ben: You're right. He isn't worth it.

Xander: Maybe not, but your girlfriend is. So, get that bitch on a leash. Now.

Will: What happened? What was that about?

Ben: Xander knows that Ciara and I are still together. That she's been trying to prove that he killed Jordan to try and help exonerate me. Will, I have to warn her right now. She's in serious danger.

Rafe: Sorry. Not meaning to interrupt.

Evan: You're not. Not at all.

Sonny: Yeah, I just stopped by to say hello.

Evan: David went down early for his nap. Oh, he crushed it at the toddler gym today. Check this out.

Rafe: Oh, yeah? He crushed it?

Evan: Yeah.

Rafe: [Laughs] Whoa. Wow.

Sonny: Yeah, he has no fear.

Rafe: No, not at all.

Evan: None at all.

Rafe: Oh, wow. No wonder he went down early. Look at all that. He's like a tumbling machine.

Sonny: You know, they're so fun at that age.

Rafe: Yeah. I know. That's why I came home for lunch. I don't want to miss anything, even if he is napping.

Sonny: Well, I'm gonna get going.

Rafe: Oh, don't leave on my account.

Sonny: No, no. I have errands to run.

Rafe: Oh, you know what? Hey, I was thinking if you're gonna see your dad later, maybe-- yeah, here. Any chance you can give that to him?

Sonny: Sure. Yeah, I can do that.

Rafe: Great.

Sonny: Is it time-sensitive, though? 'Cause I'm not sure if I'm gonna see him until tonight.

Rafe: No. No rush. Although I am kind of excited about this. Finally got the attorney to sign off, got it notarized. I am formally adopting David as my son.

Sonny: That is great news.

Rafe: Yeah.

Evan: The best. I didn't realize you were even planning it.

Rafe: Well, yeah. I've been his legal guardian for over a year. So, look, it's past time to make it official, right?

Sonny: I know you've always wanted a child of your own, and--

Rafe: Yeah.

Sonny: David needs a father, so, it's perfect.

Evan: I agree. I was just telling Sonny how lucky David is to have you.

Rafe: No, no, no. I'm the lucky one, right? You know, honestly, I just want to give that guy the best life. The life he deserves.

Sonny: Well, I will make sure I get these to my dad.

Rafe: Okay, great. Thank you. I'm gonna go check on him, 'cause I'm just here for lunch. So, even if he is napping.

Sonny: That is great, isn't it?

Evan: Yeah.

Sonny: Are you okay? What is it?

John: I won't say anything to Kayla, partner. But I don't keep secrets from Doc. [Knock at door] Oh.

Hope (as Gina): Oh, great. I'm glad you're both here. I wanted to talk strategy on how to flush out Stefano out.

John: All right. Let's get to it, then.

Hope (as Gina): Oh, wait. There's a file we need. You have it, right?

Steve (as Stefano): On my tablet. I'll get it.

Hope (as Gina): Great. Thanks, Steve. John, before Steve comes back, I know you told Marlena about my feelings for you.

John: I'm sorry if you feel like I betrayed a confidence, but she had to know the truth.

Hope (as Gina): Of course. I understand. I just hope that all of this won't interfere with our working together? I really need your help tracking down Stefano. Will you continue working with me?

John: Of course, I would.

Marlena: Oh, honey, I'm sorry you have to go through this with Steve. But he's made his choice. And you know what? You've made yours. You chose Justin, and you're happy together.

Nurse: Doctor!

Kayla: Victor. What do we have?

Nurse: The patient was unconscious, but breathing, signs of a possible stroke.

Kayla: Okay. Let's get him into room four.

Ciara: Oh, Kayla. Kayla, you have to help him! I don't know what happened. We were just talking, and then he fell over.

Kayla: Okay. Okay. Don't worry, all right? He's in good hands, all right?

Ciara: Okay.

Marlena: Okay. He's in good hands.

Evan: It's fine. It's nothing. It's just before Rafe came in, I sorta kinda thought we were about to kiss. But I guess it was just in my head.

Sonny: It wasn't.

Hope (as Gina): Good. I'm relieved you're willing to continue working with me.

John: We make a great team, Hope. We always have. But just so we are completely open and honest with each other, for this partnership to work, you need to let go of whatever you feel for me outside of professionalism. It's the only way our friendship is gonna get back on track.

Hope (as Gina): Of course. But that's all I want, for us to be friends. And I want the same with Marlena. Which I know is going to take much more work.

John: You're probably right about that.

Hope (as Gina): [Laughs] [Sighs] Okay. Back to business.

John: Yeah.

Hope (as Gina): Get Stefano.

John: Let's put the Phoenix down once and for all, okay?

Hope (as Gina): Yeah.

John: Excuse me.

[Phone ringing]

John: [Phone beeps] Hey, Doc. I hope you found Kayla.

Marlena: Yes. Yes. I did, at the hospital. But that's not why I'm calling. Honey, they just brought Victor in. He had a stroke.

John: Oh, no, no, no. How is he?

Marlena: I'm not sure. We're waiting for some word. But I think you better call Brady.

John: Yeah. I'll tell him right away. Thanks for letting me know. I love you, sweetheart.

Hope (as Gina): What's happening? What's going on?

John: Victor had a stroke.

Hope (as Gina): Oh, my God. How horrible.

John: I'm gonna have to back burner this meeting here. I need to find Brady and tell him what's going on.

Hope (as Gina): Right. Of course. You know, it's just so unfortunate that he and Victor aren't on good terms right now.

John: Doesn't matter what kind of terms they're on. Victor is my son's grandfather.

Steve (as Stefano): Where's the fire?

Hope (as Gina): John had to go find Brady. Apparently, Victor Kiriakis had a stroke.

Steve (as Stefano): Oh. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Hope (as Gina): How deliciously cold of you. But right now, we must worry only about ourselves. I am afraid the walls are starting to close in on us.

Ciara: Yes. I'll accept the call. Oh, Ben.

Ben: Hey. What's wrong?

Ciara: My grandfather had a stroke.

Ben: A stroke? Oh, my God. Is he alive?

Ciara: Yeah, but, Ben, I don't know how he's doing.

Ben: What happened?

Ciara: My grandfather found out that I was visiting you and he confronted me. So, I confronted him. And I tried to record him, but he kept denying having anything to do with Jordan's death. And I just kept pushing. Ben, I just kept pushing. I pushed him so hard. And then he just fell back in his chair.

Ben: Ciara, I'm so sorry.

Ciara: Oh, God. Ben, it's all my fault.

Ben: No. No. It isn't your fault. Okay? Don't blame yourself.

Ciara: Ben, I pushed him too hard. He was so upset. And now--

Ben: Ciara, listen. I'm sorry. I really am. But you need to listen to me. Xander was here.

Ciara: Xander came to visit you?

Ben: He knows what you're trying to do. The guy's in a rage. I need you to stay the hell away from him. Okay? Promise me.

Ciara: Ben. Ben, I told you I don't have to worry about Xander. Okay? My grandfather won't let him touch me.

Ben: Ciara, he threatened to hurt you. I know Victor would do everything in his power to try and protect you, but right now it doesn't seem like he's in any shape to try and stop him.

Sonny: I mean, I kind of sorta thought that we were gonna kiss, too.

Evan: Yeah, I know you're still married.

Sonny: I am, but I mean, I'm getting divorced, and we're, like, in the process. So, technically it wouldn't be cheating.

Evan: And since I'm the one who'd be kissing you, you'd still be the innocent party.

Sonny: But you haven't kissed me.

Evan: Oh, yeah.

Ben: Victor's at University Hospital. Ciara hasn't gotten any updates on his condition.

Will: As much as I dislike Victor, I know Sonny loves him. And he's got to be devastated.

Ben: Ciara definitely is. She's blaming herself.

Will: She shouldn't. Victor's had health issues for a long time.

Ben: I hope he makes it. Because right now he's the only one protecting Ciara from Xander. Which makes me hope that she takes my advice and stays the hell away from him.

Marlena: Here you go.

Ciara: Thank you. Is there any word on my grandfather's condition?

Marlena: I haven't heard, so I'm gonna go and check right now. I'll get back.

Xander: Hey! I just heard about Uncle Victor. How the hell did this happen?

Hope (as Gina): Oh, my God. None of this is going as I had intended. On top of everything else that is not going as planned, Rafe has started a file on me.

Steve (as Stefano): A file?

Hope (as Gina): Yes. He has taken issue with some of the decisions I have made as commissioner. And he's decided to document them.

Steve (as Stefano): Fire his ass.

Hope (as Gina): I tried. Trust me. Apparently, there are rules about such things.

Steve (as Stefano): [Sighs] I know it may come as a shock to you that your every word is not obeyed. But Rafe sees you as Hope, a mere mortal.

Hope (as Gina): It is not just Rafe now. He has told Roman that he is worried about me. As if any of that is his business.

Steve (as Stefano): He was married to Hope. He knows her.

Hope (as Gina): Yes, yes.

Steve (as Stefano): It makes sense that he would be aware of any irregularities in your behavior.

Hope (as Gina): I prefer to think of them as improvements. Steffy, what if he is starting to figure out that I am in fact not Hope?

Steve (as Stefano): Then I suggest that you get busy and put some distance between you and Detective Hernandez.

Hope (as Gina): Yes. That is excellent advice. The more distance, the better. Last thing I need is for Hope's nosy ex-husband to destroy our plans. Oh, speaking of, if we are going to come between John and Marlena, we must make our move, and fast.

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