Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/16/19
Episode #13667 ~ Will makes a difficult sacrifice for Sonny's happiness; Clyde reams Ben out for betraying him; Ciara's mission to find the truth is thwarted by Xander; Eve is cleared when new evidence is discovered.
Provided By Suzanne
[Instrumental christmas music]
Kate: Beat it.
Evan: Sorry?
Kate: You see that sign right there? "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." I am refusing you.
Evan: That's nice, but I'm not here for the food.
Kate: What do you want?
Evan: I want to apologize.
[Melancholy piano music]
Will: Hey.
Sonny: Hey. Uh, surprised that you called. You made it very clear that you didn't want me to visit anymore, so, uh, what's changed?
Will: My grandma kate came here earlier and she told me that if I didn't reach out to you now I could lose you forever.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: What the hell?
Clyde: I see you got my gift. Appropriate don't you think? A rat for a rat.
Xander: It's the right key.
Ciara: You're going through a lot of stress right now, so maybe it isn't the right key.
Xander: Maybe it isn't the right box. Somebody swapped it out. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Ciara: Of course not. Why would you even think that?
Rafe: The forensic expert is almost finished restoring the original footage from jennifer's fall. Where are you going?
Hope: Something important came up.
Rafe: Important? We're about to find out who actually tried to kill jennifer--your cousin. What could possibly be more important than that?
Abigail: Got it--we got it. We know who pushed my mom off the balcony.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Rafe: Well, who was it?
Abigail: It's dr. Rolf. It's dr. Wilhelm rolf.
Hope: Rolf?
Abigail: Yes.
Hope: He was the one in the surveillance footage?
Abigail: Yes. Yes, come see for yourself.
Hope: Oh, my god, I don't know how this happened. Thank you.
Ben: I thought you were still in solitary?
Clyde: Well, I just got out. Of course, I wouldn't have been there in the first place if you hadn't ratted me out for accidentally stabbing you. You okay by the way?
Ben: Like you care.
Clyde: Well, I do care. Which makes it all the more upsetting that my own flesh and blood would sell me out for some little fairy.
Sonny: Let me guess. Kate told you about evan.
Will: She told me that, uh, you two kissed.
Sonny: It's not what you think, okay? Evan doesn't have any family in salem, so I invite him over to uncle vic's for thanksgiving, and he left a scarf behind, so I went to rafe's to return it. And then, you know, the kiss just kind of happened.
Will: Okay.
Sonny: Okay, look, I didn't initiate it. It didn't go any further, so it's not a big deal.
Will: My, uh, my grandma seems to think that it was.
Sonny: That's because kate overheard evan and me at the pub, and she took the whole thing out of context. I don't know what she told you, but trust me, evan and I are not a thing.
Will: Yeah. Not yet anyway.
Kate: You want to apologize to me. Apologize to me about what?
Evan: For what happened between me and sonny.
Kate: Oh, you mean that little kiss that you were discussing over breakfast? Believe me, I've heard enough about it.
Evan: Rafe told me how important your grandson will is to you, so I just wanted to make something clear--I'm the one that kissed sonny. It wasn't the other way around.
Kate: Yeah, so you said.
Evan: Okay, I don't expect you to give me a pass. I just wanted to make sure that you know that sonny did nothing wrong; it was me. I'm the one that kissed him. It was impulsive and dumb.
Kate: Oh, my god. You do realize that sonny and will are married, right?
Evan: I respect that.
Kate: Hmm. Did sonny send you here to offer up this mea culpa?
Evan: No. No. This was all my doing because I don't want any unnecessary tension between you and your grandson's husband.
Kate: Mm-hmm. Did you realize, do you know, that will and sonny haven't seen each other for months?
Evan: Well, they're seeing each other now.
Kate: What are you talking about?
Evan: Will called sonny. He asked him to go out to the prison.
Kate: Maybe I got through to him.
Sonny: There is nothing going on between evan and me. I'm actually kind of pissed off that kate would run to you about this.
Will: Well you--I mean, you know how protective she is.
Sonny: Kate loves you and i get that, but she needs to mind her own damn business. And evan knows that I'm married to you, okay? And that's never gonna change.
Will: Maybe it should.
Ben: I didn't take will's side, dad. I told the truth. You attacked him for no reason. He didn't do anything to you.
Clyde: But he could. Because you opened your big mouth and told them the story about how xander's baby got kidnapped--
Ben: And I told you to call it off--
Clyde: And I didn't, so now william is a loose end which needs to be tied up. So where is your cellmate anyway? I need to have a word with him.
Ben: You're going to stay the hell away from will or you will deal with me.
Ciara: I don't know anything about any kind of box, xander, but I should get back to work so--
Xander: I've caught you alone in my office twice.
Ciara: Well, yeah, I was leaving papers for you. The bloom project, remember? You saw me put the files down right in front of you.
Xander: But the first time, you had your back to me, and when I told you to turn around you hesitated. And then I got a call about my missing daughter and took off. I wonder if I stayed would I have discovered what you were so reluctant to show me? Could you perhaps have been trying to make off with my box?
Ciara: Okay, xander, I know that you're upset about mackenzie. But I think that you are being seriously paranoid.
Xander: Am I?
Ciara: All right, well let's say I did want your box. Which I don't--I don'T. But, I mean, what, that thing's made of fireproof steel. How would I even get it open? What, using my nail file?
Xander: How about a drill? So there you are with your depression...
Hope: Yup. That's rolf, all right.
Rafe: Yup, and it makes sense that he would push jennifer. He had motive. She had his flash drive which he so desperately wanted back, but maybe--maybe he saw it in the laptop on balcony.
Abigail: Right, exactly. And then he pushed my mom over the railing, he grabbed the flash drive, and then he disappeared.
Rafe: Somehow he managed to get a hold of this surveillance footage, doctored it, and pinned eve in the crime.
Abigail: This is crazy. I knew it; in my gut I just--I knew eve was innocent.
Hope: All the evidence pointed toward eve. Abigail, I owe you an apology. I am so sorry. We had no idea the surveillance footage had been tampered with.
Abigail: Well, you couldn'T. I mean, the technology wasn't available last year.
Hope: Can you authenticate that what we're seeing is the original footage?
Buck: Absolutely. I'd be happy to offer you a sworn statement to that effect.
Rafe: Excellent. Meanwhile, we need to put out an apb on rolf and circulate photos everywhere.
Abigail: I think I know where rolf might be.
Clyde: You watch your tone, son. And since when do you care so much about will horton? Where's all this loyalty coming from all the sudden?
Ben: It's not sudden, dad. It's taken a long time, and yeah over the past few months, will and I have come a long way. We're kind of friends. Sort of.
Clyde: Sort of? What does that mean?
Ben: It doesn't mean anything.
Clyde: Huh. Maybe that's it.
Ben: What the hell are you talking about?
Clyde: I've seen it happen to guys on the inside. So instead of a brady, maybe you want a horton now. Somebody should call ciara, and tell her she's got some competition.
Ciara: What drill, xander? What are you talking about?
Xander: I heard a very annoying, very loud noise in the house the other night. Sarah told me it was you trying to open some old box with an electric drill.
Ciara: Oh, that box. Yeah, no, that was just, um, an old keepsakes box. You know, stuff that I kept from high school. I just--I misplaced the key.
Xander: So you got out a drill?
Ciara: Well yeah, those things are very important to me, xander.
Xander: Huh. So you had a box you couldn't open, and now so do I.
Ciara: Yeah, but that's purely a coincidence.
Xander: I don't think so. I think you ruined my box drilling it and tried to replace it with that one.
Ciara: Mm-hmm, well, why would I even want to go through your personal things?
Xander: I don't know, ciara. Are you working for the competition?
Ciara: Okay, now that's ridiculous.
Xander: Right. So why don't we just nip over to the mansion and you can show me this other box. I do love mementos.
Ciara: You know, you are still way off base, xander, and I have a lot of work to do so I should probably just go do that.
Xander: Don't bother. You're fired.
Sonny: Maybe we shouldn't be married? What does that mean?
Will: When my grandmother was here, she told me to stop pushing you away. She told me that I should fight for my husband, but I realize that you are not just my husband. You are a human being with needs, and I have put you in an impossible situation. Because not only did I take your mother, I took your husband too.
Sonny: What happened to my mother was a horrible, tragic accident. Me not coming to see you is your choice. You ordered me to stay away.
Will: And you have, and now you're in prison too.
Sonny: No, I don't feel that way.
Will: Come on, sonny, we don't see each other anymore. We don't talk to each other anymore. We're--we're strangers now, and--and it's only because you are a good faithful, loyal man that you have stayed in this marriage.
Sonny: I'm staying because we took vows.
Will: I know, and if I don't speak up now, you will hold yourself to those vows forever. You will go on living in this limbo indefinitely. I can't let you do that.
Sonny: Let me?
Will: Yeah. Be honest with yourself. Given what I've done and how you feel about it, how you will always feel about it, what kind of marriage can we possibly have?
Sonny: What are you saying?
Will: I'm saying I want a divorce.
Evan: I assume you told will about the kiss.
Kate: Oh, you're damn right I did. I went to statesville and I told him that we have a predator in our midst.
Evan: Okay, I'm not a predator.
Kate: Okay, well whether you are or you're not it really doesn't matter. The big mistake you made was by kissing that married man.
Evan: I apologized for that.
Kate: I don't want your apologies, okay? The only thing that you need to know is that my allegiance is with will.
Evan: I understand.
Kate: Good. Then do the right thing. Do the right thing for you and for will. You stay away from sonny.
Evan: That's not gonna happen.
Sonny: A divorce?
Will: We need to face reality, sonny. I'm not getting out of here anytime soon. And even if I did, I could barely look at you because all I see is the pain in your eyes and your father'S.
Sonny: You saw my dad?
Will: Yeah, he was here meeting a client. We ran into each other and he was so incredibly kind to me.
Sonny: It's because he loves you like a son.
Will: And I love him, but I took away the love of his life--the mother of his children. Justin was--was so gentle and understanding, but the look on his... how are any of us ever gonna be able to get past this?
Sonny: We've talked about this a thousand times. It's not going to be easy, but we are trying so hard to find forgiveness.
Will: And maybe you will forgive me someday, but you're not going to forget. It's always gonna be here between us, and you don't deserve to live that way. That's why I'm not gonna let you.
Sonny: [Sniffling] Is this about evan?
Will: No. No. He's just--he's a catalyst. He'S... it's the push I needed to make this decision, and I'm glad that I did.
Sonny: Okay, look, I just think... yeah, you--you need to take a deep breath and you need to see that you're overreacting, okay? Just like your grandma--
Will: No, I'm really not. I think about us all the time. What--what we have left. What--what we're holding on to. Maybe you still love me. I don't know.
Sonny: Will. Yes. Yes, I still love you--
Will: Well, then let's love each other. Let's love the memory of us and what we were. But let's admit that we are not that anymore, and we're never going to be that again. So there is--there's no reason for you not to be with evan or, you know, anybody else--any other person you want to be with.
Sonny: You're--you're not --you're not hearing me--
Will: No, you're not hearing me. I want you to be happy in this life. And that's not gonna happen as long as you are tethered to me.
Clyde: So should I call your girl? Tell her she needs to up her game.
Ben: Uh, save your breath, pop; you know damn well I am in love with ciara.
Clyde: Then start acting like it, and stop worrying about will horton.
Ben: No, I cause will horton enough pain already. I'm not going to let you pile it on.
Clyde: Man, I've stood by you when nobody else did. I have always been by your side.
Ben: By my side? If beating the crap out of me on a regular basis is--is being by my side then yeah, then I guess you have.
Clyde: You know what? It's time for you to forget about the past and focus on the here and now. You are on death row, and while you've been dillydallying, I've been trying to save your life. Hell, I even kidnapped xander's kid to get a confession out of him, and you'd be a free man right now if it wasn't for that gal pal of yours who screwed it all up.
Ben: Well, my "gal pal" is working harder than anybody right now to clear my damn name, so you can quit your picking on ciara and stay the hell away from will.
Clyde: Man, you're unbelievable. You got one appeal left before you're worm food, and all you can think about is protecting your little "friend" against your big bad daddy. If I were you I'd get my priorities straight.
Ben: Thanks to ciara, that is exactly what I'm doing.
Ciara: You can't fire me.
Xander: I certainly can. I'm the ceo.
Ciara: Maybe, but my grandfather is still the chairman of the board, and I don't think he's gonna be too psyched hearing about you axing his beloved granddaughter.
Xander: And I don't think he'll be too psyched when he finds out that his beloved granddaughter is a thief and a liar and possibly a traitor.
Ciara: Oh, please. I am the apple of his eye. And up until a few years ago, you were just the gardener.
Xander: Well, at least I did honest work, which is more than I can say for you. And these days, when I speak, victor listens.
Ciara: Fine, go for it. Go for it and see which side he takes. Mine, his pride and joy? Or you, the lawn boy.
Xander: How dare you talk to me that way.
Ciara: Okay look, I know that what's happening to mackenzie is very upsetting for you, it's upsetting for all of us, but I think you're letting your emotions get the best of you.
Xander: My emotions?
Ciara: Yes. Look, I have been there, okay? Getting angry over something that you can't control and then lashing out on people who didn't do anything, which is what you're doing to me, and I think it's really unfair, and I'm pretty sure my grandfather will feel the same way. And for the record, he's let ceos go for far less than this
Xander. Wow. Junior exec, shrink, and fortune teller all rolled into one. You really are just a bundle of skills, aren't you?
Ciara: Yes, I am. But if you still want to fire me, I will go to my desk and I will pack up my things. So what's it gonna be?
Abigail: Chad had a meeting with rolf at the salem inn, and I'm pretty sure it was room 311 so he might still be there.
Rafe: Oh, my god, let's go.
Hope: No, you go ahead. I'll handle things on this end.
Rafe: Okay, I'll be in touch.
Abigail: I'm just updating my parents. This is unbelievable. I can't believe this. Eve is innocent. She's gonna be so relieved.
Gina: Yes. I too am quite relieved and totally baffled, to say the least. I need answers. What does help for heart failure look like?
Abigail: Hey.
Rafe: Abigail, what are you doing here?
Abigail: Well, I had to come see her; I couldn't just wait at the station. Did you find rolf?
Rafe: Obviously housekeeping has cleaned the room. They said the guest in the room checked out and if there was any evidence involved, it's gone now.
Abigail: Damn it!
Rafe: But don't worry. We're gonna find him.
[Line trilling] This is detective hernandez, hope brady please. She what? Okay, thanks.
Abigail: What? What happened?
Rafe: The desk sergeant said that hope brady left for the day.
Abigail: What do you mean she left for the day? She was gonna stay at the station and handle things I thought.
Rafe: Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Gina: Stefano, I have been calling and calling you. Why did you not pick up?
Stefano: Checkmate. I was busy.
Gina: You must hear this. You are not going to believe it.
Stefano: Rolf pushed jennifer horton off a building.
Gina: That was you?
Stefano: Of course. You called to say you were in trouble, so I got you out of it.
Gina: I was in such panic. I thought surely it was the end for us.
Stefano: Principessa. You think I would really abandon you in your moment of need?
Gina: Tell me, how did you do it? Why did they see rolf on that footage and not me?
Kate: What's that supposed to mean, you're not going to stay away from sonny?
Evan: Sonny and i are friends.
Kate: You know--seriously I really don't need this. I don't need to be worrying about some guy hitting on my grandson's husband. I really don'T.
Evan: As long as sonny is married, that is not going to happen. At least not with me.
Kate: Hmm. Well, just so you know, you're not the first person to try to break them up, but no one's going to do that. Especially not a nanny come lately. It's just not going to happen.
Evan: I sincerely hope you're right.
Sonny: I'm not tethered to you, will, okay? We're married. Which means--
Will: I know what it means. It's the very reason why we shouldn't be.
Sonny: What about our daughter?
Will: I miss ari every day, but I know she'll be in good hands with you and gabi.
Sonny: You can't do this. You can't cut yourself off from us. Please.
Will: Sonny. You always said I was your anchor, one that didn't weigh you down. But that's exactly what I'm doing now. I should be keeping my promise to love you and protect you. I can still do that. I need to do that by setting you free. Please don't fight me on this. You know it's the right thing to do.
[Sonny sniffling]
Sonny: When you told me to stop visiting you, I guess I knew that our marriage was over.
Will: Neither of us had the courage to say it at the time. Which is why I'm saying it now. And I'm so sorry for everything.
Sonny: Yeah, me too. Me too.
Will: Bye, sonny.
[Solemn, dramatic music]
[Door clicks close]
Sonny: Good-bye. These are real people,
Abigail: Rafe, is it possible that maybe hope just had to go deal with another case?
Rafe: Well, maybe. Look, she seemed anxious to leave the station house when you were looking at the surveillance footage earlier, okay? And also--I heard her on the phone talking about leaving the country.
Abigail: You what? Why would she leave the country?
Rafe: Yeah well, she said that she was going to go to hong kong to see shawn and belle for the holidays.
Abigail: They're... shawn and belle are coming here for the holidays.
Rafe: Oh, my god, are you--I knew it. I knew--see, she's been acting strange; she has.
Abigail: Yes!
Rafe: Yeah, and when I try and talk to her, she's been cold, she's been dismissive.
Abigail: Oh, my god. Totally. I mean, I feel like she's been that way with me too.
Rafe: Okay, so you noticed it too?
Abigail: Yes. Yes, ever since I started looking into this whole thing with eve possibly being innocent, I feel like she's been different and weird with me, and she was super resistant to let me even look into the police evidence. You saw that.
Rafe: Yes. Yeah, I did. Yeah. Well, not to mention the fact that she wasn't even commissioner when eve was arrested, so it's not like she should feel, you know, like you're stepping on her toes.
Abigail: Right. So what are we saying? I mean, why--why would she want to protect something here? Like, why does she not want us to get to the truth?
Rafe: I wish I knew.
Gina: I do not like suspense. You know that. Oh, stefano, please tell me. I must know. How did you replace me on that footage with rolf?
Stefano: Influence.
Gina: Enough games, please. Tell me.
Stefano: All right, when you called and said that that forensic expert had been called in by my son, meaning he works for dimera, I realized I might have some sway over him.
[Cell phone ringing]
Buck: Hello?
Stefano: This is stefano dimera. Do you know who I am?
Buck: Yes, of course I know who you are.
Stefano: Good. Then you realize that while you may work for my son, ultimately you answer to me.
Buck: Yes, but--
Stefano: I understand your son--jeffrey is it? Was admitted to an ivy league university thanks to a hefty bribe.
Buck: Yes.
Stefano: And yet your wife believes he got in on his own merit. Now, it would be a real scandal if this were to come out. Arrests, indictments, possible jail time. Neither your wife nor your son would ever forgive you.
Buck: What do you want?
Stefano: I need you to do me a favor.
Gina: So he altered the footage for you? Just like that?
Stefano: Well, I suppose my name and reputation still mean something.
Gina: And if abigail continues asking questions?
Stefano: She won'T. Not after her own husband brought in this forensic expert and he will swear to the authenticity of that footage.
Gina: Hmm. This means eve shall go free.
Stefano: Oh, more important--you my dear will be safe.
Gina: And rolf? What does this mean for him?
Stefano: Poor wilhelm is, as they say, "gonna have to take one for the team."
Clyde: If I were you, I wouldn't be pinning my hopes on my girlfriend.
Ben: My girlfriend just got me a new lawyer.
Clyde: Well, isn't she crafty? Who's the legal eagle?
Ben: Justin kiriakis.
Clyde: Isn't he the one who represented eve donovan? She said she was innocent too. Look where that got her.
Ben: Look, dad, I'm handling this.
Clyde: No, you're not. Don't you get it? This is it. This is your last chance, and if you trust it to that loser lawyer-- man, I hate to say it, but you might as well just roll up your sleeves and get ready for that lethal injection.
Ben: So what do I do then, dad, huh? Do I--do I fire justin? What do I do? What do you expect me to do, dad?
Clyde: You go to plan B.
Ben: Plan b?
Clyde: Yeah, you--
Ben: What the hell is "plan b"?
Clyde: Stop wasting your time with appeals and attorneys, and start thinking outside the box. And give my best your cellmate, would you?
Ciara: So are you gonna fire me or not?
Xander: Yeah, victor would never let me sack bo brady's spawn, so I won't even go there, but you are officially on notice.
Ciara: What does that mean, xander?
Xander: You know, I thought we were working well together, that I could trust you.
Ciara: You can.
Xander: Good, then you won't mind doing little favor, will you? Bring me that keepsake box when you get the chance. I'm very curious to find out what was so important.
Xander: You don't have a problem with me seeing that box, do you?
Ciara: Not at all. I'll bring it in tomorrow morning.
Xander: Fantastic. Now get the hell out of my office.
Ben: Listen man, my father's out of solitary. Will, I need you to watch your back. I'm gonna keep my eye out too, but... will, what's going on?
Evan: Sonny? How'd it go with will?
Ben: Will, did you hear what I just said to you? Hey, we have to figure out a way to keep you safe from my father.
Will: I don't really, uh, care about that right now.
Ben: You don't care? What do you mean you don't care?
Will: Sonny was here and, um, my marriage is over.
Abigail: I'm texting my parents. I'm just filling them in. You know what? I'm just gonna--I'm gonna go to eve and tell her myself in person. I mean, I can do that, right?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Abigail: Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. And tell me what happens with rolf. Please keep me posted.
Rafe: I will.
Abigail: This is just, I mean--
Rafe: I know.
Abigail: With hope too. Thank you for your help.
Rafe: Yes. No, thank you.
Abigail: I'll--I'm-- whatever you need.
Rafe: Okay.
Abigail: Okay, thanks.
Rafe: Yeah.
Stefano: Relax. Have a glass of wine. All our problems are solved.
Gina: I'm glad that you are so confident. But what if the police find rolf? He could talk, and then all of our plans would be ruined.
Stefano: Wilhelm? Never. He is as loyal as they come. In fact, I have no doubt that he would take another cyanide capsule before he betrayed either one of us.
Gina: Hmm, I am not so sure. He can be unpredictable at times.
Stefano: Don't worry. I will get to rolf before the police do.
Gina: Thank you. You truly did save the day. And my life.
Stefano: Don't you forget it.
[Line trilling]
Hope: Hi, this is hope brady. Please leave a message.
[Phone button beep]
Rafe: Where are you, hope? And what is going on with you?
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