Days Transcript Tuesday 12/24/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/24/19


Episode #13673 ~ Julie worries no one is going to come to the Horton tree trimming; Eve and Hattie both receive an early Christmas gift; Xander has a Christmas surprise for Sarah.

Provided By Suzanne

Hattie: This'll spruce you right up. Get it? Spruce? Oh, for an audience...

Guard: Merry christmas, "marlena."

Hattie: Oh, 'cause that never gets old.

[Mellow holiday music]

Thank you. Wow, I guess you can't have too much peppermint-flavored lip balm, hmm?

Eve: [Laughs] Guess who I just got off the phone with.

Hattie: Saint nick.

Eve: No, saint justin. I'm getting out of this hellhole, so say merry christmas to me.


Jennifer: Okay, are you warm enough? Are your feet warm?

Jj: Yeah, I'm fine, mom. You don't have to worry about me.

Jennifer: Well, I'm never gonna stop worrying about you, and I would worry less if you were honest with me. No more secrets, okay?

Jj: I promise. I know you're still upset that I didn't have eli get a hold of you guys when he brought me here.

Jennifer: Jj, I just want you to feel like you can tell me anything. I mean it. I can't imagine how eli felt keeping this all to himself.

Jj: Actually, there was one other person who knew.

[Soft dramatic music]

Doug: What do you think?

Julie: Fine.

Doug: Fine? No, sweetheart, no, no. You always rearrange the lights at least one time after I turn them on for the first time. That's tradition. So tell me, what's bothering you?

Julie: I have been keeping the most terrible secret, doug. I'm just afraid it's going to ruin christmas.

Maggie: I love you too, sweetheart. Merry christmas. Okay.

Xander: Oh, was that sarah?

Maggie: It was.

Xander: Damn. Barely spoken to her since she and mickey left for boston. I wish I could have said hello. Maybe I'll just try and catch her now.

Maggie: Xander, um, sarah and eric are about to meet with the baby's doctor. She won't be answering her phone tonight.

Chad: "Bah," said scrooge, "humbug." "Christmas a humbug, uncle?" Said scrooge's nephew. "You don't mean that, I'm sure." "I do," said scrooge. "Merry christmas. What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be me--" oh, hey kids, look at-- there's a scrooge right there. Wave hi to the scrooge. Hi.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Thomas: That's not scrooge, daddy. That's gabi, and she's a girl.

Chad: Oh, I don't know. I think girls can be very scrooge-like. What does it say? What'd it say in the book here about scrooges? "Miserly and mean, a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous sinner."

Gabi: Your daddy-- he's just a little mad because I'm gonna be getting auntie kristen's shares in my stocking, and you know what he's gonna get? He's gonna get a lump of coal.

Chad: Mm-mm. All right, what do you think? Should we go to grandma's and trim the tree? We're gonna see gabi and ari over there, okay?

Gabi: Here.

Chad: Oh, let's go. Let's go. Oh, come on, buddy.

Gabi: You know, actually, it's just gonna be me. Arianna's gonna be with daddy sonny.

Chad: Oh, by the way, um, if you had ever actually read "a christmas carol" or saw the movie, you might recall that scrooge is transformed from a greedy, selfish miser into a generous, good-natured character at the end, all because he was shown the error of his ways by the ghost of christmas past. Isn't that right? Yeah, so now all I can hope, for the sake of everyone who's ever had the misfortune of being in your orbit that that ghost, gabi, decides to pay you a little visit one day. Wouldn't that be nice? Merry christmas.

Gabi: Merry christmas.

Chad: Yeah, let's go trim the tree, come on. Come on.

Julie: So you're not angry with me, jennifer?

Jennifer: How can I be angry at someone who loves my son so much and honors his wishes? But julie, the important thing is we all know now, and jj's gonna get the help that he needs.

Julie: Yes, yes, I'm so glad. Now, I know that this might be a little bit too much for jj right now--a party-- but you know, after last year, it would mean the world if you all could come to it.

Jennifer: We're gonna try, all right? I'll call you later.

Julie: Thanks, sweetheart. Buh-bye. Hallelujah, hallelujah. The secret is out. The secret is out. Now, about those lights...

Jennifer: I just spoke to julie, and she is just so relieved that everything's out in the open.

Jj: Mom, I'm--I'm sorry, and I feel bad that I didn't have julie get all of you guys once she knew I was here. I was-- it's your first christmas together in a very long time. I didn't wanna ruin it.

Jack: You, jack patrick deveraux, are our son, our miracle baby, our other miracle baby, and we couldn't imagine anywhere we'd rather be tonight than with you.

Abigail: Yeah, I'm staying too.

Jj: No, no. I'm not gonna let that happen. No. They say life is all about making choices.

Maggie: I know you bought that for the baby.

Xander: Oh, sarah couldn't take him because, obviously, mickey's room has to be sterile.

Maggie: I know how much you miss them, xander, but there's no need to overcompensate with expensive gifts. Positive thoughts and prayers will do mickey far more good.

Xander: Thoughts and prayers. That's all I can offer them now, all I'm allowed to 'cause of bloody eric.

Maggie: Well, if it's any consolation, I think it's wrong that you're being shut out. Sarah does too, but she--she can't mediate between you and eric. She has to focus on the baby.

[Sighs] Well, I'm on my way over to the hortons for the annual tree trimming. Victor has once again bowed out with a headache. You know what? Maybe you would like to tag along? No one should be alone on christmas eve.

Xander: I appreciate the invite, but none of those folk want to see me. Besides, I can always raise a glass of good cheer with papa bear.

Maggie: Well, all right, then. I should be going.

Xander: Oh, the roads are bad. I'll have my driver take you.

Maggie: Really?

[Chuckles] Thank you, honey. Merry christmas.


Xander: Merry christmas.

[Soft dramatic music]

Chad: Merry christmas.

Julie: Oh, same to you, my darling. How you doing?

Chad: Well, uh, okay, abby's still at the hospital with her parents, and they didn't want to leave jj alone, so I don't--I don't know if they're gonna make it tonight.

Julie: I know, I know, I just talked with jennifer, and fingers crossed that they do make it.

Chad: Well, I'm here. What can I do to help? Should I go help with the cookies?

Julie: No, no, doug is in his element with the little kids. I'm happy to have you all to myself for a few moments because we need to talk about gabi.

Chad: [Chuckles]

Eli: Wow. You ready to head out?

Gabi: Well, actually, I just got into a fight with chad, and I'm not feeling very festive, so maybe we can stay in tonight?

Eli: I am not about to let chad keep us from taking part in my family's tradition. Besides, you are my grandma's favorite person ever since you gave her stefan's heart. That heart would be broken if you didn't show up.

Gabi: [Sighs] You're right. You're right. I'm not gonna let chad ruin christmas.

Eli: Hey, uh, before you go, I have something I want to give to you.

[Tender music]

Gabi: [Laughs]

Jj: No, I'm not letting you skip your own party. I want you to go hang ornaments with the rest of the family. I'll be fine here alone.

Jack: Hey, that's exactly what I said last year. I will honor christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.

Jj: Hey, dad.

Jack: Oh, hi.

Abigail: Hey.

Jack: What are you two doing here? I thought that you would spend christmas eve with chad and haley.

Abigail: Well, we're gonna go to the horton party later, but right now, there's nowhere else we wanted to be than with you guys right here.

Jack: That's very sweet, but I'll be fine.

Abigail: Dad.

Jack: Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not fine. I look at you two, and the two of you are the greatest gift your mother and I could possibly give each other. What kind of a scrooge would I be if I sent you away right now? Please, sit down. Join in.

Abigail: Hi, mom.

Jj: Christmas carols.

Jack: Oh.

Jj: Everybody sings.

Jack: I may be a little off-key.

Abigail: Dad, you're always off-key.

Jack: Yeah, true.

Jj: As long as it's from the heart.

Jack: Yeah. Well, what--

Abigail: You know what? Let's do mom's favorite.

Jack: Um...

Both: "O come, all ye faithful."

Abigail: Yeah, I think she'd like that.

Jack: Yeah.

All: O come

all ye faithful

joyful and triumphant

Jack: O come, ye

o come, ye

to bethlehem come on, everybody!

[Laughs] Now, are you gonna accept that we're all gonna stay here and spend christmas eve with you, or am I going to have to start singing again?

Abigail: Please accept.

Jack: It's up to you. Great riches will find you when liberty mutual

[Soft dramatic music]

Xander: [Sighs]

Sarah: [Sighs]


Xander: Ho, ho, ho!

Sarah: Jeez.


Xander: You are sarah, correct?

Sarah: Yes, that's right.

Xander: Well, my dear, you are at the very top of my list. That means you can have whatever you want for christmas, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Both: [Laughs]

Julie: I realize there has been tension for you and abby with eli and gabi, but I am hoping, hoping you can put your differences aside, at least for tonight.

Chad: I don't wanna ruin the mood, but I'm not sure I can do that. Julie, gabi's out of control. First she tried to destroy my wife. Now she's after my family's legacy.

Julie: Honey, I know it. I know all about that, and you know nobody hated gabi more than I did. Those years after what happened to nick-- you were the one who came to me and said, "you gotta give her another chance." It took gabi giving me the gift of life to see that she had changed. Darling, how can you not see that?

Gabi: What is this?

Eli: Open it.

Gabi: [Laughs] What? Okay.

[Laughs] Eli, merry christmas. Shouldn't you be at your family's party?

Eli: I decided to skip it. Um, as the groom that just got dumped at the altar, I just couldn't take all those sympathetic looks and pep talks, so I decided to hang out at the same spot lani dumped me until a reindeer runs me over. Um, what are you up to tonight?

Gabi: Well, rafe invited me over for noche buena tamales and everything, but I said no. I don't want him fussing over the widow dimera.

Eli: Yeah, holidays are tough.

Gabi: You know, I am so depressed, I didn't even go off on my staff, and that window display is completely wrong.

Eli: [Sighs] Look, it was nice seeing you, gabi.

Gabi: Hey, eli, wait. Arianna is gonna be with will and sonny for christmas, and, um, I was just gonna go home and order some chinese food, but the problem is I-- I never know what to order, so I order, like, six dishes. So maybe you could help me with that?

Eli: If only one of those dishes is chow mein.

Gabi: [Laughing] Of course. I cannot believe that you saved our fortunes from that meal.

Eli: Well, it turned out to be an important night, although neither of us knew it at the time.

Gabi: Yeah, a dinner with a friend that turned out to be something more.

Eli: A lot more.

Abigail: Come on.

Jj: This is--this is nuts. We're not gonna spend the holiday cooped up in here.

Jennifer: Jj, please.

Abigail: Seriously, stop fighting us on this. You are so stubborn.

Jj: No, that's--that's not what I'm doing. What I'm saying is I'm not letting my family spend another holiday in-- in a hospital room, so I'm sure I can-- I can find a doctor that'll let me out of here and leave.

Abigail: Oh!

Jj: So if you guys wouldn't mind just stepping out for--

Jack: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jennifer: Yes, yes.

Abigail: Oh, of course!

Jennifer: Okay, all right. Let me help you. What can I help you with? I'ma get your clothes.

Abigail: That's a good idea.

Jack: He's a big boy.

Jj: Let me get dressed. We're all gonna leave together.

Jennifer: I know, but where's your clothes? I'll get them, sweetie. I was just gonna get...

Jack: I know what you're gonna do.

Abigail: That's a good decision. We'll just be outside, okay?

Jack: Let him get dressed.

Jennifer: Just be careful. Don't fall.

Abigail: He's fine. Okay. We'll just wait out here.

Jj: Doing christmas right.

Julie: I don't think anyone else is coming. Maybe we should have canceled the party.

Doug: Why would we do that?

Julie: Because it's falling apart. It's all falling apart if the whole family isn't here, if we all aren't together. It's the end of the tradition.

Doug: It's--tonight is a night of faith, my dear, and if yours is lacking right now, I have enough for both of us, so trust me, people will come.

[Doorbell rings] What'd I tell you?

Julie: You're so good.


[Gentle holiday music]

All: Merry christmas!

Julie: Oh, you're here! You're here!

Abigail: Hi.

Julie: Darling.

Jennifer: It's tradition, and you don't mess with tradition in this family.

Jack: Or julie.

Julie: Oh, honey.

Abigail: Okay, I think the kids want us to see the christmas cookies.

Julie: Welcome, welcome.

Jennifer: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

[Laughter] Hi, everybody.

Abigail: Hello.

[All speaking at once]

Julie: Oh, it's so good to see you up and around.

Jj: I want to thank you for your love and support, and I'm very aware that the steps to get me here today is, uh, the beginning of a long journey, but I'm--I'm gonna keep moving forward, and I'm gonna get to a better place.

[Doorbell rings]

Julie: Excuse me.

Chad: I'm glad you came.

Abigail: Yeah.

Chad: I was worried I was gonna have to sit and listen to julie tell me how much of a saint gabi is all night.

Abigail: Oh, oh, I-- with everything happening, I completely forgot about gabi and eli.

Chad: Maybe we'll get lucky and they won't come.

Abigail: Aww. That would be really lucky.

Julie: Everybody, look who's here.


Jennifer: Oh, hi.

Jack: Wow. Merry christmas.

Xander: [Sighs]

[Soft dramatic music]

Sarah: Well, now I know who put all of those christmas presents for the baby in my room. I can barely walk around the floor.

Xander: I just want this angel to come into the world surrounded by the best of everything, and once he or she is born, I'm gonna see to it that all of their wishes come true.

Sarah: No offense, but you're kind of the last person I would have picked to play santa.

Xander: Ayios vasileios, it's the greek version.

Sarah: Are you trying to convince me that you still believe in--

Xander: Ayios vasileios? Of course I still believe. Why else would I be wearing this ridiculous hat?

Sarah: Okay, you can play father christmas in any language you want, but just, you know, a little dose of reality-- you do remember that you aren't actually this baby's father, right?

Xander: [Sighs]

Jj: Merry christmas.

Eli: Same to you. Glad you're here.

Gabi: Hey, jj.

Jj: Hey, hey.

Eli: I'm gonna go talk to jennifer. I'll be right back.

Jj: I guess eli filled you in?

Gabi: How are you?

Jj: I'm sorry that you gotta see me like this on christmas again.

Gabi: No, don't be. Are you kidding me? Jj, you--you're surrounded by people that love you. That's why I know that you're gonna get through this.

Jj: Thank you for believing in me.

Gabi: Of course.

Jj: Hey, guys. What's going on?

Thomas: Santa's in california.

Jj: Really? Is doug helping you track him down?

Thomas: No, satellite radar.


[Overlapping chatter]

Jj: Show me how to do this.

Eli: How's jj?

Gabi: He's hurting, kinda like where we were last year.

Eli: No telling what dark place I'd be in if you hadn't brought love back into my life.

Gabi: And you into mine.

[Gentle holiday music]

Eli: All right, look, this is not the place to be arguing about kristen's shares or anything else.

Abigail: No, you're-- you're right, and I just would like to say thank you to you both for the way that you've helped my brother. I really appreciate it.

Chad: And we're grateful for what you did for julie. I'm really glad you're here.

Abigail: Me too.

Julie: So listen, jack nearly broke his back dragging this fraser fir into the living room.

Jack: Hear, hear.

Julie: And doug did a fabulous job with the lights on the christmas tree.

All: Yay!

Julie: After I helped him.

[Laughter] So now that we have peace on earth, let's decorate that christmas tree.

All: Yay!

Chad: All right.

Eli: Let's do it.

Doug: Who's ready for hanging some ornaments?

Jennifer: Here we go. Oh! Oh! Oh!

[Country holiday music]

[Door opens]

Hattie: Oh. What'd I do now?

Guard: It's good news, adams. Christmas came early. They're releasing you right now.

Hattie: I'm getting out now? Now?

[Screams] Let's go.



Julie: That one, the one that says "tom," he was my grandfather. He was a wonderful man, a wonderful father, really, a father to the whole family, and you, precious boy, are named after him.

[Gentle holiday music]

Chad: Let's go sit down.

Julie: My love.

Chad: [Grunts]

Julie: [Chuckles]

Maggie: Get well, my little girl.

Xander: [Sighs]

[Soft dramatic music]

[Keypad beeps]

[Line ringing]

Sarah: This is sarah. Please leave a message.


[Keypad beeps]

Xander: No. No added stress. You promised you'd put sarah and mickey first.

[Sighing] Of course I know eric's the father, but he doesn't know, and we need to make sure that he never finds out.

Sarah: He won'T. No, it's all-- it's all worked out. Between the fake paternity test and eric thinking that we actually just conceived this baby-- I'm really scared.

Xander: I know, but you don't have to be. I'm gonna be there for you and this baby every step of the way.

[Gentle holiday music]

Eli: You'll always be in our hearts.

Julie: Gabi, I hope that you will hang your ornament near mine. I feel so close to you. I feel so grateful. Not only did you give me your husband's heart that I could live, you opened your heart. That's the true meaning of christmas, and I hope everyone here can do the same.

Eve: Oh, bah, humbug.

Maggie: Oh, lord.

[Tense music]

Jack: Eve, I'm glad you're free, but you shouldn't be here tonight.

Eve: Abigail, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It was your commitment to truth that set me free, but your parents, on the other hand, are responsible for the travesty of justice which led to my incarceration, and for that, yes, they will pay.

[Tense music]

[Soft dramatic music]

Sarah: None of this is fair to you. I mean, you have gone above and beyond to make this holiday and my train wreck of a life more bearable, and I didn't even get you a gift. I didn't even ask you what you wanted.

Xander: I have but one christmas wish, that this time next year, you and I and this little one won't be a lie we have to sell anymore because we'll be a real family.

I should have known christmas wishes don't come true for us blokes on the naughty list.

Eve: You are such a hypocrite, jack. All this talk about justice, truth, fairness, but when it comes to me, that all goes out the window, doesn't it? Oh, maybe a better case for me would be off the balcony, right?

Julie: Eve, that's enough!

Eve: No, julie, not quite enough. I lost a whole year of my life because of jack and jennifer. I'm very thankful that today I was released because I have a very special christmas gift for you all.

Eli: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Eve: Hey yourself! Relax. It's a plane ticket. It's a one-way ticket 'cause I'm leaving salem, and I lied when I said that this was a gift to all of you, but actually, it's a gift to me because I can't wait to get away from a bunch of you losers. Jennifer, I hope you and jack get exactly what you deserve.

[Tense music]

Merry christmas.

Maggie: [Sighs]

Eli: I really thought eve was gonna pull out a gun. I almost tackled her.

Gabi: No, eli, okay? No. You cannot ever, ever put yourself between somebody and a bullet, okay?

Eli: I can't promise that, but I can promise you that I'm not going anywhere.

[Tender music]

Come here.

Gabi: [Laughs] "You will love somebody, and they will change you." Read yours.

Eli: "You will love someone, and they will change you."

Gabi: I mean, what are the odds that we would both get the same fortune with our meal?

Eli: Probably the same odds as a man like me ending up with a woman like you. One in a million.

Gabi: [Laughs] Hey, I, uh--eli?

Eli: Yes, boss?

Gabi: I never gave you that gift.

Abigail: Okay, our children are finally snug in their beds sleeping.

Chad: Which is surprising considering how many cookies that they ate.

Abigail: What's also surprising-- you were rather nice to eli and gabi.

Chad: Well, I told you. Julie read me the riot act. You know, I don't really want to talk about them anymore. I just wanna get you snuggled up in bed.

Abigail: Oh.

Chad: Yeah.

Abigail: Is that you want to do?

Chad: Before someone comes down the chimney and decides to ruin it.

Abigail: Oh, interesting.


Hattie: [Sighs] Okay, marlena, now, remember, before I went to prison, you said you owed me big-time for saving your life, so I'm gonna be holding you to that. Maybe there was no room at the inn for baby jesus. Maybe he could manage sleeping outside, but I--I just can't do that. I--I need me some nice, warm satin sheets.

[Gentle holiday music]

Doug: Sweetheart, jj is all settled in his room.

Julie: Thank you, my darling, for your faith and for your love, always.

Jennifer: I really can't believe that we were all together tonight, me and you and our wonderful kids and our grandkids.

Jack: Best christmas eve ever.

Maggie: Xander, I brought you s--where did he go?

[Chuckles] Aww. Ho, ho, ho.

Sarah: Xander.

Xander: I hitched a ride with ayios vasileios. I just had to see my two favorite girls. Merry christmas, sarah.

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