Days Transcript Friday 12/20/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/20/19


Episode #13671 ~ Roman realizes Kate is hiding someone in her room; Gabi is stunned when she receives a call from Kristen; Abigail questions Eli's feelings for Gabi; Stefano gets a surprise visitor.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: Hey, I'm--I'm sorry that I went off on you last night.

Eli: I'm sorry that I couldn't get you those shares of dimera stock from kristen.

Gabi: I understand. It's just without them, we'll see how long I'll be ceo. It's just--I guess this girl from east salem is not meant to run a giant corporation.

Eli: Listen, chad didn't get those shares either.

Gabi: Yeah, I know. That is the one bright spot in all of this mess. I have a message from a number I don't know. Oh, my god, it's kristen.

[Tense music]

Lani: Nice tat.


Kristen: It's a phoenix. I just had it redone.

Lani: It was definitely worth the pain?

Kristen: Oh, yeah, I don't mind that. I'm like the phoenix. I feel reborn.

Lani: I'm glad we backed out on taking our final vows, but that time in the convent wasn't a complete waste. Just I feel like you. I feel like I have a second chance at life.

Kristen: And we're not gonna waste that second chance. We're gonna take back what's rightfully ours.


[Sighs] Mmm.

John: Oh, freeze, freeze, freeze right there. Freeze right there.

Marlena: Should I put my hands up too?

John: You just keep your eyes closed until I finish doing what I'm doing. Keep them closed. I'm almost done. Okay, you're good to go. Sorry I had to go all isa on you. I just didn't want you peeking at your present.

Marlena: Oh, that's okay. I kinda liked it.

John: I'll remember that.

Marlena: And you have already given me the most spectacular present. You made sure that hope left, and now I get you all to myself.

[Tender music]

[Suspenseful music]

Rafe: Rolf may have eluded us thus far, but there are a lot of clues here that say he wasn't alone.

Abe: So you think the other person was stefano?

Rafe: Yeah, yeah, crazy as it sounds, I do, and soon enough we'll know exactly who was here.

Chad: I thought the cops were gonna finally get rolf last night.

Abigail: Well, he obviously had help escaping, and I think we both know who helped him.

Chad: My father?

Abigail: I just want my mom to be safe.

Roman: Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.

Abigail: Hey. Hey, roman. Thank you.

Roman: Short on staff this morning. Waitress quit, and kate is mysteriously mia.

Abigail: Hmm. What a surprise.

Kate: Oh, wake up! Stefano!

Stefano: What? What?

Kate: What?

Stefano: What's happening?

Kate: I gave you permission to hide out here. I did not give you permission to share my bed.

Stefano: Oh, well, it was cold down there on the floor, katerina, and as I recall, when we were married, we were very good at keeping each other warm in bed. Hmm? Do you remember? Do you remember? Hmm?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Sweeping orchestral music]

Roman: Okay, um, take a look at those menus, okay?

Abigail: Yes.

Roman: I'll go out on the street, see if I can grab somebody to take your order.

Abigail: I'm sorry, roman.

Roman: Well, the joys of pub ownership. It's good to see you two.

Abigail: Yeah, you too. Is it your dad? Have you heard anything else?

Chad: Not since he told me that he had nothing to do with rolf pushing your mom, no.

Abigail: Rolf is your dad's right-hand man, so what we're talking about here is he obviously helped him escape. I mean, he aided and abetted the man who tried to kill my mother.

Chad: I get it. You're right, and if he doesn't turn rolf over to the cops, then I'll turn my back on him for good.

Kate: Get your paw off me.

Stefano: Katerina.

Kate: No, there is no way we could rekindle any spark while you're wearing the face of a man I detest.

Stefano: Hmm. To tell you the truth, I'm not crazy about what I see when I look in the mirror either, hmm? Uh-huh. But it was either this or the coffin. I'm going to live forever now.

Kate: No, no, no! No, you can save all of that, all of that for the love of your life, marlena.

Stefano: If you insist.

Kate: I do.

Stefano: Oh.

Kate: Look at that. Now I overslept. I'm late for my shift.

Stefano: Why do you do this? Why do you live here in this--this room above a pub kitchen? I can smell that revolting chowder all the way up here.

Kate: My god. You know, if you're not happy with the accommodations, you know exactly where the door is.

Stefano: You know very well I have no place else to go.

Kate: Well, that's happens when you trust princess dingbat to keep the cops away from your private sanctum.

Stefano: When you're right, you're right.

Kate: Ay.

Stefano: And now I'm forced to hide out in this hellhole like a common criminal.

Kate: Oh, poor baby.

Roman: Kate, open up. It's me.

Gabi: Kristen found out that I'm interested in her shares. She w--she wants to talk. Sounds like she wants to sell.

Eli: Well done.

Gabi: Well, I didn't do anything. I just got lucky. Okay, I'm gonna call her back.

Eli: Okay, well, I would love to listen in on your conversation, but I haven't started my christmas shopping yet. Good luck.

Gabi: Thank you.

Kristen: Oh, gabi still hasn't responded to my message.

Lani: What if she doesn't take the bait?

[Phone rings]

Kristen: Ooh. She took it, all right. Hello, gabi. I was wondering when I'd hear from you.

Gabi: Yeah, I'm--I'm sorry for the delay. Believe me, I am very interested in what you have to say.

Marlena: Hi.

John: Hey.

Marlena: See, I'm going to go out for a while. I want to drop off some presents before the christmas eve rush starts.

John: Do you, now? Whoa, who's the fancy box for?

Marlena: Oh, that gift is for hope. I think I'm overcompensating for my feelings of guilt about asking her to leave.

John: Nothing to feel guilty about. She overstayed her welcome.

Marlena: Why, yes, she did, and that's what--that's what kate said as well.

John: Well, what do you know? She's right for once.

Marlena: You know, you were the one who said it was in my imagination, there was no reason hope should have this kind of sudden romantic feeling about you.

John: Yeah, I thought the same thing, but you know what? You were right.

Marlena: I was? How do you know?

John: Because when you left, she told me so.

Marlena: Wow. I'm good, huh?

Gina: Why would stefano risk coming back to salem? It just doesn't make any sense. I don't think he would.

Abe: You know, my father-in-law thrived on taking chances. Marlena got flowers for thanksgiving with a card only signed S. Now, that's his style.

Rafe: Why didn't I know about this?

Abe: You didn't tell him?

Gina: A card that's signed s, it could have been from anyone.

Rafe: Did marlena receive anything else?

Gina: I don't know.

Abe: Why don't I go talk to them?

Rafe: That's a great idea, yeah.

Abe: You know, uh... if stefano was in salem... I fervently hope he's long gone by now.

Roman: Kate, we got customers.

Kate: I f--I slept late, roman, okay? Keep your shirt on. You have to get out of here. You have to go hide.

Stefano: What, and miss all the fun of roman finding you shacking up with his ex-brother-in-law?

Kate: Stefano, I'm gonna tell him exactly who you are, and then all your plans are gonna go up in smoke.

Stefano: You are no fun.

Kate: Get dressed. Here. Go.

Stefano: [Inaudible].

Kate: Get in the bathroom. Shh.

Roman: What the hell took you so long? And who were you talking to? (Avo) do you push through migraine?

Chad: I just--I feel stupid that I was taken in by my father again, okay? I was hoping he'd changed.

Abigail: He's never gonna change.

Chad: I know. I was just--I was hoping that he would--he would just leave my family out of it. And if he had anything to do with helping rolf trying to kill your mother, he's dead to me, I promise.

Abigail: Let's see what he has to say.

Chad: You know, even without the old man's help, I'm still gonna pry gabi's little fingers off my family's company.

Abigail: So what's going on with kristen?

Chad: After christmas I have to fly to rome, just pray that she hasn't sold those shares to anyone.

Gabi: Well, to be honest, I was very surprised to receive your message. Eli had the definite impression that you were gonna donate your shares to the convent.

Kristen: Oh, I was.

Gabi: So what changed?

Kristen: I came to my senses and realized that you made a generous offer for the stock. Does the offer still stand?

Gabi: Of course it does. You sign those shares over to me, and I will donate double their market value to the convent.

Kristen: Perfect.

Gabi: There's just one more thing. Um... I heard that lani price is in the same convent. How does she figure in all of this?

Marlena: Okay, why don't you come tell me exactly what she said?

John: Well, uh, when you--when you left, I, uh--I broke it to her that she had to move out, and I said that I wanted to be able to tell you that she understood the reason why.

Marlena: And that's when all this came out?

John: Yeah, I was so stupid to ever let her move in here when you were gone. You know, she totally took it the wrong way. She said that her feelings for me started to change when she was living here, and she thought that I felt the same way.

Marlena: What?

John: No, no, no, I--I set her straight in no uncertain terms. She--she gets it now.

Marlena: I certainly hope so. Look, I can understand her becoming emotionally dependent upon you. I mean, she's had a--a lot of loss, her marriage to rafe falling apart and then that relationship with ted laurent, what?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, she told me that she was just lost.

Marlena: Yeah. Well, even if you're feeling that way, you don't act on those feelings. You don't go after somebody else's husband. You don't try to undermine a marriage.

John: Yeah, I know, doc. You know what I think? I just think that these last two years have been a lot harder on her than she's let anyone in on.

Marlena: Well, bo was her rock.

John: That's what she called me.

Marlena: What?

John: Doc, I don't want you to hold this against her. I'm just--I'm just telling you all this because I don't want any secrets between us.

Marlena: Well, I appreciate that. I hope she understood.

[Knock at door] I hope you got our key back.

John: Let me handle this one. Hey, abraham.

Abe: Look, I'm sorry for showing up without calling first.

John: You never have to call; get in here.

Marlena: Come in, honey. Merry christmas. You--you're looking so serious.

Abe: Those flowers you got, they may well have come from stefano.

John: Why'd you say that?

Abe: It looks like stefano either was or is here in salem.

Kate: I was watching tv. What's the big deal?

Roman: Oh, wait, whoa, let me get this straight, okay? You were watching cable while I was taking care of the breakfast crowd all by myself?

Kate: I feel sick, roman. I really feel like I'm coming down with something. I mean, I--you wouldn't want me to infect all your customers, would you?

Roman: No, I wouldn't, but molly quit this morning.

Kate: Why?

Roman: Why do you think?

Kate: Oh, whatever. Can you just cover for me? Seriously. I mean, I'm--I'll be back to work tomorrow.

Roman: Uh, yeah, you know what? I can cover for you, but something tells me you're not gonna be in that bed alone.

Gina: I'm telling you, we are completely wasting our time. I did all of this last night while you and morales were questioning people on the pier.

Rafe: Talk about wasting time. I just want to go over every square inch of this place.

Gina: Oh, the trunk of my car is no place for a great work of art. Let me see. Yes, I wiped my fingerprints off of everything. Now I just must dispose of any other incriminating evidence.

Rafe: Hey.

Gina: Wow, that was fast.

Rafe: Mm, yeah, well, the pier was empty by the time I got there. There was no sign of rolf. No one that I interviewed had seen him, so. Hey, listen, if you're almost done with the initial search here, we need you down at headquarters to go over the roadblocks.

Gina: Oh, well, can't you handle that on your own?

Rafe: Hope, it's the commissioner's job.

Gina: Right, of course it is. What was I thinking? Let's go. Oh, glasses. I do hope I got everything.

Rafe: Oh, my god.

Gina: What?

Rafe: Look at this. Look at that.

Get ready for

the insurance-themed experience

Abigail: Please just call me back. I need to know that you're getting my messages, jj.

Chad: [Whistles]

Abigail: Hi.

Chad: Oh, there's nothing like christmas shopping to destroy one's holiday spirit.

Abigail: Blame it on the magi.

Chad: Always do. Uh-oh, now what?

Abigail: Just I'm worried about jj. He's not answering my calls. He's not getting back to me, and he hasn't even seen my mom since she's been home. He hasn't even called her.

Chad: I'm sorry, honey.

Abigail: You know, ever since haley died, I just--I can feel it. I just think jj is drifting farther and farther away.

Chad: Yeah, well, he's had what, you know, most would consider a really crappy year.

Abigail: I'm gonna go see him.

Chad: He's gonna hate that.

Abigail: I don't care.

Chad: Don't do it.

Abigail: I'm his sister, and that's what I'm gonna do. No, I have to. I have to make sure he's okay.

Chad: Well, I'm surprised to see you in one piece. I figured gabi would have given you the holy hell for botching that deal with kristen.

Eli: I may not have been able to seal the deal with kristen, but I wouldn't count out gabi just yet.

Kristen: Well, I'm sorry. I don't understand. What does lani have to do with this?

Gabi: Well, eli told me that you two were living in the same convent together.

Kristen: So?

Gabi: He mentioned that you were close, good friends, even.

Kristen: Um, well, we're not friends. We're just sisters at the same convent.

Gabi: Well, I--I just wanna make sure that she hasn't poisoned you against me.

Kristen: Well, I didn't realize that you two didn't get along. I mean, what reason would she have to badmouth you?

Rafe: Doesn't seem quite stefano's style, or rolf's, for that matter.

Gina: The jewels, they look real. Maybe they intended to sell it.

Rafe: Maybe, yeah. It could have been a way to launder money. Or maybe--

Gina: Maybe?

Rafe: Didn't stefano used to call marlena his--his queen of the night?

Gina: He did, yes. You're right about that.

Rafe: Yeah. Well, either way, I am taking it down to the station and getting it dusted for prints, anyway. I'll see you later.

Gina: Oh, damn it. Now what?

Abe: So we tracked rolf to a loft in town, and we have evidence that stefano might have been there with him. Now--now, there's nothing concrete, so we've kept it out of the press.

Marlena: Nothing concrete, but you do think that stefano was in town.

Abe: Yeah, I do.

John: Merry christmas.

Marlena: You were right, of course, you know, about the flowers being from stefano. Abe, do you have any idea where he might be?

Abe: No, no, he and rolf left town in a hurry when the footage proved that rolf pushed jennifer. They realized that they had to hit the road fast.

John: Well, rolf might have, but I'm not so sure about stefano. He came here for a reason.

Marlena: Well, he always has a reason.

John: He's not gonna leave salem until he achieves that reason.

Marlena: No, he doesn't tend to run.

Abe: Marlena, have you gotten any more flowers or anonymous presents?

Marlena: No, no. Of course, we haven't opened our christmas presents yet--or maybe he's coming down the chimney. Oh, I'm so sick of all this!

John: Hey, hey, hey, come on, now. Come on.

Marlena: I'm all right. I'm all right.

Abe: You know, maybe you should just lie low until we just--we figure this whole thing out.

Marlena: No, I'm not going to let him ruin our christmas.

John: At least let me come along with you, okay?

Marlena: Honey, I'm going to the pub. Stefano will not be at the pub, okay?

Kate: I use it to kill spiders.

Roman: A flyswatter is cheaper, and I'm not supposed to notice that's a man's shoe?

Kate: Okay, full disclosure, this is a memento of a lovely weekend I spent with a one-legged jockey. It was amazing how he could overcome his disability.

Roman: And I am gonna believe every single word of that story. Kate, listen to me, okay? I'm your landlord and your boss, not your keeper. If you want to have an overnight, have an overnight. You don't have to lie to me.

Kate: How d--how dare you accuse me of lying?

Roman: Oh, the nerve of me.

Kate: Look, I'm sick. I need to medicate. I need to crawl into that bed for the entire day.

Roman: Lucky guy.

Stefano: I seem to be missing a shoe.

Kate: Oh, my god. I loathe you. I feel like I--I woke up in a feydeau farce, and now roman thinks that I'm--

Stefano: That you've gone back to the oldest profession?

Kate: You--that is it! Out, out, out! You are gone. Go.

John: I don't like her being out there alone, partner.

Abe: Well, maybe stefano did leave town with rolf.

John: Oh, come on, abraham. You don't believe that any more than I do.

Abe: Well--excuse me. Oh, it's celeste. I called her to see if she had any premonitions about stefano.

John: Fortune tellers, salem's answer to csi.

Abe: Hello, celeste? Yeah, well, thank you for getting back to me. I need another favor. Copd makes it hard to breath

Chad: I know gabi's not gonna give up, but neither am I.

Eli: I don't know, chad. There might not be anything you can do.

Chad: What's that supposed to mean?

Eli: Kristen called gabi about those shares.

Chad: Kristen?

Eli: Kristen. Yeah, they're probably making a deal right as we speak.

Chad: Are you kidding me?

Eli: No.

Chad: I have to make a few calls.

Eli: Yeah, I bet you do.

Abigail: Ho, ho, ho. Oh, merry dimera christmas.

Eli: I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Abigail: Are you really, eli?

Eli: Of course.

Abigail: I don't get it. I just--I--look at you. You're charming, you're sweet, you're sincere. You're a smart guy. What is it that you see in gabi hernandez?

Gabi: I think there's been a misunderstanding. I don't hold anything against her, but apparently eli told her that he and I are together, so maybe she holds that against me.

Kristen: Well, we don't talk about what happens outside the convent walls, and I don't know why she would be upset with you and eli. I mean, it was her decision to leave, and that was a year ago, and I still don't know why.

Gabi: She's never talked about it?

Kristen: No, no. That is between her and god.

Gabi: Right, well, if lani price isn't an issue, then we can, uh--we can make the deal, I guess. I can fly over to you and have those papers signed immediately.

Kristen: No, no, it's christmas, and you should be with your family.

Gabi: Well, I could email them.

Kristen: No, I, um--I'm sorry, but, uh, I have to get ready for a christmas eve mass. But let's talk after christmas.

Gabi: Okay, but we need to--we need to move on this.

Kristen: Don't worry, gabi. The shares aren't going anywhere, and neither am I.

Stefano: Katerina, let's not fight.

Kate: Don'T.

Stefano: We're supposed to be allies.

Kate: This is becoming a lot more trouble than it's worth.

Stefano: Patience, my dear. As soon as chad and I take back dimera enterprises, it'll be more than worth your while.

Kate: Why do I find that so hard to believe?

Stefano: You have to trust me.

Kate: No, no, I don'T. I--I am done with this. What you need to do is go, to leave. Go back to your stupid lair.

Stefano: I can't do that. I don't know if it's safe yet. If you're so eager to get me out of here, why don't you go over there, scope out the territory?

Kate: Because I'm supposed to be sick, remember?

Stefano: Oh, katerina, you disappoint me. You are the past master of getting out of bedrooms undetected, and while you're out, please pick up a bottle of strega and a light lunch.

Kate: Go to hell.

Stefano: Is that a no?

Marlena: Oh, goodness gracious. Well, kate finally quit?

Roman: No, but a waitress quit because of her. Apparently--and you better sit down 'cause this is very shocking, but apparently kate is difficult to work with.

Marlena: No!

Roman: Stunning, isn't it? So you playing santa?

Marlena: Oh, well, 'tis the season. This, uh--this is for you.

Roman: Oh, well, thank you. How nice. Unfortunately, though, I better get back to work.

Marlena: Okay. Is--is kate around? I've got a present for her.

Roman: No, she's actually up in her room not feeling well, got the vapors or whatever. I swear, I hired blanche dubois, okay? You can just leave it behind the bar.

Marlena: Oh, okay.

Roman: Okay.

Marlena: Nah, I'll take it up to her.

[Tense music]

Wrap up your holiday shopping with the blitz in,blitz out sale

Eli: I get why it's hard for you to forgive gabi.

Abigail: That's very perceptive of you.

Eli: Well, she's a woman who's been through hell, just like you were when you lied and had her sent to prison.

Abigail: No, I was mentally ill when I hurt people. That's different. If gabi's crazy, it's like a fox.

Eli: Or she's trying to make a new life for herself and ari.

Abigail: So what are you saying? So--so you're drawn to gabi because of her sterling character, eli?

Eli: You know, maybe we shouldn't have this conversation.

Abigail: No, actually, maybe we should. Look, I like you, okay? We're family.

Eli: And vice versa.

Abigail: All right, so let me just speak straight to you right now. Gabi is your rebound from lani, who was sweet and compassionate.

Eli: Sweet? Gabi didn't dump me at the altar, you know, and I think the term for that is public humiliation, and since we're talking about sweet and compassionate lani, what about what she did to your brother, made him think that her child was his?

Abigail: She did that out of love for him; she didn't do that out of malice. She did that because she was trying to protect him, and you know what? Maybe she was trying to protect you when she left you at the altar too.

Gabi: Merry christmas, chad. Beautiful day, isn't it?

Chad: I know why you're in such a good mood. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with christmas.

Gabi: I guess eli told you that kristen wants to sell me her shares of dimera. Actually, it is what I wanted for christmas.

Chad: Well, see, I know what I think you'd want for christmas, and it ain't coal.

Gabi: You need to try to not be a sore loser, okay? And enjoy the last holiday that you have in your family home, because once I get my hands on those shares, you are so out of here.

Abe: Well, thank you. Thank you, celeste, and you have a very merry christmas.

John: Okay, so what did your seer have to say?

Abe: Well, she consulted her tarot cards. She held a séance and all the hocus pocus.

John: And?

Abe: She said she reached the conclusion that stefano hadn't returned. But--

John: Ah, I knew there was always gonna be a but there. But what?

Abe: She also said that in a way, he is here in salem.

Gina: What are you doing here?

Kate: Stefano wants to know when he can come back.

Gina: Oh, well, he cannot. This is a crime scene now. He must find a new place to hide out.

Kate: Well, he's going to have to do that quickly because if he spends one more night with me, we're going to kill each other.

Gina: Yes, well, I am so sorry, kate. That is not my problem.

Kate: The whole point of you being commissioner was to keep stefano one step ahead of the police. Have you always been such an airhead?

Gina: How dare you speak to me in such a manner?

Kate: Let me ask you a question. What exactly are you princess of, anyway? Hoboken?

Gina: Kate, you have such anger within you.

Kate: No, actually, I'm not angry at all. I find it comical. Perhaps it's all the inbreeding that causes you to be such a moron. Whew. Hmm. Well, who's the angry one?

Lani: Well done, sister. You reeled gabi in like a striped bass.

Kristen: Yes. She was literally salivating over those shares.

Lani: All right, so what do we do now?

Kristen: Mm, we just turn up the heat.

Chad: I don't understand why in god's name kristen would offer you the stock instead of me.

Gabi: Well, I--maybe she agrees I should be in charge. Just face it, chad. You've lost.

[Phone rings]

Chad: I don't recognize this number. Chad dimera.

Kristen: It's kristen. I'm calling you with a little proposition.

Eli: Are you really trying to convince me that lani dumped me at the altar to protect me?

Abigail: Look--

Eli: From what?

Abigail: I'm just saying maybe you don't know the whole story.

Eli: I don't know the whole story because lani would never tell me. A year later, and she still won't tell me. When I saw her in rome, I asked her.

Abigail: Lani was in rome?

Eli: Wait, you don't--you don't know?

Abigail: Know what?

Eli: Kristen and lani are to become nuns.

Abigail: Kristen dimera, a nun? Wha--what's the order, the sisters of the homicidal nymphos? Are you kidding me?

Eli: Look--

Abigail: Oh, my god.

Eli: I shouldn't have even said anything, all right? I just--i just assumed you knew.

Abigail: Wow.

Eli: I gotta get out of here.

Abigail: No, I didn'T. Oh, I have to go too. I'm really worried about jj. I gotta go find him. I haven't heard from him, and i don't know where he is, so.

Eli: Hey, abigail?

Abigail: What?

Eli: Look, I'm--I'm supposed to keep this a secret, but I know where your brother is.

Kate: You're going to have to pay for that.

Gina: Do not threaten me.

Kate: Oh, I'm not threatening you. I am promising you because you just bitch-slapped the wrong bitch.

Rafe: What the hell's going on here?

John: That doesn't make any sense. Back but not back? You know what I think?

Abe: Hmm?

John: I think celeste has got her signals crossed with the great beyond.

Abe: I'm not so sure about that. You know, you never know with celeste's predictions what they mean at first, but then looking back, they always tend to be spot-on. There's always a kernel of truth to them.

John: Back but not back. What the hell does that mean?

[Knock at door]

Marlena: Hey, katie, it's marlena. Roman said you weren't feeling well. Honey, you there?

Stefano: Marlena.

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