Days Transcript Friday 12/27/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/27/19


Episode #13676 ~ Hattie is thrown when she finds Steve in Kate's room; Lani and Kristen return to Salem; Lani indirectly strikes back at Gabi; Nicole impulsively pulls Brady in for a kiss.

Provided By Suzanne

Kristen: Well, if it isn't the george and martha washington of salem welcoming us back to town.

[Tense music] Hey, are you okay?

Lani: It just feels like yesterday I was standing right there, about to marry eli.

Kristen: I know that it's a painful memory for you.

Lani: Pain is half of what I feel when I think about gabi hernandez.

Kristen: Well, you know what? We are back in town, and we are gonna make that little witch pay, hm?

[Soft dramatic music]

Eli: Looks like you could use one of these.

Gabi: Thank you.

Eli: So christmas wasn't that bad, huh? The kids looked like they had fun.

Abigail: Oh, sure. I think that they did. They definitely did, except for that part where ari took charlotte's doll and gave her that brand new haircut.

[Laughs] Right? That was not great.

Gabi: Yeah, well, I mean you could always just buy her a wig. You know, you do have some experience in that department. My bad. I just...

Abigail: That was typical.

Gabi: Well, I mean, thomas-- he did the same thing. He stabbed that toy, and then he got the goo all over arianna's therapy coloring books, and--

Eli: I think that was an accident.

Gabi: I know.

Abigail: I'll buy her a new book. Really. I don't mind. Honestly, I would be so happy to contribute to ari's therapy.

Gabi: What is that supposed to mean?

Abigail: Oh, nothing, no, no. I just mean that-- well, she hasn't had the easiest childhood, right?

[Country holiday music playing]

Roman: [Sighs] Oh, I thought you were upstairs. I looked for you at the party and assumed you got another ride home.

Kate: Oh, no, no. I decided to stay there and help them clean up out back.

Roman: Wow. That is very nice.

Kate: Well, you know me. Nice. Really? You got someone to take the job? Who'd you hire?

Roman: Oh, well, yeah. I did find somebody. Um, but as far as who I hired, look, kate, I-- I don't want to freak you out, okay?

Hattie: Hey, kate. We gotta talk. I got a really big surpi--

Steve as stefano: Looks like the cat is out of the bag. After all this time, we're finally face to face.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Soft dramatic music]

Nicole: [Laughs] Holly is officially in christmas heaven.

Brady: [Laughs] Did maggie do a good job with all the presents?

Nicole: She put santa to shame. It's like the north pole exploded in there.

Brady: I would have loved to have seen her face.

Nicole: Well, I took a lot of pictures and tons of video.

Brady: I'm sorry I didn't go in. I just--the thought of running into victor on christmas? I don't want to ruin my own holiday.

Nicole: He is a ruiner, so--

Brady: Should I take you home?

Nicole: No. Actually, I'd really like to go get a drink. Going back to the apartment eric and I shared just--it feels depressing.

Brady: Oh, I hear you. I do. I actually wasn't just avoiding victor. I was also avoiding going in there and revisiting all the memories that I've had with kristen.

Nicole: So?

Brady: Let's go.

Lani: You know, I knew coming back here would be tough, but this is even harder than I thought. Why did you pack that?

Kristen: Oh, I brought yours too.

Lani: Why? We decided not to take our vows. We're not nuns.

Kristen: Right, right, but eli and jj probably assume that we did take our vows, and that news most likely has gotten around.

Lani: So you just want us to let people believe it?

Kristen: Yeah.

[Laughs] For now. That way they won't see us as a threat, especially gabi.

Lani: Okay, and you still think that you can gain her trust by just dangling your shares in front of her?

Kristen: Oh. She'd do anything to stay in control of dimera, and once we get our foot in the door, we'll find a way to neutralize her and disarm julie's pacemaker. Hm? [Chuckles]

Abigail: Have you ever thought about doing something similar to your hair that ari did with charlotte's doll? I mean, I think something really extreme might look very good on you.

Gabi: Really?

Abigail: Mm-hmm.

Chad: Why don't you just take it down a notch?

Eli: Please, especially on christmas, all right? We don't need this to get ugly.

Gabi: She started it.

Eli: And that's why we're happy to end it.

Chad: We're good for tonight.

Abigail: How much are you gonna let her get away with?

[Cell phone rings]

[Keypad beeps]

Chad: Hello?

Kristen: Hello, chad. It's your sister again. Is this a good time to talk?

Kate: You hired hattie adams. You hired hattie adams?

Roman: I did, yes.

Kate: [Sighs] Oh, my god. I thought that she was in prison.

Roman: Well, she got an early release and she needed a job as part of her parole.

Kate: This is a terrible idea! No, no, actually, this gives terrible ideas a bad name.

Roman: Kate, look. I know it's an unconventional hire, okay? But hattie did me a favor a couple years ago when we almost pulled the plug on marlena.

Kate: I remember that she blackmailed john into marrying her. That's what I remember.

Roman: Yeah, well, I just felt like I owed her one.

Kate: You know, you are way too nice a person. We're going to have to work on that.

Roman: I will get right on it.

Kate: So when does the little experiment start?

Roman: Well, we haven't named a day yet, but we're gonna talk more specifics when she comes down.

Kate: When she comes down from where?

[Tense music]

Steve as stefano: It's wonderful to see you. You look lovely, as always.

Hattie: Thanks. It's good to see you, too, although I'm kind of surprised to find you in kate's room, patch.

Steve as stefano: [Chuckles] Patch, yes. I know it must be strange-- you finding me here looking like this. You must have a million questions.

Hattie: I got a couple questions.

Steve as stefano: Well, allow me to clear one thing up from the start. I am not patch.

Steve as stefano: It's true, marlena. I'm not who you think I am.

Hattie: Well, I'm not even marlena, thanks to some work by old dr. Rolf.

Steve as stefano: You're hattie?

Hattie: Yeah, I'm hattie. Boy, you know, stefano promised me the moon and the stars, if I would just look like his queen of the night. I'm glad that old geezer's gone.

Steve as stefano: Is that right?

Hattie: Yeah. That's right. What about you? If you're not patch, who are you?

Kate: Hattie's here? Now? Upstairs?

Roman: Yeah. She went up to see you.

Kate: How long has she been up there?

Roman: She went up a little while ago, but obviously, since you're here and not up there, I am kind of wondering what's keeping her.

Kate: Okay. If you'll excuse me.

Roman: Something wrong?

Kate: No, no. I'm just gonna go say "hi" to hattie.

Chad: Jennifer, how are you?

Kristen: Oh, right. You can't talk.

Chad: That's right.

Kristen: Well, then just listen. I was thinking that we should continue our conversation about my dimera shares.

Chad: Yeah. We'd love that.

Kristen: Well, I can't come there, for obvious reasons.

Chad: We'll, um, we'll come to you. Actually, I'm sure gabi and eli could use the privacy.

Kristen: Gabi and eli are there with you? You know, I don't want to alarm them, so let's just meet at the little park off the square in about 20 minutes?

Chad: That's great. We'll see you then.

Kristen: Okay.

[Keypad beeps]

Abigail: What's up with my mom? Are the kids okay?

Chad: Everything's fine. They're really excited for the sleepover actually. Believe it or not, charlotte's looking for her new doll. The one with the really cool haircut.

Gabi: Oh, really? She likes it. Who would have thought?

Abigail: Huh. That's interesting.

Chad: Why don't we just get the doll, and we'll go see them?

Abigail: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll go see them. Yeah.

Gabi: While you're at it, why don't you go get some new coloring books, and a new personality, huh? You know what? I hate her.

[Angry grunt] Ugh! Sorry.

Lani: She's at the mansion. Gabi is there with eli.

Kristen: Yes. I am afraid so.

Lani: How long do I have to hide away, while gabi gets everything that she wants?

Kristen: All right. We just need to be patient. That's all.

Lani: If only I could find a way to just disarm her control over the pacemaker, then I can blow that bitch out the water.

Kristen: And lani, that's going to happen. Trust me. But right now, I just need you to stay put, okay? I'm on it.

[Pensive music]

[Door closes]

Lani: Like hell I'm staying put. They say life is all about making choices.

Abigail: I knew you weren't talking about charlotte wanting that doll.

Chad: You think gabi realized?

Abigail: No, no. Are you kidding me? Gabi was just concerned with taking her victory lap.

Chad: Well, I'm sorry. I just--I had to come up with something on the fly.

Abigail: No. It's all right. Oh, dear god.

[Soft dramatic music]

Chad: Kristen, you look--

Kristen: Different.

Chad: Wow. Yeah.

Kristen: I know. I'm sure this is a bit of a shock to you.

Chad: It'll take some getting used to.

Kristen: Well hello, abigail. It's so lovely to see you.

Abigail: Thank you.

Kristen: I was happy to hear about your mother's recovery, and I hope to see her soon, maybe say some prayers with her.

Abigail: Yes, yes. I think she would really like that.

Chad: I don't want to be rude. I would really, really like to hear about this journey, but I think we need to get down to business, so let's talk about how I can get you to sell those shares to me, instead of gabi.

Kristen: All right. Not so fast.

Roman: Hey, you two. Merry christmas.

Brady: Yeah. Merry christmas.

Nicole: Merry christmas to you, and I was so sorry to hear about your granddaughter.

Roman: Thank you.

Brady: Any news from boston?

Roman: Well, eric called, and he's worried, of course, but he's feeling pretty optimistic about the doctors that are working on mickey.

Nicole: Well, I'm wishing the best for everyone.

Roman: Yeah. Well, he sure does love that little girl.

Nicole: Roman, I'm sorry that I kept the baby's paternity a secret for all this time.

Roman: I appreciate you saying that, but that's between you and eric, all right? So what can I get you?

Brady: I'm gonna do a ginger ale.

Roman: All right. Sure. Nicole?

Nicole: Vodka martini.

Roman: You got it.

Nicole: Thanks.

Roman: All right.

Nicole: You're okay with me having a drink, right?

Brady: Yeah, yeah. I am okay with it, but are you okay?

Nicole: With?

Brady: Well, all the talk about eric and the baby. I know it's still raw for you. Are you okay?

Nicole: It has been a bittersweet day, and seeing how excited holly was about christmas was wonderful, but knowing that eric's daughter is in boston fighting for her life, and I can't be there? It's--

Brady: It's hard.

Nicole: Yeah, but having you here has helped a lot.

Brady: Well, I'm glad.

Nicole: I know there's a lot of christmas miracles. Mine this year is having a real friend like you.

Brady: [Sighs] Nicole, feel the same way.

Steve as stefano: When I said I wasn't patch, what I meant was--

Kate: Hey, hattie.

Hattie: Oh, hi.

Kate: Long time no see. Actually, I can explain that. This isn't patch. This is steve. He no longer goes by the name patch.

Hattie: Oh. Well, that would make sense, see? Because he's not wearing the patch anymore, so what's up with that? I kind of miss it.

Kate: Well--

Steve as stefano: It's because I met a brilliant scientist at the isa who was able to restore my bad eye.

Hattie: After all those years?

Steve as stefano: Ah, yeah, after all those years. So does that answer all your questions?

Hattie: No. No, no. I'm kind of wondering why you're holed up here, in katie's room? Steyer: I'm about to say two words

Kate: Well, the reason that steve is in my room--

Steve as stefano: If you must know, kate is my cover.

Hattie: She's your cover for what?

Steve as stefano: I'm on a mission with the isa.

Hattie: Oh. You mean like james bond? That's why you have that fake accent.

Kate: Yeah.

[Laughs] Exactly.

Steve as stefano: So hattie, it's a very dangerous mission.

Hattie: How dangerous?

Steve as stefano: So dangerous that only kate knows that I am back in salem. No one else knows.

Hattie: No. Roman knows.

Steve as stefano: No.

Kate: Well, yes. Of course roman would know, because roman provided the pub as steve's safe house.

Steve as stefano: Yes, but you can't say a word to anyone, not even to roman.

Hattie: Wait a minute. Not to roman? Why--roman already knows. Why would I not say anything to roman?

Roman: All right. Here you go.

Brady: All right.

Nicole: Thank you.

Roman: All right. Enjoy.

Brady: Thanks.

Nicole: Mmm. Oh, my god. Whew! Gosh. I needed that. Yes!

Brady: Yeah.

Nicole: Sorry.

Brady: Don't be. It's okay. You know what's funny? I don't really even miss it.

Nicole: That's a good thing, right?

Brady: It's a very good thing, so here's to not missing it and to basic black, huh?

Nicole: To basic black.

Brady: Yeah.

Nicole: Pretty proud of everything we managed to accomplish this year.

Brady: They said it couldn't be done.

Nicole: Mm-hmm, and they underestimated what a great team we are.

Brady: They always do.

Nicole: It must feel good to stick it to victor.

Brady: Yeah. I never knew how liberating being fired from titan could actually be, but basic black has been a very, very good distraction for me as well.

Nicole: From what happened with kristen and your baby?

Brady: Yeah. I really feel like you want to say something to me.

Nicole: Yeah. Can I be honest?

Brady: Please. Always. Be honest.

Nicole: Ugh. You are such a great guy, and I just--I don't understand. After everything kristen did, how could you ever fall for that bitch again?

Chad: I hope you're not changing your mind about selling me your shares. If it's about the price, we can work it out.

Kristen: Oh, no, no, no. It's not about the money. It's--I simply haven't made up my mind yet.

Chad: But you're not thinking about selling your shares to gabi?

Kristen: Well, in all honesty, gabi did make me an offer, and I haven't ruled it out yet.

Chad: Are you serious? How could you even consider it?

Kristen: I'm not considering anything. I'm simply waiting for a sign from god.

Chad: Y--

[Scoffs] You're waiting for god to tell you what to do with your shares?

Kristen: Yeah. That's correct.

Chad: [Laughs] What does god have to do with a company built by stefano dimera?

Kristen: I have dedicated most of my life serving father, but now it's my goal to serve my heavenly father.

Chad: I admire that. I do, but again, I don't have to remind you what gabi has done to our family-- to you.

Kristen: Yeah. It's true, but my faith tells me that I need to leave my decision to the almighty, and for the greater good, I need to keep our sister-in-law in the mix for now.

Gabi: I'm sorry. Did abigail just threaten to cut my hair? She threatened to cut my hair, didn't she?

Eli: I don't think she meant it that way.

Gabi: She meant that. You know, she is crazy enough to do this, or at least one of her personalities is.

Eli: Babe, please just take a breath. Relax.

Gabi: How can I relax when chad and abigail-- they're trying to undermine me every single second, under my roof. This is my house!

Eli: So far, they haven't succeeded.

Gabi: Yeah. Yes, but until I have those shares--I need the shares from kristen, okay, so that we can shift the balance of power, and then I can be unequivocally on top at dimera.

Eli: Kristen called you, right? She said that she would talk to you about selling you the shares after christmas.

Gabi: Yeah. Yes, but I don't think I can wait until then.

Eli: Well, it sounds to me like you need a distraction-- something to keep your mind off of work.

Gabi: What kind of distraction?

Eli: Ari is upstairs, and her movie is almost over, and we have the whole house to ourselves.

Gabi: [Laughs]

Eli: What do you say we go upstairs, tuck her in, and enjoy the rest of our evening?

Gabi: Well, that does sound distracting.

Eli: Okay, so you think you can shut off the worry and enjoy it?

Gabi: Hmm. I don't know. That's if you can make it properly enjoyable.


Eli: Okay. All right. Well, then I will take that as a challenge. And you know how competitive I can be.

Gabi: Mm-hmm.


[Sensual music]

[Tense music]

(Mom) is that for me?

Lani: Lucky I remember how to access those tunnels. Now, if I can just find a way to neutralize that app on gabi's phone and take away her control over julie's pacemaker, I can finally crush her and tell eli the truth about why left. There's gotta be something here.

Gabi: [Giggling] Eli! I cannot believe arianna fell asleep in front of the tv. She hasn't done that since she was little.

Eli: Well, she was exhausted. She didn't even wake up when we moved her.

Gabi: Easiest bedtime ever.

Eli: And more alone time for us.

Gabi: I like the way you think. [Laughs]

Eli: You know, this christmas, I didn't ask for any presents at all because all I wanted was you.

Gabi: Aww. Well, that is exactly what you got, right? You got me.

Nicole: All righty. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said about kristen to come out so harshly.

Brady: No, no, no. You meant it, and that's okay. I've asked myself the same question millions of times.

Nicole: And how did you answer it?

Brady: Here's what I'll say. My feelings for kristen are complicated.

Nicole: I'm so sorry for everything you've been through.

Brady: When we lost that baby I think it just destroyed kristen to a place where she just couldn't recover.

Nicole: Until she joined a convent.


Brady: I hope to god she has found inner peace or something.

Nicole: You know, the bible preaches forgiveness, and I'm not sure even a forgiving god could help a woman like kristen dimera because underneath that nun habit, I guarantee kristen is only interested in helping herself.

Chad: Kristen, look, I respect your choice, and I respect your faith. I do. You're a part of this family, and you always will be.

Kristen: Thank you. Thank you for saying that.

Abigail: You understand though that by signing over your shares to gabi that then there will be a shift in the balance of ownership to gabi, so she will have control over our livelihoods, over our children's legacy.

Kristen: Right, right, and I understand that is a concern for you.

Abigail: Well, yeah.

Chad: A concern? Kristen, she already said that she would fire me, and she would replace the entire board if they don't approve. She's drunk with power, and her only goal is to rid dimera enterprises of dimeras-- of us, okay? So as a family, we've gotta circle the wagons. Yeah? We gotta force her out.

Kristen: And as I said, I will pray and see what god wants.

Chad: Yeah, but what about what father wants? I mean, what...

Kristen: Oh, lord. What are you saying? Father's involved in all this?

Kate: Well, you see, roman trusted me to keep the mission between us, and if you told him that you knew, then he'd probably fire me, hattie. And you don't want that, do you?

Hattie: No, I don'T.

Kate: Then please, can we trust you not to say anything to roman about steve being up here?

Steve as stefano: All right. Look, you mustn't say anything to anyone, for that matter, because if there's a leak, we'll know it's you, and you will have betrayed the isa's confidence. And we could all face serious repercussions.

Hattie: Repercussions?

Steve as stefano: I would be sanctioned, and we could all be tried for treason.

Kate: We could go to jail-- all three of us.

Hattie: No, I can't-- I can't go back to jail. I can't do that!

Kate: Okay, okay, so that means we can count on you to keep our secret, right?

Abigail: Chad, she's your sister. We should tell her. She deserves to know.

Chad: You have always had my back, kristen. I'm gonna trust you. Thing is, is, um, father and I-- we've been in touch recently.

Kristen: You've seen stefano?

Chad: No, but he's been sending me messages urging me to take your shares.

Kristen: He wants the shares?

Chad: Yes, so I can regain control of dimera.

Kristen: [Sighs] So the phoenix is alive and well.

Chad: And insisting on discretion and the importance of driving gabi out.

Kristen: Well, gabi is a part of our family now. She did marry into it.

Abigail: Stefan is gone, and so is gabi's conscience.

Chad: She's an interloper. She has no right to be the head of our company.

Kristen: Father's company.

Chad: What do you say? Can we band together? Family? Force gabi out?

Kristen: You know, family is very important to me.

Chad: Then you must understand what we're facing.

Kristen: Well, I will consider that. I'll pray and consider it. It is nice to hear that father is alive and well though.

Chad: Kristen, where--

Kristen: I'll be in touch. Peace be with you both.

Abigail: What?

Brady: Well, I hope you're wrong about kristen. I know. I know she's hurt more people in this town than we can probably count, but she's trying to atone for her sins, so--

Nicole: Okay. You know what? Let's stop talking about this.

Brady: Okay.

Nicole: We're supposed to be cheering each other up and celebrating the year that was, and instead, we're talking about kristen dimera.

Brady: She tends to dominate conversation, doesn't she?

Nicole: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm sorry I brought her up.

Brady: It's all right. I'm not. I'm not. I'm glad. If there's anybody in this town that I can talk openly with, it's you.

Nicole: I feel the same way.

Brady: You want another one of those?

Nicole: I sure do, but I'm at my limit.

Brady: [Laughing] Okay. How about I take you home then? Good idea?

Nicole: Yeah. You should take me home.

Brady: Let's do that.

Nicole: Okay. Thank you. Oh!

Brady: Careful, careful. Careful. Take it easy.

Nicole: Jacket on.

Brady: There's the arm hole. You got that. See it?

Nicole: Thank you.

Brady: Yeah. Come on. Take it easy.

Nicole: Okay.

[Tense music]

Gabi: You know, I feel like I'm the one that got the real christmas gift this year.

Eli: Is it everything you asked for?

Gabi: And more. I don't know where I'd be without you, eli. You know, when you came back from italy, and we had that huge fight I really, really had to stop and think. You made me think.

Eli: Think about what?

Gabi: Well, you said that jj's life is worth saving and that I shouldn't worry about kristen's stock, and you're right.

Lani: [Thinking] You phony bitch. Since when did you develop a conscience?

Eli: You saved me too. When lani ripped out my heart and dumped me at the altar, you were there for me. I honestly don't know how I would have gotten over her if it wasn't for you. I feel like we were always meant to be.

Gabi: Yeah?

Eli: Yeah. If it wasn't for lani, we never would have broke up in the first place.

Gabi: You know, now lani has found her man, and I have you.

Eli: I love you, gabi.

Gabi: I love you too. Why don't--

Eli: What is it?

Gabi: Why don't we take our little party upstairs just in case chad and abigail come home?

Eli: I think that's a good idea.

Gabi: Okay.

Lani: God, I hate her.


[Soft dramatic music]

Gabi: [Laughs]

Eli: Merry christmas, gabi.

Gabi: Merry christmas, eli.

[Tense music]

Now, lani has found her man, and I have you.

[Hinged music]

Lani: [Shrieking]

[Alarm ringing]

Hattie: Well, of course you can trust me. I won't say a word about you being here, steve.

Steve as stefano: Thank you.

Kate: That's wonderful, hattie. It really is. Thank you so much, and we will see you later.

Hattie: Yeah.

Kate: Yes. Thank you. What the hell were you thinking? Why would you even have her enter the room?

Steve as stefano: She walked in on her own. For a moment, I thought she was--

Kate: What, your queen of the night, blah, blah, blah?

Steve as stefano: Yes! Yes.

Kate: Well, you're lucky she wasn't, because if that had been the real marlena, your whole triumphant return to salem would have ended right there.

Steve as stefano: All right. Can we trust hattie?

Kate: [Scoffs] What choice do we have?

Steve as stefano: There's always a choice, katarina.

Kate: Well, as long as she thinks she's part of a secret mission, I think we'll be okay.

Steve as stefano: All right. But if she makes a slip, all bets are off.

Hattie: Hey, handsome.

Roman: Hattie?

Hattie: Oh, no, I was just trying to compliment my boss. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Well, when do I start work?

Roman: Boy, you are anxious to go, huh?

Hattie: I am. Well, I want to get busy, roll up my sleeves, and put this place on the map.

Roman: I didn't know we were off the map, but glad to have you on board.

Hattie: Thanks, and I think katie and I are gonna make a really good team.

Roman: I think so, too, you know? Did you see her upstairs?

Hattie: I did. I did, and we came to a certain understanding. Wink, wink.

Roman: Certain understanding?

Hattie: Yeah, but don't worry, because my lips are sealed.

Roman: Your lips are sealed about what?

Hattie: I can't tell you that.

Abigail: Whew.

Chad: [Sighs]

Abigail: You need to call your father. You need to call him, and you need to tell him to talk to kristen about the stock.

Chad: Yeah. Maybe.

Abigail: Maybe?

Chad: No. No, this is on me. I had a feeling it just got a lot harder too.

Abigail: What do you mean? Why?

Chad: It's just kristen. There's more to this than she's letting on.

Brady: Easy, easy.

Nicole: [Giggling] Oh, thanks for making my day a little more merry and bright.

Brady: It was my pleasure. You did the same for me, so thank you.

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Brady: Mmm.

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Brady: Yeah.

Nicole: Mmm.

[Dramatic music]

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