Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/17/19
Episode #13668 ~ Lani and Kristen hatch a plan to win back what is rightfully theirs; Julie cares for J.J. as he struggles with sobriety; Chad confronts Kate about Stefano; Marlena gives John an ultimatum about Hope.
Provided By Suzanne
Hope: Hey.John: Hey.
Hope: You would not believe the day I've had.
John: Well, then you just better put your feet up and tell me all about it.
Hope: I could use a glass of wine first. I picked us up a nice bottle of pinot grigio.
John: All right.
Hope: Three glasses?
John: I don't think so. Doc's gonna be working late at the office, so it looksike it's just the two of us.
Hope: Oh, that's a shame.
[Door clicks close]
Brady: I was hoping you had some word on mackenzie.
Marlena: Oh. Well, eric and sarah have taken her to boston. That's all I know.
Brady: I hope that little girl is okay.
Marlena: Brady?
Brady: I'm just--it just makes me think of me and kristen, when we lost our little girl.
Kristen: Oh. Whoo.
Lani: We did it, didn't we? We really walked away from taking our vows.
Kristen: I know. And into the real world, where I lost my child, the man I love. Oh, my god. Not that that's not funny, but it's just that, I mean, there are things that I can control, and that is getting the revenge that we deserve.
[Both chuckling]
Gabi: Where are you? What's going on with kristen's shares, huh? The dimera jet landed hours ago. Why aren't you answering my phone calls, eli?
Chad: Trouble in paradise?
[Monitor beeping]
Julie: I'm so glad you called me.
Eli: Jj made me promise not to tell his parents or his sister, but he didn't say anything about you.
Julie: Well, I knew he was despondent over the loss of haley, but drugs? And I can't understand how you found him and in this condition. Gabi said you were in italy, trying to track down kristen dimera.
Eli: I was. Turns out jj was there, too, hopped up on pills and about to kill her.
Kristen: Although our time at the convent was uplifting and comforting, and I'm so grateful to the sisters and all the support they gave us, I'm almost grateful for jj and his gun. I mean, he made me realize that I need to stop playing a victim and do something. But...
[Laughs] Before we settle on a plan...
Lani: Uh-huh.
Kristen: I think we deserve some pampering, so I made some special arrangements.
Lani: Kristen, what kind of arrangements?
Kristen: [Laughs, coos] You're about to find out. Hello, boys.
Giorgio: [Speaks italian]
Kristen: Giorgio and luca are, uh, here to help us kiss the sisterhood good-bye.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lani: [Whispering] I appreciate the gesture, but just because we are no longer bound by a vow of chastity doesn't mean that I'm just gonna jump in bed with a complete stranger.
Kristen: Okay, you don't need to whisper. They don't understand english.
Lani: Okay, well, even so, kristen, I am not comfortable with this.
Kristen: With what? It's okay. They're not escorts. They're masseurs.
[Laughs] They're just-- they're here to help us relax, so that we can focus more clearly on our to return to salem, so we can take back what's ours.
[Both laugh]
Marlena: Grieving the loss of a child, it's a process. It's a very, very difficult process. I can see that you're struggling, but if I can help, please let me.
Brady: That night is such a blur to me. One minute we had a baby and all these dreams and a future and then--[Snaps fingers] And then she was gone, the baby, our hopes, and even that poor nurse.
Julie: I know jj blamed kristen for haley's death, but was he really ready to kill her?
Eli: He stowed away on a dimera jet, stole my gun, and followed me to the convent.
Julie: The convent?
[Cell phone beeps]
Eli: It's gabi again. Look, long story short, I got him out of there before he could hurt her, but he was so messed up on drugs. I brought him here.
Julie: Thank god for you, eli. You go on to gabi. I'll try to take it from here. And thank you, thank you, thank you.
Eli: Thank you.
Gabi: What are you doing in my room? Get out.
Chad: That sounded pretty heated. Things not going as planned?
Gabi: Everything is fine, thank you very much. I'm sure eli's gonna walk in here any minute and tell me that kristen's signed her dimera shares over to me.
Chad: Except he's not answering his phone, and you haven't heard back from him.
Gabi: You know that I'm offering kristen double the value of her shares. That cash is gonna get her a hell of a lot of redemption. You know, the convent might make her a saint or something. I just--I don't understand why she wouldn't take my offer.
Chad: Where do I begin?
Gabi: That smug thing you do, so irritating. I'm not gonna have to deal with it much longer, though, because I'm gonna tell shin and the board that you're trying to undermine me, and I'm gonna have you out on your ass.
Chad: Well, I happen to think my ass is pretty damn safe. I am a true dimera after all, and you're just the widow of a dead dimera who wasn't even that popular.
Gabi: Well, who needs to be popular when I have kristen's stock and the clout to get you out of the company and my life?
Chad: Well, I happen to know that kristen's not signing her shares over to anyone. These are real people,
Gabi: You're bluffing. You are. You're not very good at it. You're just mad that eli and i got to kristen before you did. There you are.
Eli: What's he doing here?
Chad: Perfect timing. Your loyal lieutenant is here to brief you. I would love to be a fly on the wall, but I'm gonna go. I don't know. Maybe I'm gonna celebrate. Ciao.
Eli: That guy is such an ass.
Gabi: Where have you been? Why haven't you taken any of my calls?
Eli: Hey. Good to see you, too, babe.
Gabi: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Chad's just making all this kind of noise about how the trip was a bust.
Eli: Actually, I'm afraid it was.
Lani: I can't believe how eli just threw gabi in my face like that.
Kristen: Mm, a little to the left--sinistra.
Lani: I mean, how can he be with her and love her, really? I mean, gabi--
Kristen: A little lower
[Speaks italian] Oh!
Lani: Oh, I mean, what can I do, right? There's nothing I can do, right? I mean, as long as gabi controls the pacemaker, there's no way that I can-- there's no way that I can tell eli the truth about her. I mean, gabi holds all the leverage here.
Kristen: Oh, not necessarily.
[Chuckling blissfully]
Brady: I'm sure you think I'm crazy to get involved with kristen again. I don't blame you. You think I would've learned my lesson the first time, right. Maybe the second time.
Marlena: Crazy isn't a word that I use, and you both had the promise of a child.
Brady: And now the loss of one has torn us apart. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself, so I'm not gonna do that anymore. I'm gonna get out of your hair, okay.
Marlena: You know, I have got all night if you want to talk.
Brady: I'm good.
Marlena: Ooh, I love you so much.
Brady: I love you too.
Marlena: I'm gonna be meeting john for dinner. Would you like to join us? And just to encourage you, I can promise you that I won't be cooking.
Brady: [Chuckles] I appreciate the offer; I do. I just don't want to be a third wheel.
Marlena: Oh, no, no. That ship has sailed.
Hope: Thanks to new technology chad and abigail had access to, it was discovered that it was rolf who pushed jennifer off the balcony. It wasn't eve.
John: That's incredible, this technology. And the best part is, rolf's not gonna get away with attempted murder.
Hope: Yeah, but he almost did, didn't he? And it's all my fault.
John: No, no, no, it's not your fault.
Hope: John, yes, it is, it is. I was so worried about jennifer reliving that moment on the balcony that I resisted. John, I resisted reopening the case. Rolf was--what am i talking about--is free to make another attempt on jennifer's life, all because I refused to believe abigail and what she was saying. I failed.
John: Hey, stop it. Look at me. Hope, look at me. You're anything but a failure. You are a thorough investigator, you're hard, but you're fair, and you are one of the most amazing women I have ever met.
Hope: Do you really mean that?
Limu emu & doug
Gabi: I don't understand. Our plan was perfect. What went wrong?
Eli: Everything.
Gabi: Okay, you're gonna have to be a little clearer than that. So you got to the convent, right?
Eli: Yeah.
Gabi: So then what happened?
Eli: Lani happened.
Gabi: Lani? What are you talking about? What was she doing there?
Eli: Becoming a nun.
Gabi: A nun?
Eli: Yes.
Gabi: Wait. I'm sorry. Abe just said that she was committed to somebody new.
Eli: Yeah, well, it turns out that someone new is god. I guess after she destroyed my life, she decided to commit hers to the church.
Gabi: Why?
Eli: I don't know. I gave up trying to figure out lani a long time ago. Hell, maybe she decided that she'd do something right 'cause she ruined my life.
Gabi: Okay, okay, so you--so you saw lani. You did love her, so did any of those feelings--
Eli: No, nothing, all right. It was just a shock. That's it.
Gabi: I can understand how you couldn't make the deal with kristen.
Eli: Actually, it wasn't because of lani. It was because of jj.
Jj: Where am I?
Julie: University hospital. Eli brought you back. Darling, please let me call your parents.
Jj: No, no, no. I don't want to upset my mom. I don't want her to see me like this.
Julie: Eli told me what happened. Were you really trying to kill kristen?
Jj: And I would have if lani hadn't showed up. She pretty-- she pretty much talked me down.
Julie: Lani? What was she doing at a convent in rome?
Jj: Lani and kristen are there to become nuns.
Julie: Nuns? Well, after everything those two have done, I'm sure they want redemption, but I hardly think they're qualified to be brides of christ.
Kristen: We are not without a certain amount of power. I mean, that stock, dimera stock, that gabi sent eli to get from me is still very much mine, and I can still do with it as I please.
Lani: Gabi is so power hungry. You know, ruling dimera might be the one thing that she wants more than punishing me for killing stefan. You know what we can do? We can give gabi your shares in exchange for her taking out julie's pacemaker. We could even sign some document that says we won't say anything about what she did to julie. You are a genius.
Kristen: Oh, I know. But that stock is gonna stay right where it is, with me.
Kate: Hey. What can I get you? Beer?
Chad: Make it a champagne.
Kate: Whoa.
Chad: Whoa.
Kate: Someone's in a good mood.
Chad: Despite gabi and eli's dirty tricks, I still have a shot at kristen's shares.
Kate: Really?
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Kate: What happened?
Chad: I don't know the details. My father tipped me off and said that the deal for eli to buy my sister's stock just never happened. I just ran into gabi and eli, and their sour mood confirmed it.
Kate: Ah. Oh, you really have something to celebrate then.
Chad: Yes. So now all I have to do is get the shares and present them to my father. Redemption.
Kate: Yeah. Sounds like a plan.
Chad: I hope it's enough. He was not happy when he found out I lied to him about gabi outmaneuvering me. I just don't know how he found out, 'cause the only person I told was... was you.
John: There is no one on this planet that is as smart and caring as you. And doc.
[Both laugh]
Hope: You're just saying that 'cause we're friends.
John: I'm just saying that because it's true, and eve being behind bars, it's not your fault. I mean, you weren't even on the force when she was arrested, tried, and convicted for pushing jennifer.
Hope: John, I should've known. I should've figured out the truth. If a new investigative reporter like abigail could piece together the truth, I should have figured it out mo--
John: No, no, no, no, no, not true. You said yourself that the technology used to uncover this doctored footage was brand-new. It wasn't even available to you.
Hope: People count on me to protect them, to keep them safe, to see justice done. John, I've let them down.
John: Just stop beating yourself up, will you?
Hope: I let down jennifer. I did.
John: No, you didn't let anybody down, for god's sake. Will you just stop it? I'm not gonna let you blame yourself. Did you know that every single flush((jeane))plus... we have the latest in consumer news from the president of the better business bureau for the arklatex... andy fisher. ((Brad))that and more tomorrow morning on n-b-c six news today.
John: Hey, sweetheart. I wasn't expecting you till a little later.
Marlena: I see that. What's going on?
Hope: It was discovered that it was rolf who pushed jennifer off the balcony and framed eve.
John: And being the great cop that hope is, she's feeling a little guilty about letting people down and not getting on top of the truth sooner.
Marlena: Well, now that you know that eve is cleared, you can focus on trying to find and arrest rolf.
Hope: Well, rafe is on the case, and he's the best.
Marlena: He is the best.
Hope: Yeah.
Marlena: So is my husband. I'd like some time alone with him. Would you mind?
Hope: Oh, no, not at all. Of course. I'll get the salad ready for dinner.
John: Okay, sweetheart, I know what you're gonna say.
Marlena: Okay. Why don't you let me say it.
Kate: Okay, why are you looking at me like that?
Chad: Did you tell my father that I lied to him?
Kate: Why would I do that?
Chad: I'm not sure, but you were the only one I told besides abby.
Kate: You know, this is exactly the reason I got out of the corporate world. This is it. It's this paranoia, this backstabbing. Don't you dare start up those conspiracy theories about me and your father. Don't do that, okay, because I haven't been in touch with him, and I don't want to be in touch with him.
Chad: Then how'd he find out?
Lani: Kristen, you just said that your shares give us leverage over gabi.
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Lani: I thought you wanted to help me.
Kristen: Oh, but I do, absolutely. It's just that that stock is my golden key to finally making dimera mine, and it is long overdue. When I came back to salem, and I saw gabi and stefan running my family's company, it was like a kick to the gut.
Lani: Yeah, well, I'm sure chad feels the same way.
Kristen: Yeah, well, he has more right to the company than gabi ever will, but he had his shot, and for so long, my father favored his sons, but now it's my turn.
Lani: That's great, kristen. It really is; you deserve it.
Kristen: Lani, it's great for us. Just because I don't want to give up my shares to help you solve your problem, it doesn't mean I won't help you.
Lani: Meaning?
Kristen: Meaning we can still dangle that stock underneath that little bitch's nose, and she's gonna get a good whiff of that power, and when she lets her guard down, we'll be right there for the kill.
Jj: I know that lani isn't your favorite person, but if she hadn't have talked me down, I would've shot kristen dead.
Julie: No. No, jj. That's not you. That's the drugs. And you must swear to me you will never, never try something like that again.
Jj: [Softly] Yeah. Yeah, I--I won'T. Hey, I get it. I should've... I should've gotten it a lot sooner, but killing kristen won't bring haley back.
Julie: Honey, what is it? What's happening?
Jj: Withdrawal.
Julie: You're not alone, you know. Jj, do you hear me? You are gonna get all the help, all the support you need, starting right now. Why don't I go and get someone for you to talk to. Jj. Jj, you are safe here. You're safe, darling. Everything's going to be okay.
[Jj groans]
Gabi: Jj's on drugs? He tried to shoot kristen?
Eli: Thankfully, it ended without bloodshed.
Gabi: Wow. No wonder kristen wasn't in the mood to make a business deal. I understand why she turned you down.
Eli: Actually, I never made the offer.
Gabi: Why the hell not?
Get ready for
the insurance-themed experience
Gabi: Those shares were ours for the taking, okay? We had first access, and you didn't even make an attempt to get them.
Eli: I sort of had my hands full.
Gabi: Oh, have you heard of multitasking?
Eli: Did you hear anything I just said? Jj almost shot kristen. Okay, she was on her knees with a gun pointed at her head. He was a drugged-out mess. Hell, I had to get him out of there before he was arrested for attempted murder.
Gabi: Well, couldn't you have done that and make the deal with kristen?
Eli: Are you for real?
Gabi: Do you have any idea how important those shares are to me?
Eli: More important than jj's life?
Julie: Marlena, I--oh.
Brady: Hi.
Julie: Hi, brady. I was hoping to catch your mother.
Brady: Oh, she left for the day. I was just using her office to handle some business calls.
Julie: Okay. I won't disturb you.
Brady: Julie, you look upset. Is everything okay?
Julie: No, it's nothing.
Brady: That look on your lovely face tells me something different. Is it doug?
Julie: No. It's jj. I really can't even talk about it.
Brady: Hold on. Did he od?
Julie: You know about his problem?
Brady: I know all about his problem, yeah. Is he okay?
Julie: Well, he didn't overdose, but he is in terrible shape, and he doesn't want anybody in the family to know. He swore eli to secrecy.
Brady: Eli brought him in?
Julie: All the way from italy.
Brady: Italy? Why was jj in italy?
Julie: He was with kristen.
[All speaking italian]
Giorgio: Ciao.
Kristen: Ciao.
[Sighs] Mm. Well, as much as giorgio knew his way around my trigger points, I, um... thought I'd feel a lot better.
Lani: What's going on?
Kristen: If I have not love, I am nothing. And as much as I want it all, I mean, control of dimera is meaningless without brady by my side.
Lani: Kristen, then go to him. Talk to brady.
Kristen: It's just I'm not entirely sure how things stand with brady. You know, I have done terrible things to the people he loves, and he only gave me a second chance because of our child, and without a child, I mean, I don't think he could really love me.
Marlena: This is not the first time I have walked in on you like this.
John: I know, doc. She was feeling a little bad.
Marlena: Mm-hmm. And you're a friend of hers and want to be there to hold her hand and make sure she has a soft place to fall, and she's now depending upon that.
John: I--it's not like I can just ignore her.
Marlena: Look, you're not doing her any favors. Hope needs to make it a life for herself again. She needs to move out and find a man, not find a man. What I know is, I want my man back.
John: Oh, come on, doc. You have me.
Marlena: No. It's like there are three of us in this marriage, and we can't go on like this.
John: Okay. So you're saying?
Marlena: She needs to move out. We didn't have to stop the movie.
John: You know, sweetheart, it's christmas. Do you think maybe this can wait until after the holidays?
Marlena: I'm not talking about throwing her out onto the street. Look, doug and julie would be beyond thrilled to have her there. I mean, what could be better for a horton family member to be at the horton family home at christmas?
John: That's a good point. I think you're right.
Marlena: Thank you. I'll go out and get something to eat, and I will leave you to talk to hope.
[Keys jingle]
[Door clicks open, closes]
Brady: Kristen's in italy? Where? Did eli see her?
Julie: Now I've put my foot in it.
Brady: Julie, julie, julie, please, please. Please talk to me. I need to know what's going on.
Julie: Okay. Eli was in italy because gabi sent him there to track down kristen. It was something about buying dimera shares. Anyway, he walks in, and there's jj holding a gun on kristen, ready to get revenge for the death of haley.
Brady: Is kristen okay?
Julie: Yes. Eli got jj out of there. She was fine when they left the convent.
Brady: Convent?
Lani: You are an amazing woman. So you screwed up the past, but you are strong and courageous and compassionate, and together we are stronger than we have ever been, and we can do whatever we put our hearts and minds to.
Kristen: We can, can't we? I just want you to know, lani, it has been a very long time since I've had a true friend.
Lani: Vengeance is mine, saith the lord. If it is good enough for him, it is good enough for us.
Kristen: I know exactly what we're gonna do.
Gabi: Of course I care about jj, but I don't know, couldn't you have asked lani to keep an eye on him while you talked to kristen about the deal?
Eli: I wasn't about to ask lani to do me any type of favors. Besides, lani and kristen were on their way to take their final vows.
Gabi: Hold on, kristen is becoming a nun too? Okay, you didn't think to mention that sooner? That's kind of a big detail to leave out.
Eli: Well, damn, boss. My bad, all right. You know what, if you don't like the way I handle things, get you a new errand boy.
Gabi: Eli.
Eli: No, you know what, I'm done. I'm sleeping in the guest room.
Gabi: No. Eli, wait, please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry; please don't go.
Kate: Stefano always finds out. It's his superpower, and apparently he still has it. Besides, it wouldn't be too hard to find out that you didn't meet with kristen.
Chad: So nothing to do with you?
Kate: Nothing to do with me.
Chad: I have a chance to redeem myself, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do, so I am going to call the convent and track down kristen.
[Cell phone ringing] Abby, what's up? Okay, slow-- oh, my god, are you serious? When I rent a car, I never compromise.
Chad: I'm on it.
Kate: What's wrong?
Chad: Turns out rolf was the one that pushed jennifer off the balcony.
Kate: Rolf? Are you sure about that?
Chad: Yeah, the video was doctored to make it look like it was eve, but it was crazy old wilhelm. I hope that doesn't mean my father was involved.
Kate: Really? I mean, do you seriously think your father would be involved in jennifer's fall?
Chad: I-- I hope he's not. I have to find out, one way or another.
Kate: I better give stefano a heads-up.
[Line trilling]
Gabi: I'm sorry, okay? I'm really--I'm really sorry. You did the right thing to take care of jj. I was an idiot to be focused on kristen's shares. It's just chad, you know, he's all smug and smirky, and I hate to lose, especially to him. I can't lose, eli, okay.
Eli: Babe, I know how much this deal means to you, but there is more to life than business, money, and power.
Gabi: I know. I know; I do, and... why I need you, okay, to keep me grounded, to remind me of what's important. You saved kristen and jj too. That is a lot of stress. What can I do? What can I do to help you relax? Maybe something like this. Or this.
[Phone buzzing]
Kristen: It's me, gabi. I understand that you're interested in my dimera stock. Let's talk. And so it begins, our first step into getting back eli and brady.
Brady: Kristen must've returned to the convent where the nuns nursed her back to health when she fell from that window in italy. It would make sense that she went there for refuge while she was grieving the loss of our baby.
Julie: Well, according to what eli said, she's there for more than refuge. She has become a nun.
Brady: A nun?
Julie: I'm sorry. I don't have any details. I'm sorry. I really have to get back to jj.
Brady: I understand. Thank you for giving me the information.
Julie: You won't say anything to--
Brady: I won't say anything to anybody about jj. You have my word.
Julie: Thank you. Thank you.
Brady: You're welcome.
Jj: I screwed up. I let you down. I wanted kristen to pay for what she did to you. I failed.
Haley: I didn't want you to get revenge, jj. I told you. I want you to find peace.
Jj: How do I do that? I don't know how to do that.
Haley: You let go. Just let go of the anger, the pain, the drugs.
Jj: What's the point?
Haley: Living, jj. Living. Help people the way you helped me. Save lives the way you saved mine. Jj, you're my hero, and you're gonna make-- you're gonna make a huge difference in the lives of so many people, just like you did with me. But first you got to get off the drugs and get on with your life. Will you do that for me?
Jj: [Crying] For you. I'll do it for you.
Hope: John, I finished the salad for dinner. Um, I know marlena's not a fan of radishes, so I put them on the side for her. Oh. Where is she?
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