Days Transcript Thursday 1/2/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 1/2/20


Episode #13679 ~ Marlena, John, Kayla and Justin are stunned by Steve's return; Kristen tells Brady she wants him back; Kristen attacks Nicole; Gabi is shocked to discover Lani is back in town.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki

[Glass clinking]

John: That's a good idea.

Julie: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? May I have your attention, please?

John: Here we go.

Julie: I want to welcome you to Julie's place. And I'm Julie, so I get to say that.

[Laughter, cheering]

Julie: No. It's about a minute to midnight, and my husband and I want to thank you all for joining us for the launch of a New Salem tradition. Really we're elated that you all chose to spend the evening here with us we're elated that we're together. We love you all so much, so let's raise a glass for the year that's passed.

John: Yes.

Julie: And for the year that is to come.

John: Yes!

All: Yes!

John: Thanks for having us.

Doug: And now, darling, darling, it is time.

Julie: Oh! I timed it perfectly. Okay, well, will you all count down with me?

All: Yes, yes!

All: Yes. Of course.

Maggie: Let's do it, everybody!

All: Go.

All: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year!

[Crowd cheers]

[Upbeat music]


[Clock chiming]

Gabi: Babe, it's midnight.

[Clock continues chiming]

[Bells tolling]

[Bells continue tolling]

Doug: Hope, you're here!

Hope as Gina: I'm sorry I'm late. Oh, but look who I brought. Look who I brought, Julie. Hi. How are you?

Julie: Happy New Year!

Steve as Stefano: Happy New Year, everyone.

Kayla: Steve!

Steve as Stefano: I'm back.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eli: What are you doing here?

Gabi: The front desk said this was Kristen DiMera's room.

Lani: It is indeed Kristen's room. She was kind enough to let me stay here. God bless her.

Gabi: Okay. Well, when Eli told me you were taking your final vows I found it hard to believe, but okay. You did it. You're a nun.

Lani: I found a higher calling which has helped me to put the past behind me.

Eli: Nice for you, not so much for the rest of us. Look, I don't know why the hell you're back in Salem, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn. We came here to talk to Kristen.

Lani: I'm afraid she's not here.

Gabi: Seriously? What is a nun doing out after midnight on New Year's Eve?

Lani: Against my advice, I think she went to crash a party.

Kristen: You never miss a trick, do you, Nicole?

Brady: Kristen. I heard you had become a nun, but seeing you dressed like that is pretty shocking.

Kristen: Yeah. Well, I wish I could say it was shocking seeing that tramp's tongue down your throat, but Nicole just can't help throwing yourself at men.

Nicole: It was just a friendly New Year's kiss; I--

Kristen: Oh, "a friendly New Year's kiss," hmm? I'm sure you would love for Brady to think that, but I know exactly how you operate.

Nicole: I don't know--what--

Kristen: Don't even. Don't even. I saw you pounce on him the other night, and neither move was innocent. You are still the same pathetic, desperate slut you've always been.

John: I never expected Steve to show up here tonight.

Marlena: And what is he doing with Hope?

Kayla: Steve, is it you?

Steve as Stefano: Happy New Year, sweetness.

Kayla: I don't understand. Why did you come back?

Justin: I'd like to know the answer to that too.

Steve as Stefano: Hey, Justin. What's the word?

Justin: The word? The word, Steve, is reprehensible, cruel, unforgivable. Take your pick.

Steve as Stefano: Easy, man. It's a party, huh?

Justin: Right. This you show up for, but your own sister's funeral? You couldn't be bothered. You couldn't even be bothered to come back and face Kayla, to discuss the end of your marriage.

Steve as Stefano: Well, I don't see what there was to discuss, because she sent me the papers, and I just signed 'em, because I figured that was what she wanted me to do. And now I see why. Well, Hope warned me my ex-wife had moved on with the husband of my poor, deceased sister. Yeah.

Justin: If you've come back to Salem for Kayla, you can forget about it.

Steve as Stefano: Don't worry, dude. That ship, as they say, has sailed. Kayla's not the reason I'm here.

Eli: Kristen crashed a New Year's Eve party. Well, are nuns even allowed to go to parties?

Gabi: Well, according to the vows of poverty and chastity, I'm pretty sure Kristen's partying days are over.

Lani: Forgive me, Gabi, but I don't think you are familiar with what it means to dedicate your life to prayerful contemplation.

Gabi: Well, look, I really don't care if Kristen goes dancing naked in Times Square, all right? I'm here to talk to her about her DiMera shares. See, if she signs those over to me, I will donate double their market value to your convent.

Lani: About those shares-- I think Kristen's had a change of plans.

Nicole: Wow. For a nun, you have one hell of a potty mouth.

Kristen: Yeah? Well, I'm just speaking the truth.

Nicole: Have you been following us, Kristen? How long have you been back in Salem?

Kristen: Long enough to know that you've screwed up your relationship with Eric, yet again, and you bounced back to his brother again.

Brady: Enough, enough.

Kristen: Oh, come on, Brady. Aren't you sick of the same routine? I mean Nicole can't hold on to a man, and yet she can't live without one. She is just trying to wrap her legs around you.

Brady: Kristen. Kristen, no. Nothing is happening. We are friends. You hear me?

Kristen: I saw her pull you into her apartment like an animal in heat, and I can only imagine what happened inside.

Brady: You don't have to imagine; nothing happened. And even if it did, why would you care? It looks like that you are married to God at this point.

Kristen: Let's just say we broke up.

Nicole: And the real Kristen emerges, like a demented butterfly. Why am I not surprised? I didn't believe for one second that you were remotely capable of committing yourself to God.

Kristen: Oh, don't you dare. Don't you dare judge me! I have devoted my heart and soul to a prayerful life, to atone for my sins.

Nicole: Oh, you mean like killing an innocent nurse?

Kristen: Oh, my God. I never--I never meant to hurt that poor woman, and I am so sorry for what happened.

Brady: JJ loved her, you know.

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: He has been a wreck without her.

Kristen: Yeah? Well, I have been destroyed since we lost our child, Brady.

Brady: And I stood by you!

Kristen: No. I know that. I know you did. Please. I just--I feared that you were only doing it out of obligation, not true love, Brady.

Brady: Why wouldn't you say that to me? Why wouldn't you talk to me about that then?

Kristen: Because I didn't see the point, because after our child died, I was convinced that it could never be the same between us. That any hope of happiness--any future with us--it was gone, and please--

Brady: So you just left without saying goodbye? That was your answer?

Kristen: Don't you see? I was in so much pain, and I needed to start over somewhere far away from here. And I really thought that I found my home in the church, you know, spending the rest of my life doing penance. And then-- and then JJ walked in, and he pulled a gun on me, and he called me a murderer and a monster. And then God-- God opened my eyes!

Brady: I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean he opened your eyes?

Kristen: I'm talking about judgment. I am talking about judgment, Brady. For so long, people have thought the worst of me, to the point where I started believing it. And in that moment--that moment--being belittled and shamed by JJ and told that I was unworthy to continue to live? I mean, something just switched inside of me, and I knew that I didn't need to take it anymore. And I know in my heart that I am right with god and that his opinion is the only one that counts, so no one-- no one will judge me, ever again, do you hear that? And even Eli. Eli shouldn't Judge Lani either.

Nicole: She left him at the altar.

Kristen: No, but there's more to the story than that.

Nicole: Okay. You know what? Whatever, Kristen.

Kristen: You know what? Right there. God. I mean, you're judging me again. Look at you. You know, all of you just spitting scorn on Lani and me. You know what the truth is? This town, Salem, it's all filled with a bunch of hypocrites who have done far worse than what we have done, you know, and instead of cloistering myself in a convent for the rest of my life, I came back to take what's rightfully mine, and that is you, Brady. I still love you. I still want you. So just kick this--ugh-- this whore to the curb and come back to me.

Gabi: Okay, wait. What do you mean that Kristen's changed her mind? Oh, did that weasel Chad persuade her to sell her stock to him?

Lani: No. What I meant was Kristen decided to change her mind about selling her stocks to anyone. You see, Kristen's decided not to become a nun, after all.

Gabi: Oh, you're joking, right?

Lani: That's the God honest truth. Not everyone can embrace the higher calling.

Eli: Hold up. If Kristen bailed on the sisterhood, then that means it was you who broke the Gabi chic store window.

Lani: I have no idea what you're talking about. It's a sin to destroy property.

Gabi: But you do know the police have security footage of the square. They know that a nun threw the plant. It had to be you.

Lani: Well, in a way I suppose I am responsible. During our time at the convent, Kristen became very protective of me. Perhaps she threw that plant because she was upset with Gabi for moving in on you.

Eli: After you dumped me at the altar? That makes no sense.

Lani: Then I'm at a loss to explain why Kristen would destroy Gabi's shop. Do you have any idea?

Gabi: I have no clue what goes on in that whack job's head. You know what? We're wasting our time. Let's go.

Lani: You and your family are always in my prayers, Eli.

Eli: I don't need your damn prayers.

Lani: Oh, but you do, and so does Julie.

Julie: Everyone, this is a party, remember, a celebration? So let's have some champagne, and there's wonderful food. And dig in.

Kayla: If you didn't come back here for me, then what the hell did you come back for? I think everybody in this room wants to know that.

John: Kayla's right. It's always great to see you, partner, and I know better than anyone about the ISA and secrets. So I find it just a little strange that you would show up back in Salem, after all this time, without some kind of a heads-up. So what's the deal?

Justin: Yeah, Steve, what's the deal? Let's hear it already.

Steve as Stefano: Truth is, I'm here because of Marlena. Find your rhythm.

Marlena: I don't understand. Why would your return have anything to do with me?

John: Yeah, partner. What's that supposed to mean?

Steve as Stefano: You sound a little threatened, buddy.

Hope as Gina: I tracked Steve down because I am just as concerned as you are that Stefano was targeting Marlena again.

Marlena: Really? Because when I brought the broach to the police station to show to you and say that I thought it was proof that Stefano was in Salem, you were unconvinced.

Hope as Gina: Well, now I'm not, because after you left, we learned that Stefano's DNA was on a cigar that was found in the hideout, which proves that, indeed, he was here, in Salem. So you were right, Marlena.

John: Well, you know this is the second gift that she's gotten, so if he is here, he's building for something big.

Hope as Gina: Exactly, and I'm not taking any chances with Marlena's life, which is why I--

Steve as Stefano: That's why Hope reached out to me, because no one knows Stefano DiMera better than me... except maybe you two. Marlena, I don't want you to be afraid. Stefano is no threat to you. Not while I'm here.

Gabi: I can't believe that Kristen left the convent. I mean, what is she gonna do now? What is she gonna do with her stock?

Eli: Look. I shut down Lani before she could tell me why they came back to Salem.

Gabi: Don't-- don't worry about Lani, okay? She's not worth it.

Eli: You ain't gotta tell me that. If I never see her again, it'll be too soon.

Gabi: Oh, wow. I don't have my earring. I guess I must have dropped it when I was upstairs.

Eli: I'll get it.

Gabi: No, it's okay. You can't stand Lani, so let me get it. And why don't you just get home and get us a bottle of champagne?

Eli: You trying to skip my grandma's New Year's Eve party?

Gabi: I think Julie's gonna forgive us. Plus, our little private party is gonna be the hottest way to ring in the New Year.

Eli: I like how that sounds.

Gabi: Let's do it.

Gabi: [Knocking at door] Lani, it's me. Open up.

Lani: I was just in the middle of my evening prayer.

Gabi: Oh, drop the act, sister. I know Kristen didn't throw that plant. You did.

Lani: Would you rather I tell Eli the real reason why I might be angry enough to destroy your property?

Gabi: You think-- you think that the threat to Julie is not real? It is. Eli and I, we're together, and if you mess with that, I'ma have to destroy that old lady's heart.

Lani: Why are you really with Eli? Is it just another way for you to twist the knife, since you blame me for Stefano's death?

Gabi: Well, I guess it was that, at first, but, Lani, what Eli and I have is so real. He loves me, not you.

Lani: Do you think he would still love you if he knew that you were threatening his grandmother's life?

Gabi: I have no idea why you came back with your cray-cray best friend, but you better turn yourself around and disappear, or Julie's gonna pay the price.

Lani: But I say unto you, love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Do good to those who hate you.

Gabi: Yeah, yeah. See, that--I get all of that. Look, you're in the getup and everything, but I am not convinced you're any more committed to god than Kristen is.

Kristen: Please, Brady. I know you still have feelings for me. I can see it in your eyes.

Brady: Everything changed when we lost our little girl, Kristen. You--you left. I mean, you didn't even offer an explanation. Nothing; you just took off.

Kristen: You know, and I shouldn't have run. I shouldn't have, and I'm-- I'm so sorry. I am sorry that I didn't have the courage to face you and share or fears, but I was grieving our daughter.

Brady: We were supposed to grieve together.

Kristen: Right, and we can do that right now. We can do it right now.

Brady: No.

Kristen: We may not be able to have another baby, but we can still build a future together.

Brady: Kristen! I wish I could believe you, just like I wish that all this work you said you had done on yourself--that it really changed you somehow. I really want to believe that.

Kristen: What changed me was carrying our baby. It transformed me into this totally different person. This totally different woman. A better woman. The woman that you fell back in love with, and yes. The tragedy--our loss--I know that it knocked me off my axis, but all that change--all that good is still--it's still right here inside me.

Brady: Then what are you doing coming back and masquerading this way? Throwing insults at her. Why are you doing that?

Kristen: Brady, come on. I mean she's a predator.

Brady: She is not a predator. She has been by my side, in my darkest moments. She has been nothing but supportive and sympathetic when you were nowhere to be found. Don't you dare make her out to be the bad guy in this. She is not.

Kristen: Please just listen--

Brady: When you became a nun I was actually hopeful that you were gonna find peace and you were gonna find redemption; what you're proving to me right now is your soul is just as twisted as it has ever been, Kristen.

Nicole: Brady, you're right. Let's go, before she lures you into any more of her lies.

Brady: I don't need this.

Kristen: Oh, my God. You bitch!

Nicole: Hey! Oh, get off of me, you stupid--

Eli: To spending more time together in 2019.

Lani: I am so sorry I hurt you, Eli. If only we could go back in time, but we can't. I did what I had to do.

Julie: Pour generously. I have a feeling this crowd could use fortification.

Marlena: Do you have any leads on Stefano?

John: Any idea at all where he might be holed up?

Steve as Stefano: Well, I'm still going over the information Hope gave me, but it's New Year's. How about we shelve the shop talk until tomorrow, hmm? Marlena, I know it's been a long time, but I can honestly say you have never looked better.

Hope as Gina: Kayla, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that I was tracking Steve down, but Stefano has eyes and ears everywhere.

Justin: I understand that you needed to keep it quiet, but you could have at least given Kayla some warning.

Kayla: Yeah. I would appreciate a heads-up. I understand that her security is a priority.

Justin: Yeah. Let's get you home.

Kayla: No. You know what? I--I need to ask Steve something first. Excuse me; I have to ask him a question.

Steve as Stefano: Shoot.

Kayla: At the Christmas party, I saw you in a Santa suit. I know it, but that Santa didn't have an eye patch, but I was so certain it was you.

Steve as Stefano: It wasn't me. It must have been wishful thinking on your part, sweetness.

Justin: Cut the "sweetness" crap. You gave up any right to call her that when you signed the divorce papers. Let's go. Come on.

Steve as Stefano: That's too bad. But some relationships just don't work out.

[Nicole and Kristen grunting]

Brady: Kristen, stop! Stop! Get off of her! Stop!

Kristen: God!

Brady: You are proving to me exactly what I thought. You haven't changed a bit, you know that? Not a bit.

Kristen: She's manipulating you against me, Brady.

Brady: No, she is not.

Nicole: Look, I don't have to tell Brady how toxic you are, okay? It's not like he forgot everything you've done. You've tortured Marlena. You kidnapped me. You and Xander--you kidnapped my daughter and you made everyone think she was dead so that you could take over my life. What is wrong with you? All because of your sick plan to get Brady back.

Kristen: Don't you see? She's using you, Brady. She's settling for you, because she can't have Eric. And when Eric gives her another chance, she's gonna dump you to the side.

Nicole: Oh, please.

Kristen: Oh, don't even-- I mean, she doesn't love you. She doesn't want you, but I do, Brady. I do. More than anything in the world, so why would you want to be with her when you can be with me?

[Smooth music]

Hope as Gina: Impersonating someone else. It's exhausting, is it not?

Steve as Stefano: It is irksome to have to pretend to be that cretin Steve Johnson, though I must say I've been enjoying watching Kayla and Justin. They're so flustered.

Hope as Gina: Just remember to keep your eyes on the prize, Steffy, all right? Us coming between John and Marlena.

John: I suppose we should be grateful for Steve coming out of hiding, to help us find Stefano.

Marlena: Yeah. Well, it was painful to see how uncomfortable it made Kayla feel.

John: Hmm.

Steve as Stefano: You know, Kayla has Justin to support her now. My focus is bringing Stefano down.

Marlena: Mine too.

John: You know, Hope, I, um-- I get all your reasons for bringing Steve in on this, but I gotta say, once again, I'm kind of surprised you didn't clue us in.

Hope as Gina: Well, I would have, if we'd had a chance to discuss it, but, well--

Steve as Stefano: You know, what matters now is that we make a damn good team, huh? So we've all battled Stefano plenty over the years, and no one knows, like we do, what goes on in his head. Hmm?

John: Can I get anybody anything?

Steve as Stefano: I think maybe we should call it a night, huh?

Marlena: Where are you staying?

Steve as Stefano: Well, actually, I was hoping I could maybe crash with you guys. You know, maybe in the morning we can get started on strategizing how to smoke out Stefano.

Marlena: Well, gosh. I'm sorry. Our guest room is already filled.

John: But you're welcome to the couch, and we'd love to have you.

Steve as Stefano: And, you know, it would be safer for Marlena, if I'm there.

Hope as Gina: You know what? You're right, but just remember that I'm the police commissioner, so I'm running the show her. Which means that you need to keep me in the loop, right, Steve?

Steve as Stefano: Sure, Hope. So what do you say we blow this popsicle stand, huh?

Eli: I thought you wanted to take things slow.

Lani: I have known you for a very long time. I've cared for you for a long time, and we've been through so much together already. I don't want to wait anymore.

Gabi: Hey. Looks like you're a million miles away.

Eli: Was just missing you. Did you find your earring?

Gabi: Yes. Yes, I did, and while I was there, I also told Lani that she could never, ever hurt you again.

Eli: I don't know why she came back to Salem, but I'm willing to bet it's not for me.

Gabi: I think that Lani understands it'd be a mistake to cross me, and she's just gonna have to accept that you and I are together, whether she likes it or not.

Kristen: This was supposed to be our night, Brady.

Brady: I know--

Kristen: No, it was, and I--and I-- ha! I wore this dress, and you promised me that we would ring in the New Year together, so please, please, please. We can do that, just you and me, right now.

Brady: We can't do it, because I can't let you back into my life, knowing what you're capable of. I know too much, Kristen. You need to leave town. You need to go back to Italy. You leave her alone. You leave me alone. You hear me?

Kristen: This is all your fault!

Nicole: You should have thought about the consequences when you stole my life.

Kristen: Brady? [Sobbing, whimpering] [Screaming] No! [Sobbing]

Gabi: Happy New Year to us. [Glasses clink] Baby, are you still thinking about Lani?

Eli: I just don't get why she came back here. You know, why couldn't she have just stayed in Italy?

Gabi: It doesn't matter. That doesn't matter, okay? Because whatever Kristen and Lani are trying to prove makes no difference to us, 'cause we're solid.

Lani: Well, I see you decided to kick the habit. So how did it go?

Kristen: Mm. Well, I saw Brady, all right, and Nicole was all over him. And don't you dare--don't. Don't you dare say "I told you so."

Lani: No; you--you-- you knew something was going on between them.

Kristen: And I just didn't know how deep her claws were into Brady, you know? But I know. You know what? I know he loves me. I could feel it. And if it was just the two of us, he would have given me another chance, but she has poisoned him against me.

Lani: Well, what are you gonna do?

Kristen: [Sighs] I am gonna do what I should have done from the start. I am gonna fight for the man I love.

Brady: You okay? Kristen didn't--she didn't hurt you, did she? I mean, are you all right?

Nicole: I'm fine. I can handle whatever she dishes out, but I'm worried about you, Brady.

Brady: Me. Why are you worried about me? I'm fine.

Nicole: Whatever you think of Kristen, I know it must have been a huge shock to see her, after all this time.

Brady: I didn't think she could still get to me, but she does.

Nicole: Yeah, yeah. She sure got to you.

Brady: You know, when I first heard that she was becoming a nun my heart went out to her. I felt sorry for her. I thought this was what she needed to do, in order to get past losing the baby, you know? I thought to myself, "what if things had been different?" What if we still had the baby? What if she would have reached out to me for comfort? And now she's back, and she's talking to me as if we should give it another go. I mean it's just-- it's crazy, Nic.

Nicole: Okay. I know it's hard not to get sucked back in. I get it. I really, really do, but you have got to stay strong, Brady.

Brady: I know. I know. Seeing her again--it threw me, but then I saw the way she was with you. The insults. The hateful things she said. The attacking. She's volatile. She's dangerous. She hasn't changed. I feel like I need to steer clear of her at all costs.

Nicole: I'm relieved to hear you say that.

Brady: I think my New Year's resolution is to not have anything to do with Kristen DiMera, ever again.

Justin: Are you really okay?

Kayla: Yes, yes. I am--I'm fine. Really. It just was--it was just a shock to suddenly see Steve, after not seeing him for over two years.

Justin: Yeah. I mean, you know, I wouldn't blame you for being shaken up. I was actually shocked by his attitude. I mean, considering that--what he put us all through you'd think he'd be on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Instead, he comes after us, for being together, when he all but abandoned you.

Kayla: You know what? I don't really want to talk about Steve any more tonight. And you know what? I don't have to. I don't have to, because he made it perfectly clear that his return to Salem had nothing to do with me. And you know, I am grateful, actually, because Steve leaving led me to you. And you are such a good, kind man. Thank you for being there for me tonight.

Justin: I'll always be there for you. Always.

Steve as Stefano: Ah. Well, it feels like home, just being here with the two of you again.

John: You know, I think I was so shocked at seeing your ugly mug...

Steve as Stefano: Oh.

John: I didn't get a chance to thank you for coming back and helping us out.

Steve as Stefano: Don't mention it. Hey, Black Patch is back in business.

John: And this time, it's gonna be me and you that put Stefano away. I mean, can you believe that narcissistic jerk actually thinks he still has a shot with my wife?

Marlena: I'm sorry we can't offer you more than the couch.

Steve as Stefano: I'm just happy to be here.

John: Yeah. I'll get some sheets and a blanket and a pillow and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Excuse me.

Marlena: Well, Happy New Year.

Steve as Stefano: Marlena, hold on a second. I want you to know that I will stop at nothing to keep you safe and protected.

Marlena: I appreciate that.

Steve as Stefano: You're precious to me. [Chuckles] As a friend, I mean. [Laughs] Yeah.

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