Days Transcript Thursday 12/19/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/19/19


Episode #13670 ~ Gina is put on the hot seat when Rafe finds her in the secret lair; Kate gets under Kayla's skin; Victor becomes suspicious of Ciara; Evan and Sonny grow closer.

Provided By Suzanne

Ciara: Why am I being taken off the account?

Victor: Xander wanted to transfer it over to another junior executive.

Ciara: Yeah, but grandpa, I've been working on it for months.

Victor: Xander said he wasn't happy with your progress on the project.

Ciara: And you're just gonna accept his word on that?

Victor: Did something happen between you and xander that I should know about?

Ciara: Well, um, I hate to say it, but... ever since mickey's been diagnosed with cancer, xander has been impossible to please.

Victor: I see.

Ciara: Is there, uh, any word on mickey's condition?

Victor: Maggie talked to sarah when they landed in boston. Mackenzie's first treatment isn't till tomorrow.

Ciara: Well, we're all praying for her.

Justin: Amen to that.

Victor: Well, justin, glad you could make it.

Justin: You said it was urgent--is something wrong?

Victor: You're damn right something's wrong. Why are you defending that murderous psychopath, ben weston?

Ben: Will, you awake?

Will: What is it?

Ben: I don't know, man. I guess I'm just having trouble trying to sleep in these sheets with, uh, our little friend, mr. Dead rat.

Will: Yeah, I--I can't sleep either.

Ben: If you're worried about clyde, I'm gonna deal with that.

Will: Your father's not... what's keeping me awake.

Ben: Sonny.

Will: Yeah.

Ben: You know, I have to say I think it's pretty crappy of him to keep you waiting all these months, and then he just shows up here one day and demands a divorce.

Will: He's not the one who asked for a divorce.

Evan: How was the brownie?

Sonny: You're telling me there's no sugar in those? I mean, how is that possible?

Evan: Well, it took some experimenting. First ten attempts tasted like dirt, but I think I finally nailed it.

Sonny: You definitely nailed it, yes. I want to thank you so much for inviting me for dinner.

Evan: Oh, I owed you one. It wasn't, uh--wasn't quite the kiriakis thanksgiving feast, but you seemed to like the tofu stir fry.

Sonny: Yeah, everything was great.

Evan: Yeah, I'm sorry I was gone so long. David, he was having a hard time settling down. I think--I think he had a bad dream.

Sonny: I get it. You know, ari, I remember she had night terrors for months after will--

Evan: Sonny, I didn't want to pry earlier when you were talking about your visit with will.

Sonny: It's okay, I mean, we can--we can talk about it.

Evan: Well, I know his grandmother told him about our kiss. She, uh--she told him to fight for his marriage.

Sonny: Well, he didn'T. Um, in fact, he did the exact opposite.

Kate: So what can I get you?

Kayla: I'm waiting for justin to join me so, um, I'll order later.

Kate: Well, tell him to hurry up, 'cause we're about to close.

Kayla: Oh, thanks for the warning.

Kate: What are you looking at?

Kayla: You know, I'm sorry, but even after this time, I do a double-take when i see you waiting tables.

Kate: Oh, that's okay, because I do a double-take every time I see you walk in on the arm of your former brother-in-law. I wonder what steve would have thought of that.

Hope as gina: I am glad you dealt with the rolf situation, but now do tell me about the next phase of the plan to break up john and marlena.

[Pounding on door]

[Dramatic music]

Rafe: Police! Open up!

[Pounding continues] Wilhelm rolf, if you're in there, come out with your hands up.

Hope as gina: Oh, lord, what are we going to do?

Steve as stefano: Just stay calm, gina.

Hope as gina: They mustn't find us here.

Steve as stefano: You have a gun, don't you, commissioner? Use it.

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Rafe: [Whispering] I know someone's in there. I heard movement.

Well, maybe we should come back with a warrant.

Rafe: No, no, no, rolf is wanted for attempted murder. He was spotted in the area. We have every right to go in.

[Suspenseful music]

It's open. I'm gonna go in on three. You cover me, okay? Ready? One... two... it's you.

Justin: This is why you called me over here, to read me the riot act?

Victor: Answer the question.

Ciara: What are you talking about, grandpa?

Victor: Are you or are you not defending ben weston?

Justin: Who told you that?

Victor: Don't you know I know everything that goes on in this town? That includes the courthouse. That includes the prisons.

Justin: Of course you do. Why did I ask?

Victor: I think even ciara understands what a monster ben weston is. Isn't that right?

Ciara: Right. Right.

Victor: Why would you try and defend this man against the fate that he so richly deserves--death?

Rafe: Oh, my god, hope. What the hell are you doing here? Hope?

[Intense music]

Victor: Setting aside the fact that he's a serial killer who murdered his own sister, his last attorney quit because he knew he couldn't win the final appeal, and neither can you, so why are you wasting your time on a lost cause?

Justin: I'm willing to represent ben at his appeal hearing. I can't make any promises, but if what you say is true, there's a chance that I can overturn his conviction.

Ciara: Thank you. Thank you so much for this, justin.

Justin: Ciara, I have to be honest with you. Ben would not be my first choice for you, but I believe you when you say that he didn't kill jordan.

Ciara: He didn'T. I'm sure of it, but grandpa can never, ever know that I asked you to do this. Do you understand?

Justin: I understand, and you have to promise me to be careful.

Ciara: I will. If we're gonna prove that xander and grandpa were behind the murder, he needs to think that I'm still on his side.

Victor: Well? What have you got to say for yourself?

Ciara: Yeah. I'm with grandpa. What the hell is the matter with you, justin? How could you agree to represent ben?

Justin: Every defendant is entitled to their day in court, and ben continues to maintain his innocence and claims that he was framed.

Ciara: And you actually believe him? After everything that he's done? What, are you saying that you think that grandpa did this, that he's the one who killed jordan?

Justin: It doesn't matter what I think.

Ciara: Oh, hell yes, it does, because justin, you are family, and you know what? I think you owe grandpa an apology.

Justin: I'm not going to apologize, and I'm not dropping this case.

Ben: You asked sonny for a divorce? Why?

Will: My grandmother, uh, found out that he had apparently kissed another guy, and she came running down here to tell me that I needed to fight for my man.

Ben: So instead you got so upset about him seeing someone else that you just decided to break things off?

Will: No, sonny's not seeing someone else. From what I understand, it was--the other guy initiated the kiss, and it just happened once, and, you know, sonny said it meant nothing, and I believe him.

Ben: So why end your marriage?

Will: Because he's out there, and I'm stuck in here, and I'm not getting out anytime soon... and I don't want sonny to be trapped too. He deserves to be happy, and I want him to be free to do whatever he wants... with whomever he wants.

Evan: Why--why is he asking for a divorce now? Is this because of us?

Sonny: I told him there is no us, you know, and I think he believed me.

Evan: Then...why break up if you still love each other? It just--it doesn't make any sense.

Sonny: Well, he said that he wanted to set me free in case I wanted there, you know, to be an us.

Kayla: I don't know what steve thinks about me and justin together because I haven't seen or heard from him in over a year, and neither has anyone else. And now that steve and i are divorced, what I choose to do is none of his concern, nor yours.

Kate: That doesn't mean I can't have an opinion.

Kayla: Well, I'd prefer that you keep it to yourself.

Kate: You know, adrienne and I became very, very close during her battle with cancer. I considered her my friend.

Kayla: She was my friend too. She was more than just a sister-in-law, and I miss her every day, but she's gone, and justin is alive.

Kate: Really? You couldn't have dated anyone else in town?

Kayla: You know, we didn't plan this, but I am not going to apologize for my happiness, especially to you.

Kate: You know, I've heard that you dated another former brother-in-law. Shane, was that it? I mean, is this a thing of yours, a kind of fetish?

Kayla: I want a new waitress.

Rafe: Hope, why are you here, and why are you still pointing a gun at me?

Hope as gina: Oh, sorry. You startled me.

Rafe: Yeah, I see that. Who were you expecting?

Hope as gina: I-I got a tip that, uh, rolf was seen near this apartment, so I decided I should check it out.

Rafe: Yeah, I got the same tip, but I brought backup. Hey, uh, search the rooms.

Hope as gina: Oh, I already searched them--you don't need to--there was no sign of rolf or anyone else.

Rafe: Well, how did you have time to search the entire place already?

Hope as gina: Well, I was close by when I got the tip.


Rafe: Yeah, search the building perimeter.

Yes, sir.

Rafe: This is great. This is know, you--we are gonna search every square inch of this place for clues, and I'm gonna start over here.

[Suspenseful music]

These are real people,

Evan: I really am sorry, sonny. I hate that it ended like this for you.

Sonny: Thank you. And I want you to know that this had nothing to do with you.

Evan: It was more the idea of me.

Sonny: Yeah, will said I deserve to be free, so...

Evan: How do you feel about that?

Sonny: I mean, I can--I can barely remember a time before I loved will. I barely survived losing him, and when he came back, I swore that I would never let him go again.

Evan: I don't blame you.

Sonny: I thought nothing could ever separate us. But that night... it just changed so many people's lives... and nothing is ever going to be the same.

Justin: Well, now that you're done calling me a traitor I think I'll go--I'm late to meet kayla for dinner.

Victor: Oh, by all means, don't let us distract you from steve johnson's leftovers.

Justin: Victor, you cannot talk about kayla that way.

Victor: If you hadn't already moved in with the woman I'd be kicking you out of this house right now.

Justin: Well, I'm sorry I took away your fun! I'll see myself out.

Ciara: Yeah, that's a good idea. I can't believe he would do something like this. Whatever happened to family loyalty?

Victor: That's a good question, ciara. You know, when I heard that justin was going to be representing ben, I couldn't help but wonder if you had something to do with that.

Ciara: Me? Why? Grandpa, you know that I'm done with ben.

Victor: I know that's what you told me.

Ciara: Well, it's the truth. Ben is like a sickness, and for the longest time, I didn't even know that I was infected, but you were the one who helped me see it. You helped me cure it.

Victor: So then you haven't suffered a relapse?

Ciara: A relapse? No, no, grandpa. There's no way in hell that I will ever be with ben weston ever again.

Victor: So then how do you explain all those visits to the prison lately?

Ben: You must love sonny a hell of a lot to just be willing to... let him go like that.

Will: He's the love of my life. He's all I ever wanted. Asking him for a divorce was... one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Ben: Well, maybe I'm just being selfish. I mean, I'm locked up in here too, and I know I am putting ciara through hell.

Will: No, no, no. Ben, it's different for you two--you have a chance at a life outside these walls, and also you... didn't kill her mother.

Hope as gina: Rafe.

Rafe: Yeah, what?

Hope as gina: I just realized that, um, I didn't-- well, I didn't finish searching the bedrooms down the hall. I stopped when I heard you outside.

Rafe: Oh, okay. I'll go search the rooms. You stay here looking for clues.

Hope as gina: That's a plan. Great, thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope as gina: Stefano, let's go, now. Go, go. This is your chance.

Steve as stefano: Where do you suggest I go?

Hope as gina: You are the evil mastermind, after all. You should figure it out, and stefano, good luck. Now, go, go, go, quickly.

Rafe: Did I hear the door?

Hope as gina: Yeah, I opened it--I thought I heard someone outside; must have been morales. Did you see anything? Did you find anything back there?

Rafe: Oh, no, not yet, but--what the--

Hope as gina: What?

Rafe: What's that?

Hope as gina: Probably nothing, just, you know, a painting; I'm sure it's nothing important.

Rafe: Then why is it covered?

Hope as gina: Well, let's just stay focused--

Rafe: Oh, my god.

Rafe: What is this doing here?

[Pounding on door] Salem pd, open up!

Steve as stefano: Hurry up. Let's go.

Hope as gina: No, I am not going to kill a cop. I will not do it. We already have enough trouble on our hands as it is.

Steve a stefano: We can't let him find me.

Hope as gina: Go, hide. Go.

Steve as stefano: What about the portrait?

Hope as gina: I shall handle +it--now, go, go! Ciara mentioned over a year ago that stefano's portrait was missing from the dimera mansion.

Rafe: And no one knows who took it?

Hope as gina: Rolf must have taken it for himself.

Rafe: Then he was probably here.

Hope as gina: Okay, but he's not here now, rafe.

Rafe: No, he's not, but if he was here, if this was his hideout, then this place is a fricking treasure trove of information. We are gonna turn this place inside-out until we find out where he went.

Steve as stefano: Of all the indignities--cast out in the street like a bum. What now?

Kate: Are you sure justin's coming tonight?

Kayla: He's coming. I don't know what's keeping him.

Kate: Oh, that's never good.

[Beep beep]

Kayla: You wanna get that?

Kate: You know, normally I never look at messages, but I'm sure you won't mind. It's not like you're going to boycott the family pub.

Kayla: Something wrong?

Kate: Yeah, it's time for my break.

Kayla: Your break? Well, I thought you were closing, and there's nobody else working here.

Kate: Oh, I'm sure I'll be back by the time you order.

Justin: Whoa! Hi, kate. Bye, kate. Where's she going in such a hurry?

Kayla: Oh, I think she's going to see who texted her. Copd makes it hard to breath

Sonny: I just don't know why it feels like such a punch to the gut. I mean, will and I, we haven't been together for months. He didn't even want me to come visit him.

Evan: When the end comes, no one's ever really ready.

Sonny: I just--I could never admit that it was over, couldn't admit it to myself. See, we worked so hard to save our marriage, and we just couldn't save it.

Evan: It's hard staying married to somebody who's not trying to stay married to you.

Sonny: Yeah, and will, he, uh, said he's gonna have his lawyer draft up the divorce papers, so.

Evan: Are you gonna sign them?

Sonny: Yeah, 'cause whether I want to accept it or not, our marriage is truly over.

Evan: I'm so sorry.

Sonny: Me too. Me too.

Ben: You know, will, after all this time we've spent together in this damn cell, you've never really talked about what happened to sonny's mom.

Will: There's a reason for that.

Sonny: I'm sure it was painful, but after all my years in therapy, I've learned to become a pretty damn good listener, so if you ever do decide you want to talk about it--

Will: I don'T.

Ben: Got it. Okay. Sorry I asked.

Will: No, I'm sorry I snapped. It's--it's--it's kind of you to--to ask. It's just not something that I want to relive.

Ben: Understood. If you ever change your mind, I'm not going anywhere. Not yet, anyway.

Will: Thanks. You know, it's, uh, hard to believe that the guy who murdered me is the closest thing I have to a friend.

Ciara: Grandpa--

Victor: Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I found out that you'd made several visits to the prison after you had supposedly washed your hands of ben weston. How do you explain that?

Ciara: I was, uh--I was visiting will.

Victor: Will horton?

Ciara: Yes. I feel terrible for what happened to him.

Victor: He's responsible for adrienne's death.

Ciara: And that's why I didn't say anything. I didn't want to upset sonny or you, and I know that will isn't exactly your favorite person right now, but he is my family, and you're always saying how important family is.

Victor: Nothing is more important.

Ciara: Well, then you have to believe me, okay? I am done with ben, and I'd hate to think that you're doubting me again. You trust me, don't you?

Victor: Of course I trust you, unless you give me reason not to.

Ciara: So, uh, this was a test?

Victor: You might call it that.

Ciara: Did I pass?

Victor: For now.

Justin: I am so sorry for keeping you waiting.

Kayla: Hmm. Well, you better have a good explanation.

Justin: Well, I don't know how good it is. Victor was just chastising me for representing ben, as if he had any say in who I choose to represent.

Kayla: Hmm.

Justin: Kayla?

Kayla: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What? I'm sorry.

Justin: It doesn't matter. What's going on with you?

Kayla: It's silly, but kate got underneath my skin, and I can't let it go. I don't know why I engaged.

Justin: What did she say?

Kayla: Well, she basically accused us of disrespecting adrienne's memory.

Justin: Oh, that's ridiculous. As if she has any right to judge. We have done nothing wrong, and do you know what I'm gonna do to her? I'm gonna tip her less than 20%. How do you like that? That didn't even get a chuckle?

Kayla: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just really having a hard time letting this go. And then she played the steve leaving card. I just can't let it go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Justin: She struck a nerve.

Kayla: I mean, why do you think he didn't come home? Why did he never call? Why did he not come to adrienne's memorial service? Why did he send a note with just a signature?

Justin: Wish I knew.

Kayla: Well, I'm over him, truly. I just wish I had one minute to look him in the eye and ask him why.

Kate: Well, well, well, look who's out and about.

Steve as stefano: Well, i didn't exactly have a choice. The police showed up at the door; I had to flee like a cockroach in the light.

Kate: How appropriate.

Steve as stefano: Well...

Kate: So they're looking for you? Are they looking for stefano you or steve johnson you?

Steve as stefano: Neither-- looking for rolf.

Kate: Yeah, I heard that he's on the run.

Steve as stefano: Well, he's long gone by now, and gina's back there doing her best commissioner brady routine, trying to, uh, send them off the trail.

Kate: Well, bully for her.

Steve as stefano: But in the meantime, I can't go back there. And I can't exactly be seen out here looking like this.

Kate: So what do you want me to do about it?

Steve as stefano: I want you to hide me.

Kate: Seriously?

Steve as stefano: Yes, seriously.

Kate: I have a room at the pub.

Steve as stefano: The brady pub? Oh. I can already smell the grease and burnt cheese.

Kate: Okay, okay, would you rather present yourself at the dimera mansion and let chad see your patchless steve johnson face?

Steve as stefano: All right, I guess beggars can't be choosers. Take me to the pub.

Kate: You're welcome.

Steve as stefano: Thank you, katerina. Thank you.

Rafe: So why do you think rolf would go to the trouble of taking stefano's portrait from the mansion here?

Hope as gina: Well, stefano was rolf's hero, his mentor. Probably missed him.

Rafe: He missed stefano dimera?

[Hope as gina laughs]

Hope as gina: You know, I can picture rolf turning this chair around and staring at the portrait of stefano, probably talking to it, right?

Rafe: No, that's not creepy at all. Huh.

Hope as gina: Huh? What? Huh what?

Rafe: There's two chairs here, two chairs, so if that one was rolf's then who did this one belong to?

Kate: Come on. Come on. Hide over there. Stand over there. I'm gonna check to see who's around. Oh, kayla and justin are still here.

Steve as stefano: You didn't mention kayla johnson. You do realize I'm wearing her husband's face?

Kate: Her ex-husband's face, okay? And relax. Don't worry about it--kayla and her boyfriend will be cozying up in there forever.

Steve as stefano: How are we going to get past them?

Kate: I'm gonna take you in the back way through the kitchen, all right? I'm just gonna make sure the coast is clear--don't move.

Steve as stefano: Where am I going to go?

Hope as gina: I don't see what else we're gonna find here. We should probably just head out.

Rafe: That's a pretty fancy chair, almost like a throne.

Hope as gina: I wouldn't go that far.

Rafe: Whoever sat here must have had a awfully high opinion of themselves, huh?

Hope as gina: Or perhaps they just wanted a really comfortable chair to sit in. But does it really matter?

Rafe: Well, it sure as hell could. Rolf was willing to kill jennifer for that flash drive. We still don't even know what was on it.

Hope a gina: And we may never know if we don't find rolf.

Rafe: I am going to turn this place upside-down until I found out.

Hope as gina: Rafe, we're wasting time--we need to get on this.

Rafe: No, I--have a look at this. Look at this right here-- chess game. It's like they were in the middle of a match. Cigar, fresh. Look at this, huh? Strega?

Hope as gina: I don't need to--I don't know what it smells like. I've never had it. When have you ever seen me drink it? I know nothing about strega.

Rafe: You know what I know?

Hope as gina: What?

Rafe: I know all of these things are things that stefano loves. This rolf guy, he's obsessed with him.

Hope as gina: Yeah, sounds like rolf.

Rafe: Or maybe it wasn't rolf. Maybe it's not a game.

Hope as gina: Hmm?

Rafe: Maybe it really was stefano.

Kayla: You know, I'm tired of waiting for kate.

Justin: Well, we could just grab some food from the back ourselves.

Kayla: You know, I don't think I'm even hungry anymore. You wanna just go home? Let's just go home, okay?

Justin: That's a plan I can get behind.

Kayla: Okay. Tom steyer: I'm tom steyer,

Sonny: Yeah, sometimes as much as we want it to be, love just isn't enough.

Evan: I've been there myself.

Sonny: Yeah, you said you were in a relationship out west before you came to salem. What happened? It just didn't work out?

Evan: Something pretty major happened, destroyed everything.

Sonny: I'm sorry to hear that.

Evan: No, it's all good now. It was a toxic situation. I'm in a much better place in every way. Look, rafe's--he's gonna be home soon--we should probably call it a night.

Sonny: Yeah, um, thank you so much for dinner. I really appreciate it.

Evan: Yeah, anytime.

Sonny: I'll see you soon.

Will: Can I ask you a favor?

Ben: Sure.

Will: Can we not talk about my divorce anymore?

Ben: You bet.

Will: Okay. So what's going on with ciara's plan to prove your innocence?

Ben: It's hard to get updates too frequently, but she's still pretending that we broke up so victor still thinks that she's on his side.

Will: Yeah, victor's pretty sharp and paranoid, so I hope she's being careful.

Ben: Trust me, I'm worried about her too, man, but she promised me that she was going to take every precaution.

Will: Good, 'cause I know from experience if victor finds out that she's betrayed him, being his granddaughter's not gonna protect her.

Ciara: You know how much I love you, right?

Victor: And I love you. So no more secrets?

Ciara: No more secrets.

Victor: Good.

Ciara: Well, uh, I'm gonna go upstairs and do some work in bed. Maybe I can change xander's mind about the account.

Victor: Good. Have a good night.

Ciara: You too, grandpa.

[Ominous music]

Victor: Next time my granddaughter visits the prison, I want to know immediately, and this time I want to know the name of the prisoner she meets with.

Justin: You might want to tell your brother to talk to kate; she really shouldn't be insulting customers, especially a member of the brady family.

Kayla: Well, that's nice, but I really don't want to get anything going with him. Oh, I forgot my gloves.

Justin: Oh, I'll get them. I'll be right back.

Kayla: Thank you.

[Tense music]

Rafe: I know, it sounds crazy, right? But you know, the phoenix always rises from the ashes.

Hope as gina: Oh, excuse me. Hey, I just got a message. There's been a possible sighting of rolf at pier 17.

Rafe: Pier 17?

Hope as gina: Yeah.

Rafe: That's all the way across town.

Hope as gina: Take morales. Go check it out. I'll stay here and continue searching for that flash drive.

Rafe: Okay. I'll call you if we find anything.

Hope as gina: Be careful out there.

Rafe: You too.

Hope as gina: Thanks. Damn it. That was close. All right.

Justin: Here you go.

Kayla: Ah, perfect.

Justin: Are we ready?

Kayla: Yeah.

Justin: What is it?

Kayla: Nothing, nothing. Let's go.

Kate: Was that kayla and justin?

Steve as stefano: It certainly was.

Kate: Did they see you?

Steve as stefano: No.

Kate: Perfect. I'm just going to take you right up the stairs--no one will be be the wiser; come on.

Steve as stefano: All right. I'm going to the ball.

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