Days Transcript Monday 12/30/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/30/19


Episode #13677 ~ Marlena confronts Hope about her feelings for John; Kate threatens to expose Stefano; Gabi discovers someone has vandalized Gabi Chic; Kristen is enraged when she spies Brady and Nicole kissing.

Provided By Suzanne

Marlena: John, honey, you don't have to apologize, okay? I mean, I've gotten used to the hours that a P.I. Has to keep. And besides, I've got a few things that can keep me busy.

[Mysterious music]

In fact, I have an errand that I have to run.

Nicole: [Laughs]

Brady: Easy, easy.

Nicole: [Laughs]

[Exhales] Thanks for making my day a little more merry and bright.

Brady: It's my pleasure. You did the same for me, so thank you.

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Brady: N...

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Brady: Nope.

Nicole: Mm!

[Door slams]

[Tense music]

Gabi: Now lani has found her man, and I have you.

Lani: [Screams]

[Alarms blaring]

[Electrifying music]

Hattie: Hey, handsome.

Roman: Hattie.

Hattie: Oh, no, I was just trying to complement my boss. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Well, when do I start work?

Roman: Boy, you are anxious to go, huh?

Hattie: I am. I want to get busy, roll up my sleeves, and put this little place on the map.

Roman: I didn't know we were off the map, but, uh, glad to have you on board.

Hattie: Thanks. And I think katie and I are gonna make a really good team.

Roman: I think so too, you know? Did you see her upstairs?

Hattie: I did, I did, and--and, uh, we, uh-- we came to a certain um, understanding. Wink, wink.

Roman: Certain understanding?

Hattie: Yeah, but don't worry, 'cause my...

[Muffled] Lips are sealed.

Roman: Your lips are sealed about what?

Hattie: What i was gonna-- mm. Oof. I almost broke my promise.

Roman: Oh, all right, okay. I get it, I get it. You saw something up in kate's room, right?

Hattie: Oh, I didn't see a thing.

Roman: Okay, I'll be more specific. You saw someone.

Kate: [Sighs] What are you doing? What? Are you praying?

Steve: Praying, yes, that hattie adams keeps her mouth shut.

Kate: And what do you think the almighty is gonna say? "Oh, look at stefano dimera. He's such a great guy. I'm gonna give him everything he wants."

Steve: Sure. Why not?

Kate: [Scoffs] Well, you weren't so worried when you were parading around the hospital in your santa suit.

Steve: I did not parade, and I got away with it.

Kate: You got away with it because I convinced kayla that you weren't steve. Oh, my god. I don't understand this. You never, ever would've taken these kind of risks before.

Steve: I needed to get close to marlena. How else was I going to deliver her christmas gift?

Hope: I'm heading out. You have a good evening, detective.

Rafe: Where you going?

Hope: I'm tired. It's been a long day for me.

Rafe: Okay.

[Computer beeps] Wait. Hold on a second.

Hope: What is it?

Rafe: There's an update on rolf.

Hope: Is there a new sighting?

Rafe: Okay, the lab report's back on the tiara. Okay, they found two partial prints belonging to two different people. Database made a positive id on both. One belongs to rolf. And the other belongs to you.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kate: Please tell me you didn't give her that hideous broach.

Steve: It's a priceless antique.

Kate: Oh, my god, you did. You did.

Steve: I did. I managed to slip it in to her purse, along with a note from an anonymous admirer.

Kate: Okay, well, that was a shrewd move. It's not like john and marlena don't have decades of tracing things back to you.

Steve: So what if they do? I want marlena to know I'm out there.

Kate: You want her to know you're out there. Do you want her to also find out that you're steve johnson?

Steve: [Sighs]

Rafe: Any idea how your prints could've gotten on that tiara?

Hope: Well, obviously I touched it at the crime scene.

Rafe: No. I'm the one that discovered it. I bagged it. You never touched it.

Hope: Oh, that's right. You know what? I--I went into the lab. That's right. I went into the lab after you sent it there.

Rafe: Why?

Hope: To look at the evidence. Damn, I must've picked up the tiara without gloves on.

Rafe: Kind of a rookie mistake for someone with your experience.

Hope: Yeah. You know what? You're right. It really was, wasn't it? I got an awful lot on my mind, though. I got distracted, rafe, okay?

Rafe: Okay, okay. Wait. Wait. Hey. You know what? It's not a big deal. It's really not. Besides, we still don't have proof that stefano was ever in rolf's hideaway.

Hope: Yeah, and we may never.

Rafe: Well, I'm still holding out hope for one thing. I've got the dna evidence they will hopefully find on the cigar.

Hope: Good.

Rafe: Yeah. I'm running it through the database right now, and hopefully we'll have a match by tonight.

Gabi: You know, I feel like we're really lucky we got... we got a second chance. And I feel like this time, we got it right.

Eli: I do too.

Gabi: I love you, eli.

Eli: I love you.

[Cell phone beeps]

Eli: [Grunts]

Gabi: What is it?

Eli: The security system at your store. I got to go check it out.

Gabi: What? I wanna go with you.

Kristen: Ugh!

Lani: I take it things didn't go well with chad and abigail?

Kristen: No! No, they actually went fine.

Lani: Then why do you look like you're about to turn into the incredible hulk?

Kristen: Because I just saw brady on my way over here.

Lani: Did you talk to him?

Kristen: No, no, no. He was with nicole, and so I followed them back to her pl--

Lani: Kristen.

Kristen: I know, I know. But I couldn't help it. And then I saw them at the door and...

Lani: And?

Kristen: And the-- the little slut threw herself at him.

Brady: Mm. Oh, god. God, what are we doing?

Nicole: What's wrong?

Brady: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, we shouldn't be doing this.

Nicole: What "we"? What is this "we" business?

Brady: We shouldn't be doing anything. Nic, nic, you're drunk.

Nicole: What? I only had two drinks.

Brady: No, you had two huge martinis. All right, I don't want to take advantage of it.

Nicole: Oh, please. I am sober enough to know what I want.

Brady: Nic, I'm not-- I'm not--I'm not eric, all right?

Nicole: Well, I can't have eric. He made that clear on several occasions. So the next best thing is to forget all about the pain and the heartache for a while.

Brady: No, no, no, no. We could easily--we could do this so easily. We could go back into this routine that we do, but I think we're gonna regret if we do.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Roman: Hattie, it's okay, all right? I know kate's got a man stashed up in her room.

Hattie: I know you know, but I'm not supposed to know that you know.

Roman: You lost me.

Kate: Please, can we trust you not to say anything to roman about steve being up here?

Steve: All right. You mustn't say anything to anyone, for that matter. Because if there's a leak, we'll know it's you, and you will have betrayed the isa's confidence. And we could all face serious repercussions.

Hattie: Repercussions?

Steve: I would be sanctioned, and we could all be tried for treason.

Kate: We could go to jail. All three of us.

Hattie: I can't talk about this anymore. Look, I don't know any--

Roman: Hey, hey, hey. Hattie, calm down, all right? I don't care who's up there with kate.

Hattie: Oh. Well, then you wouldn't fire her?

Roman: No, I'm not gonna fire her. At least not for that. Okay? Who kate entertains up there is none of my business.

Hattie: Well, it sort of is.

Roman: Why, because she lives above the pub?

Hattie: Yeah, well, that's one reason, and the other--the--

[Sighs] I can't stand this. I need a beer. My head's about to explode.

Rafe: Why don't you go on home? I'll call you as soon as the results come in.

Hope: I think I should stay here.

Rafe: No, no, no. Trust me, I've got it covered. Besides, you just said you were so tired.

Hope: Yeah, I am. I'm very tired, but this is a very important case to me.

Rafe: Oh.

Hope: Yeah, given my history with stefano. And if that dna test proves that he was here in salem, then I need to be the first to know.

Rafe: Sure.

Hope: Although, come to think of it, even if he were here, he probably left when rolf did.

Marlena: Oh, I think I have proof that he hasn't gone anywhere.

Hope: What are you talking about?

Marlena: I think stefano's still in town.

Living with opioid addiction can be a struggle.

Gabi: Oh, my god. What happened? They broke my window. What do you think it was? A robbery or something?

Eli: I don't know. Here, stand back just in case there's still somebody inside.

Gabi: Please be careful.

[Tense music]

Eli: There's nobody inside. The store hasn't been robbed.

Gabi: Well, then how did my window get broken?

Eli: Probably with this.

Gabi: [Sighs]

Lani: What do you mean, nicole threw herself at brady? I thought you said she was in love with eric.

Kristen: Yeah, well, eric is out of town, and I'm sure she decided that his brother would do in a pinch. It's happened before.

Lani: Okay, well, brady is a big boy.

Kristen: [Laughs angrily] You did not see the way she pounced on him. It was disgusting.

Lani: It was a kiss.

Kristen: Oh, I don't know about that. No, no, no. Because when I was at the door, she... pulled him inside after they kissed. I mean, they don't call her misty circle for nothing. No. You know what? They are making love right now.

Lani: Look, you don't know that.

Kristen: No, I do. I do! Because he's so vulnerable-- brady, right now. I mean, he's still grieving our child, just like I am, and she is taking advantage of that. She... she's getting revenge on me right now for what I did to her last year.

Lani: Okay, well, you-- you did kind of put on a mask and make brady believe--

Kristen: Oh, my god! I don't need this from you right now.

Lani: Look, I'm sorry, but maybe it's not all so calculated. Maybe they're just two lonely people with a lot of history.

Kristen: Really, really? No, nicole is calculated, and she is as spiteful as they come.

Lani: What are you gonna do with that?

Kristen: I am gonna use it to kill nicole.

Nicole: Since when did you become such a buzzkill?

Brady: Trust me, you're gonna thank me later.

Nicole: Oh, don't hold your breath.

Brady: Nic, we're both hurting. We're both lonely. We'd be falling into bed for all the wrong reasons, and I care about you too much. I don't want to--I don't want to refer to you as my, what, sex buddy. I mean...

Nicole: That is so code for "I'm not attracted to you anymore."

Brady: Uh, no. That's not what it means. Trust me, the only reason kristen ended up pregnant in the first place was because I thought she was you.

Nicole: [Scoffs] You had no idea it was her?

Brady: If I... if I did, I ignored it. I wanted to believe that it was you. Come on, she's not stupid. The only reason why she impersonated you is because she knew the connection that we had with one another.

Nicole: Oh. Hmm. So if... kristen is so wise about this connection of ours, what's the problem with giving it another try? Hmm? Hmm?

Steve: I will have to reveal myself to marlena at some point.

Kate: So how are you going to explain your new look?

Steve: I don't know yet. All right?

Kate: Okay. Okay. So while you're trying to figure that all out, how about you stop gallivanting all around salem and concentrate? Focus on getting back dimera. Stefano, leave this whole thing with marlena alone. Just drop it.

Steve: Why are you so protective of marlena?

Kate: Because she's my friend? Because we share a grandson, because we share a great-granddaughter.

Steve: Is that it? Or is it because you're jealous?

Kate: Oh, god. You know, the only reason that I haven't outed you so far is because I know this whole plan about marlena is going fail, the way it always fails. It's gonna be one big, fat failure.

Steve: No! You're keeping silent for the same reason you do everything else: Because you think you'll get something out of it!

Kate: I will. I'm going to reclaim my seat at the table when you reclaim dimera.

Steve: Oh, all right. You see? You don't care anything about marlena, so get off your high horse.

Kate: That's it! It's not worth it.

Steve: What's not worth it?

Kate: This whole thing. Lying for you, covering for you, sharing the same bathroom with you. I'm done.

Steve: Oh, you're done, are you? What are you doing?

Kate: It's dialing. I'm calling marlena. I'm going to spill my guts.

Steve: [Laughing]

[Laughing continues]

Rafe: Has stefano reached out to you?

Marlena: I think he has. I found this in my purse along with a note.

Rafe: "A token of my undying love." It's the S. The same--the s that was on the flowers. Uh, may I?

Marlena: Of course.

Hope: But how... how was he able to get close enough to your purse without you seeing him?

Marlena: I think he got it into my bag at the same time that we were at the children's party at the hospital.

Hope: No, no. Stefano wouldn't take such a risk.

Marlena: John and I both think he's behind it.

Hope: Well, even so, one of his men could've delivered the brooch. It doesn't mean he's here in salem or was.

Marlena: It means it is a possibility.

Rafe: Okay. Do you mind if I take it to the lab?

Marlena: No, not at all. Please do.

Rafe: Thank you. I'll be right back.

Marlena: Thank you.

Hope: Well, if you don't mind, I need to get back to work.

Marlena: No, actually I do mind. I think it's time we cleared the air.

Hope: About what?

Marlena: About you trying to come between john and me.

Lani: Stop it right there, kristen. Do not make me put you in a choke hold.

Kristen: You just try it. Get out of my way!

Lani: No. Kristen... after the life you lived, you really want to go and commit another murder?

Kristen: Oh, my god, that is so not fair.

Lani: I am trying to stop you from killing a woman, and now is not the time to pull my punches.

Kristen: I have given up becoming a nun. I don't have to be saintly anymore.

Lani: Okay, there's a lot of ground between being saintly and killing someone. I mean, come on. We came back here to take back what we lost. You go and kill nicole, you lose everything. Now put down the damn bottle. Put it down. And how many times have you told me about the guilt that you feel over killing haley? I mean, come on. Did--did all those months at a convent mean nothing?

Kristen: No--

Lani: Are you not changed by that experience?

Kristen: No, I am. I really--I--I--

Lani: No, no, you're not. Not if you're thinking about killing someone.

Kristen: That was just a knee-jerk reaction. They are probably making love right now. Do you know how much that hurts me?

Lani: Yeah. Yeah, I do, because I just saw it with eli and gabi.

Kristen: Wha... you are... wow. You went out after I told you not to?

Lani: I tried to stay here, okay? But I couldn'T.

Kristen: Okay, okay. It's okay. You know? So where did you see eli and gabi?

Lani: At your family's house.

Kristen: Oh, my god, are you insane?

Lani: I know. God. I was just trying to find a way to neutralize gabi.

Kristen: But the only person who can neutralize gabi is a veterinarian.

Lani: And then I got-- I got stuck in a room, and I had to sit there and listen to them talk about how much they love each other, and, oh, god, I thought I was gonna lose my mind.

Kristen: Yeah, but you kept yourself under control, right?

Lani: Sort of.

Gabi: I don't know. I don't get it. They didn't take anything. No money, no inventory. They didn't even take a pair of earrings.

Eli: Just probably some kids up to no good. Random act of vandalism.

Gabi: I don't know. Maybe it wasn't so random. Maybe it's somebody trying to send a message.

Eli: Sounds like you have an idea who that person might be.

Gabi: Yeah, I do.

Roman: All right, so how's your head now?

Hattie: Much better. Thanks.

[Chuckles] Say, roman, um, uh... I was thinking that with, you know, with kate living upstairs and-- and the two of you working together, uh, you probably see a lot of each other.

Roman: Yeah, I guess so. Yeah.

Hattie: Yeah, and, you know, because of your hist-- because of your history, you know, you have those twins that fell out of the sky somehow. Um, anyway, are you just-- are you sure there's nothing going on between the two of you?

Roman: No, there isn'T. I have a policy not to get involved with women who work for me.

Hattie: Yeah. I--that's probably a good idea. Because if you-- if you were to date one of them, then they'd all want to start dating you.

Roman: No, no, no, no. It just makes sense. There's just too many problems with that. Then there's the #metoo movement, which also makes sense.

Hattie: [Laughs] That's what I'm talking about. You know, I mean, if you were to date one of your waitresses, they'd all be saying, "me too. I want to date him. Me too."

Roman: No. Hattie, no. No, no, no. Not what I'm trying to say, okay? The point I am trying to make is, I do not date women who work for me. And that includes you.

Steve: Go ahead. Do it. Call marlena, hmm? She's going to want some information, and you will have to tell her that you've known about me and gina for months. You think she'll be your friend then? Hmm? What about roman and john? Do you think they'll ever speak to you again when they find that out? And once the whole town realizes you've been in league with gina and me, your life will be over. Family members, the ones who still speak to you, and the few friends you still have, they'll all turn their backs on you.

Kate: Doesn't matter. What you're doing to john and marlena is wrong.

Steve: Oh, don't pretend that you care about right and wrong. You can't pull that off. You're like gina. And more importantly, you're like me. You're one of us now, and there's no turning back.

Hope: I wasn't trying to come between you and john.

Marlena: That's not what john said.

Hope: Excuse me?

Marlena: He told me what you said when he was asking you to leave our home.

Hope: I see.

Marlena: You must know that john and I don't keep secrets from each other.

Hope: Right. Yes. Of course. I'm sorry. I hope I didn't cause problems between you and john.

Marlena: You couldn't cause problems between john and me. He did say you implied that he had feelings for you. And I have a real problem with that. You try hard, you eat right...

Gabi: Chad and abigail left a little while ago.

Eli: To go to jennifer'S. It doesn't seem like them to stop on the way and lob a plant through the window.

Gabi: Yeah, but chad and i were battling, okay, over who's taking control of the company, and abigail, we had that big fight today. So...

Eli: Look, I can see them dropping a lawsuit on you, not throwing a plant through your front window.

Gabi: You're right. You're right. But I just... I don't know. I can't shake this feeling that this is personal.

Kristen: Mmm. Oh, my god, brady. You never told me you could do that.

Brady: Hot fudge? I've been making this for years. Maggie taught me. Good, huh?

Nicole: Well, it's absolutely decadent.

Brady: And there's a lot less guilt in this than sleeping together.


Nicole: Oh. I'm sorry if I... seemed so desperate tonight.

Brady: Stop it. Stop. I just don't know if hooking up is the right thing for us to do right now. You know, I mean, we just-- we just got to be friends again.

Nicole: Yeah, and this friendship has gotten us both through some bad times.

Brady: It did. And it has.

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Brady: You know... I just don't want to lose what we have, and I love working with you again, and I don't want to screw that up.

Nicole: Neither do I. Thanks for looking out for me tonight. You are the best friend in the whole world.

Brady: Right back at you.

Nicole: Mmm. Mm-hmm.

Brady: The best.

Nicole: It is really good.

Hope: I moved out of your townhouse, as you requested.

Marlena: I saw you coming onto my husband a couple times in my home. I tried to convince myself that maybe I was mistaken. But then john told me you were very close to crossing a line.

Hope: I am sorry. Are we still friends?

Rafe: Okay, dusting it for prints now. Thank you.

Marlena: Thank you.

Rafe: So do you have any other questions or concerns?

Marlena: Oh, no. No. Just the ones that I've taken up with hope. I'm assuming she will take the proper action.

Hattie: Roman, I'm just saying that people dating when they're working together doesn't have to be a disaster. For example, the--

[Stammers] Those two kids, you know, at "the office," they did fine. And then sam and diane, you know, they didn't have to deny their love, and that turned out okay.

Roman: Those are not real people, hattie. A writer cooked all that up.

Hattie: Oh, you want real people.

Roman: Mm.

Hattie: [Sighs] Okay. Hope and rafe.

Roman: Divorced.

Hattie: [Gasps] When did that happen?

Roman: Quite a while ago now.

Hattie: Oh! Oh, that's so sad.

Roman: It is. They're both good people.

Hattie: Anyway, all I'm saying is that when two attractive people work together, there are bound to be sparks, you know? And that's when people start to break the rules.

Roman: Not me. I set a rule for myself. I live by it.

Hattie: Yeah, okay, fine. Have it your way. Okay. When should I start?

Roman: How about tomorrow?

Hattie: Uh, t--yes. Okay. Tomorrow's, uh, fine. Oh. Roman...

[Voice breaking] I... I just want to say thank you for the job.

Roman: You are welcome, hattie.

Hattie: Okay.

Roman: See you tomorrow.

Kate: This obsession that you have with marlena is going to destroy you. Please, why don't you go after hattie? You know, I mean, just do it.

Steve: Hattie?

Kate: Yes.

Steve: Hattie?

Kate: She's a dead ringer for marlena.

Steve: With none of her grace or her intelligence. Come on.

Kate: Oh, yeah, that's what you want. That's what you've always wanted, right? Women with big brains. Please, just-- you have to not let this obsession deter you from getting dimera back. That's all. And I expect to be paid handsomely for my participation.

Steve: And you will be, katerina. All right? I can pursue two goals at the same time and be the victor at both. I'm going to have it all. Watch me.

Rafe: I just can't believe it.

Hope: It really boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Rafe: If stefano is lurking around, then he could be dangerous for anyone. Anyone who has ever crossed his path, including my sister.

Gabi: Hey, were you just talking about me?

Hope: Hi, gabi.

Gabi: Hi.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. So it turns out stefano might be back in town, and you are running his damn company.

Gabi: Hold on, are you serious? I thought that he was dead.

Hope: We're not sure of anything right now.

Rafe: No. So what brings you by?

Gabi: Well, somebody threw a plant through my store window.

Eli: I checked it out. There was nothing stolen. It seemed like vandalism to me.

Gabi: I know. I still want to report it.

Rafe: Okay. I'll help you file a complaint.

[Computer beeps]

Gabi: Thanks.

Rafe: Oh, boy. Looks like we got the dna results from the cigar back. Stupid thing. I have to log in every damn time.

Hope: You know what? You take care of your sister. I'll be happy to take care of this. Go on. Family first.

Rafe: Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, come on. It'll just take a sec. We can use this. I'll be right back.

Hope: Sure. Take your time. Wonderful. This could not be more wonderful.

Nicole: Okay, you made the right call. A hot fudge sundae really is better than sex.

Brady: Totally.

Both: [Imitate buzzer]

[Both laugh]

Eli: I'll look at the footage from the security cameras tomorrow. Maybe I can id the person who broke your window.

Gabi: You know, I'm a lot more worried about what rafe said.

Eli: About that stefano dimera guy? I wasn't around for him.

Gabi: Yeah, you're lucky. If he's around, then he's gonna back chad all the way.

Eli: I don't know. Seems kind of farfetched to me. I mean, a really sick old man is now a player again?

Gabi: He is not an ordinary sick old man.

Eli: Don't go borrowing trouble.

Gabi: You know, I'm gonna feel a lot better when I have kristen's shares.

Eli: You think you can trust her?

Gabi: Oh, I know I can't trust her, but what choice do I have?

Lani: So we both saw some things tonight that set us back. But you know what? We can't lose focus.

Kristen: You're right. You are right. The deck may be stacked against us, but we are strong and capable women, and we are gonna come out on top.

Marlena: How was your visit with roman?

Hattie: How'd you know about that?

Marlena: I guessed.

Hattie: Oh. Well, it went better than I could've expected. I propositioned him, and he totally went for it.

Marlena: I beg your pardon?

Hattie: I told him. I told him I'd like a job, so I asked him to hire me, and--and he said yes.

Marlena: Oh, hattie, that's wonderful.

Hattie: I feel like my life is finally turning around, you know, and... well... I didn't even have to pretend to be you.

Marlena: [Chuckles happily]

[Terrifying music]

Rafe: Gabi's complaint is in the system, for all the good that's gonna do. Whose dna was on the cigar?

Hope: Just as you suspected. It was a match for stefano.

Rafe: Damn.

Kate: Why do you keep checking your phone?

Steve: I'm hoping for a message from gina saying that it's safe to go back there.

Kate: Not as much as I'm hoping for it.

Steve: I didn't get one, so I'll be spending another night here.

Kate: Another night here?

Steve: Mm-hmm.

Kate: Well, you'll be sleeping on the floor. And don't be crawling up into the bed with me.

Steve: The floor? Not the floor again.

Kate: Well, you have a lot of work to do, I mean, if you're gonna have it all, right?

Steve: I am so sick of being in limbo. I need to step things up.

Kate: What does that mean? "Step things up"?

Steve: Well, tomorrow is new year's eve. I need to make a bold move before the clock strikes 12:00.

[Intense music]

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