Days Transcript Thursday 12/26/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/26/19


Episode #13675 ~ Kayla follows Stefano and confronts him; Marlena finds a mysterious gift in her purse; Hattie asks Roman for a favor; Xander gives Sarah a special Christmas present.

Provided By Suzanne

Brady: Merry christmas.

Nicole: [Sighs] Merry christmas to you. Come in.

Brady: Thank you, thank you.

Nicole: Um, I thought you were visiting tate.

Brady: Well, the big guy and I, we had a lot of fun, but theresa had some big plans for him, so... honestly, I found myself thinking about you and holly alone at christmastime, and I didn't like it, so I flew home.

Nicol you're the best. Holly's gonna be happy to see you, although I may have to drag her out of her room and away from her new toys.

Brady: [Laughs] Second place to new toys, I understand that; I do.

Nicole: And you brought a gift, brady? You shouldn't have.

Brady: No, um, I didn'T. I--this is--this was here, outside your door. There's a card here.

Nicole: Oh.

[Dramatic music]

It's from eric.

Xander: [Sighs] Well, I suppose this is what I get for... showing up unannounced. Merry christmas, sarah.

Sarah: [Laughs] Merry christmas.

Xander: I should have called, I know. It's just, it's christmas eve, and I miss you and mickey so much. Next thing I knew, I was on the titan jet, and here I am.

Sarah: That's so sweet. But you shouldn't have come.

Xander: [Sighs]

[Door clicks open]

Sarah: You're still here.

Xander: You were hoping I left?

John: Merry christmas.

Marlena: Oh! Merry christmas. Mm. I didn't, uh, expect you to be back from seeing paul quite so soon.

John: No, I gathered that as soon as I walked in here and saw hattie adams making herself right at home. I think you have a little explaining to do.

Roman: Hey, kate.

Kate: [Laughs] How the hell did you get out of that santa suit so fast?

Roman: I never changed into it.

Kate: What are you talking about?

Roman: Something weird is going on here. I know I had it hanging in my room. When I went upstairs to change into it, it wasn't there. I don't know what the hell happened to it, but, uh, I'm just sorry I kept everybody waiting.

Kate: Roman, I just heard you ho, ho, ho-ing with all the kids.

Roman: That had to be another santa 'cause it sure wasn't me.

Kate: It happens to be a really lovely party. Ari loves it, which makes me happy. All of the staff shows up, even if they have the day off.

Steve as stefano: All of the staff? Would that include marlena?

Kate: Uh-oh.

Steve as stefano: Marlena?

[Sighs] Where did she go?

Kayla: Steve, is that you? I sense that it's you. Is it--is it really you? Please...turn around and look at me.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Steve?

[Cell phone beeps] That's the er. I have to go. Please stay here. Will you do that? I'll be right back.

[Dramatic music]

Kate: What the hell? Roman's santa suit? I told you to stay put. I told you to stay away from marlena. What are you thinking?

Marlena: [Chuckles] Hattie showed up on our doorstep on christmas eve, and she'd been released from prison. She had no place to go. I couldn't turn her away.

John: That's because you're kindhearted and generous, and normally I wouldn't ever question any of your decisions here, except for the fact that you gave me a lot of grief when I asked hope to move in here without checking in with you first.

Marlena: Well, no, that's not fair. That isn't the same thing. I mean, hattie is here on a temporary basis, and--and she doesn't have a crush on you.

Hattie: Yeah, you got that right.

[Quirky music]

Nicole: Oh, brady, this is the christmas miracle I've been praying for. Eric's found it in his heart to forgive me. And I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life making up for this, and-- but eric is the most compassionate, loving man I know. I mean, he knows I was wrong and weak, but the power of forgiveness, the power of our love, it's strong enough to overcome anything.

[Soft music]

"Happy birthday and merry christmas... holly. Love always, eric."

Sarah: You were here all night? That's not exactly the best way to spend christmas eve and christmas.

Xander: Yeah, 'cause it's so much better at home, worrying and wondering and waiting and...

Sarah: I'm so sorry.

Xander: You have nothing to be sorry for. You're just being a mum to your baby girl. How is she?

Sarah: Incredible. You know...chemo and radiation and being stuck with way too many needles, and she is just patient and so good, and she giggles every time I play "this little piggy."

Xander: That's my girl.

Sarah: I just marvel at her strength, especially when it takes everything in me to just not fall apart.

Xander: That's 'cause you know what's at stake. Mickey doesn'T.

Sarah: I'm a doctor, and I can't--I can't help my own daughter, and I just feel so useless.

Xander: You are not mickey's doctor. You brought her to this hospital because they're the experts. Your only responsibility is to be her mum. The way you make your daughter feel safe, that fierce mama bear thing that you do, that's being a good mum, and mickey can feel every bit of your love, and it's giving her the strength she needs to fight this thing, okay?

Sarah: Thank you for saying that.

Xander: I'm just pointing out the truth. God, you must be exhausted. Why--why don't I go hang out in the lobby let you get some sleep?

Sarah: Mm-mm. I couldn't sleep if I tried.

Xander: Then why don't you jump in the shower and I'll order up some room service?

Sarah: I'm really glad that you made this trip.

[Tender music]

Nicole: Oh, I am such a fool.

Brady: Nicole, give eric some time. His daughter is fighting for her life right now.

Nicole: And I'm making it all about me.

Brady: No, you're n-- hey, no, you're not. You love him, and you want to be there for him, that's all.

Nicole: And he won't let me. And why should he? You know, I--I lied to him, and I kept his daughter from him, and now she could-- why would he forgive me? I mean, how can I even forgive myself? You know what?

Brady: Nic, don't-- don't do this to yourself.

Nicole: I'm gonna go get holly so she can open her gift.

Brady: Okay.

Nicole: Okay?

[Dramatic music]

Hattie: Oh, uh, I found this in the guest room closet. I--I figure it was sort of out of circulation so maybe you wouldn't mind if I gave it a go.

Marlena: Well, it suits you. Yeah, um, in fact, um, why don't you keep it? Think of it as a-- as a christmas present.

Hattie: For keeps?

Marlena: For keeps.

Hattie: Dr. Evans, you are so nice to me.

Marlena: You know, you pretended to be me to protect me when I was in a coma. John and I will always be grateful for that.

John: What she says.

Hattie: It's just the kind of thing that a friend does for a friend, you know? And yeah, I mean, I suppose that my life had been threatened and I was in--in danger and I was really scared part of the time, but... I think this dress just makes up for it.

Marlena: I'm glad you like it. Would you like some christmas cookies or some champagne?

Hattie: Look, that sounds, uh, really good and awfully nice of you, but I'm just thinking that--that, um, you know, you two might want some alone time, so I'll just, uh--I'll just be on my own for a while.

John: So where are you off to?

Hattie: Uh, I--um, I...I thought I'd go look at the christmas decorations. Yeah, that's it, christmas decorations.

Marlena: Before you go, it's cold out there. Wear a coat.


John: Christmas decorations?

Marlena: Should we warn roman that she's coming?

John: What good would it do? She's gonna track him down no matter where he is.

Kate: Stefano, you have always been smarter than this.

Steve as stefano: You know how I'm drawn to her. You know that, and it's been too long!

Kate: The feeling isn't mutual, okay? Just get out. You need to leave before kayla comes back, and you're welcome.

Steve as stefano: What?

Kate: Because I'm the one who called her from--from er. There wasn't an emergency, okay? So she's gonna be back, so just get your ass out.

Steve as stefano: No! No, you do not give me orders, katerina. You do not.

Kate: I'm trying to help you, stefano.

Steve as stefano: No one tells stefano dimera what to do, no one.

Kate: You are making a mistake.

Steve as stefano: I know what I am doing. And I am so tired of this charade. I'm tired of living in another man's body! It's time for me to get what I came for: Marlena. Tom steyer: I'm tom steyer,

John: For you.

Marlena: Mm. Thank you. You're not upset, uh, about hattie?

John: Aw, come on. I can never be upset with you. Besides, it's christmas. To us.

Marlena: To us.

John: [Laughs]

Marlena: Mm.

John: And presents. Oh, come on. Aren't you ready to dive in and see what santa got you?

Marlena: Sure. Yes, sure.

John: Yeah, all right. Now we're talking.

Marlena: I guess I was just thinking about will and how santa's never going to bring him what he wants.

John: Well, I guess your prison visit didn't go that well, huh?

Marlena: Well, it went pretty well in one respect, uh, because ciara had a chance to see ben without victor finding out.

John: Let me tell you, that's one determined young lady.

Marlena: Well, she's determined to clear him of murder charges.

John: Mm-hmm, well, it's too bad she's got a clock on it. You know, ben's down to his last appeal with an execution date looming, but you know what? On the other hand, will, his future is not so dire.

Marlena: Yeah. Yeah, I wish he could see it that way. It was just heartbreaking to be with him, you know? He's--he's so sad. He's--he's lost, and now he's-- now he's talking about divorcing sonny.

John: Whoa. You mean after everything they survived to be together? Sorry to hear that.

Marlena: I know. I am too. And kate--uh, kate told will that sonny was hanging around with evan.

John: David's nanny?

Marlena: Yeah. I imagine she was trying to--to light a fire under will and make him fight for sonny, but it had the opposite effect, you know? He's--he's just given up when he needs help more than ever.

John: You know, I know that kate's your friend, but that woman sure gets it wrong a lot, doesn't she?

Kayla: What are you doing here?

Kate: I'm looking for marlena so I can thank her for her christmas gift. What--what's--what are you so distracted about? What's wrong?

Kayla: What happened to that santa that was here? Did you see him? Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,

Roman: Really, this is crazy. How does a santa claus suit just up and walk away?

[Sighs] Hey, you. Uh, sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you at the party, but, uh, you know somebody stole my santa claus suit? Who in the hell does that?

Hattie: I don't know, but I'd much rather see you in your birthday suit anyway!

Roman: Oh, my god. You're not marlena.

Hattie: [Laughs] Christmas came early for you, roman brady, because hattie adams is back in town!

Kate: I don't know what you're talking about. The office was empty when I arrived, so--

Kayla: He was just here. I followed him from the christmas party.

Kate: Okay, so what are you doing, stalking santa?

Kayla: No, roman was supposed to be the santa, but that was not roman.

Kate: Well, I just talked to your brother, okay? And the man managed to lose his santa suit, so he called in a sub, and-- you know, rather than obsessing over this, you should go home to justin and celebrate what's left of christmas.

Kayla: No, I am not obsessing, and I am also not leaving here until I find out who that santa was.

Kate: Why? Kayla, the christmas party is over, okay? All santas, believe me, they're the same.

Kayla: No, no, not this one. I think it was steve.

[Tense music]

Steve as stefano: Humiliation... the phoenix parading around like a fat fictitious elf. served its purpose, breathing the same air as my queen. Who knows? At this very moment, she might be opening my gift.

Marlena: What is this?

John: Don't look at me.

Marlena: [Exhales heavily] "A token of my undying love... S." Stefano.

Brady: Tell you what. You put all the furniture wherever you want it. You can put the bed anywhere you want it, even in the kitchen, and I'll come back, and you can give me a tour, okay? When you're done with everything, okay?

Holly: Okay.

Brady: Sound good? Are you happy? Good, good, good, good. I think she loves her present.

Nicole: Yeah, I think you like it too.

Brady: I--I like it.

Nicole: You know, watching you with holly, I can't help remembering when we were freddie and bridget on the run in canada and we were pretending to be a family with holly and tate.

Brady: We were pretending, but it got very real, didn't it?

Nicole: And you were wonderful, and then I cheated on you with eric.

Brady: You know, that--

Nicole: [Laughs]

Brady: Why don't we keep that ancient history, all right?

Nicole: I know, but you would think I would learn from my mistakes, but no, not me, you know? I blew it all to hell when I-- when I lied to eric about his daughter, and... holly keeps asking me where he is and when he's coming home, and I don't know what to tell her.

Brady: Do you want me to try to--try to talk to her? I'd be happy to.

Nicole: Would you?

Brady: Yeah.

Nicole: Yes. Oh, thank you.

Brady: I'll talk to her.

[Soft music]

Xander: Perfect timing.

Sarah: I like what you've done with the place.

Xander: Yeah?

Sarah: Yeah. I mean, those poinsettias are definitely a dead ringer for the ones in the lobby. Did you steal them?

Xander: When you're the ceo of titan, all it takes is a phone call to make things happen. Madam?

Sarah: Oh, short ribs.

Xander: Over creamy polenta, brussels sprouts with bacon, and a green salad lightly tossed with a balsamic vinaigrette.

Sarah: That's my favorite. How'd you know that?

Xander: I pay attention.

Sarah: You're amazing. I went above and beyond when you pretended to be mickey's father, and... and here you are back at it again. You made a trip that you never needed to make, and... I don't know what to say except... thank you.

Sarah: I'm stuffed, which means that I have room for one more bite. Mmm. Okay. Now I'm officially done.

[Laughs] I think I forgot what a decent meal tasted like. I got so used to living off of hospital cafeteria food.

Xander: [Sighs] Then I guess you probably don't have any room left for, uh...these.

Sarah: No! They can't be! Are they--

Xander: Your mom's famous cookies.

Sarah: [Gasps]

Xander: And I helped make that batch.

Sarah: You made cookies with my mom?

Xander: The sugar helped lift our spirits about mickey and missing you. Go ahead, try it.

[Soft music]

Sarah: Oh, my god.

It tastes like every best christmas that I ever had with my family. It's--which is basically every christmas.

Xander: Hey, I wanted to cheer you up.

Sarah: You have.

Xander: Then you're not mad at me for knocking on your door?

Sarah: I am so glad that you're here.

Brady: You see, some kids don't just have one daddy and one mommy. Some kids are lucky and have two daddies or two mommies, like arianna has will and sonny, and your cousin mackenzie, she has two dads. Did you know that? Xander and...

Nicole: Eric.

Brady: Yeah.

Nicole: You know what? You know what, honey? That's right, two dads, and you know sometimes when you feel sick and all you want is for me to snuggle with you? Well, that's what mackenzie wants, and she really needs her daddy very much, okay?

Brady: And eric, eric, he loves you to the moon and back again. That's why he got you that dollhouse. You see that beautiful thing over there? You know why he got you that? 'Cause you are his special little girl. That's why. Do you understand that? Good. Good.

Nicole: Come here, baby. Love you.

John: If we're lucky, we might be able to pull some prints off of this.

Marlena: Well, then you do think it's from stefano?

John: A jet-black jewel to match his dark heart?

[Dramatic music]

Question is, how the hell did this get in your purse?

Marlena: Uh, my purse was searched when I went into the prison. It wasn't there then.

John: All right, what else?

Marlena: Then I went to the hospital christmas party. What if he were there then? What if--what if he was watching me? I--no, no, no. I would have noticed him. I would have seen him.

John: If he looked like stefano. What if he didn't?

Kate: Okay, so you think that your former husband has come back to salem to play santa, and yet he didn't come back for his divorce or his sister's funeral?

Kayla: You know, I know it doesn't make any sense, but when he walked past me, I--

Kate: You--you think you recognized him.

Kayla: Yes. I mean--I mean no, no. It was just--it was--it was a feeling.

Kate: Kayla, it's the holidays. You know, maybe--maybe you were feeling nostalgic, thinking about steve, thinking about him playing patchy claus, wasn't it? I mean, I think it's wishful thinking.

Kayla: Well, then how come when I confronted him, he didn't turn around? I mean, if that santa had nothing to hide, why would he do that? Why wouldn't he reveal himself to me? Because it's steve.

Kate: Okay, I mean, it's a good theory, except there's a really big hole in it. If it's steve playing santa, why wasn't he wearing an eye patch?

Roman: Well, congratulations on your release. Sounds like a christmas miracle.

Hattie: [Laughs] Yeah. Hey, why don't you pour me a cold one to celebrate? Yeah. I've been thinking about this and a few other things ever since I went behind bars. Oh, oh.

[Slurps] Mmm. Ooh, that's what I'm talking about, yeah. Hey, why don't you pour yourself one?

Roman: You know what? I think I will.

Hattie: Mm.

Roman: All right, so, uh, I'm sure you got big plans now that you're out, huh? So where you headed? I mean, uh, someplace sunny like florida?

Hattie: Well, of course, it--it's warm there, but I don't have any friends there, but I have both here.

Roman: Oh, now-- so wait a minute. You're--you're thinking of staying in town?

Hattie: Well, yeah. I--I mean, I've been staying with marlena just temporarily, you know, 'cause I--'cause I saved her life, um, but I didn't want to impose on her, so I guess I'm thinking what I should do is, I should get a place to live, and--and I should get a job, and--[Gasps] And lucky for us, you are hiring.

Roman: Oh, you--hattie, you know, about that, you know, I got so many applications, I--I got so many applications, I can't handle them.

Hattie: Yeah? Well, why do you have your sign in the window still? Tremfya® helps adults with moderate to severe

Roman: Well, um, you know, maybe it's 'cause I just haven't hired anybody yet. And besides that, you know what, hattie? I don't think this is a good fit for you. You are a woman of many talents, and I think there are bigger and better things out there for you than being here.

Hattie: I get it. When you needed my help to save marlena, you're my best pal. All of a sudden when I need a little help getting back on my feet, it's, "oh, sorry, so sorry, excuse us. Don't let the door hit you in the butt."

Roman: Hattie, you're right. You really did help save marlena's life, and I am very grateful, so...

[Sighs] If you want the job, it's yours.

Hattie: [Laughs] Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Roman: Okay, all right, all right, but just know you're gonna have to work with kate.

Hattie: Katie? Are you kidding me? Katie and I used to sling slop together back at the old diner by the water. Yeah, yeah, that'll be great. Oh, we'll be a great team, yeah.

Kate: [Sighs] Maybe it's my fault.

Kayla: Your fault?

Kate: I mean, maybe I was a teeny bit harsh about your relationship with justin. Maybe that triggered some guilt, and now you're imagining.

Kayla: I have nothing to feel guilty about. Steve deserted me.

Kate: You're right. He did. He left you and salem behind, so why the hell would he ever come back? Take some advice. Let him go.

Marlena: Stefano back among us, is that-- is that even possible?

John: Abraham heard from celeste, and according to her tarot cards and whatever hocus-pocus she uses, she said that stefano is here... yet not here.

Marlena: What does that mean?

John: Well, I got to thinking, and I--I... I'm starting to think maybe stefano might have had some sort of reconstructive surgery so he can come back to salem without being discovered.

Marlena: Oh, I-- no, I think stefano is too vain ever to change his appearance.

John: Yeah, abraham said the same thing, but... what if his love for you is stronger than his vanity?

Nicole: Thanks for explaining things to her.

Brady: Sure.

Nicole: You really have a way with holly. Oh, brady, this is not the holiday I planned.

Brady: I can't tell you how long I've been planning this christmas for kristen and our little girl. I mean, the whole--the whole thing--the tree, the stockings, visiting santa-- I had it all in my mind that we were gonna be this happy little family.

Nicole: I'm sorry you lost your daughter. But...

Brady: What?

Nicole: But I'm not sorry kristen left town. You know, after all the pain she put you through, I was so afraid that she would break this big heart of yours all over again.

Brady: You haven't heard, have you? Kristen took her vows to become a nun.

Sarah: This really is so wonderful. Thank you.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: [Chuckles]

Sarah: What's this?

Xander: It's just a little something from agios vasileios and me.

Sarah: Xander, it's lovely.

Xander: It belonged to my mum. She wore it every day, swore it warded off sickness.

Sarah: It's a family heirloom. Are you sure?

Xander: Well, there's no one I'd rather have wear it.

Sarah: Then I'm gonna cherish it, and I'll wear it every day.

Xander: I, uh--I've held on to it for so long, all these years. I kept it safe in this, uh-- in this lockbox.

Sarah: Oh, that's so funny. That looks exactly like the one that ciara had.

Xander: Oh, the one you saw her drilling away at?

Sarah: Yeah. I mean, what are you gonna do when you lose the key, right?

Xander: Right.

[Tense music]

[Cell phone beeps]

Sarah: Um, mickey's doctors need me to come back to the hospital. I have to go.

Xander: I'll--I'll wait.

Sarah: As grateful as I am to have you here, I don't think that that's the best idea.

Get ready for

the insurance-themed experience

Xander: Oh, of course, complicates a situation that's already complicated, last thing I want. Just promise if there's anything you and mickey need, you'll--you'll call.

Sarah: I will.

Xander: Before I go.

[Soft music]


[Clears throat]

Nicole: A nun?

Brady: A nun.

Nicole: [Laughs] Sorry. Kristen dimera?

Brady: Yeah, believe it or not.

Nicole: Wow. And you think this is real?

Brady: [Stammers, sighs] The nuns at that convent, they had saved her life a couple years back. I think she went there to get some peace.

Nicole: Okay, well, maybe it's for the best, cloistered in a convent for the rest of her life. I mean, how much damage can she do? You're safe from her. I mean, we all are.

Brady: I don't know, nic. I think she--I think she took refuge there. I think she turned to god because she couldn't deal with the pain of losing her baby girl. That's what I think.

Nicole: Brady, I know how much you ache for your little girl, and if I could take the pain away, I would.

Brady: Well, you know what helps? It's so nice to be around a little angel like holly. I love that.

Nicole: Yeah, and you are my christmas angel.

Brady: [Laughs]

Nicole: I mean, come on. Really, this is supposed to be one of the happiest days of the year, but I couldn't have gotten through it without your help.

Hattie: Well, you are not gonna regret this, 'cause I'm gonna be the best damn waitress you ever saw!

Roman: I'm sure you will be. I am. Hey, hey.

Hattie: One more thing. You know, you mentioned that I had some, like, hidden talents. You are so right, and, um, if you ever want a little demonstration of some of those talents, you just let me know.

Roman: Hattie, do me a favor. Go upstairs; tell kate the good news that you two are gonna work together, okay?

Hattie: That's a great idea! Yeah.

Roman: [Sighs] God, help me.

Kayla: I am not pining for steve. In fact, I'm very happy with justin.

Kate: Good, perfect, then be happy, because that santa wasn't patch, and you know that.

Kayla: Well, he wasn't wearing a patch, so maybe you're right.

Kate: Of course I'm right.

[Suspenseful music]

Hattie: Hey, kate, I've got a really big surpri--

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