Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/23/19
Episode #13672 ~ Stefano is tempted to reveal himself to Marlena; Kayla and Justin plan a romantic Christmas together; Rafe questions why Hope and Kate were fighting; J.J. comes clean about his addiction to Jack and Jennifer.
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: Oh, jack, it's beautiful. It's so beautiful.
Jack: It's big.
Jennifer: Oh, my word. I love it. Oh, it's from jj. He finally texted me back. "Sorry I've been out of reach, but I'm visiting haley's mom in chicago. Didn't want melinda to be alone on christmas. Please don't worry about me. I'm okay." Okay, at least we know he's safe, jack.
Jack:Ell, it sounds like he's doing something that's wonderful.
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah, I just wish that we could see him and hug him.
Jack: Oh.
Jennifer: But you're right. I mean, at least we know where he is. I love my tree.
Abigail: Jj, why didn't you tell any of us you were in the hospital?
Justin: Paging dr. Brady.
Kayla: Wow, what a surprise. I did not expect to see you till tonight.
Justin: About that, would you mind if we changed plans for dinner tonight?
Kayla: Why's that?
Justin: Victor is still raging at me for representing ben weston, and I really don't want him spoiling our first christmas eve together. And I know roman invited us over to the pub.
Kayla: No, I am not crazy about that idea. I do not want to see kate.
Rafe: What did i just walk in on?
Kate: Nothing.
Rafe: Nothing? Seemed a little tense when I came in. Why?
John: Come on, let's go over it again. Let's keep going over it. So she said that stefano has not returned to salem.
Abe: Mm. She also said that in a way he is here.
John: Yeah, I don't get it. I don't get it. I mean, how can you--how can you be here and not be here at the same time?
[Knock at door]
Marlena: Hey, katie, it's marlena. Roman said you weren't feeling well. Honey, you there?
Stefano: Marlena.
Marlena: Kate, are you all right? I'm a little worried about you.
Stefano: My queen.
[Dramatic music]
Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Sweeping orchestral music]
Abigail: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come on so strong. But you know, we have been so worried about you.
Jj: Which is exactly what I didn't want.
Abigail: We are your family, jj. Of course we're gonna worry about you. None of us had any idea where you even were.
Jj: I had my reasons, abigail.
Abigail: I know. Jj, I know about the opioids. I know about the withdrawal.
Jj: So julie opened her big mouth?
Abigail: No, it wasn't julie, actually. It was eli. He saw me this morning. He could see that I was very worried about you, and that you hadn't reached out or responded to me at all.
Jj: So he decided to pile on by telling you your brother's a drug addict.
Abigail: No, that's not why he told me. The reason why he told me, jj, is because he knew that you would need the support from the people who love you the most, your family. Now, we have to tell mom and dad the truth about this.
Jennifer: Oh, I am just so glad that jj reached out and texted.
Jack: Well, here's to hoping that he and haley's mom are helping each other find some peace.
Jennifer: You know what? Should I text him? I mean, if I don't, he's gonna think that I'm upset, and I don't want him to think that, but he's been so on edge lately that I don't want to say anything that's going to push him farther away.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jennifer: So I don't know if I should text him. Should I?
Jack: Uh, uh. Honey, honey.
Jennifer: What?
Jack: Give jj some space. Relax. He will reach out to you and to me when it's time to--what are you--
Jennifer: It's the tree. It's off. It's way off.
Jack: It's off?
Jennifer: Yeah, we need to--I don't know. You need to get way down there and turn it, and then--
Jack: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not getting down on the ground again and wrestling with that stand. I mean, my back is now, you know, it's officially officially aching.
Jennifer: I know. You've been doing all the heavy lifting. I know pulling that tree through the front door was horrible for your back.
Jack: Well, actually, it wasn't the tree. It was when I carried my bride over the threshold.
Jennifer: Jack deveraux.
Jack: What? Ow.
Jennifer: That's not nice.
Jack: No.
Kate: Hope called and asked me to come over.
Rafe: Why would you do that? It's a crime scene.
Gina: Yes, exactly. I need to question her, see if she knew anything about this place.
Rafe: Why would she?
Gina: Because stefano considered her one of his trusted confidantes, so if anyone would know whether he was here with rolf, it would be kate.
Rafe: Right. So if she came here to answer your questions voluntarily, then why were the two of you fighting?
Justin: Don't let kate bother you. She's just jealous.
Kayla: Of what?
Justin: You. She's bitter and lonely, and you are happy and living with an amazing man.
Kayla: Well, you are pretty amazing.
Justin: So what amazing plans should we make for tonight?
Kayla: I don't know. You know, I don't want to insult roman, but I--I know if I see kate, it is going to ruin my christmas eve.
[Beeping] Oh, sorry. Oh, it's the er. We are going to have to talk about this later.
Justin: Okay. Later.
Kayla: Later.
Stefano: What am I thinking? Marlena can't see me like this.
Marlena: Ooh, it's unlocked. I don't want to intrude, but I need to make sure she's all right.
Jj: No, abs. You're not telling anyone I'm here.
Abigail: Jj, they're your parents, and they have a right to know what is going on with their son.
Jj: They have a right to enjoy their holiday. Mom just came back to us after a year in a coma. It's her and dad's first christmas together in forever. I don't wanna ruin it.
Abigail: You're not gonna ruin it. They're not gonna enjoy their christmas when they have no idea where their son is.
Jj: I just texted mom. Relax. Told her I'm out of town, I'm fine.
Abigail: Jj, you're not fine. You are not fine, and if I found out, they're gonna find out too, so if you don't tell them, then I'm going to.
Jj: You're threatening me?
Abigail: If that's what it takes to get you to call them and tell them, then yes, I'm threatening you.
Jennifer: What are you doing there?
Jack: Just got a little something special. I mean, we gotta have a few of these balls out here for when the guests start to arrive.
Jennifer: Oh, it's our ornament box. Oh, let's take a peek before everyone gets here. Let's see.
Jack: I won't tell if you don'T.
Jennifer: These are ours, right? Yes. Oh, my goodness. These are ours. Look at that. Jack and jennifer. Do you know that I have had to hang this ornament on the tree alone for so many years, jack?
Jack: Not anymore. Look at this. We're a family. Again.
Jennifer: Yeah, we are, and I am so grateful, jack.
[Phone rings] Hello?
Jj: Hi, mom.
Jennifer: Jj, hi, baby. How are you? It's so good to hear your voice. How's chicago?
Jj: I'm not in chicago. I never was.
Gina: I think you misread the situation. There was no fighting. Kate just got very defensive when I asked her about stefano.
Rafe: Oh, okay. Have you... been in touch with stefano?
Kate: No, of course not. Rafe, everyone knows I hate stefano. Apparently except for hope, who has been harassing me with asinine questions and ignorant assumptions.
Rafe: Okay, so just to be clear, stefano hasn't reached out to you in any possible way?
Kate: No, he hasn't, and he won'T. Believe me, I am the last person that stefano would ever want to contact.
Rafe: Right. Um, what about at the pub? A lot of people go through there. Maybe you saw something or overheard something that indicates stefano might be coming back?
Gina: You know what? I'll finish up the questioning. I need you to head back to the station and check on the attempted robbery at the mall.
Rafe: Well, that's okay. That's already been ruled a false alarm by the officers on the scene.
Gina: Oh, well, just make sure, okay? There are a lot of last-minute shoppers out there today. I'll meet you back at the station just as soon as I'm done with kate.
Rafe: Okay, sounds great.
Gina: That was tedious.
Kate: Okay, well, it wasn't a picnic for me, either. I just wanna know what to tell stefano because he wants to come back.
Gina: And i already told you. He cannot. Thanks to rolf, this place is now crawling with cops.
Kate: Okay, but he can't stay with me either because if anyone catches him there with steve johnson's face, then all of us are gonna go down.
Marlena: Kate? That's odd. Roman said she was here.
John: So stefano is here in a way. In a way. That's--that's--that's-- that's the key phrase here.
Abe: Yeah. But in what way? Spiritually, like a ghost?
John: Oh, you know that portrait of his showed up. Maybe that's what that means. Maybe it's some kind of an artistic representation?
Abe: Could be.
John: Plastic surgery?
Abe: Plastic surgery?
John: Oh, plastic sur--I mean, come on, that would fit celeste's premonition, right? I mean, stefano is back in the sense that his body is here, but he's got a new face.
Marlena: Well, maybe I'll just leave her a note. Thought I had a pen. Well, maybe there's one on the desk.
Gina: I do not have time to solve stefano's housing problems. I have my own living situation to resolve.
Kate: Why? Because john threw you out on your royal ass?
Gina: And how would you know anything about that? Oh, you've been talking to marlena.
Kate: Yes, yes, actually I have, and she expressed concerns about hope developing feelings for her husband, but I told her not to be concerned because john would never choose you if you were the last fake princess on earth.
Gina: You are the one who's fake, being the loyal trusted friend to marlena, offering your sympathy and support. How lovely of you, kate. All the while knowing that stefano and I are trying to break up her marriage. Who's fake?
Kate: Don't push it, princess, because I could bring you and your little plan right to the grounds. Merry christmas.
Gina: Merry christmas, kate. Merry christmas.
John: Take it from me. Plastic surgery is in his bag of dirty tricks. Maybe he just figured no way he could come back to salem undetected unless he just goes for it.
Abe: I can understand how you might think that stefano would resort to some sort of alteration, but the man was my father-in-law. I know him pretty well.
John: As a sadistic tyrant.
Abe: And probably the vainest man I've ever met. There--honestly, I cannot imagine that stefano would want to go through life with someone else's face.
Justin: Marlena.
Marlena: Oh.
Justin: What are you doing here?
Marlena: I'm--I'm looking for kate.
Justin: What a coincidence, so am I.
Marlena: Yeah, unfortunately, she's not here. Roman said she wasn't feeling too well.
Justin: Oh, forgive my lack of sympathy. I'm not a member of the kate roberts fan club. She said some pretty awful things to kayla last night.
Marlena: Really? What did she say?
Justin: She told kayla that she was disrespecting adrienne's memory by being with me. And then she taunted her about steve, about the way he left her.
Marlena: I'm so sorry to hear that. You know, we've been friends for a long time. I just--I suspect that going from high-powered executive to waitress must be taking a toll on her.
Justin: That's no reason to take out her frustration on kayla. This is our first christmas together, and I just don't want anyone ruining it for her.
Marlena: Yeah, well, when I see kate, I will suggest that she keep her opinions to herself.
Justin: Thank you. I know steve's been gone for a while now, but he's still a very sensitive subject for kayla, especially after the way he abandoned her.
Abigail: I'm--I'm really proud of you. I am, jj. That was not an easy call for you to make.
Jj: Well, you were right. They were gonna find out anyway. Might as well be from me. Just don't know how to tell 'em, especially mom, that I'm addicted to painkillers.
Abigail: Hey, you know what? It's okay that you don't know 'cause we're gonna do it together. All right? And you know, it's not gonna be a big surprise for them. I mean--I don't mean the drug thing. I just mean that, you know, jj, you've been really struggling for a while.
Jj: I've pretty much been a mess since you got home from paris.
Abigail: Good reason. Haley and mom.
Jj: I fell apart.
Abigail: So is that when--when you started taking the opioids?
Jj: It wasn't long after I--I lost haley. I punched this wall. I didn't tell anybody 'cause of how stupid it was, but I went to a clinic outside of town, and they said I was lucky enough not to need surgery. It still hurt like hell, so I got a prescription for painkillers, and I kept refilling it, and when I couldn't, I found other ways.
Abigail: You know, everybody knows that--that those painkillers can be incredibly addictive.
Jj: Yeah, I knew it too. Been around drugs enough to know how much they can mess you up. Took 'em anyway.
[Door opens]
Jennifer: Jj, baby.
Jack: Son. We used to love going out with julia and mike,
Jennifer: When I woke up, I could see that something was off with you, and I'm so sorry I didn't pick up on it right away.
Jj: Mom, you couldn't have known.
Jack: Well, we know now. We know now, son, and we're here for you.
Abigail: Yeah, jj, we're just so incredibly grateful that you told us the truth.
Jj: There's more. It's especially hard to tell you, mom, because she's your friend.
Jennifer: What are you talking about?
Jj: I tried to kill kristen.
Abe: So you think stefano is here hiding out with rolf, and they left town together?
John: No, no, dimera doesn't give up easily. My hunch is rolfy boy's gone, but the master stayed behind.
Abe: What does hope think?
John: No idea.
Abe: Well, you haven't talked about it? Isn't she living here with you and marlena?
John: No, no, not anymore. I asked her to move out.
Gina: Surely you can figure out your living arrangements.
Rafe: Hey, I left that paperwork on your desk. It looked like you slept there last night.
Gina: Is that a problem?
Rafe: Not for me. But hold on, I thought you were staying with john and marlena.
Gina: No, not anymore. John asked me to move out of the townhouse.
Rafe: What? Why?
Marlena: Look, I can understand why kayla was so upset about the way that steve left. But you know, listen, years of being married to john while he was in the isa... I know things happen that we just aren't able to understand.
Justin: Meaning what?
Marlena: Meaning that people can sometimes disappear and the rest of us don't get to know what happened.
Justin: Steve could've sworn kayla to secrecy and told her what was going on. Instead, he broke her heart, kept her in limbo for months. No phone calls, and then he sent her signed divorce papers. That's the last she heard from him.
Marlena: That's very sad.
Justin: It's unforgivable. He didn't even show up for adrienne's funeral. He sent a signed, generic sympathy card. As far as I'm concerned, steve johnson can go straight to hell.
Marlena: I know the last year's been very hard for you and for kayla. I mean, you've been grieving over the loss of your wife. We've all grieved her loss. And I will tell you what I said to kayla. I'm so happy the two of you have found each other.
Justin: Thank you. Can I walk you out?
Marlena: Oh, thanks, I'm gonna stay and leave a note for kate.
Justin: In that case, merry christmas.
Marlena: Oh, merry christmas. Pen.
[Dramatic music]
Oh, that's stefano's ring.
>>Jj: That's the whole story. I'm a junkie, and I tried to kill somebody.
Jack: The important thing is that you did not go through with it. You did not shoot kristen.
>>Jj: But I wanted to. So badly.
Jennifer: Listen, I remember when shortly after I woke up, I was on the phone with kristen, and you ran in my room, and you were so angry, and you were talking to her, and you said that you wanted to meet up with her to put all of this behind you.
Abigail: Yeah, you said the same thing to me too. Jj, you said that you wanted to meet with kristen, tell her everything because it was going to be a big step towards healing for you.
Jj: It was all bs. Sorry, I just wanted revenge, and I almost got it. If lani hadn't been there, I--I would've pulled the trigger. Caused more pain than I already have. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I couldn't face you. I'm sorry I exist.
Jennifer: No, you look at me right now. Don't you ever--
Abigail: Never say that.
Jennifer: Say that ever again.
Jack: Son--
Jack: Please, never say that again.
Justin: Kate.
Kate: Justin.
Justin: Why did you give kayla such a hard time about adrienne?
Kate: Adrienne was my friend, justin.
Justin: Adrienne was my wife, and you were cruel to kayla about adrienne, about steve, and there's no reason for that.
Kate: Well, maybe I just don't like your girlfriend.
Justin: Leave kayla alone. God knows you're in no position to judge anyone. Don't ever pull anything like that again.
Kate: [Scoffs]
Rafe: Why would john ask you to move out?
Gina: I don't know. Maybe after being gone so many months, marlena wanted john to herself. Understandable.
Rafe: Oh. Well, anyway, if you have nowhere else to go, you're more than welcome to stay with me.
Gina: Are you serious?
Rafe: Yeah, I'm serious. It's christmas eve.
Gina: Thank you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Gina: But I've made other plans.
Rafe: Oh, that's right. When's your flight?
Gina: Hmm? What flight?
Rafe: You said you were going to hong kong.
John: I feel really bad for not seeing what was going on with hope.
Abe: She was becoming overly attached.
John: You know, doc saw it right away, but I resisted because--well, because I guess I just-- I couldn't believe it. But you know, it's all right. Everything's cool now.
Abe: I'm glad to hear that. So what do you and marlena have planned for tonight?
John: Oh, paul's in chicago with his mom. I'm gonna shoot in there and visit them, but doc and I are gonna have an early christmas eve dinner, so if you stick around, you can join us. What do you say?
Abe: I would love to, but I have a flight to catch.
John: Oh, that's right. You're gonna visit theo. Oh, man, how's he doing?
Abe: He is completely recovered. He's thriving. He's made a whole new life for himself in south africa.
John: Oh, I'm so happy. That's terrific.
Abe: Yeah, you know, I just can't wait to see him. Oh, and while I'm there, I am gonna check in with celeste and see if I can get some insight into what's going on with stefano, so I will let you know.
John: Yeah, I can't wait. But I do appreciate it, partner.
Abe: Yeah.
John: Listen, safe trip, godspeed, and merry merry.
Abe: Merry christmas, partner.
John: See ya.
[Tense music]
Marlena: I would recognize this ring anywhere.
Kate: Hey, what are you doing here?
Marlena: What are you doing with this? In one week...
Jennifer: You look at me. We almost lost you so many times when you were a baby, but we didn'T. You know why? Because that strength is in you, jj, it always has been.
Abigail: It's true, I mean, jj, just think about it, really. Look at how much strength it just took for you to tell all of us the truth.
Jennifer: That's right. You already did the first step. You let us in, and now we are gonna be with you every step of the way.
Jack: Let me say something. I'm--I'm just gonna echo what your mom and your sister just said. What you did was strong. Right here, it was really strong, and I'm not gonna dredge up the past. I mean, there's no point. I just want you to know from now on, everything is gonna be different. I'm speaking for myself here. I'm gonna be here for you now and forever. I mean, I promised your mother that we would all be together at christmas, and oh--we're together, and it's christmas. We're all together, jj. And we always will be.
Marlena: This is stefano's ring.
Kate: I know.
Marlena: What's it doing here?
Kate: After andre died, it just ended up with me.
Marlena: Oh, of course. That makes perfect sense. I'm--I'm so sorry to be so accusatory. I'm--I'm just--I've been-- I've been frightened that stefano might be back in salem.
Kate: Why would-- why would you think that?
Marlena: Well, because on thanksgiving, I got flowers, and the card simply had the initial s on it, and I was about to assuage my fears about that, and then abe showed up and said that rolf was staying in a loft in salem, and they thought that stefano might be staying there as well.
Kate: No, I totally get it. Hope called me over there to grill me and, well, I told her the same thing I'm gonna tell you. I have no information about stefano.
Marlena: Yeah. Of course. Please forgive me for being so suspicious and also for barging in like this. You know, roman said you weren't feeling very well, and I got concerned, so I came to check on you, and then I found the door unlocked. I became even more concerned, so I stepped in to check on you, and I just wanted to drop off your christmas gift.
Kate: Oh, thank you. That was so sweet of you. Thank you so much.
Marlena: You're welcome. I'll just go. I hope you feel better.
Kate: Actually--actually, I'm feeling guilty.
Marlena: Guilty, why?
Rafe: I overheard you on the phone last night saying that you were leaving the country, that you were gonna go see shawn and belle for christmas in hong kong.
Gina: Yes.
Rafe: Yeah.
Gina: Yeah, I did say that.
Rafe: Was that not true?
Gina: Of course it was true. At the time, yeah, it was true.
Rafe: Okay.
Gina: But with everything that's been going on--well, the manhunt for rolf and stefano-- I decided it was best for me to stay here, and since I couldn't stay at john and marlena's last night because--well, I already explained all of that. I came here. I worked at my desk. I fell asleep. Why am i justifying any of this? It's none of your business.
Rafe: Are you okay? Steyer: I'm about to say two words
Jj: I'm glad that everything is out in the open. I'm scared.
Jack: Of what, son?
Jj: The road ahead. Dragging you all along with me.
Jennifer: You are not dragging us anywhere.
Abigail: No, jj, you're not because we wanna be there for you, and we're going to be.
Jack: It's like I said before, we're family. We're going through this together as a family.
Jennifer: The four of us at christmas... do you know how long I have dreamed of this, and I never thought it was gonna happen? But I'm back. Your dad's back. Abigail's back. And you're back. This is our christmas miracle.
[Laughter and sniffling]
Abigail: We're so lucky.
Jack: Merry christmas.
Marlena: Why do you feel guilty?
Kate: Because I don't have a gift for you.
Marlena: Oh, kate, your friendship is a gift to me.
Kate: I'm--I'm probably contagious, sorry.
Marlena: Well, merry christmas eve. Get some rest. Oh, lock your door.
Kate: Yes. Thank you. Really, you leave the door open? Ring--the ring out in the open? What are you, crazy?
Stefano: I can hardly believe my queen of the night was just here. I heard her voice. I saw her face. It took everything in my power not to reach out to her.
Gina: Yes, I'm fine. I'm okay.
Rafe: Okay.
Gina: I'm your ex-wife.
Rafe: Yeah, I know that. That doesn't mean that I've stopped caring about you. Okay? All I'm saying is that you were supposed to be in hong kong, but now you're not, and you're stuck here, and if you need a place to crash for a night or two, whatever, it's fine.
Gina: Thanks.
Rafe: Yeah.
Gina: But, no, I'll be fine.
Rafe: Okay.
Gina: Merry christmas.
Rafe: Merry christmas.
Gina: Hmm.
Justin: So I spoke to kate.
Kayla: Ah.
Justin: And she won't be bothering you again.
Kayla: Oh, you think I need a man to fight my battles for me?
Justin: Of course not. You are one of the strongest...
Kayla: Mm-hmm.
Justin: Smartest...
Kayla: Mm-hmm.
Justin: Sexiest...
Kayla: Really?
Justin: Women I know. I just thought that she needs to know that we're a team, and that means that I'll stick up for you just as I know you'll stick up for me.
Kayla: And that's why you're amazing.
Justin: Well, so what--I was just thinking of some alternative plans for tonight.
Kayla: Uh-huh.
Justin: And sonny did insist that we spend the night together.
Kayla: Mm-hmm. Yeah, so? How 'bout back home, a little cabernet and some sweet desserts?
Justin: You, my love, have read my mind.
Kayla: We'll make our own traditions like thanksgiving.
Justin: Perfect.
John: Are you sure that that's stefano's ring?
Marlena: Yes, I'm sure of it. Yes, I'm sure of it, but kate told me that andre gave it to her, and that makes perfect sense. Oh, honey, being in that room, I just--being there gave me the creeps. It was like--it was like I could feel stefano around me. Oof. Guess I'm being a little paranoid, huh?
John: Honey, honey, honey, it's christmas. I don't wanna talk about stef anymore. I'm gonna head off to see paul soon. I just...wanna focus on my beautiful wife.
Marlena: Hey, you focus away.
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